OREGON CITY KNTERPIUSE, i FRIDAY, JUNK 3. 1898. 5 BARKLKYS CAREER What Hartley Did While Train- lng with Colonel Hofor. Charles II, Moores Kxpliiliis a Few Mai lers of lulcrml Ilft-artllng the ei-lteverenrd Urnllonun. Charles D. Moorea has wrltltm an opeo loiter to Cut. Ifottr, u( the Capital Journal. In answer to tlmt r'i pur ilstent KttM'ka.' Tha latter ahowa how th IUverenad Hartley got In hia graft In the legislature, and is In part a fol lows t , "Now than, again, did ymi or did yon not beg Gov, Moody, Ilka a whipped inlel, to aware yo a place on that $10 per day oommlttae, "I'M yoo.or did voo not, while preach. Ing reform and denouncing extravagance In vour paper and on tlia floor of the houan, vote for billa appropriating money out of the treasury amounting to the aura of f I,R4o,413 00, and were not Messrs, Hatklry and Cralu only t ibort; t,, ... ,!. ! im " " 7af wee " "'hour' vwk in .1 amount which you thus voted to take out of the treasury several thotiaand dollars more than we voted hy any other mem Ixir from any county of either the house or senate. "Did you or did you not make any protest or minority report, a member of the way and nieana vommlttt of IHU5, against any of the Item In the general appropriation bill of that year? "Did not yourself and Messrs. Berkley and Craig, who constituted the 'reform' elomant of the Marlon county delegation evnry one of you, vote to approprl ate thouanda of dollar more out of the treasury than did either Senators Gesnerj Ilobaon or Pattereon or Mr. Calyortor mjaolfT "Did you not employ a clork a chair man of the committee on IneuranceT Di I not Mr. Craig employ a clerk aa chairman of the committee on agricul ture and did not Mr. Berkley employ three clerka aa chairman of the commit to on education la It not fact that STATE SCHOOL HOOKS A ITATKHKftT KIIOM TUB AM Kill" CAN HOOK t'UMIUftY. Uroi Annanl af h nlnra, Prlcs 4 Olhvr lafurata. lion. POnTLAND. Or., May 7.-To the Ed. tor.)-Murh has Wn pulillslitd of Ult rrdli)ffj th Amrrlrsn HiMik Company and th col of ichuul books furnuhvd by thai company to tha people of Oregon. Inl.re.t.d prnom hav prllmtly cir culated inillmrnl. 1 that th public should U I old th truth, and, thw fur, brg apar In your paper fur the following brief .lairm.nl, which may throw torn lliht upon tha much-mootrd and groaly ml.rrprriM-ntrd text-book qu.atlon. Th American Honk Company Invlir th closr.t InvtailRutlon of ih irhnol-Uonk iurtlun, knowing lhal cvrry prrion who lnv..tli:utea raiulldly and wltliuut priju dlr will t rnnvliwicl Ihnl It hua il'.ilt wlih iwopl of Urrcon In a siratahl forward, liualrir. way, and that ll hua andtmvurrd lo kivi the propls lulihfuliy and to priMiioiu tli. luieiv.is of Uu-lr Schools. We could nul hoi to rnln th goodwill and lni.;m.. of tliu piuplu In any othir way. Wo obtained our lontrutt four i ji una a.itln.l Inavy iuuipi(lllun, and Ih prkra uf our pulillinllona wor aa low, If nut lower, tliuii lliu.a of any i othrr com i' r ll ofti'ilng aunJuitl Uxl- ' book to Ihla aiat. Th ofTli lul record t.u that tW r alfoul lou.uu) puplli ehrotlisl In Ontsun In , litfj. Our total of buuk of all kind 1 In Orriiun during th year latl, Induutns all buuk sold to dialvra, prlvnt aihuula, , college, academua, pvUoaogiiitl wurka 1 and nilateillaneou book, aa we. I a all book fur public n hool. Including high School, mere IH.H1 Ml, Uf Ihla amount, (tZ.boi a avua fur buoka fur th public school. Mora limn oiivhlf of tbr book wera purchnard by th pixiplo at catalogue price, and tha balunc at th dealer' contract retail price 10 ier cent abov lltt u that the tutnl amount paid by th peuplo for the buuk could nut exceed I..W)4 aj. '1'lierefoiv, llio tulal Cut of In boo tu the people wa Ira I hall t0 cent per pupil attetulmg achool, and the total aiuuuiu received by u for th auuio wa l than il cent per pupil. Ulivea ar actual tlgun. They U inoiiiriite tlmt lb coal of acliuul book In Oregon I nut cxciwalv. They alau allow tha utter ab auidliy of h atutruienta puiiilalicd by suing of our more Ignurunt deiruciora. that our annual bualue In Orion aiiioum to Vjou.UW, uml tout we aell buuk aniuumliig to liuu.uuu a cur In th vuy ol J'ort.uiid. Thr are but two itatt l Hi l iuon iArkuna and Aluliaimi) where ill coal uf acbuul buuk per pupil IB leas limit in Oregon. Knciniu of th Amcr.oin Hook loinp.my Craig done wlUi ymn ilutli yuii W'T" i .1 I ii thia fmil"VmtMi' infiif) i,1 IK'. aliaiii'oa a n! I . the niilil e iriM u ' ' W i.i von fl.ll tlona, )! or mi ill d I'ltiw i In in? "V..Mr linn im iiiA4klioldertthe oiitiM of 1HU5 n I 1807 and wnrx Mr. . Bn'klt-v ii.l ir tier n-iiiliri' of the refenn ' eh-menr In tlm h t bN ranaos Bamflta. It waa a far back aa 1608, according to Hammd I'epyi, that one Knipp came to. blm a boot the "woman'a day" at the playbonao, wblcb he wa eipeotwl to patronize in order to increase th profit. Ptrrbnp the first organized bou eflt for a particalar favorite, however, waa that given to Mr. Harry in 1087. On such ooc-iilou it was oostomary to charge for admission to ibe atage, wblub iu oouaerjonuce often became ao throng. ed that when a player to whom tbe dis tinction wa accorded bad to n.ake bia appearanoe before the footlights to take up bla prt in tbe pieoe it bad not in freqnoutly to be (topped for aeveral minutes while tbe attendants forced taaa(te for the unfortunate ' actor I frequently .-aati tbroogb tbe throng of bia admirera ..t'ui h-r Iihvc an tm you and Mcmo and Hick Icy could not havf wiihoui iini-rfi-riiiK In miiv way i-Uinr for which h Whx not Im 'r.-fonn ele ' fl ioiih clerk a iiaiiilM roh'wiy of DO YOU NEED ANY .i 'ewer these qtn ill you continue to Tboe oo tbe occasion of Qnin' ten- tilt at Covtnt Garden, in 17S8, tbe eld actor, who wa incumbered with tbe heavy dresa of FeUtaff, wa several mint, tea before be con Id paaa on to tbe (luge on account of the crowda that were assembled in tbe winga. Perbapa cent fmm tha Hat, and th book ar paid fur nut of a aperlal fund and reimbursed by aach achool dlatrlct out of th general achool fund. Th dlatrlct furnUh the book to th pupil free. Tha coil of freights and distribution Is paid by the school dlatrlct from their achool appor tionment. Th ayatem I ao complicated thai It I Imooaaibl to aacerlaln iactly Ih total coal of th book a delivered lo th pup'la. Rlnc Ih new text-book law went Into affect In Idaho, In MO. th con aumptlon of tonka has Increased nearly luo r rent. There I much greater waale of book under a free text-book syaltro than wher tha books ar purchaned snd owned by Ih pupil, as In Oregon, ll I a raaa. In Idiiho, of getting something for nothing, and thers la always eitravuganc wher limit on rl, generally th las payee, pay th bill. II boa been atated that th contract re tail price of school book In Oregon (that I, th mailmum price which can be charged by Ih retail denier) ar 10 per rent abov the rntaloxu or Hat pr'er Till I true of moat of th book, tt I alao true that the bid nf every other pub- llaher for standard tcit-honk at the adop tion four yenr ngo provldid for this nm j profit lo the null dealer. The law of ' Oregon lmpoe conillllona on tbe luilil ih"l which are not rxtulred by tbe law of any other alula. It requite the conirtiolng pub!lber lo mnlntntn a gen-riil depoaltory , or pine of Inia.ii.M In this atute, and to 1 mMlnlnln I'tMepoptlnrlr at suih lnta throiiKhout the ta'e (row more thin 27M a may be from lime to t me dealtinuled bv the etnle lii. ant of e lm n". We ur' therefore r.nulred lo keep on n'e a-d ot. rinili?iitneiit n vnrl.ui furl of the etnie birne number of bock, amounting to il oii'nrnl o' ' A ni:r ' r o' tli Idiice are retnnte from railroad, the fre'cht In mu ii v rar colliiK a much ai 111 per rent. The cnolrnct require Hint the book alm'l he aold at uniform pr're ' at every p'pee In ih I'e'e, utid 'n order to do thi and to n'nre ell sections of th' late and all dea'er on ei e'ii 'nnt'p we are obMnnl to pay Di'a rnt of trim por"itlnn. auimlv 'nree teb of tnw.l-a ru which there mnv be rn d-mnnil and wlbh are ul'ifn'elv retiir"-d at our exienan. ani' In a dnmaerd coed Inn. the ! full n Upon ll. The retl' pe're leclfled 'n th' rnr.tract are the rmix'tni'm nrlce allowed lo he charred by the retull d iiler for lh book. In mnny placea In the atnte and at I'ortlnr.d tt'e bO"V nre an'd at relrtll at ralntoi-iie pr'r . Ve mall the bonk at retail, poatniie preonld. to imv point In the etate, at the rainlogne price. Our opponents are rival pub''''ing h"ues, or their ason's or ttielr pari! -n. Their onlv obl-et I in br'nir a-n"i a rhang of test-books. We ak In all fair ne why a rhane hould be made. A chnnire In pubtMiltig houee wou'd tn nt w'ii b'"en tare or effect anv aavlne: to the p-ople. becnu-e the n'lee of all stand ard tett-hpnt' ere a"Ve. II would not benent the achool. beeau-e our ptih'l'-a-I'on must be ronccdi-d to eoiial tn educa tional merit the-e rf my nlh-r pu'!l-''r Common biitoe-a nrudence and economv require a unlfcrm ser ea of hook adopted for definite period. In no other way car favnraVe price b. aeenred or the peop'e be protected from frequent and expennlv rhange. Our boot: a are In tiae in th" achoola of the atate. Largo numbers of them, amounting to many thmieanr' of dollars, sre the property of tha school 1 patron. Thean would become value!? I If a change were made. Tt l manifest folly to suggest n change on the grouml ar attempting lo ronfUH th public mind of economy. T.et us conrldcr wnai by publlahlng luulr of th coal of book change of text-hook menns. For ex In olhor States purclun.ed under dineieut aniile, 50 per rent, or S0.OM. pupil In Ore syalems, and cuiupaiiiiM liiciii with Hie , gon are In the grade that ue a "First retail or hlghe! pilcc nt which book Header." If a clumr" were made. th adopted for u In the public achoola of ' ieoii would necerlly have to purchase Ihla stats may b sold by the retail deal- jo.OoO of the new "First Itenders." No ars. Th not wnolcile or coniract price standard "First Header" Is sold at leas In Chicago or New York (which Is uniform thn 20 cents, moot of them at 15 rent to all state) Is taken as a bals of com- jn other word, It wou'd rot not le paMson with the maximum retail price al- ! than fif) to buy a aupply of new "First lowed by th contract to be charged In Readera" alone. Our sales book for 1K30 Oregon; and. disregarding th rolatlva an(j j ,how thst we have sold annually mrlt of Ih books, the coal of a worm less or Inferior book used In some states Is compared with tha price of a standard book used In this state, It Is a well known law of production and sale that an article can be purchased at a less figure at first coat from the manufacturer at the piac af production or manufacture than at soma place removed thousands of mile and -when aold at retail, ine cost of transportation must be added to the coat of manufacture, as well aa tha profit made by the middleman or retail denier. In.; liU ciiHi k a1 VYoodtHirn and else-' whuie," It would be t i l-re in; loknuvat thU limn eyliMtluv or i Dirkl v c4tie. any cin-ck and, l , In wlmt aiii'itu t. Surely thi-re wi-rn'l anv tlri in tlitleim Then, f ir what mild he have received one of the safest of the many tnn fit checkn? Oli oui-e. tip khI imbniei1 . wbicb bave been celebrated at Dmry know, hm he pmiialdy won't loll. ' Lnue wa that given on Jone 87, J88, Ilatklev want! I rtiiru lo the l.-fi-U ' f,,r "Dialdl, tbe greatest clown the tnrt.mav I. r. are .0m. ,,,r i te bn. known, when the heartbroken old man wa wheeled on to tbe tae in cb. k. In Haien, n tTttlchlkit Bud bot)fcieiHil, broke down ! iu bis endeavor to aing bia once famon ! ditty "Hot Codlina" Tbe old mau'a tliH Koet and tliu gn.- iiiin an lda of I memory had completely forsaken bim. (Ju that occasion a sum or 1,700 waa realized, wbicb for many yeara remuin- ed a record St. Jamea Gaaette. Ktnd the Kntkki'himi in your (riend in I , what In ifoiti; on in t I rkMiim county, i . It may Induce- Inm " i mle with ua nernert epencer' Tragedy. Tbe Kuglisb pupera are citing good (torict fn ui r!ir Cruut Duff' "Diarioa. " Here i one: "ArUmr Rusocll made me laugh by a story of a ilisrosslon al tbe Leweae. Home one maintained thai everybody bad written a tragedy. 'Yea,' aald Lewea, 'evory oue, even Herbert Bpenoer.' 'Ah!' interposed Hnxloy 'I know what the catastrophe wonld be an induction killod by a fact'" Tha Mod era Agwastle. We look at onr cbarcbe with their oongregutious, growing in number and dwindling in faitb, says II. U. Chap man iu lbo Atlantic, and we ask onr selves: In all these buildings, cheap or costly, wbat real prayer rise, and of those thut rise do any get above tbe roof? What God bear tbem and ba there ever been an answered prayer? We I look at tbe face of tbe dead and repeat "When Lord Mnlmrshury came into a burial service. If after tbe uianuor of office, be fired off a highly patriotio dia patch. Lord Cowley received it, aaw that It could ouly result in war and, i putting It iu his pocket, weut off to Waluwski. 'Yon mast understand,' be aaid, 'that I come as Lord Cowley and not as an ICuglioh emhusriador, but I bave received a dlKputch from my gov ernment which i so strong that I should like yon to se It privately before I bund it to you ofliciully.' YVulewaki reud the ; dispatch and said, 'Yon may give me that dii-patcb, Lot if yon do I will send you your pusnport tomorrow moruiug.' Lord Cow ley did not preaeut the dii pntch, but aeiit it buck for alteration, and it was altered and realtered before it waa formally presented." Hnors whnnws Cta UUUlUl 1I1UUU1IU nil. (JU OTUEIt BUILDING MATERIAL? :00 TO: C. H. BESTOW I CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner llth and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon. men I bavo fought with beasts at Epbe suh, wbat advuntaguth it me if tbe dead rise not? And ua we say tbe word we Bhk ourselves, "Do the dead rise?" And if any one is found who believe these thing be know that there ia another i at hia elbow who believes them not a whit or an atom, and these two can bit on no universe that shall satisfy both, nor can oue be poet to tbe other. jr me miugirin... v. . ...... .. , t nonl nB COBt to the Our Moallnnts have asserted thRt Idaho ; " " nKn,, ...in 40 ner ,urchases our school publications cheaper r ' wf'1" ,. it ,han doe. ,h. ...t. of Oregon. ThU .. not 'Vnew .W boS." In purcha than true In fact. In Oregon the people buy th school books from the retail dealers In their several localities. In Idaho the ' state purchases the books In bulk In Chi cago at the net whotemile contract price, and pays the freight from Chicago to Idaho and th additional expense of handling and distributing the books to the various school districts as they may bu required. If tha amounts paid hy Idnho for freights nd other expenses In dis tributing the books be uld d to the prices paid for the books In Chlcngo. It will be found thnt the hooks actually cost the peo ple of Idaho moro than they do the people of Oregon. The total coat of achool uooks but (mm "First neaders" In Oregon, wn'en I nt a retail price of SI cents would! be but , IIM0. In fsct. a large percentage of these I books were sold St the catalogue pr.ee of ,10 cents. "First Header." therefore, coat I the people of Oregon lea than JlWd per year, while It would cost at least JCJOO to buy a supply ef s new kind. An annual I sale of 8000 as against SO.OiiO "First Read- ers" In use, mi aits practically a renewal of these books but once lit five years, the 1 same readers serving nve successive olas. nominal cost to the pupil after 40 per cent of th tudy geogra phy. Thor are two books in use. j nere would, therefore, bo tO.000 pupil In these classes, one-half In the e'ementary and one-half In the advanced book. Twenty thousand nunlls purchasing an elementary gengrai-hy, If a new book were Introduced displacing the on now In use, at HO cents per copy, which la the price of all Ktuiid.ud gcDKiaphles, rcRurdleis of the puMlsher, would cost th slate t'JtW. Yet the annual sale of "MotiU-llli's Klcuientary Geography," the book now usid In our school through out the state. Is but Mi copies, costing jl'TiS lit). If space- permuted we would go through the list ol books in use ana anow Rom Inste. Few person who are more than a little fond of particulur varieties ot rows are aware of bow receut is a real ly strong Individuality in foreign va rieties of their favorite flower. The Cloirtj de Dijon date from 1853. The (iunerul Jnoquemiuot wa offered to the pnblio in 18S0. Tbe MurecJial Kiel (which beautiful rose seem lately Diijustly out of vogue) wa perfected in 18(i4. La Krauce came in ltG8. The Mine. iNuuo-i'ureire is of 18b0. La Koine is almost tbo oldest of tbe hybrid till beloved, having luadu ita success iu 1843. The new and assumed varieties now pnt forth annually still reach the num ber of 70 or 80, but the majority of tbetu have uo decisive churucteristica to enable them to hold their own against others. The Awerlatu Beauty and Cath erine Menuut are the most significant additious witbiu a few season to tbe general catalogue and not yet iu univer sal fuvor. Harper Weekly. Huaploion. I "Do von remember that sirl who enme here and said thut whut she most desired wua a good borne?" aaked tbe housewife. "What is the matter now?" respond ed her husband. "Iluve yon missed something else?" "Yes. I guess she has a good home pretty nearly paid for by this time." Washington btur. Tor 0xwfo i nannnfa irP : 1 ' Are V Inhuman Prate of hnmauity? Rot I What did the United State do to the Indians? Remember Wind river. Three tbonsand red ltieu, women and children were cor ralled tbere, and 1,030 of them escaped. The others? Oh, they couldn't escape! Weren't able to. They were starved to death. Dying bnbea nursed mothers whose breast afforded uo nouriahment. Dying mother uursod dead babes, llu muiiityf Old Tippecanoe, the grandfather of "Our Ren," bandied the Indians with out glove. In one ot bla oumpaigna be supposed bia nrma bad destroyed every buck, aquaw and pap poo se, bnt one day a soldier brought to his tent a fut young ster who bad escaped tbe general ma aaore by hiding under a tepee. " What shall I do with bim, general?" "Kill him," waa the mandate of the "Washington of the West." "Nit make lice." New York Press. In Oregon last year, as shown above, was cxlll.ty whnt the expense of a change of leas than 80 cents per pupil. Idaho last ! text-hooks would be. The total would year paid for Its school hooks In Chlcngo I ftmount to not U-sa tlmn J2I0.0OO. Thut Is more than .l,0no, not counting frclirhts 1 1l0 ,,, t,0 people of Oregon would have or expenses of distribution. Their school enrollment was about 20,0i0 pupils.' There fore, the'r school books cost them at Chi cago more thnn T5 cents per pupil. Freights and expenses of distribution make the total cost still greater. The maximum discount from the trade list of publ'aher received by Idaho (the books being dollv- ered In Chicago) is 20 per cent, in orepon n ,i.v mil for books the Aral year If the tcxt-l0"k were changed. I'nder the pree em aystcm tho annual cost of books Is less than f'S.'iOrt. The snles of text-books In this state are normal. The books hav been In use for a number of years, th people are well supplied, and tha sales ench year are only to fill In snd renew books actually worn out In the school- Mark and th Maiden. At an evening party in London a gushing young thing waa introduced to Mark Twain. "Oh, Air. Clemens I" she said. "Now please do toll mel I've been thinking of taking up writing, bnt I am so afraid of that dreadful writer's cramp did you ever have it?" "I did, maduui." "And what did you take for it?" "DtooUeuk." "Just fawnoy. But how and where did you apply it?" "L'roiled and internally, "said Clem en gravely. "I can't answer for its be ing a punacea, but it cured tbe kind of cramp I had, all right" Criterion. Their Llkeneu. "Really, now, how can yon have tbe assurance to say that Cornfield ia ai great an actor a Forrest?" . V Well, he 1 in one respect, anyway. Tbe newspaper are telling tbe same an eodotes about bim that used to be told of Forrest" Indianapolis Journal. .u. 4i.fw.nnt in the retail denier fwa da llverlng th books 111 Oregon), Is 10 per cent Th'iie figures prove the saving to the from the list. The cot of freights nnd ,oul by continuing In use the books " distribution, In fact, exceeds the difference hftVg w hundj Th, conditions now between these discounts, and we would '.mn,r to those exlatlng four year make a larger profit on our Oregon bual- , bnoV wer n. t...a If the state bought tho books from us " . w . ... ,fc. .imn.t arj. . . iu. it r. a ni ra. 1 (ia uuunu ... at our whoi.saie p ce. n n..o e The)r dld no, . W0Ulen. .iney atana iu every way ai- ,,. .hlrP tol? San we u "ks In then, nor do they now. wish to Incur th mot OU an equality with men. Girl. filr.t"". " ---u &tt$Sr "IU, boy. in .11 Inherit- Idaho the State purchases the books tn w QBn.rt, Agent Amerloan Book Co, I anoe. Chicago at tbe net wholesale price. 20 ner t , ELVB CREAM KAI.M liapoaltlferore. Apply Into the notrll. It Is qnb kly arawrbed. enU at lanifgtsi or by mail ; aump'ea 10c by mall. SLT BKOTUElUa, Warren bueW XorKUty. Library of the World's Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of HAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLE, and a large coipe of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all ages and all nations. The Library is to conslxt of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library style. The first volume. are now ready and the others will iollow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors, Advance order, on special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, Kan Franisco, Cal., or 209 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a desirable time to enter the New classed will be commenced after the holiday yacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon.; The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY The factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast . . OREGON C1TV Is Coming to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the Statt This Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or atampa, a generous sample will be mailed of tbe most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (lily a Uream Halm) easncieni to aemon alrste the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., Kew York City. HOT. tfonn Jtoiu, r.t ei ui"" i' wut-i It ia a remarkable fact that Burma i recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I ill (Tor. fmm almrut all other oriental ! can amnbasize his statement, "It ia a posi- nnui.tri.ui In the frewtnin auwirded to ita , tive cure for catarrh if used aa direoted." Cburoh, Uoleno, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm ia tbe acknowledged cure lor eaiarrn ana oodikidb u unnui Bor any injunoas drug. , rnoe, 60 oeat. This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just th last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people ol this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank neit to Portland as a market place for THE PKODUCE of the Farmer Get our Prices on Job Printing.