Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 03, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Jolimon liui tint bunt lialr cuitor in the
Nice I .aces for dress trimming cheap
at tlie Market Hurt.
Children lint ami IkiiuhiId uluo Kiloc
lion at lUckut Hlorv.
Rev. Owynn's esposure of Hartley lit
Jiuhllshed In this Inane Itrail It.
Ladles mul clilldiaus underwear all
kind (rym 0 cunt iifiward at the ltackot
fllrycle enamels, hatli tub enamel,
wblt enamel jtitt the iblim to renovate
old furniture eta Charman & Co.,
Cut Kate DiuyKlnm,
jj Hlop that ciiiikIi I Take warnliiK. It
may load to consumption. A 2no hottl
of Kluloli'i Cure limy save your life.
Hold by Charman A Co , dniKiflsts, Ore
gon City.
For a quint iIm: to tiitcli your horses
V from tbe motor 1 1 in and place to
fnt a first 'Um job of repairing or horse
booing fall on 8. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Karl'a ('lover I toot 'IVa, for Coimti Ra
tion It' the 11 ami If afu-r uaing it you
don't aay ao, Morn tlm package and get
your nion.y, Hold liy Cliarman A Co.,
dniKKlMta, Oregon City.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and
wmiiI t.vMutli luti-iiriwl wilh Htilloh'a
Catarrh Itoinedv J aold on a guarantee.
Naxal InJiMMor fr. Hold by ('barman A
Co., drugginta, Oregon Clly.
Comuiiiiption Cure cuma
where oiln-r fail. It Im (lie leading Cough
Cure, and no home should m without it.
1'leasant to lake and goes rltit to tlm
tiot. Sold by Ctiariiun A Co.. druggists,
Oregon City.
The following aiitijHi'l will be presented
by tlm tiaMor at tlm Congregational
cburcli next S.ilH.illi at 10. 110 a.m.
"The Lights aiid Shadows In ChrMlitn
Life," H p m "Tliu Canw ol ull Thing ; or.
Wa Creation Irom Momutliiuu or Noth
ing?" Mr. I'. Kcl. l.Mio of I'iU City, Cat.,
says: "Pining my bnbi-r'a titte U-k-iiivmi
fiuiii eciailr. rliiMiiiKiiiHin, I'lmmbcr
laln'a I'hIii I'.iiIiii the only remedy
that kvo biui any n-li(." Many oilier
have teKiilled to ilia p-oinpt r-l ii-f
from pain wlilrb this liniment eflorda.
For sale by (ieo A. Harding.
Now lathe tiuiH to paint your Iioiiho,
barn roofs, fence, bicycle, buirgle etc.
and Charman A Co. hava tlm agency for
tlie lull Turn Prepared Taint in.ili, all
aold at less tbau Portland prices. Re
member Cbarman'a 1'rtig Store. The
Original Cut lUle PruggUl.
Daniel William, at the noitbt'iiHt cor
nor of Center and Svnitt ircet. Iih a
choice and well selected slock of fmiily
irrucvrii-M which ho i selling
at verv
reaaonable ralea. Mia motto ia "live
and lei live, with hoin-Ht weights and
meaaiirea . (tiMvia iieiivereii to any t
. . I
part or tlie rlly. I
, , 1
f 1 t ..il I.. I. .....!.. .
i navu ut-uii
a miUcrer from chroii
diarrhoea ever ainre the wnr mid have
naed all klnda of inediciiiea for il
At j
laat I found one remedy that haa been a I
auw eaa aa a cure, and that la Cbamla-r.
Uln'a Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea l
remedy. 1. K. (imaiiAM, (iuura Mills,
La. For aalo by (ieo. A. Harding.
I waaaorloiiHly alllicted with n cough
for aeverul yeara, and luat fall had a
more aevere cough than ever below. 1
have uwd many remeiliea without, re-
ceivlng much relief, and heinir rocom -
mended to try a hottln of Chnmhelaln'l
Cough Komedy, by a friend, who, know
ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me
I tried it, and with tlie moat gratifying
reaufta. Tlm flrat bottle relieved me
very much and the aecond bottle haa ab
solutely cured mo. I have not had a
good health for twenty yoara. Heaped
fully, Mr Mary A Heard, Claremore,
Ark. bold by Geo A. Harding.
Bad inana"gonient keep more people In
poor clroumatunue than any other one
cauae. To be lucceaaful one niuat look
head and plan ahead ao that when a
favorable opportunity prusonta itself he
i ready to take advantage of it. A little
forethought will ttlao aave much expense
and valuable time. A prudent and care
ful man will keep a bottle of Chamber
lain' colic, cholera and diarrhoea
remedy in the houae, the aliiftlea follow
will wait until neceaaity compels it and
then ruin hie beat horse going for a doc
tor and have a big doctor bill to pay, be"
aides; one pay out 25 cents, tlm either is
out a hundred dollar und then wonders
why his neighbor is getting richer while
he ia getting poorer. For mile, by Goo
A. Harding
Acker's EnglMi Keinedy will atop a
Cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money ro
funded. 25c. and 50.
For Young Men and Youiiff Women.
There is nothing that will arouae the
Ire of a yonng mnn or woman so quick as
to have Inferior laundry work put oft' on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt wnWt Is
muBsy their neat nppourance Is spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes u spuciulty of
ladlea and gentlemen' flno work.
There can ba no butter work than is
done at the Troy. Leave your oidors at
Johnson' barber shop. j
Head Kev, Qwynn'i exposure of Bark'
Host ibavo In
barber shop
tlm city at Johnson's
Key. Dr. llutlur will preach at Ely
cliaixil at 2:30 I'. M. next Hunday.
Tbe Victor itralgbt line aprockct pre
Tcnta chain breakage ud exceaoiye
I,Ht year'a patUimi of wall paper at
reduced pri. en. 0 and 10c counter at
Dellomy A Bunch.
A high crate warranted tewing mi
vhliia tell for $'J5 at IWIIomy A liuach,
on eaay U-rina.
Our motto la "large aalm and amall
proflta" In the lateat New York atylee In
uilllinury. Ckma Ooi.orKiTH.
Wedding atationnry, the lateat itylea
and fluent aaaortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the KTaapaiHi ofltce.
We carry hatter atylee and better a
aortuipiita at lower priceatban any bonne
in Oreuon City. Cn.u Qoi.inmitii.
The cantata, "David The Hhephard
Hoy" given at the Metbodiat church on
Wedneaday evening waa pronounced a
grand aucceaa.
A dollar aaved la equal to two dollar
earned. I'ay up your aubaclptioo to the
Kntkuprihi and gut the benefit of the
reduction In price.
The Capital Journal, the loading pop
ulint paper, haa not one word to aay In
dufutiAo of Ilarkley. It concede what
haa been charged of him by ita ailence.
The Victor alraiglu line aprocketa free
Iheumelvea of mud and grit witliout
ai'tmible elTort on the part of the rider
and with none of the anapplng and
grinding aound uiiuatly aciouianylng
auih action.
Nearly 1U0 membera of the Tortlund
hxlgi-aof Workmen were In thecitv S in
day evening and made a fraternal vlait
to Full City lodge. A mnoke aocial waa
imi'le a feature of the on-union, which
wua a verv pleawant one.
Tim Congit-giitioiial rliiin h haa an
noiuieed an txi urniou for Jul v 4ih but in
drfereiH'e to li e winlifs of the I'M'kI com
mittee for a celebration In Oregon City,
they have concluded to have the excur
Hioii at an eai tier ilate Momellme between
June 15th and ?'itl. Date will bean
iiouuceil a oon an ariangementa are
The annual wlon of the Clurkamaa
County Sunday School Convention will
he held In Clacknniae, commencing
Thursday evening, June 0. and dotting
Friday evening, June 10. An excellent
prounm la la-lng preimreil Itev. C. C.
I'oling. president of the State Sunday
School Convention, will deliver an ad'
dree at the Thurtdity evening Bear Ion.
A. A. Morae, atate awretary, la expected
preent, and aumeof the ablent (.peak-
..-j i..h t... vu ......u....l..,l t.t il..l!vttr
.. 1 .1. 1 I ..i.. iu .
A large attendance ia ex-
The Reboot board haa
eleeted the (ol
enmiing year'-
lowing tc acliera for the
City uierlnUmlent, L.. n . JicAuam ;
Harclay achool l'rincipal, J. C. Zinaerj
g"0 leucnera, aiiaiiea uuriruue rmiey,
Addie Chirk, I.aura Reatiu, Hattie
Cochran, and May Kelly. Kaatham
I achool l'rincipal, Mra. L. W. McAdara;
!Kra,i teiicliera, Miaaea Ora Spangler,
j .:rma l.MUnnce, MJhe llaukina, Helena
1 lUn-k and Mr. D. II. Glaaa. All the
i0,j (0ftl.lt,r(, WOre re elected, except Mias
!;urir,B Xuf.er, one of the teacher in
the Rurclny school, she having sent a
communication to the hoard that she did
not deaire the placo, as it was her inten
tion to further pursue her course of
studies in some school. The board di
rected the school clerk to express their
regrets to Miss Nefzger, and her aucces.
sor will be selected at another meeting.
The French say "it is the impossible
that happens," This has proved to be
tbe cane with the Mount Lebanon
Shakers. The whole scientific world
haa bean laboring to cure dyaiwpsia, but
every cfTWt seemed to meet with defeat.
The suffering from stomach troubles
become almost universal. Multitudes
have no desire for food and that which
they do eat cause them pain and dia
tress, Sleepless nights are the rule and
not the exception, and thousands of
suffers have become discouraged.
The Shaker of Mount Lebanon re
cently came to the front . with their new
Digestive Cordial, which contains not
only a fond already digested, but is a di
gester of food.
It prompt!)' lel'eves nearly all forms of
indigestion. Ask your druggist for one
of their books.
Laxol, the new Castor Oil, is being
used in hospitals. It Is sweet as honey.
What lr. A. (!. Salter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gknts. From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effort of your Shlloh's Cure In cases
of advanced Consumption, I am prepared
to say that it is the most remnrkablo
Remedy tlmt hns ever been brought to
my attention. It has cortaiuly saved
muuv from Consumption. Sold by
Chunmin A Co., druggiat, Oregon City.
rreorfacho utopprd In SO tnlnutaa tT Dr,
Miloa' I' Puxa. "One cent a due.
Date and l'luce Where Itallle Will
lie Held.
The candidate of the Republican
party md other (peal.era will address the
Voter of the several precinct of Clack-
am county on the following dates,
meeting to beuln at 7:30 p. m
member of the central committee of the
several precincts will make the necessary
arrangement to secure proper place to
hold the meeting and to advertise the
Naw Kra ...June 8 Bprlngwater
Oregon City June 4
liy Order of th Republican County Central
J. C. Bkahlkt, Chairman.
A. B. pkiitaa, IttSrcrstary.
O. II. Dimick, 2d Secretary.
Couaty Central Committee.
Abcrnelhy E. C. Ilackett.
Karlow-J W Campbell.
Heaver Creek Dr. T. B. Thoina.
Horinga A. W, Anderson.
Canby-D. K. Dimick.
Cancmah Charles Toole.
Canyon Creek P. Bonney.
Cascades J. II. Revenue.
Cherryvllle-W. Welch.
Clackamas J. C. Paddock.
Damascus K. T. White.
Kagle Creek C. B. Smith.
Garfield George Lockerby.
George Han Paulsen.
Harding-Will Frakes.
Highland Kd Harrington.
Lower Molalla A. Clebe.
Upper Molalla John Cole.
Maple Lane M. McGeHian.
Milk Creek John Dennison.
Milwaukie F. Berkeimer.
Marqiiatn Al Gray.
Needy N. Blair.
New Kra Knos Cabill.
O C. No. I M. E. Willoughby.
O. C. No. 2 G. B. Dimick.
O. C. No. 3 J. N. Harrington.
Oswego A, J. Tufts.
Pleasant Hill Will Scott.
Sievers Adulph AschnfT.
Soda Springs Jo I'.arristo.
Springwater II. M. Shipley.
Tualatin J. L. Krue.
Cnion-C. T. F. Wilson.
Viola Will Stone.
W. O. C. C. A. Mdlcr.
J. C. BRADLEY, Chairman.
J. U. CAMPBELL, Secretary
Slutc Central Committee.
Baker-F. L. M'wve.
Benton -J . Fr1 Yale.
Clackainaa-Cliarle Ilolinan.
Clalo( Frank J. Taylor.
Co'tinibia Normaii Merrill.
Coo-0. W. Oliva.
Crook-C. M. rrtwrl!lit.
Curry William GainillalU
Douglas A. W. Iteed.
(iihiani-W. W. SuUer.
(iranl J. A. Powell.
Harney J. J. Donegaii.
Jackson II. K. Ankeny.
Joaeplilne J. C. Campbell.
Klainaili Riifos H. Moore.
Uk-Kl.lon M. Brnttain.
Lane 8. 1). F.akiii.
Lincoln C. B. Crosno.
I.lon-ll. M. KMIs.
Malheur C H. Brown.
Marion -M' Kinley Mitchell.
Morrow-U. W. t'iielps.
Miillnoiiiali O. F. Pa i Ion.
Polk Ira 8. Smith.
Hlieinian W. II. Moors.
Tillainook-T. It. Hsmlley.
Umalilla IaiI Llvcrmore.
Pnion-J. M. Churcli.
Wallowa-F. D. ilcCully.
Waaoo Henry Knck.
Waaiiliigmii W. 1). Wood.
Yainliill-J. V. Calbrealti.
J A. House wa arrested this week
for having assaulted a chinaman. His
case will come up in the justice' court
this afternoon.
V. B. WigginB, who is under contract
to furnish the paper mills with a large
quantity of white fir logs, has delivered
1.800.000 feet. The timber came from
Clackamas river.
Lieutenant Fred Metzner is now or
ganizing a company of militia, to be
known as Company F, O. N. G. Nearly
60 men have thus far signed the member
ship roll and are drilled regularly at the
Trof. II. S Strange, nominee for
school superintendent, has been on the
sick list. He was prevented from attend
ing the educational association at liar
raony by illness, and has not been able
to vHt mane aec'lnns of the county in
the interest of his candidacy.
T. A. Slocnm. M. C, th Ureat Chemist and
Scientist, Will Send, Free, Three Bottleaof
Hit Newly Discovered Remedies
to SutTerers.
Editor Enterprise : I have discov
ered a reliable cure for consumption and
allbrochial. throat and lung diseases,
general decline, lues of flesh and all con
ditions of wasting awav. By its timely
use thousands of apparently hopeless
cases have lieen cured. So proof-positive
am I of its power to cure, that to make
its merits known, I will send, free, to
anv alllicted reader of your paper, three
bouioo of my newly discovered remedies
upon receipt of expires and post office
address, T. A. SLUCUM, M. C,
08 Pine Streot, New York.
When writing the doctor, please men
tion this paper.
Imprest e fcmfcei Held at the Urst
Congrecatlonal Church.
Memorial day was fittingly celebrated
by the jieople of Oregon City. Union
memorial service were held at the First
Congregational church, Itev. T. W,
Butler delivering tlie addre. The
church wa beautifully decorated and
wa crowded to It utmost capacity, the
j member of Meade Post, No. 2, G. A. It.,
and the Woman' Relief Corps attending
in a body. The rendition of sacred asd
patriotic (election by the choir, nnder
the direction of Mr. J. II. Strlckler,
wa excellent. Mr. Jennie White offi
ciated at the organ. Rev, Harold Oberif,
of the Methodist Episcopal church,
opened the service with prayer, after
which Rev. Dr. Butler delivered the
memorial address, choosing for hit sub
ject Josh.-'i, 6 and 7 : "Thi may be a
(ign among you, that, when your child
ren ask their father in time to come,
what mean ye by these stone? Then ye
shall answer then, these atones shall be
for a memorial onto the chile ren of Israel
forever." Dr. Butler said in part:
To me one of Ibe holiest davs of the
of the year! Memorial day, rn.de holy
by the baptism of blood and the spirit o1
redemption. Tbe cries and clanking
chains of four millions of human beings
In slavery rose to heaven, and God
Almighty held tteady the arm of Abra
ham Lincoln till he signed that docu
ment, which forever set those men free;
and we are here today to honor the men
who, with musket and bayonet, saw that
the job was well done.
"We honor the memory of those who
counted nothing too dear unto them
selves that they might band down to
posterity a government which, under
God. might be a government of the
people, for the jjjple and by the people.
"No' greater civil memorial is cele
brated in the world than that we celebiate
today a memorial mingled with joy and
sorrow. America has never been a war
like nation ; we are a nation of citizens,
and not of soldiers; we are a republic of
men after the Washingtonian type, and
not after the Napoleon or Caesaran type.
When we have a cause to fight, and war
become a necessity, we are capable ot
measuring up to the needs of the home,
and fight like Napoleans Rght to win.
"Every soldier's grave declares that
ournatijnal privileges are blood-bought
They are the cost of liberty, equality,
fraternity, nnity, they are testimony to
the fact that onr laws, lands and institu
tions are woith dying for; they area
witness to tbe value of American citizen
"We honor our heroic and patriotic
dead by extolling the influence of their
deeds. The battle for liberty blessed the
north, but it did more, like every battle
fought for liberty it blessed the world.
We honor our htroic and patriotic sol
diora by being true men ; true in fiutitinK
the battles of our day as they iought the
battles of (heir day. The flower of a
true snd beautiful life ia the fluwer to
put upon the soldier' grave.
"If we honor the soldiers of the war
we must rally round the true fl ig in the
moral battles bein waged. The monu
ment which I would place at the graves
of our noble dead would not be a cold
marble statue, but an honorable, wide
awake, honest, intelligent, moral, God
fearing American citizen, let America
honor God ; credit him with our liberty,
and praise him for our civilization,"
At the conclusion of the services the
G. A. R. and W. R. C, escorted by the
Fsrkplace band, marched to the South
ern Pacific depot, where they paid their
respect to a passing train of Dakota
Many of the business houses were
closed on Memorial day. At 9 o'clock
the pupils of St. John's school, carrying
flags and flower, marched to Grand
Army hall, where addresses were made
by Father Hillebrand, E. W. Midlam.
commander of Meade Poet, Q. A. R.,
and Mrs Edith Clouse, president of the
Relief Corps. At 10 o'clock a procession
was formed, G. A. Harding acting a
grand marshal. E. J. McKittrick a chief
of staff, and Fred Metxner and Franklin
T. Griffith aa aids. The procession
marched to Shiyely's ball, where C. E.
Cline, of Portland, delivered an address.
The hall wa crowded and the exercises
were interesting. After the ceremony
the procession re-formed and marched to
Mountain View cemetery, where the
graves of the nation's honored dead
were decorated.
Went Down at Sea.
The sad news was received this week
of the drowning of T. E. Holmes, who
formerly resided in this city. Mr. Holmes
was deputy collector of custom at Mary
island, Alaska, and was transferred to
Karluk.at which place he was to have
held the same position. On February 5
he sailed from San Francisco for Kodiak
on tbe supply schooner Alexander. The
vessel never reached her destination, and
it is supposed she foundered in one of
the terifllc gales which swept the coast
in February. The Alexander carried in
all eight men, and was laden with sup
plies for government stations. All hope
for the safety of the vessel has been
abandoned. Mr. Holmes was well known
in this city and his death will be doplored
by his many friends. He leaves a wife
and three children, who reside in Spo
kane. Hi Bisters, Mra. D. O'Neil and
Miss Holme, reside near Oregon City.
i Boy Kelly' Experience.
What came near being a serions acci
dent occurred last Wednesday. Roy
Kelly, aon of II. L. Kelly, wa returning
home on hi wheel from the Morey ranch
and, when passing a farmer's wagon,
in which were the farmer, his wife, and
two children, the yonng gentleman's
bicycle went oyer the bank. Thi fright
ened the team and tbe horses, wagon,
family and all went over the embank
ment and down to the riyer. On being
detached from the wagon the horses
jumped Into the river and swam to an
island opposite. The won badly
demolished, but the family suffered only
(light braises. Master Roy, touched by
the dejected look of the people, who were
evidently in atraightened circumstances,
hurried home and, procuring what he
had saved op lately $3. and getting $2
from hi lather, re' tuned and presented
it to the hapless country people who ac
cepted it reluctantly, Baying it was not
caused by carlessnena on Roy's part.
Beautiful shirt waists, latest Rusnlan
blouse front at th Racket stir.
A new arrival of eash notion in all
colors at tlie Racket store.
Get your fruit jars and jelly tumblers
at Harris' Grocery.
Bmis Um j9 1M 1111111 im Han kmn Boiigtt
IlM Kind Km Han Ultaw
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart DImih, Cured by
MB. C. a EIITXTS, ot Vlnterset, Iowa.
Inventor and ciaauiacturer ct
EhnlU" Eafcty rt'.I'.ctrco Corp!lj.
writca ot Dr. riles' Ectrt Cera. "Twa yors
osoan attack of LaCrtrro mo with a
weak heart. I tad rna Cora la C::h to
ticre stln and bone. Icot:!!rct.:!cc-lrInr
down for smothering spcU3; frotircat sharp
darting pains and palpitation c-zz'A a con
stant fear of audden death, eotlilcj coc!d
lad ace me to remain awty f roa t.on;e over
nijht. My local physician prescribed' E?.
Hllcs' Heart Core and la a few CU-ji I rail
able to alocp well and tlio pilns c-lizl!?
lessened, and finally ceased. I rend the
the doses, havln3 pained Eftccn poanda, Z-'i
am now feeling better In every wcy than I
bare for year." hjm
Dr. Miles' Remedies fe j''' Dr. 'v'
aw sold by all drus-piA -p,.u , Ur.i
gists nnder a positive K . f 1)
guarantee, first bottle K4ttCJJ 12
benoflu or money ro- fir ResiSTO j?
funded. Book on dls-K"',.. ... ,5
eases ot the heart and H
nerves free. Ad.lrosa, ffobg;-J
DB.MILE3 MEDICAL OO, Elkhart, Ind.
Tbey all say that
nt Ever?
Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Seeds, Etc.
We have just removed
to the old Bee Hive stand, next to Huntley's
Book Store, and have received a new line of Gents?
and Boys' Furnishing Goods for Spring and
Summer direct from New York which we are 6elling at
the Lowest Prices. Give us a trial and we guarantee
to give every customer patisfaction.
Main St. between 7th and 8th, Caufield Block.
'98 Model, 32,
'OS Model, 35,
Royal aakaa lbs le4 pars,
wkoUaaaM ana' felltlMM..
Absolutely Pur
cnu mum mmi to., m vma.
Indian War Veteran te Meet.
Indian war veterans are invited to at
tend the rand encampment in Portlai d,
Oregon, June 14, 1808, at 10 A. M., wive,
widow, sons and ilanghters also invited.
Dinner will be furnished by the ladies of
Multnomah Camp, 'o. 2. Pionee'S
meet on the day following. Camps "
requested to send a delegation.
J. W. Wood, Grand Com .
at fm Bark can b mrr4 wltfe
fresh & cured
Go to
Chas. Alright, Jr.
ty tj t- -Tyiy-i.fi
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lie
City Stables,
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
BuccMwr. to W. H. COOk a.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
All pain banished by Dr. Miles' Fain Pllla.
Says Mist Be Si
Carries the most complete stock
ot First Class Groceries to h
found in the City.
Cut Price
Cut Prico
$60 00
$10 00
ail parts of