OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898 PERSONALS. S. A. D. Hungate, of Molalla, was in the city this week. Capt. John Clark and Mr. Schadel left lor Molalla this week, Col.r. A. Paker, ot Stafford, was in the city Monday on business. J. B. David, of Newberg, was in the city the fore part of the week. J. C. McMurray and daughter, of Damascus were in the city Tuesday Solomon Glich, ot Clarkes, was doing business in Oregon city Wednesday. Miss Harriet Monroe, of Portland visited friends in Oregon City Saturday. Senator Geo. C. Brownell is able to be out again and will go on the canvas Way 22. W. II. Fitcpatrick and wife.of Pleaeant Dill, were doing business in Oregon City on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Latourette, of MjMinnville, is visiting relatives and friends in this city this week. R. L. Jeffery and daughters Louise and Nellie, ot Astoria, visited Oregon City Tuesday. Miss Florence Brownell, of Portland, was a guest of her brother, Senator Geo. C. Brownell, over Sunday. F. D. Williams, ot this city who has been in Fort Wrangle for some time past returned home last Friday. ""Thomas F. Ryan was elected grand junior warden at the session of the Odd Fellows at Roeeburg this week. The little three year old daughter of Ben King, of Cedar Vale, was struck in the ankle joint by an ax, nearly severing it from the leg. 'P. F. Morey and family moved to their ranch on tbe Willamette, near Oswego on Saturday last, where they wall spend the summer. --Gilbert Beattie, of the University of Oregon at Eugene, was an Oregon City visitor this week. He will leave soon for Idaho, where he has secured a posi tion. Mrs. A. D. Johnson, and family ar rived in this city from Appelton, Wiscon sin, and will make Oregon City their home. Mr. Johnson is superiutendant in the Crown Paper Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Nash, Henry Saulsbury, Slits Salsbury and Miss Brecker went on a Aching excursion last Saturday, Mr. Nash caught three porgies and the joung ladies 176 mountain trout. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gleason have re turned from their wedding tour and are at home to their friends on Twelfth and Jefferson streets, the cottage lately oc cupied by Mrs. Jane Hedges. Mr. P. de 8. Olney, manager, and A. W. Gummison, surveyor, are in the city resui veying and readjusting the rates of insurance in this city. Mr. Cberman is deserving of special mention for bis ef forts to secure a reduction of insurance rates. (i range Notice, " Central Grange No. 276 will hold an open meeting on May 21, at 1 :30 P. M. in the Beaver Creek school house, where a program consisting of songs, recitations etc. will be rendered by members and others. A cordial invitation is extended to all Grangers and others who can make it convenient to attend. Wx. Gbisentrwaite, Secretary. If anyone Linseed Oil or'White Lead at less than the market price, don't buy it. Nothing is more easily adulterated than lead and oil the one with whiting and the other with fish oil. You have noticed how the color in some houses fades and J peels off in a year or two. to last four years instead of two. The trouble'all comes from saving (?) 3 cents a gallon on Linseed Oil and cent on WhiteJLead. We are selling Lead and Oil pure Lead and Oil, too at Portland prices, and if anyone offers it to you cheaper the chances are the quality is cheaper, too. For the past seven years we have been selling Masury's Liquid Colors, and they have given universal satisfaction. It is without question the best mixed paint on the market. Masury will not use Linseed Oil in his paint without it is a t least two years 1 old, aud old Linseed Oil is This year we have also Bay State Mixed Paint, at guaranteed,!) us, and we guarantee it to you. Try it at the manufacturer's risk. We have everything you need for painting Brushes, Carriage Paint, Bicycle Paint, Bathtub Enamel, Vainish, Stains and Colors in oil. Come in and get our prices. C. rrrir COUNTY COIRT. Proceeding nl Regular Mny Term Rills Allowed. Petition of P A Baker tor a re survey of a portion of the Oregon Cily and Dayton road granted and 11. W. Prosser. John Darling and L A Shipley appointed viewers, and owing to alwence and in ability of county suivey or II. II. John son was appointed to survey. Petition of F T Corless et al for a county road rejected on account ot de fective description. Petition of C Holstrora, supervisor of road district No 11, for a resurvey ot part of Forsyth road granted and W U Smith, Capt. J T Apperson and John Straight appointed viewers and K P Rands sur veyor. Fence In road in district No. 24 ordered removed. Petitition of C Lewthwaite et al for a county road dismissed. County to pay viewers. Matter of Wra Phillip's taxes, property being sold on double assessment. Mr. Marley granted rebate and Phillip's receipt to bold good. Subscription list of donation work and petition for money on Forsythe road granted and 50 allowed. Petition for J L Vosberg et al for a county road granted and L D Mumpower, T S Mann and J N Harrington appointed viewers and H 11 Johnson surveyor, owing to absence and inability of county surveyor. Petition ot W U Mattoon et al for a county road granted and T C Jubb, Frank Collius and A U Wheeler to view and II II Johnson to surrey. Petition of B. F. Lion'et a! tor a county road granted and Win Mattoon, Gus Schuebel and Henry Hornschuh ap pointed to view and II II Johnson to survey. Subscription list of donation work and petition for money in district No. 24 granted and $45 allowed. Supervisor notified to grade road from New Era to Canby on telephone line. Bids of Smyth & Howard for crushed rock for Willamette Falls road at $1.25 per cubic yard accepted. Aid for Chas Cutting ordered discon tinued from May 1st and D II Tuttle from May4tb. Subscription list of donation work and petition for money in district No. 23 granted and $43.50 allowed. Resignation of J M Tiacey as road supei visor in road district No 12 ac cepted and Clem Clark appointed to fill vacancy. Road supervisor ordered to give bonds in sum equal to amount apportioned so as to indemnify the county in case the apportionment is overdrawn. Resignation of C. Rands, judge oi elec tion in Oregon City No 3, accepted and J L Swafford appointed to fill vacancy. Aid for Mrs Roat from indigent soldier fund ordered dicontinued May let. House rent of Mrs Runyon discontin ued from May 1st. Aid of $5 per month granted Mrs Ti tus from June 1st, payable to H Straight. Tax rebate for '91 taxes on s) of sw lots 6 & 7 of sec 30, tp 4 s, r 1 e granted. Poll tax rebate of W E Owens granted, the Ba me to be deducted from bill due Baker county. Matter of change in J R Lewis road, which was not surveyed last month on account of change in the deputy surveyor H H Johnson appointed to survey. offers you For a dollar or two more that like old whiskey. G. HUNTLEY, Fp"lar Price Drt,gi8t- Oregon City r tt vr? riwwrrr Supervisor F.rb ordered to spend $25 on grading Schnch's mill road. Application ot John Jones tor Increase of aid to $12 granted, to commence Juno 1st. Allowance tor aid of Liu Jones reduced from $20 to $15 altet June 1st. Resignation ot F.d Hate Jr, as judge of election in Gaitluld precinct, accepted and Ed Bate sr, appointed. Pauper bill from Baker county out to $1 50 per day and poll tax deducted. Subscription list ot donation work and request for money in district No. ID granted and $100 allowed. J N Harrington appointed inspector to receive crushed rock on Willamette Falls road. Receipts oi clerk and recorder for April, $342 85 and $186.70 respectively. Clerk ordered to advertise tor bids tor bridge ou New Era and WalJron road. BILLS ALLOWKD. L M Herron, sheriQ's acct $ S 00 R Freytag, pauper acct 6 00 Geo Killin, totaling gravel pit.. 2 50 M Hoag, cutting timber in road 8 00 II A Webster, Slate vs J Volkera 2 00 W L Johnson " " " 8 00 G B Diiuick inquest " " 5 00 Honey ma u Dell art A Co, bridge 27 50 j Carlton de Roseukran 3 73 I R L Russell, pauper 6 00 UBDimick inquest 11 Parrit.. 8 00 Dan Williams, pauper 8 00 Geo B Rate A Co, road and bridge 104 20 W II Savage, sheriff 1 50 Mrs J Shadle. cir court 75 F L Miotie, road and bridge. . . . 3 00 C Schuebel, state vi D P Earp. . 4 05 C E Burns " " " " 3 15 GBDunick " ' 5 00 Courier, stationery 6 00 Wilson A Cooke, court house. ... 3 75 " road and bridtre 15 06 W A Huntley, stationery 62 75 Bellomy & Busch, court house. . 2 75 A Mather, pauper 10 00 F T Barlow " 22 85 W F Hubbard " 2 60 Red Front 6 00 A S Dresser, county I"i 00 I L Paine, insane .. 5 00 G B Diniick, (list atty 6 00 Chas Holcomb, road and bridge 2 00 Herald, stationeiy 7 50 " printing 27 75 I Neli ran, road and bridge 3 0 " board of prisoners 14 2J L Stout, assessor 64 80 Id Stout " 43 00 H Straight, pauper 19 85 0 C Hospital " G0m L Winesett " 16 00 Bessie Grout, slier iff 6 00 T B Hankins, hheriff 40 50 Ina Chase, clerk 2 00 Lindsey & Son, road and bridge 7 28 W 11 Young, commissioners 0 00 C H Isom, sheriff 21) 75 D W Smith, clerk 31 60 I Selling, pauper 7 00 Mrs L Winesett, pauper 20 oO Austen & Weston Co 379 00 Circuit court witnesses I M Wilson, state vs Lescor.... 3 00 C L Rodarmell " " .... 3 00 Max Webster " " .... 3 00 Frank L Weber, stale vs Walker 4 46 Grand jury witnesses E Riggs 5 00 F C Klinger 5 00 Josephine Smith 4 60 P B Hall 6 60 JCCIIall 5 20 J J Krause 3 80 Hiram Piatt 3 00 W 8 Ewing 3 00 house could have been made $1.3") per gallon, which is TW Baker 6 00 John Roberts 6 00 M Templeton 6 00 LM Herron 5 IK) Jurors circuit court F. II Burghaittt 10 20 J A Talbert 9 00 CC Hoy land 9 20 Wm Stone ' 0 III) J R Williams 8 20 E J Walkley 10 40 Geo Laaelle 8 80 A L Laikins 4 80 AH Wing 8 20 Gotfred Wallace 7 00 Wm Barknor 7 20 Geo Lockerly 0 20 M GroshoT 8 80 Win Davis 4 60 John Eri 7 20 Hans Paulson 9 00 Louis Funk 5 Hi) John Sch reive 6 60 J L Matlock 6 20 N Nelson 7 40 8 D Coleman.... 8 60 0 Cassady 5 00 Enos Cahill 5 00 H J Thomas 6 IK) Win Bird 8 00 W II Counsell 6 00 Olto Olfcon 2 40 John Shade! 10 20 H Henrin 10 00 W W Porter 2 40 A J Kellogg 2 20 J K Morris 2 40 R T Beattie 2 20 Geo IWylan 2 20 F A Ely 2 20 Chas Noblitt 2 20 THardeaty 2 20 Ernest Rands 2 00 Bills laid over Charman A Son, pauper.., 40 0.') Smyth A Howard, road, bridge 160 00 Bills cut down claimed allowed E A Sommer, inquist. . . $10 00 $5 00 J Dawson, pauper 2 GO 2 50 Glass A Prudhomme 14 00 12 00 Wm Kaiser, county 11 00 10 00 P A Baker, county 12 00 10 00 C E Burns, reform school 14 00 13 00 Glass A Prudhomme 32 40 25 10 HILLS NOT ALLOWKU. Chas Noblitt, inquest 7 00 Resignation olC V Barlow, clerk ot election in Harlow precinct accepted and L W In irra m apKinted. In the matter of the subscription list and donation work and request for money in district No. 10. Accepted and $100 allowed including powder. In the matter ot the change of voting place in Cherry ville precinct, not allowed too late. In the matter of the apportionment ot road funds for 181)8, All road money used during March and April by the different supervisors to be deducted from their apportionment. Siqiervisori not to ue over 00 per cent ot their appor tionment, without an order Irom the county court. In the matter ot the extention ot the tax roll. 30 days extention granted. County aid ot Mrs. G. M. Fleming, discontinued. County aid ot Mrs. L. P. Clark reduced to $5 per month to take effect June 1. County aid of Mary Duff, Mrs. Grind staff, Mrs. Debeant discontinued. County aid (or Airs Runyan reduced to $8 per month from June 1. In the matter of bids for renewing piling under the Shipley bridge on the Tualatin. Bid of Morris and Olds ac cepted for $422 (or piling and renewing w ing dams. In the matter o( the DeepCreek bridge. Clerk instructed to advurtiHe (or House Truss bridge 115 feet long. Bids to be accompanied by a certified check (or $100. The report of the road supervisors will be published next week. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 08 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.00; Howard's Bittt, $4.60 ; Fisher's Beet, $4.G0 ; Dayton ; $4-00: Peacock, $4.00 Oats in ske, white, 40 cents per bushel, gia , MillBtuffe Bran, $15.00 per ton ahoilfl, $15.00 per ton. Potatoes 35 cents per sack. Eggs, 12j cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 35 cents per roll. Onions, $3 00 per eack. Green apples, 1.25 to 1.50 per box. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 3 cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, be. proneH, 4 to 5 cents; plums, 3c. Bacon Hams, 10 conts; sides, 8c. 7 to 8; shoulders, C to 7 ; Inrd 7 to 8 Livestock and Dressed Meals Hocf, live, to 3?4 cents ; hogs, live 1 to 4c ; hogs dressed, 5 to 6 cents; sheep, $3.00 to $4.00 per head; lambs $1.50 to $2.00; veal,drcH!ed to 0. Poultry Chickens, old, $3.00 to $3.50, turkeys, alive, 8 to 10 cents per pound. EnVr. VllllniTu .V dhtinont wll vUle.llriK ai I'Mpk. H nliKorin iTn'InillBn Pll III cure UllnU, and UcliiiiU hKorhM.hu tumors. iuiiuyn the luiliiugutouce, new .m a poultice, i;lv s Instant ro ller. Dr. WllllnmN'lmlUnPllcOlnt- lu'iiil U )iii')jur-l (or X'lli.'H antJ lu.u t Ihi! pi'iv purl. Kvry hor la wirrantwi. lly driiKKlsts, by mull on re- imi cipt of prim 60 cents una 11.00. WILLIAMS KAfJUF ACTURIN6 CO., fops., cievoluua, unto. For sale by C. G. Huntley, Ss your hair Sreon? S's only tnothtr vy of tsklng, U your fair grooving f For grttn mttns growing. You cn MAKE htit grow by mlng jtyersjffairVigor NOTICES AQINTS FOR Till CNTIKI'KIHE. Beaver Creek Canby Clackamas Milwaukle ,, Union Mills Meadow Brook,..,. New Kra WtLonvllle Park place rUallbrd MoJIno ('arm Molalla Manpiaiu., KuttKVlile Aurora.. Orvllla Hauls Crsek.. Painaactii Sandy tilin.in ('urrlinvllln Clierrvvllle Marmot ...Dr. T. B. Thomas Un, KiiIkIiI A. Matlmr ....Owar VtiahiKr U. J.Trullliiytr t'hai. Holnimi ,...W. H. Nciwncrrjf Henry Mllry K. L. KikmII J.U. (IK T. Howard O.T. . It. M. f-noiwr A mile Sliibhi K. M. Ilarliiian It. JtMinliiK" Ilmiry A. Hnjnli-r I,. J. IVriins II. Wlllwrn J. C. Elliott K. U.i'tnoh Mrs. W. M. Melniyre , .. . .. (iw. J. Cnrrln ..Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adulph Ast-boll COUKTb. Olreult Bonn eontenw Writ Mm a to No rem bar ami IhlrU MumUjr lu April. Probate oourt Id mmIod Unit MoutUr In tah oath. Oommtnlimrri court mou Ant WeJuenHj iftor nrl Muadav at mod mouth. ukeuon city orriceuH. Mayor, .... K. 0. CanltrM Kivrilr, ... Tiioi. K. Uyaii ("liler of I'nllc - - Chan. K. Iliirni NiKlit tubman - K. U Hna Trraaurer, ... II. K. HlraiKht City Attorney. - - Frank r. Url tilth Htreet t'mnlnliwlonrr, - - W. I.. Hnliln Hupt ot Wau-f Work, - W. II Howell Cily KiiKiueer, - - I). W. Kmnmrd Coiini'ilinen It. Kiwrnrr, Frank Hux'li, K. 1). Wilson, June Hak, II. K. liar " rn, C l l.atourrtle, Arthur Mllln, Frrd A. MeUner. Council meets lint Wednesday of each month in city hall. I.od ur. A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday evening in the A. O. U. W. Temple Geo. K. CalifT, secretary. Hebekahs Willamette Kchckah Ixlgi No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of each month at I. O.O. F. Temple. Malta Godfry, recretery, Court Robin Hood No. 0, Foresters of America, meets I! rut and third Friday In the month in Red Men's Hall. F. T. Rogers, secretary; F. S. Baker, chlel ranger. Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meets first Wednesday In each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com mander. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., meets on the third Monday of each month in Maaonic Hall. II. S. Strange, secretary. Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meets the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie Rowen, secretary. Oregon Ixxlge No. 3, 1. O. O. F., meets every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary Falls Eucampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F. meets first and third Tuesday in each month. J. A. Stuuit, secretary. Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. 0. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30, at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, C. of R. ; II. L. Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meets Qrst and third Saturdays in each month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary. Mead Corps No 18, W. R. C., meets second and fourth Wednesday In each month at the Willamette Hall. Mrs. Clouse, president. Artisans meets first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary. Catholic Knights of America SI. John's Bianch No. 647, meets every Tuesday ol the month. Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets In Red Men's Hall, on second and fourth Wednesdays O. II, Hyalt, record keepet When Trarellng Whether on pleasure bent or business, take every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and pirectunlly on the kidneys, liver, anp bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches, and other forms of sicklies Fur sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the Culilornia Fig Syrup Co, only . A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Puy up your subsciption to the ENTEitrniHR and gut thn benefit of the reduction in price. Dr. Miles' Nerve PlastemASc. at all druggist. 1 ONE PGR A DOSE. El I A Ttmo Plmploi, TrnTtnt BT 1 9 I k THIInn.n,luri(, t.d J .f .tj (Jure Hnn.UrliB.,,,1 l.i...,i, iiJJJJJJJ' A moTmnt of tba bow,, utoli d. It iKMIn I2 ! wl11 "Pl lr,or loll bo ? mm 1SJVJOYO Both tho mothod ana result wficn Syrup of Figs is taken; It is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and act E.mtly yot promptly on tho Kidneys, Ivor and Ilowols, cleanses tho sys torn effectually, dispels colds, head aohes and fevers and cures habitual constipation. - Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind over rro dueed, pleatting to tho taste and ao ceptahlo to tho stomach, tronnt in its action and truly Wnelieiul in its effect, prepared onlr from tho most licalthyand ogrwubloHiilmtaiK's, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it tho moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for snlo In 80 cent bottle by all leading drug, gists. Any nninlilo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro euro it promptly for any ono who wishos to try it Do not accept any aubHtituto. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 10 nttcaco. 0L loumuu, nr. ttw row, ar. Proct icol H orsesl;ocr Truck and Itmvl Work a Hpw lalty, Any !'! Imn- fnrgril In Iron r Mi-rl. Whmiiii work ami rrpnirlng. Hlifnclliin timrinli .!. fihop on 8evelillt Mrrel, lrt iliHir to Nolilin'a aialilD. i W V W W VWV'W'W WWTT V V 4 j.r.TT.T.r.T'.r.T.TT.T.T.T.TT.T. o S Do You 2 R Know the News p You can have It all for I Per 50c Per Wonth M Month Fl . . .. Vi In the r.veniug Telegram, ol I ort- . i i . . , . . i lauu. i'n'Kni. ii is i ne la'giwi evening newpa)er puliliMheil in Oii-giiii; it conlailis all the news ofthnNUie and o the Nation. Trv it (or a month. A sample ,111 I... ..I ...... ...... Fl :"I'J wl I1 IIIHIII'll Ttlll llfV V Addr The Telegra Portland, Or. I Tempting raij. H'lTlli cm J Mf We are justly proud, we think, of our tempting army of good things (or the table. At this aenson It requires enter, prise oml some expense lo llml new ami choice thintrs. We prefer pulling forth every cll'jrt in be half ot our enviable reputation and the needs of our patrons. A. ROBERTSON, 7th St. Crecor. Moll's Nerverfae Pills The ptal fl I twdy for if 7,1 I 5Ll navou pro- : tratlonand V .ii ......... rf diseucn of the UU'UUlb AMD AKltU LU1NO. n( .UU.. lex, iiuch as Nervous Prostralior Failing or kist frunhood, ImpoUncy, Wighlly iimi tioni, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, tx cwivi! of Tobacco or Oflm, which Iwd to Cotuumption and Innin''. l.QQ ffijtotbv mail J 6 boxes for '$5.00. MOn 8 CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cluveland, Ohio. For wile hy D. O. HnnH y OASTOTIIA. Bean tu M' vm Toil Have Always The Kind You Have Always Boujlit i si ii ill i w i