Or City mterpkise. EGON VOL.33. N0.2U. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1866 J)HB. POWELL b SKAM ANN Physicians and Hurgeons. Kn('ll attention given in an rirdiat work, Office hoiirtt lo II A.M., 1 loft I'. M., l lo 1 1. M. Huuim U Miitl 1U Clieriuan lit k. i&o. aaowxaix. . v.cmriuu. J JKOWNKLL A 0AMP1IEI.U ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW, Ooon City. Oaauo. Will pramloe In all Ilia oourta ef tin Mate. Ol- floe, lu tuUflU tlUI (IIIIK. QJI.IHOM. CIVIL KKOINKKK am DKI'UTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will I at court house on each Raturday and on n-t(ilr m"Klnn days o( county court. c LACK A MAS ABHTHACT TRUST CO. ftirnlih. AMM. Chain or Til'. Decrlp Uuiii.Imii. Inaurai.ee. Pav Ta rr'ect Tllloa. la., m. OlHee on i ii.uk ol (inn cir J. r. lUMC. Pr... ti4 Mur. oimomcitt, .... osjm. J II. MILLER, Flnt tett of teeth, (("Id erown. til kind o( nlling ! bildgework. Seventh St. near depot. Oregon oily, Or. c 0, T. WILLIAM. rial kbtat and loan aoknt. A iood llu of butliifM. rwldeuoe aud auburban 'arm Property Id iraeta lull on ar terms. Corrwpn1no promptly anawered. Ofnoe. on or 'iiui "f MjIIhmII.i cuuioiu q U D.C. LAT0UKn . ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT UW MAIN ITIUT ORkOO CITY, ORKUOK. rurnl.h AbrtrMtu of Till. Loan Money. fore close Morif.".. nfl 1 "v. w . . - Law autioeas. g. CHOHS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wiu. Faience ih AuCoueTS or Yaa Statb Real bUte aad Inn ran f. Office o Main Bir-el bat Stub and Seventh, oasuoit oity. on. A. 8. DRESSER, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Olneeover McKltlrlrk' Shoe Store, near the Bank of Oregon City. Oreio City, Oatuo". K. MARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prallc In all Ilia eourte of the tate. Olllee opposite court bouae In Caulleld building. rU PORTER, J' ATTORNEY AT LAW airmen or raorsaTT -cbiihbo. Offloa neit to Orel on CUT bank on Mb Ureal. D R, FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST Graduate ol the Northwestern Univor- altv Dental School, Chicago. Also American College ol Dental Surgery. With Dr. Welch, Wlllamotte Block. rpul COMMERCIAL BANK, OT ORK00N CITY, (lanital. 1100,000 TaaiiaACTs A onai.aHme caiKaa. . LoVna mada. Mile dleeoiinted. Make, col linoni Hura and aalla eiohange on all polnta Xa unitei But... "" Deposit receded subject lo check. Haul open from ) a. M. U) it.. D. 0. LATOURSTTK, rrritonX. CM1,r B ankoforkooh cm, Oldest Baialni Hodsi U the City. Paid up Capital, W,000. Burplua, A,WU. ....HINT - CKAAI.lt H. CiOfliLD. tiob paaniDiKT, oaoriaLD. 0HHI1R. .... Aianeralbanktna bnalneai tranaaoted. Uopoalta recolva.f aubleoi to oheok. ApproVad bill and nolea dlaoouniad. 0iuPnty and city warrant bought Loan made on aYallabla taourlty. KiohaiiK boiiKht and loia. Collection made promptly. ,ha world Ilraltaanld aallaila lu any part of the w oria Telexraphlo eioliauKea old on Portland, Bau Franolaoo.'lhloaiio and New Yora. ntareat paU on time depoilt. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER Opp. Huntley'a Drujt Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. WOOD T ANTED. .toutrinif to contract for wood n quantities of onej thouwnd corda or mora will pleata PP'y Caowif Papir Co. Think or Starve!! Tlmt la the alternative now'riaya. K yoti pay out ix much money tlioiiulitluiiHly, you will eooiiliRve none left to pay. It would le money in your Kxkt to idve a little thoi'idit to what we are oirrln(. Invcutlnate ami aee how retnarkuhly low our prlcea are on Wall Paper. We anil a dnuhle roll lor 7c, hul J Do will buy a tatter, more aervlceahle pawr. Dellomy &i Busch, The llouiu-(uiiili)ht.ra. '0K)Hite Court IIouhu, AAA W. r. KHAN Kit Kramer & Kramer ..Tiiilors.. 22S WahlnKton 8t. Portland, Ore. Patent: Floats Manufactured in Oregon City from the best Belecled wheat on the market. IT IS FOR SALE K&.nau Guaranteed the bent. Patronize Home Industry. Wo aro headquarters for Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Lawn Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, Garden Hoes, Cultiva tors, Screen Doors and Windows, Wire Netting, Etc., Etc. Agents for White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, the best made; also for Simond's Saws and Canton Clipper Plows. Full stock of Steel Ranges, Hardware, Etc. POPE & CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets. - Oregon City. A Rieh Strike $ Klondike naa only at Thomas Cliarman & Son's Pioneer Store. 1 ' : TheiJ Tell It Her bIiocs show that alio knew what to buy; aiBothat her shoe man knew how to fit the foot. Shoes tell every time the habits and taBtcu of their wear ers. If you need new ones we protniRe you sat'iBfaction. Krausse Bros.... UKO. K. KKAMKK ztmt fop it You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress Goods . . . where you can get them cheapest. Is all right, but you must have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can be STAUVINGTO DEATH The IteconcentradoH Are Nearly All Dead. The MpimUh Troopn at Havana I'nn Not Lal Much Longer. Kky Wut, May 17. Tba condition in Havana, resulting front ttie blockade, are being gradually brought out by information obtained from flatting amacki and other linall vraaela captured off the ooaat. A Hair at Havana now appear to be worae than at any timeline the Weyler regime. The flahermen who at first brayed the blockade fur the high price which llnli brought In Havana, now run the rink, not fur money, but for food. A number of these have been captured by the veaiela of the blockading Heel, nearly all of them being released alter having been quetlioned by our oRlirer. They unite In picturing the ilate ol thing at Havana aa being pitiful In the extreme. When questioned aa to th prevalence of yellow fever at Havana, the flihermen aid there wa little licknri at the Cuban cap ital, but I hey added there wa much star vation. The rrooncentrado, they said, are nearly all dead, or have been sxpelled Ironi the city lo die In the auburb. Tbi agrees with other reports from Havana and Ma tantai to the rnect that the Spanish author ities, on tba departure of the consul, seized all the upplie and applied them to the nse of the army. Tbe Spaniards then drove the reooncentradoa Into the desolated section of the coon try, between the coast towns and tbe insurgent lines, the regions de scribed by Senator Proctor and others as being too barren and deeolate to support Tbe liisurgenta themselves have been chary of receiving the reconcentrado, and hundred of the latier, who bad no per sonal friends In the insurgent camps, bave been left to starve between the line, which they did. About Havana, the situation is even worae. Hundredsof reconceiitradoa from Los Poses the big reconcentrado barrack at Havana, were too weak to walk ont of town and fell in tbe street or died In the suburbs, where Hocks of vulture, " Weyler' chickens," as they are now termed in Havana, bave feasted on the remain. Tbe fishermen who have been brought here are toon reconciled to capture, which meant food and decent treatment. Tbey say that If the blockade continue much longer, bread rloU must follow in all tbe large towns, as food la reserved exclusively for the army, thus lorcing many people to enlist wbo otherwise would not do so. Finally, the fishermen aay that certain of tbe moat desperate ol tbe Spaniard threaten to burn Havana or blow tbe city op in the event of the authoritiea deciding to capit ulate to the American force. Sinews of War. WASumoToa, May 18. The war revenue bill will occupy the attention of the senate this week almost to tbe exclusion of other business, and there 1 little probability that the bill can be disoed of during the week. Tbe indications now are for a two week's debate, and there is no assurance that it will be concluded within that period of time. The opponents of the bill disavow any in tention to delay action on this legislation, but they do not conceal their purpose of taking time to present their views on tbe varioas questions Involved, and it looks as if it would be impossible for them to do this within less time than two weeks. Tbe principal interest la in tbe report of the Republican ,ol the committee in favor of restoring the bond proposition. Tbe probabilities are that this proposition will prevail, if the war continues, but before a vote can be reached upon It, there will be a great deal of talk for and against it. Tbe entire financial question will be involved to an extent, and probably most of the senators wbo oppose the bond issue will be heard be fore the conclusion of the discussion. The Republican senators generally are averse to a prolonged discussion, but the Democrats and silver Republicans say it will be nec essary for them to explain and deftnd their position. Senator Allison will open the debate Monday with a statement on behalf of the Republicans of tbe finance commit tee, and will be followed by some Demo cratic member of the committee, probably Jones. Beyond this, there la uo data on which to base an estimate of tbe probabili ties. It Is quite certain, however, that there will be no dearth of speechmakers or speechmaklng. Anglo-American Alliance. Wabuinton, May 10. The very peculiar attitude of the governments of France and the Netherlands in permitting the Spanish fleet lo coal and repair In the ports of their colonies is in great contrast to the attitude of Great Britain, in absolutely living up to her pledge of neutrality. Tbe speech of Colonial Secretary Cham berlain last week, taken in connection with the fact and by no means Improbable con contliot between France and Great Britain, haa renewed talk of an Anglo-American alliance, and the more the subject Is dis cussed the more popular it seems to become with members of congress. Eastern Repub lican senators and members seem to be particularly taken with the Idea, and many of them bave urged consideration of it upon the president with a great deal of force dur lug tbe past few days. It is more than likely that tha proposi tion of an Anglo-American alliance, which is at present in only an embryotio state, will take tangible ahape before this war Is over, and such a proposition Is certain to be indorsed by a strong party in congress, niAde np of both political organizations. Ta Dink Rpanlah Fleet. Washisotoh, May H. Order have been sent by the navy department to Admiral Sampson which radically change In lruior" tant particulars tbe orlgnal plans. He is ordered to get In between the coaat of Cuba and tha Spanish Cape Verde fleet and not allow It to reach the barhor of Cienfuegoa. New wa received by Secretary lying to day from Admiral Bampaon which aay that be ha bit veisels so placed, with scout boats out in every direction, that ills hardly possible for the Spanish admiral to elude him If he trie to reach either the southern coast of Cuba or aim to double on hi course and reach tbe Atlantic by way of Cuba or aims to double on his course and reach the Atlantic by way of Martinique and Porto Rico. 8wift scouts patrol the Carribean sea on (be lookout for the enemy's ships. Should they sail around tbe western end of Cuba for Havana, there Is Schley's squadron, Should tbey ttrike for Havana by the east ernendof tbe island arid the windward passage, there i Admiral Sampson. Should they strike fur the southern coast of Cuba, Santiago or Cienfugeos, there are scouts to discover them and notify Sampson. The main purpose is to prevent the enemy's fleet from reaching Havana. Once tbe Spanish fleet had connected with the powerful modern fortifications at Havana and where the torpedo destroyer could operate to better ail van lags, tbe problem of destroying tbe Spaniards would seem more difficult. The navy department heard from the Oregon today. The department will not divulge tbe whereabouts, but naval officials say that do fear are entertained ol her aafety. Paved With Gold. Seattle, May 18 Advices from Dawson City give the following; As an outcome ol tbe permission given three weeks ago by tbe gold commissioner to prosect the present town site of Dawson, gold has been found beneath the streets of Dawson, running from good colors to 30 cents a pan. News ol the discovery spread quickly, and of course with exaggerated de tails, and 24 hours after the bedrock shaft proved tbe quality of tbe gravel, the whole town wa a maze of tangled stakes and corner stakes, reaching from river to billa When the prospective millionaire went to record their claims tba gold commissioner told them that aince he bad granted special prospecting privileges new laws had been received containing a clause strictly pro hibiting staking or recording on claims on town kites, and as a result all application ware refused, and whatever gold may be froaea in tbe gravel over which stands tbe city of Dawson, must remain undisturbed until tbe town ia eventually deserted. The formation exposed In tbe Dawson shaft shows plainly that the present town site was once a bar of tba Yukon river. At tbe Pioneer saloon last night, a turkey that bad been brought in from 8eattle was raffled, the importer realising $140 net on the lonely bird. England and France. Lorooh, May 17. The speech delivered by Joseph Chamberlain, the secretary of state for the colonies, at Birmingham yes terday evening has caused a great sensation everywhere, and it increased tbe feeling of uneasiness on the stock exchange. There was all-round weakness, business was poor, and tbe market closed distinctly pessimistic. War rumors were freely circulated. A member of the government ia reported to bave prophesied that war between France and Great Britain will break out within a month. Precautionary insurances are re ported to have been effected at 15 guineas per annum against tba risk of war between France and Great Britain within the next aix mouths. Mr. Chamberlain's speech has been in terpreted to mean that grave international complications are ahead. His references to the possibility of an Anglo-American alli ance are generally indorsed. The majority of the London newspaper cordially approve tbe utterances of colonial secretary. 100,000 More. Washington, May IB. There will un questionably soon be issued a second call for volunteers, according to a well known Western republican senator, who holds intimate relations with Secretary Alger. He say that to properly bold the Philippines it will be found that from 30, 000 to 60,000 men are none too many. To clean up matters in Cuba in a quick manner will be needed not far from 200,000. With tbe regulars and volunteers already in the Held the government is short about 75,000 men, It is understood the president is considering a call for 100,000 additional volunteers. It is also understood that the secretary of war and General Miles agree with the president. A Fight Reported. Port Au 1'kinci, May 17. (Copyright, 1898, by tbe Associated Press. )A great sen sation was caused here by the arrival today of the military commandant of the Isle of Tortuga, off the northwest coast of Hayti, and due north of Port de Paix, near the en trance of the Windward passage, wbo brought word to the Haytien war depart ment of what Is believed to bave been a a naval engagement Sunday. The com mandant reached Port de Paix from the Isle of Tortuga in a canoe. He reported to the war office that throughout the whole of Sunday a very persistent cannonading was heard east of tbe island, and that from Its duration there was a strong supposition tbat a serious action bad taken place. A thick tog at tbe time made it impossible to distinguish any vessel tbat wight bave been engaged. A SPANISH SPY Senor Polo Formerly Spanish Minister the Man. He la in Canada Directing an Elaborate) Hpy System Aralaat the Called States. New York, May 17. A special to the World from Montreal aay: Although Senor Polo Bernabe, formerTf minister of Bpain at Washington, slate that bis only object in staying here is to rev organize th consular service, it is evident from matters that bave transpired tbat tha United 8 tales has sufficient reason to view his presence here with apprehension. It is difficult to penetrate the action ef Polo and bis suite thoroughly, bat it ia clear to all here that be is directing an elaborate spy system. Some United States) iressury officials bare been here and shadowed tbe party closely for days, and from what can be gleaned of their carefully guarded remarks, the work of the Spaniard is of a very dangerous kind. It is known tbst they here kept np constant communi cation with both Governor Malas, of Porto Rico, and General Blanco, but this alone would not account for tbe Immense sums of money tbat they have spent with the tele graph companies while here. For the space) of three day their bills for the Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies) amounted to nearly f 1000. After much in vestigation it was found tbat a large amount of its expenditure was caused by cablegrams sent to theUnitedStates. When they found out tbey were unable to get measages to or from the United States direct, the? cabled by way of London. Tbey bave been in communication con stantly with strangers, wbo afterward bave been seen in tbe United States, and the) secret service agents seem to have proof that at least one woman in this city has been approached by tbem for spy purposes. Be May Be Told to Move On. New York, May 17. A Times special from Washington ssys: The continued presence in Canada of Senor Polo y Bernabe, late 8panlsh mm la ter to this country, and tbe recent reports) which reach here or his activity there in be half of tbe Spanish cause, bave givenrise lo tbe suggestion that it might be a proper proceeding en tbe part of this government to direct the attention of the British govern ment to th ex-minister g course, as a viola tion of the neutrality laws. ' . Certain features of the Spanish diplomat' conduct bave been brought to the attention of the state department, bat there is the highest possible authority for the assertion that no protest has been made to the British government, nor is any contemplated. So long as Senor Polo connnes himself to talk ing about this country be will not be inter fered with. In countries like England and tbe United 8 tales, where a broad freedom of speech and action ia accorded to all, it ia not to be expected tbat.a censorship of th utterances ot any man, especially a for eigner of rank, should be exercised. If however, Senor Polo should undertake to raise an expedition to attack this country or should engage in any clearly hostile act be would be guilty of a violation ot neutral ity, and the attention of the British govern ment would be directed thereto. Tbe friendly attitude of England at pres ent leaves no doubt that nothing more than a bint would be necessary, if Indeed the) 8panish minister has not been requested to withdraw without any suggestion from this tide. It is acknowledged at the state de partment that annoying as the Spanish minister's presence on our very border is, it is a delicate matter for this government to handle. The United States has always been lib eral in its attitude in such matters, and tbe department recognises that oars is a glass house. It is recalled that'Senor Polo'a being allowed to stay in Canada can bardly be considered any worse than our allowing -the Cuban junta to exist in this country while we were friendly with Spain. Kos ciusko, it is recalled, was received here and entertained in Washington official circles and allowed to raise funds. As for England, it I known that it is a hotbed of revolu tionary movements against the Continental powers. Under the circumstances it is on likely tbe minister of Spain Jwill be dis turbed unless he commits Csoue overt act It is believed here, however, tbat public opinion in Canada, which pronounces his conduct as execrable, will before long drive him out of the country. Hatter Formally Taken Up. CmcAno, May 17. A special to the Jour nal from Washington says: The United Ststes government bas for mally taken up the question of driving Senor Polo, chief of tbe Spanish spies, out of Canada. First SecretaryAdams, of tha British legation, had a conference today with ABlntant Adee, of the state depart ment. It is said an understanding waa reached by which Ambassador Hay ia to submit to the British government tbe facte gathered here as to the work being done by Polo in Catiada,;and that the two countries will agree upon a plan of action to be taken. For Young Hen andJYoung- Women. There ia nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman bo quick aa to bave inferiorjlaundry work put off on them. They may dress ever eo well, but if their shirt frontjor shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance Ia spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than ia done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Johnson's barber shop.