OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1898. 5 COUNTY FINANCES Fuel" nml Flpn'M Too Much for Top ii I In In, The Itiourils )Uiirov Eri-ijr ( hilui JHutln by Hut I'spul st In Their I'liiiroiiii Last week's Kiitcriirlsn contained a tuti'inmit Iwkrti frum llm tlllclul rt-conls of C'lui ksnms (utility which showed that whatever saving mum iiiu'lo to tlm county during the punt Wviity-ono month win dim enllielv t tlio wiso ami economic administration of tlio Kfjiulilli'itii county ooutt, Tho Herald made mi ultcinpt to (liuw tlmt tlio ritillit lisd iiiycd thu County K , (X ) during tlio .uMt twenty ono nimiiliH of Km ailiiiliilslriitlnn. Tin) flniiri nl)lihliul originated In I lit) lirntg lnnllvu hriiin of tlio llcrutd editor ami worn nut mihtiUiii'il by thu fuels. Tlio llgures iiilimliin In itit KulerpriHi last Week With tukwi Iroin the Coinitils loners Jniiriinl Mini were correct. In stead ol thu l'oullntM savlim S (MM), tlm records showed 1 1 1 u I tlio i'XiciiKitK luil hoon 1 i Ihmikt iiihUt thu Kcimii- lii'uii administration lluiii un.ir tlio I'm ulist. lint tlihi In ii1 ull. Acrurdliitf to tlio lliiiuii'litl nUlciiicnl of tlm cmirity jmiI.IihIh.iI In llm IIituIiI iii April IK',17, thu lnihlitodiiis ol lliu county ws I7H,- tWt.lW. Ill thu Stlltl'lllt'llt .llllWlH. ill thi unit) iutr in April IMIH tlio Inilclit' eilni'NH wssonly 117,1 7, a reduction In tliu linli lt ril nt-HD of tlio county In out year of UI,'JOJ 04. Thu redm lion of a county's hide tirlniis or It lnrrcae, In (Jut) to tliu tiiatiagmciit of county court. Tlio county court of Clai kauiuit county la Iti'puhllcnn and it In duo to their uiiiiiugo merit tlmt thu Inili'lili-ilncx of tliu county lias U-i-ti reduced in one year :il,'J C 1)1 The Ihiulil never refuted to lltla fuel. Evidently it ovorlnoki-d it. Not only am the 1'nimlhd irea ami cratuts slisid tu nulko these iuinorUut matters, hut they du not wen refer to the holil up. They content themselves with ahnslng the eililnr of tlm Kiilerne aa an esitimi for drssing the aMendon of the Voter aav from tho Uniea uf thu t'liitalitii. They cairy copied of the KuteipiiM) arouml with them fur csin algu llniiiiler anil uplly its editorials to Ilia local cauilldstt'i. where,", there in not a candidal for utile on tho ltepuhli can ticket that linn anything to do with tho article puhlinlieil in tho Kuterpriax. It la this subterfuge, deception ami mud slinging that constitutes their aolu stork In trade for olitical srguemeiits. They have never answered a tingle charge made against theui bv the Knterpria. What haa hern rmhlishrd la the truth, and the truth hurta. We have drawn their lh fioui tho lKtief ihecsuimign nd in order to make no me kind o( a howing, they ahuw tho editor of the Knter prut). Thoy luve even dropixni their party platlortn and partv principle and are resulting tomml slinging Tlwy are unable to ditVml themselves and re aort to villllrittHjii and ahosu of their op- poneni. They ro Willing to stoop to anything, no matter how tow ordctfrad inK, if by so dointc thpy can avert reler ing to the record uf the I'opuUnt party and aoaie of their leading caudidslcs. Wo ruHMie to keep thee nesvengur politlcisas busy between l and tho (late uf election and thereby amiine tho people witni'HHliiK tliu ny ration uf llione would lie infuruiore an they jump around the political arena like fly on a hot griddle. The voter of ('larkaiuai county have been thoroughly informed at to tho record of the TopnlM rty and Itn can didate. All thu NUtiterfugn, vlllllc tlon and abtiHO Indulged in by their ora tor! and prem will not diHlodge the tiK'tia tlmt attache to that orgtnlza tloti in tho mind of all iioneat voter. They may plead the baby act, utter irro lotiNih!lity or total depravity ; but the votora will pans judgment upon them on the (1th day of June tiiat will redeem Clacknmai county from FopuliHt rule. So one li more ashamed uf the I'opu liat record in Clackamas county than the people themaelvev, and It wai thin that prompted tbe Middle of tho Hoad I'opulUl to hold a convention and noini nato ticket that could not be sold out to Jonathan Roumo or the funion wing of tho Democratic parly. It will Indeed be a proud day when Clackamas county ia fi'doeuiod from 1'optiliHt mUrulo. I liave been a suflerer from chronic diarrhoea ever Hi nee the war and have UHed all kinds of niedieines for it. At lunt I found ono remedy tlmt ban hnen a success as a euro, and that is Chamber lain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. P. E. Okisham, Guars Mills, La. For sain by Geo. A. Harding. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Nlocum. M. 0., tht (irrat CtieHiW and Bclentldt, Will Hfnd, rren.Tltree Rnttlnor Ilii Newly Discovered fteinedtua lo KuiTerrin. Editor Entkki'Ris: I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and allbrochial. throat and bin diseases, general decline, loss of tlesli and all con ditions of wasting away. By Its timely uhp thousands of apparently liopeleHS catws Imve been cured, fin proof -positive am I of its power to euro, ttiai lo mane its mrrit known, I will send, free, to any alliicted reader of your paiwr. three bottles of my uowly discovered remedies i Upon recoipt o( exiuosa i and twijt oillbU address, T. A. BU'CU M, M . (.., . ' " 1 I'6 t ol. ll 1. tlon thia JSS? ' mn STOLE A $10,000 OPINION. Til WMiiw if a Kmiiima (innrral Who Nnmloit Muurr to lrM Wll, Hoiiui years sgo tlm widow of a fa nidus Union Kcuoriil wns Intiiniito with tin) wife, mid ihiiigliters of U Jimllri) of tliu siiitiiiui court mid was unfamiliar with their homo hi with lur own, which wiiM In Hi n liniuiidliito neighbor hood, t-hu was iiImo liiliniato with the fauiily of a proiiiluent und popular lob lylnt, wlio wiin mippnn'il to represent )iy Gould, 0. 1 lliiutliiKton mid other tiiiui of largo liiteriiNts whiuinver any thing conci mod tliein In eiiiircNS. All tliu part In iiru now dead, except tlm lady lu thu ciihc, whom I will call Mrs. Hmlth. 8ho was a limidaomn, ambitions nd frivolous woman, wIioho liUHhnnd cominltti'd Kulchlii by (Ir'iwuing hlmiclf In his bathtub, bho livod a gy lifo Ifterwnnl, hut mmiaed to keep inimy uf her old frit nils. Kiiowinx lu r lovo of money and tho fact that her Income (lid not keep piicn with her t'XpellNCS, the lohbyixt told her that hu would give lu r 1 10,000 If idio could gut him a copy of thu opinion which tlio Juxtico was expected to deliver In tho nuprimio court on the following Moniluy, involv ing tho coiiHtltuiioiiiillty of tho Ttiur ti i it it I'ui'illo railroad law. I(n told her that ho knew the opinion was in initliu script and hi lleved that tho Jtulgu hud It locked up lu thu dehk in his library. riuuduy mnriiiii), us soon as she saw tliu Jtiittico mid his family start for church, nils went aenms tlio street, around Thulium circle, rung tho bell und told tho servant Unit hu wanted to hnik nt a book iu thu Jumi i'-o's Jlhrnry. As dim was BcctiHlonii'il to go nlxiut tho lintiMi uluinxt dally tiny thought uotb lug of It, und kho wits allowed to re main uiidUturhcd in thu winio riMiin with tho duclrton for nearly two hours. It Is suppoM.d that kho had a net of fule keys, for tliu Juiilicu mlil that the opin ion was locked tip In his denk und oould nut have btien reached othitrwiso. But at any rats thu lobby tut is known to havu obtiiined the opinion in adrnuce, snd tho woman was shortly nftr al io to pay off tuin priming obligations. An iuvenllgutioii llw:lcixl thu facts I have stnli-d, mid It sovuind to bo tho only pniu-ililo v.ny tho opinion could hnvo lieeu (.1 tallied, (if conrwi the iucliient teniiiliatiil S'latloliH between thu two faiiillii k, mid when the story K"' out h(m nit town Mrs. Km i t ti found it tsnre I'oiiifortiildetori nther WnchliiKtoii reni (hiicouiid removu to New Voik. Chi cago Itecord. HANDKERCHIEFS VE USE. ann.aoo.ooo Mi,(ln )U, r.m.uin.J In til Trail Irarly lu Thu t'unntrjr. "Very few people outslils tho trade," said a leudiug whoh'Mtlu dealer ill hand kercliicfN lu New York to a reporter re cently, "are uwaro Hint tho eonsump Hon of handkerchiefs throughout the United Status amount to about 75,000 dor.cn dully. This menus 27,375,000 doreu yearly, or 81!H,600,0O0 single handkerchief. To suiialy this enormous demand thera sro always kept in stock in this city at least BfiO, 000,000 blind kerchief a. It would be extremely diffl-. cult to ray what such a supply of goods is worth iu the aggregate, ss fauuiiker chiefs sell at wholesale at anywhere from 80 cents to 40 per doen, auuord ing to iuality and fiuiih. lint the fig ures which I have giviu you are mt exaggerated, and they throw a strong light on tliu gigantic dimcuidntis of an linportuut brunch of tho dry goods busi ness, "A comparatively xnmll uumbor of handkerchiefs uro lmiia.fu. ttrel lu this country, and tin mo that lire made hern are mostly of tho cotton mid inferior silk variety. Tho finest t-ilk goods are imported principally from Japan, which country scuds us uuuuully bciwuou 17, 000,000 aud lH.OOO.OOO'Jiipnm.H) pon guus.' Tho bent cauil.?ic aitiulo comes from France and llelguim, and linen handkerchiefs come from tho north of Ireland and also from iSU Gull, Kwitzur land. Japaueae silk hauilkcrcbifs are worth from f 'A to 1 10 per doxou, whilu tho imported cambrkis from Drussols aoll for from $5 to f 7 a dozen, mid thu oottou product manufactured in Peiin sylvaula uud New Jersey may be hud for 80 cents per drawn. "The oupitul luvwrted in this busi ness Is immense. It may possibly amount to $100,000,000, but owing to the fact that tlie trade is distributed nothing like aoenrate figure cau be giveu. There are six or seven firms iu the dry goods district whioudeul exclu sively in bundkorubiufs. lint only two of these huuses luuidlu tho Uomostio ar tlolu cxtuUHively. llu.t of tho largo American factories are located ontsido of the city, but Now York, as In sever al other branches of the dry goods busi ness, is the gteut distributing center for the trado. " Vushington Slat. Cblmuvy or llrartli Munrjr. What yon call "chimney monoy" is tbe same us tho house tax cullod "beartli money." It was established us a means uf untiling up tho dullciuucy iu tho revenue grunted ni ter the restoration to Charles II. It wns repeuled by I and II William and Mary, c. 10, but was reimposud in tcoiluml iu Scptombor, ItlUO, at tho rutu ot Is. ad. for every hearth. Thn reiieul w:is ti'io of thu first boons conceded by William on bis arrival. "History of Taxution," by Dowcll. Nnvlxa ( tliu World, Tho Army uud Nuvy Year Book rates the navies of tho world us follows: 1, Great ttrilain; 8, France; 8, Russia; 4, Italy; 6, Upitod States; 0, Gormany; 7. Spuln; 8, Japan; I), Austria; 10, Netherlands. Under present naval con tracts Japan in 1SVU will go to the fifth plnce, crnwdlitg dwn thn LTnited States oud Gcnimiiy cno point. Tho oldest ombloni of royalty in ex istence is tbo iron crown of the Lorn- hnrfl. Tho inner strip of iron, accord ( lnj? to tri1iHn, was beaten out of ono Lf ti,e ,miiH UH(,,i nt the crucillxlou. Its most distinguished wearers hnvo been j Charlemagne, Charlo. V and Napoleon. TJIK DEACON'S PIETY. IT WAS EQUAL TO ALL OCCASIONS AND LASTED OVER EIGHTY YEARS, ftiiilirriilrd Itrllj-liiiia Mitrvlcr Inlflnltljr tu Nui-m tlm Vli lliimor a KiiiIImii Kl-dmiilo-An Kniili In Tlila M Ifa Waa In JMrtltin ti llm fla. Diticon William Trowbridge whs a mull fanner living imar Hhehoygiin l,4alls. Ho went thero over t0 years ngo, UcmIiIi's tilling a llttln patch of ground tho deacon, who was indeed tho very soul of honor mid ever had tho respect and confidence of all in that com tim idly, was in tho habit, before regulur preachers wcro sent thorn, of reading a sermon or exhorting. Them was no sham about Drunoii Trowbridgo' piety. IIu wuh sincerity Itself. Fifty yeurx ago tho little vlllago was vlaited by a smallpox epidemic au old fiiidiioueil, wlileMprcad and spreading epidemic uud they didn't know how I to scotch it as well us they do now. Thu first Hmiilny after tho dreaded disease mailt! its uipi.:iriiuce thu deacon's congregation was unite largo. At tho i-iil of the mtv ices he made an aiinouniM)- nieiit III uhoiit these words; "Thesesi r vices will he postponed un til after tho smullpox disappear from tliu community. From this on I shall give my serviei to tbe stricken fam ilies. I shall iniiiisti r to their wants, help to nur'ii them, uud when they die follow tin m to thu gruvo. It may bo a long term or it may b.r a short t'-rm, but, however long or however short, it is my plain duty to help my distressed IlclghlxJlS. " The word was well suited to tho ac tion which followed. The good old ilea con htirrl'd to his homo, changed his clothes, Lude his family goodby and ut once began his work of mercy. What a work it wuh! Tho epidemic lusted near ly ull winter. Lurgu numbers died. Few iu tho viliagt) escaped thu diseuse. Tho deacon's c-iamplo was followed by oth ers. Meu went to their homos, told their wives and children what the deacon hud said and wan doing, arranged tbeir busi- I ness, provided fuel and provisions, klnsed their d"ur ones aud went to the aid of tlio unfortunate. Like the deacon they went vt ithuul reward or Impu of reward. Like him they cpent wt-!s und somu of thum mouths in Unit service without j daring to go hoiuu l.U t lj.-ir dear ouu , Catch tho (liseuie, Tho strangest of all this Ktnmgo ex pericnoil the fa'-t t'vit neither the dea con, tho g.fid souls who iniltiik-d his ex ample nor their familiet were overtaken f by tho malady, notwithstanding tbe fact tout tho watchers, helpers and uurses weio uluiiict i ou.ii.i;,ily iu thu presence of the sutrcriug patients end uotwitb standing the fact that they laid out aud bcl pud to bury tho dead. Neuily bulf of thu ditacou's cougrega-; tiou had disappeared whou, the uoxt spring, ho resuuiud aervices iu tho sc'boolhouso. It was a sorrowful Sun day. Thnso iu tho audience who bnd not lost ninmbtxn of their family had lost neighbors und dear friends. When tbe good old Christian hud read a chapter, praynl uud talk d a practical senium, be referred icciiugly lo thu ikius through which thu community had pusMed. I think c.'.iy man, wimniu nod child lu thu room, including thedeaoou, wept. At the close of the talk ho asked all present to join him on their kueeg in asking that thu commuuity might tiscapo sucii visitations for all time to como. It was a most earnest appeal. I believo tlmt tlmt prayer bus been an swered. There may have been a few casus of smullpox thero since then, but thero bus never bceu an epidemic Tho Suuduy aftur Sumter was fired upon, aud while Deacon Trowbridge was conducting services in the Baptist church, tbe denomination to which be belonged for over 60 years, ho and his oougrcgutiuu wure disturbed by a groat coin motion in tbe street right in front of the church. There wore beatiug of drums aud sounds of fife much out of tune. It wus so uncommon a thing thut most of tho cougrcgation walked or ran out of the church. Finally tho dea con closed the Bible and slowly follow-1 ed bis Hoeing flock. Wbea outside, be asked tbe cause of "this unseemly dis-1 turbauce on the Lord's day." Some one told him that tho president bod called for soldiers to uphold tbe honor and the flag of tho nation aud that they were j going to raise a company right then : and there. The old doacou'a oyes flushed as bo i walked out into thu street, where a , young fellow was irregularly pounding a buss drum, nud said: "Nathan, I know it is Sunday aud that all but the Lord's work should be abaudoued, but ; the snvlng of our country and the ' I know it is Sunday aud that all but tbe shielding ot its flag from dishonor is the Lord's work. Give me that drum. " And tbut model of piety strapped on tho big drum uud weut to pounding, greatly ouUioiug JNuUiuu iu two re spools ho mudeiuoro noise and kept perfect time. IIu drummed as no one ' printed In larye, clear tvpe, on fine before hud never drummed in the little paper. substantislly and richly bound in village. As if it bnd gone on lightning motern jhr,,rv ptve Theflrst volumes Wing, word Cow tiiuugli tho uum- , Hre now Bnd ,ie n ,oliow nity thut Deacon Trowbridgo had left his i ... , , .,, , , . , . pulpit to boat a arum, nud on Sunday rrt',ldl' lttV,8,,,y (00 i iliualiuiua viiu i'ull pjige and vignette Within half an hour nearly every oue j pomaits of auUiuis, in town and many from the outskirts! Advsnee pnlerg on special introduc had gatlicrod aronnd tho old drummer, I tory term, which prevail during period all cheering him, and on Sunday too. j 0f publication only received through That night Nathan Colo, who had been 1 hAItL: RS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar- roliswed us drummer by the deacon,1.,.,, , c....: . rsi . o,m t . c. , . ' . Let stiaet, sai t-'aiiHco, t sl., or U09 went to Sheboygan with enough men to ' in r n make npwh.it became Company O of , Wu.V street. Fortland. Oregon. Caller tho Fourth Wisconsin. J. A. Watroua in Chioago Times-Herald. A ttrnat 1 hid. Lttdy of thullouso(to strvnut girl applying fur a situation) You were in j the service of my friend, UurohOss k. I Why wcro you scut cwgt? Survuut House, uiu'ain, for lidtcu ! ing at the doors. i Lndy Ah, then I will take yon, only I you must promise to tell me all you heard. London Fuji. Kncllsh loblta Sojtl. To judgn from tho list of Jucoblto clubs and iissofdatious given in the "Legitimist (Jalcmhir For I805,"whlch im;ludi)S tho order of tho White Roses, tho Devon White Komi club, the Legiti mist Jacobite Is-uum of Omit Uritnin and Ireland I ponderous title!), tho Kant em Comities' (Hl)ado of Cromwell I) White Cockade club, tho Forty-five club of CrlniHhy, tho Glasgow JucoLito club, the Oxford University L gltimiut club, tho Ht. Ives ( Hunts) Jacobite club, the Jucoblto KcHtorutioii leiigno, the Hurrcy White ItoiHi le.iguo, tho Alary Htuurt club of Liuiurk, tlio Legitimist Ittgis trutiou anion, tho National itoyalist and Jncohito aquation, the order of 8t. Germain uud tho IJemingfortl Grey liny n I (juk club, not to mention nur old fumiliur Tlmmes Vulley Jueoldtes and two or three foreign legitimist bodies, it ought not to bo difficult for the sup porters of the lost bouKo of Htuurt to put several hundred adherents in the held (or even Ludgste circus) if they so duvide. London ilail. IlUiiiarrk ut JnwUli Irornt. Few people aro aware that Prince Bismarck Is of Hebrew descent He de- rives his Jewish blood from his mother, whose fatht r Anastasius Menken, one of the favorite bureaucrats of Frederick the Great wus of Hebrew parentage. Although of lute it has evidently ap peared politic to tho prince to conn tenunco tho uiiti-S'emitic movement both In Germany uud Austria, yet while in office ho invariably showed himself a good frii-ud to tho Jewish nation and choso tho Hebrew Linker at Lerlin, Laroh you Lleichrixder, as bis most trusted confidant. Indeed, iu thosn days he was so well dispond toward tho J'jws that bo even discussed tho advis ability of marrying bis sous to Jewesses on thu ground that it would bring mon ey into tho family again and likewise "improve both moruliy and physically the Lismurck breed. " IuU.ruatioual Review. Itolttml. "You aud I must be related." said the baby's sweater to tbe moukey on a stick. "How's that?" apked tbo monkey. "We are both baby jnmpt-rs," said tho small sweater. And tbe wax doll langhed until her complexion rolled down ru r cheeks. Hurper's Bazar. Greece's national hymn, taken from Diunis Salerno's "Hymn to Liberty," was first written and published in Lon don. The first part of the original poem was a eulogy of tho laud of Washing ton. Adelina Patti has a superb collection of jewels, her diamond aloue being vulued at $375,000. She has snug be fore most of tbe royalties, most all of whom have made her present of jew elry. Ko deception practioed. No 10U lUward. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream balm tunuun no oocaius, mercury nor auj oUier In- Iuriout drug. It opens and elesnse tha Nssal 'uMurcs. Allsjrs Psln and Inflammation. IImIs snd I'nxecU Uia MemhraM. HMtnrcs the Scnsf of Taste aud SmelL Is quickly ahsorbrd. Glrrt Krllf st one, so cts. at l)nifn;isu or by null; Trial Slue 10 rU. st Drav-slsts or by mull. ELY UROTHKltS, M Warren Street, New York liibrary of the World's Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of ( buries Dudley Warner. With the assistance of IIAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLK, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all aga and all nations. The I.il)-:iry is to consist of 30 royal j octavo volumes ui" about 600 pages each, send for sumtiln pages. CASTOR I A For Infacts and Children. ri-J vn t" 8lluiiiia DmirvM i no rvimi iuu nut Bears tr.ro of DO YOU rinnrs wiinws Class XJUUl I la IS 111 II II II us OK OTIIEIt BUILDING MATEBIAL? : GO TO : C. H. BESTOW CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner llth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a deHiraMe time to enter the New classes will be commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON CITY" Is Coming- to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State II THE PRODUCE Get our Prices NEED ANY Mnn f inn llilllllla " j is The factory towns of tho East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportioa to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its 6treets selling their produce, who, until just tho last few years, sought the markets of other towns. Tbe system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for of the Farmer on Job Printing.