OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY MAY 13, 1893. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS. 8trfurd. PTArpoRD, May 8 -Mr. Theof Reichte celebrated his 27th birthday Sundav last. Home cases of mumps still in our nidst. Jacob Sclials, our genial harneeamaker and repairer, had the misfortune to break a cord in bis leg and throw his knee out ( joint while descending a stairway in Portland Thursday List. A doctor was summoned and the wound dressed. Jacob is at present still unable to be loved and will stay at his sinter's, Mrs. Zeigle, till able to be brought home. Our K!iUcl Cii.uoi.a are booming amidst war's array. John Gage is hauling off wheat. He ays when grain wrestles around the dollar mark it high time to sell. Miss Fannie Weid intends returning to tier home in Jefferson the coining week. Mr. G M. Gage and wife of Sellwood were visiting his mother here Sunday. Mr. Reichle has just broken up four and a half acres of new clearing. Henry Schati has his new barn nearly t.ingled. John Moser has commenced work on Lis new bouse. Robert Biehle is breaking land on which he intends planting potatoes. il. E. Hayes has purchased a new ook stove; it is rumored that he intends going in partnership with his house keeper ere long. Matthew Athoy has become Grandpap Hat Zark Elligson and family spent part of U-it week in the metropolis with rela tives. Mia. M. A. Gage left on Monday to be with her brother, Hon. E. A. Moees of Fortland, and help care for his daujrh iir, Miss Winnie, who is lying very low with malarial fever. Miss Moses has for jears held a position as teacher in the Failing school. Some of our neighbors talk as though Virous to go to war, thinking it wouid We a picnic to travel free and lick the ftuanisn, while there are others who fcang back as though it were a call to the fl'loWS. Hhubel. Fhcbkl, May 8 Grain is looking fine in thitt part of the country and lruit trees ae in full bloom and indications are lliat there will be a good yield again. Johnny. Moehnke, who is working in Portland at present was home on a visit lat-t Sunday. Bora to the wife of Emil Hornchub a son. Mother and child doing well. : Fred Moehnke, our enterprising saw wilier lost valuable horse one day lat wuck. He had it tied to a rope and around the front leg. It was staked out in the field and somehow it broke its lei?. Mrs. E. W. Hornschuband daughters Emms and Calla, are visiting at Mr. Fred Lindaw, of Clarkes, today, Mr Christ Hornschuh is busy haul ing wheat to town at present. Mr. McArtbur, of Portland, is spend ing a few days with his old time friend Gottfried Moehnke. They both left Canada for parts unknown to each other and they accidently met each other on tiie streets of Portland a few weeks ago. A dance was given in the old Mink tore last Saturday night. A lare erwd was present and all bad a good tfuie. It was conducted by Messrs. William O'Conner. William Shannon, and Henry Martin. Clackamas. Clackamas, May 11. Died, on Friday, tUeOih, Georgia Iuiel, aged 11 years. The funeral took place at the M. E. cli'irch Sunday at 10 o'clock A. M. Many friends, especially his schoolmates, wjo shared in tin sorrows of the family, attended . Sylvester Foster is now recovering ery rapidly from the severe cut which be received some time atw while playing wl;!i gome other small boys on a flat car, Lich was on the side track. The M. K.churrh improvement society arc maki.ig preparations to re-shingle sue church. Miss Winnie Dedinan, of California, U visiting her mother and other relatives Lt'i e. Clackamas is showing her bravery by lb volunteering of two young men. Alex Thompson and daughter vinited C:iip McKinley Tuesday. iviany old soldiers now feel the effects f i lie hard service they endured during lint war. Mr Geo. S. Anderson, of K'.rvi!le, York county, Pe'in.. Sij saw i'.v hardest kind of service at the front, Is "OW frequently troubled with rhenms- ti. in. "I had a severe attack lately," Lo says, "and procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know wijat you would charge me for one dozen bottles . " Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply il to his friends and neighbors, as every family should have a bottle of it in their Voiue, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it ienn qlialled. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. That lmm Bat can be tmret wltb Rutland. Rkolasd, May 9. The farmers are wishing it would rain as the grain and garden is in much need of rain. There will be a basket social given at the Stricklen school house next Friday evening the proceeds will be used to purchase a flag or a bell (or the school. E. Mosber gave a barn raising on Saturday April 30. When it is finished be will have a very convenient barn, it is 30x50. Miss Mattie Stiugley, of Eagle Creek, is working for Mrs. F. W. Sprague. Scnoot is progressing nicely in district No. 21 under the auspices of Miss llattie F. Wilcox. L. Mother Is working at the Cedar Vale shingle mill. The neighbors of Viola and Redland gave Mies A. I. Hicinbothom a pleasant surprise party a few nights ago. C Wallinshne, who was up on the 0 RAX. road as cook for the sexton gang is at home now. While working at the Cedar Vale shingle mill D. 11 Mosher had the mis fortune to have a scale fly from a steel sledge splitting the first joint of his finger open. Miss Elsie Rerkey is on the sick list. Royal Sprague, ol Stone, was visiting relatives in this town Saturday of this week. D. H. Mosher was at Logan to bear that "howling Top from Saturday evening. He says it will take more, than him to turn him to be a Pop, That right Harry. The Pops accuse the Enterprise ol calling them Spanish sympathizers. Now I've heard junt such style advocated among themselves, and then for a Pop ulist editor to get up and say "(bat is the d t lie that was ever published," perhaps the editor of the Oregon City Herald is no Spanish sympathizer but when you hear a man (ay that he wishes that if our army goes to Cuba that half o1 them would get killed off it looks as if they were Spanish sympathisers. Maple Una. Maple Lane, May 9 jrandma Dick erson is visiting relatives atCanemah. Mrs. R. Flitcroft and son Bryon, of Oregon City were visiting friends in this vicinity the first of the week . Mies Jennie and Master George Hankins, of Oregon City, spent Satur day and Sunday at their uncle's, Thos. Da vies. Rev. Oberg, of Oregon City, preached at the school hous, Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Ed Sharp and Miss Lizzie Priester, of Frog Pond, are the guests of Julius Priester and family. Soo Sing bas moved into the house recently vacated by H. C. Green. L. Mantz has purchased timber of Thos. Davis and bas men cutting on the same. There was a social hop at W. Whit man, Saturday night. Mrs. S. Ware, of Oregon City, was visiting at H. C. Greens, last week. Miss Lottie Rodgers, of Portland, was the guest of Miss Mattie Mautz, Sunday. Miss Sophia Waltemathe, is visiting rela tives in Portland. Mr. and Mr. Chas. Spangler were visiting at J. B. Jacksons Saturday and Sunday. M. J. R. Davies went to Molalla Saturday, where she will visit with friends and relatives for a few days. Mrs. N. W. Richards returned home Sunday from Sellwood, she was accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. 8. S. Jennings, and children. School closes at this place Friday next. In the evening there will be a short grad uating exercise, after which the school will give an entertainment consisting of music, comediettas, tableaux ylvants, recitations, etc. All are invited. Barton Bartok, May 11, We have fine weather, but would like some rain. Sunday school started again for the summer. Prot. Shrock was elected superintendent, Miss Dollie Foreman, secretary, and Mr. James Heinkle treas urer. There was a good attendance taut Sunday. Everyone is invited to come. E. H. Burgliardt, one of our most prominent businese men, spent Saturday and Sunday a Currinsville. The measles have not quite all disap peared yet L. C. Metzger is very busy delivering flour. The mill at Barton is running euery day with plenty of wheat to grind. Our schoo' if progressing nicely under the management of Prof. Shrock. At l ist we have found the right teacher as t'le scholars all seem to speak highly of him. Barton will Boon have a new store again. Mr. J. C . Long, of Woodburn, was in our burg on business with L. C. Metzger last week. WASTED. A reliable man, single, would wish to get acquainted with respectable people, near Oregon City, who are interested in fruit growing and poultry. Address Ul ricb, 225 First street, Po rtland, Ore. Hood View Hood View, May, 10 Mr. Cad Iter is quite dangerously ill. Grandpa Zumwalt is considerably improved since his late illness. Mrs. Chas. Eplor is able to be around gain. Grandma Seely is home Irom the Oregon City hospital much improved. Grandpa Looney who has his leg broken recently, is not improving very rapidly. The Misses Mary and Amelia Rocherg of Portland were guests at their father's home in Wilsouville Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Tooze entertained quite a number of guests Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Winnie Rissell, ol Canby, is visit ing her aunts, Mrs, Bishop and Mrs. Frank Seely of Wilsouville. Fred Boeberg and bride, of New Era, were guests at his old home Saturday and Sunday. The birthday party given by Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Seely Thursday evening in honor of their eldest son, Charles, 21st birthday, was a grand success in every way, there being about three score and ten invited guests present. All enjoyed games and music until 11 o'clock when a sumptuous repast was served, which had leen prepared by the able hands of Mrs Seely, assisted by others and all did justice to it, declaring it one of the finest spreads they had partaken of for many a day and wishing more of our young might become twenty-one. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Larson rendered some fine instrumental music on violin and organ, as also did Mrs. W. Bissell and Mr. Larson; and Mrs. Lottie Tooze, and Mr. Perry Sharp, Miss Maude Seely and brother, Charles sang "Woman's Rights," with organ accompaniment. Miss Maud sang a solo and then the Wilsonyille choir sang several songs. Mr. Charles Seely is one of Wilsonville's most prosperous and energetic young men and well worthy of all the honors bestowed upon him on this, his becom ing to manhood. The party at Mr. Boebeys Saturday night was quite largely attended and much enjoyed by all. Twin Ctty. Pabkplace-Gladbtoxe, May 11. R. L. Russel has added a new delivery wagon to his business. Lester Bill and Theo. Osborne, of Portland, visited friends in Parkplace on Sunday. Ed Bolds, who has been on the sick liit for some time past, is again in the ring. Joe Harding and Fred Hargreaves, of Camp McKinley spent Sunday in Glad stone. Judge Galloway will go to Eugene Saturday where he will deliver a lecture to the students of the college on "0 ur Public Lands." Miss Nora Elliott, lately of Elliott's Prairie, arrived in Parkplace the first of last week, and is a guest at the home of Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Apperson. Misc Corner, of Eugene, was the guest of Judge and Mrs. da 1 low ay the first of the week. Mrs. R. A. Miller favored the pupils of the two upper rooms of the school Fri day afternoon by her reading of Shaks peare's Julius Caesar. The very fine rendition of this historical production was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Miller showed herself not only to be an elocutionist of no mean ability, but a hue Shaksiearean critic as well. Mrs. Geo. Howard is visiting her mother Mrs. Gilmore, of St. Helens, Columbia county. Logan. Looa, May 10 Everything in Logan is yery quiet at present with the excep tion of war talk. The people of Logan are not lacking in patriotism and there is more than one who would like to engage in a conflict with the heartless Spaniards. Mr. Jacob Gerber has torn his old barn down and intends to have a new one erected immediately. Emma and Mebala Gill of Oregon City spent Sunday with relatives at Logan. Fine weather continues but crops ate beginning to show the need of rain . Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself aprarent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin eruptions. If you are leeling weak and worn out and do not baye a healthy ap pearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsaparillas and so called puri fiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. George A. Harding, agent. The subscription to the Enterprise is but if paid in advance it is $1.50. Subscribers must not get behind and then expect to get the paper for $1.50. Outstanding subscriptions must be paid UP- pMdaekm stopped In 20 minutes by Dr. kUW fAUi Vuam. "One cent a dose," A What does A stand for! When gome friend suggesta that your blood needs A Buruapurilla treat niont, remember that A "lands for AYEK'S. Tho first letter in the alphabet stands for tho first of sarsaparillaa ; first in origin, first in record, first in the favor of the family. For nearly half a century has boon curing all forms of blood diseases scrofula, eczema, tetter, rheumatism, erysipelas, blood poi soning, etc. Thorc's a book about theso cures " Ayer's Curebook, a story of cures told by tho cured,'' which Usent free on request, by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Ixnvoll, Mass. Tho book will interest you if you aro sick or weak, because it tells not what it U claimed tho remedy will do, but what your neighbors and fellows testify that it has done. Will it cure you ? It has cured thousands like you. Why not youT REAL ESTATE, TKAXSEErW. Furnished Every Week by the Clarka. mas Abstract k Trut Company, lKnowlestoDA White and WP Kntes Nov 2, '97 W 1) lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, sec 9, 1 7 s, r 3 e $500 I Lettler to I) and II Legler Mch 5 '1)8 W D, wij' of nw4', sec 0. t 2 s rl e 600 G Sehierve to M Bent, Apr 29. '08 Q C D, 5 acres in sec 12, t 4 s, r 3 e O & C R K Co to II J Hoffmeister Oct 15, '04 deed se.'i of so1' see 23, t 2 s, r 4 e 180 I F All.right to E F. Albright Mch 28, '98 W D 49V In 8 & White claim 500 J t Albright to 8 T Albright Mch 28,98 W D 41 acres sec 13, t 3 s rl e 600 A Schneider to P J Schneider Apr 9, '98, W D, 12 acres in sec 17, 1 5 s, rl e W Hitchman to P J Schneider May 2, '98 W D 10 acres in sec 17, t 40 6 s, r 1 e 3500 8 Batyto II Smith, Sept 27 '95 W D 48 90 acres in Wm Offish! claim II Smith to F A Klingcr May 4, '98 W D 40.90 acres in W Offield claim 800 U 8 to Perry Williams Nov 10 '97 self sec 22, ttls, r2e Pat A W Albright to J L Tuhbs Dec 27 '98 W D 12 acres sec 21 , 28, t 5 s r2e 2800 M H Smith to D Smith, Apr 30 '08 W D blks 08, 99 Friends Colony W J Miller to G W Leuty Nov 1 97 W D e of n4 of se.'i , sec 8, t28,r3 e F Zrtssin to Q W Leuty May 8 '97 W D nji of se sec 8, 1 3 s, r 3 e N II Darnell lo It 'J Ashby May 2, '98, W I) 100 acres, also 3.97 300 50 acres in sec 20, 1 4 s, r 2 e. 3000 Conrad Wayer to G Kramer Mar 7 '98, W D lot 15, blk 45, Onwego 70 I L and C D Banugrower to S Klin ger Apr 29, '98 W D v of of O P Goodad claim 2300 A II Shaner lo M E Church Mch 8, '08. W D 80 acres sec 20, 21, 28 29. t5s,r 2 e 1000 II F Kayler to F and M Adams Dec 5. '96. W D n of tract 4 Molalla 100 E A and M E Brady to J Reilly May 7. 98, W D lot 5, blk 30, Oregon City 700 Alfred Shaver to P C Miller et al trustee, Mch 8 '98, W D 1 .03 acres sec 21. 28. t6s. r2e 10 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investments.real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on the face, and makes the hpad clear as a bell. Sold by Charman 4 Co., druggistc, Oregon Citv. - FOR SALE At a bargain, the 400 acre farm known as the Trullinger farm, about nine miles east of Oregon City, a well improved and good farm, at a low price and upon fav orable terms. For particulars address W. II. Fear, Room 410 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Ore. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Aprs Sarsaparilla SALEM WOOLEN MILLS Wo make, tho llest Customors from Oregon City will havo their faro paid both ways by getting their suits at our retail store. 85 Third Street - - - Portland, Ore. I'MON CANDIDATES' MEETINGS. Messrs. W. S. U'Ren, J. J. Cooke and James Coon will seak at the places and times given on the left of the column marked "A" and Messrs. W. W. Myers, George Ogle and George Knight will speak at tho places and times on the right marked "it." Joint dinvueeiou between U'Ren and Brownell aie ex pected at the places marked "J, I." All meetings are fur 7:30 P.M. unless other wise staled. Other candidates and x-aker will be with each party from time to time. A Date II Sminyaltle May l:i Marktburg Marashurg May I.) Maple Lain May II Parkplace May 14 Mania Ijiiic Newly May hi Daiiiawiia liamaacua May Id Handy May 17 Maripiani J D. ...May 17.. Handy May 17 2 p ni ... HoiIiik Heaver Lake 8 it May is Cherrjvllie Mllwaokte May IS New Kra May III Molalla, J I) 2pm May lit Kagla Creek Molino May IN Oarlleld Cenbv May W Kllioit l'rairlf .. May :'l HravrrCk Bit 2 pin May '.'I . Can von Crrck Mink School il.. Mav '.'I 2 p tit. . .Iliglilaml licaii. J D May 1 Onwrito Viola May W. .. .Stafford Sclill Maple l.ane May Z' 1'lea.anl Mill Mackatmrg May Ul .Krog I'oml H II Union Hall May 27 Union 8 11 Ulan J School H..May Harlow Drown a h 1 p m . May Milwatikir.J 1) .. May.V) Milwauklt Willamette May .'11 Logan Holcoinb Sell 11. ..June 1 HpriU)(aur Itedlanda June 2 Oeorue t'larkea June 3. Currlnavliie Orrgon City J una 4 Orrgon Hon. W. R. King, candidate for gov ernor, and Hon. J. R. Sovereign, ex Master Workman of Knights of Labor, will speak in Oregon City at Shively's Hall, on Friday evening, May 20. nurklen's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Chaped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all rikin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman 4 Co., Charman Bros. Block. Price 25c. Sunday Services. OK KM AN KVANOKI.ICAL LLTU KKAN IMMAXUAL CH U UCH-Corner Kiglitli ami J. H. A'lama atrei'U; Itev. Kriieal 1. W. Mack, pantor. Kuinlav sr.hool at 1I A. M.. ei-kly armrea every Thiirly at H P.M. German echool evt-ry Saturday Troiii 0 lo 12. Everybody Invited. F1IIHT CONOKKOATIONAL CHI7HCII. Kev. I. W. tlu l.r, fantor. Sorvlreaat 10.au a.m. and 7:30 r. M. Sunday School aflor mnriiltii anrvlce. Flayer meeting 1 hu'aday erimiug t 7:t0o,elvk. Prayer in ue tint ol Yount riile'i Society ol Christian Kudeavor every Sunday evening at 8:80 prompt. FIKST BAPTIST Clin HUH. - Rar. U U Kuoo, Paator MurnliJK Service at lM: Sunday School at ll .lfi; Kveulnt Service 7:!W; HeKUlai prayer meetlua Ihuiaday evonlnK. Monthly Covenant Meeting erery Weduenday evenlni preceding the flrat Sunday In tba mouth. A cordial luvltatlon to all. 8T. JOHN'S CHUKCH.CATHOUC.-RIV. A. HiM.tur.AHn, PaaUr. On Sunday manual and 10 ao a. M. Kvery aecnud and fourth Sunday Herman aermnn alter the s o'clock matt At all other maaaea Kugllah aermnui. Sunday School al i m p. M. Veapera, apnlogotlcal tuhlecta and Benediction at 7:80 r. u. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUICH.-K. T. I Jonei, Paator. Morning eervlce at 10:45; Sunday School at 10:110. Claaa meeting alter morning aervlre. Kveulug aervlce at 7:110. P.pwnrth League meeting Sunday evening at ti;:w; Prayer Meeting Thuraday evening at 7:80. ttraugura cordially Invited. FIKHT PREHBYTEKIAN CHUKCH.-Rsv. A J. Montgomery, Pantor. Hurvicea at 11 A.M. and 7:30 r. m. Sabbath School at 10 k. M. Young People's Socluty of Christian Kndeavor meett every Sunday evening at 0 30. ihuiaday eveuiug prayer meeting aw:ou. oenia iree. EVANOEI,IOAL CHUIICH-OERMAN-Rev. Erlcn, Pantor; i. it, Ehkkt AxnUtnnt. Preaching nerviest every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 1:'M) P. M. Habbatb nchmil every Sunday al 10 A. M.. Mr. ZimmoruiHii Supt. t'rnyor Meeting every Inurnday evening OKRMAN HJTHKKAN ZION'8 CON gregatioual clinrcli. Kev. K. Hack, paator. Services every Holiday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. 8T PAUI8 CmmCH-EplHcopal-W. 1). Williams, 1). !., - minister in charge. HtiMlav Hcbool at 10 a. m., nervices at 11 a, in. and 7:.'C) p.m. Kridava at7:.'I0 p.m. even ing prayer nervine with an addreaa. Beats free. A cordial invitation to all the ser vices. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength., g. aovrmot Report. HOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS They ovniTOme Wenkr.fltt, Irregu larity ami uiiilrtnioi.Olicmane f lKir and fiaiilHll "imltin uf men', tina tlun." Hnjraia" Lire a)irra" tutflrlbut wcitiinnlH'uil, nli'mir iln Teletimfnt of nrunnn arel IhmIv. No f .'Wtf. . nnn remedy for women (quail js" Af if Z'A tliein. 'nmil do hnnii-llf" lie IS1 romea a plin.ure. 1 per lo 5.'l r'S-i Sy mull, "nlrt by driia-gl'ta. iW'.Taftr K0TI 0HECALOO..tiua,U. For sole by C. G. Huntley. Wholosalo ami lletail Manufacturers ami Dealers in Men's and Hoys Fino Clothing. ALL-WOOL SUIT on tho market THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us and our groceries; That we offtr the heat of groceries at the low est prices. They have ronll donee In our goods and know that we never mlarepremMit our selves and that our stock of Una groceries Is thn purest ami the most nutritious. I .ant, hut not leant, thi'ir grocery bill saves it self fully 2.') per C'lit by their dealing wilh Marr A Muir. Our way of doing hualneaa is to treat every one (air and square and offer the very beat iu our store. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWKKN Till HRIDul AND UK PUT. Double and Single Kit's, and sad dle horses always ou hand at the lowest prices. A cor nil) coniicctod with the barn fur loose stock. Information regarding any kind or alock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bouvht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terras. ST. GERMAIN: FEMALE PILLS The only original and genuine Krenrh Female Regulator, of Mine. Hi. Germain, i'arla. Unaurpaaaml aa Mug tale, aura and reliable In every ran. Hold under positive guarantee or money refunded, (let lbs genuine. I'rlce $1.00 r hoi by mall. Hole agenti lor llie flitted Htalra and Canada. KINO IIAKVAltl) IK), 157 Washington Hu Chicago. Free Trial Treatment TO EVERY MAN Tlili oiler la made by the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application be made al once, in order Hint I la invenliont, appllanrea and never falling renieillea may receive Ilia widett potallile publicity, and prove tbeir own tnerlta by actual una and irinanent curea. No money whatever will be received by the Illlooia Hlate Sanitarium from any one under Ita treatment limll benellnlal re aulla are ai-kunwledxed. Ita remediea and appliancea bave been commended by tba newnpapera ol two eoiilluenla and endorsed by the grcatent doctors in the world. Where development la deaired they ao coiniillnh it and never lail to invigorate, up build and forlily. I'hey IiiIiim new life and energy. They permanently Hop all loaaea which undermine the ronniitullon and pro dure despondency They re-lone, refrenh and realore lo manhood, feardlent of age. They cure evil habile and permanently re move their ellVcln. at well aa thone or ex. ceanea and over taxed brain work, neuras thenia or nervnim exhaustion. No failure, no puhlii'ltv, no deception, no ilttnppoint menl. Write lodav. ILLINOIS BTATB SANITARIUM, Kvnnnton, III. la bnvlm teeda Meeeeemr I tra vnannee." Imhsuim ilia coat of cultivation uKd on Inferior erode alwayl lartnly eioeeda the orltlnal coat of the Inwt and dean-at annla to h liad. Tbo beat la olwara the eboapeab I'ajr a Irllle more for FERRY'S SEEDS and oIihivi at Tour tnoner'a worth. 5' V . . ' ..... hra P" a lllfl will wr - f" Tk Alwaya Ihelimt. Mefd Annual free. D.M.FEKIuat;u.,unjn,Mrcn. William's Kidney Pills 7 ' Has no equal iu disiiHOH of the 1 1 Kidneys at.a Urinary OrganH. Havo , you neglected your Kidneys? Have' ' you overworked your nervous sys-1 ( ltfin and eunsed trouble with your . ( Kidneys and lilndricr? Have you pulns in tlio loins, side, buck, groins, I , i 1.1...1.1....0 if i T ' aiuiu uoiiiiicrr iiuvu you a uituuy np- - ... .. ... .j,,!,., u in: VY iiio IAJ CIIO U,l- w W cased orjrans, tone up tho nynU'vaM A and muke a new man of you. Hy mail 60 cents per box. f If W1I.LIAMH Mra. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. J For sale by 0. G. Huntloy. OAflTOrtIA, Baart tka Jf M alDO TQU UA AlWafl Tlu Kind You Haw Alwart Bought ui vow iiicu, ehp!ciuiijr r under the eyes ? Too frequent de- A A sire pun urine ? William's Kidney T I'llluivlll I. ,.,.!. u.it. m