Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
OIIEQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898 NOTJCK. j k'lKNTM KOK UIK UNTI ItPHI It. lleavsr Crunk , lr, T. II, Tiiiin, (ixn. Knlulit A Mailinr ...iixi'ur vViiiiKer ,...(1 J.Trullliigar , ...Clias, II, iln, mi ..W. M, Niwl.rry Henry Mllxy I'', I.. Kimmll Canny Clackamas Mllwsukln ,,,, Hi, l,in Milla... Mi'niliiw Drunk New Kr WllMOItVlilM . .,, I'ark,,ti' Htnllnril Miillnu wrii Mokllil Mriiiaiu. , ., ,, litiitcvlil Aurora Orvlll,... r.anla Creek , , , liaiiiaw'iis , Kamly Hnlitmll tJ'irrlnsvlll,,,, Ctirrry villa. , . . , Mamiit I.U. Wane r, i . ii, iwaril II. M. C,i,i,r . Annie Htnljln K, M. Ilarlinan II, Jennings Usury A. Mny.liT U .1. IVrdn II. WIIIhtii J. J. Elliott I'' (1,1'lM'll Mr. W. M. Mrlniyr IIkii, J. Currln ..Mrs. M, J. Hammer Ail'ilpli A "ill, ,11 l.t'tlir l,M. Tlie fullualnn I tliM tint of hitlers re maining In tliM m)h,,IIch at Orpgou City, Oregon, tin April 2H, IHIIH: M KM'a LIST. 'irwr, I'd Jim II Farley, Mat Nliiwore, II VV limner, JuMali I(,iIiIiIi,b. 1) l Johnston, It Van lliirmi, K in Jul, i, ,,, A MrKarlaml, llurvry WiiMKM'a, AlbrlKlii, Mr r W Itidley, Mr Million, Mi.e Vaiil'iritxr, Amos lUxllng. Mra Win oku. k. noitros; r. m. COt'RTH. ell roil It court convene, rt rat Mii a la No eernogr and tltlnl Monday In A,rll. f niiiato court In teuton Brut Moudey In aaota mouth, ComniUloiinra court meet Ural Wtdueaday attar Aral Monday id b aiuiith. MKKOO CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, - - -Itm-order, - Oiiefof I'liHr -Nlglitwali'liinan Treasurer, - -City Attorn?, -Htreet t'4iiiimliiinxr, Hiil. ol Water Works, Cut Kiiamrxr. K (I, Cannrld 'Ihoa. K. It van ('lias, K. Hums . K I.. Hi,a II. K. Wraiirhl Frank T. (irlltlih . W. I. Hnldo . W. II Howell ), W. Kinnalrd Oni'if-llnteii It. K'wr It. D. Wllanii. J onira rla, !, It l.atoiirrlle, A. Manner, tier, I' rank Wl-rli, It'iaka, II K. liar Arliitir Milln, Fred Co, in ell meet (lrl munlli in oil y hall. Wednxtilay of aarh Onicmi City Jlarkc-t Hrort. (CorntJ weekly.) Wheat No. 1 liieri baiitablo, Hi) cent Xr bllnbel. rortUnd, 11.10; Howard' Noel, 1.10; Klaber'a Itoat, :i."5; Dayton; 44.40: lVat-.K k, I..'W Oata-ln ka, wbil.1, 40 tenia po' buahot, gray, 40. Millatuira Hran, $18.00 per ton horla, 115.00 wr Ion. I'oUto. a :V ci-nia er aat'k. Fuga, '.M renla er doten. Hiitter Kam h, 25 toS5 t-enti r roll. Onlona,'.$2 60 per r-ark. (Jren applea, 40 to 75c pi'r box. Drlod Fruita Apple", unbleai bod, 3 cenia;60-poiind btjxoa, evaioratxl, be firunoa, 4 to 6 cent; pluina, 3c. Baton llama, 0 to lOconia; aidea, 7 to 8; aliouldora, 0 to 7; lard 7 to 8 Llvealock and Dreaatxl Moata Hoof, llvo.Slo 4 centa ; bona, live 3','to4t!; Iiouadreaaod, S to 0 celili; ! ei, .1 00 to4 00 per bed;vcal,ilroiuod fl to tl'. roiillry-Cblt kona. old, $3.00 to $.1.50, turkoya, alive, 8 to 10 conts wr fMiund. l,ndu-ea. A. O. U. W. moot fvory Saturday vonlii(i In the A. O. IT. W. Tetnplo. Joo. K. CalifT, aecrotary. Hobekaba Wlllauiotto ltolekali IxmIko No. 2 meet eocond and fourth Friday of aoh inonib at I. U.O. F. Toniplo. Malta (iodlry, eoerotary. Court Uobln Hood No. II, Foreatoraof Ainorit a, moola llrat and third Friday in tl.o month In Hod Moti'a IUII.-F.T. KoorH, aecrotary; F. H. lUker, chief rancor. Moade I'jat No. 2, O. A. K., meeta flmt WednoNiUy In each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Mldlam, com mander. Clackamas Cbaptor No. 2, R. A. M., meets on the third Monday of each 'month In Maaonlo Hall. II. 8. Strange, ajccretary I'lonoor Cbaptor No. 28. O. E. 8. nieols the aocond and fourth Tueadayi In oacli month at Maaonio Hall. MIhb Jonnie Kowen.socrotary. Oroifon Lodo No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F., moota every Thursday in Odd Followa' Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F. moots flmt and third Tuomlav in each month. J. A. Stuart, aocrotary. Kedinon Waohono Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. R. M., meow Samrday evoniim 7 :30, at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, C. of R. ;II L. Patterson, Sachem . Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., moots first and third Saturdays in each month at Maaonlo Hall. T. F. Ryan, eocrotiiry. Mead Corps No 18, W. R. C, moota second and fourth Wednesday in each month at the Willamette Hall. Mrs. Cloiise, president. Artisans meets first, second and fourth Thursdays in each month at Red Men's Hall. J. T. Searl, socrotary. Catholic Knlntl.ts of Amorlca St. John's Uianch No. 047, moots every Tuesday of the month. Tualatin Tont, K. 0. T. M., meets In Kod Men's Hall, on second and fourth Wednesdays O. H. Hyatt, record Iteepei Blank note, receipt and order books t the Entebphibi office. lowering of ilia (treat Lakee. W, H, Ilurwood write of "The Great r.nlcrt-" lu Ht, Hi lioliia, Mr, Norwood ays; i v .s,.!,.-, r.,jLf nt Kin fitnt that) tbl ' ohuiii of l.ik, a bus not always boon a It ii'i'v Ik; t!)tt t'mrr! wn a tlmo when nil tin i JiiIiiin wore blniulnd into (inn, IiuvIiik jirolmljly t ho Mlwslsalppl rlvor Tor It on tlt-t to Hin gulf ou tliu aoutli. Out! i(iln;iMt w'.;;i; Jwrry diiy mm tuiiictlilng tuknn from Ilitt rocky liitrrlur of NiuKnrn, and jjno vlmlly H miik I n nt no rnry romoto liiiiiiiiur Krcitt litkna will Imvo ahurod tint fntiiof IIioho wliluli iinna eiUted In tlia Kri'iit fur witxt. Alrniwly tlmy hitve Iiihiii rndaunil to limit than ouo-half thtilr fornmr urcu, nml thn watnr lnvol bin lii'iui di,pniBHi,(l ilOO fiNit or morn. The iroi!aa la jirntty ur to ko mi until tboy ttro cninpliitidy mnptlnd. Tim cltln tbot ttitnd opiui tiioir Imnk will tire that timu buvo Krown ooIonhuI In nlzu, tbnu Krny with hk tlii'U full Into doca dmi no and tbuir iltui bo lung forgot ton, tint In tlio aiKliiiiiuita that arc uow acoiiniulutiiiK In thnra lukn Imalna will lio iniiiiy a wrock and akohitnti, trn trunk anil flontud leaf. Nuar tlm city aiti a and old river muutba tlimw audi tiMHita will l, full of ndica tlmt will il luxtrutu and tapliilu tl.o uiIukIihI ooiiio dy and tni, of llfu. Itt a ot rtjl.i ttniao tl omi Iii'.ihh furm nun mllity rlvi t, druliiliitt a r,'Kl'iti,of over fi25,0ii() atpjnro luilim uml liudiuK an outlnt for tlmlr ovi-rllnWiug wutor throiik'li tlm awlftr-'t. Mmy'a rivr at tliu t'wtt omi of Superior; tlirnnKh Hu ron ami tlm Bt. Clair river and Luko Ht. Cbilr and tbu Detroit rlvor; tbroui(h Kriu mid MuKura and Unturiu aud tliu Ht. I.iiwrenoc, ou to tbu viut ocoau bo yond. Jt la Intereatlnu to uotu tliut tbu bot tom of I.ako Superior, tbo biitbuat of I liu luiiua, la ubout 4U0 foot U-low tha urfuoo of tbo eu at Now York barbi r. Very I'ullleljr I'uW Si'vernl cIorKymoti boardod a atrw:t rar In Hunt on omi day, und one of thoin beiiritiK that Wendell 1'hillipa wna in tbu car got up aud aokod tbo conductor to point him out The coiiduotor did so, and tlio niiulhter, Koliig up to the ora tor, aald: "You are Mr. Phillip, I am told." "Yon, air." "I ahould like to n'ok to you alxmt aoiuiithiiiK, mid I trubt, air, yuu will not bo ofTundud!" "Thero la no feur of It," was tbo aturdy answer, and then tlm minister ln'K"ii toak Mr. Phillipacariiostly why ho peraistod iu stirring up aucb an un friendly ski tat ton III oim part of the oountiy about au evil that existed iu another part. " Why, " auld the clergy man, "do yon uot go tnuth and kirk op tbia fuss aud leave tbo liortb In ieaoe?" Mr. I'hllllpa waa not in the least ruf fled, and auawemd uiilingly: "Yoo, air, I preaunie, are a minister of the goapel'." "I am. air," aald tbo clergyman. "And your calling i to save souli from bell?" "Exactly, air." "Well, then, why don't yon go there?" Sou Frauoiaoo Argonaut. Tha fhala Oang. "Thne gpiitlomen who are attired in tbo peculiar uniform that fancy ascribes to the pirate aud freebooter, " niya au old time WaHbliigtouiuii, "now kuowu at tbo 'chain gang.' do uot hiking to a mixloru institution, as it is generally aupposod. Wbllo it may be a uow rus torn in some parts of the country to work the offenders of municipal luw ou the streets tbo custom baa prevailed iu this city for about tbroo-fourths of a century. Tho corporation of Washing ton established the asylum in 1821, and tho malo lumatos of the pon'itontiiiry department were ordered to report for work on the streets Nov. S3, IN J 3. Tbo asylum, or poor and work house, wai 1 ooo tod thou on the square bounded by M, N, Sixth aud Sovcutb streets north wost, and 1.. tbo early days those placed in the gang were so small in number as to attract uo attention. I do not think that any attempt to placo tho offenders in tho black and white stripes was niado till long after the asylum win moved to tho banks of the Auucostio, about 1840." Washington Star. An Argument. "No, sir," said the clergyman who was being criticised for uot treating current quostious with more emphasis. "I decline to become au advocate ou any side of tho question you suggest. " "Cut a u umber of people expect it of you." "My dear sir, my mission is to help prcparo poopla fur lifo in tho uoxt world, is it uoty" Certainly. " "Well, you eauuot possibly couviuoe me that there is any politios iu hoavou. " Detroit Free Press. The Karth Nut Enough. Old Scroogo Doos a man' lawful titlo to his real estato extend tip to tbo sky us woll as dowu to the center of tho earth? Lawyer Certainly. Old Scrooge Thou na boou as thoy get those new airships iu running .order I'm going to put up a tollgiito ou the pntuh of sky over my bouso aud oolloot from evory bulloonatio that trospasses. Loudou Tit-Bits. Straight On. "Woman," the orator shouted, "once hor foot are ou tbo puth of progress, will go straight ou." Aud the uuvocalizod words of the thought wave that ruu through the vast assembly wore: "Will bor hat?" Cincinnati Eu quiror. Warning. While I wns resting today in tbo park my bair was cut otT by an unknown person. All persons are warned against buying it. Hau Adolar, Poet and Oou poser. Fliegeude Blatter. Kiplalnad. " Who Is that stout lady over thero?" "That's Mra. Hprlggiuit of tho La dles' Whist club. Sho'i tho only wom an in tho club who never linked, 'What i trumps?' " "Quito reinnrltible!" "Yes. Sho bus auuio kind of an Im pediment In her speech that prevents Lor from pronouncing words that bcglu with t."Clvoland Plain Di aler. As OmltUfl Particular. "Tboso hero city ful': may bo purty smart lu some ways," said Undo Uou bou, "but they're away behind us Poke berry county px pie lu ono inspect." "What's that?" ask.d bis nephew. "Why, those hero (,ulilcpou yon havo on your fTOinroa ls t.di wl.ldi di rections tho streets in In all rig) t, but I no. loo It never ny L',w it Is to 'em. "Chicago Post. Kltlixr l'r. Mrs. flray You tay Mra. Or ein Ii Igrecd with every tliiuj I nlu? Jum like her I Hho tiovr i 4 ou (he right side of any question. Mrs. Brown Von misunderstood mo. I aald alio agreed with everything you aid. Mrs. Oray I I'm I That's a wuy she has of currying favor. Button Truu aoript. Balmoral is a greatly larger estate uow than it was when llrat it Is-came a royal residence. To the original 10,000 or" 11,000 ai res wore soon added tho 0,000 acre of tho adjoining liirkliall estate. Then in 1878 tho forest of Bul- lochoulo was purchased another 10,- 000 acres and thero have since been uioro recent acquisitions. Women coal carriers at tho Lisbon docks receive la. lid. a day, malo coal carrier 8a. 4d. Whew Traveling Whether on pleasure lerit or business, take every trio a tattle of Syruo of Fiirs, as it acts most pleasantly and oflecttially on the kidneys, liver, anp Iwwels, pre- vent inn fever, headache, and other forms of sickness For sale in 60 cent buttles by all leading druggists. Manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Mnntbty ralna cured by Dr. Mll-a Pain Pill. H Tempting ijwaj. UiJiJ.Lr We are justly proud, we t'dnlt, of our tempting array of vood tilings for the table. At this xchhuii it leumrea enter prise ond some expen'O 'o find new and choice tbinfs. We piefer putting forth every eff-art in Iw half of our enviable reputation and the needs of our patrons. A. ROBERTSON, 7th St. Crocer. V$v 60 YEARS' Trade Marks Designs riavatasTi Ac. onli-kly aaxxrtaln onr opinion free whxtbxr au Invxntliin ! pmbahly patxntabla. toniniunlra tliiiiaatrletlrinailntlal. llKiidriookon t'alenta kmU free, tlliliwt airxncjr forwvuniia twlxnia. I'aixnia Ukon thnmiih luiin A Lu rooetra tprrUU tutltt, without clmnre, In tha Scientific American. A handaoraalT llltiatratxa wxxkty. tanrxnt rtr rnlallon of any aclontiBo Journal. Txrma. s a yxnr: foitr montha, IL Sold br all tiawadxalnra. iMUNN & Co.8e,B'"d-y- New York Branch Offloa. (Q F BU Waahtngton. D. U Dn.GUrJM'S ONE FOR A DOSE. RraoT Plmpl-, ProTrai PILLS Cur llttrhnl lMtMpaiv. ninouanvM, ruruy inn tfiuod A movftraant of the bo wU Mb dy la ncMarf fnrhMlth. Thrf neither ri t nlibor ir iw vlnot rmt ) will mail rapl Dorsickun. tooou rYr- or full box tor ko. tttfld hf drolaU. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phila. Pa. ' Has no equal in diseuscs of the ( ' I 1 Kidneys aLd Urluary Orguus. Uave ( (you neglected your Kidneys? Ilave ' ' you overworked your nervous sys-1 I I tern ond caused troublo with your , l Kidneys and Bladder? Have you' pains iu tho loins. Bide, back, groins ' i laud bladder? Have you a llabby no- ( pearance of tho fiice, especially I ( under the eyes? Too frequent do-, J nil u jntnn ui luu r ,i uiiiiui a ivi.ii.j Pills will impart new life to tho dis eased orirnns. tone uo the system A und make a new man of you, By mail 60 cents per box. 3 Williams Mra. Co., lrops-. Clevelund, O. For sale by C. G. Huntley. SDr. Williams' Indian Pile Oinimont will cure Hltnd, lllfi'dmif anil ItuUing PlK s. It iibNorlis the tumors. ulluys the Itchliixatuuve, acts aa a poultiie, ulvea Instant re lict. Dr. Wlllliims'lniltiinPlleOlnt ment iKtireDored for Piles and Itch ing ot the prlvaiB parts. F.very box la n "irrnntmi. llv drntBlsta. hy nmll on re- exlrit of price. Ml cents and 1.00. WILLKInS MANUf ACTURIN8 CO.. V- Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by C. G. lluntley, jak'.-f a. tiwji i i vi mm As A 0)1 E "IRONING MADE r i i i i ii i m i i rDFniiiDFC wnrvufiwri MAKES COLLARS AND CUFF3 STIFF AND NICE an tiniru riT(rr Dnnfirr nnir ONE POUND OF THI5 STABC1I WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. HtUTAXTURED OHLy By TH.ll r HIIRINGFR RR0S C9 Tbla starch la prepared on aclxntlUc prineiplna br men who hare had years of practical aipxrixoM) In funcjr lauDderinff. It rwiorea old linen and rammer drimm to their natural whiteurw and Impart a heantifnl and lanting Onih. It la the oolr atarrb manufarturxd that la perfectly tiarmlxw. rontainioa neither arwnic, alum or any other substance injnrioua to Uuen and can be naed even fur a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. Legal Notices. Maun: on a. In th. Circuit Court of the itata of Oregon, tor ihcCouiu. ol Clackatnac Slbia Mum, riaiunrl, va. Noah H. Kelluia, Narnia J. Kel loKK, at al 1'xfxtidanta, To Noah H. K.lloa an t N'aroinaa J. Kellogu, ah- re named ilxfxuilanta. In tti iiaiueof ih Stateof Orea-on: Yon ar Ii. ehy riiinl to aptMiar and an.arer the eom n.aii.t Hlxl urn,,,.! vou in the altova entitled nit on or lixfore th. firat ilar of the (arm of aaid Court following the eipiratiun of the time , n cribd in tlu order for publication, being Mon la. November 7, ItaX, and if rou fail to appear and an.wer no that mud day, for want thereof, tha plxintiR will to' judxment and decree airainxt yoo. 1. for the earn or I7W ana interexi tnreon t 10 per cent, per annum, from January Ti, lV7 all in (old oiii of the Lnited stalea; for l-l 10 aad int'rext thereon at s per cent irum renmary U liwl.for I1U.H0 and iutenwt thereon at per cent frum December &. lw, for t6 attorney.' fere, and 0,l and diabaraemxn a. i. I hat plainUtf 'a moruaae aet forth in tn com plaint be decreed a lien for each and all ot -wi tarn, prior ai.d aup-nHor to all at.d any claims eetatea or iniereata, of any and all de fendant herein, uratnat and upon tne prem tMwileecnbed. beinaalluf loul.'and in block 1W, of th. rxir n lrt n and Meet Company 'a Ei. tension to the firat addition U Uawego, in Clack, arnaa I'ounty, Orxiron. 1 Thil tho Hud mortgaae be forxcloeed: Uia IMI'I IITUlimw. " i . . w.u I'. . - - ,W)ld a by law provided, and the proceed, there. -1 . ... . ..... , .iH .nnnrtMn.hM. h rnm beaiplixd towaru tne utiaraotion oi piain tifl'.decree herein; that each and all defondauta be barrrd and foreclosed xf all interent, lien, chum or equitiex in aaid premina. 4. That plaintiff have execution for any defi ciency upon I, ii decree if the aale of aaid prem ise, eliall not wholly atify the aame. That the pUinlifT bava eucb other reli-f aa may be me-'t and proper, and the plaictilf will apply to the oourt fur tha relief dvinanded in the com ' Thi. mimmom ia pabli.he,! in the Oregon City Entxrpriee byonlnr of :he Hoo. Thomaa A. Mo I ride, Judire ot Uie above xntitlrd oourt, made April HI, 1WH, wherein he dire'ted publication hereof at lea-t once a weet for at leaat ail week., and th 8'.t pablioaiion hereof ia dated at Orea-on City, Oregon, thi. 2Jd dny of April. 1NMK. H. C V hlliHT. 04 AUoruxy for l'laintiff. AsMlKxtee's Male. 1 1 the CI: cult Comt ol the State of Ore.-on, for tha Co uty ol CltCKninaa. C. O. T. Williams a a it ot ' . . .. . i . .. .,..1 rt - O eou C.iy ruh A Dm Cj, Plaluilir, Jamea Ml ler. eo ',la Mil cr, ur I', ua ucia, iu. iuiu . a id W. C. Joi.nso .. Il..f nitAnt. fur uant lo a Ju Igment, order a d deon m aj ,,u en.ereu iu me iwi -cmhwdm vwu,. Li the above eulitl-j.l iaue on the 2M div of April, 18SW, dirco leg me to l l tha hervlu afi. rdexcriba-1 proper y to .at 'y tno amount dua upon a ouru n notJ o d, fin l-,ut-i, Ja M.ller al u .ropui" m I'rr w atiu v..,".. Callff, lo-wll: thj au u of f 1,100 wlta Interest tnertou ii ii v ,,- i o ,t-ci v.u. irem March x7th. 1SW, toethjr witu tha (oata ola.le. .. : Now, th'refore, mira iant to asm jieiamen or eraua decree. I will o.i Bdurdav. the aitia dy of May, IMS. at the hour of 2 o'e'Ck r. M. oi aia uay, at ine irvm uor w v vwu-j. t:ouri nouaa in ureg n tnj, -....ij . Chickunaa, sell at puolio auction to tne hhrhxnt .... ,.. . ....I all nf the 1, turret. uiuuvr, i, ii in . -a..-., - - rig (. and Ut e widen tne sal i Ch,ia. C-ii'tT aud Kat M ff. h a lie, the a I lira- Mlll. r -ud 6 M'hla Mille . Ida w f . aud ihe aaid pla ntiff aa . . ( Ml. . .. . V. 1WIU aHaiitiite n o on ine a n uj mwr-v-u, vi lure had or have In aud lo lo a 6 an I 7, block 1. OI U OU fUill,V.,V.l'Uir.i-vi.i ii. v-v. C. O T. ttlLUAM-,, i-19, 5-27 Ass guee t ( Cbaa. lal ff, etaL Notice for Publieatiou. Land offlca at Or, gon City. Ore.. Apr. '-'6. lew Note Is hereby g,vou thai the following name,! auitler hn. tiled uotlce of h a ini ulinn tomaku flual proof l-i au pl f hl.ola m. and tlmt aul I lr ol w II be made before the Kiglst-r and Receiver at Oregon City, O e., o.. June 18th. IssiH, v,i: I TTPV IIAWKIVj! H. E. UTS. lor the K V U uf 8jc. U, Tp. s, R 6E. , He niim.-s Ih followln wIu m.i to prove hnco 'ituunua r sld-tice upou aud cultivation of s iid land, T': . . . . William Cikp, fharlea lliller, Bed lotd, Henry ilu'it, all of liftrfie d, Oreaon. a D 6-3 CHA9. B. MOOUE8, Kenister. Retire of Final Net t lenient. Notice ia hereby Riven tliatl have tiled with the Conn y Court of the state of Oregon for Claokamsa County, mi tinal reoort aa executor ft the la t will aud teetxmert of A. 1. Plowman, deceased, and tliat the Court hae appointed the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of Tuesday, the rd dayof May.lS'iS.aathetime for heanna objec tions to xnid report, if any there be, and for the final aeu.em.nt of id ex.a.e. Executor of will of A. T. Plowman, dec-eased. Dated Inrch HO, 18W ..... Uko, U Story, Attorney for Estate. 4-1 4-29 Notice of riiial Settlem"nt. I hereby give notice that I have tiled in the County Court of Clackarnae Countv, State of Ore gon, my accounte for tinal settlement aa Admin iatrtor of the Estate of Jiwper ("lift, deceaaed, and the Court has appointed the tirat Monday in May, !SH8,at 10 o'olock A. M. aa the date for ex amination and aettlement of such acconnte. F. M. SUMNER, 4.1 4.29 Adminiatrator, SCHEDULES OF TIME OOCTHKRN rACiriU RAILWAY SOSTH BOCKD. .alifomla EiDress (through) " irg Local (way stationi) SOUTH BOCKD. t.Hebiirr Local (way itatlona) Gallforula Express (through) 8 :50 a. m. t Ju p. m. 9 .27 a. m 8; Op. m POSTAL SCHEDULE, v soctbkkm ficific aiixaoaa Mallcloaeagoiug North, 8:O0p.m. Malieiowa oiug Bo nh, 00a. m and i:20pm. Ma 1 dlitr bu:ed from North 7:30 p.m., 10 15,. m. Milldia.ilbuud from eoum t :10a.m., 1:40 p.m. T BAST BID KLSCtatC UM. Mall cli.Be. for Pjrtund aud distributing poli ta, 12 noou, ud 4.46 p. m. M.ilcloe lor Milwaukee only,' $15 a. m 4:45 p. m. M.ul . rrltea from PniUaud, 11.10 a. m. and 4:15 p. m, I1DB BOCTU. Orcron City to Ely. Carua, Mullno. Liberal and Molalla ieavea at 12 m. and arrive, at 12 m. rUllr. Oregon City to Beaver Creek, Mink. Clark. Meadow Brook, I'nion Milla, and Col ton, leave at S a. m. Monday, nednceaajr ana rnaay, and return, on following dava al 4:85 p. m Oregon City to Viola, Logan and Kedland leave Oregon City Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 p. m, leaving Viola aam days at 7:00 a. v- Oregon City to Willamette, Stafford and WiNoull.e, arrive, at lu JO a. m. and ieavea at 11:80 a.m. dauy. Ovnral delivery window I open on -uuday from 10 to U a. m. A,iletter.droppeo into thi box at in. uoor l prompily aa. t off Sunday, a ou other day. All Eaatprn mall that Is delayed and fall! to arrive oa 8:80 a. m., e. f. u.iu will eoma ou 12 O'clock or 4:15 electric car. WILLAMETTE FALLS B Y. CAB LBATB tOSriHSIOM BBIDOS (:50 a. m. :oa u 80 ' woo " U:u0 - 12:10 " 2:15 p.m. 4:'0 8:40 8:10 7:15 " wiLLAHrrrt falu 6:39a. rx 700 S:W :S4 " 1:05 n. m. 2:15 " 4:i0 " 5:55 " 6:2i 7:30 " 9:45 fill " Sunday cr. leave every hour nnill o'clock p.m. Iu effect ou and xf er Janu rv 1896, C. A. MILLER, sorT. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC C0MPANI Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Bou.h i 1 North. 8 Our. a. Lt Portland Ar 9;S0a. 6:52r.a. L Or.gonCity Lt 8:40a.M. 7-45A.B. Ar 8. t'rancUco Lt 8KH)r.a The above trains stop at all station be tween Portland, balem, Turner. Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and all sta tions from Rosebnrg to Ashland inclusive Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific Mail taamahii) lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Bailing dates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO I IT I IT ..! A FSTR A I I A Pan he nhtmnxd from E. E. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City ROSEBURO MAIL (DallTl. 8:30a. a. I Lt Portland Ar 4:S0r. a 9:2a. I Lt OregonClty Lt S:Mt. 5:20 r. M. Ar Koaehurg Lt 7:80a. west Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAIXI8. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:30a.m. 12:15 r.M. Lv Ar Portland Ar Corvallla Lt 5:50 r.k 1 05 r.a of Oregon Central i E istu'ii Railroad. . ,lk.n..nil PnrvMlll. nnnnxnt with train Express Train DailT (Except Sunday) 4:60r.M. I Lt Portland Ar 8:25A. Ar MnMinnvllle Lt 8:50 A. a 830 p. M. j Ar Iu'teiwudenee Lv 4:50a.m. 7:r. M. I R.KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. HARKHAM, Ass't O. F. and Paaa. Agent PENNYROYAL PILLS Tny OT0tToni rinyrjsi( irrrKw Urity ml tiitliiiuiia4-L'rjae rigor and ban ioli "jmiim ut nionntruaV ttun " lheri"IIItB Mttver.'1 tOkri'Uat won.anhoo.l, oulniaf drv riopnirntoi m an - j thm. Cnnn)t do harm llfu bw hr mnll. rll hv JruraTlftt. ' OTX CHEMICAL CO.. ttoitwa sole by C. G. II untie v. MOTT'S laraiS For When Going East .... Use a first-class line in travelling between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago and the principal . towns in Central Wisconsin. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car in service. The Dining csrs are operated in the in terest of its patrons, the most elegant service ever inaugurated, Meals are served a la Carte. To obtain first class service your ticket should read via. The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all Eastern points. For full information call on your neares ticket agent, or write to J a. C. Porp, or Iah. A. Cloox, Gen. Paa. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee, Wia W Stark rjt., Portland, Or. 1M1 Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY For All Points East "FAST MAIL ROUTE. Leaves Portland for the East, via. Walla Walla and Spokane, daily at 2:00 p ro. Arrive at 10:15 a. m. Ieavea Portland for tne hast. via. Pendleton and Huntington, daily at 8:00 p. m. Arrive 7 :20 a. m. THROUGH PULLMAN AND T0URI8T SLEEPERS. OcgAX Division Steamships sail from For an Fran cisco: Mate ol California sails Alarcn 5, 13, 21, 29 ; Columbia sails March 1, 9, 17, 25, and April 2. C0LUJJBI hiyeh division PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Steamer E. R. Tboaipson leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 8 p.m., and at 10 p. m. on Saturday; returning, leaves Astoria dai'y except Sunday at 6:45 a. m. Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Roth, for Salem, Albany, Corvallis and way points, leaves Port land Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 6 a.m. Returning leaves Cor vallis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 6 a. m. bteamer Elmore lor balem and way points, leaves Portland Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m. Return ing, leaves balem, lueadays, Thursday! and Saturdays at 6 :45 a. in. YOTILLt RIYER ROUTE. Steamer Modoc, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays al 7 a m. Return ing, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondavs, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a. m. Snake River Route Steamer leaves Riparia daily except Saturday at 1 :45 a. m , on arrival of train from Portland. Leaves Lewiston, return ing, daily except Friday at 6 :00 a. m.. arriving at Riparia at 6 p. m. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent. V. A. SCHILLING, City Ticket Agt. N Telephone (Main) 712. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskania Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama0:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. WOOD WANTED. Persons desiring to contract for wood in quantities of one thousand cords or more will please apply to Cbown Paper Co. - -. - -