Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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J. L. Ball spent Sunday at Wooiburn.
Mr. Bourke, of Sandy, is visiting
friends in tlits City.
P. L. Harris is just recovering from an
attack of the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Larkina of Marquam
were in the City Monday.
Miss Laura Schlappi, of Portland, is
visiting Miss Adolph Wilier.
F. C. Mack, Of Canby, Was In Oregon
City Saturday And Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. J P. Leavitt, of Molalla,
vera in Oregon City Monday.
A. M. Shibley, of Springwater, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday.
W. L. Starkweather, of Concord, spent
Sunday with relatives at Canby.
Mi sgs Anna Samuels, of Portland, is
the guest of Mies Ernia Laurence.
John A. Carson, a prominent Salem
attorney, was in Oregon City Friday.
Miss Lillian Bunting, of Portland,
spent Sunday in this City with friends.
Miss Millie Molzan, of Portland, lias
been visiting her mother at Union Hall.
Mrs . H. Cooper and children are
this week with Mr. Cooper's parents at
Judge Hares accompanied his family
last Saturday for a few days visit to
Mrs. V P. Burns, of Portland, was
visiting her son, Chief of Police Burns
during the week.
F. F. White was to have left yesterday
(Thursday) for Alaska, where he will
spend tbe summer.
Miss Nellie Ash, of Albany, spent Sat
urday and Sunday of last week in this
City visiting friends.
T. W. Clarke, manager of the Bandon
Woolen Mills, is spending the week with
bis family in Ibis City.
M. P. Chapman, one of the officials of
the State Insane Asylum, speut Tuesday
with relatives In the City.
J. J. McGrath and family have re
turned to Oregon City after a two years
residence in San Francisco.
Mrs. C. C. Barlow, of Barlow, left
during tbe week for Alaska, where she
will join Mr. Barlow at Dyea.
F. A. Sleight, was down from his
Canby ranch Tuesday and reports ex
cellent prospects for the strawberry crop.
Leighton Kelly came down from
Albany Wednesday morning to join his
company in enlisting in the war with
T. F. Ryan, T. P. Randall, W. H.
Howell and Frank Halbeth visited the
Odd Fellows Lodge at Oswego Monday
N. G. Rowen, of Lake County, Min
nesota, arrived Thursday, and is looking
over the county with a view of locating
in this vicinity.
Mies Tina Clayson, of Concord, left
yesterday for Pleasanton, Texas, where
she is to be married to George Allen,
form erly of Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Dayton arrived
from Lima, Indiana, during the week,
and will spend tbe summer with tbeir
daughter, Mrs. C. G.Huntley.
Register C. B. Moores, of the land
office, has gone to Southern Oregon for
the benefit of his health, which has not
been good for a few weeks past.
Mrs. Laura Fuller, of Portland, spent
Sunday with her brother, Chief of Polic
Burns. She was accompanied by her
daughter, Miss Lillian, and W, Barnes.
Miss Kitty Paine is visiting her uncle's
family at Woodburn for a few weeks
George Fuchs, of Portland, visited his
mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Fuclis, last Sun
B. 8. Bellomy returned Sunday from
a short business trip to Albany and
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schwarts, of Portland,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schwarts
0. Wissenger and Miss Hattie Bonnet,
of Milwaukie, were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Charman Sunday
Frank Winslow has gone to La Grande,
to accept a position with the Mitchell,
Lewis & Staver Implement Company.
Miss Vera Pilsbury gave a cloeii.g
dancing party to her juvenile class at
Willamette Hall last Saturday evening
John Spangler, of Corvallis, was in the
City a couple of days during the week
visiting bis daughter, Miss Ora Spangler,
President P. L. Campbell, of the State
Normal School, delivered a verv able
lecture before' the Barclay school on
"Vocation in Life," Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Barlow arrived In
the City fiom Seattle Wednesday. They
will start for the Yukon about May 10th,
and expect to go by the St. Michael's
roure. Mr. Barlow states that be did a
very good business at Dyea.
W. H. Bair, of Canby, and N. P.
Raylor, of Molalla, two well known
Clackamas County young men, will en
gage in the butchering business at Wood
burn. Father Hillebrand is attending Arch
bishop Gross's Silver Jubilee in Port
land this week. It has been 25 years
since tbe latter was elevated to the
J. U. Strickler, of this City, and E. T.
White, of Damascus, the accountants
appointed by the late grand jury, to
expert tbe County records, are busy with
their duties.
Miss Juliette Fullerton, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. D H. Glass,
left Saturday for her home at Alsea.
She took along Mrs. Glass's little child,
who will Visit his grand parents.
Prof. J. C. Ziuser, principal of the
Birclay school, repeated his lectuie on
Messrs. W. S. U'Ren, J. J. Cooke and
James Coon will speak at the places and
times given ou the left of the column
markod "A" and Messrs. V. W. Myers,
George Ogle and George Knight will
speak at the places and times on the
right marked "13." Joint discussions
between U'Ken and Brownell are ex
pected at the placet marked "J, D." All
meetings are for 7 :30 P . M. unless other
wise stated. Other candidates and
speakers will be with each party from
time to time,
Date It
..May 2. Nestlv
. MayS. ..Monitor Mill'.
.. May 4.. Heaver I.akf 8 It
Kagle Creek, J D 2 May ft Teasel Creek 8 It
Springwater May 8 Miillno
Highland May 7 Union Hall
Oswego, J V May V llrown, B II
Matlord.CiraniwIl May 10 Heaver Creek
YVilonvilleJl ...May 11 Viol
Canby. May 1'.' Clackamas
Suiinyskle May 1.1 Macksburg
I'arkDlac May 14
Needy May 111..
Manpiam J D. ...May 17..
Heaver UkeS H May K.
Molalla, J I) May It..
Mo I mo May 2o. .
Mink School H.. May 21..
Ugan, Jl May 2a..
Viola May 24 .
Maple 1-ana May 2.V
Union Hall
...Maple l4iiie
, ... .Dainaariia
. . .Clierrvvtlle
, . . Kagls Creek
Btatlord 8ehll
. Pleasant Hill
May 2i..FroK Pond H 11
May 27 Union 8 H
Uland School H..May 28 Barlow
Milwaukie, J U. . . May W Milwaukie
Willamette May SI Uigan
Holcomo Set) H,..Juiie 1 Snrinitwaier
neuianus Junes Ueorue
Uarkes June 3 lurrlnivtile
Oregon City June 4 Oregon
U'Ren vs. Brownell.
There will be a joint discussion
between W. 8. U'Ren and Geo. C.
Brownell at Weinhard's Hall on Satur
day evening, April 30tb, each speaker
will be allowed "0 minutes at a time
and 10 to close.
Messrs. Miller and Fitch. (Editor.)
Fitch of the Oregon City Herald will
address tbe citizens of Logan and vicin
ity at Grange Hall Saturday evening,
May 7th, at 8 P. M.
Hon. R. M. Veathch, candidate (or
congressman, and George Noland, candi
date for District Attorney, will address
citizens of Clackamas County in the
precincts as follows ;
At Frog Pond School House, 2 P. M.
May9; at Canby 7:30 P. M. May 0;
at Molalla, 1 P. M. May 10; at High-
"Uimaie in ueograpny, ai me lueeung , . . K . ,. ,0.
of the Marion county Teachers Associ
ation, held at Hubbard, Saturday.
Geo. W. Hlllyer. of Hebo, Tillamook
Connty, interested in mining, was in
Oregon City Friday. He had with him
some valuable specimens of good ore,
found on a claim he has recently taken
up at Hebo.
Mrs. Ida Barclay, son Verne aud
daughter. Miss Musa, left last Thursday
evening for California. Mrs. Barclay,
accompanied by Verne will visit her
daughter dmiug the summer, but Miss
Musa will return afteracouple of mouths.
Rev. W. U. Latourette, of Oakland,
California, spent the early part of the
week with bis brother, D. C. Latourette.
Rev, Latourette was on his way to
Alaska, with a view of establishing
stations for the Baptist Home Missionary
Society. "
G. E. Holmes, deputy collector of
customs at Sitka, Alaeka, is believed
to haye been drowned. He was formerly
a resident of Oregon City and his rela
lives here fear the worst. Mr. Holmes
was a passenger on the steamer Alexan
der, which left San Francisco on Febru
ary 5th, and is long over due at her
Alaskan port of destination.
at Springwater, 1 P. M. May II;
Eagle Creek, 7:30 P. M. May 11.
The case Ely Bros, vs Dungey was
tried in Justice Shuebel's court Thurs
day. Plaintiff recovered judgment for
the sum of (21.24 with interest since 1804.
G. B. Diinick appeared for plaintiff and
T. F. Cowing for defendant.
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word from the wise should be sufficient
but you ask, who are the wise? Those
who know. The oft repeated experience
of trustworthy persons may be taken for
knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
better satisfaction than any other in the
market. He has been in the drug bust
ness at hikton, Ky., tor twelve years;
has sold hundreds of bottles of this rem
edy and nearly all other cough medicines
manufactured, which shows conclusively
that Chamderlain's is the most satisfac
tory to the people, and is the best. For
sale by Geo. A. Haiditig.
Send the ENTuheinsK to your friend in
the East and thus give him an idea of
what is going on !n Clackamas county,
It may induce him to locate with us.
HIMMIHaUsi allfc atfelfc
lata. Ulifl
50 cents a pound
For Nutmegs
Quarter-pound boxes, 15 cents. Did
you ever buy even poor Nutmegs for less
than 75 cents per pound?
All our SpicesClover, Cinnamon,
Allspice, Black and African Pepper, are
equally cheap, and we guarantee them
pure and highest quality.
We have just received a new lot of Celluloid Combs. They are in
handsome colorsshell, gray, agate, chrystal, etc.
25c. to 50c.
Our 5c. and 10c. Rubber Combs are as good as the ordinary 10c and
15c ones.
Our 25c.
Is probably the beet brush ever sold in
Oregon City without regard to price.
We bought several gross of the bank
rupt stock oi Snell, Heitshu & Woodard
Co., at a price which enables us to sell a
60c. Brush for
A Good Toothbrush with each package
of our Antiseptic Tooth Wash or Tooth
We make this Tooth Wash and Pow
der in our own laboratory, and know that
nothing goes in that is in anyway injuri
ous to the teeth.
C. G. HUNTLEY, Original Cut Rate Druggist.
We give trading stamps.
lave Niitiirdrtr A Handsome King to
lie Presented lo I he Company.
Captain Pickens has issued orders to
the members of separate company F to
provide themselves: with a very few ne
cessary articles and the company will
leave for Portland Saturday aflei noon.
At2::i0 P. M. Saturday an elegant flag
will be presented to the company from
the M. K. Church steps, by the eitisetis
of Oregon City, under the auspices of the
Women's Relief Corps, Nearly all the
memliera of company F have put down
their names, together with a number of
new lecruits. These new recruits are
virtually members of separate company
F and more names will be added to the
list by Saturday, Following Is a list of
those who have pledged themselves to
re-enlist as volunteers In the service, In
cluding the new recruits:
L L Pickens, captain
W A Huntley. 1st lieutenant
Fred Mettner, 2d lieutenant
J U C'ampMI, 1st sergeant
J W MotTmt
J P Keating, corporal
J II Black
Louis Boyland
R Ganteiihcimi
II G Hamilton
F Hargrcavea
C Hoffman
William Kuehl
I Pursifull
II Shipley
G C Waldron
W M Rail
L A Rail
Rea Nortia
A Howell
B E Ixngnecker
A Willey, sergeant
II Emken, corporal
Lester P smith
M P Holden
Geo Md'ausland
J B Finley
Frank Confer
Maurice Myers
J E Harding
Eraslus Smith
C Rowland
S G Godfrey, corporal
W F Kuehl
A A J Brady
Leighton Kelly
Tillman R Herring
Timothy Mc.Mullin
Chaa L Gray
Fielding Lewis Poln'texter
Joseph II Hany
Mason Croft
Max Kesslimcer,
G W Clark
John W Isler
Everett Hickman
George Caaen
Bert Iongnerker
Mauley F Boyles
Chris Muralt jr.
A .Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groten, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs; cough set in and finally termi
nated in Consumption. Four Doctors
gave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up te my
Savior, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all
eight bottles. It has cured me, and
thank God I am saved and now a well
and healthy woman." Trial bottles free
at Charman & Co., Drug Storo.
Regular size 50c and $1 00. Guaran
teed or price refunded.
What use is there in eating when food
does you no good -in fact, when it does
you more harm than good, for such is
the case if it is not digested?
If you have a loathing for food there Is
no use of forcing it down, for it will not
be digested. You must restore the di
gestive organs to their natural strength
and cause the food to be digested, when
an appetite will come, and with it a re I
ish for food .
Tbe tired, languid feeling will give
place to vigor and energy ; then you will
put flesh on your bones and becora strong,
The Shaker Digestive Cordial as made
by the Mount Lebanon Shakers contains
food already digested and is a digester of
foods as well. Its action is prompt and
its effects permanent.
Doctors perscribe Laxol because it has
all the virtues of Castor Oil and is pal
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Enterprise and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Douffht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
moralt anil fti.
Whatever the Turveydrops of the
moral world may have to say uhout the
necessity for elevating moral deport
ment on the part of "wooinan, bewitch
ing woomnn," I have never been nhlo to
see any ludubituhlo Intent iu nature her
self toward binding them over to uuy
higher moral standards thuii alio does
men. Both men unci women seem to me
to ho compounded of the same average
morality, though with certain unlike
manifestations, largely tho result of olr
oumNtauoiw aud opportunities,
I see no speolul cause for believing
that the nverugo woman under Ilk
temptation would do very differently
from the average man a belief whloh
Is not leiweued by Bishop Potter's re
cent accusation before the womuu's
auxiliary of the Civil (Service Reform
association that they put their relatives
Intoolllue whenever they get tho clmnoo,
"without any evidence that they are fit
ted to till tho pluues they applied for."
Possibly womeu were Intended by their
Creator to stand for (ho reformatory in
terests of life, but I think there is uot
as yet suMuicut uvldoiioe thereto, either
In the nature of things or of womeu, to
warrant any spooial abrogation of other
distinct and more familiar duties in fa
vor of interests mainly moral. Helen
Wattersou Moody lu horibuer's.
For Veiling Men and Young Women.
There is nothing that will arouse the
rie of a voting man or woman so ipitck as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may drcsa ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist Is
mossy their lieut appearance Is sioiled.
The Troy laundry makes a Seclalty of
ladies' and gentlemen's (Inn work,
There can be no tietter work than Is
done at the Troy, lave your older at
Johnson's barbershop
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strtngth.-V. 5. QovsrariMiit Rapori
ou'r customers claim for us ami
our groceriea; That we ollVr
the best of groceries st Hie low
est prices. Thev have confi
dence In our goods and know
Unit we never misrepresent our
selves slid that our stuck of fine
groceries la the purest and the
must nutritious. Last, but not
least, llieir grocery hill saves It
Keif fully l!. per ce nt by their
(liMlin; with M.irr.V Muir.
Our way of doing hiitnes Is
to treat every one fair and senate
and ollVr the very best iu our
store. '
2VTxr-r" & XVTxxix-
Doth tho method ana results whoa
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho task), uml acta
gently yet jiromptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and IIowoIn, clonuses tho nyi
torn ufToottmlly, dispels colds, head
aohos and fevers and euros habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only roinody of iu kind ever pro
diicod, pleasing to tho tosto and no
ccptablo to tho stomach, prompt in
iu action and truly bonoi'dal in lu
effoots, preimrod only from tho most
healthy ami ugrotMihloMilMtauocs, iu
ninny oxoolloiit qualities ixuiiiiumd it
to all and have mudo it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for nlo in CO
cent bottlos by all lending dmgv
gisU. Any reliahla druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wislieu to try it Do not accept any
$a mmiooo, cl.
IDUMUli, ft. Mfcv 10UC, air.
Track and Itoa l Wors n Kxclalty.
Any style iiim- Mgrd In Iron or
tcel. Wbimii work ami rrpalrlng.
HalUrii'llnii KnnlilMli'o!.
Hliop on Hevelilli utrti-t, iirxl door In
N 1 1 1 1 u ' a maiile.
PtTt f-
h Do You
Mott's Nemrine Pills
IU ertat i V,
remedy iot'M
nervous proa-
trslion and
'- all nervous
diieaiet of the 1
a pencnlive or I
ui.i.ii. o aiit.it cm. no. o.pj q cither
ex, luch as Nervous Prostration, Failing or
lost Manhood, Impotency, Nlphlly Emis
sions, Youthful Erron, Mental Worry, ex
cessive im of I obicco or Opium, which
lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00
per box by nuili 6 boxes for $5.00.
NOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland. Ohio.
R Know the News
For sale by C. (1. Ilunlliy.
Euan tin 1 In Rind You Hart km BoujM
Yon csn have It all for
In the Fveiiing Teh-Kraut, of Port
land. Oregon. It is the largeat
evening newspaper published in
(Iregoii ; it contains all the liewa
oflheSute and of the Nation.
frv it for a month. A sample .1
will he mailed to you free, fj
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
'V W tV
L7 Zr
your grocer
for It
Manufactured in Oregon City
from tho bt-Bt selected wheat
on the market.
By all grocers
in Oregon City and is
the best.
Patronize Home Industry.
A Rich Strike
You cannot make money faster
than by buying your
. . Dress Goods ...
where you can get them cheapest.
Is all right, but you must have
clothes to wear, and the best
quality at lowest prices can be
had only at
Thomas Charman & Son's
Pioneer Store.
able terms.