OREGON CITY BNTKKI'ltiSK, KHID'Y, AI'IUI, 29, 1898. PUBLIC OPINION. Dlognnoi, Doing inked of what Wit tlie bile wm most deniforoiis, nnwtrtd t "Of wild bcasta.thatof a slanderer; of tame, that of flatterer, I'ondlotsn Tribune: 1'rosldent MoKlnliy dlfltirs from oina "patriots." II hesitates before the hor ror of sacrificing thousands of good American llvei. London Telegraph i The Idea of ridding Cuba of Spaniards bas been threatened by American states men during the last balf-oentury, but the merit of acting uion It, with ell lU tre mendous resitonsinllltios and risks (or it la a merit belong to President Me Jtlnley, The adequacy of his justlilca tlon cannot be doubled In Kngland, and erery voice li raised to wbm the United Btates success. Ashland Tiding s The Republican Ptate ticket, notnln atod by the convention at Astoria on the 14th hint., which apwar at the head of these colutnni, la an exceptionally etrong one end I oomoed of clean, tried and true men. Carl Kchurss Where 1 our boasted Christianity wlinn we blame the chief magistrate of the nation for trying to gain time to avert warT la there anything in the hlttory of the country more calculated to raise a blush on every American cheek? Oregonlan: Ki-President Harrison and Cleveland bavo ahown commendable judgment In their reticence of opinion In regard to what couriMt President McKiuley ahould or ahould not Bluer. Coaiit Mail : The Hpanlsh will probably sweep away tbeesiatlng dynasty if dtloaUd In a war with the United State. It i a dark outlook for the Queen lteguut and the boy King In any cane.) Murrn t'll0in Klr. Kit Ws.T, April il-:30 I'. U.-(l-Isysd In traiiaiiilsaion) The Ural hul from Bpaln flrad Ut iilKht wlirn Murro csalls wiiinI lu balmrlrs on Hit Unltsd Statu llrrl. Tlila newt WM broiitfht hers tills alivrnoon by tli urido-lust Krlcasmi, which If ft Hi fltwl it 10 o'clock tliii morn, lug, and reached nor at 4 P. M. Captain Uahrr, ot Hi Krlcsaon, wm ordered out early ll iiIkIiI on scouting duly. Th Deal wm lying about sight mile oil Havana. LlKhi were out and all baudi wire ready (or action. The lltllt crali rutlied ewllily toward the enemy and broiig-lil up almost umlrr Morro's gun, be lug ruablel to reach inch a clone point be cauM lor tli fir lime In year Morro ligbl was then burning. At 11 I. M Hie Bpanlab arllllrry roared out lu tint welcome to the American fieri. Tli tlihiK done more In a tentative than aa an attack Not a hol found a billet, and the Meet, dltdalnlng Spain's wretched gunnery, tnaltitalned a digntMrd sllenc. , One or the lrlaa. KT W'mt, April 24, 6:60 1'. M.-Knsign Clirlty, wlili a crew of 1U men from the crulner Detroit and four from th ttagnhlp, brouxhl Into ort Ihie mornfng the captured tisiiih itrainer Catallua, Cattaln Kano, 31IU tone, wblcb leM Cadi March 7, and wat bound from New Orlrent for Barcelona via Havana, for which latter port h wm making The Catallna wa capture! about 4 o'clock Ihla (Hunday) morning 12 liillra front Havana. Hhe wan laken by the crulurr Detroit. W hen the lint (hot wai tired, her captain mad a desperate ellorl to acB hit pureuer. and lb cbaae wm pro. lonxed for eight mllei. Finally a aolid abol brought bar to. She I carrying a cargo of 0000 bundle of Steves. . ' Charles Kinorjr Rnlth Huereeila (lary. WaiimoToN, Abrll 21.-The rreaidetil tut tula nomination to (be Senate looey : Charles Kmory Huilth, of Pennsylvania, to be roatinaater-Oeneral, vice Jatue A. Gary, remi.rd, initiated at the While House that the resignation of l'oatmaaler-Oeueral Gary bad ebao titely nothing to do wllb our foreign complications. It wm owing entirely to the condition of Gary' health. H bat been suffering from a general breaking down of the ayateiii. The new l'ostnianter-Oeneral l editor of the Philadelphia 1'reai. Cable llelwern Cuba and Spain Cut. Nsw Yokk, April 25.-A dispatch to the Herald from Tampa lays: The United Hlatci haa out the Havana cable. The cut wai made about 10 mllei out of Havana, and the southern end of th cable li now on the Mangrove, whloli wai recently converted into an auxllllary cruiser, This gives the government exclu alve use of the cable and entirely cult Cup. tain-General Illanoo oil' from communica tion with Bpaln, aa the insurgents are be tween him and the other cable porli. Rheumatism Cured. My wife ha need Chnmberluln's Pain Balm for rheumatism with treat relief, and I can recommend It aa a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found It valuable. W. J. Cuylkr, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler Is one of the leading mer chants of this villuge and one of tliu most prominent men in this vacinity. V. G. l'litPi'iN, Editor Red Creek Herald. For salu bv Geo. A. Hardin?. The Enterprise from now until after the election for two bits. FOREIGN. London, April 25,-8panlah 4a cloaed to day at 'M'i. I'akii, April 2J5. It la announced lb Queen Uegenl of Mpaln Hill hope for peace ful foreign intervention. BsRUS, April It ia announced semi officially that Germany will not laau a de claration of neutrality, the Idea being to preeerve her freedom of action and "to be in a position to Intervene If ha consider it neceaaary.'1 Iinpon, April 22. Th Parli corre spondent of th Tlmei aaya i There li not a ilngl French paper, nor vn, 1 believe, a ilngl Franchmati, who upoort th United Htatei. Th newt from Hpaln Indlcau-i that th national lubacrip tlon will total biKDou, April 22, The Horn correapon. dnt of th Daily Mall aaya; Th leading paper publish violent rl. elf againat the "brutal lilKlihandedneai and commercial greed of the United Hlatei In wishing to annex Cuba." STATE NEWS NOTES I'ontlasd, April 22. Jual In th nick of time and simultaneous with the Ix-nlnnlng of th war with Hpaln, two carloada ol tor pedo! for th protection of lb mouth of th Columbia, arrived her Inuu th at yesterday, and will b It onoe forwarded to their destination by Captain Flek, United Htatei engineer, who, In connection with hi eharg of the fortlllcatlom of th Colum bla, will bav to luperlntand th "planting" of Hum, and ae that they are placed wher they will do th niot good by doing lb moat barm to th enemy, Popoll.t Kdltor Nent to Jail. Tcoma. April 21. F.dltor A. P. Tug well and F. A. liakrr, ot th 1 acorn Hun, a Populist paper, war takeuto Oyliupla till morning by a Deputy Hherlll to serve PjO dava in the Thurston county Jail, In ileu of paying flues of I'kO eacb. They were com vlcled of llbvllng the Hlale Hupreuie Court In publishing a caustic criticism of a recent opinion validating certain Tacoma city warrants, once declared Invalid. They will appeal to tne Hupreme Court of the United Hlatea. Americana May Nut 4a Directly to Culm. Wasiiinton, April 21. H.-crelary Hher man said today that li waa hi exiwclailou that for the preM-m an I iiumediale future the lusurKeiil army would do the greater part of the Uxhtiug In Cuha. II added the atalemriit that llier waa no Intention of taking lb militiamen ami new recruit ill loCubaumil thoroughly tunured to th hardships of actual military life, and that prohalily th regulars would be held in this country until later lu the pmhi. ttrutherly I.o Must It rrutacted. I'liiLAiiKi.riiu, Airll 21. Submarine mine have been placed In position for the defense of the Delaware p.lvor f ir 40 miles from this city. Noveswle will be allowed to pass through lb channel between sun set and sunrise. The Original Organ Orlndvr. When barrel orKitns, niioa the uiual a( .oiiimnliiiciit of tbu mugio luutcru, otttiiu iuto urn), a nutivo of tiie province of Tends wn one of tuo llrot who trav eled about KuroKiwl!h this iustrumout. In hi poreKriuutloiiH ho oollentod money cuough toeuublu bim topurchoKe from the kitu f Ktirdiuiu the title of oount of the country where be waa bum fur which, probuhly, in a time of war ho did not pay above 1,000 guineas. With tho rcmnindcr of bis inouoy be puroluiKvi an extuto Huituhlo to hi rank and settled hlmiedf peaceably for the remainder of his days iu bis liiuuiduu. In tho putrntire hull of his dwelling ho hung np bis iniigio lantern and bis organ facing tbu door, there to be cure fully preserved till they tnoldered to dust, and ho ordered by his will that any one of his dt'soeiiilauts who should cause them to be removed thonld forfeit bis inheritance and bis patrimony revert to the next heir, or, iu failure of a suc cessor, to tbo hoxpitul of Teude. Only a fuw yours ago tho orgun and luntcru wuro still to be seen curefully prosorvod. Pearson Weekly. In the New York directory for 181$ is the outry, "Potor CooHr, inachiuiHt, 98 Elm stroet." Elm street was then one of the poorer localities. If all the bonses in England wore placod Bide by side, they would cover a paoe of 450 square milos. No daoeption praotioed. Ko 1 100 Reward. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST for a genorou 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Elvs Cream balm cumulus no cocaine, mercury nor any pUier In Jurlona drug. It opena and r esnses the Nasal rassaiwa. Allaya l'sln and InnainmaUon. Heala and Protects the Wenihrsne. Restore the Benn of Tasta aud Smell. 1 quickly absorbed. Olve Heller at once, B0 fts. at IniM or "J mslli Trial Sli 10 eta. at Driniulst or liy mnu. K1.Y 1IKOT11KK8. M Warren Street, New Yorll DANGER INDOORS ON A SHIP. ! Steamship and llattlMililp nalkhewd Mot Worth a Much a They SWam. On all first class passenger steamsbipi and on all lurge warships a great per centage of the total cost Is spent direct ly and Indirectly on bulkhead or on what these bulkhead necessitate. Ho passenger would willingly make a voy age iu a liner which wn not known to have a oellulur structure, and no gov ernment wonld think of building a bat tleship or crulner without bulkheads. Yet it is a fact well known, at least to all seafaring men and shipbuilders, that these bulkheads, strong aud perfect In themselves, are precisely as safe and efficient as the doors In them and not wblt more so. The door a at present oonstrnoted and operated are notoriously bad and dangerous. Tbey bavo been the direct and known cause in the lo of many live and many good ships and are doubtless chargeable with many mora ships on the list of "missing and unac counted for." It is astonishing to tbe expert to see the general pnblio and even seafaring men so ready to accept tbe prevailing superstition about tbe safety of bulkheads. Tbe best possible bulkhead without equally good door, operated on a safe system, are about a good as a chain with a link missing. Tbe history of marine disaster bas taught os this if it has taught os any thing, and yet we go on crossing the Atluntio iullueriof nioob vaunted safe ty aud bragoiug about invulnerable bat tleships, apparently witb implicit con fidence in this bulkhead fetich. There should be as few doors as poa-' alble, and some very able experts con tend that there should bo none. On tbe other band, most captains and chief en gineers say tbey must have doors. Man- ifustly the only wsyont of tbe difficulty J is to gut safe doors, safely operated. ! The number of watertight door and batches on a first class buttlesblpisover ' 800, and there are nearly 800 valve and gate connected witb ventilating, drain ing and flooding tbe bull and involving tbe safely of the ship. It will there fore be seen that the systematic control and operation of these devices is a mat ter of no mean importance. It tukes about 110 men to look after these details aluue iu response to a col lision alarm under the present condi tions, sod it is a matter of very grave doubt on tbn part of thone beat informed as to w hether the sujnuie efforts of these 110 ii en run attend to doors, hutches uud vulw'S quickly enough to suve tbe ship. Cussicr'a llugaziue. hurtled the Old Man. Tbe acoustics of htutuury ball in tbe cnpltol at Washington are a mutter of wonder to tourlMs, and many are tbe tricks played upon them. An exchange tells of a (.uth employed in oue of the departments who was visited by bis futbtr recently aud tuck the old goutle iiiuii to blutuury balL There Is a block about tbe center of tbo circulur ball where, if oue stands and faces tbe north, a sound uttered from the door way, 40 feet in tbe rear, seems to be immediately iu front of this block. Tbe youtb mummed to get bis father on tbe block and, attracting bis attention to ward a statue iu Iront, slipped to tbe rear and uid: "VWiut time bave yon? Aly watch has stopped." The father drew out bis wutch aud v. us bulf through giving kirn tbo timewi.tu be looked urouud aud saw thut Lu vtua standing aloue and tbnt tliu sun wus nowhero to be sten. He wits bewildered and looked like the man fruui bi ueath whose cout collur tbo uuikiuu bus just extracted a live goose. Presently tbe sou stepped forth from tbe pillar v. here be bud beeu in bidlug, but it required many explanations to restore the old gentleman's serenity. William II Toad Talisman. Tbe bouse of Hobeuzullein possesses a family talisman. Since tbe time of tbe Elector John Cicero, who flourished toward tbe end of tbe fifteenth century, eacb ruler bas, wben possible before dissolution, banded to bia successor a scaled packet This contains a ring in which is set a black stone said to have been dropped by a huge toad on tbe oov erlot ot a prinoess of tbe family just as she bad given birth to a son. Frederick tbe Great found the riug in an envelope, which also inclosed a memorandum written by Frederick I, stating its value and its mode ot transmission. Sobnei der, tbe librarian of William I, declares that be saw tbe packet banded by Gell ing, tbe treasurer, to bis royal master ou aooesslou, and further asserts, that be read bis account of tbe talisman to tbe emperor, wbo fully confirmed it St James Gaaette. Mot Much to Bo Frond Of. Clara I wonder bow Mrs. Young ling cuu bave tbe face to always keep boastiug about her family. Gladys Why? I thought she pretend ed that her ancestors were good people. 1 Clura So she does, and yet she ad-1 mits that one of them enme over with ' William tbe Conqueror. I've just been j reading about that crowd, and, good nesB, but they were a bard lot I Chi-' cago News. j A Confusing Order. j "We get ridiculous letters from cus-. tomers sometimes," snid a bill clerk in one of tbe big wholesale houses. "Here , is a fair sample of the uiuuuur in wnion some rnral retailers send iu an order: " 'Messrs. Please send me 600 pounds of sugnr as quickly us possible. " 'P. S. Never mind sending the sugar. I bave just found some in tbe buck room.' "Sioux City Journal. Hot Water. Muoh suffering might be avoided if j people oould only be made to realize that a cupful of hot water, a bot bath ) or bot applications of any kind are j among tbe most useful forms of medi-1 cation known to tbe human family, and if resorted to will almost immediately remove any of the violent symptoms of disease. Blr4 Wbter For Wns, Of course Webster wa in demand by tbose who could afford to pay for bis service. A sharp Nantucket man is said to have got the better of the great defender of the constitution loan amns in g way, however. lie bad a small case which wa to be triad at Nantncket one week in June, and be posted to Webster's offloe in great haste. It waa a contest witb a neighbor over a matter of considerable local interest, and hi pride a a litigant wa at sake. He told Webster tbe particulars and asked what ba would charge to conduct tbe case. ' "Why," said Webster, "yon can't afford to hire me. I should bave to stay down there, be wbole week, and my fee wonld be more than tbe whole case is worth. I couldn't go down there for less tban 1 1,000. I oould try every case on tbe ducket a well as one, and It wouldn't cost any more, for one case would take my time for tbe entire week anyway." "All right, Mr. Webster," qnlckly responded tbe Nantncketer. "Here's your $1,000. You oome down, and I'll fix it so yon can try every case." Webster waa so atuostd over tbi proposition that be kept hi word. He pent the entire week in Nantucket and appeared on one lide or tbe other in every case that came np for bearing. Tbe shrewd Nantucketer bired Daniel out to all bis friends who were in liti gation and received in return about $1, 000, so that be got Webster's services for nothing and made a good profit to boot. Huston Herald. An Vnblased Char(. A group of lawyers were telling sto ries in tbe corridors of tbe city ball tbe other day, when one related a tale of a Justice of tbe poaoe in one of tbe south ern states where tbe narrator lived in bis earlier days. A case waa being tried before a jury in the justice' oourt, there being a large number of witnesses on both sides. Tbe lawyers contended fiercely aud tbe trial dragged on until tbe taking of evidouoo and the argu ments before tbe jury bad been con cluded. "Well, gentlemen, are you through?" asked tbe justice, addressing himself to tbe lawyers. Upon tbeir reply in tbe affirmative be then addressed himself to tbe jury, aayiug: "Gentlemen, it ia cow tbe duty of tbe court to say something to yoa. Yoa have beard tbe evidence of many wit nesses aud bave beard what tbe lawyers bave said. I will suy that I know all tbe witnesses and know them to be such dixreputuble persons tbtt it will not be neoesNiry for yoa to pay any attention to what tbey bave said even under oath. Not oue of tbetn is to be believed. As for tbe lawyers, tbey are sucb scoun drels you need pay no attention to what tbey have said, aud aa for tbe two liti gants, tbey are so mean it doesn't make auy di-Ttnce which one of them gets the worst ot your decision. Retire and deliberate." 'Washington Pout Lincoln and tb Battery. A story of Lincoln told me by tbe man to wbom it happened (since dead) is aa follows: At tbe breaking ont of tbe civil war Captain Tompkins of the battery of ar tillery, state of Khode Island militia, stutioued at Providence enlisted with bis entire oouiiuaud and left at onoe for Washington. Hoon after bis arrival bia battery, together witb other troops, waa reviewed by tbe president in front of tbe White House, and Captain Tomp kins, proud of bis battery, brought it past the president in the very best shape be was capable of doing and at once re turned to be presented to tbe president as was done witb all tbe other offloera. When tbe captuin was presented, Lin coln said loud enough for all near by to bear, "Captain, your battery is certain ly a very pretty battery in fact, the prettiest battery I bave ever seen," and thou iu so low a tone that no one but tbe captaiu beard bim, "but I must say, captaiu, I bave seen very few bat torioa," New York Times. Queerest Town In England. Tbe most curious town in England ia Northwich. There is not a straight street nor, in fact, a straight bouse in the place. Every part of it bas the ap pearance of baviug suffered from the visitutiou of uu earthquake, Northwich is the center of tbe salt industry in Cheshire, Euglaud. On nearly all sides of the towu are big suit works, witb tbeir engines pumping hundreds of thou sands cf gallons of brine every week. At a depth of some 200 or 800 feet are immense subterranean lakes of brine, and as the cout cuts of these are pumped and pumped away tbe upper crust ot earth is correspondingly weakened and the result is au occasional subsidence. Tiiese subsidences bave a "pulling" ef fect on the nearest buildings, and they are drawn all ways, aud give tbe town au extremely dUsiputud appoaranoe. New York Sun. , lie Was Actually Clean! Colonel Ibln'tsou, wbo died recently in Euglund, wus a oapitui wbist player and an iusutiublo reader. In the inter val betweeu games be invariably plung ed into a book, never indulging in futile discussions about the plays. He was the hero ot tbe lust seusatiouul elopemeut to Gretna Groeu. Forty-four yeurs ago be ran off witb the Ludy Adula Villiers, daughter of the Earl of Jersey. They were never fully pardoned, aa it was thought that she bad . been guilty of a grave misallianoe. Indeed the story is told that wben tbey got back to town Lady Adela was reported to bave ex claimed to her Bister, "I had no idea till I married that tbe lower orders were so clean in tbeir habits." Robert Morris' Bank of North Ameri ca, founded at Philadelphia at the end of the year 1781, was tbe first banking institution founded on tbe American continent. The Roman penny was valued at about IS oents. 1)0 YOU NEED ANY Tlnnrs Win nnws lj IIXUUUHUJ 0U OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? :GOTO: C. H. BBSTOW i CO- Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 11th and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a desirable time to enter the New classes; will be commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON CITY ill This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. Tbe system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for THE PKODUCE of the Farmer Get our Prices Moil an UlUMUj OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY The factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. Is Coming to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State on Job Printina.