Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY APRIL 20, 1898. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS. Maple Lan. Ma i.k Lani, April 25, 1898. Miss .Annie Mauta visited with lelativesin Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. Jas. Currins and daughter Miss Myrtle, f Oregon City, were visiting at Jas. iliellys Sunday, The Misses Edith and Jessie Jackson attended a social hop at Cams, Friday night. J. EdnuDson and family, of Oregon City, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Ward, Sunday. Mrs. N. V. Richards, is visiting rela tives in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Swallow were visiting (lie luttvrs parents at Sellwood, Saturday. A dunce was held at this place. Satnr )iy night which was attended from far and near. I. L. SwafTord w ith a force of men is twoikingon the road. Should like to inform the readers of tins paper, that the correspondents were not the authors of that article which appeared in last week's issue below our Items. "Mrs. U. C.Green gave a carpet bee t her home, Friday, to a number of her friends. As everybody is familiar with the doings of carpet bees, it is useless to ay the afternoon was very pleasantly spent. A delicious supper was served ly the hostess at 5 P. M . Those present were: Mesdames M. IMckerson, V. O. Dickerson, J. Short lidge, W. C. Williams, J. Shelly and Thoa. Da vies. Umbel. Shtbkl, April 25, 1S9S Justice Shue- lel, of Oregon City, came out on a fish' log trip last Saturday- He and his nephew Robert liinther succeeded tn Catching 112 of the speckled beauties .Miss r lossy Lee, of Clarkes, was the guest of Miss Ida Ginther last Sunday. Some of our young folks attended the dance at Highland Hall Friday night and report having bad a good lime. Rev. Engelbart, of the Evangelical Church preached his farewell sermon List Sunday we reluctantly part with kim, as he has been a pleasant and in Cructive pastor, a tearless expounder oi divine truth and a man whose every act aiay be consideied such as only becomes a christian gentleman. Christ Moehnhe, who has been work ing in Oregon City for sometime is home to stay for awhile, . John and William Moehnke have left C parts unknown in search of work. Mr Stabeo has left for Klondike. 31rs. Fred Swam left home and a Tine mouth old baby about two weeks ago, and no one knows of her where .abouta. Mr. Swart went to Portland me day last week, but was unsuccessful ih finding any trace of her. The general .opinion is that she has gone to Klondike. The German ConereizatiunaliBtn am preparing for the General Conference to te held in their church this week be ginning with Thursday and ending Sun day. Everyone Is invited to be present especially on Sunday when a grand -dinner will be served for all. Twin City. Parklacs-Gladstonb April 27. The school started again Monday after a two week's vacation caused by the measles epidemic. Miss Pearl Tucker is visiting friends In St. Helens. Miss Marietta Dotson, the etllcient teachers who has charge of the third room in the school, left Friday for Eugene to be with her mother, who is seriously ill. Miss Kate Smith has charge of her room in her absence. Geo. Rinearaou, who left last week for Fort Wrangle after spending a short time at home and in Portland on legal business, returned home Monday, hav inj; been taken sick while in Seattle. Mrs. B. S. Bellomy and daughter Rose and Miss Estella Bracken speut Sunday in Portland. Died on Monday the I8tb, Winifred J. Dauchy, aged 23 years. The funeral took place from the family residence on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The manv sympathizing friends present testfied to the highest regard in whic Winnie was hold by the entire comtnun ity. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. I he deceased was a young man of unusual promise and his sterlin qualities and Christian character com uianded respect and admiration. He was a faithful meinher of the Baptist church of Oregon City and died firm in the hope of a better life. Winnie was a graduate of the Parkplace school, hav itig beeu a member ot the class of '1)6, and both teachers and pupils unite in expressing sincere regret at his untimely death. To the large circle of sorrowing friends and relatives remains the mem ory and appreciation of a kindly life. SCHOOLS. Kipling's "Kecesslouar Set to Music. Every person, whether a musician or not, will he interested to know that Reg' inald de Koven has set Rudyard Kiplings "Recessional" to music, and that the hymn is published in the May Ladies dome journal, ine Recessional is conceeded to have enriched our literature more than any other siugle poem of the century, and Mr. de Koven's music is saiil to be in every way worthy of the famous author's masterpiece. He has set the words for barytone and mezzo soprano voices with a chorus and solo, making a composition which is likely to prove one of the most popular for church choir singing presented in recent years Mink Misk, April :25 The Chinamen are tusy plowing -the hop yard in this vicinity which 4hey have rented for five .years. "Mr. Fiitz Bluhm, assisted by Michael Iloehnke, hauled two big loads of oats to Oregon City last Monday. Christ Bluhm went to Portland yester day to visit her sister, Flora. Christ Moehnke, who has beeu work Dig in the Willamette Paper Mills, is at home for awhile. William Moehnke be gan work in the Crown Mill today. Emiel Guenthcrand Stephen Hutchin iQu went to the city today. Miss Rose Bullard, teacher of the primary pupils in our school was in Oregon City Saturday. War and rumors of warj Almost everything but what can he relied upon can be heard now. Eyerybody anxious to know the latest. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moehnke visited Jo in and Charles Moehnke of West Oregon last Saturday. Charming Oregon. Judge William Galloway, accompanied by Mrs. Galloway, went to McMinnville Saturday and that evening delivered for the benefit of the Baptist College there an able address on "State Lands". The Judge has a fruit farm consistingof about 8000 trees situated on the bills about four miles west of McMinnville. The view from this farm is very grand. Towards the northeast, as far as the eye can reach, extends the beautiful Willain ette Valley, on the distant outskirts of which loom up the majestic Hood, the snow-clad Adams, the noble Jefferson, the sublime St. Helens. The Blind Boy Pianist. It is with no small degree of satisfac tion that the influential citizens of our city hear that the talented blind boy pianist is to be heard in Oregon City on April 29 at Willamette Hall in a recital to be given under the auspices of the Studio of Fine Arts. Miss Griswold known in social circles of New York and Loudon has consented to give some recitations including her celebrated bird imitations. Mr. P. F. Morey has taken a kind interest and is one of the largest sub scribers of the entertainment. Beaver Creek xkavR ukekk, Apr zd. war is a topic of great excitement here. We feel that our President deserves credit in trying to avert war. lie is an old soldier and Loows better what war means than many of those who wish to rush to battle without a though about the conse quences. llr. Evans, of Denyer, Col. is spending a few weeks iu this place. D. W. Thomas has improved the ap pearance of hie house very much with a coat of paint. The county Convention of Christian Endeavors will be held at Canby Apiil 20th and 30th. Delegates. sent from this ociety are, Wm. Phelps, Wmr Daniels, Jfrank Shannon and Emrys Thomas. The Grangers of this place will give an entertainment on the afternoon of May 4he 21st. All are invited to attend. The I ffcnic will be in honor of the Grange j Being organized two years on that day. Joint Debate. Every citizen of Clackamas County is invited to attend the joint debate Satur day evening at Weinhard's Hall, on the political issues, between Hon. George C. Brownell, Republican candidate for State Senator, and Hon. W. R. U'Ren, fusion candidate for State Senator. The money question, the legislative hold-up and other important questions will be dis cussed. Democrats and Middle-of-the Road Populists are particularly invited to attend. Teachers Assoehitloi., The next meeting ot the Clackamas Teachers, Association will be hold at Canby, Saturday, April 30th. Following is the program : Violin solo Robert Coe Spencerian Penmanship, F. M. Darling and P. L. Coleman. Cornet solo George Knight More Civil Government In Our Schools, Kstello Bracken. ioun eoio Kobort t oe The Dull Boy in School, L. T. Anderson Song Five pupils ol Canby school leachers' Examination, H. G Stark weather. Methods of Teaching Physiology, Jon nie Rowen. Cornet solo George Knight How to Cultivate Self-Roliance in Our Pupils, Mrs. A. II. Wells. Vocal solo Robert Coe Roll-call, Quotations from Shakespeare KSTATfc TRANSFERS. WHAT 1UU UK 1M? Mn.wAi KiK, April, 25 Editor Oregon City Herald: II you will give me space in your paper I would like to ask you a few questions in regard to a certain matter. In your issue of April 21, I notice an article with the heading; Geo. C. Brownell. His Maimifleient Record lor Influence and Magnetism, and in connection therewith you proceed to give a glowing account of his work in the Senate, but you did not say anything about what his opponent In this cam paign, Mr. U'Rren has done. Now Mr. Editor I am a voter in this county and I take an iuterest in the welfare of the county. I want to see good men, elocted to office and uot only good men, but the best men, and in order thatwe may know who are the best men, it is necessary that we should have both sides of the ques tion and for the benefit of myself and other readers of your paper. I would like for you to tell me in your next issue, what did Mr. U'Ren do for the people while he was in the Legislature, how many bills did he fail to get and how much money did he get for the failure to set any bills through the Legislature? In Bhort, what did Mr. U'Ren do tor the people of Clackamas County during the term he was elected to the Legislature? These are questions which I consider pertinent to the matter under considers tion. I therefore adopt this method to the end that I mar tain the desired nformation. Shall send a copv of this to to the editor of the Enterprise in order that be may have an opportunity to answer these questions. John II. Gibson. Furnished Kvery Week by the (lucka mils Abstract Trust Company. G A Hording, trustee, to J W Whetstone, Apr 1(1, '1)8 W Diets 3, 4, hlk 6 Kdgewood I 210 J II Crookshanks to A J Crook shanks Apr 20, '08 W D li,' of e4 of swl4', sec 1, t 2 a. r 2 e. . J Glover, by adm, to T Charmnn Apr 20 '08, adm deed, 100 acres in J I Glover claim 1000 O A C R R Co to J O Carr Dec 5 '02 deed, swli of iw' sou 33,' t 2 rS 100 A J lloyt to J K Blein July 6 'D W Dsw and sVof nw ami lot 1, too 25, 1 1 a, r 3 e S E Jones, by sheriff, to W F Hub bard Apr 4, '08 deed, so1 ace 2 t 2 a,;5 e 480 Attention, Comrades! The comrades of Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., are requested to meet at their hall, on Sunday evening, May 1, at 7 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of attend ing the patriotic meeting at the M. E. Church. A full attendance is requested. By order of Post Commander, C. A. Williams, Adjt. Miller and Fitch. Colonel Robert A. Miller and Editor Fitch of the Herald will speak at Grange Hall, Logan, on Saturday, May 7, at 8 P. M. Eyerybody, including ladies, are inyited to attend. Hear both sides dis cussed. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quin ine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Enthusiastic Meetings. Republican meetings have been held at Canhy, Osweo, Milwaukee and Eagle Creek during the past week, addressed by Hon, T. J. Cleeton and a number of local orators. The meetings have been the largest ever held in Clackamas County, and judging from the sentiment nd enthusiasm displayed, there has been a great change in the political sentiment of Clackamas County during the past two years. Mr. Cleeton is an eloquent and forcible speaker and keeps is audiences interested in his discus sion of the political issues. His argu ments are conclusive and convincing and is explanation of the Money question so intelligent that it carries conviction to the minds of the voters. Mr. Cleeton ill speak at Damascus next Monday ight, Clackamas, Tuesday ann Mar- quara Thursday night. Mr. Cleeton has maJe many friends and will no doubt carry Clackamas County by a good majority. Republican Rallies. Hon. T. J. Cleeton, District Attorney, and other speakers will address the citizens of Clackamas County on the political issuei of the day, at the fol lowing places and dates: Damascus, Monday, May 2. Clackamas, Tuesday, May 3. Marquam, Thursday, May 5. Everybody, especially the Ladies, in vited. Speaking will commence at 8 p. m. By Order Committee. F llamel to U 8 Apr 20 '08, Q 0 D swl4 of ne, se of ue(4' and lots 3 and 4 sec 0, t 2 s, r 0 e F L Wasko to U S Apr 20, '08 Q 0 D iiu'4' of se.l4, se' of ne' and lots 1 and 2 of sec 0, t 2 s, r 0 o land RJ Cockraue to L D King May 7, '02 W D 18 acres of J I) Murray claim 180 A C and J Raines to F I) Edwards Jan 13, 'IHl W 1) tract M Prune- land 15(H) J Lindsay to M Castello Apr 10, '1)3 W I) 10 acres iu P Welch claim. . 25i J A Kiiehul to C Cobb Jan 10 '08 Q C D Ion 20. 21, blk 73 Minthorn 450 P P ami L Skei and G G Fordtin to PJulluiu Feb 15, 'OS W I) self of ne' sec 15 1 5 s r I e P P and L Skel and P Jullum to G G Fordal Feb 15 "JS W D sw, of ne4' sec It), t 4 s, r 1 e Oregon City to Clackamas county Mce 12 '08 deed tract joining e side blk 120x121 Mt View cemet ery 1st add 75 G Root to L I) King, May 7 '02 W D 18 acres in JD Murray claim ISO P P and L Skei and P Jullum and G (i Fordal to M Olseu Feb 15 15, "08 nw.i4' of ne'4' of sec 1(1, 1 5 s, r 1 e 500 Louise Shi be to Peter Meyer Apr 14 'Or W D 18 acres in W T Slat- lock claim 1200 R J Baettie, trustee, to N Davis Apr 8 'OS sheriff deed 30.37 acres in sec 2, t 2 s, r 2 e 2200 P P and L Skei and P Jallman to G G Fordal Feb 15 '08 W D ew' of ne.(4 sec 1(3, 1 5 s, r 1 e G G Fordal et al to P P Skei Feb 15 '08 250 acres E B Ramshy claim 650 G J Trullinger to C Keller Apr 20 '08 adm deed, 100 acres in J P Glover 1000 J It N and E V Sellwood to I Ot born Apr 18, '08 W D lot 1, tract 41, Oak Grove 300 A J and M Schulpius to F C and M Miller Apr 22 '08 W D lot 2 blk 103 Oregon City 1U0O M L and J C Bradley to C II Sloop Apr 23 '08 W D nwtf sec 32, 1 1 8 r 4 e I00O L Becker, by sheriff, to II Hulman jr. Apr 21, '08 deed 7 tracts in Bock claim 2200 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy- right to the Thorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of attracts in the County, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Hank of Oretron City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. FOB SALE That Lam JHTJ Bark can b eured with JdiW MiilVE fLAflXEE. Only 26c Or Exchange one 3 1-2 Wood Wagon in good Condition, Apply at Oregon City Woolen Mills. Sure La Grippe Cure There is no use suffering from this dreadlui malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no apptite, no life or amition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will you prompt and sure releif. They act directly on your Liver Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Charman & Co.'s Drug Store only 50 cents per bottle. Bids Invited. Healed bids will be received by the County Court for the renewal of the pil ing under the Shipley bridge on the Abernethy River; said piling to be not less than 15 inches at small end ; also said piling to be of cedar. Bids will be opened on May the 4, 1808, at 0:30 A. M. The Court reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids. Elmkr Dixon, County Clerk. April 20, 1808, Orrgoa'a Proportion HC9. Washi. To, April 21.-On the Nils of today's call lor 125,000 men, the various states and territories, Including the district of ColiimriM, will be called upon to supply each the following number of volunteers: Alabama 2.IVK) Arkansas , 2.7M) California 2,'J.'W Colorado 1,118 Connecticut 1,(107 Delaware .HI Florida 7ft Georgia 3,174 Idaho ZYl Illinois fl.fjort Indiana 4.4r2 Iowa 3.772 Kansas 2.778 Kentucky ... 3.107 Louisiana - l.ltlo Maine 1,250 Maryland 1.IM2 MaxftaciiunetUi 4,721 Michigan.... 2,: Minnesota 2.M71 Mississippi 2,2,r7 Missouri 6,411 Montana 2I Nebraska 1,4:0 Nevada Ills New Hampshire 7'2 New Jersey 2,112 New York 12,01:1 North Carolina UM North Dakota 401 Ohio 7,2.11 Oregon Pennsylvania 10,700 Kliode Inland 71') Houtli Dakota l.NWi nooth Carolina 747 Tennessee 8,Wi0 Texas 4,22!l Utah 425 Vermont im Virginia 21112 Wanblngtoi 1,I7 West Virginia 1.,'JM Wisconsin 3,274 Wyoming 231 Arizona till District of Columbia 440 New Mexico xm Oklahoma 113 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN TUB COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTOUIA," A3 OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," tho samo that has borne and docs now bear yff on every tho fac simile sigmturo of Cfi&SffM&fo wrapper. This is tho original "CASTORIA" which has been used in tho homes of tho Mothers of America for over thirty years.' LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and sco that it is tho kind you have always bought v on tho and has the signature of W472 wrap per. No one has authority from mo to uso my namo except Tho Centaur Company, of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your' child by accepting' a cheap substitute which some drujjK'!it inay l'r )'ou (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even lie does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMt INTMH MNf, TT WMI (MM?, M.O In A Mlsuiiilrrslaiiilliiir. tho Mapltt I.ano i-orivondtiir ast Mettle was an articlo rctltvliiiK upon Jiinos Shelley, a prominent citizen of that precinct, and in which howa culled a freo nil v.r K-iuoeral." Whatt'tur Mr. Shelley in.iv have said nuailist the Populist, he did not intend to cast any reduction upon the old soldiers, l'he fact of the tnattur it there ure vety few old soldiers, or any kind of mddiurs, ept Spanish yuiputhvscrs in the l'o u' lint ranks. Mr. Shelly has always been consistunt Democrat, hut when it cornea to deciding between the hold-up indorse m of tho Populist Tarty and the Republican Tarty, lie cast his lot with the Republicans. He it a gentleman of strong convictions and payi no attention to the snarling curs that snap al his leebj. He has honest convictions a to hit political duties and proposes to exercise them In the interests of the He- publican Tarty. He ha no line for a Topuliit O' his anarchisl growth of grog shop oratory. In fact he has no use for a Populist of any kind. Mr. Shelly is a gentleinnn, a characteristic that is a sc.irci) article among the Muple Lane jI the Populist Tarty, BR6RD is tho rt nil' of life, lull it is not ull made alike. Tho Main Street Bakery has a reputation fur making kimr! hrcucl ovtTy duy itr tho Wtl'lt. Fancy ""'1 Staplo KB Always Fresh. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Oregon City. I'm It ami Tunltrj diMness. A reliable niuii, single, wishes the ac quaintance of someone mur Oregon City ho is interested in fruit growing and poultry. Not Always t'liilemtouil. A fact often overhwked, or not always nderstood, is that women sillier as much rom distressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. The wointi is situ- ...... ... aled hack oi anil very clone to I lie hol der, and fur that reason any distress, ills, ease or inconvenience manifested iu the idneys, buck, bladder or urinary pass age is often, by mintake, atirllmted to fe male weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may he as easily avoided by selling urine snide for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set tling 'is evidence that your kidneys and ladder need doctoring. If you have pain or dull selling in the back, puss ater too frequently, or scanty supply, ith smarting or burning, these are so convincing proofs of kidney trouble. you have doctored without benefit, try Kilmer's Hwamp-Itoot, the great kid ney remedy. The mild and extraordi nary effect will supriee you. It Btands the highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should take the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sainhlo bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail Mention The Oregon City Knterprise and send your addrecs to Dr. Kilmer &Co , Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oflor. ...HEINZ & CO... Main Street. ST. GERMAIN: FEMALE PILLS The onlv iiD(ImhI unit I'molns Kronen H I!-m i. mur. nl .lmr. Mi. (ii-rnisln, I'sil. I' itanri.i-il a. iii-in oulf, ur mid ri-liill in fvry e,iH, ntHcr tuisllive IMHfsMrr or iimih.-v relmiileil, (lot the K'-iiiOhe. Price H 01 i-r li . hy mull. Hole igcni. inr He t'liiicil Sinic mill Cinada. KINO llA'tVAHl) CO, l.'l WniililliKtoll Hi. (.'till-ago. h Dr. The U. S, Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Free Trial Treatment TO EVERY MAN Tlil oiler la maile liv I he ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provioiil H p icm'ihii he ii, .Oh ul oni'r, in orip-r linn n h vhhiiiiii, iippliancea anil iifVnr 'hIi'hk rHiiiiilm. in it V reei-lva tile widest .iiini liv, sml prmti their us li lie " liv itcftial ue and permanent cure. Nil i l.s ever will in-received hy the I'llm.l Hi-its rtiiillsrinin fro in any in. mi vr iu irH.iiniHHt n nl II tx-iiellislal re mill sre ii kno leilunl. lis reinnlles and i -1 it 1 1 ..-H Imte linen vniiimpiiilHil liy the ne si-snnra ol l n c.niiiiiHiiin hii'I endorsed lv lie- tro-uct -liiiiura in tlm world. MNii-re H--V.-1. 1 1 tn.-nt ilcHlreil they ao ciiiiii' ji 'in i hewr lull lo invitmiHIs, lip tiutlil I f-.nilv. rin-V Infuse new lift' and rgv. I ih ptTinniiHMiiy hiii all luaarn wliii'ii iinilHi'iiiiiie Hie i'oiiNiitiioii slid pro ilui-e ili ...iiii v ht'V re-lone, refresh Hinl re.iiip- to reanlli-at id URt, periiisiisnlly re move tin if (!' co., a sell a Hume of ex eee S'.'l over rt veil hriiln work, lisiiras the !' v x'i'.'i-.o'i. No fiillnre, no publicity, no deeeptlnn, no disappoint nienl. Wilis loilsv. Il.MXOIH STATU 8 I NIT A It! I'M. Kvaiihlon, I I. "iZZI' grow paying crops txeanie they're fresh and slwari tho best. For al everywhere. Itsfuse tubstltuUt, Stlok to Ferry's Eewla and pros par. 1808 Seed Annual tret, Write for It D.M. FERRY CO., Ottrolt. Mich. OASTOIltA. Bsan tb. The Kind You Haw Always Bougnt