Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
far mm City 5 EP.RISE. VOL.33. NO. 2(3. OREGON CITY, OREGON,, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1866 Qm D US., POWELL A bKAMANN , PbytloUni and Surgeon. Krwoll attention given to surglr-al work. Office hours: H to It A.M., lioSI'. M., 4 to! 1', M. Uooinitfend lo Oh arwaii llik, 0.0. aaownu. . u.cahmsix. J JUOWNKLL A CAMPIIKM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oasuox cirr, ..... oanoo. Will practice In til the oourt at the at!. Ol Dot, lu c.unVIJ bundlnc Qt 11. IHUM. CIV'IL KNUINKKR akd DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will Iw at court houae on each Saturday and on regular wwilon tiny of county court. c UCKAMAN ABSTRACT TKH8T CO. rurnlih, AUfans, ('halm of Tit1. Decrlp Un, Loena, pay Taxes I'erfoct Tilloa. etc., Ui. Olllne ovur liauk uf Orefnn t.liy. J. r. t l.AKK, Pr..,aiiJ Mr, oaaiioa CITY, .... oaauoM, J 11. MILI.KK, -DENTIST - Flnt sets of twth, gold crowna, til kind of fillings and blldgwork. eleventh St. near dKt. Oregon City, Or. c 0. T. WII.UAMH. 'hXAL. MTATE AND LOAH AGENT. A lood Una at bualneas.realdeuc aud suburbau property. farm Property In tracts lo lull on easy terms. Cnrreapiwdenre promptly aliewered. Office, on divir auiilli i.l MvIIukIIiI euuron. T W. MKLDIIUM. J SURVEYOR A SI) CIVIL ENGINEER. All order iromlly attended to. Postolllc addre Oregon City. Healdi-iic I Meldrum Place, on Kail Side Electric In two in lira north ol Oregon City, c D A D.O. LATOUKKTTE, ATTORNEYS AND ' COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIM tTBKKT OMKOOH CITY, OKKUOM. furnish Abelraota of Till, Loan Money, Fore- Cloee Moniacaa, ana transact uw Law Huslaeae. Yl . CKOSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wiu. rAcnca iii Au. t'otiiTf or tm Btat8. Real Estate And Insurance. Offloeon Malo Street bL Sixth aud Seventh, osauox citt. oa. A. B. DRESSER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Ollloeover McKlltrick't Shoe Store, near the Hank of Oregon City. OmooN Citv, Okkion. Jt K. MARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will pratica In all the eourta of the slate. Office opoaite court houae In Caulleld building. J" L.PORTICR. ATTORNEY AT LAW aTAtT or raoraatr ruamaHiD. Onto nit to Oregon CUT bank on 6th at reel. JJR, FRANCIS FREEMAN, -DENTIST Grailtiute of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, Chicago. Also American College of Dental Surgery, With Dr. Welch, Willamette Block. T HE COMMERCIAL BANK, OF ORKOON CITY. (laplul, 1100,000 Lnaua made. Bllla dtionmited. Makea col leotiona. Hujra and aolla eii'hanne on all pninta In the Unltd Htatea, Europe aud Hong Koii. Depoalta recoled aulijeoi lo check. Bank opeu Irom 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. 0. C. LATOURETTK, Proaidont. ' F. J. MKYEK, Caahler. B ANK OF OREGON CITT, Oldest Uu Bouse In the Cltr. Paid up Capital, W,000, Hiirplua, AI,HMI. raaaiDKHT, - OHAii.aa H. CAtiriii.n. Tia raainNT, o. a. haboino. oabhikk, - . o CAuriai.D. A genoral banklni bualneaa tranaaoted. Depoalta received aub)ooi to flherk. Approved bllla and uoteadlaoniiuted. Oountj and oltjr warranta bouKht. Loana mvle on available aeourlly. Eiohanne bouxlit aud aold. tiolleoLlotit mads promptly. Rraltaaold ivallanle lu any part ot the world Telvarnphlo exolianRea anld on Portlaud, Ban Franolnoo.nhloHB.iand Now York, utereat palJ on time depoalta. , . JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drup: Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and Amerioa. Think or Starve!! That In the alternative flAW. A.llli VM . tf.ll .u.M I..M.I. " " W J .llfc llllll. II money tlKjnjfh tlrnwly, yon will aonnlmve iiiiini iuii kj pay, ii wonin on money in your lux knt Id give a little thought to what we are olfi'ilntf. InvnatiKate anl aee how remarkably low our price are on Wall Paper. We anil a rlonhlo roll for 7e, hut lUo will Jhuy a better, more aervlcf able paier. Bolloniy & Busch, The lloiiaefurnlHliera. 0)oaite Court Jlouae. MORE CRESCENTS In Clackainaa County than all other Uicyclea combined. WHY? Bccaune it has always bfcn an honect wheel at an honest price, and because a Crepcrnt guarantee means something. No one who ever purchased a Crescent from us has ever had to go elsewhere for satisfaction. Crescents come in all sizes and the prices run from $20 to $30. W. A. Huntley, Agt, j r-tT- tj Ty-l33-T,v- -w TV-WWW W W. P. KltANKU OKO. E. KllAMKK Krancr & Kramer ..Tailors.. 22S WaHhington St. R22SS KUV tJrA SWHEELTS0TH HARR0W ::V:'.::V:'.V-:V.:.:V.-. The driver rides ineieud of walking. New Stock of Canton Clipper Plows Genuine Chilled Plows Harrows and Cultivators Agonts for tho eolohrated Simonds Cross cut Saws. Also a full line of HARDWARE, Stoves, Granite waro, Tin and Copper ware, Wagon woods, Etc. Plumbing and general jobbing a specialty. POPE St CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets, - Oregon City. f . There's a triqg fin ift We have a atrlnu to each ahoe, of courae. You have a airing to your money, for, if the ahoe doeau't uit you can return it and have your money hack. We ut a itrlnn to thin for we guarantee our fhoea to le the tmet and they are the bent. Our line in an re lo please you. Krausse Bros.... 7 OREGON CITY. WW WWWW WWWW Tortland, Ore. I 3t-", " 1,1,1 l , ;rJH,cJrJ1JHr'r,HrlHrJHHrV,r'r,rJrJHr'r,r,lc'rJn'r'rlrlrlrJrll!a WAR DECLARED The TrcHldent's Third Menage in One Month. Rfaolotlon Formally Declaring; War italnat hpaln Panne the llonne Wilhont IMnnentlnc Yote. WAiiuaiiTua, April 25. Tb President to day Mnt to Congreaa the following bill recommending the paasae of a declaration of war against Hpaln: To the rWnaieand Houae of Representative ot the United Htate of America: 1 tranimlt to Coiigroai for It conaiilera lion and appropriate action copiei of corre spondence recently had with the repreaeiit- atlve of Hpaln In the UnlUd Btates, with the United Statea Mlnlater at Madrid, and through the latter wltb ths government of Hpaln, allowing the action taken under Joint reaolulion, approved April 20, 1809, for ! cognition of the independence of the people of Cuba, demanding that the government of Spain relinijuieh it authority and gov rnnientin the inland of Cuba and withdraw It land and naval forcea from Cuba and Cuban water, and directing the 1'realdent of the United Htatea to uae the land and naval force of the United State to carry these resolution into effect. Upon communicating to the tipanlsh mln later in Washington the demand which it became the duty of the executive to address to the government ol Hpaln In obedience lo aid resolution, said Minister asked for his passport and withdrew. Ths United Stales Minister t Madrid was in turn notified by the Bpanish representative that the United State had terminated diplomatic relation between the two countries, and all official communication between their respective representatives ceased therewith. I recommend to your special attention the note directed to the United Stale ruin Isterat Madrid by the Spanish Minister of Foreign A Hairs on the 21st Inst, whereby the foregoing notification was communi cated. It will be pvrwived that the Spanish government, having coguixance of the reso lution, and in view of the things which the President i hereby required and authoriied to do, responds by treating the representa tive demands of tbi government as meas ures of hostility, following with that in stant and complete severance of relations by It action. The position of Spain being thus made known and the demand of the United Btatet being denied wltb a complete rupture in the intercourse with Spain, I have been constrained in ibe exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by the joint resolution aforesaid to proclaim under date of April 22, lc$8, a blockade of certain port on the north coast of Cuba, lying be tween Cardenas and Babai Honda and the port of Clenfuegoi on tbe south coast of Cuba, and further, in the exercise of my constitutional lowers and using the power confened on me by act of Congress, ap proved April 22, 1808, to issue my proclama tion dated April 23, 1S93, calling for volun teers In order to carry Into ellect said reso lution of April 20, 1SD8. Copies or this proclamation are hereunto appended. In view of the measure so taken and with the view to the adoption of such war meas ure a may be necessary to enable me to carry out tbe expressed will of the Congress of the United States in the premises, I now recommend to your honorable body the adoption ol a joint resolution declaring that a state of war exists between the United State of America and the kingdom ol Spain, and I urge speedy action thereon, to tbe end that a definition of the International statu of the United States as a belligerent power may be made known aud the asser tion ot all it duties in the conduct of the publlo war may be assured. William McKihliy. Executive Mansion, Washington, Apiil 23. Not a Dlaaentlug Vote. Wasiiinuton, April 25. The House today passed the bill declaring the existence of a tale of war between the United States and the kingdom of Spain in a manner which cannot fail to impress the world. The repre sentatives of 70,000,000 people voted for it without a word of debate, without a dis senting vote and without a roll-call, but with a solemn appreciation of tbe gravity of their momentous action. Joint Resolution. The joint resolution or bill was as follows: "Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled. "First, That war he and the same Is hereby declered to exist, and that war has existed since the 21st of April, 1893. includ ing Sunday, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. "Second, That tbe president of the United States Is hereby directed and em powered to use the entire land and naval forces of tbe United States, and to call into actual service the United States militia of the several State to such extent as may be necessary to carry this act into ellect." Ultlmation. Following is the text of President' ulti matum to Spain, as given out this morning: "April 20, 1808.-Woodford, Minister of the United States, Madrid: You have been furnished with the text of the Joint resolu tion voted by the Congress of the United States on the 19tb Inst., and approved today, in relation to the pacification of the island of Cuba. In obedience to that act, the Presi dent directs you to immediately communi cate to the government of Spain said resolu tion, with a formal demand upon the gov ernment of Spain to at onoe relinquish its authority and government in the island of Cuba and withdraw It land and naval force from Cuba and Cuban water. In taking this tep, the United blate hereby disclaim any disposition or Intention to ex ercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over tlx Island, except for the pacification thereof, and assert It determination when that I accomplished to leave the govern ment aud control of tbe island to It people under sucb free and independent govern ment a tbey may establish. "If by the hour of noon on Saturday next, ths 23d day of April, instant, there be not communicated to this government by the government of Spain full nd satisfac tory response to this demand and resolution, whereby tbe ends of peace in Cuba shall be assured, the President will proceed without further notice to use the power and author ity enjoyed and conferred upon him by said Joint resolution lo sucb extent as may be necessary to carry tbe tame into effect. "Shekmav." Proclamation. Tbe following is the Proclamation Isaued April 21, announcing tbe blockade of Cuban ports: "Whera. In carrying into ellect the Resolution, the President of the United States deem it necessary to set on foot and maintain a blockade of tbe nortb coast of Cuba, including all port of said coast be tween Cardenas and Babia Honda, and tbe port of Cieiifuegus, on the south coast of Cuba; now, therefore, I, William McKinley President of the United State, in order to enforce said Resolution, do hereby declare and proclaim that the United 8tates of America ba instituted and will maintain a blockade of the north coast of Cuba, includ ing port on aid coast between Cardenas and Bahia Honda, and tbe port of Cien fuegos, on tbe south coast of Cuba, afore said, in pursuance of the law of the United Slates and tbe laws of nations applicable to such canes. An efficient force will be posted so as lo prevent the entrance to and exit from said ports aforesaid. Any neutral vessel approaching said iiorts and attempt Inn to leave tbe same without notice or knowledge of the establishing of sucb block ade will be duly warned by tbe commander ot tbe blockading forces, wbo will Indorse on ber register the fact and tbe date of such warning, and where such indorsment was made, and it the same vessel shall again at tempt to enter any blockaded post, she will be captured and tent to the nearest con venient port for tucb proceedings against her and ber cargo a prize as may be deemed advisable. Neutral vessel lying in and of tbe said porta at the time of the establishment of such blockade will be allowed 30 days to issue therefrom. . "In witness wberot I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of tbe United States to be affixed. "Bone at the city of Washington this 22d day of April, A. D. 1808. and of tbe Inde pendence of tbe Jnited States the I22d. "William McKiblbt. "By the President: "Johs Shermah, "Secretary of State." Ex-Praaldent Clereland Speaks. PaiaceTOH, N. ., April 22. A great student demonstration in regard to the war took place on Prinoton campus last nighu One thousand students paraded through tbe town and about tbe campus, finally drawing up in front of ex-President Cleve land's house, and with ringing cheers in duced him to come out. The enthusiasm was unbounded, and Mr. Cleveland made a speech, every sentence of which was loudly cheered. He said in part: "I suppose this demonstration is an evi. deuce of your patriotism In this critical hour ot our Nation' history. We must stand by the Country when she is right, and I am not so sure that we should not stand by ber when sbe Is wrong. Let us bope in this crisis which is upon us our arms may sus tain their prowess and that it may be demonstrated in after years that we were right. Stern duties face the American people today, and let us bope that these duties may be performed in tbe same high way that our duties were performed in the preliminary stages of the trouble, and in the days to come let us prepare ourselves for the proper performance on all occasions of these duties. But so far as in us tie, let u be conservative and righteous to the end." Loud hurrahs were given for the ex-president before the students took up their march again. Important Kventa. Washington, April 25. Congress today formally declared war to exist between the United States and Spain ; the Senate passed the naval appropriation bill, carrying large amounts of money for the improvement of our sea-fighting arm of the federal service; the Hull army reorganixation bill was passed the Senate, and now goes to conference; Secretary Sherman resigned, a chief of the State Department, to be succeeded by As sistant Secretary Day, and tbe latter by John B. Moore of New York, an acknowl edged authority on international law, and the war department called on the several states for their quota to the volunteer army ol the United State. So Soon? Tacoma, Wash., April 23. Interested dealers have sent a circular letter to the 200 shingle manufactures of Western Washing ton advising an immediate shilling down, declaring war has demoralized the business. What Dr. A. E. Salter Kays. Burrau), N. Y. Gents. From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Sbiloh's Cure in cases of advanced Consumption, lam prepare! to say that it ia the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Charman A Co., druggists, Oregon City. OREGON RESPONDS One Regiment of 1200 Men Now Being Chosen. National (Jnard Hen Only to be Called on Troopi Will Mobilize la Portland Instruction. Postlad, April 27. Order were isaued yesterday from the office of Colonel B. B. Tuttle, adjutant general of tb Oregon Ra tional Guard, to mobilize In Portland all of tbe guard except companies A of Wasco and K of tfsndon, and troop B, cavalry, of Oresham. Wbile there seem some conflict ot opin ion as to tbe total number to be taken from Oregon, it I practically settled that tho regiment asked by the federal authorities will consist of 1200 men. In the order to guard the company commanders are In structed to recruit up to tbe limit specified in section 17 ot the regulations, which glveo 00 as the maximum number, but in tbe offi cial statement of Governor Lord it appeara that the recent bill, passed by Congress, alter tin. Tbe Governor (aid; "In conformity with the proclamation of the President of the United Slate calling for troop lo serve in tbe war with Spain, and orders from the war department in re lation thereto, allowing one regiment of in fantry as tb quota for Oregon, to be (elect ed a nearly as possible from the Oregon National Guard, I issued the order for tho mobilization of tbe Guard at Portland, where they will be mustered into the ser vice." The order in part is as follows: STATE OF OREGON, MILITARY DEPT. Aojctabt-Geseral' Orrira, Halem. Or., April 25, 1808. S General Orders No. 9. Eacb of tbe organization above desig nated stationed outside of Portland will bo furnished trsnsportation to Portland on application to the agent ef tb railroad company at their respective stations, and will provide sufficient cooked rationa for their commands till arrival in Portland. Upon arrival at Portland tbe command ing officers of companies will proceed witli their commands to the Multnomah Count armory, where they will be furnished quarters till further order, and will I na med letely thereafter report in person to tho brigade commander in the armory. Com manding officers, First regiment, battery A, Ibe Engineer and Signal Corps, will report in person to tbe brigade commander as soon a their commands have assembled . The following articles of uniform and equipment will be furnished each enlisted man. by their commanding officer, wbea tbe supply is sufficient. Deficiencies will be supplied at Portland: To be worn on the person One campaign hat (forage cap for dtieciencies when not sufficient campaign bats on hand), ono blouse, one pair trousers, one pair legging. To be carried by tbe men One rifle, wilt bayonet; one woven belt, with bayonet scabbard; one Merriam pack (when sup plied); one haversack; one canteen, one tin cup (quart), to be attached to canteen or haversack. To be carried in tbe haversack Ono meat ration can (when supplied), one knife. table; one fort, table; one spoon, table; ono tin plate (if no meat ration cauV One trumpet and cord, by each musician. The following articles, rolled together in a bundle, blanket on the outside, and securely bound with rope or straps, with the name. company and regiment of tbe owner marked on a tag ot wood or pasteboard, and securely attached to it, will be allowed aa baggge, viz: One blanket (to be issue), one overcoat (to be issued), one change of underclothing, two pair of woolen socks, two handkerchiefs. one comb, one towel, one small piece of soap. Each officer and enlisted man to supply bimself. Enlisted men provided wltb the Merriam pack will carry the articles of personal ap parel in the pack. In addition to the above articles of per sonal apparel, eacb officer and enlisted man should provide himself with one heavy oversbirt (woolen and of blue color prefer red); also a pair of broad, thick-soled shoes. No other articles than those named will be allowed enlistee men. Mississippi Loaea Another Senator. Washington. April 21. Senator Edward. C. Walthall, of Mississippi, died in bis apartments at the Cairo today, at 6:30 P. M. Senator Walthall's illness dated from January last, when he contracted a cold. Tbe funeral arrangement provide for services in the Senate Saturday at 11 o'clock. Trans-Mlsaiaslppl Xiposltlon. Over 35 states will show at the Omaha fair, of which the majority will have build ings. There are 22 great department build ings practically completed, Two hundred acres of ground are used aud the site is at tractive. TransHrtation facilities are good and many of the buildings and displays are International in character. Backleu'8 Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giva perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. Price 25c. Wedding stationery, the latest styles. and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entbrpbib- office.