Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Heaver Creek..,
Union Milla,., ,
Mcailnw llruuk,.
Nw Kra , ,
I arkiiara
.Dr. T. It. Tli(itn
1 Kiiluhl
A. Jimiuifl
, .Owar W ihxI 1 1 Kr I
...(!. J.TriillliiKrl
, ,,.t;liaa. Ilolinaii
,.W. H, Nawlwrry
Henry Miivy
.If. i uimwll
Hlaltord J.CJ. (Jukd
W initio ('. T, Howard
Carna II, M. (,'ooiier
Mulalla A link Hliihlii
Wriimni,.., K. M. Ilartiiian
JluiU'Vllle II, JkiiiiIuki
Aurora llanry A, Hnyilur
rlll L J. I'urdna
Kagle I'rork II. Wlll.nrn
Two Veara For Forgery.
Wlllhiin Golden, who rut a wile swat
In thi cily dining the paat winter a
proprietor of the Cliptwr saloon, now
weura Him mii1m In Hih Montana Pen
lehllary. He Hkippi'd out from Oregon
City a few weeks ago after aiicL-PMsfully
puHHliw it forum check on tliu Merchant
Natlona" Hunk of Portland for I'M, algn
tlit) name of Jolin 0. Wlllii'lm, the Hull
wood bicwer, Since Golden loft here
Chlnf of l'o he I'.urna ha received sev
oral lutlori from Anaconda police officers
who were hmiIbIIoiI that he man a crook
He wan act'omiianied to that place frim
Oregon City with a who named U aliop
wlillo uolden hlmaolf went under the
nuine of J, II. O'Neill, uoMun or O'Neill
paaaed aoine worthluHi checks on Ana
coiida merchants, und pUeed under
arrest by the police olllcora. Aa a cou
teijiieiive Chii-f of Police liurni received
a letter a few daya ago from W. II. Trij-
Halmon Mn. V, M, Mt'lntvrt
Syrup of l-'irn it tuton; it in j.lcaaant
t'lirriniivilit . . . ii.o, J. fiirrin and refroslimg to tho tasto, and acts
: Aavur ana iioweln, clonnwa tlio ayg.
Letter l.lnt.
torn effectually, diftjx-lH colds, licad.
Tim followlnif lit iIih Hat of letter! re- Built'" Olid lovers and nnr linl.ifnnl
malnlng In the iMi'Ch"', constipation. Syrup of Fig- in tho '""' Anaconda, slat-
oniy ruimxjy oi it kind ever pro- umn wunnwu w
duccd, plowing to the tasto and ac H,,,lu"lliry two y-', and the
ct)tablo to tho Htomotdi, prompt in r 8
its aotion and truly bcndieial in iu W,M" lrtl.
CfTuotH. rviarod onlv from tin moat (,l'lun iu t-ousideiably indebted to
licalthyand ngrtHJiiMomilwtaiiMW, ita Jo,,n U" vvil,l,'lm. ' tho Hell wood brew
mnnyexcollent (lUHlitifHwiiimiend it r7' upplies and money advanced
to all and liavo nindo it tho moat l0.'lHf Permitting the former's young
tioptilar JVmtvly known. brother to conduct the saloon for two or
Syrup of Fig", in for Wile in 60 ,nr' weeka, look Iioi-Heiwloii hiiuaelf.
cent bottloa by all lemlitiK drus- 'l I laid that tiolden went under the
glHta. Any reliuhlo druiririat who "amo of Carmen, a idle In Portland, and
may not liavo it on hand M ill pro- waa connidured a bud man by the police,
euro ii promptly lor anyone who uul 1,0 tn",e C0UI( h placed aijaiiuit him
winnun ui iry iu UOtiotaocepiany' unl" ,UMr "aving incro
Oickoii, on April 22, 1HD8:
H'$ l.lT,
Alliw., Wr.ley J.f. II W ".
AlriaiiilKr.lt hlilnnan, Oi'O
lluyla, JnoK-'i 'i'lioiiia, Itmhanl
Johinon. tlm) Wagimr
Junoi.Jack Wiley, Jn.il
WilMKN'a LI'T.
Myrr. M' lnma
()m, M inula
Itv.lrr. W H
Hiilionmi, Mutila
llliua. Huarlolt Hmllll, 1 H
Umm Henry llroiiulit
()KO. Y. HOItTON. P. M.
(Ilrnnlloollrt cnnTnm rimt M'iB a In No-
mbar aud llilrd Moililaf In April.
Pmt.ata eourt la iwlim 8nt Monday In aaob
OommlMloiiarieonrt mU Itrat Wadneaday
alar Srat Moudav ol aaon aiumn.
okkooh city ornceuM.) cj
. K 0. CanflrM
Tlioi. V. Hyan
. Chan. K. Itiirna
. K. I.. Htiaw
II. K.HlralKtil
Frank T.Urillltli
. W. I,. Hnl.lo
. W. II llowrll
I). SV. Klnnalrd
Mayor. -Kwnrilrr,
ilhlafof I'ollco -NlKtiUatchinin
Trranrr, - - "
"lty Attorney. -Binwt
rlnpt. of Walrr Work,
tf(,M U.IHlltMr m
0)unrlln.Kn-lt. K-wrnrr, Frank -
ii ii iv n. .in tinma Itoaka. II. K. Mar'
rli, I). I. Laioiirrlta, Arthur Mllln, Frwl
A. Metinar.
Coiinell iiiktU tint Wadnmlay of each
month in city hall.
brVfon (lly Market Ur port.'
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 morcbantablo, 80 conta
tier buahel.
Klonr Portland. H.10: Howrd'a
Deat, H.10 ; FUher'i Boat, $3.75 ; Dayton ;
14.40: Peacock, $1.30
Oata in aka, white, 40 conta per
bushel, gray, 40.
Mlllaiuffa Itran. 115.00 per ton
oliorla, $15.00 jwir ton.
Potatoeo 35 centa per aack.
Kuira. 12M conta per doaen.
Hutter Ranch, 25 to So centa r roll.
Onlona,'$2 50 per rack.
Green applea, 40 to 75o per box,
Drlml Frulta AntiWa. unbleached , 3
cenU;50-pound boaea, evaporated, bo
nrunea, 4 to 5 centa; plumt, So.
Paeon llama, 9 to lOoenti; aidea,
7 to 8; ahouldera, 0 to7i lard 7 to 8
Mveatork and lireaaeJ Meata Heef,
live, 3 to 4 conUj tioa, live 3'to4oi
lioiii dreaaed, 5 to 0 centa; a5eep,$3.00
to $4.00 per head ;veal,dreaned 0 to 0.
Poultry-Chlckena, old, $3.00 to $3.50,
turkeya, alive, 8 to 10 centa per
A. O. U. W. ImeeU every Saturday
evening In tho A. 0. U. W. Temple.
Geo. K. CalifT, aecretary.
Hebekalia Willamette Hebekah Ixxltte
No. 2 nuH'ta aecond and fourth Friday of
each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple.
Malta Oodfry, Hjcretary
Court Robin Hood No. 9, Fomatera of
America, inoota flrat and third Friday in
the month tn Red Men'a llall.-F.T.
Uoirera. aecretary; F. 8. Raker, chief
Meade Poat No. 2, O. A. R., meets
fimt Wodnrmday In each month at Wil
lamette Hall. E. W. Mldlam, com
mander. Clackamaa Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
meeta on the third Monday of each
month in Maaonlo Hall. II. 8. Strange,
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meeta
the aecond and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Maaonlo Hall. Miss Jennie
Kowen, secretary.
Oreiton LcaJue No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., meeta
evory Thuraday In Odd Follows' Hall.
T. F. Ryan, aecretary
Falla Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F.
meeta first and third Tuesday in each
month. J. A. Stuart, secretary.
Itedmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
O. It. M., meeta Saturday evonlnu 7:30,
at Red Men'a Hall. J. W. Stuart, C.
of R. ; II. L. Patterson, Sachem.
Multnomah Lodue No. 1. A. F. A. M
meeta flrat and third Kuturdaya in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Corps No 18, W. R. 0., meets
aecond and fourth Wednesday in each
month at the Willamette Hall. Mia.
Clouse, president.
Artisans meeta first, second and fourth
Thursdays In each month at Red Men's
Hall. J. T. Searl, secretary.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Branch No. 647, moets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meets In
Ited Men'a Hall, on aecond and fourth
Wednesdays G. II. Hyatt, record
Chummn no syrup co.
$40 miKIKO, C4L
Loumiui, nr. new mk, .r.
Count Central Commlt'ee.
The County Central Committee will
meet at the Court House, Saturday,
April lrd at 11 a. in. Following la
liat of Committee:
Abernothy-K. C. Hickett.
lUrlow-J W C.iiipbell.
Poring A. W. Amh r oii.
Ca. hy-D. R. Dim ck.
Caneinah Charh a Toole.
canyon ireea r. lioum-v.
Caacadea J. II. Ro.enue.
CberryWIle V. Ve,cn.
Clack iniiic J. C. Paddock.
Damaacu. K. T. White.
Kanle Creek C. B. Smith.
Uarlleld George Lockerby,
George Hana Paulaen.
Harding-Will Frakes.
Highland Ed Harrington.
Lower Mdlalla A. Clebe
Upiwr Molalla John Cole.
Maple Lane M. Mifio -ban.
Milk Creek John Denniaon.
MarquHin Al Gray.
Nredy-N. IlUIr
New Kia Enoa Caliill.
O C. No. 1-M. E. Willoughby.
O. C No. 2-G. B. Dlmick.
O.C. No. 3-J. N. Harrington.
Oaaogo A. J. Tufts.
Pleasant Hill-Will Scott.
Sievera Adolph AscholT.
Soda Spriuga Jo Barriato.
Springwater II. M. Bhiploy.
Tualatin J. L. Kruae.
Union-C. T. F. Wilson. "
Viola-Will Stone.
W. O. C, C. A. Miller.
It ia iuiiortant that every member
should be present.
J. C. BRADLEY, Chairman.
J. U. CAMPBELL, Secretary.
I Dr. Wllllama' Indian Plh
i miiiimiiiV will cure Hllnd.
'lllmliiiu anil iLn'Mn
i I'll. . UulM'iroDtlietuiuara.
biiii.mi the lu Ijihk at oimc. n'U
l.iaa IKU.IU.f. irlvia lntant ra-
itei. ur. v.ii.uiUM liMiun J'llcOmt-
mrfll 1M lirttriurffl tltr lr.anrt l,j.h
ln or Ihn prlvatn pitrta. Ktrery boi la
Warraillril. llv flrtU'iUI. h n.ull nn r.
b-iih oi prirn mi rniM anil pi.no. Uf 1 1 IMS
MANUf AC7UHINQ CO.. I'l. Cleela"u.
For sale by C. U. Huntley,
nun r w
Jllott's Nerverine Pills
The great
remedy for
nervous proa-
t rat ion and
ii ........
'J dueaica c( the
a renerativc or-
tk.tvHK iSU Ak ii.k tfclMJ. P4n. o tilhrr
lex, such at Ncrvoua Prot ration, Failing or
kat Manhood, Im potency, Nightly Emia
aiona, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex
eesaive use of Tobacco or Opium, which
lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00
per box by ma ili 6 boxes for $5X0.
mm CHEMICAL CO, Prop's, Clereland, Ohio.
For sale by C. G. Uuntlty.
Tempting raj.
i ! f :;) S mi
W t-aaaaaagaaaaaBOEaaaBal.7Ta1 1,1 ay, 1 1 iiaBIESSaMgaaaaMaaBaaaaaBaaaaaaa
r DPniMDFt Kin rnrwiKir. ' (J
!'1' " J. 'I ' .. I.H . II
When Going
Use a Ural-class line in travelling between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago,
and the principal towns in Central
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars
In service.
The Dining cars are operated in the In
terest of ita patrons, the most elegant
service ever Inaugurated, Meals are
served a la Carte.
To obtain first class service your ticket
should read via.
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
Direct connections at Chicago and Mil
waukee for all Eastern points.
For full Information call on your neares
ticket agent, or write to
I Jab. C. Poao. ' or Jas. A. Clock
Orn. Vma. Afrt.. Genrral Aent,
Milwaukee, Wis 2W Stark St.,
Portland. Or.
Depot Sixth and J. Street
For All Points East
Tlili atarcb la prop rod on arlontijle prinrlplea by man who ham had raaraof practical
iprrimioa in ranrjr launlrrin-. It itwtoraaolu linraand tommer draaaea to their
natural liitrnn and lmpn. a hnautiful and lanting flulh. It la tha oolj taifb
aiauufarturod that ia pnrfartlr liarmlmw, cuotainin nrither araenic, alum or any
ouirr lubatunee injurioua to UiMn and can be lued eren (or baby powder.
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers.
William's Kidney Pills
Ina nn winu! In i1lwnuB rf ftini
Kidneys aui Urinary Organs. Have
you neglected your Kidneys? Have '
T you overworked vour nervous aya
tern and caused trouble with your
VKidueya and Itladder? Have you
r paina in tho loins, aide. back. rroins i
iand bladder? Have vouatlubby ap
Piarnce of the face, especially
w uiiutT vne eyea I Too irequent de- (
' unce r n iniam a iviuney
t'ilbt will ImDurt new life to the di.t-1
eased orgBua. tone tip the sybtem .
and make a new man of you. By
mil I imi n.nia rtdw iviv .
f Wiixiaaa Wro. Co.. Props.. Cleveland, O.
Leaves Portland for the East. via.
Walla Walla and Spokane, daily at 2:00
p m Arrive at 10:15 a. m.
Leaves Portland for the East. Tia.
Pendleton and Huntington, daily at 8:00
p.m. Arrive 7:20 a. m.
8:50 a. m.
927 a. ml
6:. 0 p. ml
tor sale by C. G. Huntley.
Legal Notices.
The following will be the subjects of
diacourao at tna First ContfraKational
Church mxt Stblmih, at 10:30 a.m.
"The Hpilnutime and its Uiasons," at
7:30 p in. "A Dad Thing in Oreipn
City." The public is invited.
The Young Men's Christian Assoc!
ation will celebrate the 4th of July at
Gladstone Park. The following commit
tee will have charge of arrangement.
Grounds and Transportation II. E
8 ports and Athletics-J, F. Clark.
Phitform exoiciaea C. II. Dye.
Refreshment C. U. Johnso.i.
Adverliainu C. Schuehot.
Executive G. II. Bestow, Otto F.
Olson and Levi Johnson.
Itev. T. W. Uutlur will speak to men
at 4 P. M. next Sunday in the Y. M. C.
rooms. All are cordially Invited.
Dr Parsons the Presiding Elder, will
preach In the Methodist Church on Sun
day evening. Sacrament of the Lord's
simper at the cIobo of the sermon. Rev.
Ohorg will occupy the pulpit In the
morning. A hearty welcome to all', who
attend these services. Tlie 3d Quar
terly Conferences will be held Monday
When traveling
Whether on pleasure bent or business,
take eyery trip a bottle of Syrun of Fis,
as it acts most pleasmitly and offectually
on the kidneys, liver, anp bowels, pre
venting fuverq, headaches, and other
forms of sickness For sale in 50 cent
bottles by all leading druggists. Manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
We are justly proud, we think, of our
tempting array ol irool things for the
table. At this season it requires enter
prise on 1 1 some expense to find new and
choice thinira. We prefer putting fortli
every eilVt in be half of our enviable
reputatiou and the needs of our patrons.
. 7th St. Crocer.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Riga, and sad
dle horeefl always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corral) connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind oi
stock promptly attended to by person ol
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
Manthly Palna cured by Dr. Mills' Pain PUla.
ROYAL Baking Powder,
Highest of all la leavening
Strength, U. S. OovaranMot Report.
Iln the Circuit Court of the UU of Orefoo. for
v'.uii.i ill liiiuiimu
Albio rioaa, riaiutiff,
Noah 8. KellotK. Naraiaaa J. K al
io-, at al ixrendanta.
To Noah 8. Kellotf and Naraiaaa J. Kellow,
aot'T oameu aieoiania.
jd uie nam oi ine ouieor ureeint Too are
brreb raquired tn appear and anaver the Mm-
P ami nieu aminat run in Uie a bo re entitied
nit on or before the first dar of the term n !
Court fsllowin; the expiration of the time pre
scribed in tho ordor for poblioation, beios Mon
clar. NoTember7. 1MW, and if you fail lo appear
and anawer on that aaid dajr, for want thrnwf,
the piemtifl will taaa juUifment and aecree
Bfraiuat jho,
1. f or the anm of 1750 and intareet thereon at
lOoer cent, tier annum, from Jennanr 'I. IMJ7
all in sold coin of the United i-tatea; for 124.10
an inirreer tnereon at s per cent from rubrumry
1. lfV7.for I1U.W and internet i hereon et S per
cent from Oeoember t. lil, for (ii al turner a'
in-i biiu .mn im, uiBtiaiwnnen'B.
2. That pluntill'a moruace aet forth In tna
complaint be decreed a lien for each and all
of aaid anmi, prior and upjrior to ail abd an 7
elaima, aatataa or intereata, of any and all dew
lenuania Heroin, axainat and npon the prera.
iwarteernbed, bemaallof Iota 16 and lt.inblook
i:H, of thetirecon Iron and nteei Compan'a Ex
teneion lo the firat additioa to Uawea-o, u Clack.
amaa I onnty, Urviron.
a That the aaid mortaaae he foreclnuid: the
aaid premiaea. teuementa and appnrtenanoea be
eoiu aa Dy law proviued. and the pioceeda there,
from beapplied toward the eatiefaotion of blain.
tifl'adenree herein; that each and all defondaiita
ne twrred and Toreoloeed er ell intern, iinM
clajmaoraonitiee inaaid nremiaee.
that plaintin hare execution Air any defi.
ninncy upon nia neoree ir uie aale or aaid prvm.
laea aliall not wholly aatiafy the aame. That
me plenum nave auon other reliff aa may be
meet and proper, and the plaintiff will apply to
me ouuri tor ine rvuei aemenaefi in rh nnm-
piaint-katas ana
Thie eumraoni ia pabliahed in the Oregon City
nuierpnee Dyoruar oi :ne rion. inomaa A.No
Hnile, juibra of the abora entitled oourt, made
Annl IV, 1HUH. wherein he direct ad nuhli-i,..n
thereof at leaat once a week for at leaet aix
weeka, and the firat publication hereof ia dated
at Oregon City, Ortfon, Una 2L'd day of April.
A-l Attorney for I'laintiff.
;allfomla Eiorem (through)
' rg Local (way stationa)
south aooao.
toreburs Local (way atatloni)
California Expreaa (through!
bt aocTHian rACinc aiujwaix
Mali cloaee (0 iif North, S:00 p. m. I
aaiicioaea oin Houtn.i.ooa. m. ana btain m.
lie ldlatr buied from North 7 30 p.m., 10 lj..m.
a.iiai Jiouua irom eouin lua.nL, S:eUp.i
Mall eloaea for rjrtland ai.d diatribntlna
nol'ita. 1 uoon. and 4:4& u-m. I
M.ilclo-ea lor HUwaukea onlr. i li a. m I HUIrl M UITI WIlL'H I ITTTTCTtlvT
1 1: p. m. V vxiujllUAl 4l I m All 1 IplUjl
tin rrTiTee irom roiuano, u:au a. m. ana
bids Botrraa 1 ruKiiAnu anua8TOiua
Orct-on City to Ely. Carua. If nllno. Liberal and
U - 1 -. , i. . 1 , . . . ,
mm " m mw Niun mm M HI. I P. T n.
daily. 1 oieaoier c n. luompson leaves)
oreson city 10 BeaTer creek. Mink. Clark, rortiand daily except Sunday at 8 D.m..
OctAS Division Steamships sail from
i A ins worth dock 8 p. m. For San Fran
cisco: btate of California sails March
5, 13, 21, 29 ; Columbia sails March 1, 9,
17, 25, and April 2.
STST SMyWraS "d J Saturday ;reurai;
and returnaonfoliowlndaTiat :p. m leaves Astoria dai'y except Sunday at-
learea 1
Friday 1
at 7:00 a
Oreaon City to Viola. Lon and Redland IH: a. m
learea Urtiim City Monday. Wedneeda and
Friday at 1:00 p. m leavluf Viola earn daya
Oreaon City to Willamette. BlafTorJ and
Wil-onll!e. arrlreaat lu JO a. m. andleayaa at
U:av a-m. daily.
Gi-nrral deliverr window la onen on fennriev
iro n iu 10 11a m. 111 iaiirruro.peJ into ine
box aii he .loor U promptly ae t off SunJay,
1 u other d yt
All Eaab-rn mall that la delayed an 1 fails to
ar Ire o.i 9:30 a. m.. b. f. tr.in will come ou 12
0 clock or 4:lo eiectrie car.
Willamette River Route.
Aah Street Wharf.
Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Alhanw.
Corvallis and way points, leaves Port
land Tuesdays. Thursdava and Satur
days at 6 a. in. Returning leaves Cor-
caas LaaTB vallis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
DtraRatoit BBioea wiu.irm palli dava at 6 a. m.
I - -
Steamer Elmore lor Salem and wit
Doints, leaves Portland Mondavs. Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m. Return
ing, leaves Salem. Tuesdays. Thursdava
and Saturdays at 6:45 a. m.
:50 a. ra.
8:uu "
10:00 "
H:oO "
2:16 p. m.
40 '
5:40 "
Siindny c-r lenTe every hour until
Iu coocl on and biter Jai:u.rT 5, 1896,
85 a. m.
7.-09 -
:8S "
1:05 p. m.
2.16 "
4:M) "
5:&5 -
t:i3 -
:5 "
p. m.
k 1896.
C. A. KILLEK, scrT.
Adntknlatrator'a Notice.
In the Connty Coart of the Bute of Oregon, for
theCounty of l lackamae
in the matter of the aetata of Chrlatlana Swarta,
Notice i hereby airen by the nndarelmawl
that he haa been by the abova antltlHl Court
appointed admlnietrator oftheeatate of thria
tiaua Swarta. deceaaed. Ail peraona hariug
elaima anainat aaid eetkta muat preeant them, I
niiHUi.unnmf imi u.lli Wlllllll ! . UI III I .
after Uie firat publication oft hit notice, to Uie
unnerentneii at nia place of rmulence at Wllaon-
Tine, connty 01 LiacKainaa, state 01 Oregon.
iata maron a, iBo.
JAdminiatrator of aaid estate.
S. Daaaaia, Attorney. 8 25. 4-lM
Steamer Modoc, for Davton and wit
points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thurs
days and Saturdays at 7 a m. Return
ing, leaves Dayton for Portland and war
points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
daa at 7 a. m.
Snake River Routt Steamer leaves
Riparia daily except Saturdaw
THE SHASTA KOUTE from Portland. Leaves Lewiston, return
ing, daily except Friday at 6:00 a. m.
-Of tho arriving at Riparia at 6 p.m.
Express Trains leave Portland Daily. V; SCkHIL" ; Cy Ticket AgU
m vwyuvm jq Bin b tlmi.
Bouh 1 1 North,
:00r. a. Ly Portland Ar 30a.m
8:52 r. a. Ly Oregon City Lt 8:40 a.m.
7:45a.m. Ar 8. Franclaco Lt 8:00 r. a
The above trains stop at all stations be- i .FrSTtl jrraK 'HI
tween Portland, Salem, Turner 1 JfYnfii 110T I I
Marion, Jell'erson, Albany, Tangent, Shedda, S r-Jj-jjl. Jj npw I
Halsey, Harrisbtirg, Junction City, Eugene, BT "TTTvTT. -
Cottaire Grove. Drain. Oakland and all ata! t-W M?l4ii2!!ffi7f ' kl 1
11 a I I . 1- r AVl.
wketlnalpoo in ui.po.tofhi. ealm,.nd f t I T.... f ! srpii 1? ?' u
1 nald proof wllbo made before tii RKiter L.J Ly,alL ' t:JL" LKjS LJ A" Ca" 06 obtained f rt 1Tt pi ,
Keo-lver at Oregon City, Ore., on May from fc. E. BO 1 D, ticket agent, Oregon City OtGaTIllGr (j. Y . Oll(
Notice for PubllcatloB.
Land offloa at Oreiou City. tire.. Match II. 183ft
(notice la hoieiiv tlveu that tne followlnir.
nam uebiieroai nitu ntHicu 01 nta intention
,11 mnke nnai
.E. KlAS2for theSWa of Sec. 24, Tp.4 S, R. 4 E,
He nam j. the fo, lowing wiiiK'nav lo Drove hie
eontiuui'U reaiduuoe upon and cultivation ol
aid land, rn:
Otha B. Tailor. Oodire. Or.: Martin L. Br den.
stlne, Hod(e, Or; John ii Albright, Hprinirwatcr,
or.; Frank Ooebel, Dodtra, Or.
18.4-22 CHA8. a MOOKE8, Register.
tionl from Koseburg to Ashland inolusive
Direct connection at San Francisco with
Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail
tenmMp lines for JAPAN and CHINA.
sailing uates on application.
Rate and tickets to Eastern mints and
E.nroe. Also JAfAN, 1,'MlA, HONO
8:30 a. M.I
9:;:U. M. I
Portland Ar
Oregon City Lt
Koseburg Lt
4:30 r.
7:80 A. k
West Side OiTinlon.
Mall Train, Dally (Except 8unday.)
Umbrellas, Guns,
Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of email
chines put in good order,
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop in Caufleld building
Near Court House
!ollce ol Flnnl Mottleiiient.
Notioe ia hereby ffivrn that I have tiled with
Ihet'oun y Court of the btate of Oregon for
tMaokamaa County, mi final report aa execut or
ol the lait will and teeUment of A. T. Plowman,
deceaaeil, and that the Court haa apiwinted Uie
hour 01 ten o clock A. M. of 1 neaday, the Ird
day of May, 18y8, aa the time for hearing objo.
tione to anid report, if any there be, and for the
nnai eeitieinent 01 aaid extata.
Executor of will of A. T. Plowman, deceaaed.
Dated N arch 80, 1HW.
Uko. I Story, Attorney for Estate.
4-1 4-29
7:80 a.m. Lt Portland Ar 6:50 r.k
12:15 p.m. Ar Corvallle Lt l.OSr.a
At Albany and Pnrvallla nnnnmt with train.
. . -
01 Oregon central A Eastern Railroad.
Expreea Train DaiW (Except Sunday)
4:f0r.M. I
7:t.m. I
8 'SO p. M. I
Portland Ar
McMinnville Lt
Iuueneudvnoe Lt
Portland foot of Washington street Tues
day, Thursday anchSunday evenings at
5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie
Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen-
ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25;
Rainier 8:20; Kalama0:15; St. Helens
10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m.
This Is the nearest and most direct
I 8:26 A. k
I 6:60 a. a
Iwa.ii. route to the great Nehalem valley,
Aiat Q. K. and Paaa. Agent
Kotlre or Final Net (lenient.
I hereby give notice that I hare tiled in the
Connty Oourt of Clackamaa County, State of Ore
gon, my accounts fur final rettlement aa Admin-
letmuir ot tne aatate or Jaaper
ana the Conn has appointed
May, lKW),at 10 o'clock A
Thtjr OTerrom WektiM, Irrefni-
Shaver Transportation Co.
annual iun and tettlemenl of such aooonntn.
' 1 F. M. aCMNER,
44 4.20 Admimttrator,
tOillrlBakk wmitainhtMiti. at id 1 11 v dt I
oiwniaii.as aamiB. i sPw i r. a:i" v" i
iwKe.Su! ??7i,e, I --v!lV. f.nuwn jym,Hiy tor women iuU Persons desiring to contract for wood
M. aa the data for ei- I i., "i.f'V
N.,1,1 ht
do lirm lite b.
nr. VI ner box
by mull.
&e' M0TICH
For sole by C. G. Huntlev
in quantities of one thousand cords or
more will please apply to
Crown Paths Co.