Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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On high prices and will continue in the future as in the past year, until every article in our store is cut in two. Our Cut Prices prevailing
the past year have saved the people of Clackamas County many a dollar and our Court of Inquiry reports the following CUT PRICES:
Hood'B SarBaparilla..'. 1 00 G4c
Rod Lino " 00 GO
Pierco'u Favorito Proscription 1 00 Gfi
Golden Medical Discovery 1 00 G5
Vaseline.... . .'. 10 05
Strengthening Plasters , 25 10
Electric letters W) 35
Squirrel Poison 60 ,. ..25
Epsom Salts 25....... 10
Ayer's Pills : 25 ...15
Carter's Pills 25 ,15
Pinkham's Compound 1 00 ...80
Celery Compound 1 00 70
Every article we sell is fresh and genuine.' No old, stale
drugs. Special Soap Sale this week, all 25c Soaps cut to
15c, all 15c Soaps cut to 10c, and all 10c soaps cut to 5c. ,
! f
We are Price Makers
and Price Cutters
Thoso that buy of us always get the lowest prices. Look out for our announcement next week.
CHflRVIA & CO., Cut Cut Rate Druggist.
School Books
and Stationery
a Specialty.
Mall Orders Solicited
Telephone 13.
Uakkk City, Or,, April Ul-L Chung,
tli rti'lirat I'IiIiumi iiianliant ! nil"
owner In l'.lrii OrrKon, wa kllll Thurs
day on Clark's frrk, 25 miIIm Kaet or Ha
kr City, by cavrln. Ji M insn tin
loyd, tlitrt lrr 1111111111,' and waa
cruiliad by in iiibankiiirnt lalllii iioti
lilm and burylriR bit tnxiy , with Hit fp
lion of head. II Mint lo Aiin-rica In I KM
mi 111 contractor on lb O. H. & N. and
Oregon Hborl I.lnt, tmpluyliig ovrr 1000
iniii. II wm lilKbly rMcil h r, and
hi funrral tomorrow wllltw ailandrd by
larg number of local man-haul.
8a. April 17.-T. T. tlmr li now !
pcrlrnrtiiR lb liiconvmleiirr of living on
(arm and Ixdnit randldai fur governor.
Ill farm li ulna tnllr Kal of Blm, near
Marti?, and b baa no l-lKr'h or lid
iboii connection. Nine Ida nomlnallon
li bat Im-h lb rerl.leiit of a larji niim-
bar of lelrtfrapMo m-". and thy tiny
raaarlly bav been delayed In tranaiiiia.luii
Irom lb Halam (airgraph utile to Ilia rami.
Mr. Uer livvtr baard or bla brlna, named aa
Hirholn of lb AaUirU tonnllon aa a
candidal for Rovaruor until (ha rrn
lug of tha day following lh nomination.
Tli flral Intimation rrctlved tha "liur
ralia fur (lr," art up by workman In a
near-hy tleld. Later, annia acliool lrl
called and told Mr. (leer they bad baard h
bad been lcld to run for governor.
KhetimntlHm Cured.
My wife has rjsod Chamberlain's Tain
Balm for rheumatism with irrent relief,
and I can recommend It aa a aplnndid
liniment for rlieuinulium and other
household use for whiuli we have found
It valuable. W. J. Cuylkr, Rod
Creek, N. Y.
Mr. Cuyler is one of the loading mer
chants of this village and 'one of Hie
most prominent men in this vicinity.
W. Q. Phippin, Editor Red Creek
Herald. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
There la a town in Missouri named
Cuba, and Indetilence la not far from
The "Maine Incident" will meal likely
prove the "main laaue" before this gov
ernment is done with Hpaln.
K Great Britain can lick all creation
and we can II. k Great Britain, where
would the ower be if they should tackle
the eagle and the lion ?
In ever war In which this country
lias been engaged fighting began before
aay formal declaration of hoatllities, ex
cept in the war of 1HI2, when the declar
ation preceded the fighting.
Man wants but little here below ;
He'a not hard to please;
But lovely woman, bless her heart,
Wants everything she sees.
The Kenturky has been christened,
baptised and launched ; but it will be a
year or so before she can be Unladed,
e)uipied, mannod and made fit to fire
on an enemy.
A North Carolina man thus explains
why he has joined the Methodlat church :
'They tell mo that if there Is to be war,
the government will call out the regular
army first, then the militia la to be
called, and alter this the Baptists, lie
cause they can fight on water and Meth
odists can't. I went right straight and
Joined the Methodiata."
II Ool a Mat.
A sea captain oalled at a villnge Inn
and aakod the laudludy, a young widow :
"Do yon know where I can got a
mate? I have lout uiy mute."
"I am very sorry for yon, Mr. ,"
she sutd, smiling. "I want a unite, too,
and cannot (jot one. Aa we are in the
lame position, I'll tell you whut I'll do
if yon'il bo miue, I will ho yours. "
He dosed with the t'arimin, and, the
widow keeping bur word, he is now
suppliod with two mutos. Puurson's ;
Fapa'a Unconcern.
Matilda Huve you spoken to pnpaT
Bertie Yes. I askud bira through
the tulephouo, and be nuawerud, "I
don't know who you ure, but it's all
right" Plok Me Un
Oregonlun :
Ileal re (or (xiace Is laudable. But It
may l tarried too lur. An honorable
M'cn for us would be attained if Hpaln
will alone for the Maine outrage by In
deinnity so far as It goes, and by execu
ting the murderers, and will atone for
her crimes agalnat humanity In Cuba by
getting out of the Ialaiid.
riilladelplila 1'rer.i;
Doubt dls4pMiars with the I'reaident's
Meanagn. Calm III lone. It I decided in
utterance,. It urge decisive action,
reaches a definite and forceful conclusion
and aets In motion the power of trie
Nation. o stronger courae could be de
manded. All that American honor and
interval can aak is proponed.
Hi I,ools (ilohfl'Ileinocrat:
I'maideiit McKinley has performed his
part with a moHt careful study of what is
right with deriion, unflinching courage
and patriotic- devotion lo the best inter
eat of the country. With a clear con
aclenco and a firm puroe he submits
the iiwtie to Congrpus, the war-declaring
Kwer, and y, "I await your action."
Wtian It la ttearfy, th Halla'antlo) la la
1 "tCatlng II All Yuiinwlf." '
Jniti.Ml I'r.iMyi't1. ft fnitu.tia f.rd.irpd ra. I
turcr of this city, dead lung ago, fur
la th Ctiamlwr of IlopDtl With
th Mamtxir Enraged. .
ITnnn ttrrlvtna ut tha ftnlnnvtm stf fta
chniuljur of deputit, says Colonel T.
nlnhed the following formula for pre- W. UigKiuMm in The Atlantio, I fonnd
paring and iM rvIng terrapin, which was the hull full of people waiting, each
publiidicd in a gnNtronomi journal at the , having o M.nd his card to some mem
time when he wus on earth: j Lor. naming on it the precine hour of
"You can't enjoy terrapin unless the , arrival. The member nsuully appeared
day Is iiippln. Tomixirature and terra- promptly, wben an lmtmrnite oaher call
pin go hand in bund. Now, as to yonr d in a stcntoriun voice for "La per-
terrapin. Bleu you, there is all the, sniineqol a fait demnuder M. Constant"
difference In the world in tliem. The
or whoever it might be. Then the
more iioitheily lathe terrapin found the countitueut for such it usually waa
better. You eat a Florida terrapin you! advanced toward the smilina member.
London Chronicle:
Our present uroe is to inslat that
our government does it best by using
very means in its power to dofeat any
anil-American somblnation.
Kt. Joseph Herald :
The Prealdent has riioaen a course of
wisdom through this entire controversy,
and his enemies will yet be forced to ad
mit the justice of bis position.
Tall Mall Gaaotte:
The ayimmthv of the Continent is no
doubt with Spuln, juat aa it is in Great
Britian by an ovei a helming majority
wilh the Utiiled bUUs. But between
pt Iit and actings great gulf is fixed.
The time has gone by for European at
tempts at mediation,
FoUh! and Tntrrllug Accommodailon ol
lh Old fferuiaa City.
The post relations of ancien t Stuttgart
wero uuprutuiitiouii. The two umid
servants of the jMwtinuHtor diatributod
through (be city the daily letters, which
tbey carried in the same banket with thd
family marketing. Letters were carried
out of the city by pontilious. There was
number of couriers, and us a surety
against iniatukeH there liuug in the post
ofllco, Ixmiilu the curious mail bags, a
hugo whip, with which, whuu theoum
miHsiou hud been given to the courier, a
powerful blow for the Htreiigtbuuiug of
bis memory was dealt hiiu. i
Couches and post wiigotid were inno
cent of any auggcfttiou of comfort a
high, clumsy wooden box was secured
by thick leathern straps, aud In the
cavernous bottom wero coufluod together
piickuges aud riuHMeugers. Up and dowu
bill, over rut and rocks, the cumbrous
vehicle rattled on its way, the hapless
travolors being ever on the defensive
aguinst the assaults of tumbling boxes
and bundles. Aud theu the weury slow
nous tif the way ! Formerly the journoy
from Stuttgart to Tobiugun wus niude
in 13 Lours. The suiue journoy is now
tnnde in four hours. The postilions
alighted to take refreshment 8 when it
pleased thorn, aud one traveler has loft
a dismal record of u journoy that ho
once made, during which the driver j
took the horson irom the ourriuge aud
attached them to u hay wagou that had
been left mired iu the mud. Tho mun
drove tho wagon into tho next villugo,
and whou there he joined the grateful
neighbors iu a curounal, while the tired
puNMungers languished oil the dusty
country road. Elise J, Allen in Har
per's Mugazine.
needn't despise it, for terrupin is terra
pin everywhere but you got a Chesa
peake one or a Delaware bay one, or,
better still, a Long Inland oue, and there
is just the dilfurunne between 1 10 a
dozen and :iH. Warm water kinder
wuhhes the delicate flavor out of them.
Don't you let Mr. IWgb know it, but
your terrupin iuunt bo boiled alive,
lluve 11 good big pot, with u hot fire un
der it, so t hut he shau't lunguihh. and
when it bus got 011 a full head of slcaiu
pop him iu. What I am goiu to give is
a recipe fur a alugle oue. If yon are aw
fully rich and go iu for a gross of terra
pin, Just use your multiplication table.
Jut as aoou as he caves iu wateb him
and try his Hipper - When they part
when yon pry, thorn with your finger
bail, be is good. Oycu him nicely with
a knife,
who never looked bored, the mask of
hoHpitulity being probably the same in
this reHjx-ct throughout the legislative
hulls of tho world. At last M. Talan
dier appeared aud got me a place among
tho corps diplomatique. The chamber
itself was more like our representatives'
hail at Washington than like the bouse
of commons. The members had little
locked defcks, and sotuo were writing
letters, liko our representatives, though
I saw no newspaper.
Tho ordinary amount of noise was
liko that in our congress, though there
was happily no clappiug of bands for
pages, but wben the members became
especially excited, which indeed hap
pened very orteu, It became like a cage
of lions. For instance, I entered just as
somebody bad Questioned the minister
Liliu of hlin dislocates the of war. General Bond, about an alleged
There ain't overmuch of it, j interference with elections, and bia de-
l. .. 1 .. : .1 a 1 : 1
I tuiiu BiuppiUK iijuiu uu iiieir auwa verj
, angrily, until the president rang his
more I tho pity. The Uiot is iu the 1 riant renlr hud FuraiiPd the Left, or
jiut of the legs and sidu bickers, but if j radicals, who constituted the majority
you want to commit murder just yon lof the assembly. Tbey shouted and gea
smash his gall, and then your terrapin ticulated, throwing up their arms and
is gone lorever. w ateu closely lor eggs
aud handle them giugerly. Now, bav
in got him or her all into shape, .put great bell, aud they quieted down lest
tho meat anide. Tuke t!me fresh eggs I bo might put on bis bat and adjourn
you must have them fresh. Bile 'em I the meeting. In each case the member
hard and mash 'era smooth. Add to 1 gpeakiug took bia stand in the desk or
that a tablespoouful of sifted flour, 1 tribune below the president, and the
three tablespooufuis of cream, salt and gpeecbog were sometime read, some
pepper (red pepper to a terrapin is just . time given without notes,
depravity) aud two wineglasses of sher- The war minister, a stout, red faced
ry wine. Wine as costs $3.60 a bottle ' man always, the radicals gay, half in
aiu't a bit too good. There never was a toxioated stood with folded arms and
gotcga iu all Portugal that wouldn't looked ready for a coup d'etat, yet I
think itself honored to have itself mixed heard it said about me that be would be
up with a terrapin. Now you want quite compelled either to retreat or resign,
a quarter of a pound of the very best One saw at a glauco how much pro
fresh butter and put that in a porcelain founder political differences must be in
oovered pan and melt it first mtwtn't France than with us.
be browned. When it's come to be oily, I- , - " -
put in your terrapin, yolks of egg, wine Marritd on Thirty Mlnou Cenrtahip.
aud all. Let it simmer gently. Bilin
up two or three times does the business.
Whut you are after is to make it blend.
There ain't nothin that must be too point
ed in terrupin stew. It wants to be a
quiet thing, a suave thing, just pervad
ed with a most beautiful and natural
"You may talk about your brief
courtships and marriages on short no
tice," said Captain Arm Cardwell once,
"but I think I once witnessed the quick
est made match on record. I was run
ning as a conductor between Russell-
villn and Owpiinhnrrv aa T did for ttiativ
terrapin aroma. 1 ou must serve it to yeara, and on , la the winter of
the people that eats it on a hot plate. 188l r , protty wxintTj girl passen
but the tnl- thing is to have it on a ger at a litUe flag gtation mQk q.
chu! dish, and though a man ought tral City about 9:45 a. m. A few miles
nottolHJiKdflshthoroisakiudofdivine flirtllor ou nt tutother small stations
satisfaction in eatin it all yourself. "- bia 8traDDjuff tonkin farmer, dressed
Philudulphia Times.
Engan Bn'a Prank.
The father of Eugene Sue was a phy
sician with exalted patients all over
Europe, who sent him the choicest
wines. The emperor of Austria, for in
stance, had contributed tokay, the king
of Prussia Tare hock, Queen Christina
of Spain priceless alioante, Prince Met
ternich genuine cachet d'or, and so ou.
The whole was kept in large iron cup
board in the study of the learned phy.
sioian, known as the Elzevir library..
Eugene was then a college freshman,
, in brown jeans, with his trousers tuck
I ed in his tall boots, got on my train.
The fellow hadn't opened the oar door
till he spied the rustic lass, and before
I he took his seat iu front of the girl he
had smiled at her.
. "I punched bis ticket, went in tha
smoking car, and ou my return to the
regular passenger coach found the Green
river tiller of te soil Bitting iu the
same, scat with the maiden, chatting
with her as if he had known her since
birth. Iu 85 minutes fter they had
first met the fellow called me to him
and said: 'See here, podner, we want
to get hitched. I hain't knowed Mirinda
and, having procured a skeleton key to
the closet, with his friends, Adolpho, j Jau8 here but 80 bnt we both
Aunm, y erou ssu uw.em. prooew.cn jik(J ftn .g wUliu m j
every night to investigate the contents the nl hegt ner?. , took
of tho bottles. ,ot wishing to have , them on tQ Qwensboro, and the happy
their explorations prematurely stopped, , bridegroom hig b,U9hlug other Lalf
they took the precaution to fill up the nn8Hnnra hlini. nll ,11T t,t tlmt
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Ijest salvo in the world for Cuts,
Drulses, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Ehoura,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chopped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman A Co., Charman
Bros. Block. Trice 25c.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkbprisb office.
partially exhausted flunks with water
aud then to rescal them. When, for a
long time afterward, the doctor brought
forth samples of his precious stock for
the delectation of guests worthy of it,
aud the company tasted it with a due
souse of awe, it was privately folt that .
the oelebrity of these great brands was
all moonshine, that ordinary table d'hote
bordouux wus preferable to them. But
nobody dared to say so, and it was only1
after the death of his dreaded parent '
thut the novelist oonfussed the sacrilege.
. .1
por Constipation -takr K'"T Cl.ver;
li oi Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures
Headache, Nervousness, Ei options on1
the face, and makes the head clear as a
bell.' Sold by Chut man & Co , druggists, 1
Oregon City.
: afternoon. For hurry up nuptials it
does strike me that these ought to have
' the cake aud other special prizes offered
for quick yeast love matches, "Louis-
: ville Post
Tlv Enterprise from now until after
the election for two bits.
Ask your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contain no cocaln,
mercury nor any other
It la quickly Absorbed.
Give Keller at once,
"JT'S S?" rr""oM r I. lir-A rt
'AiiaVriVnon. UULU nL.HU j
Iluila and fruuicu tli Membrane. Beetorea th j
rVnae of Titr.t and r-'mell. K- II 8iftDC, j Trial
Size 10c ; at lmrT!ltaorriill. -1
. ELY BROTUK1W, M W arren Street, New Tort I
Doors, In, Class, Moil
Low Prices. First-class Goods.
Corner 11th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon.
Will be a desirable time to enter the
New classes will be commenced after the holiday vacation.
For catalogue, address
W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon.
The Marketing Point
The factory towns of the East are noted
for affording the best market to the neigh
boring farmers and gardeners in proportion
to the population of any of the towns in
k v that section. The reason for this is that
the people of these towns have a fixed in
come upon which they can always depend,
and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy-
, ers, paying cash for all their purchases.
As the Great Manufacturing Center
of the Pacific Coast
Is Coming to be One of the
Bet Marketing Town in the State
This is proven every day by the number
of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets
selling their produce, who, until just the
last few years, sought tlie markets of other
towns. The system of macadamized roads
that is being built into all parts of Clack
amas county, will enable all the people ol
this county to share in the profitable mar
ket that Oregon, City affords. If, as it is
sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in
crease in the next five years as it has in the
past five years, this city will rank next to
Portland as a market place for
of the Farmer
Get our Prices on Job Printing.