Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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'IM Victor lycyvhn for (10 at Hiir
tnelterA Andrwn.
Ilahy lion tin 1 1 m ml ulillil'a lial In lawn
tut 8win, nil price, at tire Kin kut Store.
A crale warriittl sewing ma
china wtll for at IMIomy A Hunch,
on ny term.
'VB Vlcton at cut prlrw. IturmnlHttir
A AntlmnMn.
Fanny ribbon In (lit latct plaid and
moire In all color at the Itackul Store,
I,t year'i pattern of wall paper at
reduced price. 8 and 10a counter at
Buliorny & Duacli.
Have you en the nw lf cUtrilriK
sprot kttt wheel on the 'Uft Victor No
No other whmd liaithU Improvement,
Htop that tiongli I Take warning It
may IuhiI to consumption. A Vms txjttlr
of Miiluh'a Cure rimy ave your life.
Hold by Cliarman A Co,, driiKtilt, O
gon City.
For a quint place to liilch your hones
way from the motor line and a place to
get a flmt claim Job of repairing or home
houing cell on K. F. Hcrlpture'i ahop on
Fifth lrnl.
Kari't Clover Itoot TV, for CotiKtlpc
tton It' the bent and If after lining It you
don't lay to, return the package and get
your inom-y, HoM by Cliarman & Co.,
druugUt, Oregon City. 1
CaUrrli Cured! A clear head and
went broaih secured with Klilloh'
Catarrh Uonnxly; (old on a guarantee.
Nasal Injii'ior frtti. Hold by Charman &
Co., druggii, Oregon City.
Dr. Millar baa Jun addml a complete
Cataphorrne'i outfit to hi well rqulu
pfd IVntal olllce and can fill Iceth with
out the leaat fr of pain. UlhVe 7th
treet near the Houlliern l'aeiflu depot.
We carry Iwtrt-r aiyle and beiu-r as
sortment itlowor prlrwi than any houm
In Orcwon City. t ri.i Ooi.iiomitii.
The Victor have a
reputation that ,
will hear iriveotagutlon,
Ir. L, I,. l'likfiiH, iliiuiidt,
kind of dental work, (iold
porcelain crown and brlilg
1 - I .. All . . I .If .
mi u'f-iiMMin Kurimrm'tiii iiir
6 year. Call and not my nrlce. Office
In Jtarclay biiildiiiK
The new style akirt require himtle.
You can gel them at (lie Hm ket Store.
The Victor Stralnht Line aprucket la
n improvement whn h make it poxnihle
to obtain the full
driving efficiency of
the chain In the wont condition of road
ml weather.
New dtyle hlrt waUl in Itoman atrip,
plaid and check, at the lUcket Store.
Oar motto i "Uriie m1i and auinll
prolltx" in the latest New York my leu in
millinery. Cu GoLfi'Mmi.
Wood wanted at thi office, oak. fir or
limb. In length 10 or Tl Inch or four
War price aouit on tea, coffee, flour
and flour. Huy now. Good rot or
gieeu cotlee, 10c; "looking tobacco, 13c;
chew iiiK. 20c, up; i pound tea duet ; 25c
gunpowder le 25c; choice 60o aplderleg
or gunpowder tea, 5 ound can (or $1.60
, Kkp Fbost.
UhK prhe Cn little thing 4 ounce
vivelino 5c; bring can or gla; iun h
So; Aim A Hammer la 4 c; 4 oz sow
lug machine oil, 6c ; lemon or vanilla
bcoa. Bring bottle. Ked Front.
Ladiea' halt tyliil, beautiful in do
ligu, and a taviiiK in price too.
Mr. M. K. Hamilton, ltod Front.
Bhlloh'i Cohumptton Cure cure
wbir.e other fail. It lathe leading Cough
Cure, and no home ihould be without it.
rieanant to take and goe right to the
Kt. Hold by Charman & Co.. drnggitita,
Oregon Cltyj
Daniel William, at the northoaHt cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, ha a
choice and well selected stock of fumlly
iirocerie which he 1 telling at very
reaaon able rates. His motto is "live
and lot live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods delivered to any
part of the city.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
ihoea Remedy In the Worclieater Enter
prise recently, which lead me to write
thia. I can truthfully say I never usnd
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhea. I have never had to uno moie
than one or two dones to cure the worst
case with myself or children. W. A.
Stkoud. PoDemoUe City. Md. For sale '
by Goo A. Harding. .
LhxoI, the new foim of Castor Oil is
"so palatable that children lick the
spoon clearu
Dr. Francis Freeman, of Chicago, has
recently taken up his residence in Oie
gon City. He will be associated with
our successful younx dentist, Dr. Welch.
The Enterprise in behalf of of Its friend
extends to him the hand of welcome and
trusts that he muy soon have reason to
be favorably Impressed with his new
The Power
of Schilling's Btst baking
powder is wonderful.
Dr, T. W. Biitliir will conduct service
In tlis tiilnnlon cliairol at Ely next Hub
bath at 2:31) P M
Kngslgn Durk and dipt. OUm, ol
Portland will be at the Halvallon' Army
Hslurday night. Monday night awearlng
In of recruit, Every one Invited.
VUlt the Leandor Hro. big ihow at
Oregon City on ftih and Center HtreU
on the Hill adinlNwion 25 and lfl cent,
Monday April 25, lft!4 at 2 and 8 P.M.
No myatt-ry about It. When the Sha
ker olfured oine time ago to give
away a bottle of ihelr I)lgilve Cordial
to any one who might call at their New
York office, there was a great ruh and
many people thought they were eras.
Hulmcqunnl event proved It to hare
be tn a very clever adverlUing traduc
tion, for although they gave away
thousand of holth), It wa In the end
profitable; nearly every one that took
a free buttle came back for more and
paid for it with pluanure, Raying tliey
luil derived hotter reiiilti from It ue
than from any other medicine they bad
ever uwd. i
There 1 nulblng so uniformly sue
cecal u I in the treatment of stomach
trou! !u a the Nhakrr DineNtive Cor
uial, ond what I letter than all, it re
lievea at once.
Haturday morning Prof, Zloaer will
adi!rmf the Teacher' Aociation of
Mrlon county, on invitation of Hupt.
the Houlhern Pacific have made an
other alight nut In pwarnger rate be
Oreiton City and Portland . Thny now
aell round-trip deketaj good for 'JO day
t 4o cent, and the purchaser of the
tl k'H U entitled to ca-ry 150 pounds ol
It I feared that the heavy front Sun
day night did comiderahle damae to
fruit in aouiM section ol Claikama
w . ... . . .
I viiemer NUir anil v. v. flcrogifinii
; write to tlilr friemhl from the lakel be
dotia at yond Chlh -not ii tlut the i:e U hrenk
crown, Imk U, and if the warm weather con
work a t nuiH. th..y exuet to be tl jitin down
. ... ...
iue VliKon wl'liln a
few week.
The Cltfckama County Christian Kn
deavor Convention will be held at
iCanhv April .Moth and Slut. An excel-
lent riiriii Iiiih heeu rvpared.
When Mr Itichard Greave g'H off
a Portland Kleutric car in thia cliv
Wedneaday aftrnoon. a tranni grb
bed her nurse and hurried away out of
mght. The man ha not been seen or
heard from aim-e.
County Clerk IHxon haa lwiued mar
riage license to Ktliel M. Unship and
John F. Kennedy, Alba Peter and
Augiihta Schicheiser.
Electric Hotel Arrlal.
C J CurteM, Astoria
J F Cleeton A wire, St. Helens
D Colin, San Frauciaco
J A Fleming. N. Y. 1
Harry Una, N. Y.
T H French, N. Y.
Mr. Prncht, Aihland
N T SUier, Salem
T M Kagey, St. Lou in
Frank Wood, Chicago
Mrs. Helen Southward, Salem
Mis M K Gallort.
J E Hasman, N. Y.
G J Myers, Bon ton, Mas.
C L Brown, Osklund
A Covell, Portland
Ed Young, Marquam
A II Atlierlon, Host on, Mass.
James M Tracy, Ixgan, Or.
I). Fisher, St. Joseph, Mo.
F. Weler k wife, Stafford, Ore.
Noble Heath, La Camas, Wasii.
J P Berry, Portland
John Griffith, Portland
N Nelson, Kelso -Mr.
& Mr. Bradshaw, Portland
Mr. L Eri, Kelso
The Electric hotel Is the finest in the
city and first-class in all its appointment.
Electric cars stop in front of the door.
Republican Kalllea.
Hon. T. J. Cleeton, District Attorney,
and other speakers will address the
citizen of Clackamas County on the
political issues o! the day, at the fol
lowing places and date:
Engle Creek, Saturday, April 23.
Can by, Monday, April 25.
Oswego, Tuesday, April 20.
Milwaiikie, Wednesday, April 27.
Molnlla, Thursday, April 28.
Beaver Creek, Friday, April 29.
Diimsscns, Monday, May 2.
Clackamas, Tuesday, May 3.
Marquam, Thursday, May 5.
Everybody, especially Um Ladies, in
vited. Speaking will commence
at 8 p. m.
By Order Committer.
Daucuy At his home in Gladstone, on
Monday, April 18, 1808, Winfred J.
Dauchy, agod 23 yers, 3 mouths and
23 days.
The funeral services took place at the
family rcnidmice Wednesday, April 20,
and were conducted by Hey. M. L.
Bugg. The services were largoly at
tended by numerous Irienda of the de
ceased. The interment took place in the
ClHckanm Cemetery. Mr. Dauchy
I graduated with high honors from the
I rark(iluco School last June, but con
' sumption carried him away in bis prime.
JJegan Monday Will Lout About
' Two Week".
Grand Jury Drawn Many Casri
Ilropglit op Nettling Henna
tlonai Ho Far.
Judge McBrlde convened the April
term of the Circuit Court Monday morn
ing, and the same Court officers that
have done duty heretofore are at their
poets. They are T. J. Cleeton, District
Attorney; C. E. Kunyan, Court Re
porter; G. W. Grace, Sheriff; Elmer
Dixon, Clerk; D. W. Smith, Deputy
Clerk ;T.W. Fonts, Court Bailiff; T.
M. Miller, Jury Bailiff; Max Bchulpiu,
Grand Jury Bailiff.
The following Hat of Jurors was called,
who answered to their names, except
where otherwise designated :
W. II. Counsell, Milwaukle.
A. Maltoy, Hlevers; (not found)
Knp Chill, New Era.
Louis Funk. Harding.
E. H. Burghardt, Damascus.
A. Nelson, Cascades.
Francis Walkey, Cherry vllle.
George Lazelle, Cauemah.
Gottlelb Wallace, Harding.
J. A' Talbert, Clackamas.
Tom Davis, Maple Lane
Abe Larkins, Milk Creek, (excused
first day.)
Hans Paulsen, George.
J: L. Mattocks, New Era.
Chris Boylan, Oswego.
II J Thomas, Soda Springs.
John Schlewe, Tualatin.
II. Ifenrici, Maple Lane.
M. Oroahing, Marquam.
Al Wing, Macksburg, (excused
John Eri, Cascades.
J. It. Williams, Oregon City.
C. Porter, Maple Lane, (gone
Olto Olson, West Oregon City, (ex
cused.) Wm. Bnckner, Highland.
Wm. Stone, Viola.
Wui. Bird, Marquam.
8. D. Coalman, Cascade.
George Lockerby, Garfield.
Ciniik Casady, Beaver Creek.
John Shadle, Oregon City.
M. O.l'rintly, Milwaukie.
The following were drawn as a grand
Jury with the first named as foreman :
K. II. Burghardt, Frtnci Walkley,
George Latelle. J. A. Talbert, Cbria
Boylan, J. K. William, William Stone.
Proceedings were had in the follow
ing taes:
Tito. A. Smitli vs. The Portland
General Electric Company, dismissed.
J. P. Ludlam vs. E. W. and Mary
Paget; Sheriff sale confirmed.
Al. C. George vs. John and Mary L.
Kuu worthy; Sheriff sale confirmed.
Ketrecc Long et .1 va John W. Doores; -
uj Biipuntiiuu iciuiioii w iv. a. miner 10
take testimony.
John Hatts vs John and Bessie Camp
bell :i SherilT salo confirmed.
H un v Ham, divorce; 30 days to file
Wm. C. Holmes t-s Charles P. Black ;
judgment for $1420.50, and decree of
Hattie E. Dufur va AlexDufur; decree
of diyorce entered. Plaintiff and defend
ant were married in Portland January
12, 1803, and the latter deserted the
former 10 day afterward. The plaintiff
wa permitted to resume her maiden
name, Hattie . Pangburn.
B. C. Chamber vs O. F. Hihbard and
T. B. Hankini; defendant given 5 days
to answer.
Investment Securities Company vs.
U C. Trullinger, et al; judgment for
$2400 and decree of foreclosures
The fallowing cases were dismissed:
Francoea Weis ys Willie Ann Huhges, M.
W. Randall vs Cbas,Catta,Isaao Trayner
vs Frederick Marshall, F. C. Perry ys L.
G. Lareen.
F. M. Pickard vs Leonora K. Plckard;
on motion the clerk was authorised to
publish the deposition of Jennie B.
Corliss, heretofore taken in the suit.
On Tuesday the following cases were
disposed of:
Susannah Rogers vs T. C. Rogers;
decree of divorce on the uround of deser
tion, and the plaintiff awarded the
custody of minor children, Hazel and
Mary Mader vs James Hodges; judg
ment for $082. and decree of foreclosure.
Mary L, Bradly vs Wm. AnderBon;
defendant given 10 days to answer.
Jesse vs Mathews set for Friday.
'93 Model, 32, Cut Price
'93 Model, 35, Cut Price
George Palmatcer vs T. Jay English,
el at; confirmation of sale
W, B. Hiddleson v E.O. Maddock;
defendants demurrer overruled.
State of Oregon y. Charles Lescor;
plead guilty and sentenced to 100 days
in the County Jail.
All the petit Jurors were excused for
the term except JI. Ilenrici and John
Hhadle, they being excosed until Friday.
On Wednesday the cases of Ann Welse
vs D. O. Fagalde, Portland Trust Co. vs
II. M. Hathaway, same vs Caroline M
Myers, et at, same vs El It J. Cason,
tame vi N. B. Atkinson, same vs F. F
White, all dismissed.
P. Leichtreia vs I. L. Clarke, etal;
defendant's demurrer overruled and
given until Wednesday to aniwer.
A. Buckle vs Geo. batdorf et al ; Judg
ment for $329.28.
Martha V. Brown and Tbos. E. Brown
vs Theodore Rice, et at ; Judgment for
$700 and decree of foreclosure.
W. W. Smith ys Portland General
Electric Company; defendants given
until April 26th to answer.
M. H. Flanagan vs G. 8. McCord, et
al ; Judgment for $70.
Lillian D. Shepard vs D. Eugene Shep
ard ; decree of divorce.
Gilbert Ward vs Etta A. Ward ; decree
divorce on the ground of desertion.
Nellie Fuller vs. All eit Fuller; de
cree of divorce on the plea, of desertion.
State v E. E. Martin ; owing to the
fact that Mr. Martin was sick with the
measles, bis case was postponed until
The Grand Jury made their final re
port . and were discharged Thursday.
Tbey found a true bill against Walter
Wyland upon a transcript from the
Justice court. The docket li the lightest
for a number of years, and court will
probably adjourn Tuesday or Wednesday.
Parson's Orchestra.
The program of the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua Assembly, to be held in
Gladstone Park, July 12-23, thi year, 1
nearly completed and will be issued on
Miyl. It has been decided to make
some changes in the order of daily exer
cises which it is believed will sdd to the
interest and success of the Assembly.
From 8 to 11 each forenoon will be de
voted to classes, snd from II to 12 will
be college hour, during which the college
to which the hour is alloted will be re
sponsible for the program. Eroni 1 :30 to
3 :30 each afternoon will be occupied by
music bv orchestra, a popular lecture,
and by the grand Chautauqua chorus,
under the direction of Prof. R. A. Heri
tage. Athletics and games will occupy
the time trom 2:30 to 5 P. M. when the
Round Table will have its hour. At
7 :30 there, will be an orchestral concert
to be followed by a lecture of entertain
ment to close the evening. Solos, quar
tettes, readings and other attractions of
high, order will have their places on the
program. ,
Parson's orchestra haa been secured to
play each afternoon and evening fand
the Portland Y. M. C. A has been en
gaged to take charge of the physical cul
ture, athletic! and games which is a
sufficient guarantee of the excellence
o( thig featlre o( )e A(wmhIy
Potatoes fur Texas.
J. R. Marks, of the firm of Hurst &
Marks, Aurora, shipped three car-loads
of po'.atoes from Oswego Saturday to the
Texas market. The price paid to
growers is 20 cents per bushel. The
market is slack on potatoes and com
mission merchants at New Orleans,
where this firm have been shipping, re
fuse to take any more at any price.
However, they are buying all the pot a
toes they can get and shipping the same
to T xaa. The potatoes on this side of
the river have nearly all been marketed,
but there are considerable quantities
still in the hand of the growers on the
West side of the river.
T. A. 81ocnm, M. C, th Great Chemist and
Scientist, Will Send, Free, Three Bottles of
Mis Newly Discovered Remedies
to Sufferers.
Editor Entkrpribi : I have dlscov
ered a reliable cure for consumption and
aiibrochial, throat and lung diseases,
general decline, lore ol Oesh and all con'
ditions of wasting away. By Its timely
use thousands of apparently hopeless
cases nave been cured, bo prooi-poaitive
am I of its power to cure, tbat to make
Its merits known, I will send, free, to
any afflicted reader of your paper, three
bottles of my newly discovered remedies
upon receipt of express and poet office
address, T. A. SLUCUM, Al. C,
08 Pine Street, New York.
When writing the doctor, please men'
tion thi paper.
Or Trade seven miles from Norfolk, Va.,
Enquire at the Electric Hotel, Oregon
$60 00
$40 00
IHrert From Fort Wring).
Ex-Representative George O. Rinear
ton who went to Fort Wrangle, Alaska,
a boat two month ago In company with
Will L. Miller, Arrived home Saturday
and is looking after business matters for
a few days. Rinearson and Miller
formed a law co-partnership at Fort
Wrangle, and have already bnllt op a
good business. Mr. Rinearson la en
thusiastic over hit new location, and will
return as soon as he completes some law
business for the firm. He sayi that
Fort Wrangle ia a quiet, orderly town of
about 2000 Inhabitants, considering the
fact that gambling li wide open and It
la a frontier poet. Mr. Rinearson tayi
that U. 8, Commissioner, K. M Jackson
Is almost alone responsible, for the good
order maintained at tbat place, and ia
held In high esteem for bis legal attain
ments and impartial rnlings.
Fort Wrsngel is boiat on an Island in
the Stic keen River about 40 miles from
the ocean, and the climate during the
past winter haa been almost as mild as
here. Potatoes and other vegetables
grow well, and same Is plentiful. It is
the supply point for Caaaier, Deep Lake
and other points on the Stickeen River.
Great things are expected from the pro
posed Northern extension of the Canad
ian Pacific Railroad to Lake Teslin.
This road is almost certain to be built,
as a cash subsidy to the contractors has
already been assured. One of the great
productions of Fort Wrangel and vicioity
is halibut, great quantities of which are
shipped to Pacific coast points in the
United States.
Mr. Rinearson says that he would not
advise any laboring man to go to tbat
country, although wages are good ; tbat
it would not be safe for a roan to risk his
last cent to get into the country as he
might not be able to get work, lie also
expressed the opinion that the Stickeen
route by wsy of Fort Wrangle will even
tually be the moet practical and popular
way to get into the Yukon country.
Notice. .
To the United Artisans, of Oregon City,
Gentlemen: It ha come to my
knowledge tbat some parties belonging
to other orders are insinuating that I
received the money covering my late
husband's insurance in your society
only after a struggle and had to relin
quish a certain amount in order to collect
it. In justice lo your onW I wish to
publically and emphatically slate that
my claimwaspaid promptly and in full
and I hereby tender yon my sincerest
thanks for your kindnea in my misfor-i
tune. Mary Fktthh.
lean th yflu tai Kw Haw Altars BaagM
ll iVtnd Km Haw Altars
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Dlsaasa, Curvd
B. C. 0. SITCLTS, of Wlntenet, Iowa,
Inventor and manufacturer of
Shult' Bafoty Whlffietree Coupling,
write of Dr. Miles' Ecart Cure. "Two years
ajo an attack of LaGrtnpe left me with a
weak heart. I had run down In Cesh to
mere akin and bone. I could not sleep lying
down for (mothering apclls; frequent sharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sudden death, nothing could
induce me to remain away from home over
night. My local physician prescribed Dr.
lilies' Heart Cure and In a few days I was
able to alocp well and the pates gradually
lessened, and Anally ceased. I reduced the
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feeling better In every way than I
have for year.''
Dr. Miles' Bemedles
are aold by all drug
glsta under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
ease of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
lU i SV -ifl
tHUUVIOSl Buccesioni to
We have just removed.
to the old Bee Hive stand, next to Huntley's
Book Store, and have received a new line of Gents
and Boys' Furnishing Goods for Spring and
Summer direct from New York which we are selling at
the Lowest Prices. Give us a trial and we guarantee
to give every customer satisfaction.
Main St. between 7th and 8th.
Tbey all say that
H Mb Says is
Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Seeds,
Royal aiakM tha lo4 part,
wboUaoai and tfallcloas.
Absolutely Pure
sovu wm wrata to., m vom.
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers of this paper will t)
pleased to leain that there is at leasr oy
dreaded disease that science has heerl
able to cure in all its stages and that is)
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is th-
only positive core now known to !-
medical fraternity. Catarrh beinu fr
constitutional disease, requires a C'.n
ititntional treatment. Hall's Catanft
Cure is taken internally, acting dir--if
upon the blood and mucus surface (
the system, thereby destroying the f"'
dation of the disease, and giving th.-
tient strength by building up the
stitution and assisting nature in d 4
its work. The proprietors have so m , 1
faith in its curative power, that ih-
offer $100 for any case that it fails 'J
cure. Send lor list of testimonials.
Addrets, F. J. Chexit 4 Co.,Tolwl
O. Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills sre the beat.
The Up-to-Date
Gallery makes photos that arj
guaranteed to please.
Main Street, opposite Wells FargD
Expires Office.
Bem&aekm stopped to 10 minutes by Db
Uk' I'avji Pills. "One cent a dose."
fresh cured
Go to
Chas Albright, Jr.
all parts of
the City.
Your team will have the belt
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
; Atlhe .
City Stables.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
W. H. CookB.
Livery Riga on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
All nain banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Fills.
Caufield Block.
Carrie the most complete atoofc
ot First-Class Groceries to b
found in the City.