Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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IVmflliinir Waged at Ked!and-A Free
Mlver Pent iters t Is Rtniihemons.
. Miplc In.
Mai-lb Lank, April IS Mrs. S. S.
J cnning'', ol Ortynn City, is the guest of
licr parents Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Rich
ards. Ming Iaella Sutfaif is on the nick list.
Mrs. Thomas Davie was visiting rela
tives in Oregon City, Friday.
Miss Kate Mantt. of Oregon City,
(mull) a abort visit with her parents Sun
Jiv Harry Bailey, of Minnesota, Is visiting
Lin parents at this place .
Kev. Ware of Oregon City preached at
.Schoolhouse, Sunday afternoon to a
large congregation.
Prank Shannon was down from Beaver
Cieek Sunday to see his best girl.
Mrs. Sevens and her grandson of
Hubbard, are visiting at S.laa Beyens.
J. Puffy has a Urge force of men cut--C'ik
wood on M . Eoliert'a place.
The hop yard on J. C. Dixon's farm
lias been ploughed up, unJ a Mr. Jeffer
son, of Elv, is putting it in giain.
L. Mautt lias secured a contract tor a
thousand cords of wood from the Crown
Taper Mills.
Maple Lank, April IS. If the Free
Silver Democrat of this Precinct, who
id so much braying at the Kepublican
1'rimary, the other Saturday will read
(tie paragraph on page 4 Oregon Ci'y
Knterprise. 15, inst entitled. "To All
Concerned," he can see why no one paid
ny attention to hia blasphemy and
glanderous words concerning old soldiers
Damajcl's, Apr. 13 Easter was appro
priately observed at the school house by
Jie Sundav school, a nice program was
tendered to a well-filled house, the Sun
day school is in a prosperous wiy, due
C the untiring efforts of a few of the
Kev. Bahr preached at the Rock creek
titbool house Sunday for the last time
tor the present. His words are always
veil chosen and to the point.
A small party of our young folks went
d the Rock Cieek falls and had a most
Chjovable time eating Easter eggs and
f-aasing the time in a solitary place.
After spending the afternoon in sing
ing at the residence of Mr. Barton's,
Some of the wayward boys took the
fdeasure to cause some annoyance and
misplace a gate, which was very much
-tun fur them of course, but seme time it
anight uot be.
The Minnygide correspondent seems to
Je silent, while we learn there is much
tjoingen in that locality we read the
items with mncb interest and wish there
W.cro more.
Miss Nora Barrett, of Sannyside, was
visiting Miss Jesse McMurray Saturday
si'id Sunday and attended the Easter
services at the School house.
Er. Philip Moak, of Kelso, formerly of
Damascus, was showing bis genial coun
tenance here last Sunday.
"Mr. Wheeler, of Gresham, was visiting
Mr. 0. W. Cook's Sundav.
Btafpohd, April 18, 1898 The super
visor with a lorce of men and teams are
a!t work on the roads this pleasant
Mr. Godfried Moses came near hav
ing a serious accident last Saturday,
fie was harrowing when his team ran
arway and in some way threw him down,
fie was rendered unconscious for some
Mr. John Scholtz is sick with a hard
cold, which threatens pneumonia, bat
ill are in hopes the disease will take a
turn for the better Boon.
Born on the 11th to the home of
Keddle a boy.
Anna Weisenborn is home from Port
land for a short visit.
Charlie Polifka is able to be oat again.
Mark Baker is slowly improving from
tie gun shot wound received at a shoot
ing match last fall.
Quite a number from this vicinity at
tended Pomona Grange at New Era last
Wednesday and report a good time as
v;ual, but dont travel the river road
ttey all say from Oregon City to New
Era, The upper road may be a trifle
farther but infinitely better.
Mr. John Kruse, who has been very
tck with diabetes and heart trouble
fs better. All hope for bis sjeedy re
covery to full health.
Dover, April 11. The weather is fine
at present, farmers are busy sowing
clover seed and breaking up their gar
dens and planting potatoes and small
School has now commenced in Dover
the teacher Miss Wadkins ol Milwaukie.
N. Nelson has another sick horse the
disease ia unknown.
J. A. Stowbridge made a flying trip to
Fall Vallev laBt week on business.
Rev. Lewis preached here at Dover
Eanier Sunday, after preaching, basket
dinner was served, followed by Sunday
school and preaching.
Mrs. P. DeShazer made a flying trip
o Fir wood to visit her sons last week.
Lohan, April 10. Weather continues
fine and the farmers are about through
seeding on the hill land.
Mrs. Jacob Babler and children of
Ilwaco have been visiting relatives at
this place for some time. They returned
to Ilwaco the 15th.
Mr. and Mrs V. II. Brown started to
Elkliorn, Marion County on the 17.
MissLiraie Wilson is home from Ore
gon City for a lew days.
Peter Wilson and Fred Gerber are
both having some breaking done.
Chan. Wolfer has ented I. L. Clark's
hopyard at Highland
There are a few cases of measles in
the vacinity.
Rrdlasd1, April 18. If the army and
navy had done as much fighting on land
and sea as has been done around the
chimney corner since the battleship
Maine was blown ud, the whole Spanish
race would have been wiped off the face
of the eaith. If Uncle sam wants any
help he can juxt call around this way.
Everybody is in good practice. He can
get a well equipped army if all that Is
needed is tongues
Wm. D. Bellshaw is erecting a new
woodshed on his farm.
A. B. Linn is preparing to build a new
residence on his farm at Linn's mill.
We are informed that Mr. Bonney has
purchased the saw mill formerly owned
by Martin A Son. He will put the ma
chinery into his mill at this place.
Mies Olive Mosher, who is stopping in
Oregon City, spent Sunday, April 10, at
home visiting her parents.
- Mr. Shalty of Viola has purchased the
crop of E. Richardson's farm. The latter
goes to Iowa.
"Afier the election it will be no more
big four." Herald. This refers to
U'Ren, Ogle. Bourne and Young, and is
undoubtedly true. This "big four' are
poli ically dead.
It is a yery satisfactory where both
sid-s claim the victory. One faction of
Multnomah Republicans got the organi
zation and the other claims it got the of
fices; and so both are enthusiastic for
the state ticket, and as united in its sup
port as though they loved one another
like brothers Salem Statesman.
If war is declared five hundred mil
lion gold bonds are to be issued. What
a feast for Wall street Herald. These
bonds will provide money to par the
bra ye soldiers and marines wbo will figbt
for the grand old flag, and they will be
paid in honest money. Uncle Sam didn't
pay his soldiers in Populist fifty cent
The "Brownell-Ryan machine" seems
to worry the Herald. Evidently the
Herald is in favor of the U'Ren-Bourne
80 machine. Drop a nickel in the slot
and the "banker" will do the rest.
Probably had Mr. Brownell gone in on
that "hold op" business and pulled an
eighty dollar prize, his populintic friends
would have indorsed his nomination.
The Populist lee-palling contingent of
Clackamas County are not in a happy
frame of mind.
When a chronic office seeker gets
turnad down by his Party, he joins the
one-head wing of the Populist Party.
E. P. Carter, of Molalla, announces his
conversion to the Populist taith in last
week's Herald
The Populists have erected a Tower of
Babel in Oregon. The confusion of
tongues is secondary to the confusion of
political sore-heads. Every $80 Popu
list, every one-head Republican, every
chronic office-seeking Democrat, every
political renegade, every political bood
ler, have formed an amalgamation for
boodle and spoils. What a nice kettle
of fish to set before an intelligent com
munity. Sent to the Reform School.
Last Thursday evening Willie Walker,
who had been riding around consid jr-
ably of late with A. W. Phillips on his
express wagon, went into Julius
Sch wart's clothing s-ore, and asked for
a suit of clothes on the latter.s account .
The clerk fitted him out with the clothes,
but told him first to go across the street
and ask Mr. Sch warts," wbo was in a
barber shop, if it was all right for bim
to take the clothes. The boy weut out
but did not see Mr. Schwartz. How
ever, he soon returned and told the clerk
that Mr. Schwartz said he could have
the clothing. Young Walker took the
parcel of clothing and left it in McKit
trick's shoe store. In the 'meantime,
John Dicklemau, who bad noticed tl e
actions of the boy, informed Officer
Shaw. In a very brief period ot time
the officer had the boy in custody, and
the clothing returned to the store. Ow
ing to the extreme youth of the boy he
was turned over to County Judge Hayes,
who ordered him sent to the reform
school, where he will join two brothers,
who were sentenced to that instituticn
about four months ago.
Or Exchange one 3 1-2 Wood Wagon
in good Condition, Apply at Oregon
City Wo Men Mills.
Furnished Erery Week. by the Clacks.
niaa Abstract & Trust Company.
T Y Smith to EK Sether April 4,
'S3 W D 40 acres, sou 9, t 5 s, r
I 850
C Caster to Settye, Mch 21, '1)8
80 rda by 80 rds in Boll claim. ... 937
W II and M M Jones to A L and O
E Jones, Mch 2:1, "JS W D HO
acres sec 8, 1 4 s, r2e 1
MAandWJ Ranch toC B Wil
liams April 7,118 lot C, blk 20
' "A" Falls View 1000
E Cox to C II Cox Oct 25 '94 W D
s of nw.l4 and nj of sw' sec
25, t2 s, r 5e 1
W D and A E Belshaw to S F Boy
Ian Mch IS 1K1, W D ,Si lot blk 1
Green Point 2000
W J Burns (trustee) to the B. G.
Ins Co Dec 31 '97 trustee deed 40
acres J. Lewis claim I
J Faxhaumer by ad in. to M Stdckey '
Feb 19, '98 adm deed lots 28, 29
blk "S Miutborn 100
S Johnson to C M Myers April 8 '98
W D nwt4' ol s'4' lots 3 and 4,
Bee 20, 1 3 s, r 3 e 200
II Gilford to O A Genglebach June
23, -97 W D acre sec 9, t 2 s, r
2 e 70
0 A Genglebach to A E Gengelbach
Dec 22 '97 W D ,Sj acre sec 9, 1 2
s, r2 e I
J T Huddleson to J II Sexton. Apr
13 '93 W D sw4' of s l4 sec 1 1 5
s, r S e .. 60
GMeihsE ReppkeNov 1090 W
D 20 acres, sec 13 1 4 s, r 3 e. . . . 200
T L Charruan (trustee) to B M
Sumner April 14 10, blk 7, South
Oregon City 150
N U Darnell to J W Moffatt July
23, '91 W D lots 9 and 10, blk 1
Darnell's add 200
J W Moffatt tj B C Curry April 14
'98 W D lots 9 and 10 blk 1 Dar
nells add 300
T B Dodge to F A Dodge Nov 13 '97
deed, se(4 of ne.l4 sec 31, t 3 s,
r2 e. 1
II E and O F Cross to R Kelland
April 8 '1)8 Q C D na of se'4' sec
23.2 s, r2 e 600
J Gibson jr to H 8 Gibson Apr
'93 W D ne'l of ne sec 4, 1 3
r4e 750
T P Randall to J Godfrey Jr April
15 '98 W D 50.28 acres and 50.28
acres in sec 5 and 8, 1 3 s, r 2 e. . 29G9
H W Strickler to B F Drug Co April
12 '98 W D t of sw i lots 3 and
4, sec 30, 1 7 b, r 3 e 100
Sunset Land Co 8 A Scott, Mcb 26
'98 W D lot 10 blk 14 Sunset. ... 150
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, In vest meats .real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
Not Always I'nderetood.
A fact often overlooked, or not always
understood, is that women suffer as much
from distressing kidney and bladder
troubles as the men. The womb is situ
ated back of and very close to tbe blad
der, and for that reason any distress, dis
ease or inconvenience manifested in the
kidneys, back, bladder or nrinary pass
age is often, by mistake, attributed to fe
male weakness or womb trouble of some
The error is easily made and may be
as easily avoided by setting urine aside
for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set
tling is evidence that your kidneys and
Madder need doctoring. If you have
pain or dull aching in tbe back, pass
water too frequently, or scanty supply,
with smarting or burning, these are
also convincing proofs of kidney trouble.
If you have doctored without benefit, try
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney remedy. The mild and extraordi
nary effect will suprise you. It stands
the highest for its wonderful cures. If
you take a medicine you should take the
best. At druggists fifty cents and one
dollar. You may have a eamble bottle
and pamphlet, both sent free by mail
Mention Tbe Oregon City Enterprise and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer ACo.,
Bingharaton, N. Y. The proprietors of
this paper guarantee the genuineness of
this offer.
Bids Invited.
Sealed b'da will be received by tbe
County Court for the renewal of the pil
ing under the Shipley bridge on the
Abeinethy River; said piling to be not
less than 15 inches at small end ; also
said piling to be of cedar. Bid -i will be
opened on May the 4, 1898, at 9:30 A.
M. The Court reserve) the right to
accept any or reject all bids.
Elmbb Dixon, County Clerk.
April 20, 1898,
Someone to do small washing. Per
manent if satisfaction is given. Address
"G" care of Enterprise.
The 17. So Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Report of school taught at Elliott
Prairlo, district No. 2 for the month end
ing April 8. Number of days taught 20 ;
total days attendance, 66:i'4; days ab
sence, 7l'4i number of pupils enrolled,
37 ; average belonging. 31 ; daily atten
dance, 28; cases of tardiness, 14 ; number
Of visitors, 0. Those, who were neither
absent nor tardy are Vorna and Silas
Barber, Lemia, Birdie and Snilo Blair,
Etta and Lester Stanton, Irwin and Win.
Konagy, Henry and Freddie Kouhlvr and
Edna Stanton.
Alkdia M. Piiiars, Teacher.
Report ot school taught at district No.
15 for the month ending ' April 8, 181)8.
Number of days taught, 20 ; number of
pupils enrolled, 38 ; General average for
the month, 28; average number belong
ing, 31. Those who were neither absent
nor tardy are: Mary Holman, Minnie
Swarti, Arts Kirk, Maude Daniels, Lena
Studeman, Lawrence Rucoiiich, Willie
Ruconicli, Jacob and Willie Herman,
Uoome Holman, Otto Fischer and Chris
Swarti. YUitora present during the
month were: Floyd Kirk director, Karl
Studeman, director, Charles Rutherford,
Fred Meindl, I.irxle Weidner, Dora
Heurice, Martha Swarta, Ernest Ginther
Henry Ginther, Mr. lleerdt, Albert
Studeman, John Fisher, Maggie Her
man. Fred Hettman and William llett
man. We invite especially the patrons
of the sc hool, and all others interested in
education to visit our school at any time
and note our progress.
Rohkkt GtsniKR, Teacher.
School Motes.
Tim Milwaukie school will give an en
tertainment Friday evening, April 22,
for the benefit of the school library. Ad
mission 10 cents.
The Park place school has been closed
because of measles, Miss Dotson and a
number of the pupils being afllicted.
The other teachers are Improving their
vacation by visiting schools.
Prof. J. C. Zinser has been invited to
reproduce his address on Climate in
Geography, at the meeting of the Ma
rion County Association, at Hubbard,
April 23rd.
The people of Canby are preparing to
make the teachers' meoting at their
school a success.
Teacher' Association
The next meeting of the Clackamas
Teachers, Association will be held at
Canby, Saturday, April 30th. Following
is tbe program :
Violin solo Robert Coe
Spencerian Penmanship, F. M. Darling
and P. L. Coleman.
Cornet solo George Knight
More Civil Government in Our Schools,
Es telle Bracken.
Violin solo Robert Coe
The Dntl Boy in School, L. T. Anderson
Song Five pupils of Canby school
Teachers' Examination, H. G Stark.
Methods of Teaching Physiology, Jen
nie Rowen.
Cornet solo George Knight
Uow to Cultivate Self-Reliance in Our
Pupils, Mrs. A. II. Wells.
Vocal solo Robert Coe
Roll-call, o notations from Shakespeare.
BulTe Johnson May (Jo.
It may be of interest to note that
Bulfe Johson is liable to be detailed for
war duty in the U. S. signal corps, hav
ing been in regular service in that corps
at Astoria for the last two years. He is
also manager of the government tele
graph line between Astoria and Forts
Stevens and Canby, whose operations
may assure importance in case of war
with Spain.
At present Mr. Johnson li superintend
the Western Union Telegraph Co's busi
ness in Astoria and the coostrnction of a
new line between Astoria and Portland .
On Thursday during the session of the
State Republican Convention at Astoria
he and an assistant sent 275 personal
messages and 25000 words to the Orego
nian. The latter paper compliments . his
office upon doing the best handling of
the Conventions telegraph business
Patriotic In Spirit.
Jobdas, Ore. April 12. U. 8. Re
ceiver, Oregon City,
Dear Sir: Will yoi please inform me
how I can secure a permit to leave my
home-stead, In case of war, in which
case I should like to enlist.
Yours Truly,
II. 11. Small.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield. III.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopeless victim of consump
tion and that no medicine could cure
her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption; she
bought a bottle and to her delight found
herself benefitted from first dose. She
continued its use and after taking six
bottles, found herself sound and well;
now does her own housework, and is as
well as she ever was Free trial bottles
of this Great Discovery at Charman A
Co's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and 11.00. .
Tbat Iih Tt-k ran ho cured wltb
Dr. Miles' NEttVE PLABTEB. OolHO.
JKWselaUc Prcparationfor As
similating IhcFoodnrulHctfula
ting the Stomachs aiidltowch of
tvcssnndRcst.Contalns neither
qjimm.Morphlno wr Mineral.
Jhw V OU Ik-SWlZUWiLli
ISmim SmJ'
Awrfl Remedy forConsllM-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diorrhoca.
Worms Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss or 5lP
lac Simile Signature of
NEW -Yonw.
aV; jtyi'v'.s
. cxact copy orwrtARPta,,
The Friends f Ihe "Mulled
Eight'' Awult KpnuIIh.
The tamllilHtt-s anil lli.-lr "I'srl)"
Auxlmikly Hati hl.iir Ihe Itullellii
' llourd f-r Latest ft turux.
It if a hot rare for "Kul-lsn ;" tl y ad
want to wear the Royal robes, as m
preuie rulor of the Orient; surrounded
by the It) lurkli-h ladies, 12 Te sian
girl and 10 Grecian Uoddutws, who,
with the court comedliins, specialty
artists and Royal body guard have
been ordered by the l'rime minister to
make ready, to hold court In all Its
oriental splendor, at the Sultan's palace,
which has been transferred, as If by
magic, in the place of Shllvely'ii opera
Owing to the voting contest quite a
number of seats have been sold already
and votes cast ; and up to time of going
to press the "count" shows 1'iof. Lee Mu
Adam In the lead with Mr. II. L. K-lly
second and L. L. I'ortcr third, slid the
rest bunched for forth pUte. It is too
early in the cunlu-t. however to muke
y predlc'ion a to who will net there.
This eniertsinnient when giv-u in
Astoria was pronounced by INK) e--le
who attended as the very Im-i-I, m si
elaborate, ami brilliant home tal.nl
perfornisnce ever given. JiiiIkm Mc
Biiile, who Iihh bet-it in the city all this
week, attended the "OrienUl Fete"
both nights and sM-uksonly In th- hilu-M
praice (or It. Miss Msy Mcllride paiti
cipated us a (Ircrluti (inihli-ss,
Reserved kcmIh now solliitrf at I I'
O. Store.
MeiinV 1'ost Maj (Jtl to Wi r.
Washington, March 25. 18118 To
Mr. E. W. MIiIIhih. CriiinianilHt Meade
Post, J. A. R., Oregon CI y, Ore
gon . '
Sir: I have the honor to Inform yuii
that your letter of the 4th instant, to the
Secretary of War, lend- ring the services
of Meade Post, No. 2, O. A. It., in the
event ot war, etc., has been rc-lvd
and placed on tile for consiilfra-ion
should o.-i aiion arise. It is hoped, how
ever, that no such eme-g. ncy ulllr.
quire theii services.
Very ie"i ective'y,
Assihant Adjutant (Jknkhai..
Winciiks-Urihiii.b -At the M E. pat-1
sonHge in this city, Wednesday, Apr, I 1
20. MHD8. Miss Albert Cribble, ol -tiribble
Pratit, arid Artlinr Winches, '
ol faiem, Kev. II. Urmrg. niiici King.
Mr. and Mr. Winches immediately
left for Aslorl t on a wedding trip, hut
will return and m ike their home at r-'a-lem.
Kor I.euse.
Plastered house with flreplnne, ba n
and wagon house, abou' two acres in
cultivation, fru t and berries. j 'it-sj
town. Mom-y can re m ule he'ft. Ap
ply to J. A. Thayer, Agent.
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
is the HtufT of life,
lint it is not all minlo alike.
Main Street Bakery
hits a repututiou fur making
KikhI brt-ud every day in tho
and Staple
Always Fresh.
...HEINZ & CO...
Main Street.
The oi.lv ifljfl-'sl Hi.'1 tfi-nnl-ie Kri-nrli.
KeuiHle ltf((iilliir, of Mine. HI. di-ninln,
I'diU. UiiiirpHi.-il in. tifiiiK mlc, nir mil
rrlmi'le III nvry i-iif. Hold nn ti-r pmlllvt
gusraiilev nr nmiiry rrfuiMli'il, tint tli
Kfiniliie. Hnre Sl.nt) M-r Dox dy mull. Hole
Mi-nU lur llie 1'iiod Him... Hint I'kiihIi.
KIM) llAKV.Mtll CO,
l.'iT WhdIiiukIoii Hi, Chicago,
Free Trial Treatment
Till" oiler . iintilr liy Hi
(irovl.Uil si IcH-inn In iinIp nt oner, III
oril-r tliiil it" li vn.tiMii-, it j l t tt ii'.-h mill
m-v.T (hIhmk rfinfilii-. Mini- rec-lve th
w.lei .ii-miile pnli let i, hm.I prove Ihmr
vii iiiero, ti v Mi-tinil iimi noil f riiiniient
utiie. N.i money whmxver will im rec.i-lvmi
hy tie Inltiolt Hints 8i 1 1 It ari ii m from any
doe limlHr tin lie.iiinenl mull hinii-llclal re-uili-rr
it k'io leiltff.t, m remeilles and
itoiiftnc have heen "iiiniitoileil ,y the
mh m-ai-eri (if two citiitliit-nm mi l enclnrwd
hv tin- Kren-i doctors in the world.
Wtiir ilnvelooilli-iil l HrHot'ii limy no
c.oiiiillh It nii'l iievi-r (nil to Inviiiornts, up
hull'l stt'l for'llv. They nfne new life and
euergv, I hey iMMiirim-hilv i"ii till loes
wlilch undermine (lis conctltiitlon and pro
duce iIhuiioimIhocv I nev re i , iclrejl)
mill rehlnre In ill OIHooil, n rtiMIrm of bk.
Tiiey cure evd oHltiiM H:nl .erniiini'iitly re
move their f ll' l-l". H el Hi tliooe ot ex
renM soil over IhxI lrmii work, nonrss
thenla ot i.ervou. fliiiiiiii'i. No fullnre,
110 publicity, no ilereptlult, no ill.iHpiiotlit
tnent. W'lpi. tod.ie,
In burtnr swdi "eronomT la
of culllTnUunwMKdonliiftrlurarali
lwy Urgtljr aioMd tlx orljlnU
cuat of (lie Im and dra( aawlt to
be bad. Tbe boat la alwara the
cuaapeau r irin mora for
and oiuwyi f ai your tnonej-a worth.
J'We cent per paiier evtrwliere.
Aiwaye ma Deal, oeea Annual tree. .
. D.M.FERRYACO.iDitratt, Mich.
Bwn tl lha Kind You Haw Always Bought
jf B
Aj Kind
Jr You Have
I Always Bought.