Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 08, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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in County Contention to Xom
nate a County Ticket.
t nd Elr rt Delegates to tbe State and
, ' Coti(treMlonal Courentlois.
Harmony and a Strong;
The Republican County Convention
oet in Weinhard'a Mall, Oregon City
' ' ' Wednesday" morning April " 6th, at 10
' "o'clock. One hundred and forty-6v
YVlitrates were present, every precinct
4u h County having a full represent
ioo. Hie following la the
( '' Mat of Itl(ata
(recording to precinct:
E. C. Hackett
Henry Jewell
K.'D. Lm
W. W. Smith,
J. W. McAnulty
J. II. Millar
. Barlow
M. Campbell
Julius Miller
caver Creek
' T. B. Thomas
Tbos. Daniels
Henry Hornshuh ,
Mike Ixndon
' Milton Lake
Carl Lake
A. W. Anderson
; Canby
, J. G., Koohler
D. R. Dimick
John Tice
Ll L. Moore
3. F. Eckereon
A. H. Knight
' Cbas. Toole
- William Fine
John Wilkinson
John Carutbers
Canyon Creek
fVeiton Bonney ,
' 1 William Bonney
J. A. Ilirhman
Chas. Plyfer
J. H. Weaver
J. R. Dunker
J. Foster
C. P. Ware
S. D. Hedges
Jnhn' Robinson
J. V. Beeeeiem
Arthur Mather
J. V. Uartang
J. aV. TaJbert
. Damascus
E. T.White
.'E. H. Burghardt
William Ulrica
. A. W, Cooke
,Cagle Creek '
t JGeo. J. Currin
' fl)oe Smith
Ed. Burnet
D. Marshal
Ueo, Lockabee
. George
Hans Paulsen
Henry Johnson
. Huntings
U,J. 0. Sprague
Wm. Frakes
Cbas Wolfer
J. M .' Beheimer
' J. P. 01m
Frank Welch ,
. W. T. Henderson
Cower Molalla
fenerman Wolfer
Cbas. Reynolds
.Upper Molalla
'' J. J. Leavltt
'John Tick
J. R. Cole
Uaple Lane
'' John Darling
M. M. McGeehan
F. Cramer
II ilk Creek
John Demson
C. TV Howard
'" J. (i. Wilftou
I. F. Broetje
F. Birkemeir
' B. E. M. Flsch
U.S. McLaughlin
fcmith Mullan
0. L. Barbur '
1. Larking (Jonathan Loder pros)
J. E. Marquam
E. M. Hartman (A Anderson prox)
Geo. Kinzer
Tom Killen
C. Bair
Henry Wolfer
W. H. Cochran
New Era
Enos Caliill
'Hugh Brennan
J D Waldron
Oregon City No. 1
J. W. Moffatt
M. E. Willoughby
E . Koerner
' It. W. Trembath
Bruce Zumwalt
fl. 0. Stevens
W. S Wilson (John Bittner proxy)
F. A. Toepleman
W. II. Howell
n Frank Btiseh
Oregon City No. 1
D. W. Kinnalrd
J. G. Torter
C. G.Huntley
Fred Metsner
D. II. Glass
' U. Campbell
G. B. Dimick
Ben Baxter .
Charles C. Babcock
George Brougbton
Ernest Rands
James Wilkinson
Oregon City No. 8
Ed Story
J. Nt Harrington
Grant Olds
C. T. Hickman
R. W. Wilmot
Albert Walling
A. L. Walling
L. A. Shipley '
A. W. Shipley
Jos. Cook
C.H. Miller
Pleasant Hill
Win. Scott
A. P. Todd
Elmer Jones
E. L. Baker
William Murray
Adolph Aschoff
Ernest D. Sievers
Soda Springs ,
John Nightingale
John Lewellen
John Ried
J. L. Kruse
Charles Moehnke
Angust Gebbardt
Jacob Miley t
C. D. F. Wilson
William Stone
J. Gerber
West Oregon City
D. P. Jones (R. Greaves, proxy.)
J. W. McKay
C. A. Miller
J. R. Humphrey (J. W. McKay proxy)
O. F. Olson
Thomas Gibbs
W. W. Porter
Tbe report ot the Committee on
Order of Bnalaua
was adopted as follows:
First Nomination of State Senator.
Second 15 Delegates to State Convex
Third County Judge.
Fourth " Sheriff.
Fifth " Recorder.
Sixth " Clerk. '
Seventh " Assessor.
Eighth " Treasurer.
Ninth " Superintendent.
Tenth " Commissioner.
Eleventh " Coroner.
Twelfth 3 Representatives
Thirteenth 15 Delegates to Congres
sional Convention.
Dr. J J. Leavitt, of Molalla, was
elected permanent Chairman of the
Convention and D. W. Kinnaird, Secre
The name of George C. Brownell was
then placed in nomination for Sta'-e Sen
ator by Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek.
Mr. Brownell was nominated by acclam-
'ion. Mr. Brownell then addressed
the Convention on Republicanism ; stat
ing in the course of bis remarks that be
wanted a clean, open 6ght; that he
would not vote for a United States Sen
ator who was not opposed to Free Coin
age of Silver; that he would oppose any
one who advocated Free Coinage at 16
to 1. The Convention then took a re
cess until 1 P, M .
The afternoon setsion opened with the
adoption of tbe report of the Commit
tee on
which was as lollows:
Obeoon City, Ob., April 6 1898
To tbe honorable County Convention ;
We your committee on resolutions beg
leave to aubrait the following for your
We hereby reaffirm our confidence and
faith in the Republican Party of the
Nation and hereby endorse the National
Republican Platform adopted at St.
Lou's in 1896 and pledge ourselves to its
qualified support.
We endorse tbe administration of
President McKinley as wise and con
servative and judicious, believing that
the Republican Party was born largely
for the purpose of securing for mankind
broader liberty and individual freedom
for all citizens, black or white, rich or
We believe it to be the duty of the ad-
mimiatralion to interfere to establish the
Freedom of tbe Cubans from the yoke of
Spanish Despotism. We therefore favor
the absolute. freedom and independence
of Cuba as a Republic, and radically op
pose any foreign power gaining any foot
hold . whatever upon the American
We favor the building of the Nicaragua
Canal and the control and operation of
it under the American Flag.
We favor the abolishment by law of
the- several Commissions in this state,
particularly the Railroad Commission, as
an expense to the tax payers which the
condition of affairs in this state does not
require. '"'
We are opposed to tbe Governor of
the 6tate or any other StaU olllwr draw
log or receiving any salary or compenaa-
tion higher than that which is allowed
by the Conatitution ot the State,
We hereby denounce as revolutionary
the conduct ot the I'opulut members of
the Legislature from this oountv. who.
during the session ol the Legislature
1897 failed to qualify
of office and redeem the pledges made
.during the campaign tor their election as
being a crime against the people and
popular government.
We further deuounce the Legislative
hold-up for the reason that by the failure
ot said Legislators to orgauiae and per.
form their duly they have thereby in
creased the taxes ot this state nearly
one million of dollars.
We hereby pledge our Legislativn
ticket It elected, that the members there
of will go to the Capitol of the ataie,
qualify, take their oath of office and pio
ceed to use their best efforts to pas the
above legislation, and to give the people
of this state remedial legislation, and to
vote against all moneyed appropriations
that are not absolutely neceosary to de
tray the expeusea of the affairs ot this
state upon the basis ot the strident
We favor the abolishment of the
office of Stale Printer, and favor the
letting of all county and state printing
by contract to the lowest bidder.
We hereby favor tbe election of United
States Senators at the ballot box by and
thiough the direct vote of the people.
We hereoy Insist that a faw be pa-sed
relieving the counties of this slate from
all liability tor witness fees and court
costs in all cases except where a conviu
tion has been had.
We hereby favor the opening ot all
courts of this county not later than nine
o'clock A. M.
We are In favor and heartily endorse
the passage of a law which would crt-ate
hat is known as Precinct Assessors,
believing that it would result in a witter
assessment of the property of the farmer
and ol the corporation alike.
We favor a just, honest and uniform
taxation of property and are oppoxed to
ny favoriteism being shown to any in
dividual or interest.
We are opposed to the system now in
existence in this County of employing
fonr or five helpers or awisUnts around
the different County offices as has been
done in the past and charging the ex
pense thereof to the tax payers of Clacka
mas County.
We favor a County Board of Equaliza
tion to be composed of the Precinct As
sessors ot the whole County, said Assess
ors to be elected as heretofore suggested,
believing that the people would thereby
obain a more just and honest equalize
tion ot their taxes.
Believing in the principle that the
people themselves should select their
officers, we hereby favor the election
of precinct "jRoiad Supervisors. We
alao' favor that alt county work
on t roads and bridges let by con
tract be with a stipulation that the con
tractor give preference to tbe residents
of the county, to perform the labor.
On the question of United States Sena
tor. we are in favor of the election of any
good Republican who is the regular Rep
ublican nominee,' but such person who
ever he is, must be openly and avowedly
on the St.' Louis platform from the firnt
line cf it to the last.
John Drnihon,
e. ii. bukqiiardt,
J. M. Bkiiyxkb,
0. G. llUNTLHY,
D. II. Glahh.
After the adoption of the Platform the
following 15 delegates to the State Con
vention were nominated.
George. Cnrrin,
J. A. Talbert,
Charles Hoi man, (
Thomas Killin,
E. Cabill,
J. G. Porter,
C. G. Huntley,
J. U. Campbell,
A. B. Marquam,
A. Cooke,
John Denison,
Charles Toole,
Charles Holstrom,
Sidney Smyth,
D. Dimick.
Next in order were nominations for
Connty Jodite. The names of Thomas
F. Ryan, Frank Jaggar, H. II. JolinHon,
R. Scott, J. M. Tracy, U. S Gibson and
Tom P Randall wore placed in nomina
tion. Ryan, receiving 76 votes on the
sceond ballot was declared nominated.
The following names were thn placed
in nomination for sheriff ; Capt. W. II.
Smith, William ThomHon, John II.
Gibson, Charles E. Burns, N. M,
Moody. 8. M. Ramsby and E. C, Mad
dock. On tbe second bollot, Gibson,
Burns and Maddock withdrew. On the
third ballot Ramsby, receiving 83 votes,
was declared nominated.
The candidates for Recorder were Tom
P Randall and W. M. Shank. Randall,
receiving 80 votes, was nominated.
The nominees for County Clerk were,
M. L. Moore, Adolph AschofT, George L.
Story and II. S. Gibson. Aschoff was
nominated on the first ballot, receiving
107 votes.
For' Assessor, tbe names of H, S. Og
lesby, J. F. Nelson, Eli Williams and
George J. Currin were placed in nomi
nation ; Williams receiving 89 votes on
the second ballot, was declared nomi
nated. For County Treasurer, E. W. Midlam,
Carter and O 1 H, Marquam
. I wore the i
ioram.. M,.ro..mm was nume
on the .eoond ballot, receiving ICO
II. S. Strange was nominated for
County 8iierliitt)mliiit by auolnuiatloii.
Candid ties for Comm'snoner were, R.
of Morton, G, T. Howard, John Vam u.ei
I and take tllu!routhl", K W,H6 Morion, receiving iu
votes on the first ballot, was declared
Candidates for Coroner were Dri. E.
O. Summer, J, W. Nutria and ll. A
Dedmnn Dr. Dodmau wn nominated
on the first ballot, receiving 79 votes,
E. P. Rands was nominated hv accla
mation for County Surveyor.
The following 15 delegate wore nomi
nated to attend the CongresKloiml Con
vention to be held at Euuene April 11 1
J. J. Leavitt
E M. Hartman
R. Scott
John Cole
Wm Tlmmn'on
J. W. Meldruin
J. N. Harrington
C A. Miller
M. M. McGeehan
C. II. Smith
M. L, Moore
A. P. Todd
G. B. Dimick
F. T. Griffith
G. W Proser
Candidates for tlm Legislature were
as follows: George Kand.ilt, Alexander
Thompnon, J. L. Kruse, C. II. Dye.
John Denison and Jonathan Yoder. J.
L Krme, John IVnUon and Alexander
Thompson, receiving )'M. 101 and Nil,
vote remeeiiveiy, were leciarel nom
I Inaied.
The following resolu'ion was adopted;,
Where, the county of Clackamas
stunda third in rureentaMon in die
Stste convention of the R'publhan
Party and whereas, it Imh never lad
representation on the St-ie ticket In the
iMtory of the state. Theiefure, be it
Kenlved, Tint the delegation to the
State convention ute all honorable
means to secure the nomination for
Attorney General ot ih Htaie for our
esteemed fellow cIMi-mi, Hon. A. S.
The Convention adjourned at 10 P. M
fm 0.X .Waal y
Prof. W. H. Pecks, who
jnti1 itunilmg
cgr.d vf
him. . il
work on
this di.
b sonda
with a
Isrv hot.
tie ot bla bolut cure, frt to any nrTrrs
who may Mnd their P. O. nj F.pre ililrnM,
W ilvlx nr on wUhlnir a cur lnd'trrm
frntW. B. frtlf, r. 0., 4 Ctdar St., flew Tor
is the staff of life,
but it is not all nmdo
Main Street Bakery
ban a reputatiou for making
good bread every day in the
and staple
Always Fresh.
...HEINZ & CO...
Main Street.
The on I V original anil inuine Krenrli.
Fenmle Regulator, of Mine. Ht. Germain,
1'ariit. UnmirpttttAetl an Im-Iiik taf, turn anil
reliable In every cane. Hold under iiositiv
guarantee or money rftunlei!. (let the
genuine. Price $1.00 per box by mail, Hole
agenla lor the I'niieil Kiate and Canada.
157 Wellington Si. Clilcago.
wans Riil
Free Trial Treatment
- This nll'er in made by the
provided apjiliCHtion he made at once, in
order that its Invention!, uppliani'ea anil
never fHiling remedies may receive the
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own merits by actual use and permanent
cure. No money whutever will he received
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one under Its treatment until hnnellclal re
sults are acknowledged, lis remedies and
appliances have been cumineiided by the
newspapers of two continents and endorsed
by the greatest doctor! in the world.
Where development Is desired they ac
complish it and never tail to invigorate, tip.
build and fortily. They infuse new life and
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and restore to manhood, regardleBi of age.
They cure evil habits and permanently re
move their ell'ects, as well as those of ex
cesses and over taxed brain work, neuras
thenia or nervous exhaustion, No failure,
no publicity, no deception, no disappoint
ment. Write today.
Kvanslon, III,
, , ,
mm OIrla- lA AI in Lri if h 11 inhn m
VI VQ S 30611 $T MlSS tO 111 V IS 1131 I
5 fo cordially invito our patron8 and tho public at largo
VV to call and exaniino our lino of jiattcrn Hats and
a full lino of Millinery on our Opening Days which
will bo March 31nt and April let and 2d and following days.
Wo have mado every effort to plcaao you all. Our hat8 aro
up-to-dato and wo have a coinploto now etock at tho very
Lowest Prices.
Now and Enlarged Shop with nil applianpoR for
All work executed in tho bent manner poHMble. rromptnesa guaran
teud on all orders.
Price the lowest to be had in Portland, fihop on Fourth Street
near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. '
This applies to real etstato as well as other comoditiefl.
Kvery family in need of a home desires the boat loca
tion. -
Has the greatest number of advantages to its credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay
you to investigate this property. Good clear lota at
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block, - - Oregon City
By the fast
and coni
tnodiouH Htcamcr
Leaves Portland daily except!
bunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Orent Scenic Route.
All tourict admit that tho scenery
on tho Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for lieauty and grandeur i
tho united Mates. Full Infiirme
tion by aiidreRHtnir or calling on
J. N. HARNKY. Acenl.
Tel. UR Portland, Or.,
Odice and wharf, foot of Oak St. ,
aeeila grown are 1
Kerry'. Tlibt
aeedi town are Kerrv'a.
, The leal neeria known ar I
'Ferry'. It paya to plant
Famous Seeds
Aik the dealer for them. Rend for
W-iZ. new tbe lateal aud
m M.U B K . 1 1 Ml. b BUM .11U
. j ine i.u
A Oltrolt,Mlch.
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Palom,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and 00 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satiBfoction of a
personal communication,
biutance no eflect to a
cloar understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - -
KaiabllMlied IM6S.
Tranfep and Ejqme,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city,