Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
OREGON ' CITY KNTERPRI8E, ' FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898 covmt. Olrenllnoiirt nnnvn Aral Mnn'a lo No vember and third Monday In April. rrnbatsoourl Inseeilou first Montis Id n"h aonlh. Oommlmlniier. court meeti first vYnduSsUay alter first Monday ul aob month. oiiwiON city omrnm. Mayor, -Jlnoorili'r, - Chlnfof I'iiIIiw -N lclitwnt:tiMiail Treaanror, - - OUy Attorne. - 'nfii m I mttrinpr. . K 0, fiutlrl'l Thou. K. Ityaii - t'liss. K. Ilurns K I.. Hhaw If, K.HIralghl Frank T. Urlillth - W. ! Hnliln Hnpt of Water Works, W. II How City KiiKlMfr, - - I. W. Kiimalrrf Cimnitlinn-lt. Kwrnsr, Krsnk Hiiwh, It. 1. WIImiii, Jsiiiss Husks, II. K. IUr rl, (!. I), l.aiotiretw, Arthur Millu, 1'rcd A. MeUtisr. Council maul lint Wsdnrulay of : muntli in clijr ball, NOTIONS.' Pay your waltir rant l(oro tlie lOili of thtt in. mill, ami savo tho expfiise ami annoyaiii'u of wtr twin," shut off. Tim riiilHrtainmtmt wMrli was an-tnjum-ud to I jrivnn April 2nd by I'"''" irovo No. 32 Wooihiifn Circle, ami Wlllami-lUa Falls Camp No. 1IH Iim Wn mimi prnuJ until r'rUay evening April loili. Natural llfulrr. Trtilh, JiiKtlc ami Humanity Helgn, Undo Sam He Comitu'ra Hpelgit, Damn Nature Also Conicri I't'lun tlirouh tint itistruiiimitallly of Dr. Pu vail the Natural Healer. I)yaH-'l. ' tlist teasing 'orm commi-reil after aeven ynsrs' rfin In tlie iwrsonofa nuWri Sort of ()rt-on, with OnoTnulmmit; also Paralysis of throat and llml with aeveral tn-atnitmts. Call and e liia wiltton alatemmil: "Have tried aliii'ist everyllilng t) K't rellnf hut all in vain until I rominnm-ed taking- Dr. Duvall'i treatmunta. Now I am tmileetly fre from that disease; also twilm-t relief from urinary diinVultlos and paralysis of my tbro it and limb. Wan ldn to talk or walk, also my gtmoial lioallli la linnrovlng and I atlril ute It all to Dr. Duvall'i trrattnimt with out the um) of mutliuineor Instrument." Whatevnr your ailment take treat limits ul Dr. Duvall. Don't he beaten out of health hy the itnmn and )rrs of Berlin and Pharasws, bfxklit'Sils, big gota and hyiKK-rltfi. , Dr. Duvall every Tuesday and Wed neatlay, until last Wednesday of thia month at Hanlgan'a Ixlging, Main HI. opposite Woolen Mill, from 10 A. M. to 41' M. Married. VavANn-Ki'rIn Hells Fourrlm, S. I). March 1HDS, Miai Lime Kspu and Dr. 1. M Wtyand. MIk Kaip is a daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Fchlor, of Oregon City and for aeveral yeara lived with her mother on a farm near Ureg-n City. Last fall Mn. Fehler moved to I'orltand. From there Mini Kapp made her aunt a visit at Belle Fourths, S D. where ahe formed the acquaintance of the highly esteemed Dr. Weyand . (range ?Utlre. The regular meeting of Claikamas District Pomona CSrange will be hold at New Era, Wedneaday Aorll 1.1. 1SH8, at 10 o'clock A. M. Memlwrs In good standing cordially Invited, and veiling uiembera maile welcome. Hume wlxhing to take the 6ih degree pleave bring proper crudenllala Mahv 8. IIowahi), Mauler. Lout . Kailiea diamond rlug, aolitalre. on Haturdny evening, in thia city. Liberal reward will be paid to finder by leaving aame at thia ollke. linrii. Lano. In Oregon City on Thursdav, March 31, 18118, to Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Lang, a son. Led ires. ; A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday venlngln the A. 0. U. W. Temple ' Geo It. CalifT, secretary. Heliekahs Willamette Rehekah Lodge ! No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday of each month at I. 0.0. F. Temple. j Malta (Jodfry, tecretary. Court Itobin Hood No. 0, Foresters of America, meets first and third Friday in the month in Red Men'a Hall. F.T. Rogers, secretary ; F. 8. Baker, chief ranger. Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., meets first WednemUy in each month at Wil lamette Hall. E. W. Midlam, com mander, j CUckamiR Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., tneati oi the third 'Monday of each month in Masonic flail. II, S. Strange, secretary Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. 8. meets the second and fourth Tuesdays In each month at MuhoiiIc Hall. Miss Jennie Rowen, secretary, Oregon Lodge No, 3, 1. 0. 0. F., meets very Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall. T. F. Ryan, secretary Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. 0. F. meets first and third Tuesday in each month. J. A. Stuart, secretary. ', Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp. O. R. M., meets Saturday evening 7:30, at Red Men's Hall. J. W. Stuart, 0. of R. ; II L.Patterson, Sachem. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M., meeta first and third Saturdays in each month at Mawnlo llnll. T. F. Ryan, aecretnry, Mend Corpa No IH, W. It. C, meeta "ecjiio and f fiirt It Wedneaduy in each month at the Willamette Hall, Mr. Clouae, prwldimt, Artlaana mneta flmt, aecond and fourth Thuradayi In each month at Ited Mert'a Hall. J. T. fjearl, aei retnry. Catholio Knight of America St. Jolln'i Diancli No. 017, meeti every Tuenday of the month. Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M., meet In lied Men'a Hall, on aecond and fourth Wedneadaya O. II. Hyatt, rrord keeper. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION The republican convention for the atale of Oregon ia hereby called to meet In the city of Antoria on Thursday, April Mth, 1808, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. tn., for the purpoaeof nominating can didate for the state and Jixtrict oflicee, 'exc4'pt congressmen," and to transact such other btiNlneas as may prupeily come before aaid convention. The con vention will conalat of 2Hb delgates, apportioned among the several counties of the state as follows: Itakir (I; Lincoln 4 llmiioii 7 l.ans 12 ClaikaiiiM 1.1 l.lnn li Clalt M Maltieur 8 fnluiuMa li Marlon V) (' .... CriMik ... Curry ... DoitKlaa (liMorrow 4 4 Miiltnoniab .00 .'l.l'.ilk 8 , II 'Hliarnian S 4 rillainook ft (lllllani (Irani .M'inalllla II Harney .lllnioii 1 Jai kxni . M Wallowa 3 Jnoitiiii ft W. 10 Klamatli .t.WalilnKtoii 12 Laka Yamhill 10 The same Ulng one delrga'e-at lame from each county and one delegate for each 200 votes and fraction thereof of ftO or over, as caat for William MeKinley at the presidential election in November, 1MHI. The committee recommends that the primaries be held on Baturday, April 2ml, and the county conventions on Wednesday, April Uth, lH'.lH. unless otherwise ordered by the aeveral county committees. Sol. Hikhcii, Chairman. O. N. Dknny, Kocretaiy. FIRST DISTRICT CONVENTION A republican convention for the first congressional district of Oregon Is here by called to meet In the city of Eugene, on Monday, April 11, 18'JH, at the hour of 2 :30 o'clock p. tn., for the purpose of nominating a candidate (or congress for the first congressional district of Oregon, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said conven tion. The convention will consist of H5 delegates, apportioned among the aeveral counties of the first district as follows: Urn Ion.... ('lackainas ClKH Curry .... .... 7, Lincoln ... IV Lane.. .... Vfl.lnn 3i Marlon 4ihkU .. ....llll'olk .... Nirillamook ., .... fti Wanliiton. . ... .1, Yamhill .... . . . . 3 JackiKiii ... Jneilins . Klamath .. Lake The same being one dolegate-at-large fur each county and one delegate for each 200 votes and fraction thereof of fifty or over, as east for Wm. McKinley, at the presidential election held In No vember, 18IKI. The committee recommends that the primaries he held on Saturday, April 2d, and the county convention on Wednes day, April Pi, 181)8, unless otherwise ordered by the several committers. It. J. IIkndkicks, J. A. Wilson, Chairman. Secretary. Anflo-Hiunn Common 8ns. I lind occnidon at L'oolgurdie to be present at a public wevtiug gathered to protost strongly aKiiinxt tho uctions of the fVoHtern Australian government with regard to the mining population and tho insufficiency of its political rep rosecution. Severul speakers held forth. One declared that be wus neither demo crat nor sociulist, another that be was a democrat, but not a socialist; a third at last profo8scd himself a socialist. Sometimes grouus, sometimes applause, underlined onrtuln phrases, but in the midst of those gold miners, iu this town bat three years old, in spito of the re laxing influonoe of a torrid heat, the most perfect order reigned throughout, Thuuka w ore voted ut the end of the meeting to all tho speakers without distinction of opinion, a motion of pro test was adopted, mid the orotfd retired iu the grentoHt tranquillity. I thought, Hot without shitmu, of the muuuor in which meetings of this kind aro often conducted in Franco. "Les Nouvollus Sooietes Auglo-Suxouues, " Pierre Luroy Deuuliuu. Thia Ia Your Opportunity. On receipt of ton cents, ensh or stamps, a gonerotia smnple will bn niniled of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's ('room Halm) sufficient to demon at rate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BR0TIIER8, CO Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Grent Falls, Mout., recommemlod Ely's ('renin Balm to me. I can smphaNize his statement, "Itisaposi. tivs cure for catarrh if used as directed." Kst. Franois W. Fools, Tastor Central Pres. Churoh, Uoloua, Mout Ely's Cream Balm Is the acknowledged curs for catarrh and contnius no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. That Lmm Bark can be mwl with Dr. U1W NkUVU tLABXElt. OnljWa. CIIUKCII N0TES. Risliop Morris will conduct services in 8t. Paul's church on Good Friday, at 11 o'clock A, M. Rev, Mr, Weatherdon, ot St. Steven's chapel, Portland, will conduct services In Ht. Paul's clitirth on Easter Hundsy at 1 1 o'cliK'k A. M. Music appropriate to the day will bo rendered. At the Presbyterian Church there will an Kaster service on Sabbath morning, with special music and a sermon ap propriate to the occasalon. In the eve ning the Pastor will preach on the "Dan ger of Turning Rack from following the Lord." Next Sabbath will be a day xf good things at the First Congregational church. The subject of the morning sermon will be, "The Place Where the Lord Lay." The musical program will be as follows: Organ prelude in B flat; hymn, "Oh, Could I speak the Match less Worth;" Anthem, "Christ Our Passover;" ladies quartette, "He Is Risen lor Me;" Anthem, "Christ Has Risen ;" solo, "Kaster Dawn," by Miss Kale Ward; hymn, "See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph." Service at 10:30 prompt. At the evening service a grand Miter concert will be given. Rev. T. W. Butler will conduct ser vices at Ely next Sabbath at 2 p. in. Halratlon Army. Don't forget the Owl supper at the Salvation Army, Saturday evening, April ft, also iialf night of prayer. Everyone invited. Sunday Services. HERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTH ERAN 1M MANUAL CHUUCH-Comer Kik'iiIi ami J. Q. A'laim Slreela; Jtav. Krnrnl J. W. Mack, pastor, hmnlav school ai In A. M., weekly service) every Thursday at H H. M. (ivriuan school every Saturday from to li hverynony invitm. vkiut rriwnif n ATtnu Vf""'.'Vi V lin ItnT, i. tt. nil i.r, rHir. norficviai iuiu . m a.. u u I-m u .. 1 i I . . . itrrlr. Piaytr meellus I imitilajr erenios l 7 SOo.eloek. frajrtr mrellas ot Young Hwiple'l stuiu( altsupminpL riHHT BAPTIST CIIUKCII. Rt. M L Kuuo.Paator Mrnlus Hi-rlr at l":l: Hunilir Si'hmilai 11 44; Kvenlns Service !.W; Kvsular nrarr meetlnf itiuiaday evenlnf. Moiuh (lovenani Meetlns every Wedncxlay aveului p recall n the flrnt Huotlajr In tbs month, i ooMlal luvttatlon loalL HT. IOHN'8 CltrRCH.CATHOUC-Rsv. A. H i LLaa sa s D, PaaUir. Ou Su uday nuu at S and a. M. Every lecoud and fourth Hundar Herman aermnn alter lb S o'clock mua Al all other mauMi Kutllih aermoua. Hundai School at i.W t. u. Veiprra, apologetlca auhlecia and Benediction at 7 .90 r. H. METHODIHT KPIHCOPAL CltrkCH.-Rev. Sunday Hcnool at 10 ou. Clin meeting after morning service, avenins service u 7m Kewnrin Lau meeting Sunday evening at S SO; Prayer MMtlug Thuraday aveulng al 7 Ja alraugtra cordially Invited. FIRST PRKHBYTERIAN CHCRCH.-RV. A I, Montgomery, Paator. Service al 11 A.M. and 7 JO r. a. Sabbath School at 10 A. a. Young People's Society ol Cbrlatlau Endeavor meets every Sunday evening at 6 80. Ihuitday evening prayer meenug ai j:au. oeaia iree. KVANOHJCAL CHOKCH OKRMAM Rev. Erlon, Pantor. 1. K, Khiit . aI Unt. Prraebing aervlcei every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. si. Sabbath achool every Sunday at 10 A. M . Mr. Zl'nmeriuau Supc Prayer Meeting every Thuraday evening GERMAN LUTHERAN ZIOX'8 CON- arpKational church. Rev. P. Sack, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. Sunday aciiooi at iu A. M. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-Eplscopal-W. D. Williams, D. I)., niinitter in charge. Hiii. day Hchool st 10 a. m., services at 11 m. ami 7:30 p.m. Fridavs at 7:30 p.m. even Iiik prayer service with an address. Seals free. A cordial invitation to all the ser vices. OASTOniA. Bean tke lln Kind Yw Has) Always Bought Ihe Kind Ym Haw Always Big nature of Mm PENNYROYAL PILLS Tlirjr ovitri'tita hn, Irrrfrtj Urii v sttvl omlMloh,liicrau t ljroi and UAnuli (miita tf mrm-liust tlun." lliy i'l,li Muvrr' rUHirliRt Wfliimflhtioil, a'tiliiy do Ttl(imrnt of orTn mitt ImmIx. Nc kniian rvn.m.w ti.r WiUnmtk fVlUaVlf th-m. Cinft 't Ho mrm ll b v'J'.rHifltfi a ulrnsiiir. Ml imt Hs bv mull. nUt hy dnmUts. MOT! CHKmOALCO..tWNw0, For sole by C. Q. I hint lev. Library of the World's Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of HAMILTN WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and library gems of all ages and all nations. The Library Is to consist of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library style. The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors, Advance orders on special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, San Franisco, Cul., or 209 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. WOOD WANTED. Persons desiring to contract for wood in quantities of one thousand cords or more will please apply to Crown Papkr Co. "IRONING MADE EASY" p I ; oc m ' s ; I ii ! I I Hill llll' Iil4. dfoiiidfc wn rnnifiNr. 11 MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS AS WHEN FIKST BOUGHT WEW i.iMi'- ONE POUND OF TMI5 STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH. UTrVCTUREOOHrty- TH.!1 f HIIRINGER RR0S.C9 Tliia atarch Is pnpar) on aplratlfle principles br moo who have bad 7wrof practical siprrif-noe io fwjr lauoderiiur. It reiira old lioen and aainnier drneee to their natural whitonma and imparu a beautiful and lanliim fjui-h. It is the ooljr atarcb Biamifartored that is parfeclljr karmlMi, rooUminu ooitberanwiiic, alum or any other ubetose iujurioua to Uuea and can be tued eeo (ur a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. William's Kidney Pills f Has no equal in dibeiutea of the Ju-iii and caused trouble with your V vKiduevs and Bladder? Have youC puins In tho loins, side, back, frroins 3 V 11 II .n it ' T Ceased ortmns, tone up the system x n of you. By a and make a new man T mail 50 cents ner hnx. m Wiixiams Mro. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. For sale hy O. G. Huntley. Tempting. We are justly proud, we think, of our tempting array of irood things for the table. At this season it requires enter prise ond some expense to And new and choice things. We prefer putting forth every effort in be half of our enviable reputation and the needs of our patrons. A. ROBERTSON, 7th St. Grocer. Legal Notices. Cemetery Notlee. Nolioe ia herebr gifen to aar and all peraona who hars taken np or pnrchaeed lota in whatia known aa the Oregon City Cemetery to apply to thei ity Recorder, on or before May 1st. 18U8, lor a oertitioata of title to same. All lot. or por tion a of lota in aaid Cemeiery for which oertiti ratea of title hare not been inued by the aaid hret nay of jJay, liW, shall be ounaidered as on purohaiied and th title to asm shall rerert to the i:ity, and the holders or claimants ahall be considered aa forfeiting ell halite that they may hare acquired in the premises. Thia notice is publiahed br order of the Com mittee on ity Cera. err and all peraona inter ested are sarneatly requested to take th Dece. aary action to protect themselves. Uated at Uregon Lity, UnMcoo, to it II to aay oi March, im. THOS. F. RYAN. S-18, 4.15 Reoorder of Oregon City, Oregon. ' Notlee for Publication. Land offlrs at 0'gon City, Ore., Feb. 25, 1898. Mutlo Is hereby slveu that the following named saltier bus tiled notice of his lnuutlon to make Dual proof In ta p ut ' t his claim, and that aalil nr oi will b mniu before the snd Receiver atOrvgon City, Ore., ou April vtb, isia, vis: . HENRY A. BKOWN; H. E. 84X1. for the 8 U of 8K !4 and NW yK of 8E Sao. 18, To. 8 -, R 1 W. He nHmos the followlns; wlmciwos to prove hlico iiliiuoua r aidnuce upou aud oulUvatlon of snd laud, vli WlilUm A. Bolton, Ak'Xinder Monroe, botn ol Bherwood, Or,'., and Max iktliulprlei and William Sampson, both of Oregon Cay, Ore. K 4-8 CHA3. B. MOOUE9, Koirlster, Notice of Flatnl Settlement. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Couniy Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, my final report aa executor ft die lat will aud testament of A. T. Plowman, deceased, and that the Court baa appointed the hour ol ten o'clock A. M. of Tuesday, the Ird day of May, 18uH,asthe time for hearing objec tion! to said report, it any there be, and for the final settlement of said estate: J AUKS M. TRACY, SR. Execntor of will ot A. T. Plowman, deceased. Dated harchSU, im Qua. u Story, Attorney tor Estate. 4-1 4-29 Hotlce of Final Settlement. I hereby give notice that I have filed in the County Court ot C'laokamaa Count, Stato of Ore gon, my accounts for tinol isitlement aa Admin istrator of the Katate of Jasper ( lift, deceased, and the Court has sppeintod the first Monday in May, 10 o'clock A. M. aa the date for ex amination and settlement of such anconnta. r. M. SUMNER, 44 4- Administrator. Kidneya aixl Urinary Org-ans. Have you ni'(f lcctcd your Kidneys? llave T T vou overworked your nervous svs- iauii uniuiiiTf uuve ran a uauu; sic k peaTHnee of the face, especially W under tho eyes? Too frequent de- A siro puns urine ? William's Kidney PI I 1m will tmnart. Tit m lifn ti f Ka HIh. W i v ii in i w Sol '. " Tl p ' 1 I II I STIFF ND NICE ' Nsmiuens. tn Die Circuit Court of th Bute of Oregon, for llackanu County. John L. Barngrover. Plaintiff, vs. llilari Gnethli Fenlinand onethli, Mary Ikm, formerly Mary ouethli. ana Julia loe, bnond or aaia ar liue, formerly Mary Uuethli, defendant. T jii.j i . k i : v 1 1 . .... 1. 1 : w n formerly Mary Uuetoli and Joha loe, husband of said Mary L)o, formerly iiary Onethli, th aoore named ariendaot: In the nam of the slat of Oregon: You and each of yon. are herebr nxiuired to appear and aoswer Ui compUint filed aga nst yon id th above entitled suit by the time day of th next term ot said court lollowir g the last publication of thia summons, to-wit: the 18th dai of April. 1; and if yon fail so to answer, for wa t there of, the plaintitt wU apply to Uie Conit tor u rei ei prayea xor in eaia compiaini, vis: For a dec re declaring that th defendants, or either of them, have no title, right or interact to tlie Korthwest Quarter of th Northwest Quar ter of Section ), lown.hip 2. eonth Range 1, East, coo tuning 40 aorn and aitnat in Clacka maa County, Oregoa; and that said plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner in f aim pis of aaid property and that th plaintiff 's title thereto be ..... .1 A .1 ' ... 1 't.A. V.UUN M"U UWIM M. fUW Mill I,U, and that defendants and each of them and ail person claiming by. through or under them, be I jraver sojoioea and reatrxioed from aaearting or claiming any right or UU to abv described p op-rty or any part thereof advers to ul piaimin, xor costs ana a-sDurnienui iswn and for such other and farther relief a may b meet and eqnitabl. 1 hi summons is publiahed by order of th Hon, Alfred K, Bears, Jr., Judge of the Circuit Court of the 4tate, of Oigoo, for Multnomah County, acting in the absence of Hon. t , A Mc- nnue; aaid onir being made under data March 2nd. IBM). uimt niONii, -, 4-U Atturny for PUinUff. In th Circuit Court of th Stat ot Oregon, for ine tounty oi iiaexamas. EdBatdorf, Plaintiff, ) va. t John A. handahl, Defendant ) To John A. Sandahl. Defendant: In the nam of th Stat ot Oregon: You are required lo appear an 4 answer the complaint of the plaintiff herein, on Monday the 1Mb. day of April, lino, me asm J otiui tne nrai aay ot me next regular term ol said court; and II you fall ao to appuror answer, fur waul therco.. the plaintiff will lake Judgment against you for tu turn of two ouaarwl dollar, wliu interest luereon al th rat ol uight pr cent per annum from th 10th day of beptember, lsyi. ur in. lurmer aum Ol ioriy uoiiars aa allor ny's fees In this lull aud for the coats and dia bur omenta ol tun ill, alto for a d -c eeol lore- e oaure oi t e morurag, bearing data tha lit illT ill OcliilMr ffivD hv em. In t:i nluli,. tin to aecur in paymaui oi in. aoore men- t.oneo sum. aud lor an order ol sal ol tne lauJ couveyed by d mortgnge, to Wit: All of lot a Iu o.oca Hi, iu me lown ol Oregon C.ty. Ciacka mn conmy. Oregon, a ooruiug lo toe McLouto 1 U plat Ibervof of reoord In t ie otliCJ of the R 6 coMerolConreyano.i la and lor said county aud aisle. Tui. Bummous li pup lined by order ot Alfred P. bears Jr.. Juogiof the Circuit Court ol tne stale of Oregon f r tne 4tn judlotal oliliicL h oirouit Judge of theltti juJlclal dUtnot being absent from said Ulacaamas o mniy. iMieo me iua usy ui Marco, is. A. 8. DRESNER, 2-4-4-1S Attorney for Plaintiff. fajnninionis. In th 0 mult Court of the 8uw ot Oregou. for in uouuiy oi ciaoxama. Harriet E. K. D.n son, ' 1 riaiaun, va Paul A. Oaanu . Mta P. A. Ostniie, J. A. Armeui, idi May Arment.NutioU-Ao mine aud pniiip su, partner a Sihaeucn and Neu, and Filaucy Ot a, Defendania To Paul A.Os inn. Mr. P. A. Oianne, J. A. Artneut, Ida May Arnieat, aud F..aucy Olli, of the delaudnnt' above naraeJ. Iu tne name of the -late of Oregon. You. and each of yo , are hereby requted t .appear and answer in co npiaiui uied agaiuai yon, in tne ahivs entitled -uit, br the ttrt day of th. n.-xt term of the anove e till d C'liirt, following th expiration of the t me pre-crib d 1 1 the omr inr tn puo lea'ion oi tins summon', wmc i w 11 bj on Monday, the 18th day of April, lbW. aud 1 you fail U so aviar aud an.wer, lor w mt thereof the plaintiff nerelu will apply 'o said Court for tha relief ddinan led in her com plain', v s: For Judgment against the defendant Paul A Osanne, fur the sum of tl.OOLOO, t.h Iniere-t thereon, t8 oero a pemn um, from Jnnu iry 2Uth, lfi'Jtl, until paid: for tne fiirt er auiu f tiOaOa. attorney's lot s tor iu tltutiug t'lissu t and lo tha oosta aud ditburatmenu of tne plaintiff herein; that the mortgage iu pialuiiff's complaint, and beiiiK on the foi 1 w n:de8crlbid real puiwty, lo-wl : Ihe W ol the 8. E. q uartar, and Ihe r. H of the r.. E. quarter ol Ihed K. q uarier of Sec. 11, in T. 8 S. ol a 1, W. oft e W. M. in Ciackamis Co n;y, Oniaon. co'itaii Ing lot) arret, be forerloa.d. mi thatibe u-ual dicree be made for the sa e of said properly, accord ng to law and the prac tice of this Court, i hat the proceeds from s nd sale bJ anplled In the piyment ot the amount adju ged lob due the piaiuiiffhereln, togeth r witu ner co i anu a soursemeni, auu aiior ner'a fees In Ibis suit Tnat the abov named defendants, and each ol ttiem, and all an d every t arson or parsous calming oy, tnroug i or uuuer tuem, or any ol them, either purchaaer, encumbrancer, or oi her w it, be bir ed and forecl. sed of-all right, tilli Interest or equity of redemption tu said pr inert , or any part thereol, except th statu tory right ol r demptlon. This summons Is published pursuant to ' an order ot Hon. Thomas A. McBrld. Judge of the above antltled Court, mails and entered Febru ary Suth, 18'JS, A. 0. SPENCER, 3-4, 4-15 Attorney lor Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Land offlo al Ongoa City, Or., March lt.lfM. aftotlo le hereby siren that th foilowtng nami d ulr h flli-d notice of his Intentlun to make final proof In tl.port of hi. aim, and thai .aid pronl will b mail be'ora th Hsginiar and lUfl Irer at Dragon C'l.y, Or... on May i.ku, vw, yia: FRANK. HABELT; If. E. KIIK for th 8W( of &24, Tp.4 ft, R. 4 r, H nam lh followlns wiineia.- to nrnva hi eontinuiiu resldenoe up. u and cultivatioo of said land, vis: Oth B. Tailor. Drains. Or -Martin I. Rrhlrm- stlne, Dorlge, Or.! John a Albright, Springwater, Or. Frank Ooebel, Dodge, Or. t-18. 4-22 CHA8 & MOORES. Register. Adnasnlatrator'si Notice. la-th County Coartol the Bute of Oregon, or heCoonty oi lavkania Id th matter of th sstau of Christiana 8warta, : Notii si hrby glnn by th nndars'gnenl toil h ba bn by th aUrr ntltled Court tloinied administrator of th aatat of Chris- , tiaua Swans. d eased. All periama htriag ' euoms a'ainat aaid att mna' present thm. with th naoMMary voarhers, within six (pontha after th first publication of Una notice, to the) nndarsignad at his place ut residence at Wileoa vill. Conoty of Clackamas, Slat of Oregon. uatu aroa a, lava. rriEU HWARTZ, ) Administrator of said aatjttA. A. 8. Dasssga, AUiroey. 3-a i-ei Administrator') Notice, i , : i. k v , u r . I , : 1 .-uii. um nmmr hum. uia ud.ipiriki, hav bean, by th Honorabl County (Viort of Clackamas County, Oregon, appointed adminia. trator of the eatat f Amlerson McKinney, de eeaaod. All ptrsons having claims against aaid estate are mjnxsted to priewnt the earns prope- ij vanueu to au at uie omo oi II. s, iroan, ac tornry-at-law, Oregon faty, within aix month from th date of thia no ine. W. J. RA !,'CH. Ada inistrworof th en tat of Anderson McKinney, deceased. Maoch 11, IMS. t-U, t-8 Nuininosi). In th Clreu t Conrl ol the State of Oregon, for th County of Clackamas. Mrs Jennie K. Beckwltb, . P.sintlir, tw vs. V Slmooe Chapman, I iMiendani J . To Bimcoe Chapman.defeudant: In ihi oam ol the !itat ol Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and anawer tie com plain, against you in th above entitled suit and Ikiort oi or belnre tn lHth day of Apiil, Wrl, thai being toe Ar t day of thj next, lenn ol lneaboretiUtl.-il Court, following six (6) coocutlv w eki publicsilon of thia sum mon.; and If you fall so to appear snd anawer aaid comuUlnl, for want thereof tn plaintiff herein will take a decree yoo as du maoded in Its cot pi ami, to-wit: That tbe plaiu tiff 1, the own r In f a simple ol the outhea-t quarter of sectloa fourtn(14) towashn.aix (8), south oi isog three (3) east of the Willamette Meridian. In at Bimcoei npmau and all persons claim ing ai. d r him be decreed to bave no right, till or Interest In or to the abov deaerltwd real property nr any part thereol, and for th eoais and Uibnrmcnt of this .alt, and for such other and further rebel a. f tn Court may s em meet sn I equltabl in the premises. Tula snmmon Is served upou ton by public-, tloo In the Oregon C ty Eourorlse, by virtue ol an or lr made by tn.- J.ioge of tb al ore enti tled Court, and duly made and eulertd oa this loth day of February, ltus. CAKE k CAKE, 2-25, 4-8 Attorney, for p.alutlft Maininons. In tb Circuit Court of ibeitate of Oregon, for th Couniy of Clackamas. Iu Eqnl:v. Gostaf Peterson, Plaintiff, va. Adam Trxger, Defendant J To Adam Trog e r, defendant above named: In the name of toe stale of Oreaon: Yon are hereby required to appeir an J answer to ! complaint hie I again-1 yon in the abjve enti tled suit by the first day of tha next term of the above entitled court foil wing the explratlou of th time prcrn d in " o der fur the publication of ti i sum n o-, wnich Brut day wLl be Monday, the lain d yof April, imm And if yon lalito, so api,r and a swsr, f t want thereol plaintiff will app r to ad court fjr lh' relief demanded In Ihe complaint, ihiradei d mandedl. th lo eclo.ur. I a certain mortg-f xecuted bv you on ine 11th iy if M re i, lst, to plalntlfT. t secure tu plaintiff H payment of (12 4 ree lve.1 by yoo on th t eats from plain Iff, as per prom!sorv note set out in tor eo.up.aln , plaintiff still being tbeownjr and ho.der of aaid not snd morigace, t ere n w b lug due on aaid not tha sum of 11250 Ithint r-teiix proen, lromt th 11 h day of March. UM, a rea-onabl attor ney's lee and ihe coats and d.sbuniement of ta s uii, said mortgage having conveyed to ta d mortgagee for tnat purpose tbe following d-tciibed- real pro;r.y, to wit: The Southwest, quarter! .W 14) ol be Sont we! quarter (i. W. )o) ceio wen y n ne (29), Township tnree (3) r-ou.n I Kange nv 3), esst oi tne. V i I m tte M-r I, n: s so 'he No thweet quar ter (N. W. ti) of 8eo.ion ihlrty two (3J) InTown liip three (J), Sout of Range five (S). Eastot M H arnett - i rolian, all in Claikamaa oounty. O eg n. And fur be , a decree barring aud isitu you oi an I inm anr and all rlgnt, t Ue, Intere-tan I qul r ol rede'm t.oo n and to sa d a b it d so I d r -al property. And lui ther, a decree corr -cling th ipellh g ol. your nam lu ibe ody of the above meuiloned mort gage from Dreeer t Troger.snd a likeeorreo tion in t.e si ell ng f your name in tbedeedsot aid proper. y ece ved or rnu f on plain iff. This so- in- ns Is pub lahed by order of Hon. t Alfred F. Sears, Jr., Ju geof Ihe Cucult Court of the Si ate of Oregon for Multnomah county, acting in ins absence of Judge T. A. McBrld. of CiackaTiaa county. E.O. MILLKU, S-4-t-U Attorney f r p.aiut ff. In the Circuit Coart nf the State ot Oregon, for the County of Cltckami, Cora Snyder, plaintiff, ) vs. ' k Frank P. Snyd.r, Defendant.' , SUMMONS. f To Frank P.Snjder, the above named defendant. In the name of the iat of Oreaon: Yoa are) hereby requ re I to appear and answer th com plaint fi u atain.t yon in the above entitled Court and Suit w thin ten d ys from the date of the service oi thia summon-upon yoy, if enrd within this Conmy; or if aerved upon yon with in any other County in this Male th-n within twenty day a ter tne d .le ol ia d s rries; or If this summons isse v d upou.y u br publica tion tben you are he ebr requlr d to appearand answer aaid complaint on the Brat day of tne next term of this art after six weeks publica tion ol aid summon, to wt': On Monday, tn 18th day of Aprll.1898, and if you fall ro to appear aud answer -aid comp aint rwant thereol the plaintiff will app.y to hecurfor lh relief demanded inhn comt ln nt, to wl : For ade diaaolv ng the bon of matrlm.niyl now ex stir g betw u the plal t ff au I d.fendant, and for th costs aud disbursements of thtt ult. t And you are hereby further no'lfied that tb summons In this suit is rerved upon you by publteat on tnereo. iuiheO egon City Euter prl e, a n iwapaper pub I w.eklv at Oregon C ty In CI iCkamasC Unty, Or n. pursuant to the nr er o the ilou. T. A. UcBrl le, Ju.lge of this honorable oourt made Ihe 3rd 'ar ol March A. D. l'tfe. JNO. A- CARSON, 3 4 4-15 Atiomey for plaintiff. Mumiiiona. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. The Commercial Bank ot Ore-1 gou iiiy, i VS. Henry Hopkins, Defendant.. To Henry Hopkins, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon aro hareby re,vired to appear anrt answer the com plaint filed aguinat you in the above entitled suit on or before the firat day ot the next terra of aaid Court to-wit: on Monday. April '8 18W, and if you fail to anawer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint, the foreclosure of a certain mortgage of IIM giren by you to R. J, Beutel upou the following described land situate in Clackamas Connty, Oregon: Being a part of the UDC La onrette D. L. C. in above named Countv. Wins in reotion 4. To. IS.. R. 2 k, beginning at a point in the Meet boundary of laid claim, B. 15' K. 82.83 chaina f mm the N, W, corner of aaid claim; thenoe N. 88 E. 2U.15 ch-; thenoe 8. M 30 W. t.15 oha. to a atone; thence 8. 45 Eaet 125 chains; thence S. 88 W. lb i chain, to the W. line of said claim, thenoe N. 15' W. 1 48 chaina tracing the .aid W. boundary to the place of beginning, containing IU acree mora or lea. ' This fttramons is pabhahed by order of Jndeei John B. Cleland. mwe and dated March 2d, IrMi. C. D.4D. C LAIOURE1TE, t-t, 4-U Attoraeyi for Plaintiff.