Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 18o4, PERSONALS. Di 1 the "Preaa man" got caught T M C. G. Huntley is visiting relatives in IWlow. C as. B roweli, of Marquam, was in the ity Saturday. H s. Jane io quite sick at her lion e in this city. P strict Attorney Cleeton was in Ore gon City yesterday. V m. C. B. Moorea was io Salens (or aevi ral days this week. h is Vara Tillsbory spent several days of t lis week with friends in Portland. K tea Kate Ward has Wen ill at h r lioi e in this city during the past wtak. A r. H. Connor, of Portland, was the soefetof Mr. P. F. Morey on Wednesday. Miss Ellis, of Portland, was the west of Miss Mattie Draper in this city, on Sunday. tjeo. F. Horton received his commis sion and took charge of the Piwtotfiee April 1st. Dr. J. J. Leavitt of Molalla, called upon the Enterprise while in Oregon City this week Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hubbard, of Clackamas Hatchery, drove over to Oregon City Saturday . Miss Ana Baird and ber brother, John, of Portland, visited their sister, Mrs. A 8. Dresser, last Saturday. Messrs Lynn Baker, T. West, George Durham and L. Ainsworth. of Portland, were the guests of Mrs. Geo. A. Hard ing last Sunday. Mr. John Harrisberger met with an accident at the electric atation Wednes day afternoon which will compel him to take a vacation (or a few days. Fred Charman, Lee Harding and Ira Wishart, who have been spending their Eaitcr vacation with their parents re turned to Corvallis Wednesday. Mrs. W. B. Hawley and her son Wil lard left Wednesday for Malone, Sew York. Mr. Hawley is in the East now. They will be absent about a month. Charles B. Galloway, of the University of Oa-Jii, is spending his spring vaca tion with bis parents at Pa'rkplai-e. He U looking well and expevtt) to gradua'e next year. Mr. Lawrence Driggs, of this city, who for the past three years has been a student at Ann Arbor, Mich., is at pres ent engaged in the law business with his brother Edmund in New York City. Wanminaker Tamed Bricks. The early days of John Wauaniaker were not eaey by any means. When only lad of 6 years, be made bricks, or, rath er, assisted iu making them, for his busi ness was to turn tbeui in the son until they were evenly baked. For this labor he received 3 ctnts a day and sometimes cleared 10 cents a week, but it must be remembered that there were many rainy -days when the force of youthful "work men" had to be laid off. John's first real rise to fortune was in the days when, as office boy, be saved money enough to start in business for himself Be worked as assistant in the office un til be bad climbed up to $0 a week, and then, seeiug that be could get no more, lie bought a little stock of cheap furni ture and started in to be a merchant Pittsburg Dicpatcb. Bow to Remember History. Teacher With whom did Achilles iflght at the battle of Troy? : Pupil Pluto, j "Wrong. Try ugaiii." I "Nero." "Nero? How do you" "Then it must have been Hector, i know it was one of our three dogs." London Fun. CTwiisI - 33s Per Cent. is the Cut We make this week Eegnlsr Git . fries Fries Kennedy's Med. Discovery f 1 50. .$1 25 Shore's Blood Purifier..... 100.. 67 Scott's EmulBion 1 00.. 67 Pierce's Favorite Prescrip'n 1 00. . 66 " Medical Discovery... 1 00.. 65 Paine's Celery Compound. 1 00.. 75 One Minute Cough Cure... 50., 40 " " " 25.. 20 Electric Bitters 60. . 35 Williams' Pink Pills 50. . 35 Csotoria 35.. 25 Malted Milk 1 00.. 80 " 50.. 40 Warner's Safe Cure 1 25.. 1 00 C. L THREE-PLY PARTY (Continued from page 5.) with office. Was he destined to the ame (ate under the protection o( the Silver Republicans? Generous Charlie Fitch happening on the scene about this time and quickly grasping the situa tion came up to Knight and told him they would get the Silver Democrat to turn over their Keprwentatlve-Iollo to him. For the time lin; this teemed to pacify Mr. Knight, but when he learned that the place paid only $300, and ex penses, per session, he disappeared from the Hall, and when last seen looked as though he would collapse So finally the report was adopted, with the under standing that the Treaxurershlp would be given bark to the Populist and that the Silver Democrats would turn their Representative over to the Silver Repub licans. When the Committee on Tlatform re ported it was pat 10 o'clock. The rutfonn was adopted as read, with the provision that it include the following clause: "We pledge eur candidates to do all in their power to amend our law fixing the salary of County officers in Clackamas County so that the yearly salaries shall be: For Sheriff, flOOOi County Clerk, $S00; Recorder, $700; Treasurer, C00; County Jhdne, $800; Superintendent ot Public Im-truction, $720; County Sur veyor, This amendment to be referred to the voters of Clackamas County not later than the annual school election in March, 189!), to take effect as soon as it is approved by the majority of those voting," contained in the Popu list Platform adopted two years ago, in addition to the following: Resolved, That the People's, Demo cratic and Silver Republican Parties of Clackamas County assembled in Con vention, fully and heartily re-affirm and endorse tbe platform of the People's, Democrat and Silver Republican Parties as adopted at Portland by the recent State Conventions. Resolved, That the migratory system of District Attorney should be substi tuted by each County having its own County Attorney, at a moderate salary whose duty it shall be to protect al County interests, including all prosecu tions. Resolved, that we demand sucl changes in our laws as are necessary to provide for Precinct organization, giving each precinct power to elect its own Assessor, Road Supervisor and all local officers. Resolved, tbat we view with alarm tbe constantly increasing expenditures of tbe County Court, and demand more careful and economical administration in that office. T. F., Attest: Chairman. Clydb Exam, Sec'y. v At 10:30 P. M. the Convention ad journed to meet the next morning and nominate tbe , County Ticket, which by noon Tuesday was completed and ratified as follows: Populists Senator, W. S. U'Ren. Representatives, Geo. Ogle and J. Coon. Judge, W. W. Myers. Treasurer, Jacob Shade. School Supt., H. G. Starkweather. Recorder, A. E. Luelling. Assessor, Lucien Stout. Clerk, Elmer Dixon. Silver Democrats Commissioner, Wru. J. Currin I on Poisoned Wheat. Regular price 30c. per can. Our cut 20c. We cant advertise all our cut prices, but you may be sure that if there is a reduced price on any drug store merchandise, you get the benefit of it at this store, whether it is advertised or not, whether you send a child or come yourself. And you may also be sure that when any cut is made, this store is the one to first make it. G. HUNTLEY, Sheriff, J. J. Cook Coroner, Dr. M. C. Strickland. Surveyo, A. lodd. Silver Republicans Representative, George Knight. Th Joint Convention was called to order Tuesday by Col. Miller, and the nomination tf Justices of the Peace and Constables for the various districts was proceeded with. The following nominations were made: No. 1. Pleasont Hill, Union and Tual atin Precincts Clyde xEvans, Justice; Frank Gosser, Constable. No. 2, Oswego H. W. Koehler, Con stable. . No. 3, Milwaukee and Clackamas A. E. Holcomb, Jurtice; W.L.Johnson, Constable. No. 4, Oregon City, Wards 1,2.3; Ahernelhy, West Oregon City, Maple Lane and CanemahC. Scbnebel, Jus tice ;T L Lawrence, Constable. No. 6, Canby and New Era Charles N. Wait, Justice; Joseph Shall, Con stable. No . 7, Barlow, Needy and Macksbnrg W. V. Jesse, justice; F. M. Mathews, Constable. No 8, Upper Molalla, Soda 8prings and Msrquam O. D. Eby, Justice ; Wm. Everhart, Constable. No. 9, Milk Creek and Beaver Creek Robert Schuebel, Justice; John Paine, Constable No. 10, Highland and Canyon Creek R. Rutherford, Justice; J. D Myers, Constable. No 11, Viola, Sprlngwater and Hard ing J. A. Randolph, Justice; N. II . Kandle, Constable. No. 12, Damascus and Boring H. Breithaupt, justice; Wm. Buchman, con tahle. No nominations were made for dis tricts Nos. 13 and 14. Prcatd by OtHeo Beckon. "The Iuuer Experieuces of a Cabinet Member's Wife" is oue of the most in teresting contributions to Tbe Ladies' Home Journal. In a series of letters tbe wife of a cubiuet member writes to kor sister of office seekers and of those iu the departments. "You can have no idea," she anonymously declares, "bow Henry (ber hunt uud) is persecuted by applicants for his influence with tbe presidcul or with tbe bends of depart ments. He really bus no influence out side of his own department, aud be is wearing bis sympathies lutu tatters lis tening to talcs of woe. Thu saddest case tbat bus come under my own observa tion is tbat of a maiden lady, fully 60 years old, who bas worked in tbe de partments ever since the war Senato rial influence bas kept her in all these years, but now that the civil service re forms are being tutroauced stie is in de spcir, for, although perfectly compe tent at ber work, sbe never in tbe world could pass one of those rigid examina tions. Sbe called upon me bearing a let ter of introduction from Mrs. Arthur Folsom (Mary Allison), wbo married into one of tbe old families here. I don't know whether her family lost their meaiis by tbe war or in some other way, but they did lose everything when she was a gay girl at the top of society in both Alexandria and Washington. Sbe told nie about dancing in a set of lan cers opposite Abrahuui Lincoln, who, though awkward and annular in his dauciug, seemed to enjoy it uud always bad a gay word for everybody Mio says ber feeling for Mr. Lincoln was tune thing more than rrsrect it was mora like adoration; thai sle has ntd u won dered if people did not ttei juht no to ward the great religious jrn ln-ts who must have spiced V.1...1 Mr. Lin coln did an ati:x.- li rocf i) tii uthetic kiuduess, trust, purity aud nobility. " Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkbpkisc office. THE GRAPHOPHONE Will be given away on tbe eveninz of April 9th as a part of our celebration, the date having been changed from tbe 16th as originally ad vertised. Five numbers will be drawn and registered . The first one gets the talkintr machine if presented within two weeks; if not presented in that time the next numner gets it, ana so on tin caneu . n.. 1 1 l i 1 - ,f A AA ..II. or. i nis urapnopnoue in a .ju.uv mm- l in- machine and we give with it $10 00 F worth of records all absolutely free. A ticket is given with every 25c purchase at Huntley's Drug Store or Book Store. Ryalr Cat fries Pries Pierce's Pellets $ 25.. 15 Ayer's Pills 25.. 15 Carter's Pills 26.. 15 Strengthening Planters 25.. 10 Chamberlain's Cough Care. 1 00 70 50.. 35 Red Seal Cough Cure 60. . 35 " Sarsaparilla 1 00.. 60 Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 00 . 65 Ayer's Sarwparllla 1 00. . 65 Lane's Family Medicine... 50.. 35 Hind's Almond Cream 1 00. . 75 " " .... 50.. 35 Pure Extract Witch Hazel... 25c per pt. Original Cut Rate Druggist. We give tiading stamps. J DURATION OF HUMAN LIFE. A Maa Mlfht INMslbly M t T Om lluadrd and Twsatr-ftv YaarsOld. Iu thoavcmK" statistics of human life it has been found thnt women live lon ger tbmt meu. The rousou fur that ap pears to be simple. Up to the age of SO to 28 the limn is undoubtedly younger and lass develop ed tbau the woman, but in the next SO or DO years of bis lifu tho man ages much more rapidly, because apart from the straiu and hardship of a profession, the exposure to unlioalthful climates, the disappointments of fortune, he of ten leads a life of dissipation aud ex cess which early puts Its stamp upon bis forehead and turus bis hair gray be fore its time. Tbe woman, ou tbe other band, who bas oftun mora than ber hare of anxieties, hns, apart from the many acoidenta of Ufa, but one serious aud inevitable danger, that of tbe per petuation of ber race, which, safely passed, renovates rather than ages and increases a woman's chance of longev ity. From tbe few facts that I have ven tured to put together we may deduce, I think, tbe following conclusions, which, I trust, may be found of some interest by those who desire to have a general view of the expectation of life, its real duration and tho possible causes of iu length aud brevity. First. That, according to tho best authorities of tho last ceutury, the ex treme limit of life might be 193 years under extraordinary and almost abnor mal circumstances, Second. That the anticipation of life is roughly five times the time tbat the organs of tbe body not counting the brain, which develops later require to attain their full aud .absolute maturity. This, of course, varies Dot only iu races, but in individuals, some developing early and some much later, even in the same climate and iu the same family. Third That rarely, if ever, is that full duration achieved, owing to dis ease, food, heredity, bad habits, wear aud tear aud many other causes which 1 shorten life. 1 Fourth. Tbe slower the development tbe longer may be tbe duration cf life. I Fifth. That all btimau beings are not boru with the capacity for long life 1 even uudcr tbe most favorable circum stances. As the organism of the human being is more complex thau that of tbe lower animals, so his anticipation of ' lifu is fur more variable. ' Sixth. That thoo circumstances 1 which conduce to longevity ore nu ' doubtedly Into development, frugal hah its, moderation, exemption tr m virissi 1 tndes of climate and extreme of beat or cold, from mental worry aud agitation, temperature iu eating aud drinking, with a fair amount of hniu work w hen I tbe brain is ready to undertake it ; We have all beard the well woru ax ' iom attributed to the Psalmist that the "days of irr.n are threescore and ten," ' but in UeiiLj 1, 8, will be fouud tbe ' following p.i.-r-ugu, "Yet bis duys shall be au hundred and twenty years." , This passage secnis to buve been over 1 looked, as 1 have rarely seen it quoted, although curiously enough it exactly corresponds to tbe theory that man should attain five times the period of reaching bis maturity. Nineteenth Ceutury. j Th. DIsflcurlDf "Make t p." I So loug as we indulge in the barbar- ism of footlights some strengthening of the points of tbe face may be needful. It is iudecd au excellent thing when deftly done and tbe material causes of the effect entirely bidden, as tbey should be. Tho clarity of a whiter tiut to the general tone of the skin, tbe illumina tion of eye aud tcetb by emphasizing tbe brow and lashes aud lips, tbe height ening of tbe color all these things can be so done as to disguise the means by -which they are done. What is the method actually pursued? White is laid all over face and shoulders iu thick washes, like a Pierrot's mask, masses of black pomade loud the eyebrows and eyelashes, great gobs of red are put upon the ear lobes and on and around the lips like a snapdragon, deep piuk in aud below tbe nostrils aud on the eyelids and masses of bluck or purplo beneath tbe eyes, projecting to tbe temples iu arrowheads. All these things oro perfectly visible to a large part of tbe audience and are disfiguring even at a distance. With an opera glass they are shocking. The ob jects which are obtained are tbe gog gling of tbe eyes, which can be thrown about with the intensity of a darky's; and the display of the ivories, which produce similar effect to bis. For pus. sion to sbow itself in such plastered faces, for waves of emotion to spread over them and for any refinement of feeling to communicate itself to the au dience are as impossible as it would be to expect these things frum tho painted canvas. Tbey cannot cry, of course, nor touch, nor be touched, without disaster. Ellen Terry played a disfiguring scene here one night, with tho water stream ing from an eye into which ber loaded eyelashes had dichiircf'd themselves. Time and the Hour. A Pertinent (Juration, Old Aunt Lnuali was a colored wom an with a rcUiiukulJy Miony voice who would sing uud cry "glury" with such vigor as to Lc In unl nLoe all tho rest of the congregation, but she was of an unpleasantly "s:;rii g" rli-roFffinrt. It was the custom at flin missionary meet ings which sbe attended to tuke up the eduction during the singing of tbe bymn "Fly abroad, thou mighty gos pel, ' iu the uiidot of which Auut Di ni:b 1 1 ways threw hack her bead, closed hir eyes nnd san-r nway at the top nf hr r 1. iifs unlil I ' phlehwt ts''ii pass ed Hie collector, whn was fin old man of i lain Kpeech, observed this hnhir, rind ono evening when he came to her sent he surveyed ber rapt emnronanoe and then said bluntly, "fxvik a-heah. Aunt Di'iuh, what's do good ob yo' a-singin an a-siugiu 'Fly abroad, thou mighty gospel,' ef yo' doan' gib nufllu to make bur fly?" Exchange. fOrt ORDER IN THE COURT. A frtitMl against Dramatis Dsmomitr tlons la Trials by Jarjr, There Is a pr actios the universal prevalence of whluh In our existing trials by jury makes justice a misno mer. It is a practice whose evils, to far as I can discover, have nover been commented upon, or even appreciated, by tbe press, publlo or individuals,. I refer to the whole ruothod by which, tight or wrong, iuiinomioe or guilt is sought to be proved by tho oouuaol ou cither side. Assume, for Instance, a criminal ease for the same method is applied, though usually to a lessor degree, to civil contests. Beginning with the opening arraignment by the prosecu tion, thcuee through the examination and cross eisuilnation of tbe witnesses, the display of exhibits, ou to the very end of tbe final harangues of tbe oppos ing counsel, the dramatic is never lost light of. Tbe emotions, not the Intelligence, of the jurors aro appealed to throughout In a typical murder rase which re cently gratified thu morbidly sensational element of the entire country the dis trict attorney arose impressively, glaucod about bim ominously and then, with a tremulously traglu voice, proceed ed to arraigu the accused, charging him outright with the crime, pruutically as suming without doubt that be was guilty and endeavoring by the use of very wile of tho orator's art to sway the jury to his mode of thinking. Aud this before the minutest bit of evidence had been taken. Is eloquence a proper adjunct to our jurisprudence? lleretio though 1 may be, I hold em phatically and with qualification that it is not. It hns uo place iu a ball of jus tice, where, we are led to believe, the truth and only tbe truth is to be brought out. Eloquence, as manifested by ora tory, Is inimical to truth, which can only be discovered aud established by calm, unprejudiced aud dispassionate Investigation. Eloquence appeals to tbe emotions, and its victories are obtained by trick-cry-the trickery of masterful verbiage playing upou sensitive but unreasoning ears. The claim that cannot be justified be fore the reason cannot be valid. Elo quence is the weapon of falsity. Truth and right do not require its usa The spheru of eloquence is tho stage. In the pulpit, before the Lar of justice and iu the hall of legislutiou it is a source of unlimited evil, I bold that for the accomplishment of justice all the theatrio displays, all eloquence, all excitants to thu vmotloua, should be Uu lulled from our courts of Isw by sentiment if not by regulation. They have no place there. Judicial pnx-edure should be along the lines similar to the investigation of scientific propositions and discoveries. The establishment of right or wrong, guilt or luuoceueo, is something to be effected by cold, prosaic, rigid Inquiry, step by step, ss atiulogous as may be to mathematical demonstration. We shall have to wait loug for tbe time when this Is recoguhced, but it will be iu the Indefinite future, and when that time does come we may be more confident tbat our otmrts of justice aro such in something more than name. Criterion. ' Wood wanted at this office, osk, Mr or limb. In length 16 or 23 inch or four foot. The U. S. Qov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all often. frf T, V V T". patent plour t rrrvvTrvf. ,-)y j- , , v js ts wm r . IT IS FOB SALE Ko.nd i. Guaranteed the best. Patronize Home Industry. A Rich Strike $ Klondike Is all right, but you must; have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can bo had only at Thomas Charman & Son's Pioneer Store. OIV0 ENJOYD Doth the mothod and romilU wben Syrup of Figs Is taken It U pleasant and refreshing to tho Unto, and acts Ently yet promptly on the Kidnffyt, vor and llowoU, clcnnnra tho aya. torn effectually, dispels colds, head aohos and fever and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs la the only remody of lu kind ever pro duced, plousmg to the tasto and ao oeptablo to the atomaoh, prompt In its action and truly beneficial in lu effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and aKrauibfoaubflUwonft, iu many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remody known. Byrup of Figa is for salo in 60 cent bottlos by all leading drag gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on baud will pro. cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try IU Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP Cd MAM nUHOUOO, CiL icumiiu. ft, it ton, atr. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Saletitable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWRRN Till BKIIKII A HP UarOT Double and 8ingle Rigs, and sad dle honex always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral) connected with the burn for loose stock. Information regardliur any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ot letter. horses Boutrht and Sold. Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason able terms. H. W. JACKSON, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Trices reasonable. Shop in Canfleld building Near Court House Manufactured in Oregon City from the best selected wheat on tho market. Maclunist AND -n IHRT. ) - Ask your grocer y for It You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress Goods . . . where you can get them cheapest.