Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
OIlEaON; qiTYliETEIlPi FIIIDAY,, A VEIL 8,, ( 18p8, n l BECMfffD! 1 WAR On high prices and will continue in the future as in the past year, until every article in our store is cut in two. Our Cut Prices prevailing the past year have saved the people of Clackamas County many a dollar and our Court of Inquiry reports the following CUT PRICES: ii 8 u' I . ' ' REGULAR PHICE.. OUH CUT PHICE. Hood's Sarsaparilla 00 Cic Kod Una 1 00 GO rierco'a Favorito, ProHcrijdion 1 00.. 05 , " ' , Golden Medical Discovery 1 00.,' 65 Vaseline 10 .' .05 BEQULAR PEICE. Strengthening Plasters 25.. Klectric Bitters M). Squirrel Poison 50.. KpHorn Salts 2-5.. Ayer'u Pills..... 25.. Carter's Pills 25.. ODE CUT PRICE, 10 ..35 25 10 ...15 . 15 REGULAR PRICE. OUR CUT PRICE Pinkham's Compound 1 00.... 80 Celery Compound 1 00 70 Every article we sell is freBh and genuine., No old, stale drugs. Special Soap Sale this week, all 25c Soaps cut to 15c,' all 15c Soaps cut to 10c, and all 10c soaps cut to 5c. : ' ''.I , 1 ' , ' . . - "Mi::- . WG flPG PriGG ItlclkGrS Those that buy of us always get the lowest prices. Look out for our announcement next week. and Price Cutters CHARPAH & CO., cut Rate Druggist. School Books and Stationery a Specialty. Mall Orders Solicited Telephone 13. STATE NEWS NOTES Aatnrla anil Columbia Rim ItHlIronU ConiplrM Marrli HIiliMiieal of Wheat and Flour. Foam OKOvc.Or., AprllS. Hut 8natir rainiml It. lhiK'-i dim! at Ilia hum In thli illy at 1 ; 10 o'clock llila afternoon of art)pleiy, at (lit air of (12., April 2. Appllcatluna fur com mlaaloiia to ll(lit Spain coiitlnut to be rt olvtl at the tttioutiva ollloa Ona Kaatern Orr'"i man wenta to m coiiiiniaalmivii to rlr a Irixip uf mmioUJ cowlxiyi to drive the HpanlarUi oil Ilia Weatern liriulalirt. Cmthkanii, Or., April 5. The two track laylnK crrwa on lha AtorlaA folninlila Jllver railroad completed tha all-rail con niption ih'Iwii AatorU ami I'ortlanii at a Kilnt near llili placo at 4 ..MO p. in. Uwlay. Hrvural hiuidrad cltlina of ttiia plare, liradxl y ilia Clatakanl tiaml, re prrr till fo wllnraa Ilia ilrlrtfK of (da lal tplkr. I'iiiiti.anii, Or. Apnl 3. HnMirla. Tolal lirat Ui KuroHi l.Vn.M Wheat to Hull Kranclaco M,7I Tolal wheal .. I.HIH.IW Tulal value . . .I..H3,U71 liarrrla Total Hour to Kciroi and Africa . . . .M,i"f7 Tolal lluur to lha Orient 1.1), I. IU Total flour to Han Krmclaoo lO.t.ii Tolal Hour HUM Tolal value , J.Ut.MW Valua wheat and Hour'l FRUITS FOR THE TABLE. Darklr uf the Kaal.ra ft liar. It I worth m kiln to woo lbiu drivo intatme uf thu vtlliiKt'K, iuT ouaHat urdny whin tlio muniry fHiilo are jtntlirriuK to do llii ir auniiiiug. Ono will h o innny nit old urgro wane driv ing In nt a unall'a jiaen, clitd in ill fit ting Riirininta tK IiIk or too lit tin. of any color or no color, ruined ntid pitti'lnxl. Ho alum lira ou the aunt of liia tuinhlo (luwn wiiK'Jii aa if it wc-ro too much troutiln to ait wwt or a if he vvno alxmi lo full ovur into the bottom af the vidiiclo niul K" to aliivp. Ilia aloud la a inulo, aiuull, Uuiy, atnrvud looking, wabbling iu unit, a very caricature of bia kind. Ouu cxumii him eve ry mo ment to atop mid go to froding ou tbo Know tlint growa mar tbo gutter. Tbo wayou rattlua from afur. Kwry bolt and arrvw ia lmimi, tbo wheel at cm ubout to full t'titircly off, tbo aidisUiarda away and thn aciit inovca from aide to aidu, u)itrciitly ut tbo peril of tbo occupant. The liariu'ha ia conipnm d lur'ly uf ropo mid tvt'iiio. Tho liui'H tiru iiiuoocnt of all arciiHillon of beliiK b ulbcr. One would ho willing to rihk hix lifo on a vvuturo thut HUcb it toitlll would never get doVt'U tha Htn et to tho hitching place by the pump, but thu aiKMiH journey ia aufuly inudu, with 110 MKii of uuxioty on tho purt of thn driver, mid bo bulla bia iouiiKiiiK i'(imrii(lea on tbo puvenielit with a guftuw thut ciiii bo bcurd a mile. Tho voice of the ill eliid but huppy group aound mellow und awi'ot uud Rood liuturod un they cbiiff eueb other. Theao voicca are the very exprchnlou of tbo bappy go lucky, idle, euxy, curuloM lifo uf tboaa ptKiplu, too .indolent to aound all the HylluLloa of thoir word. Yet they are huppy. To moo and boar thorn one would think there waa no tomor row, nothing to bo dono in tho world and no am b tliiiiK aa euro upon oartb. (Jul v iu Dill WIIhoii iu Lippiuoott'a. In, Horer Telia the IWt Klnda-Ilow They Mhauld lt Ktrd, Truita are iimru appetizing and, por bnpa, inure canity digimtud if tuken iu tho curly part of the duy wbiitber or not before tho bruukfuat muat be do tnruiiued by tbo enter. (Jrap'-e, ormiKoa and iibaildocki may be eervixl Uiforo the cithuI. Bukod ap plea, pcehna, buked hunuiiaa, flga, dutea, prnnoa or etuwed froitaahould beaorvod at the cloao of tho bniukfuat. lluiaiua, lultoniia, dried flga and prune abould be aonkud thoroughly, ao Uiut they limy tuko up tbo aumo amount of wator with w biuh they bnve parted in the proccua of drying, and ahnuld then be boated juat enough to aufteu the akina. The aubneid fruita, aueb aa apploa, Ckh, dutea, pcuchcH, pt rhiiniiioiia, jieiira, prunea and apricota, ure, iierhupa, the l at of tbo winter frulta and may be uaed to gixxl udvuiitugo with animal food. Acid fruit intiHt at all tiiuea be rmed iniMit apuringly, eaMH'iully by purnotia Inclined to rbeuiimtii! trotiblea. Tho cotitiutied umo of un oruiiKO or khuddix'k Ix furo breukfiift will diininiHli tho pow er of atoiuncli digeNtiou, for which rea aou they ehoiild bo nerved with cereula or audi food aa require only iuluxiiuul dignation. The piuw and pineapple belong to a clnaa nlona They coutuin a vegutublo pi 'pa in which iiMtiNt in tho digetion of tho nilrogeo'iu principle. Tliean fruit. tlicii, niny bo aerved with ineuta and will aid in their diKortlou. Wbvu atTvud with briid ond butter, they do not form ao good a diet. They are more digmiible raw tlmn cooked, aa tbo beat deatroyi tho activity of tho ferment. Appleanaa rule are inoro eaaily di giwtMl oooki'd tliuu raw, ul though raw applea are more pulatuhle. The fiiahlon of adding aognr to frnita ahould bo avoided, uh tiny buvo already bon endowed with a auflloieut amount of augur, and a nil the aturch and cere al are converted into xtignr any further amount would bo atored in the ayatein, I to Ita detriment. If our bilioua friend would throw aido their liver pilla and with them aiiKiir, they might be free from much diwnmfort. Mra. 8. T. Itoror iu Ladiea' Homo JournuL NATIONAL Duiil.h Vrat Indlca Will Not Fe Tor-chaaed-.Sf iiHtor Mcllrlde'a Dill ( oncf rnlng Forfeited Land. Ciiicaoo, April 2. A Time Herald awclal from Watlilnion aayii The Government of Prance baa tendered lo the United Htatre tha aid of Ita good o 111 oca In preaerving peace between this Government ami Spam, and title oiler baa been declined by tha Wellington Adinlnla trailoit. The lender by Franca came In a cablegram from Ambassador Porter, atadoued at Parla, and waa replied to in a long cablegram prepared at the elate depart ment. WAaiilHdTon, April 1. Tha Henate apelit aluioat the entire day in lha dlacuaalon of the resolution reported yesterday from tbe (Committee on ForeiK'i Ki'lalione for tbe ao (iillilon of the Weal Indian islands owned by llriimark, and the reolnlion wat re tired by tbe practical withdrawal of tbe resolution by Ixcltce (rep. Masa.). It author. lie alaleil that the dehale has develoed aueb a wide dilfurence of opinion In Ibe i-nate, where there bad heretofore been auch unanimity, Ibat be would not further press Uie mailer at a lime when the presi dent iieded.the iuport of all Seiiatora of all l'artiea. EDWIN BOOTH. (100 Itfwuid. (100. The re-adors of ilila pnpor will 'be pleuaed to learn that there la at leuHtono d rea led diHeuHe thut acience haa been utile to cure in all ita Btugoa and thut ia catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only poHitive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh lining a cotifltitutioniil dimmtm, require, a con etltutioniil treatinunt. Hall's Catuirli The Great Tragedian Waa Foaaeaae4 of m Keen Mnea of lluniitr. Booth hud a keen senile of humor, and among hi intimate ho was anything but tho and and gloomy man whom the outHlde world associated nlwaya with tbo obarncter of tho melancholy Ditno of thoetiign. Hi publiHhed letter kIiow how bright and cheerful bo waannully in hi familiar corrcapondcnoc, and tho following rhyming cpiHtla ia worth printing here a an example of bia not infrequent effort iu thut peculiar lino. It cuiuo with uu engraved portrait, neatly f rumod : Xma Eva, "7ft. Dtua H.: . TMnk not that I fonrat, Or that lieviiuao the wHlkln'a wet In why I haven't ealM aa ye rumer la ile, ou ciKHrette, In your aitiict urn aanutorum. Tla but Iwinew I hnvo In fry Borne nOiur flnli Ix-foro they're dry. Tli la only la the reason why My frlenila I do not Iniro 'em. Po, alnee I enn't aller chea vnua, Thia duadlieud 1 preavnt in lien Of tho one which here I ahonlder, Hoplna thla, too, niny likowuw onll Kefnre tbe New Your lenrna to orawl Or the old one irrmra much older. But I know not, dear Button, If you'll enrn a button For thia mug o' uiy own tlmt I tend, Though 'tla told nifl aa truth (May bo flatt'ry, forwKith) I!y eoniu who uro Judge That thla very mug Ii Ily fur tbe beet Of your friend Eowm Boom P. 8. Vou mny apnrn It, or dern It, Or ilnsh It, or iIuiik It, or lim n It, Orinn-Ji It hy puitln yer fut on. Po anything rather thnn Ilium It, If you non t llko It, dotir Hution WAsitiaiiToti, March 27. Senator Mo Bride baa presented to the Senate a bill pro. vidiiiR that in all ceee where landa have been or will be granted lo railroad com panies by ibe United State and afterward auch land have been or shall be declared forfeited by an act ol Congre, and person have tattled upon Ibe forfeited land niider lha laud lawa ol the United State, aueb lieraoii shall be entitled lo pay for their Improvement upon laud so settled upon, and shall be allowed reaaonahle value tor lama in any action or ault broiiKht by tha railroad company or upon any title derived from the railroad. company whose grant baa been declared forfeited, provided that any person claiming tha benerit of tlii act shall aettle upon aueb landa In good faith, believ lug Ibeiii lo be a part ol the public domain. Thought Ilest Kept Coaald. "John," wild Mra. Yoonglove, "do you al way, tell me all your thought?" Illlr.ll a - . a new, nearly aiwaye, jonn replied. f-'he drew back frightened and ex claimed: "Nearly aiwaye! Oh, John, then you Lave aouio tbongbu 'that yon don't toll me?" "Yea, dear," aaid he, attempting to pot an arm round her, "there are aome that I think it beat not to tell yon." "Ob, and I thought yon were ao hon orable I" "But, love," the fond bnaband cried, "yon would not care to hear tbe though ta Ialladeto." "Then wbat are they?" ahe trugically demanded. "Tbcy are tboce," be meekly aaid, "that come to me when I am abaving." Pearaon'a Weekly. Winner Either Way. "Young man, " said tbe multimillion aire angrily, "how dare yon get en gaged without my knowledge and to an actreaa?" "tinch a mutter, air, is one in which I do not think thut even a father ibooid be absolute." "Hut you never earned a penny In your life. Supposing I publicly renounce youf "All right, air. Tbe more yon pub licly reuuuuce me tho more you adver tlaeniy wife." Strand Magazine. FOREIGN. Lord Snllnbury Probably to Retire Pope'a Offer of .Mediation Hat Keen Declined. w tV. UQ YOU 4 Know the News Cure ia taken Internally, acting directly upon the Mood and mucus Biirfuee of I Lnurenco Ilutton in Hurpor'a AIag. thn avatom. tliereliv deatrovinir the fotin- I zi"- dntion of the d inch no, and giving the pu tient atrength by building up tho con atitution and uhhIhIidk nuturo in doing its work. The proprietors have bo much faith in ita curutive powers, that thoy oiler f 100 for any cuao that it fails to cure. Send for lint of testimonials. Address, ' F. J. Ciiuklv & Co.,Tolotlo, 0. Sold by DrtiggiBU, 75c. Hull's Family Fills are the bent. For Yon nz Men and Vounjr Women. There in nothing that will arouxe the rie of u young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put oil' on lliem. Tbey my dans ever bo well, bill if their shirt front or shirt waist is nnispy thoir noiit appearance is spoiled. The Tiov Uiiudiy iimkofl a Hpocialty of ladiua' and goiitleuieu'e lino work. There can be no better work than is done at iheTrov. Leave your oiders at Madrid, April 3. Senor Capdefion, Minister of tbe Interior ,'stateaoflicially that the Pope has accepted the task or mediation between Spainjand thejUnlted States, at the auitgrstiou of the latter, both nation accepting his mediation. Pari, April 2. ThelKrench International Arbitration Society baajeent letter to the Spauiah mloiater, Qiillon,and to tbe Amer ican secretary of atate, Sherman, urging tbe advisability of arbiirating lbs ditlereuce between Spain and the United States, Pa m a, March 31. Tbe Court today began' bearing tbe appeal of M. Zola against tbe sentence of imprisonment and 1000 franca line Impoaed upon bim, February 23, after ha had been convictedof making libelou charge In Aurora against the conduot of the Katerbaay court-martial. London, April 2. (Coprlght, 1HU8, by the Associated Press) The crisis between Spain and the United Slatea is hard pushed for first plaoe in public interest here by the question as to whether or not tbe Marquis of Salisbury will retire from ollloe and tbe consequent reorganisation of the Cabinet, : You can have It all for Per Month 50c Per Month In the Evening Telegram, of Port land. Oregon. It ia the largest evening newspaper published in Oregon ; it contains all the news of the State and of the Nation. Try it for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Auur Jress The Telegram, DO YOU NEED ANY Portland, Or. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for ns and our groceries: That we otter the beet of groceries at the low- . est prices. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the most nutritious. Last, but not least, their grocery bill saves it self fully '25 per cent by their dealing with Marr & Muir. Our way of doing' business la to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. IVZoiirx & lVXn.ix" A dollar aavuil is ennsl to two dollars earned. Tay up your sub-rlption to the Johnson's barhershop Entkhi'Rihk and get the the benefit of the reduction In price. reattach ttopprd In JO mlnntae by Or, lliloB' Pain I'iio. "One ceut a doae." The Treating liable. It was Pope TcIoki borus, who diud before tho yctir 150 A. D., who institut ed Cliriiitmus uh it fcbtival, though for some time it was irrcgulurly held in December, April uud May. But for cen turies before there bad been a feast of Yule uinong the northern nations, whose great enjoyment was iu drinking the wuHNiiil bowl or cup. Nothing gave them so much delight as indulgence in "carousing ule," especially at the sea son of short days, when fighting was ended. It was likewise the custom at all their feasts "for tho muster of tho house to fill a largo bowl or pitcher, to drink out of it first himself and then give to bim that sat next, and so it wont around." This niny bnve been the origin of that popular Auiorican custom known aa "treating." It is certain that upon our Christian observance of this glorious day have been ingrafted habits takon from rude and barbarous poople. St Louis Republic FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, LEAVES Tort land foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7 j Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama9:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This is the nearest and most direct route to tbe great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. in, Ita, m liii OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? :GOTO: C. H. BESTOW I CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 1 1th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a desirable time to enter tbe New classes will be commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS CODNTT The factory towns of the East are noteT for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for (this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. . As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON CITY Is Coming to be One of the Bet IV a it dire Town in the State This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just thi last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in tho next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place foi . THE PKODUCE .aaav. of the Farmer Get bur Prices on Job Printing.