OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898. LOCAL NEWS AND Tliti Enterprise (rum now until after tlid eleulloti lor two tilt, Pahy bonnets ml child's hats In lawu nil HwIm, nil prices, at llitt Kwkot Store, A IiIkIi crBte warranted ewln ma china mII fur $'.'5 at lUillomy & JJuhcn, on easy tonne. Fancy ribbon In the latest plaids and moire In til color Hi the Havkol Store. The Howling Alley record thle week was (10. It was reached by W. K, lloy Inn urn Pole Fry. L. L. Clark, of Itian, win In the city Haturday, Ho has eaveral fresh milk cowi ho wlshea to dlaosa of. For a quiet place to liltch your homes war from tho motor line ami a place to get a first class Job of repairing or borne hoeing cull on 8. F. Hcrlpture's shop on Fifth street. lie Not Deceived! A Cough, Hoarse ness or Croup are not to bo trilled with. A done In time of Hlillob'i Cure will save you much trouble. Sol J by Charman & Co., Druggists Oreron City. Cure that Cough with Hlillob'i Cure. The bnt Cough Cure. Itallevee Croup promptly. One Million Wiles void last year. 40 docee for 25 rrnti. Hold by Charman 4 Co., Iruiul"t Oregon City. Joarph Miditower, the bead man In chargenf a paiwr machine at the Will amette Mllla who had hi band Injured Iat Tuesday by a roll of paper falllnv on It, la tlll confined to hla room at the Klertrlo HoUjl. Iywpla7"cTu7ed. 8hTloVs Vitalise Immediately relieve Hour Stomach, Coming up of Food Platre, and I the great kltlnev and liver remedy, Hold by Charman A Co., Drotwlata, Oroaon City. Dr. L. L. Pickens, dnntlst, dee al kind of dental work, (fold crown, porcelain crown and bridge work a iwcialty. All operation guaranteed for 6 year. Call and get my price. Oflke In Karclar bulldlnir Following' are the officer elected by the Athletic Ao UtWii for the rn ening term : President, K. V Smith; Vliw-I'reBldent, Ml Fannie (ietly; Hcrretary, V. II. hVach ; Treasurer, L. A. Noel. Corvalll Mite. Karl'i Clover Hoot Tea la a pleaaant laiatlvx. HiKtilate the bowels, puriflx the blood, ('tear the complexion. Kaey to niska and pleasant to Uke. 'if cent, hold br Charman A Co., Oregon City. Nine Mr. Nah h purchased the Posluflli-e store, eome improvement In the way of rahilmlnlng, painting the wood-work white ami eo forth, have lxMn mde that add much to general apnea ranee. The new style skirt nspiirei huot'e. You ran get them al the Racket Htore. The inscription to the Kiiterurimi la 2, but if pid In advance it It 11.50. Hubecriher must not get behind and then ex .eet to get the paper for $1 50. Outstanding subscriptions iiitiet be paid P- Daniel William, at the northeast cor ner of Center and Seventh street. ha choice nd well (elected atock of frilly grotvrlea-which he I aelling at very retwuiuhle raUa. HI motto I "live and le ve, with honest weight and measures", floods delivered to any part of the city. I wa reading, an advertisement of Chamherlin'a Colic, Choler and Iiur ihoea Keuiedy in the WorcheHter Enter prlee recently, which lead me to write thin . I ran truthfully eay I never used any remedy equal to it foreolln and dlar rhea. I have never had to use more than one or two done to cure the worst caae with myself or children. W. A. HtkoPD, Popemoke City, Md. For sale by (Jeo A. Harding. New style ahirt wait in Roman strip, plaid and check, al the Racket Store. The Shaker have made a discovery which ladeallned to accomplish much good. Realising that three fjurthi of all our ufTeringa arise from stomach troubles that the country In literaly tilled with peo ple who cannot eat and digest food, with out subsequently suffering pnln and dis tress, and that many aro-Marvtng, wast ing to mote skeletons, because their food doe them no good, they huvo devoted much atudy and thought to the subject, and the result la this discovery of their Digestive Cordial A little book can be obtained J mm your druggist that will point out tli way of reloif at once . An Investigation will coat you nothing and will result In much good. . Children all hate to tuko C.i-Ur Oil, but not Laxol, which I pnlatublo. A Lady tried Sciittitf' Ikst tea and did not like it. She tried it again and made it according to direc tions. It's her only tea now. Lsat year'a pattern of wall pnr at reduced price on 5 and lOo counter at ttullomy ic Ilusch. Ladle, Take the Best, If yon are troubled wrth Constipation, Hallow Skin, and a Tired Feeling, Uke Karl a Clover Tea, It pleasant to take. Hold by Charman it Co., Druggists, Oregon City. Dr. Miller h Just addel a complete CataptioteHe'l outfit to , hi well equip ped Dcntul officii and can fill teeth with out the least fuar of puln. OfhVe 7th street near the Houthern Pacific depot. "A word to the wise 1 mlllclent" and a word from the wise should be u indent but yon ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repea'ed experience of trustworthy person may he taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy give Utter satisfaction than any other in the market. He ha been In the drug busl nesaat Klkton, Ky .for twelve year; has sold hundred of bottle of thl rem edy and nearly all other cough medicine manufactured, which shows conclusively that Cbamderlaln'i I the rnot aatlafaiv tory to the people, and la the Wt. For tale by (ieo. A. Harding. Kraogrllit Miller, The Chicago Evangelist, K. F. Miller, delivered hla farewell adJresa, at the Methodist Church last Friduy evening Kven If the people did not responj with the hearty "Amen," he haa evidently been ocustoined to, a frequently a he mlglit have w Ished, they showed their Kpprecltilioii for hla sprumiid addresses b at leHt turning out lo hear him. . At every meeting the church wa crowded, Mr. Miller I not a regularly ordained minister. II prescbea simply as a lay man, hut (or a number o( years haa de voted hi entire time to tho work, lie was formerly a mechanic, and is doubt cs a self educated man. Hi voice, both for singing and shaking, ia above the ordinary, being musical, clear and powerful. That he iHxsesses the courage of hi convictions is Iteyond doubt. Hi delivery i natural rathct limn acquired, nd It Is very effective. He believe that we should le judged for what we ae and expre-S'-s contempt for the m m who allow himself to be used a a tool. Ho is a man who evidently enjoy good health, and often lake occasiuti to im pies on hi In-arer the duy of telf prcservution from a phvsk'41 stando!nt tlit imKrlance of ahstuining from the gratification of any appetite that must nva-ailly Im detriment! to the physi cal body. He I piactical. The auhji-ct of one of hla U-st addresm-a was: "May Christiana Dance?" Vellnw Jaundice Cured. Hnirerlng humanity should be utplid with every mean possitdn for Its relief. It Is with pleasure we publish the fol lowing: "This i to certify that I wa ) a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaudice jfor over six month, and waa treated by some of the best physician in our rity laud all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our drug I gist, recommended Electric bitter ; and after taking two bottles, I waa entirely cured. I now take, great pleasure In recommending them to any erson suffer ing from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M.A. Hogarty, Lex ington, Ky" Hold by Charmoti A. Co. druggists. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Tain Halm for rheumatjsm with great relief, and I ran recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which w e have found it valuable. W. J. Ci'ylkr, Red Creek, S. Y. ' Mr. Cuyler la one of the leading mer chant of this villugo and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. V. U. I'mi'i'iN, Editor Red Creek Herald. For aale by (ieo. A. Harding. A Reunion, of the Reds and Yellows will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Saturday night of this week an excellent musical pro gram Is being arranged by Mies Uertrude Finley and the Ladies' A uxllliary. will serve Ice cream and cake. A small ad mission fee ot 10 cents will he charged to 'defray expenses and a cordial invitation i ia iriven to everybody to be Drosent. Wbeu t'ratellng Whether on pleasure bent or business, I take every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, 'a it acta most, pleasantly and offeelually i on the kidneys, liver, aup bowels, pre I venting fevers, headaches, and oilier I forms of sickness. For aale in 50 cent ! bottles hv all lending druggists. Mann i i'hi'I urtni by tho California Fig Syrup Co. 'only. I ' Dreadfully Nervous. I (Jonts: I was dreadfully nervous, land for relief took your Kail's Clover j Hoot Tea. It quieted mv nerves and jstienglhcned my whole uei vou3 Bjhtoin. 1 was troubled with constipation, kidnev and bnwol trouble. - Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that 'l rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs.S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold I by Charmur. & Co., Druggiats, Oregon City. RGYAL Baking Powder. Highest of alt In leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report INCIDENT. REAL EMTATE THAH8FEIW. Furnished Ererjr Week by the Clacka mas Abstract A Trust Company. D Clifford to M Clifford Fob 8 '00 W D lot 3, tract 1 Mol.lla f 1 M Clifford to W Clifford March 31, '118, WDtracU,lot8, Molalls 75 John Htuhbs to A Htubbs, Men 81 '08, W D 2)4 acres seo 8, 1 2 s, r 2 400 0 & C R R Co to E Qruber Kept 15 05, seJof serec 13, t3s, r3e 1 N J Anderson toHarab Rider Feb 21, '08 W D 1 acre la Malls claim aec 18. t3s, r2o. 40 II Bruns to E F Bruns June 6, '97 W D H of ne see 14, 1 2 s, r 4 ' 40 Stephen Kirk to W A Kathhone ' March 25, '98 W D t of ne' seo 4, swof nw, and wjf of aw see 8, t 7 , r2e 2000 0 O A K Hubbard to School Diet No 72 1 acre In seo 2, 1 5 s, r 3 o. . . . 1 M L & C II Foster to J J Rider Mch 2U, 'IW W D 9 acres us'4 seo 13, t3s. rl, e 1 David and Amanda Krikes to F E Ualogly Muh 28, '9S W D 10 il73;Mi feet D D Tompkins claim 25 Louisa Rentier to OoUlob Iteutler M h 14, '08, W D 21 acres aec 31 1 2 s, r 1 20 0 I A 8 Co to A Kingade Mch 17 '98 lot 4 blk44 Oswego 300 E J Rattle to I M Davidson Feb 4 '98 W D tract "O" Clackamas , Riverside 1 O Dement et al to Chas Aloright et I A pi 11 9, '93, W D southerly U of tut 1, blk 3 Oregon City 2000 I A B II Barkley to D C A O V Ely Apr I '98 W D 62'ixl(M ft by 7th stremt and blk 130 Oregon City.. 000 M J Hickey to G and M Heilmeyer Mch 81, '98, W D 2tf acres sec 8 t 2 s, r2 e 400 (J and M Heilmeyer to M J Hickey Mch 31, '98 W D H acre in Weeks cl-lm ... 400 U 8 to Wm Abbott Nov 6, '90 se,' aec 2, t 4 s, r6 e Pat J K Mclntyre to M O and A J G IUrtung Jan 8 '9H, bond 20 acres near J M Hartman'a land 700 J W Hicks to A Fisher, Mch 20 '98 W D lots 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9 blk 12 Windsor 675 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the ownera of the copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furnish Information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Call and Investigate. Address box 377, Oregon Cify Oregon. Acetylene lias. The Future Light. Why not be independent and own your own little gas plant which will give four times more light than ordinary gaa or electric lights at one hall the coat ? Applicable for use in churches, stores, factories, hotel, residences and country homes ; safer than ordinary gas or kero sene lamps. Approved by all the Boards ol Underwriters throughout the United States. We want a firet class agent in every town. Write for catalogue and prices. Tiis Acctylkni Gas Machine Co., Akron, Ohio. Card of Thanks. To the friends whose many acts of kindness made lighter our sorrow In the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Sarah Carrico, we desire to extend our heartfelt thanks. May the father w m she served, bless them, and if sorrow comes into their lives may it be their good fortune to live among people as kind as those of Oregon City. Thomas Carbico, Li mi i Carbico, J. II. Carrico. To Core Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fall to cure. 26c, The Unas of the) Hand. They were out driving aud had come npon fine stretch of shady country rood. "Do you believe in palmistry, " ho askod "the reading of one's fortune by the lines in one's hand?" "I bclievo," she Raid, "that If I oould see the lines in only one of your hands I conld foretell that we would bav very pleasunt drive." Ha immediately caught on and grasped the reins with one band and the situation with the other. Com io Cute. A Convincing Example. The other duy a south side teacher was discoursing to ber pupils about the evils of becoming addicted to slang, whon she paused and asked them to give her an example of a along phrase. The school weut iuto con vulsious when a youngster in knee punts yelled promptly : "You're not so hot There are other babies on the pile." The teaohor did not call for ny mora examples. Iudiuuapolis Sentinel. Mot tie Cornet Thine Signnl Servioe Man (meeting dyspep tic nuquuiutanuo) Fine day, Jonesl Jones Oh, don't talk ahopl Chi cago Tribune. THREE-PLY PARTY Meet In Convention Mondaj Spent In Fusing. Offices DlMtrlbnted-Conot; Ticket Very Wrak-I'opalltti Predict Its De fet Sorry They Fased. ' The County Convention of theTeople'i Party met at Wetnhard's Hall In Oregon City Monday morning at 11 o'clock and continued In session until the afternoon of Tuesday. Tbe Conventions of the Silver Democrats and rJilver Republi cans were In session at tbe sama time with the Populists, tho Democrats meet ing at Pope's Hall and tbe Republicans in Justice Bchuobel'a Court rooms. Tbe object of these Conventions, meeting as they did simultaneously, waa to ennble tho three Fusion parties to ccme together thus forming what Is now generally known In Clacka mas County as tho "Tbreo-ply" Party and nominate what It pleases them to U-rm "union" County Ticket, and to adopt "union" Plat form. All (he Precinct in tho County were represented in the Topullst Convention which consisted of 155 delegates. The Democratic Convention consisted of 115 delegates and represented all the Pre cincts with the exception of three. The Silver Republican Convention was com posed of only 7 delegates. Tbe forenoon of Monday was taken up in the appointing of two committees on conference, one on Platform and the other on Offices, each to bo composed of five members from each of . tbe three respective parties. Tbe Committee on Platform was as follows : Populists W. W. Myers R. Schuebel . Clyde Evans G. E. Hargresves J. C. Wolgamot Silver Democrats T. F. Cowing T. L. Turner Albert Uribble II. W. Gsrd J . R. Sever J. R. Sever Silver Republicans Wm. Barlow George Knight H. W. Morgan Thomas Pusey J. Irvine. And the following waa the Committee on Offices : ' Populists E. E. Glesson M . V. Thomas George Lszell 5. F. Baker Steve Hutchinson Silver Democrats V. R. Hyde II. L. Vaughn W. F. Young Charles Waite D. L. Prettyman Silver Republicans Wm. Barlow , George Knight i 6. W. Morgan Thomas Pusey , J. Irwin. The two Committees were then clos eted and the Convention adjourned un til four o'clock to await their report. But at four o'clock no report came, so another recess was taken until 5:30 P M ; but still no report from the Confer ence Committees. Then the Populist Convention adjourned until 7:30; but, upon reassembling was disappointed again ; neither the report on Offices or Platlorm could be beard from it didn't make so much differ ence about the Platform, but they would not be kept in longer suspense concern ing the distribution of offices ; one fellow going so far aa to make a motion that if the Committees were not hoard from within ten minutes that the Convention would appoint him to break down tbe doors, if necessary, and drag them out of their secret closets, and the excite ment had arisen to such high pitch that the Inotion would certainly have been passed had not Mr. U'Ren sud denly appeared on the scene. At the wave of his hand all was calm. Even the ordinarily stern looking Joseph Casto, Chairman of the Convention, looked relieved. Mr. U'Ren then offered to amend the -motion made by the would-be Ilerr Moet to the effect that if the Committee was not beard from within another hour it should be iustructed to report progress. The amendment waa carried. This hour soon passed by, for besides entertaining speeches from Mr. U'Ren, George Ogle. W. W. Austin of Logan, who appeared as though he migUt be a disciple of Moet, a poem from George R. II. Miller, the audience bad the pleasure of an unexpected outburst from Editor Charles A. Fitch. Naturally the Con vention had grown little tired and when Mr, Fitch began seemed some what lacking in enthusiasm, which of course was Intle embarrassing to Mr. Fitch and caused him to sway a little, like a pendulum, back and forth. But gradually be overcame everything, and when he commenced telling about how he had read history some last winter, a little English history, a little French history and little history about tbe Italian peoples, and how he had learned boot tbe common rabble, that It pleased Harvie Scott to term such fellows as himself, rising np and cutting off the heads of the Aristocrats, their wives and beautiful daughters, tho entire Conven tion burst out in approving applause. Then, when Mr. Fitch had taken his teat, Mr. Suter, of Eagle Creek arose and demanded of Fitch that he ex plain bow It was that he had stated publicly to the State Convention In Portland that "the oonntry people did not know what they wanted?" Such statements, Mr. Suter claimed, were too "aristocratic" to come from Populist. So Mr. Fitch, return ing to tho platform humbly apologised to the gentleman from Eagle Creek, stating that ho (Fitch) bad been Imposed upon, that wbat ho had said was that tho grammatical construction of a sen tence in the article reerred to was such that be was afraid it would convey a different meaning from the one intended. And then be explained bow he bad worked on railroad, and been brought np back in old Kansas on farm, and bow any such utterance as Joe Suter made reference to waa entirely foreign to his make-op. Mr. Fitch concluded his remarks with the prediction that the time waa not far off when this conn try would be under the rule of Socialism which In bis opinion was the only ideal form of government. At half past eight, tbe announcement was made that tbe report of the Com mittee on Offices would be beard from in ten mlnutea. It was 9 o'clock bow- ever before the report was brought in. It waa as follows : Report of Committee on Officers. Populist Senator Two Representatives i County Judge Assessor Clerk Recorder School Superintendent. Silver Democrats One Representative Commissioner Sheriff Coroner Surveyor, Silver Republicans Treasurer. The report met with more objection evidently than was anticipated, chiefly on account of the proposed change of Treasurer, which resulted in an hour or more of lively debate. T. B. Hankins went up on the platform and addressing the Convention at considerable length finally concluded with much force and Her Health Restored TH E misery ot sleeplessness can only be realized by those who have experi enced It Nerrousqesa, sleeplessness, headache, neuralgia and that miserable feeling ot unrest, can surely be cared by Pr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. So certain is Dr. Miles ot this tact that all druggists are authorized to refund price paid for the first bottle tried, providing It does not benefit. Mrs. Ileury Bruns, wife ot the well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, aays: 'I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous ness, headache and irregular menstruation; buffering untold misery fur years. I used vartoua advertised remedies for female com plaints besides being under the care of local physicians, without help. I noticed in Dr. Miles' advertisement the testimonial ot a lady cured of aliments similar to mine, and I shall never cease to thank that lady. Eer testimonial induced me to use Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, which restored me to health. I cannot say enough for Dr.MUei'Uemedlcs." Pr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefite or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and eWA III "V. IS Miles sW rrA 1 t Nervine I & Restores r4. Hearth nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CU tlklum, lud. fin Life We have just removed. to the old Bee Hive stand, next to Huntley's Book Store, and have received a new line or Gents' and Boys' Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer direct from New York which we are selling at the Lowest Prices. Give us a trial aud we guarantee to give every customer satisfaction. lisL. Y7XKEDK. Main St. between 7th and 8th, Caufield Block. lat EwriMi They a 1 say that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, Laud plaster, Seeds, Etc Royal BikM the foef pare, wbeiesoaM see1 aelloteaa. ;OV4j "49 &AKIU13 FQVDin Absolutely Pur SOVM MSM SO CO., MW 0. wild gesticulations that if the report were adopted as read tbe Populist Ticket would be defeated from top to bottom. W. 8. U'Ren claimed that bo was op posed to taking the Treasuresbip from Jacob Shade, and under no circum stance would be vote for tho proposed change. Secretary Hamilton stated that the proportion of Populists to Silver Democrats was about 6 to 1 and that he thought they should be satisfied with that proportion cf tho officers ; that "ol J Grandpa Shade" was a poor man with others depending on bira for support. that he had filled tbe place of Treasurer creditably, that there was not a morti honest man iu Clackamas county, that ha bad secured bis fifty thousand dollar bond without difficulty, men willingly signing it irrespective of political creed, and that he for one was unwilling tlmt the old man should be turned down. Finally William Barlow, ascending tlt platform, as Chairman of the Repolicar Committee, stated that tbey would give back the Treasurerhip to the Populists, that his party was not there for offices ; what they wanted was harmony : where upon the Convention stood np and gave three hearty cheers for William Barlow and the Republican Party. But alas for poor George Knight, he r on the steps . with fingers twitching nervously and head bent down ; for twenty long years he had been vainly striving for political office, and now when the Treasurershlp of Clackamas Coun'y waa fairly within h.s grasp he laJ allowed it to slip away 1 He had left the Republican Party be csuse they had refused to honor him (Continued on page 6.) 1 For C first-class fresh & cured Meats Go to Chas. Albright, Jr. Free delivery to all parts of the City. mm FARMERS . . . . I. - - - Your team will have the best of care and ' Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables, W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Buccwr to W. H. COOktV. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. AU pain banished by Dr. MUea Pain Pill, Says Mil lis Currip' th mnt complete sto ')r nt Firet Cl.iss. Groceries tu tB found in tbe City. o