Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
fjrth'id Mbi-itry Auoollh .Oregon City IsNTfl E VOL. 33. K0.23 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FKIDAY, APRIL 8, 1893. ESTABLISHED 1866 1 i 1 f . TVts. powVi.i bkaVjan . Physician ud Surgeons. ' 1 ". KiniM'Inl attention given la lurylral work, OtbV hours: A lo 11 A.M., IiodI'.M., 0 lot P.M. Kooma II and It) Chariuau 111 k. , in.o. rnutWMM.' ' . D,CAiiru. ' ."IlKOWIIICU A CAMFMItU, J MfTOKNEYo' AT LAW, . ! bkauoN City, .'. . . ( . . OaeW. Will prattfe m til the courts ef the state. Ol io, lit tallf) la I'll. lllHK. Qt II. k80M. CIVIL K.NdlNEKR ami DKI'UTY COUNTY BUKVKYOR. Will lie kt court bouse on each Saturday inl on regular moalnn dayi of county court. Ttyis Ojrl... ' lid" (Jo.i8 of healix, the ri'dWMi whereof w will tell : It I not beranse of her beautiful clothes hut iilie has learned how to cook on our Htovnj Never buy Hove -fore ynu Inufwt our line we sell warranted 0 hole lnl rangns for f:iU. Bellorny 4 Busbh, The JIoMiMtfiirnUlmrii. JrsT0iposle Colli t IIuuhd. c UCKAMAH ABSTRACT TRUST CO. furnish . All m. t lialn of Til , Daerlp-(loli-. Nhiiii, lnanr ii en, 1 y 1 tie. 1'erfnot Titles, .to., in. miimiiv r im k( ir n ci jt I. r. tXAUK, Pre., aud Hur, OIIOOM CITY, .... OIIOOK, If. MII.I.KK, DKN TI8T - Pine wt of tntlli, g old crown, nil kind of filling and ninjgewurk. fievauth Kt. near deit. Orrgoii (;iy, Or. O. T. WILLIAMS. KKAL f STATIC AND IX) AN AfiKNT, Aiood Hue of biisliiea., rMlileur ami suburban Farm Property la liuu lo lull on easy term. Corraapaiidaune promptly answered. Offloa, M MKI.DHItM. BUKVKYOK AND CIVIL K NO INK Kit. All order promptly attended to. PotliidlRa addreaa Oregon (,'llv. It'-nlilKiirf at Maiilnmi I'lnnr Kdi rtlU Klwtrlc Ina lo iiilli't noriii ol Orrxoii City, Q D.iU.C, UTol'KKni. ATTORNEYS ASU COUNKRU)KS AT LAW to it We have atrlnic to each ilioe, of coiirae. You have ttring to your money, for, If the ehoe doean't ult you can return It and have your money back. We put a etrlng to I lila for we guarantee oar ehoea to be the beat and they are the beat. Our line la aure to pleaae you. Krausse Bros.... DEATH TO 200 SOULS ! Came While at Supper ShaV n re town Swept Away. Iconoclant lira n a Killed la Duel-IIU AuUk-onlnt Die Alao Death of Jin. Brewer. - vaim araaaT ohkuon city, orkoon. Curttlih Abatrttota ol Till. Iwn Houry, Ton- IUM Mori. anil iranrt unru w HiiilniM. J J I. CKUHH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wiu. rairrira m All ct'Ti or thi 8ttb Real Ktlata aud Inrarmnr. OSoaoa Main Hin et lu Hlatb aud aaranth, oaiuoa citt, oa. H. PKKHHKR, ATTORN KYATI.AW. Orttcaovxr Mi'Klttrlrk'a RIh Biora, I the Hank of Oregon City. OaaoiiN City, Ohkiiok. E. M AHKH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will .rtlc In all tlio o iii rn of Ilia ilnle. Olllce 0M""ll twnrt lioiiMt in Caiillflil buildiiiR. L L. POUTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW aanraAcm or raoranrv ruaNianao. Oflloa next lo Oregon Cltr bank on ftth itreet. rpiIK COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OKKOON CITY !aplUl, 1100,000 TaANHACTa A 0NRl, B4HKIH0 BI'tlHUl. Itin in made. Illlln illpooiinled, Makee col lection. Hur and ill eaohanKe nn all pnlnta In Ihe United Htalea, Europe and Hong Kmif. IxidimIU reooled lulijeol to ohook. Uuk epeu from 9 a. . to i r. h. D. C. LATOUKKTTR, Proidtit. F. J. MKYEHi Caahler. -ANK OF OREGON CITY, Oldest Banking: House In the Cltr. Paid np Capital, 160,004 Burpluii, paimnanT, - crablm a, CAoriauD. vioa raaiuaNT, aao. a. ha am wo. eaiHiaa. a. a oaunbld. A feneralhankliif himlneuii tranaaoted. lopnlt reoelved aubnot to ohenk. Approred bill and mite dlnooiimed. Ominlj and oily warrant bought. Loan mvls on available leourltf. KxchaiiK bought and (old. Collection nil promptly. Drain aolil avallanlo In any part of the world Telearaphlo eaahange anlil on Portland, Dan FrauoUcn.'lhlcag.iaud New York. rilMreal pl I on time ilnpnalt. free! FREE!! FREE!!! Special Easter Offering.... Having mado a contract with one of the largest Portrait Copying Companies in tho world to copy for us a limited number of Photos, we beg to announce that we will enlarge from any small Photo or Tintype a fine Indian Ink, life-size Portrait warranted never to fade, with every purchase of youth h or Man b Suit. Tins ofter is made uncondition ally and is no catch-penny scheme to 'sell you a frame. Call at once and see samples of these beautiful Portraits which are now on exhibition at our store, an also our fine stock of New Spring Goods. Our prices, notwithstanding this liberal offer are lower than ever before. SAI L ROSENBLATT & CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS. 193 ail 195 First St, Cor. Taylor. Portland, Or. Ciiicaoo, April J. A apeclal to tbe Re cord Irom Cypreaa Junction, III., aaya: j wo nunnrea ana arty peraoue were rowned today by the Inundation of8tiaw. ueetown, all miles from tlili place. The lave broke at i o'clock, and the Olilo river flowed over the town many feet deep. Scorn of honae are floating about tonight, ami many oeraoni are ciliixiiiK to the wreckage, in the hope that reacuera will appear with boate to take them to place of alety. All communication with the town la cut off. Tralna cannot reach there, and wirea are down. The Brat report that raaclied here wai that the entire popula tion bad been drowned, but thla baa not been confirmed. The levee wai built by the government, and waa regarded a Impregna ble, hence the people took no precautione agaitiat a poaaibla flood. It la reported that Ihe water ei tend for 10 milea Inland, and people are fleeing for their Uvea in tbe low land bam leu. Cam While at Sapper. . Chicago, April 3. A Chronicle eprcial from Carnil, 111., aaya: . The disaster at Shitwneetown, III., came when the great majority of the people were In their homea eating their aupper. Tbe break In the levee occurred a mile above the town, and it waa within 10 minute more than a half mile wide. A atreaiu of water, 12 leet deep, carrying half tbe current of the flood-rained Obio, descended on tbe unsus pecting people. It came down in a ruib like a tidal wave. There waa no slow rising of the walera to give warning. The bouse on the oulakir were lifted up and rolled over and over. Moat of tliem were torn In to aplintera. Their inhabitant were drowned in them. Nearer the center of the town brick airucturee atopped the on rush of the water for a few minutes, but about two-third of tbe dwelling were Hooded, careening out Into tbe current of the river. After a few minute, tbe borrorof tbe aituation waa added to by the catching; fire of a large bouaa that bad atarted down tbe atream with the other. The people on the root ware already In danger of being thrown oft by collision with other floating houaea, but the oocupanta of tbia floating firebrand added horror. Aa it atruck one bona after another In Ita coiirae aome other caught lira, and their unfortunate oocupanta were ftnmrwillawl Ln tmat lhmal. In lh rr I Homesick of the awirling water on place, of wood to ' Write to m Tery 0'""'' (tore, Captain Darla waa In front of hi office. Tbe worda that pissed between Ibem were of reproach, and they lout no unit hi gluing ooi mere weapons, aoooi 10 second were occupied in the shooting at the end of which Rraun and Davis lay bleed. Ing, and Ward waa ahot throuKb the right hand. A wild ballet hit Motormin Kennedy In the knee. Kennedy we passing on bla car. Another wild bullet bit Kaene Kepler In the foot . The wild bullet wound are not aerioue. Kepler and bi partner, Prince. are touring the world on a wager, and bad , Juat reached Waco . Waaisotoa, April 6. Swift aa a cannon'a Brann was taken to hi home, where he fls,D changed tbe Cuban eitaatlon today, died at a late hour tonight. Hi wife and T,ie """",iw ot Congreaa ware crowded, many frienda were with him. Senatore aud representative were anxioua Captain Davla was tak-ti to the Paciflo ' Kluted' ""d even the diplomatic cerpe hotel, and la regards! as m .nally wounded. ' "M '" fer"'en'. awaiting a Menage Irom WAKMAY NOT COME ' j Pregldent'sXeKsase May Xot go to Conres at all. ' , , , ' i Certainly Sot Before Next Week Ad. Tleee From General Lee-AmerU caai Htlll In Cuba. 1 bia right lung being rrueilv lacerated. Brann'e Slayer Also Dead. Waoo, Tax.. April 2. M. T. Davie Brann'e antagonist in il.e street duel yesU-r day, lingered until 3 o'clock this afu-rnoon. I'avia madeaalatomentlliat Ward, Brann'a buaiiiea manager, who waa with Brann at tbe lime, ahot him a ha lay on tbe aide- walk. Upon thla atatement Ward waa to day arrested ami jailed, charged with mur der. Brann and Davie Burled. Wasco, Tex., April 3 Tne funerala of Brann and Davia today were largely at tended the corb-gra bring over a mile long Tbe floral offering wrrx magnificent. No demonstration of any kind occured. Brann'a pallbearer included Walter 8. Baker, chairman of the state Democratic executive rom mil iee, aud two of the moat prominent physicians of the cltv. Episco- pol Rector Page, brother of Thomas Nelson Page, conducted , the ceremoiiira. Davia obsequiea were equally imposing. Appealing to Congre. Naw Yokk, April 2 The board of trade at a meeting iixlav adopted a resolution which, "recognizing ihe gravity of the crista between the United Stale and Spain and tbe niagmlii'ieof the calamity which war will email upon bntn nations," nthu sUstlcally commends tne "wise and con servative course of the President In bia ttrin delermiiiaiion toexnaost every reason able mean lo maiiitaiu peace with honor and to adjust the retatumsofCuba ina man ner aatislactory lo Hie people ol thi country." The resolution concludes: "We appeal tu tne rereentalivee of the nation in congress to cnntiinie to co oier- ate with the Preablwnt and accord him every opportunity lorxnaust peaceful nego tiation, and if war cannot he avoide.1. let it be waged under tne guidance of our Presi dent, who preeminently combine tbe ex perience of a aoliiier with the conservative wisdom of a patriotic staiemnau." W. P. Kit ANKH tiEO. K. KRAMER Eranor & Eramer ..Tailors.. 22S WaRhinuton St. Portland, Ore. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully."' Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park-place. SQMETMIW NEW 0-A SPRINC-TOOTH HARROW ON WHEELS. . . ::v-::'.vV:':.v:V:.":V.-. The driver ritloB instead of walking. New Stock of Canton Clipper Plows Genuine Chilled Plows Harrows and Cultivators Agents for the celebrated Simonds Cross cut Saws. Also a full lino of HARDWARE, Stovop, Oranito ware, Tin and Copper ware, Wagon woods, Etc. Plumbing and general jobbing a specialty. POPE St CO. Li Corner 4th and Main Streets. - Oregon City. JrMrM,rlrlr'r'r'rJrlrlrlrlrlHr'rlr'fJIJg5 avoid a more terrible death by Are. Later. Ridoiway, April 4. Swawneetown Hood- awept laat night, ia threatened with total destruction tonight. Innumerable more Uvea may be lost before another day baa pasted. Hundred ot people have not yet been recited from the houses in which they were imprisoned; other are atill in treetopa, and still othera are afloat on the waste of the torrent. Late re porta aay the entire levee will be destroyed by morning, and every frame house In town ia certain to be dashed to piece. The wind is blowing 33 milea an boar, with rain that cuts like gtasa. Great fears are expressed for the rescue force now In 8bawneeuwn, as nothing can resist the power of the wave dashing 10 feet'high, under tbe impetus of the gale. If the storm doea net cease the entire town ia doomed, as well as most ol the people who have not yet reached tbe hilltops. W. C. Brann Killed. Dallas, Tex., April C A special to tbe News from Waco says: In tbe midst of busy preparations for city election meetings, while bands were play ing and scattering handbills from their dec orated vans calling the people together, W. C. Brann, editor of tbe Iconoclast, and Cap tain M. T. Davis met and fought a revolver duel, which resulted In Brann'a death to night. The combatants met at 6 o'clock on South Fourth Street, in front of tbe Cotton Belt ticket ohtce, and after exchanging a few words, both began emptying their revolvers into each other's bodies. When the battle was over Brann waa foand to be perforated in the left lung, the left leg, audi the right foot. Dayla waa shot through the right lung and through both arms. The difficulty between the two men grew out of the Brann Baylor feud of last year. Davis' two daughters are pupils ol Baylor University and the references made In the Iconoclast to Baylor, which were generally construed to mtau reflections on the moral character of the pupils and faculty, brought from Captain Davis a denunciation of Brann, delivered in language most forcible and direct. About a mouth ago, before the City campaign opened, a friend of Brann'a relerred to him in complimentary terms in tbe presence of Captain Davis, and nearly provoked a row then and there. Remarks on that occasion made by Captain Davis as to the Iconoclast and Its editor were re peated, it was said In Brann'a hearing and Brann'a rejoiner was carried to Captain Davis. This episode atirred up the men against each and increased the bitterness between them, which began when tbe Brann-Baylor trouble arose and grew in tense when the Gerald-Harris tragedy oc curred last November. This afternoon, Brann and bis business manager, W. H. Ward, were on tbe street together, going in the direction of French's bookstore. Captain Davis' office Is between the bookstore and the Cotton Belt office. When Brann and Ward reached tbe book- And I greatly long io bear; For alien hearts are round me, And alien faces near. Write when the aun ia sinking. And the firelight fleck the gloom, And the mist dims all the windows. And the shadow shroud the room. Write when the songs that we aang From other voices come, When the old, old strain awaken The thought that have long been dumb. Write to me very often; For, in time of thoiighfiil pain, I dream that I do what we did Over and over again. Write from the cheerless city In Autum's evening damps, When the splashing pavements glimmer With the rain-bespattered lamp. Write from tbe happy country, With its grans grown hills aud sun, Where under the moss-hung bowlders Tbe musical rivulets run. Write to me very often, For 1 often think of yon: And the life I lead is lonely, And the friends I have are few. Chambers' Home Journal. The French Peasant. The French peasant has an independ ent means of existence. He owns the soil he tills. If be employs laborers, they at least will own a house and gar den and bope to own a plot. , The Eng lish villager is either a small tradesman or a laborer. A garden which he culti vates bnt does not own is, as a rnle, the extent of his possessions. There are two classes in an Engish villago, and these may be subdivided iuto various religious soots. There is only one class in our French coinninne a fact which has a material bearing upon the social econ omy of the community. Every inhab itant of the connuuue is a proprietor of something, and all are bent on saving; yet, with all their individualism, they combine for common and mutual inter est. This is illustrated by the organiza tion of tbe syndicate for bnying at wholesale prices. They uuite for the cultivation of the soil, lending each other horses aud makinp. np teams. Every commune has a field, which ia common projierty and where, on pay ment of a trifling fee, auimals graze. After the harvest all tbe fields become common property, and the groa betail and the other betail are allowed to roam at large. Contemporary Review. the President to tbe Congress of tbe people thst might mean war. When tbe excite ment waa at tne very highest, like Sn elec tric flash tbe word passed that there would be no Message today. Ita auddenneie tunned the people who heard tbe news in distorted forma, and amazed veteran, mem bers of Congress. Ultimately, it became) known that not only wonld there be no Message today, but no Message this week, and that tbere was a possibility that the Message, though properly written and approved, might not go to Congress at all. The first reason for tbe delay waa that the Administration bad received advices from General Lee at Havana saying that Americans could not be gotten off the island today, and would be In grave peril if tba Message preceded their departure. t The second reason, ' and perhaps equally potent with the other, slowly drifted Into public comprehension late in tbe day chiefly through tbe medium of pobliabed Associated Presa diapatcbea from Madrid, for extreme reticence waa maintained on the eubject by the few In Washington who knew the facta and even cabinet' officers were unadvised on the subject. This im portant newa was that the 8panish govern ment, after wbat plainly had been moat ex citing times in inner Spanish circles at Madrid, had decided to re-open tbe case. closed, so far a this Government was con cerned, by tbe refusal of Spain to make sat isfactory response to the representations made br the United Slates last week, ia order to avert Impending war, amfhad de cided to make concessiona heretofore re- lused. . Wbat will be the final outcome It ia too early to say, but the aspect of affaire cer tainly ia considered more Pacific aud aufS- cient to renew tbe hope of tbe President in a eolation of tbe Cuban question satisfac tory to the American people and achieved without bloodshed. ' i Americana to Be Brought Home. Washimotuh, April 5. Tbe government has dispatched a fleet of six vessels to Havana to transport Consul-General Lee) and all lbs United States consular officers, together with all Americana now in. Havana and vicinity who desire to leave the island. The names ol tbe vesaeis are tbe Bacbe, the Fern and the Mangrove, all government tenders; the Olivette and Mascotte, of the Plant aystem, and the steamship City of Key West. In addition to these vessels. Consul-General'' Lee is authorized to to charter aa many other merchant vessels now in Havana harbor as be may deem nec essary for tbe safe transport of America a aniens. The Treasury Department hastelegraphed tbe Quarantine officer at Havana directing: him to permit all Americana who desire to leave Havana to do so without certificates or examination. Medical examinations ill be made at tbe Florida coast. General Lee notifies the State department that if war ia declared Americana will be unable to leave Cuba before Sunday. Preparing to Leave Cuba. New Yobk, April 2. Directions .have been sent to consuls in Cuba to repair to Havana, in order that they may be able to leave tbe island without danger Jn caaeot war. Arrangements have been anade lor General Lee'a sale withdrawal, if such action becomes necessary. Tbe American pews-' paper correspondents in Havana are also to be given tbe utmost protection, and they will be allowed to leave with General Lee. Lee Remains ln Cuba. ' Havana, April 6 The attitude of th public is one of quiet expectancy. The) order maintained In the city is admirable. Consul-General bee assured the corre spondent of the Associated Press that he bad receivd no instructions , to leave) Havana. It ia reported, however, that soma of tbe consular records were sent north to day. She Is expected back from 'Key West Friday. On the Bache, . Mangrove ' and Fern there will be ample accommodations to take away all who are entitled to go. ' And Then the War Began. Naw Yotk, April 6. A special to the. Times from Washington says: ( The flying squadron, under command of Commodore Schley, will move on the Ca naries within 24 or 48 hours. This is the program of tbe navy department. It Is botb a reply to the dispatch of tbe torpedo flotilla and the cruisers toward our shores and preliminary to a decisive bfow at the sa power of Spain. This is the first posi tive war order issued. ' The Modern Celebrity. "What I You never heard of him I Why, his name is a household word." "Indeed I A story writer?" "No, be butchered eight people. " Cleveland Leader. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Enterprise office. Gained 9S Pound ln Three Montht-J Eliza Moore, a quadroon girl of Lexington Ky.. is 17 years old, and weighs 537 pounds. When she was born she weighed two pounds, but when she waa 3 otoliths old her weight was 100 pounds. She is S feet 4 inches, and weara a 5)4 shoe. I . j Death of Mr. Brewer. Washikoton. April 3. Mrs. David J. Brewer, wife or Associate Justice "Brewer, ot the United States 8upreme court, died at her home here tonight. That tmtnm Hark ran be rurrtt wlUa Dr. Ullee' MfcUVK fLASIEB. Only Die