Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 01, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Olroultemirt convene. Knit Mnn la Mo-1 It,,,,!,,,. '"
wmlier nd third Monday III April. 'Tec a ..mm '
Probate Ouurtlu Ion flrat Monday In eei'h ' cigi,,,,,
MOO til. v Ita.l.lll.ula".'
, OommL.lotiereonurt meets flrat WuJueeU.1 . (j,
tier Brat Monday of eaoh month. Crook'"""
ixiiihUi ,.,
Js.-kaiui ,,,
Klamath ,,
Lake ,
Msyor, - - -ItwiorcliT,
- -(!lilrori'i)ll(
NlKhtwsti'hinsn -
Treasurer, - - -City
Attomsy, -
Hired (I.miinfeel.insr,
Hupt. of WiUir Work),
(Jlty Kiiglneer,
Couni-Hineti II. Konnirr, Frank llimrli
IL I), Wilson. James Hoik. II. K. liar
rle, ). t), l,alonrlt, Arlluir M H In. Krrd
a. Manner.
Coiinoll meet llrst Wednesday of each
mourn in 0117 nan.
- K. 0. Csuflal
Tlioi. K, live
- I'has. K, llnrii
- K l Hha
II. K, Hi rnlulit
Frank T. (Jrii ltd
- W. I. Hnl.lo
W. owe
I). W, Klmiair,!
The entertainment which a an an
nou ni oil to be given April 2nd hy Fall
Grove No. 32 Woodmen Clrc'e, and
Willamette Falls Camp No. MH lia
liwn postponed tinlll Friday evening
April 10th.
The time (or wtujiplnn the supplies con
tribute! to tlitt starving Culieii liaa lieon
extended and thn i'omiiilltH clonlrn to
con 1 1 n lie the appeal lor (lour, niiat
dilud fruit, clothing-, etc., to the farmers
around Ort'Kon City no that all may have
ao opportunity to give something. Con
trlbulluin Ml at the rooma of the Y. M.
0. A. will be cared (or and lor warded.
Hoiit, A. Mii.i.kk,
Chairman ot Itellnf Co 111 111 It die
Ws, tlie nn.lorsiirnml mothers o(
Hchool IHatrlrt Number ... enter our
t'sriieat protest agnlnat the 'einrhitant
rlcta demanded by the American Hook
Company (or the Interior text bouki fur
Dished by it, and also skuIiihi 1 ho fie
quent and unreasonable t hai g-lnuuf the
school hook 1 and call mxin the Hiate
8iirrint'iilTit , the County Hujwrin
tendmit and the Teachers of the KUIe
to t-iiitt u In remedying, thi evil :
Mid H. V. UwidlitiK, MiUaukie I'.O,
" M. J. Sinvcin "
" M Kulph
" J. W Jai "
" K. F. 1'lglcy
" Kva A. King
" K. Oliver "
" I.. A. Harlow "
C. M.Cann "
J.HoIwimhI " r,
M. W. Walker "
" J. K. Holt
" C A. PrMng
" M. Hotte.uiller "
- K. Octken "
" I. Miroedor "
K. B.oetje
N. Wetgler "
(1. Wetsler "
" (1 Kmdil "
" Lucy Hcherner "
" Frencls "
" M. Hantnpentner "
" M. K. Mennlman "
The NoaTUwirraaw Univkmrity Dkntal
School, Chicago, III, Junior Term o(
Claai o( 18SI9.
Ma. aud Mas Ciiasnino, Oregon City,
' Dear Mr and Madam : The news o(
the sickness and euhseuuent dealt) of
your eon cauaed ua the ptofotindeat eor
row. Our enunciations here as students
brought us into the closest relationship
and warmest aflfitction.
We recognized in your son a man of
operlor worth. He whs gonial la dis
poHlllon, bright as a student ami gave
every promise ot being a euceesMful man
. in bis chowm prulexsion.
It tmmn hard Indued thus to be
stricken down in the apringlinie of youth,
and upon the very threshold of an uneful
life. We cherish the menory ot our
brother In theprofeimion. May Hu"ho
dooth all things well" comfort and
atrengthen you in your sorrow.
Yours very sincerely
Titos. Hkid, President.
Lnsi.il O. KuaiiRK, Hec'y.
Wlluam II. IUkkb,
A. J. Ilouaas,
. Hi
. 7
. Hi
. 4
, HI
. 4
. A
. 8
. ft
Lincoln ,
I.liin ....
Morrow ., . ,
Hlmrman . . .
Tillamook , ,
Wallowa ...
. ..)
8 Yamhill
The Stttno being one iluli-gaie-at larue
from 'ach county and one delegate (or
each 200 votes and fraction thereof of 50
or over, as cant for William McKinley
at the presidential election In November,
181)0. The committee recommends that
the prlmxrles be held on Saturday,
April 2nd, and the county conventions
on Wednesday, April Oth, 1808. unless
otherwise ordered by the several county
Km., IfiiiHc'n, Chairman,
0. N, Pknuy, Weeiotaiy,
A republican convention for the flrnt
congrHHulonal district of Oregon Is here
by called to meet in the city of Eugene,
on Monday, April II, 18'8, at the hour
of 2:.')0 o'rlixk p, m., (or I he purpose of
nominating a CMiididute for congresa for
the first cotign aalonal dmtrlct of Oiegon,
and to tranniict am h other biiHlnei-s as
may properly come liefore aaid conven
tion. The convention will coiiMiat of N5
ilelegates, apfKrtioned among the
several counties of the flrat district aa
H'liloii 7 Lincoln 4
Clai'kainaa I ' l.iti.e 12
t!'Ha 7 l.lni VI
Currt Hi Marion go
Doiiiilaa II I'olk 8
JiH'kinM Mi rilUlll'Kik ft
'lihlne ft WaaiiliiKlon 12
Klamatll 3, Yamhill 1)
Lake 31
The aauin being one delcgite-Mt-Urue
for each county and one delegate for
each 2 XI votes and fraction thereof of
fifty or over, as cast for Win. McKinley,
at the preaiileiitiul election held in No
vember, IK'.MJ
The comtiiiitee recommend that the
primaries he held on bturday, April
and the county convention on Wntlnes-
lay, April 0, lS'.H, mil.- otlicrie
ordered by the aeveral commitlccH,
It. J. Hkmihu ks,
A. Wilson, Chairmun.
Dr. Mummer, of Corvaills, held ser
vice, rrinrnlng and evening at Ht. Paul's
Church, Hunday.
Kev. Wm. K. Powell, of Portland, will
conduct services In Ht. Paul's Church on
Sunday moruinir.
Key. K. F. Miller, the Chlcage evan.
gellst, will deliver his final address at
the M. K. church Friday evening.
"Companionship With Jesus, and the
Itesults" at 10:30 a. in. and "The Man
Without a Faith" at 7:30 p. m. will be
Dr. Hollers themes at the First Congre
gational Church next Sabbath.
The young people of the Congregation
al church will give a social at their
church neit Friday evening. A good
literary program will be given, and ice
cream and refreshments served. Every
body invited.
The Presbyterian Church will greatly
miss Mrs. L. C. Caplesand her daughter
ho are now visiting in Kansas City.
We wIhIi them much pleasure In their
sojourn there, but hooe they will not
conclude to desert their old home in
Oregon City.
A free talk will be given to mothers
and duughters on Saturday, April 2nd,
from 2 to 3 P. M., at Willamette Hall,
The ladles o( Oregon City are cordially
invited to attend.
Call fur County Convention.
The Ilepublit-an convention (or lb
county of Clackamas, sisla of OreKon, la
horruy called to meet in Welnhard a hall,
OrtKon City, Urraoii, on Wsdnvailay, April
uiti, at the hour of 9 o'oluck a. ni. for the
purpose of electing 15 delegates 10 the Slate
Republican convention, to be held In
Uirla, April M, 1H, and IS delegates to
Ihs Congrv saional convention of the First
liatrlct to t held in Kngene, April 11, im,
lof tbs nomination of a tilsie svnsior, t tires
repreaeutatlvea, County jmlge, County com
nilailoner, aherlft, clerk, recorder, aaaeaaor,
treasurer, survsyor, school suerliitendent,
coroner, and Juallcea of the peace and con
atabtea in the arvsral diatricta.
The convention ahall conaial of 1-43 dele-
Kalea apportioned to the aeveral precincts as
illowa; said apimrtionment being baaed on
one delegate at large for rach precinct and
one delegate for . every 23 votes and
iaJor fraction of 23 votes, cant for the Re
ubliran Prealdeiilial electors st the election
eld 011 November S, lttXI:
Republican Primary Election.
On Saturday, the second d.iy of April,
18'JR, between the hours of 2 and 7 p.m.,
the primaries for the election of dele
gates to the Republican County Conven
tion, will be held in the several precinct
of Oregon City, at the following polling
places :
Oiegon City Precinct 'No.l A
Cataract Hose Company's House on
Main. Street. Judgiis, M E. Willouglt
ly, J. O. Bradley and Geo. F. Ilorton.
Oregon City Precinct No. 2 At Foun
tain Hose Company's House on Alain
Street Judges, C. C. Hancock, Sr., A.
W. . France and C. O. T,. Williams.
Oregon City Precinct No. '3 At Fust
ham School Building on Seventh Street.
Judges, J. A, Thuyer, J. N. Harrington
and Levi Stipp.
v By older of Central Committee,
Abernethy 0 Barlow 2
Beaver Creek 4 Uoringa 8
Canyon Creek 2 Cherryville 2
Canny 6 Clackamas 5
Cancailes 5 Canemah 4
Damaxcus 4 Eagle Creek 3
Oarheld 2 Oeorge 2
lUrdlnga 4 Highland S
Lower Molalla 2 Upper Molalla 3
Maple Lane 3 Miik Creek 2
Manpiam 5 Milwaukle 0
Needy 0 New Kra 4
Oawego 7 Ore City No I 10
Ore Oily No 2 12 " " " 3 4
Pleasant Hill S Blsvers 2
Soda Springs 2 Springwater 2
Tuslitan 3 Union 2
Viola 2 West Oregon City 7
The subscription to the Knterprise is
2. but if paid In advance it Is fl.50.
hultecribera must nut get behind and
hen rxect to get the paper for $1 .50.
Oiitsiunding subscriptions must be paid
up. '
Cahiiico. Mrs. Sarah Carrico died at
the renidence ol her son, Thomas
Cameo, Wednesday March 2.'t. at the
age of 08 years, II months and V. das.
She was hern in Beaver County, Pa.
For tin e she lived in St. Louis. She
eroded the plains the year of the terrible
Moiiniain Meadow massacre, In which
John I). Ie, a binhop of the Mormon
Church, murdered 150 peacclul eml-
grtuts A peculiar providence led her
narty to separate from the caravan some
time before, thus beinit saved from Mor
mon ferocity. In 18o3 she came to
Portland and was married to James
Cairico, a Mi) miner. Several years were
ient at Silver City, Idaho. The family
then returned and lived successively in
(ieivalx, Kalama, St. Helens, Columbia
City, Woods Landing and Oretion City.
Three sisters, one brother and two sons
survive her. Mrs. Carrico was a life-long
and faithful member of the Presbyterian
Slaokm At Ciladetone, Tuesday, March
20. 1808, to the wile of H . T. Sladen,
a in pound girl. ,
'yttmm, en-r y r-jrr: aatat w auk '. jf,
111 W ,-n lS y0''
nbuinij ia 1J
r 4
Tbla atarcb la pronsrodon splentlfle prloelplet hr mm who bare bad years of practical
aipxricnr in fancy lannderina. It mu.rr old lineo and aamnwr dram to their
Dalural wliiim aud impart a hoanl iful and lasting Anion. It is the only atarcb
manufactured that I perfectly harmlma, cuoUinina nnither arwolc, alum or an
other aubatuoce injoritioa to Unco and ems be naed eren (or ftbabr powder.
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers.
Legal Notices.
iVmeterr Notice.
Nolioa ia berehr iTn tn aiir and all Deraona
oho tiara taken op or pnrchamd loU in what ia
known aa Uia Oregon Ciljr OmMerf to apply Ui
tit Citr Kwjfilw, on ttt hafora Mar lot. IHM,
fir a oertitioaie of title to sum. All iMn or por
tion, or lou in aaia umnr ror which mirtih-
catta of tula bar not tMn uauad hr tha aaid
fimt dar of Mar, 1MM, "liall ba OHuidnrrd aa xnr
purctuuml and th tillw toaama ahall rerert to
tha Citr, and thn bol.tsra or cUimanta anall ba
oonaiUrd aa forfHitina wl nhu that vwj ma
hare acotiirad in the irmifia.
This notloaia publwkad br ordarof tha Com
miltMon ity Camwarr and all neraona intnr-
aolcd araaamnatlf raea'd to take th naot.
aary actioo to protect UioniMlTaa.
lialed al Oregon tit, Uracon, tbu 11th day of
aiarou, itaa).
J-18, i-U Raoorder of Oregon City. Oregon.
Ins Kind TPS Haw Always. Boqgtt
Tempting rag.
Total number 14.1.
The primariva for the election of delegates
to said convention will ba held In the seve
ral precincts at tbe usual voting plaoes on
Saturday April the 2nd at the lollowlng
Heaver Creek
Canyon Creek
Lower Molalla
Maple Lane
Ore City No 1,
" " 3,
riesKiint Hill
8111I11 Hprlngu
2 p. ni. Harlow 1 to 2 p. m.
2 Borings 2
2 Canemah 4 to 8
2 to 3 Cascades 2
2 Clackamas 2 to 4:30
The republican convention for the
state of Oregon is heroby called to meet
In the city of Aetoria on. Thursday,
April 14th, 181)8, at thu hour of 11 o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of nominating can
didutus for the state and district oflices,
''except congressmen," and to transact
such other business as may properly
come before said convention. Tbe con
vention will coiiHiat of 285 dulgutes,
apportioned among the several counties
of the state as follows;
2 Eagle Creek
2 George
2 Highland
2 Upper Molalla 2
1 Milk Creek 2
2 to 4 Milwaukle 2 to 4
2 to 6 New Kra 2 to 4
2 lo 7 Ore City No 2, 2 to 7
2 to 7 Oswego 2 to 7
2 Hievers 2
2 Springwuler 2
2. Union 2 to i
2 West 0 City 4 to 7:30
The judges and clerks of said primary
election shall be appointed by the commit
teemen of the respective precints.
A copy of the credentials of delegates
elected to the County Convention shall be
fnrwarded to the Secretary of the County
Central Committeein time to have the same
Hied before Die hour of 8 a. m. April 0, 18118.
Eaoh precinct shall be represented in the
County convention by duly elected dele
gates in person, or by residents of the same
precincts holding proxies of said delegates,
and not otherwise.
y order of the County Central committee
made at a regularly oalled meeting held on
Murchfl, 1808. i
Tuoj. F. Kyaii, S. M. Ramsby,
Secretary. Chairman.
ftf M
We are Justly proud, we think, of our
tempting array of irood things for the
table. At this season itrequires enter
prise ond some expense to find new anal
choice thimrs. We prefer putting forth
every efT.rt in be half of our enviable
reputation and the needs of our patrons.
7th St, Crocer.
Wfil W
William's Kidney Pills
Has no equal la discuses of the
Kidneys aul Urinary Organs. Have
a you ncKiccwu your jviuuev sr nave
T vou overworked vour nervous rvs-J
Ttcm and caused trouble with your
iviunevB nnu isiauuerr nave you
piiins in the loins, side, bock.proinsi
and blmldcr? Have you a flabby np-
... ..... .. VA niu i m:i", uiv:iuiij
under the eyes? Too frequent do-
slro puss urlno ? William's Kidnoy
Tills will impart new lifo to the dis- V
(Tcusea orininH, tone ud the system
and niaUo a new mnn of you. My
mull 50 cents iwr box.
Notice for Publication.
Land offl.a at Or. goo City, Ore., Feb. 2S, lags.
itouoa ia nanny riT.o mat tna lotiowioi-
named aoiUer baa fllwl notloe ol hia Inuntion
to aiaka dual proof tu an p tt of hta elam, and
that saiJ rrf will ba m.da before tha Keriaur
a I . .... .
ana nweiver at ur(oa cuy, u s., ou Apru utu,
uh, vis: .
R. E. ftm. for lb B u of 8K k aud NW UofSE
4 oi exw, to, i p. a a, a i w.
Ha names iba followlus wlmraws lo nrora
hi. oomlnuoui r sidaneeunou and oulUrailon
oi aaia iaua, Ta:
WlUlaia A. B.wton, Alex.adsr llonroa, b 1 1
of Sherwood, Or, ana Max Hohulprle. and
William Sampaoo, both of Uracon City, Ura.
4.4-t CHA8. 8. MOOKEa, Basiater,
Id the Cirtmit Court of tha State of Oregon, tor
tha Count of Clackamas.
Tba Commercial Bask of On
to titr,
II an 17 Hopkins,
To Henry Hopkins, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are
hereby required to appear and anawer the com
Dlainl Sled aminat too ia iu aboT entitlad
auil on or before the fi rat day of the next term
of eaid Court to-wU: on Mondaj. Aonl is. ltW.
and if you fail lo anawer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in aud oomplaist, the forecloaare of a
oertain mortgage of H&u giren by yon to
K. J. Ueutel udoo the lollnwintf deacribad land
eituate in C'lavkatnaa Coonty, Oregon:
Being a part or ue uixuia ouretto u. L. U
in abore named County, bring iu eeotioo 4. To.
18.. K Ik, beginning at a point in the Waat
boundary ot aaid claim, 8. 13' a, 82.83 chain.
from theN, W.onrnerof anid claim: thence N
88 K. .I5 ch.j thenne 8. at" HO' W. .lo clia, to a
atone; tnenoe B. ta" baat 15 ohaina; tnenoe 8,
SH W. ohaina to tlie W. Ud ot aaid claim,
thenoe N. IS' W. 48 chaina basing the aaid '.
boundary to the place of beginning, containing
10 acree more or lees.
1 hie fummona ia publiehra br order of Judge
John a. Ueland. mane and dated March Al, ibVo.
V. v. if, u LAiUU KKi 1 1.
M, 415 Attorueya fur Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for
t lackaraaa Coonty.
John L BarngroTer, PtaintifT, vs. Hilar! Guet hli.
Ferdinand Oaethli, Mary Doe, formerly Mary
Goetiili, and John boa, haabauid ot aaid oar
Doe, formerly Mary Gueliill, defendants.
1 To Hilari Oaethli, Ferdinand Gnt-thli. Mary Doe,
formerly Mary Uuatlili and John Due.huaband
of aaid Mary Uo, formerly Alary Oaethli, the
above named defesdanta:
In the name of the Htate of Oregon: Yon and
each of you, are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complunt filed aga nat you in the
above entitled eult by the final day of the next
term of aaid court fullowi"g the laat publication
of ttiia anmmone. to-wit: tbe 18th day of April.
DM; and if yon fail ao to anawer, for wa t there
of, the plaintiff w.ll apply to the Cooit tor the
lei ef prayed for in aud oom plaint. Tit:
For a decree declaring that the defendante, or
either of them, bawe no title, right or interest
to the Nortiiweet quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section SO, I ownhip 2. eouth Hange 1,
East, containing 40 acr and aitnale in Cuvka-
nw Miwf . uiTiiwiMiu uinb Ml iu puuuiiu u.
adjudged to be the owner in fee aim pie of aaid
property and Uut tna u lain tin 'a title thereto be
aladged and decreed to be good and rahd
and that defeadauts and each of them and ail
persona claiming by, through or under them, be
r irerer enjomea and reatrained from aaeerticg
Or olaiming any right or title to above described
p oprty or any part thereof adverse to eaid
piaiutitl; tor ossta and diaboreementa bema
and for aoch other and further relief ae may be
meet ana equitaoi.
ihieeammooe ispabliahed by order of the
Hon. Alfred F. Ssare, Jr., Judge of the Circuit
court or uie acsxe or Uiegoo, tor atuiuejoian
Coonty, acting la tbe abtenee of Hon. 1, A Me.
Bride: aaid order being made ander date March
xua, low. usmbt WAossa,
s-4. Ui Attorney for fUinuff.
Ie(lc for Publlcatloai.
Land office at Oregon City, Ore., March 14, 1SS.
eotlee 1. heiav given ih.l the foilowlng
nam da;lerha Died niticof hia Intenth'il
t make flnai p ool la -U. port of hia e aim, and
thai aaid proof will be m.l be ois the Keglier
and Itec Irer at Oregon Cur, Or.., on May
I4tn, im, v.s:
H. K. Uni2forthe8WX c.f BrnM, Tp.4 g, R.4 r.
He nam the loilowlug wiinMM- u prove bla
eocilinii.ii. roaldanoe up.naad tulllvatloa ot
aaid laud, via:
Othe B. Taylor, Dodge, Or.; Martin h Bridm.
Mine, Dodge, ur.i John H. Albright, Springwater.
Or. Frank Uoebel, Dodgs, Or.
S-W, 4-22 CHAS. B. MOORE3, Bsgtatcr.
Administrator's) Notice.
In the County Court of the HUM of Oregon, for
the Coonty of lackainae
In the matter of the estate of Chrl.tiana Swarta,
Noliuei. hereby gi v.n by the andora'gned
that he baa been by the above entitled Court
ai poinied administrator of thee. tale of Chris
tiana Swart. d eased. All paraon. h-.ving
claim, a am. t aaid eetate mnat preaunt thtn,
with tlie neoeaaarr voahera. within aix mmhi.
after the first poblioation of thia notice, to the
nnderaigned at hia place of real den coat Wilaoa
ville. Conoty of t luksmae, State of Oregon. -
vaieu Marco a, leva.
Adminiatrator of aaid estate,
A. 8. DSR.ass, Attorney, 4.W '
Notice for lubllcatloa.
land Offlc. at Ori-f on City, Ore, Feb. 11. t, last
Notice la her.nv giveu thai t ie fo.low.ni-
oame 1 artt er baa fi e I no.lcof hi. Intention
to mka final prooi In aup.o-i of hia claim, and
trial 1 1 Drool will be road before the keglaler
and Kecefver at Ur.-gon City, Ore., on April
inn, love, viz:
fkancis m. biker,
H. E. SMS, for tha UK. 1 bee. 12, Trj.J 8, Rt K.
He nameathv following tueMi- to prove
hia conilnuon. realdei.Ce noou and en tlvation
u aaid land, via:
A nnr.iee Flucar I. Piter L.fTjrlr. Jack Orlnd.
S'aff, Valcntiue ntoker, ell ol Coltou, Oregon.
2-25, 4-1 CHAS. B. IfOORES, Re : I. tar
Admlalatralor Notice.
NaiIm i i,mK. ; . v. . r . k & i : i
have been, by the Honorable County Court ot
Uaekamae County, Oregon, appointed adminia
trator of the eaoue sf Anderson McKinnev. dew
ceased. All p raona having claimeuainat aaid
estate are reqneeted to prnaent the aame proper
ly verified to me at tlie ofhue of H. i. Croee, at-tornry-at-law,
Oregon ity, within aix month
iron me aaie or una oorioe. w. j. kalch.
Ada lm.traior of the eatste of Anderaoa
McKinnev. deiweeed.
March II, lam. (.11,44
i por 1
3. Co.,
For sale by (J. G. Huntley.
O Williams Mro. Co.. Props., Cleveland, (
15000 cords (stutnpAiie) located about
3 miles south of Oregon City and mile
from Willamette river. For sale cheap in
lots to suit purchaser. For information
apply to Holding Bros., 45 Third St.
Portland Oregon .
In the Circuit I'oart of the state ot Oregon, tor
the uunty or uacumae.
Cora Snyder, plaintiff, 1
Frank P, Snyder, Defendant.)
To Frank P.Snyder, tha above named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon are
hereby required to appear and anawer tha com
plaint filed againat yon in the above entitled
Court and auit within ten day. from the date of
theeerviceof thia anmmon. npon yon, if eerved
within thia County 1 or if aerved upon yon with
in any cm her County in thia btale then within
twcutydayaa.ter the d.teof.a d service; or if
thlaeummona lateiv- d upon you bv publica
tion then youar hereby rwiutrod to appearand
auawsraaid oointilamt on tha flrat day oi the
uext term of tni.ouurl alter aix wocka puDiloa
tion of aaid auionioua, to wit: On Monday, the
18th dayof Ap"l,1898,au I If you fail otoapiear
aud anawer caUl eomp.alnt .or waut thereof ti e
plaintiff wiil apply to ibeoounfor the relief
demantied in her ooiiiid'iinl, to wit: For tut
free dia.olv ng the b-'O I- of matrimony now
exlat tig b twuen tho lalut ff au t dufoi.dant,
ud for the ooita aud dwbumeuiunie of ihi
suit And you are hereby further no.lfied that th
iuininotia In thia auit la eerved upon you by
publ.vatioa tlierco. In (he Oregon City Euti-r-prt
e, a new.naprr publihed w.-eklv at Ore u
t'lty lu Clnckuruaa C-miity, Or 'iroti, pursue it mi
the or.ler ol t ie Hon. T. A. Mi-Brl.lo, Judite ol
thia honorable court iundt t ie S'd a. oi Mar. h
A. D. 1 IK JNO. A CAK8..N
1-4-4-6 Auo-i ey for . n utiff.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice ia hereby given that! have filed with
the Conn y Court of the Mate of Oregon for
Claokamaa County, mi final report aa executor
l the la-t will aud teetamert of A. 1. Plowman,
di-ceaaod, and that the Court trna appointed the
hour of ten o'clock A. M. of Tueeuay, the Ird
dayof May, law, aatheti.ne for hearing objeo
tiona to anid report, if any there be, and for tlie
final settlement of aaid eatatft.
Executor of will of A. T. Plowman, deceased.
Dated taroh SO, 1898
tiio. U 8TORT, Attorney for Eetate.
4-1 4-20
Persons desiring to contract for wood
in quantities of one thousand cords or
more will please apply to
Crown Paper Co.
Notice of Final Settlement.
I hereby give notioe that I have filed in the
County Court of Clackxmaa Countv, state of Ore-g-
n, my account, for finil eitleaient aa Admin
laimtor of th Kulate of Jaauer Chft, dec noted,
a d the Court hae appointed the brat Monday in
Mey, lWM.at 10 o'clock A. M. aa the date for ex
amination and eettiement of auch anconnta.
4-1 4-29 Adminiatrator,
In the Circuit Coart ot the State of Oregon,, for
ins vouuiy ox uiacxamaa.
Ed-Batdorf, Plaintiff, )
va. f
John A. baodaal. Defendant.)
lo John A. Bandahl. Defendant:
in ue name oi tbe state ot Oregon: Yon are
required to appear anl anawer the eomnlalnt
the plaintiff herein, on Monday tha latri day of
April, law, tbe earn, being the nratuayot th.-
next regular term ol said court: and if vou fail
so to appear or auaw.r, for want ther.o , tbe
plaintiff will lake juuginent againat you f jr tie
urn ot two bunJr.il dollar-, wltn intenat
inereou ei tna rate ol eight Dor cent oar
anuum from tho lOitt dav ot beptember. 18Si.
for tbe further aom of forty dollar, aa attor
ney a leaa in tnra auit aua lor the cot la and dia-bur-menlaof
taiaa ill, al.ofor a d.-e ee of lore-
e oanre oi t e mortgage, oearing date the 1-t
day oi October, IAH, given by vou to t ie plain
tiff to aecure the ptytn.nt ol the above men
l.oned aum, and f r an order of aale of toe lent
couveyed hy Mid morig. aa, to wa: All of lot
iu o.oca si, in me towu ol Oregon O.iy, Ctacaa
ma cou iiy. Oregon, a oorUlng to the jIcIauvh
lu plat thereof of record In t .e office of the R 5
cor ler of i;onfyauo i in and for aaid county
and ataie.
Tula .uramoua la pup iihe I by ordor of Alfrud
F. SearaJr.Juug.ot the Circuit Court of tue
elate of Oregon f rlw 4t.i judicial liatrlct, h -Oirouit
judge of theStn JujIcUI di.trict Dting
abeeut from aaid Ctacxama. e uniy.
Dated tha 2ud day of March, 1898.
-4-4-U Attoruey fur Phuuilff.
In tba C roult Court of tha 8. lie of Oregon, for
tbe County ol Clackama..
Harriet K. K. IKn aon,
Paul A. Oaaun , Mr P. A.
Ol m e.J.A. Armem, Id.t May
Arment,M hols Ae a. ne
a'id Pu Up Neu, iMttucri a
BVhaen.n and K.u, aud
Kuaucy Ot a,
' Defendan s.
ToP.iul AOsmne. Mrs P. A. Oiaone, J. A.
Arment, Ida Hay Arment, and F..aucy oti.,
ot the defend nt above name i.
In t euamaof the laleof Or. gon. You, and
eaoh of so ,a-e heieby requl ed t- appear and
anawer t ne o ip alu. nled .gai mt yo i, in the
aa ve utr.:d u t, bv the fir t day of the n xt
term of to.- a ove e t il d C mrt, foUowin,! the
expt'auon n tne t m.' pn crib d I ihj oner
f i t ie pub I 'a ton of I la aummon-, wh 0
wllb o M.i-day, thelSlhday of Aiiril, lsmt.
and I you fallt, ao a war and answer, .or
w nt 'norrof the i lain Iff nereiu w.ll a.p y o
aaid C iurt for'the relief d.-man ld n her o m
pl un , v s:
F judgment i gainst he dendtit Paul A
Oaitnu , t o the .ii.il f 11,00 '.00, 1 h tmeru-i
thjreo", Is wro n p r n um, f un J .nu iry
20t'.i, 18J6, ii tl paid: fortu- turt er-um.f
I COO 'a a lorney'- e. i for In tiiutiiig t ila an t
auu fo- tue co-la and diabura nienia of Ih
plainiifT herein; t al the mortgage de-crlbi-d
i .In itr'a ci.mpl not, i.nd be.n - on the fo -1
wn detcrlb d red p "i t.-, to-i : ihcW
lj of the S. S. q uarter, and he H of the -, K.
ouartrruf iheS. K. oiiarler of 8 -c. 11, in T 83.
of a 1, W. oft e W. M. n Ciackam .a Co n y,
Or -non, ro'itan Ine nil acres be foraclos d, an
thxtib. u-Util decree be made lor the .a e of
aa d properly, accord ng to law a d the prac
tice of thte Court, ho tie proce d fro n aid
a e b -applied in rhe p ymen ol ihe amount
ad J il ged tube due the p.aiu Iffhoreiu, togeih r
with her co t-i an l d I 'Unenient-, aua att .r
nev'. fea in thia auit
T tat ihe above namet defendanta. and each
of them, and all an d every i erson or peraone
claiming by, throug . or uuder tnem, or any of
t iem. either a puroha-er., enciinibr inrer, or
O'herw ae.beb-ir ed aidfurevl aed of all rlvht,
till -, interest or e julty of redemption la moi
lr pert , or any pnrt thereof, except the atatu
toiy right of r demotion.
Thia .umrnona ia DUbliahed pursuant tn an
ord-r ol Hon. Tho i aa A McBrlde. Judge of the
above entitled Court, made and entered Febru
ary Stith, im.
t-4, 4-15 Attorney lor PlainUfT.
' Numuiaaa.
In the Clreu't C"nrt of the State of Oregon, for
mi vouuiy oi viecaamaa.
Mrs Jennie K. Beckwltb, 1
r.aintifr, i
v.. V
Slmooe Chapman, I
iwienaani ;
To Blmcoe Chapman, defendant:
In lb name of Ihe state ol Oreon von are
berebv r:anlred t app;er and an.wer tne com
Pin II ed ngilnat you In tb. above e 'tilled
auit and our i o i or before tne leth day ot
ApiiU lxtri, tha being me Ar t day f tb next
term oi 1 ie aboveentl'l -I Court, MloiUg .fx
16) con-'cn'lv w e pa dioa Ion of ihla aum
uiou.; and if you lall ao to appear an l a iwer
aid mmi'laini, for want thereof t ie plaiutlff
herein will take a decree egaii.atyoi aa do
uianded in lt to "P-a.nt, to-w t:
That tne pUliii'ff 1- the own t In f-e atmnls
ot ihe i-ouiriea-t qn. r er of ae tion fourteen (14)
town.h :. aix (t),u:h o. Bug tares ii) east
of the W.lUroe te Meridian.
Ihat 8imcne -impiuau and all peraon. claim
ing u.id r bim be decreed pi have no r ght, tne
orln er-at In or to the e"V decrlid real
property or any part thereof, and for the eoeia
-ud Jiabnre iienu of thia -alt, and fur euett
other and f lriher rt-l ei a. t - tne Court may
a em meet an i equli .ble a the pram ee-
Tula enm on- ia aerved a -o i ou by pa 11cs
tion In the Oregon C ty E 'fr rlee, ov vl ta of
an order made by tne j i ige of ihi ai ore enti
tled Court, and duly made and eutend on this
18th day of February, IstM.
1-25, 4-8 Attoruey. for p aiuUlC
I tbe Circuit Court of tbe 8Ute of Ore, -on, for
the Co, nty ot C lac lamia.
Mary Mader,
1 1 dnt.fr,
James H d .a-, Lucy Hodgea, !
Henry Ur iah, Klia Bra b nd
UDuia A. Bales,
Def. ndan a I
To J.uie- Hodge and Lucy Hodden, d -fenJaata
In tne name o! the aiate of 0 g n you are
. er by a tin d ud require.! t. appe-.r in tna
anov ni Uj Ci irto or be -ore tu flrat day-
4 i e n.-xi r guhtr term the sof. t -w.t: oa
M i diy, ti e W a lay ol Ao 11, 189S, to maka
m-wer o oamUfT. cnmnlil t SIM In the
aboy , en lill cauao; and ii you full, to ap
pear ao i auaarer plaint ff w 11 a ply lo th t -aid
Court for ihe rel t-f demanded n ner ampl ont,
nam ly: F ir a d.-cee aw idlnt p.alnl n Ju.g
nte t agalpet you nderhiv n for th-, aum
of 1682.00 logeih r witn inure-( taervon at taa
raeoflO ix' -u- i r annum irom Ja. uary
I3th. 1898. al lnU.1nl.IW i: f ir thxurnol
176.00 attorney, ie. a a d he ota .i .1 bune-
ioeiiui ii.il ui: ; I a a tr aa-llud? ng aid
Ind -b edne and tne wn.r.e ih rota Sr.. It to.
on 'h rsi props ty herein Iter da criu.d, and
recto in: ine mor gaf. g v n oy you to tna
!.ai. t.ff h re a .n Ja mary l.tth, .896, to a euro
he uma b -va aimed ud -n h .oliowlns d-
"or.ied real nroner y -Itiiated In thu e .uui nf
Claoxainaaa at no of Oregon and more our-
tieu a ir ue crl d tfoliowa:
Hegl .n ug o tbe w at s.de of See. 23. In T. 1
9, R I t. of Wi lam f- Mert Ian. at the nalr.
mue tk ; thence 8.80 ioda; I i uceE.lrjOrole;
t etiOJ N.SOi- da; thenoe W. lot) roi to puea '
of be nnlue, oouia n u u acre , aud a Jn Igiug
hat h- mj b: -olJ f r h.-aa l fact on of ha
aaildebta t -tit tha proceeda -l ihj aaid
-I -be uauffielent to aatiafy auoit J dgm.-utaa
pi dn Iff ma r cover aga ne y- u. that plain-
n nave )udgm n . ga.n.i you and sa h ol
OU lor a h deliclenov end t .at vou and ina
a v iral .tefen lauu I . th a auit aud all of t eta
for cl d arid birred of ail equity n re-
motion an I right In and to tue atoresai j
r periy and every twrl the--of and f ir ancn
other ant furher rhef as to tha Curt aaail
m meet.
T na -ummnna I. publish id br or.ler of tba
Hon. 1 lei F.S&ir-.Jr .Judge of the Circuit
urtuf ihe atate of Or gun. for Multiomak
ouot. . acting in t ie abae .te . f Hon. 1. A. lie.
Bride, - nd by reaaon oi hi- mab litv tn act.
oider belug made i n icr da.e February Uio,
low. nui'Mr.a oi tYtiirriin.
2-18,4-1 Attorneye tor i.ia n-iff.
In the Circuit Court of tbe state of Oregon, for
la Equity.
Qustaf Peterson,
AdamTroger, I
IMlendant. )
T Adam Troger, defendant above named:
In the uame of the aiate of Oregon: You are
hereby r quired to appe ir anian wer to t ie
i imptaint niei agaiu-t yon in tne ab ve entl
Kd auit by the first day of tha
next term of the . above entitled
court foil .wing tho expiration of the t ma
preacr . a n ne o aer i r tne pud leniou of
t I Bum n n-. Which S-t da wi 1 be Mnn ir.
the Is.h d yof Apr i, 1898. And if you mil to
io i rnnda awer, f -i w-itu ther.-o. pi .In.iff"
will a.p to a deou t (or thi relief .leinaii ied
iu th complaint, ih'relet d -maud ;o i tho
eel. i ore f acertmn mortg g- execu-ed br
you . n me lltb oiy o(U rc.i, 181, to piain. fr.
aecure to plamtifl ti e payn ent
f 412 id reo Iv.o uy you oa
th t ate from plain IflT, aa per promla-orr
n te a.t out in tue oompiaiu , pint t it i ll
t i g be own r and ho.der of aid n t ud
mor. Kate, ere n w b iue d ie on aaid n ita tha
aum of 1 12M ith int r t at aix per cent rom
ne 11 h day ol Ma-i-h. 194. a n-a-imuh.u nt. nr.
n y'a lee aud the co-la and d ibur-euieiiti of
i a ui , hi t mortgage having co vey d t , ad
mon.aisee In t.... purpo e the full mini da-
I'tlh d re l pro er V. to wit: Tne Snntnur. .t
o ar er f . W Vi) of .he Sout iwet quarter (.
. ) "f rn-o lo . twenty n ne (29), Town-ihip
mree (S i-oum n Kango hre (b), ens' of the
ll m tte Meri lu:a:ao h.-Not w a nuar
i-r(N. W. Vi) of Section thirty tw.. (3 ) in T ,n
I i. tnr e 1 3). S. ut i of Ranee Has, (i r..t,ii
WlHamett' Meridian, nil In Claeksmna ooutitv.
Oiegnu. And fur. her, a decree ba-rint and
for cl .In .-y m ot an I from any and nil rig -t.
tie, lu eret an I i aultv of n-dein t nn n nd
to aa .1 abov d acrl d r al propert'. And fur-
iu r, a uecree correct. ng tne ap.-IIH g ..I your
name in me uody of tne above uieutl- ne.! m irt-
ga-efr m Dregerto Troger.and a likeoorree
l on n t e apell ng nf y iur name Iu Hied, e-l.ol
aid properly received by you f om plain ff.
Thia aiimmnna la pub Ished by order of don.
Alfred F. Seara, Jr., Ju.ige of the Circuit C urt
oftheaatuuf Oregon tor Multnomah cou-ity,
ao mg tn the abiiute of Judne i. A MnBr de of.
C.ackanaa oounty. E . O. MILLER,
Attoruey lur .aiut tt.