Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 01, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Tlis Knterprlse (rum now until
the election for two bit.
A high crate warranted sewing ma
chine Mill for L'5 at Ihillomy A liusoh,
on essy terms.
L. L. Claras, of Logan, was In the clly
Katnrday. I la Iim several fresh milk
cowi lis wishes to disuse of.
In 1710 only one In flftmtn of the popu
lation In ttiU country wssa niumtierof
any church. In 181K) the ratio was on
la five.
What lovely hats aald a lady that
dropd Into the Ked Front during Mr,
Hamilton, millinery opening end the
prices ere eo very russoneble.
For quiet place to tiltcli your horse
way from the motor line and place to
et a flrit class Job of retiring or borne
hoeing call on 8. F. Kcrlpture't ahop on
Fifth street.
A free talk will be given to mothers
and daughters on Petuidav, April 2nd,
from 2 to 3P. M at Willamette Hall.
Tlie ladles of Oregon City are cordially
Invited to attend
Orange and lumon lc;3 can toma
toes 20c; 2 cans table eache25c; rallni
4c; 60 II. fine salt 35c ; bluestone Be ;
Hay, wheat, oats oil moal, planter, etc.
at the Hod Front.
Mlaa Edna Taber's watch which wa
lost last Thursdsy evening wa picked up
fortunately by Vet Ilrownell, who un
delivering It to tta owner, verily re
ceived hi leward.
II Not Deceived I A Cough, Hoarse
nes or Croup are not to be trllli'd wllh.
A dose In time of Khlloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Mold by Charman A
Co., Druggists Oreon City.
A llanket social and entertainment
will be given by the member of the
Woodmeu Circle, and the Woodmen of
the World, at the Willamette hall on
fcaturdny evening, April 2nd lS'.iK
The caw of Tuedttnelr v CUckamaa
County which was brought up at llill
boro lat thursday w diclded ill favor
of the county, I)it irt Attourney Ch-cUm
oelng axiixti'd by Ilrownell A Catupltell.
Cure that Cough with Chiloh's Cure.
The beM t'ongh Cure. Relieve Croup
promptly. One Million bottle sold luet
year. 40 does for 25 tent. Sold by
Charman A Co., Druggist Oregon City.
Dr. Mlllor hs just added a complete
Cataplioreiw's outfit to Id well roilp
ped Dental olfW and can fill teeth with
out the leant fear of pain. Ufllce- 7th
street near the Bout hern I'ai-iflo depot.
Dr. L. L. rickena, dentlat, does al
kinds of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and brldite work a
Seclaliy. All operation guaranteed for
A years, Call and gut my prices. Otlke
In Barclay building'
Karl's Clover Koot Tea la a pleasant
laxative. HeKtilate the bowel, purities
the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easy to make and pleasant to take. iJa
cents, hold by Charmn A Co., Oregon
On last Saturday, Mr. lleadriik.whlle
operating tome of the machinery at the
0wtgo Iron Works, got hi bans' caught
and mui lluled so badly that his physi
cians lbs. lo ell and Heaman found it
neceary to amputate seveial of his
fliwer. It Is thought hi hayl may be
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plar
thoea Ueuiedy in the WorchcHter Enter
prise recently, which lead me to write
this. lean truthfully say I never uaed
any remedy equal to it for colli) and dial
rhea. I have never had to use more
than one or two donee to cure the worst
case with myself or children. W, A.
Stroud, Popemoke City, Md. For sale
by Geo A. Harding.
The Shaker have made a great hit.
Their Digestive Cordial is said to be the
most successful remedy for stomach
troubles ever introduced. It Immediately
relieve all p.iln and UiMtres after eating
builds up the feeble system and makes
the weak strong.
The fact Is, foods properly digested are
better than so-called tonics. The Cord
ial not only contains food already di
gested, but Is a dlgeater of other food.
Food that I not digested does more harm
than good. People who une the Cordial
insure the dilation of what lood they eat
and in this way get the benltlt of it and
grjw strong.
The littlo pamphlets which the Slink-
er hiive sent drugKixts for free distribu
tion, contain much Interesting Infor
mation on the subject of dypxpepsia.
Laxol Is not a mixture of drug.
It la
nothing but CaHtor Oil made palatable.
Ask Your Doctor
what effect alum has upon the stomach., Then
make up your mind whether you will put any
more low-price baking powder into your husband's
or children's food.
Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar and
soda. Nothing else. m
Last yoar's pattern of wall paper at
reduced price on 6 and lOo counters at
Uelloray A ttiiacli.
Indies, Take the Html. If you are
troubled wrlh Constipation, Mallow Hkln,
and a Tired Fueling, take Karl' Clover
Tea, It li pleasant to take. Hold by
Charman A Co,, Druggets, Oregon City.
Dyapcrmia Cured. Hhlloh'i Vltaliwu
Immediately relieve Hour Htomoch,
Coming up of Food Distress, ami la the
great kidney and liver remedy, Hold by
Charman A Co., Drugulsls, Orovon City.
Daniel William, at Hie uortheaNt cor
ner of Center and Seventh atrwiU, has a
choice and well selected slock of (mlly
vrocerlee which ha la tolling at very
reasonable raUs, Ill motto li "live
and let live, with honsat weights and
measures". (Joods delivered to any
part of the city.
"A word to the wine U snfllcltinr and
a word from the wine should be sulllclent
hut you ask, who are the wise? Those
who know. The oft repee'ed experience
of trustworthy person may be taken for
knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says
Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy gives
bettor satlftfoctlou than any other in the
market. He has been in the drug busi
ness st Klkton, Ky., for twelve yesrs;
lias sold hundred of bottle of till rem
edy and nearly all other cough medicines
manufactured, which show conclusively
that Chamderlaln's Is the most satisfac
tory to the ieople, and I the best. For
sale b Geo. A. Harding.
The "Drummer Boy of khlloh" will
give two entertainments In Khlvely's
ball next Monday and Tuesday night
April 4th snd 6th and a matinee on
Tuesday afternoon st 4 :30 under of the
Y, M. C. A. hilar course admission to
all prts of the house, 26 cents, children
under 16, 10 cents. No words can con
vey any Idea of what these woudeiful
entertainments are like; they must be
seen to bo understood. ( Mineral W. T.
Sherman said: "I think it is the finest
Miing of the kind ever inesented, to see
it snd hear it explained, i an event In
any life " The Ute Hev. David hwing
Mid: "It place the sx-clator in th
middle of the hottest llht among the
shot and (lie. The set-no Is fearfully
diaries A. r'ltrh.
From Sunday's Otegonlan. Charles
A Fitch came to Ore-on Irom Kansas
several years sgo. and for a time he pub
lished a reform paper at I.aUrnnde. He
also did liewapaner work in Portland for
a while. Two years sgo, he took charye
of the Oregon City Herald, the populist
organ of Clackamas county, snd, to some
extent of the stale. He revived that
languishing per, and put up a hot
campaign that resulted in the election of j
the lull populist ticket in Ulackamas
county. Then Fitch bought the paper,
snd lias continued bis Populist prop
gands.Koing out in thecountry frequently
between Issues of his paper and making
live itump speeches. He is about 30
yesrs of sge, and something of a hustler
Millions tilrra Awny
It Is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
and suffering. The proprietors of Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
Cough and Colds, have given away over
ten million trial bottles of this great
medicine; and have the satisfaction of
knowing it ha absolutely cured thousands
of hupuless case. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all diseases of the throat
chest and lungs are surely cured by it,
Call on Charmun & Co., Druggists, and
a-et a trial bottle free. Regular site 60c.
and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed, or
price refunded.
Rheumatism Cures',
My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain
Bui m (or rheumatism with irroat relief,
and I can recommend it as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and other
household use for which we have found
It valuable. VV. J. Cuvlkr, Red
Creek, N. Y.
Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer
chants of this village and one of the
most prominent men in this vicinity.
V. U. Piiii'i'iN, Editor Red Creek
Herald. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Dreudrully Nervous.
Gonts: I was droadfully nervous,
ami (or relief took your Karl's Clover
Koot Tea. It quieted my nerves and
strengthened my whole norvou.i system.
1 was troubled with constipation, kiduev
and bowel trouble. Your Tea Boon
jdeunsed my system so thoroughly that
j rupwiy ruguinuu noauu una strength.
Mrs.S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold
by Charmar. & Co., Druggists, Oregon
I City.
Hepsrate 1,'ompsny . lospedlon.
The regular quarterly inspection of Co.
F, O. N, (I., was held at the Armory,
Monday evening, Major P. G. East wick,
of Portland, lo charge. The company,
consisting of about fifty representative
looking men presented an excellent ap
pearance, Amonv the spectators were a
number of ladles, and several distin
guished ylsltors from Portland, Including
Ex-Captains Fielding Kelly and J. W.
Ganong. After the Inspection, medals
were delivers by Judge Gordon E. Hayes
the shsrpshooters and marksmen, who
scores for 1800 and '97 were as follows)
Sharpshooters Private B. N. Bradley,
47 ; Captain L. L. Pickens, 94 ; Sergeant
W. Moffeit, 03 ; Private Isaac Percl-
val, 01 ; Private D. Fancher, 01 ; Private
E A. Ilghton, 01 ; Serueant D. Lan
kins, 01; Cap'aln F. 8. Kelly, 01; Pri
vsteR Gantenbein, 00; Private A.M
Russell, DO: Private G. M. McBrlde.OO;
and the following whose scores were less
thsn 00: Flint Sergeant J U. Campbell,
Corpora! H. L. Kelly, Jr., Private E. E.
(J. Seol, Private Thos. Csrrlco, Private
H. Godfrey, Private W. 0. Boy lan, Pri
st e II. K. Jones, Serueant E. A. Smith,
Musician F. Confer, Private J. Thomp
kins, Private L. Iioylan, Private 0. G.
Waldron, Coriwral J. P. Keating. Prl
vate A. Willey, Musician A. Zimmerman.
Marksmen Private L. May, 72; Lieu
tenant W. A. Huntley, OS, Private C. U.
Wilson, AO; Private M. P. Holden, 61;
Sergeant J. II Black,64 ; Corporal E. A.
McCauNland, 64 ; Lieutenant Fred Mets
ner, 03; Sergeant E. W. Bcott, 62; Pri
vate M. Meyer, 01 ; Private R. Rothen
burg, 01 ; Private J. E. McCauiland, 60;
Private D. W. Thompkin, Sergeant G.
B. Fancher, Private C. Roland, Private
L. VanMeer, Private C. E. McCausland,
Speeches, Music ai.d Hopper.
A plessint entertainment was given
by the I)euree of Honor, Myrtle Lodge,
A. O. U. W., last Friday evening at
Willamette Hall. Mrs. M. W. Briggs, of
The Dalles, Grand C. of II.. delivered
an interesting addiesa on the Lodge's
wuik, showing that its object is not for
amusement alone. Among the distin-
quished visitors was Mrs. Julia Gwilt,
past Grand C. of II. of The Dalles.
Mrs. Ssdie White gave one of her char
acteristic little songs, which was eepeci-l
lly enjoyed. Mrs. White is one of
Oregon City's best artists. She sings
high soprsno, and poasesses the rare
faculty of pronouncing her worda so that
the audience can understand them.
Mrs. F. T. Barlow filled the important
position as chairman of the committee of
arrangement. After reudoring of pro
gram an excellent meal supper was
served ; and then Miss Beatrice Barlow
played on the piano a few old-time
tunes, as "Billy in the Low Ground"
and "Snane Itivnr " t
0-ning address. ..... Mrs A R Sprague
"Short Sketch of Order" .Mrs J Gwilt
Piano solo Miss Beatrice Barlow
Recitation Miss Lucy Bruner
Soprano solo Mrs Sadie White
Address "Degree of Honor and its
Work" Mrs M M Briggs
Soprano solo Miss Mae Chase
Recitation Miss Mabel Holenbeck
Electric Hotel Arrivals.
D Collins, Salem
Aldus Carpenter, Kalispell, Mont.
Frank Myers, Portland
Wm. J Devlin, Virogua, Wis. .
J M Tracy, Louan
Geo. Wilson, Spokane, Wash.
D E Russell, Sedalia, Mo.
M M Geer, Portland
E D Smith, Chicago
R Johnson, Portland
Geo. M Brown, Vancouver Wash.
F II Moulton, San Francisco
A A Hurd, Sprinirwater
J D James, Walla Walla Wash.
J W Conn, Astoria
C H Black, Everett
S M Cooper, San Francisco
E F Mocy St. Louis '
W R Hunt, San Francisco
J B David. Newberg
The Electric hotel la the finest in the
city and first-class in all its appointments.
Electrio cars stop in front of the door.
OhwBuo, March 2T. A quiet home
wedding took place Saturday evening,
March 20th, at 6 p. in., at the residence
ot E. J. Lee, In South Oswego, the con
tracting parties being Miss Alice Lee and
Arthnr Davidson, both of Oswego, Jus
tice James Coon officiating. Miss Maggie
Hiillinan acted as bridesmaid snd Ward
Lee as best man. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of relatives
and immediate triunds. They will make
their home at Mrs. Lee's for the present.
Another Fire at Canenuiti.
J. E. Hedges' house iu Canemah came
very near burning down last Saturday
about noon. The roof caught fire by a
spark from the chimney. Fortunately
Air. Hedges happened to be at home,
and with the aid of several other men
present succeedod in putting the fire out
before a groat deal of damage had been
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Qulu ine Tablets.
All Druggists refund the money il it fail
to cure. 25c.
e'eadaehti ttopped In K minutes by Dr,
lloa' i'AU) Pulls. "One cenfc a duse."
Ureen, and bis Wife and Children,
" Ex-Postmaster 8, R, Greeo was called
on Wednesday by a representative of
the Enterprise who happened to be In
Green is still behind the bars, and.
from present prospects Is apt to remain
therefor some time, His surroundings
do not seem to impress him as being
espucially attractive and be is rather dis
posed not to talk about himself. He
wss surrendered to U. H. Deputy Mar
shal ' Humphrey last Friday by bis
bonJsmen. Green had expected his
uncle, it seems, to back him op, but the
latter refused to do so, claiming that
Green's difficulties have already cost
him (Meyer) sboot 700. Green it is
claimed sine coming to Oregon City
has had everything In his favor.
Through 'the Influence of his friends be
has held varlou political offices that
have paid blm good salaries, that, bad
he not gambled and drank, should have
furnished a comfortable support for bis
wife and children, as well as, by now,
have enabled blm to have placed his
family in fairly good circumstances.
Until the postofflce wastsken from him,
on account of a shortage In money order
funds, he had held that position for
three years at a net salary of 80 per
The situation is, that Mrs. Green,
who is known as a good woman, and
her four children, the eldest of whom is
12 yesrs and the youngest only a few
months old, are practically dependent
upon charity. A day or two before
Green was taken to jail he bad his
family moved to a house, the rent opon
which he represented to his wife as hav
ing been paid in advance. Ithaa since
been ascertained that be had moved
his family Into the house without even
having permission from the owners of
the property, much less having paid the
rent In advance.
Peter Nehren, wbo !s a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Green, seems now ber main de
pendence. He has rented her a house
near the Factory and assisted ber in
moving into it. From now on ber
sister who works in the Factory will
board with ber and thereby assist her
in making two ends meet. Her friends
in the country bsve also volunteered to
send her in some provisions. Mr.
Nehren says that as long as Green re
msius away from Mrs. Green and her
children, be will do all in bis Dower to
help them along ; but that if Green should
succe d in getting bail and be permitted
to return to his family be will have
nothing farther I o do with them.
Invitation for Proposal for Snrveyi.
' Notice Is hereby irfven that sealed pro
posals will be received at this office op
to and including April 13tb, 1893, for
running, measuring, and marking, ac
cording to law and instructions, the fol
lowing described surveys, to wit :
nsscairTioN or scbvkys.
T 1 s,r 41 e,subd lines 60 exterior lines 6
T2,r4le " , "
T3s,r4Ie " "
T4s,r42e "
60 " " 12
60 " 6
60 ' SO
60 " 24
00 " "12
60 ' "20V
60 " " 12
60 " " 18
made in writing,
T22s,r41e " "
T23e,H6e ' "
T24s,r44e "
T25s,r45e ' "
T20s,r45e "
All bids must be
sealed, and marked "Proposal to Exe
ute Government Surveys described in
Notice No. 2, dated March 20th, 1898."
Proposals may be left at this office in
person or enclosed in an envelope and
forwarded by mail.
Bids for the surveys described in this
notice will be opened on April 14th, 1898,
and notice forwarded to the successful
bidder within 10 days thereafter, accom
panied with contract Including said sur
veys, and bond, which must be properly
executed and returned to Uiis office im
mediately. Robert A. Habkbsiiam,
U. 8. Surveyor General.
Office of U. 8. Surveyor General,
March 29th, 1898.
Acetylene tiaa. The Future Light.
Why not be Independent and own
your own little gas plant which will
give four times more light than ordinary
gas or electric lights at one half the coat T
Applicable for use in churches, stores,
factories, hotels, residences and country
homes ; safer than ordinary gas or kero
sene Ismps. Approved by all the Boards
ot Underwriters throughout the United
States, We want a first class agent in
every town. Write for catalogue and
Tub Acetylbnb Gas Maciiinb Co.,
Akron, Ohio.
Snellen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman A Co., Charman
Bros. Block. Price 25c.
BtantU -ya Tin Kind You Haw Always Bougfit
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of alt la leavening
Strength. V. g. Oaw at Report
Msnthly Fains cured by Dr. Ullea' Pain Pllla,
'A,l) Letter List.
vm a it t t i it i a ..
ine loiiowmgis wis usi oi letters re
maining in the postofflce st Oregon City,
Oregon, on Msfcb 17, 1898: .
, i WOMtl'S LIST.
Albright, FW
Dsyldson, M E
Hillman, Mary
Hill, Pearl
Lawson, Bunt
Martin. Maggie
May Mary
Moody, Eannle
Nelson, Effa '
Scott, Marie
"' . ' . NSS'S LIST. , ,. i
Armstrong, Elmer Oiler, Andrei
Austin, Geo
Brown, W
Brsbdberg Geo
Baell, Lewis
Porter, W B
Sagsr, F
' Bhenck, E
Smith, T
Shaffer, Jesse
Stone, Thos
Watts, AC
Turner Orln
Way, Henry
Whitten W
Carls, Ernest .
Ellison, Chester
Johnston. Mr.
Johnston, T J
Memson Aron
Newman, Jno
If called for state when advertised.
. J.J. Cooeb, Acting P. M.
Fire la Canemah.
Mrs. Robt. Blanchard of Canemah
narrowly escaped having ber boose
burned last 8uoday afternoon. In some
way a curtain was ignited, probably
from a match that bad been dropped on
the floor, but Mrs. Blanchard in ber
presence of mind, with the aid of a
pail ef water, succeeded in extinguish-
ng the flames before any serious dam
age was done.
From Extreme nervousness,
Til AT no one remedy can contain the
elements necessary to core all diseas
es, 1 a fact well known to everyone.
Dr. Miles' Bytcm of Restorative Remedies
consists of seven distinctively different
preparations, each for Us own purpose.
Mr. L. C. Bramlej, 37 Ilcnry St, St. Cath
erines, Ontario, writes: "For years I suf
fered from extreme ncrronsoess and annoy
ing constipation, dereloplog Into palpitation
and weakness of the heart. I was enable to
sleep, anffered much from headache, pain In
my left side, palpitation and a constant
feeling of weakness and prostration. I began I
Uklng Dr. Miles' herrine. Heart Cure and
Nerve and Liver rills and the Anti-Pain
Pills to relieve sudden paroxysm of pals
and headache. I soon felt mnch lmprorcd
and the pains and aches and weariness left
me. I then took Pr. Miles' Restorative
Tonic and am now restored to my former
good health." I JHWXZ"'
Pr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gist under a posltWe
guarantee. Drat bottle
benefit or money re-
Miles' 4
eases of the heart audi Health aS"
nerrcsfroe. Address, fj.. .yiUtl&?.
DR. MILES MEDICAL (X).. Elkhart, Ind.
our customers claim for us and
our groceries: That we offtr
the best of groceries at the low
est prices. They have confi
dence in our goods and know -that
we never misrepresent our
selves snd that our stock of fine
" groceries is the purest and the
most nutritious. 1-aft. hut not
least, tlieir grocery bill saves it
self fully 25 per cvnt by their
dealing with MarrA Mnir. '
Our way of doing business is
to treat every one fair and square
and offer the very best in our
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
v .. LEAVES ...
Portland foot of Washington street Tues
day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at
5 o'clock Returning, leaves Clatskanie
Monday, Wednesday aud Friday even
ings at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Stella 7:15; May iter 7:25;
Rainier 8:20; Kalama0:15; 8U Helens
10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m.
This is the nearest and most direct
route to the great Nehalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co.
M EveryWy
Tbey all say that
Headquarters for Hay, Landplaster, Seeds, Etc.
R7l MkM tb fo4 par,
whcUMOM and StIlclM.
.Absolutely Pure
Fleischer Deserts the Army.
Chief of Police Bn.ns arrested Bator
day evening, Geo. F. Fleisher, a deserter
irom Vancouver, beloneine to Com
pany D. Corporal C. A. Fix came after
him Tuesday morning and took him bai-k
to Vancouver. This is bis third deser
tion. He seems addicted to drink an l
was drank when arrested. The fact that
he was dressed in citizens clothes wIipbj
srrested makes the matter more serions
When I ravelins;
Whether on pleasure bent or bminess
take every trip a bottle of fryrun of Fi.s,
as it acts most pleasantly and effectual 1
on the kidneys, liver, anp bowels, pr
venting fevers, headaches, and other
forms of sickness. For sale in SOceuA
bottles by all leading druggists. Manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co
H Do You
N Know the News
You can have it all for
Wi . . .
y in the hvemng Telegram, of Fort-
land. Oregon. It is the largest
l evening newspaper published in
Wl t . . : .li . i
vi--iii , it uuiiikiub an mo uews
of the State and ol the Nation
Try it for a month. A sample
copy will be mailed to yon free.
Address - - ,
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.
Pi Ja'Jai a Z X Jk X Z i!
They overrom nnkneai, trrtfn
r o
n-l uMtUtia,inrreasc rj w
. and
lion.1' IUvr'Lirs Mr.Trm
mia -puna) nirnMrut
IO sriria al wosrtsisibiMxi. auluikt uar
Ttlopment of orrana and body. N
v.y-'i3l J?.'ii thfin. Cannot
for womta ttiual
nmrm iie n
anr. 91 mr mm
jsorrcEEHiua Co,
For sole by C. G. Hnntlev.
fresh & cured
Go to f
Os. Albright, Jr. C
all parts of
the City.
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
City Stables.
W. H. YCUNC, Prop.,
Buccsors to W H. COOk
Livery Riga on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
AU pain ban lulled by Dr. IW Pain Pills,
Say s Bis S
Carrie the mot complete s'Oi
ol Firbt-Class Groceries ti Lb
found in the City.