OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH ,25, . 1808.; WAR GLARED I BE On high prices and will continue in the future as In the past year, until every article in our store is cut in two. Our Cut Prices prevailing the past year have saved the people of Clackamas County many a dollar and our Court of Inquiry reports the following CUT PRICES: REGULAR PRICE. OUR CUT PRICE, I REGULAR PRICE. OUR CUT PRICE Strengthening rhetors 25 10 Pinkham's Compound 1 00 80 Electric Bitters &0 35 Celerv Compound : 1 00 70 Squirrel rojflon w, REGULAR PRICE. OUR CUT PRICE. Hood's Sarsaparilla $1 00 C-ic Rod Lino " 1 (X) GO Pierce's Favorito 1'rcHcription 1 00 05 " Golden Medical Discovery 1 00 05 Vaseline 10 05 Epsom Salts. 25., Ayer's Tills 25. Carter's Pills 25. OUR CUT PRICE, 10 35 25 10 15 15 Every article we sell is frenh and genuine. No old, slal drugs. Special Soap Sale this week, all 25c Soaps cut to 15c, all 15c Soaps cut to 10c, end all 10c soaps cut to 5c. Look out fur our announcement next week. inn Drlnn Molno ThoHO lhat buy of ua ttlway8 6et tho lowest Irice9' and Price Cutters CH ARPflfl & GO., cut cut Rate Drugg.st. School Books and Stationery a Specialty. Mall Orders Solicited Telephone 13. STATE NEWS NOTES Nutfiir-beet Kffd Frer J. It. Heffle (one lo Atuiika Iter. K. A. Hoss Hill eel lllmnrir DUIIkrtl. Kuosss. Or., Marrb 21. Thr Incheaof now 111 liar thla inornliiK. It has not ysl II disappeared. It U nut thought any serious damage hai been ilotit U) crops, nil nona will be unlets hanl Inwit occurs to. night. Colonel Pavld M. Puniia, on Maruh 21, iiinxl cliargs of Ilia Internal revenue illi trlrt of Oregon, aticceedlnK llenory IHarK man, who baa held (hat ofltce Ida laat four years. Mr lnnn hat aalllrd on J. Frank larli a lila ohltf deputy. Mr. Nancy llufrmii, wifa ot II. II. lluf fum, died after a short lllneM, at lirr home In Amlly, lajt week. 8h left a huahand and ulna children. Hha wailxirn In A ml row corny, Mlaxniri, Jtuia II, IK1, Hha ram lo Oregon In and waa married to II. II. llulftim In H4V Hha a resident nl folk ami Yamhill counties M yrari, Wis waa burled In Amlly eenielry. Hn uaoKo, Or., March 21. Krank Clam nt, who waa murdered nrar Hiieep Camp, wliil an root to Ilia Klondlka, waa wall known In Hill city, ha having owned 10. era (arm within thrra in I lei ol here. Ha waa Imluatrioua and bad anma money out t Inlerret lUwaa not considered quarrel, unit. Ha left thla rliy January Ila had lirly f I'M) Inraah whan ha left. Ila bad no ralallv br. At MrMlmivllla tha other day, Rev. R. A. Hon, tha revival preacher, aked all thoaalnlila congregation tori who had read paaaage In th bonk ot Heieklah. Abouia doseii ro, aoine nt them long time rhurch niemrer. Tha tvangeliel aald: "Why (Jod bli-sa yon, there'a noanrli bunk In lh Hlblsl" There waaaroaeaie flimli o'srsprrsd loma cheeke that had been allow for Jearn, and It wasn't nereeeary lo a Hand an Invitation to ail down. Ilrotlier Ileegle, of tha Oregon Cilv Enter irla, Inrmerly of tha Hi, Helena Mbit, he aevered bla connection with Hie Knterprlae, nd li now at Hi. Helena. John la Ant ral fellow, and It would not satonlah na to see hltn located riiiaiieiitly at 81. Helen gain. Calblaniella (laxetle. Mr. Ileegl will not be In St. Helen. In all probability, tor onie lima, ilnra laat Friday ha took leave for 1'yet, Alorka, where he gnea a n assistant of Revenue Collector Iveyln the cuiloni aervlce. Cohvaixi, Or., March 20. Tub exrl Bient (lallon at Corvallla has Just received large lot of Imported sugar-beet aeed for distribution to farmer who ara willing to report remit to tha station, llerelolor Hie mpply of ed ha been rather limited, but Ihi leaaoti th United Slate depart ment of agriculture haa become more Interested In tha possibilities of tha atala through the prevloua cMorl of Chemist Shaw, and ha mil fur trial a siitllclently large quantity of eed to aupply all farmer who ara willing tnexperlnient. Application for seed thonld b made at once to l'rofraor O, W. Shaw, chainlet of experiment elation, Corvallli, Or. To "Pry." Pry I not uncommonly used in this Sense in tbe west and south wont of Eng land. It is looul form of 110, to force open by means of a lever. Yon may "pry up" a nulled box lid with a Bbisol, "pry open" a fuHtencd door with a crowbar, eta Another Amcricun. in tance may bo fnnnd in "Funu Life In New York," Sorlbnnr's Mugnino, vol ume 17, No. 1, whero a burn which must be moved whs "pried up" by levers and jocks to iinulilo a sled on runncri to bo placed uiidor it. Just as New Knglanders, well nigh without exception, if not the people of the United Ktntun gencrully, Hpeuk mid write of "prying open a box" ntid "pry ing np a Htono," no in thin purt of EaHt Anglia do all but persons of coiibider able edocation. None of tho glossaries of onr local dlHlout tlint are aoooHNible to me records tho uhc of "pry" iuKtiinced above, bnt it is given in several Knglinh dictionurlos, among them being Btor month's, ai if it were a common corrup tion. Jamlooon'i Scottish Dictionary has the word "Priw, prize, r., a lever, B.j E., pry, to force; Lntin, preRcn, prcsenre." Btormouth ( 1871) 1ms "Pry, T. (probably Hcot), to mine by a lever," eto. Tbe Mayflower carried oil nimiy old words now olmoluie. .Notes uud Queriua. Blank note, reeeipt. and order hmtVf at the Entkrpribs otllce. ANCIENT POLITICAL"RINGS." Oldea Time Kehemre for (ititalolng Wraith and I'uwer. The evil of mounpnliea and ring was known to oiicieiita, Arietotle referring to tbein in bia "Politic," and then, as now, it found in ronnary to bold them in clunk by leginlution. ' Tbe mo iioHiliat was In Hoiiinn law eallod a durdunnrius and putiialied ondur tbe Lei Julia do Annouu. Mouoiollvs of clothing, dab and all articles of food were prohibited by tho Ciupcmr Zeuo nudur puiu of conlleaillou and esllo, ao tbut it la cerluiu that tho "rlugs" of the ancleutduys wero a miwhievous as they are now. At Athena a law lim ited the amount of a ooru a muu might bay. The eurlieat recorded iualanoe we have was a corn "ring." There is an ancient tradition that tbe king who uiudo Joaejib bia prime win later and coiniiiitted Into his bund the entire admiiiietrMtiou of Egypt was Apepi. Apepi waa one of the shep herd king and ruled over the whole of Egypt aa Joseph's pharnob. anems to have dona. Tbo prime minister during seven year of remarknblc jilenty bought np every bushel of corn beyond the ab solute need of the Egypt iaua and stored it During tho terrible fuinluo that fol lowed be was able to get bis own prioe and bartered corn Mn-wwdvely for the Egyptian money, cattle and lund, and, taking oue-ilftb for pharaoh, made him suprvmoly wealthy. It was not merely a provldeut act, but a very politic one, bis policy being to centralize power in the monarch's bands. London An swers. Aallfal Me. Rantlnre Joke, The late George von Bunaen, the so rorapliidied and delightful son of tbe baroueaa v. bono "Life and Loiters" are well known In America, onoe told me an anecdote of tbe lute Princcus ilmy of Tuck and the celebrated Bunting. Tbe priucvaa becumo, in berniiddlo lifo, enormously etout, and fludiiig her weight a burden tried several methods of reducing it. At luMt, having beard mnch of Panting, she sent for bun. Khe waa surprint! to see that he was still extremely bulky, and after a few civil preparatory remark she said, "Bnt your ay litem has not mudo yon very thin, Mr. Panting. " "Allow me, madam," said Banting. And proceeding to oubntton bis coat be discloaed a large wire structure over which the garmuut fitted, luaido was the real limiting, iueaeed in another coat "This, madam," said he, pointing with pardonable sntiafaction to bis cage, "was my size before 1 commenced dieting. " Ho then nimbly disembarrass ed himself of his framework and stood before the royal lady exhibiting his ele gant flgura Apparently the interview led to noth ing but amusement, for tbe good Duch cks of Teck remained very stout to tbe end of ber days. Exchange, NATIONAL J VTsr Claim Kill raaaed-fSO.OOO, Htatue of Line jln lobe Erected at Uettyaburf. BETRAYED BY FLAPJACKS. WiiioTna, March IS. Tha boua com-1 mlttee on puhlle land agreed today on tbe New Mexico bill, allowing that territory to take Immediately about half tba land to which iha would be entitled In event of aduilaeion a s stale. W'AeiiiKnToa, March 21. The house to day unanlinooaly paaaed the bill for tba relief of Iha inrvivor and viclima of the Main diaaater. Tha bill relmburaea th nrvlvori, olllcer and men, for tha loaae they aiiBialned to an amount not to exceed a year' pay, and direct the payment of a om equal loa vear'i pay to tbe legal heir of thone who periahed. WeuiRiiToa, March 18. Tba senate com mittee on privilege and elections today authorized a favorable report on tba amend ment lo the lonalilullon, Introduced by Henator Hoar, changing tha tima of year tor tba expiration of tha lerma of president, viopreidnt, tenator and representative In oongrea from March 4 until the laat Wednesday In April, Wahisoto, March 17. During the 1 morning aeeaton of tha Senate the following . billa were paatad: To pay lo Biawart college, Clarkavtlle, Tenn., )20,OIO damage done by Union troop during the war: to authorize the erection of a statue of Iha late President Lincoln at Gettysburg, to coat .'O,000; to prohibit railroad companie from charging mora than 3 cent per mil for carrying paeaenger through (ba Indian territory; to authorize tha couatruciloii of a gunboat on the Grant Lakes, to lake tba place of tba Michigan, lo cost, exclusive of armament, not lo eioeed f .30,000. FOREIGN. UladNlone Heme M. Patrick's Day lo Loudon Spanish Soldiers Re turning to Spain. Havana, March 21.-Today 70 officers and 00 soldiers who were on the sick list returned to8pain. l.oNDox, March 17. A dispatch from Home sayi the Italian government ba sold the armored cruiser Vrei to Spain. MAPain, March 18. Weyler denleathe authenticity of the letter published in the Sew York Journal yesterday in which be is alleged lo have said the United Htates would not dare send a warship lo Havana while he was In command there. Tarda." "I will not go into tbe details of why ( waa there," said the hale old capital ist, "except to my that I was aotingfor i large eastern concern and trying to find i muu who bud betrayed on important trout "There was a big snowstorm raging In tbe Bierras when I reached tbe little towu near them and pnt np at the prim itive botel that offered food, lodging, drink and a proper care for my horse. Couvoutiuuulities did not obtain out there, and during the evening I booiimo acquainted with u. woman who was just from the "ant. With her was a very sick liltlu boy, uud her one anxiety was to buvo bur huhUiiil with thorn as soon as he could bu brought. Ho was in tho tuouuiuius among tho miners, uml every euo in tho fcUtk incut mid it would le ImpoRKililo to reach him until the storm bad Hubbldvd. "My sympathy for tho woman was so great that I determined to relieve bor puiulul anxiety if it wero posxiblo. All efforts to (liHKimde mn wero useless, and they looked at me as I left the hotel as though they never expected to sue mo again. I will uot attempt to describe the trip. Thirty-six bourn after I start ed I bUunbled into tho ounip UiiougU sheer intervention of Providence. With men uiul mules wo mailo our way buck, and a happier reunion you never saw. The boy grow better, and the big, rough miner burdened mo with hiH tlmulis. "Christmas moruiug he got mo into a little room back of the bar and said: Tiii J, I hain't no talker. Hero's a Chris'inas gif'.' "It was a half interest in one of tho richest mines ever developed out there. He uud 1 have been 'purils' ever since." Detroit Froo Press. Bkri.in, March 20. Theodore Ledner, with an expedition, aided from state and privste sources, will start on tbe steamer Heligoland next May . In search or Herr Audree, the missing aeronaut, and In pro, acution of ecientlflo Investigations. Lokdon, March 21.-Tbe Dally News Rome correspondent says that Spain has bought the cruiser Garibaldi from Italy. The Argentine Republlo has bought the cruiser Vsrts, The Untied States wanted to purchase both of these vessels, but was toe lata. Colonel John Hay, the United States Imbasnsdor, who has been traveling in Egypt, arrived at Athens on March 4, and the next day was invited to the palace and had a private convention of an hour's duration with King George, of Greece. Colo nel Hay left Athens on the 11th with bis family, snd ssiled from Pstrsa for Venice. He returned to London on Sunday. 4 Walter Who Caa Tell Mao's Oeea. pstloB by tba War U There is a waiter In a Dearborn street restaurnut who has discovered the sci ence of reading man's occupation by bis manner of eating. He can look into tbe calm eye of a costoiuer engaged la disarticulating a "ham and" and de termine with wonderful accuracy whether tbe man is a scissors grinder or State street merchant. Of course one most be a close observer to do all tbis, and it isn't everybody that is afforded a lunch counter for a field of study. Yet if the student will avail himself of opportunities while seated at tbe mahogany board be will find that when the business man is at tbe table some habit acquired in tbo luily pursuance of bis profession will be sure to show itself. For an instance, the banker may come In and order wbeat cakes. If be does, tbe waiter declares bo will invariably dip his fingers in tbe water and run over tbe cakes to see if there is a mis count. Tbe gambler will look around to see if any one is watching and tben palm a slice of bread. If be orders flapjacks, be is sure to slip thorn one by one from the bottom as he eats them. Tbe clothing salesman will hold bis flapjacks np to the light and feel the texture, while the keen observer will notice that the jew eler, upon ordering pie, will bold it to his ear, shake it and tben listen, after which he will lift off the top crust with tbe point of his knife and examine tbe insides. During an interivew tbe other day tbe waiter statod that be called bia new science "eatistry." "I have not mastered my science yet," said be, "and seldom a day passes but that I learn some new point. Oh, it's a great study, and I think in time it will take its place along with palm istry and phrenology and other kindred sciences," "Have yon ever made a mistake in judging a man's occupation?" "Only ouce, and thwj could hardly be called a mistake, for I made no decision aa to the man's business. I confess I was stumped. The follow came in and ordered his dinner. Of course I gave him a glass of water. He looked at it with some surprise and said, 'I didn't order that.' " 'It costs yon nothing,' says I, 'and yon don't need to drink it unless yon want to.' "He thanked me, and what do yon think he broke his bread into it and then ate it with a spoou. I didn't know what to make of it, and for tbe life of me I couldn't determine what his busi ness was. When he was leaving, I tap ped hira on tbe shoulder and asked him outright what he did for a living. " 'Whysays he, 'I'm milkman.'" Chicago Inter-Ocean. AN OLD GOVERNMENT DIE. DO YOU NEED ANY IKitiio. ins, Glass, Moll OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? : GO TO : C. H. BESTOW ! CO Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner llth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oreg . THE FIRST OF THE YEAR Will be a desirable time to enter the New classes will l commenced after the holiday vacation. For catalogue, address W. I. STALEY, Salem, Oregon. The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY The factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast I)S1KN, March 19. The Tall Msll Ga xelte anya Gladstone's general condition is appreciably worse. The health of the Mar quis or Salisbury is greatly improved tit. l'uirick's iluy was generally celebrated Thursday here. The shamrock was to be seen on all (side, and at the Brimingham asaises the iord chief justice, Baron Russell, of Killoween, appeared on the bench with a sprig of shamrock pinned te his robes. The Puke of Connaught, esfwttng the Duchess of Connaughl, who opened the Irish industries sale at Landsdowne house, London, had a bunch of shamrock in his buttonhole, snd Bear Admiral Charles Beresrord snd other Irish members of par linientof note all sported the emblem. I Send tho ENTcrtriuHB to yonr friend in the Eubt and thus give him an idea of what is going on in Clackamas county, It may induce him to locate with us. Used by a Lawyer aa a Paperweight For Years. In the course of a lecture at the Ap prentices' library A. E. Outerhridge, Jr., relutod an interesting incident that serves to show how mnch more careful Uncle Sam is iu the destruction of old dies for coins than he used to be. "Some time ago, " said Mr. Outerhridge, "I was visiting tbe office of a friend who is a lawyer, when I noticed upon his desk a little metal object, covered with three or four coats of red paint, which was apparently in use as a paperweight It was a government die for a silver dollar of 1809, and for my friend to have it in his possession was a penal offense. He , did not know whnt it was until I told him, and he informed me that it had been around the office as a paperweight as long as be could remember 40 years at least. I gave him a silvrr weight in its place and informed the authorities at Washington of the circumstance, also forwurdiug my friend's affidavit as to what ho know about it . "At that time, though all dies were suppled to be destroyed when discord ed, the system wus rather lax, and they sometimes found their way into the pos session of juuk dealers. Iagreod to turn over uie did upon condition that it should not be destroyed, bnt kept in tbe numismatic collection at the Philadel phia mint and that I might borrow it at a future time to illustrate a lecture. The conditions were agreed to, and I have brought the die with me tonight to show to you. I had to write a very toraul letter to et it, stating the pur poso for which it was to be used, and it must be returned tomorrow morning. " Philadelphia Record. tHrvt'arh atopped Jo 10 minqtfls by Dr. MiW 1vm PiiJJi. "One cent a done." OREGON CITY Is Coming to be One of the Bet Ma rketi ng Town in the State Hi This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the x last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all (he people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for THE PRODUCE of the Farmer Get our Prices on Job Printing,