OREGON ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1898. 3 LOCAL NEWS AND INCIDENT. Front compressed yet cakes at Hr rls' grocery. Tim tramp, on the road, In at hit best, nd licit to best on the street. Schillings best rollco, tea, spues and baking powder at Uarrl' grocery. Ileadqtiartera (or blue sloni'.laud plas ter and reliable aecds. Ilarrla' grocery. March UHtti A. H. Dresser will address the republican club at Milwaukie at 7:30 p.m. A high crate warranted aewing ms china sell (or W at Ihillomy A. llum.li, on easy term. The Ilea lllve ttore which haa been conducted by Mr. P. Fisher will tw moved next week to McMlnnvllle. We wish lo call attention of our patroni to the (act that back accounts muat be paid up, both subscriptions and accoimti due (or work done In the olllce. For a ipilitt place to liltch your horse war from the motor line and a place to got a drat class job of repairing or home hoeing call on K. K. Scripture's ahop on Fifth at rent. A llasket social and nixrtaiiimint will be given by the members of the Woodmen Circle, and the Woodmen o( the World, at the Wlllamitie hall on Saturday evening, April i'nd I Him It Not Itocelvedl A Cough, Hoarse- ries or Cro'ip e not to be trlfb'd with. A done In time of Hhiloh'e Cure will aave you much trouble. Mold by Chaniun A Co., Druggl! Ore ton City. Don't anooy othera by your coughing, and risk your ll'e by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure curea cough, eolda, croup, grippe and all ol her throat nd lung troublea. (leo. A. Harding. Cure that Cough with Sliiloh'a Cure. The bent Cough Cure. Itelieves Croup promptly. One Million bottlea cold last Tear. 40 dorea (or 2b rente. Hold by Charman & Co., Prutrglet Oregon City. Willametie IMiecra Lodge gave eoclal Tuesday evening. An entertain' ing literary and inimical program waa rendered after which rcfn-ahmenta were erved. All present had an enjoyable time. A great eprlng cleaning la now going n In Ilia epaeloua office ol lledgea and Qrlllhh. The brand new paper (or the walla and ceiling and bordera haa been elected with much taate and will make o attractive Improvement. President Chapman, of the University o( Oregon; President llawlev, o( Wll lamelle University, and Prtsldent Camp bell, of the State Normal achool will be here in the near future to deliver lectures before the high achool classes. What pleaaure la there in life with beauache, constipation and biliousness? ThoiiHand experience them who could tiecome erfectly healthy by lining DeWltl'a Little Early Itiere, the (anion little pilla. Oeo. A. Harding. Dr. L. L. l'ickena, dentist, doea al klnda of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain rrowne and bridge work socially. All operation! guaranteed (or 6 yeara. Call and got my prices. Office In Harclay building There are three little tiling which do more woik than any other three little tlilngi created they are the ant, the bee and DeWltt's Little Early Uieers, the last being tin famous little pills for tomach and liver trouble. Goo. A. Harding. Mlsa C. Goldsmith cordially Invites the Indies of Oregon City and vicinity to lnHiect the grandest and Bieatest dls play of Imported, trimmed hate and millinery novelties ever brought to the city, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, April 1, 2 and 3, 18U8. After yeara o( untold anlfuring from piles, n. W Tumuli, of KnitnurfevilU), Pa , waa cured by using single box of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. Skin dis ease such as eczema, rash, plmploa and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous .remedy. Goo. A. Harding. When a person is loosing flesh and wonting away there la cause for alarm. Nothing so worries a physician. Con sumptives would never die If they could regain their usual weight. In fact there would be no consumption if there waa no wasting of the system. The cause of this loss of flesh Is a (ml lire to properly digest the (ood eaten. Nine-tenths of all our diseases date back to some derange ment of the stomach. The Shaker Digestive Cordial will slop this wasting of the body. It a't8 by Ciuslng the food we eat to be digcetod so as to do good, for undigested food does more harm than good. The Cordial con tains food already digested and is a di gester of foods as well. Every mother hates to make her chil dren take Castor Oil. Laxol ia sweet Castor oil. Every Package of Schillings Best tea is a sample. Your money back if you don't like it. For the beat dairy orcicaniory butler go to Harris' grocery. I,at year's pat term of wall paper at reduced pi Ice on 5 and lOu counters at Hellomy A bnsch. Ladle, Take the Ileal. If you are troubled wrth Constipation, Sallow Kkln, and a Tired Feeling, take Karl' Clover Tea, it Is pleaHNiit to take. Hold by Charman A. Co., Druggist, Oregon City. Children and adult tortured by burns, acahla, Injury, ecwma or akin diseas es may secure Instant relief by using DeWltl'a Witch 1 1 axel Halve. It I the great Pile remedy. Oeo. A. Harding. DyspepMa Cored Rlilloh'a Vltallxor Immediately relieve Hour Stomach, Coming up of Food Distress, and 1 the great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Charman & Co., Druggist, Oregon City. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea ia pleasant laxative. Itegulatea the bowel, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Kasy to make and pleasant to take 25 cent. Hold by Charman & Co., Oregon City. Whooping cough ia the most distress ing malady; hut It duration can be cut abort by the u of One Minute Cough Cure, which Is alto the Ix-st known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial trouble. Goo. A. Harding. A thrill of terror 1 exeriencod when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. Hut the terror soon ihangea lo relief afier One Minute Cough Cure ha been administered. Safe am. harmleea for children. Geo. A. Harding. In Ilia lai.il oltloe atUii(oii City Friday Itfwlvcr Uslloway hesnl testimony for final prHih In four hoiniiteail cases; Mist Maul Itulil. George I'. W. Jtwlnliwein. Christian Katx-r anil Arthur Field being th applicant. Tli land I situated in ioiibip4 south, range 0 t, near Kalis km. Daniel William, at the northeast cor ner of Center and Hevenlh street, has a choice ami well selected slock of family tirocerie which he i telling at very reasonable rales. Hi motto it "live and let live, with honest weights and measure". Goods delivered to any part of the city. We are anxioiia to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasent er or beller way to do It than by re commending One Minute Cough Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, consump tion and other serious lung troublea that follow neglected cold. Geo. A. Hard ing. Rev. F.. Edwards, pastor of the English Itapllal Church at Minersvllle, Pa., when urn-ring with rheumatism, was advised to Irv Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "A few application of this 11 ni ment proved of ureal service to me. It subdued the infUmatlnn and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giv ing Pain Halm a trial it will please me." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. I have leen alllicted with rheumatism for fourteen yeara and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantly suffering. I had tri-d everything I could hear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was Imme- litely relieved and In a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josii. Edoar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. This remedy ia intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and lufliiensA. It has become famous for Its cures of these diseases, over a largo part of the civilised world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its uood work ; of the aimravating and peinistant coughs it has cured ; of severe colds that have yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has show that it robs that disease of all dangerous cons quences. Hold by Geo. A. Hartiiug. Hypnotism. Prof. Bernard late of Paris, Is going to give the people of Oregon City a chance losce something of this mysterious art Saturday evening at Shively'e opera house. He comes well recommended . and all who have a curiosity to see Hie great modern miracle preformed should net uiImi seeing him. Admission 25 cents and upward. Best or All. To cleanse the system in a gently and truly bentfloial manner, when the Spiinglimo comos, use the true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. . One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all druggists. James Freeman's Body Found. The body of James Freeman, one of the (our unfortunate men who were swept over the Willamette Falls and drowned on the foggy morning of Feb ruary 8th, while crossing the river la row-boat on their way to work, waa found March 10th, one month and two days after the accident, lo recognis able Ute of preaervation, floating In Willamette Hiver near Magone's Park, by Andy Magone. Coroner Bummera took charge of the body, and it waa hurled Frloay evening in the Canemah cemetery. The (our pall -bearers were young Freeman's friends, two of them having worked with him at the paper mill. The funeral bad large attend ance. The funeral sermon was preached at Canemah, Sunday, by Rev. Dr. Williams. Jamea Freeman was 18 years old when drowned; his brother George, Jr., was 28 years, and their father, George, waain hie 60lh year. L. J. Shannon was 30 year old, and left wife and four small children. So far James' body la the only one that has been recovered, and this looked as though it might have been covered up in the sand and after ward stirred out by the steam boats. It is very prohable that the other bodies have been sucked Into the deep pools and by now covered deep with sand. Mrs. Freeman's main dependence now i her son Frank, aged 19, who at the time of his father's and brothers' deaths waa working in California, lie Is now at home and hopes to be perma nently employed at the Willamette Pulp and Paper mill where bis father was steady worker (or about seven years. For Two Hour and Thirty Minute. Saturday evening at Milwaukie Sena tor Brownell spoke to an enthusiastic audience, composed of Republicans, Democrats and Populist, on the ''Legis lative Hold-up" and other important inane of the day. For two hours and thirty minute he held the attention of interested hearers, and pdglng from his their reeaied applause, they would have enjoyed lisUnmg to him even much longer, He covered a good deal ol gtound, explaining thoroughly his paat and preaeut positions, fully vindicating himself, to the evident satisfaction of his Republican friends, from all the false accusation, lately cast upon him, concerning his record as a politician. He announced hitnelf a a candidate for the senate, but stated that be did not care to return there unless it were the desire of the people of Clackamas county that he should represent tbem, and that he was not "Mitchell" man, but an honest Republican who had never yet asked any man for his vote except when he could come out oiwnly and look him touare In the eye, and that as a Repub lican he expected to support the regular caurus nominee of the Republican party, Mr. Mitchell, or whoever be might hap pen to be. Among the distinguished listener were a number of ladies, a representative of the Oiegonian, and the Hon. W. S. U'Ren, who had arranged to speak the night before in the same ball, but poBt poned his address for the reason that Ids expected audience (ailed to mater ialize' After the speaking, the audience was treated to a combination ol Swiss and French songs, very quaint and unique, by the Milwaukie Alpine quartette; then Mr. Richard Scott, chairman of the Re publican club, brought In large can of fine old home-made, campaign cidar. Now the talk In the homes of Milwau kie is "Senator Brownell." the ablest campaign speaker, and therefore the man who can control more votes than any one else in Clackamas county. Charged With Embrixlement. Wednesday afternoon E. C. Clement, postolllce Inspector, swore out complaint before United States Commissioner Deady, charging 8. R. Green, ex-postmaster at Oregon City, with having em ber..kd $1100 worth of money order funds, and that evening United States Marshal Humphrey arrested Ureen, but after wards released him on a 2,000 bond to appear before the commissioner Monday. The amount of the bond being unusually large, but (or the generous and prompt aid of several good friends, Mr. Ureen might have had to go to jail. Several months ago it was discovered that the postofllee money order fund was short, on which account Green was dis missed, his bondsmen taking charge of the office and making good the shortage. The matter Is involving considerable in torest but the prevailing opinion is that the charge of embezzlement goes a little too (sr. Our Own People Interested. At the State oratorical contest held at Albany lust week, four of the delegates were members of the Oregon City Bnp- t'mt Church. Miss Edna Rugg, daughter ot Kev. Al. i Knpg. woo represent Portland university, was awarueu imra honor. Lost. pocket-book A black pocket-book on March 8, soinnwbare between the Enterprise offlee and Fifth and Washington streets containing money and a calling card with MiBs Hilton's name. Liberal re ward will be paid by leaving same at this office. Foresters and Cuba. The Cuban Relief entertainment given last Thursday night at the Armory hall by Court Robin Hood, Number 9, For esters of America was attended by about 300 of Oregon City's representative citi zen. The oratorical and musical feat ures of the program undoubtedly passed the expectations of the moat sangnlne present, and they were carried ont just as printed. Mayor Caufleld's and Gen eral Beebe's address were well received and evidently appreciated ; but, orator!- cally speaking, the hit of the evening was Senator Brownell. Ilia address fully satisfied those present who may have been curious to know why upon various occasions the Oregonian had deemed it advisable to devote so much of its valuable space to the Senator. It Is because be ia a speaker, and the gift ( oratory carries with it strength. Wben first called the audience began to ap plaud, and continued to do so through out his speech. In the short time al loted him he covered sood deal of ground, confining bimself strictly to the subject. He is not at all verbose, pos sessing the (acuity of being unusually fluent, but so simple in the choice of his ords that he might be properly termed luxuriant, and hence eloquent. Father Hillebrand'a address was also quite interesting. He believes and it is hi desire that Cuba will eventually be made a part of the United States, and thinks that it should then be termed, "Lon Star State Number Two." Rev. A. J. Montgomery waa equally enthusi astic, claiming that nothing should thwart us in our attempt to relieve the suffering Cubans and that wnen we get down there, if the "Spanish cur" dares to even bark, we should catch it by the tail and throw it into the sea and sink it deeper than the Maine had been snnk. Colonel R. A. Miller's speech waa origi nal and, characteristic ot that worthy gentleman, appropriate and to the point The vocal solos, rendered by Mrs, Strickler, Mrs. E. Sadie White and Mr C. A. Miller, were all good, bot Mrs. White received the most applause. Mr, Miller waa fortunate in having an excel lent accompany ist io the young lady who played the piano. Prof. Zilm's violin aolo ws much appreciated. Mr. Fitcb made a Diet-rate master of ceremonies, nd his remark about "planking" down the quarter shows that he has an eye lor business, be be or be he not son of Kansas, By about eleven o'clock the speaking wo concluded; then tne seats were moved away and the ball, decorated in bunting and evergreen tastefully ar ranged, in Forester emblems and one large Coban flag, waa changed into ball room, and a hundred or more con plea, for three hours longer, under the inspiration of the surroundings, danced or kept time with their ft-et to the intox icating music of such irresistible tunes a "There'll be Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." The net receipts were M9-50lj Tha RommoM of Cvmvtcrj. Ont at Calvary is a monument maker who baa grown wise, and this ia the way it happened He is an economical man and attends to business. He need to receive all call ers aud show them about the place. If two prospective patrons came together, he saved time by showing tbem around together, pointing out the sorrow en during qualities of certain stones, the tear compelling possibilities of certain designs and tbe grief assuaging merits tf the price. One day a man came and looked over the place for a monument sufficiently eloquent aa marker for wife deceased. He came very near bny ing beautiful shaft on an expensive base, with a world of chiseling about It He said be would come out next day ud decide. Next duy he came; aim came wid ow who bad about given a definite or dor for a towering monument for the most mourned of busbai'da Tbe mon umeut man saved time and conducted tbe two around together. They looked at tbe things already all but ordered. Then they waited and desired to look farther. Then they dawdled and talked a good doul to each other. Then they went away on the sume train. In a day or two they came back together, picked out one monument for tbe two deceased worthies a rather niodust double head' er, by the way and told the stone man they had concluded to get luarriffl and to use the money they saved in furnish lug a flat Now tbe stone man baa a helper, and bereaved men are never allowed to In spect the place In company with bereav eu womon. Chicago Post Ia tbe Wrouf Order, "He was married and went craxy, ' she said, referring to a statement in moruiug paper, Granting that he had any sense in the first place, "be returned, "you must ' have got the statement reversed. "How do you mean?" she demanded, "'He went crazy and married, ' makes it seem more plausible," he answered. I Ghieairn Pout Inoompatibl. "Squallinger, what has become yonr carriage aud span of bars?" Of "Had to sell them. Fliokinger. I'm keepiug by carriage and span of . twins." Chicago Tribune. The royal Irish constabulary is the . ouly police force in the Kingdom which ia practically on military footing, tbe . members of which are drilled and dis- ' eiplined as soldiers. Noro's eyeglass, through which the nearsighted tyrant watched the gladia torial games, was an emerald, out into the form of a lens. Trouble Came In floaters. Dr. Sornmer, who Is attending William Bonny, the yonng man whose horse ran into s Gladstone street car on March 12, nj bis brother, Ira Bonny, of Red land, whose skull waa fractured white at work In sawmill, about an boor before the street car accident, report them both olng well. Ira has been taken to tbe Oregon City hospital, at Gladstone and tbe doctor says be will recover, though very seriously injured. A full account of tbe accident is told by our Redland correspondent this week. Burklen's Arnica Halve. The best aalve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sore, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cores Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman 4 Co., Charman Bros. Block. Price 25c. St. Patrick's Day. Yesterday waa tbe 17th of March, which comes but once a year. The morning, when tbe heavy (og bad cleared away was bright and pleasant. Many persons wore the green American shamrock; but the beautiful little genu ine emblem, tbe little clover leaf sham rock that cornea from old Ireland, was seldom seen. Foarral Hervlces. A large nnmper of the friends of the late Mrs. Albert Gaylord attended her funeral this afternoon to tender their last respects to ber memory. Rev. W. Gilbert and Rev. W. B. Farr con ducted the services. The interment waa made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. From Wednesday's Daily Eugene Guard. To Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quin ine Tablet. All Druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. 25c. Oregon City Xarket Report. (Corrected weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable, SO cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.10; Howard's Beet, $4.10 ; Fisher's Best, $4-00 ; Dayton ; H-30: Peacock, (4.30 Oata in aks, white, 40 rente per bushel, gray, 40. Millstuffs Bran. 116.00 per ton shorta, $16.00 per ton. Potatoes 40 cents per sack. Eggs, 12 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 35 to 40 cents per roll. Onions, $2 25 per rack. Green apples, 40 to 75c per box. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 4 cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c- pronea, 4 to 6 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon llama, 9 to 10 cents; sides, 7 to 8; shoulders, 6 to 7; lard 7 to 8 Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, 3 to 4 cents; hogs, live Scent; bogs dressed, 5 to b cents ; si eep, $3 00 to(4 00 per bead; veal,drea8ed 6 to Poultry Chickens, old, 3.50 to $3.00, turkeys, alive, 8 to 10 centa per pound. "Saved Her Life." iwl Wis., than whom none Is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 1390 1 had a severe attack ot LaGrlppe and at the end of four months. In spite ot all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only aloep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained me terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie In on position but a short time and not on my left aide at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a half bottle of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tle and was completely restored to la ult a to the surprise ot all.' Or. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottl benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, l Curs' Restorec j Heatth $9 DR. MILES MEDIO A U ( Y., Flkhart, Ind. OASTOniA. Stan th l,aw lwars BoucM &a a EL ia Eyery They a'l Ray that HARRIS' GROCERY Headquarters for Hay, Landplaste', Seeds, Etc. R7l mtkt tk lo4 pun, 1 woljn t4 Vllclmi. I!. B FOYDER Absolutely Pur nut wm pmti M., mw vom. Hard Hail Storm. At 10 minutes of eleven Saturday morning Oregon City was suddenly vi-r ted by a bail storm. Tbe nuggets weft very large and round not many sqnare. For fifteen minutes they poured down, uatil the streets and tops of bouses and topi of men's hats were left white. Then tbe sun came out, when all sin of a bail storm immediately disappeared), sine die. A Sarrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs Ada E. Hart, of Groton, 8. D. "Was takrla with bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finlly terminate in consumpti'in. Fonr doctors gave m up saying I could live bot a short lima. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, de termined if I could not stay with 111 friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My bus Dana was aavise I to get Dr. King's Sew Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Cold. I gave it trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now well and healthy woman-1' Trial bottles free at Charman A Cu. Dm.' store. Regular size 5oc and $1.00. Gu iraw- teed or price refunded. Mr. Sladen and XIm Wishart Milliners. We have received a large line of iha newest and beet design of millinery an have been consulting with the best tal ent on the coast and from New York ai9 Chicago, and Mie Wisbart, tbe talented milliliter will combine ber own idc, with the information leceived and dis play at our opening day, which will In shortly, tbe finest assortment of milliar ery that has been in tbe city. Look oyi (or the opening day that will be an nounced next week. We inyite you come and examine our pattern bats and prices, which we guarantee will to cheaper than you can find anywhere. Lost. Strayed Imm Parr place: ChestnuT sorrel mare, light mane, shod all around,, strip in (ace, four white feet; and 3-yeaa Md bay elding with halter. Informa tion of the above horses will be paid far " by the undersigned. Wm. Galloway, Oregon City., Altona Time Table. O. C. T. Co's. Steamer Altona leave Portland for Salem and way landing) daily at 6 :45 a. m. Leaves Oregon Ciry for Salem at 8 a. ra. Returning to Port land about 3 p. m. HOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Tfu-y OTCTTonto Mtcness, f-r rr laritv to! omliMri,tiiJcreaTeTiii- y bai)li 'iuliiat vt nienatruav ttuo.M Thy au Life stovrr loirlrlnal womtnbootl. uliUtiir d TrKpint of ortfatunU btHiy. r known rfmtMly for wmn wiifp a.. II kv alt- lit r it Aw M0TT C HEMiv. AL 00 CIMiaa4, For sole bv C. G. Huntley ! Tempting fyMiJ. We are justly proud, we think, of our tempting srray of itood things for th tahle. At this season it requires enter prise ond some expense to find new anil choice things. We prefer putting forthv every effort in be half of our envabl reputation and the needs oi our patmnv A. ROBERTSON, 7th St. Crocer. All pain banished by Dr. Mile Fain Pllla Carries the moot complete 0"h ot First CU.-M Groceries to I found in th City. $: is T ft 6 8