Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 18, 1898, Image 8

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Proceedings of the Regular February
In the matter of the petition of 0. U.
Iwthwaite, et al. fora county rotd : H.
Thieesen. Al Cook and Thomas Miller
pjH)inteU viewers, to meet Feb. 23d.
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the Adolf Kasper road; John Talbert,
K. Scott and Waller Kirchem appointed
to appraise damage. Remonstrance
denied. Viewers to meet Feb.SWh.
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the Huttkember road; petition
framed. .
In the matter of corduroying Gage
kill ; ordered corduroyed, Commissioner
Marks dissenting.
In the matter of the report of viewers
on Stauber road; Pave wcArthur,
Ladrew Mack and James Evans appoint
ed viewers to meet Feb. 28th.
In the matter of the report of viewers
m Dauti road; petition granted.
In the matter ol me report oi viewers
on McCabe road ; petition granted
In the matter of the application ol b
"W. Midlam for relief for D. 0. McAfee,
in indigent soldier; 113 per
soldier; $15 per month
granted to commence rebruary 1, lsys,
to be drawn in K. W. Midlain's name,
same as other indigent soldier warrants.
Petition to have J. R. Hently taken
from indigent soldier relief list; petition
In the matter of the resignation of J.
E. Courtney, judge of election in Molalla
recinct; R. 6. McLaughlan appointed
to nil saul vacancy.
Application of Levi
Erb to corduroy!
till in district 35 ; granted,
Petition of Lorenso Tenny, et al, for a
survey on Viola hill ; granted. To be
aurveyed Feb. 20th.
In the matter of the vacancy on
election board in Viola precinct ; A. I).
Crane appointed to till vacancy on said
In the matter of delinquent taxes of
Abner J. Cole for the year ISO", for
which the sheriff at time deeded the
lro)erty to Clackamas county; ordered
that 'he county make a quitclaim deal
to John P. Cole, the present owner, on
the pavment of $'5.50 and $4 interest.
In the matter of the appointment of a
coroner to fill the vacancy caused by the
-death of Coroner Godfrey ; E. A. Sumer
appointed ou petition of the following
taxpayers: William Barlow, H. L.
Kelly! 0. R. Xoblitt, J. E. Hedges. J. G
Filsbury, O. G Hnntley, H. C. Stevens,
Charles Albright, J. YV. Moffatt, V. E.
Lewihwaite, H. S. Gibson. E. J. Me
Kittrick, Charles II. Caufiell, R. C.
Ganong, J. H. Moody, L. L. Pickins and
jk O others.
In the matter of the petition for
-eltef of Samuel Forsythe ; $t per month
granted, commencing March 1, I8HS.
In the matter of the claim of Mr.
Barret for damages for horse having his
k'g broken on the public road near
Louan ; continued until nest term.
Petition for supervisor to work out
-petitioners on Ed. Gruber road ; petition
granted and clerk ordered to notifiy su
pervisor Lins to do such work at once.
In the matter of changing the keeper
of D. H.Tuttle, a pauper; ordered that
D. II. Tuttle be transferred from the
care of J. W. May to R. Taber and al
lowance be reduced to f8 per month, to
commence February 15, 1818.
In the matter of the petition of R.
Scott, guardian of E.W. Creasy, imbecile
tir rebate Of illegal assessment; petition
. gTanted.
Mrs. Opdyke to have no further as-
- aistance from the court ; clerk ordered to
otitiy her of same.
In the matter of division of road dis-
- Iriet Xo. 6 : petition granted and P. P.
Kitrh apnointed supervisor.
In the" matter of the county printing;
order of January term rescinded and
county priuting raised from 5 to 15 cents
-.jer iuch.
In the matter of accepting the con
tractors' work ou the Hardscrabble or
W illamette Falls road; on certificate of
C. H. Isom, deputy county surveyor, the
clerk is ordered to draw a warrant on
lhe road fund for the balance of amount.
petition of William Stone for survey
-on Voslierii hill ; petition granted. To
fce surveyed Feb. 24ih.
Petition of supervisor, district Xo. 29 ;
laid over until .'lay term.
Petition of supervisor, district Xo. 25:
laid over uotill May term.
Fred Yerner appointed judgeof election
in Union precinct in place of George
In the matter of the pe'ition of
Women's Refuge Home of Portland for
aid ; laid over to March term.
In the matter of re-establishing of
aection coiners of sections 2$,Z3, 32 and
S3. Will Mer; report accepted.
In the matter of the reports of clerk
and recorder for the month of January,
clerk fees collec ed, 220 ; recorder,
Mileage and per diem of county com
missioners for February term, 18'J8;
.Frank Jaggar 2 days, 1 extra, and 24
miles, $11.40, 8. F Marks 2 days, 2 extra,
and 52 mi'es, $17.20.
District Xo. 35
j W Owings $ 3 00
IS Owings 1 50
J J Rroodwell 1 50
Bud Thompson 1 50
a W Killin 4 00
Bril i2e work
G W Owings 75
J 3 Owings 75
R Killin 3 00
Bud Thompson 75
G W Killin 2 00
District 3i
G Settje 1 00
District No. 30
Geo Brown 1 50
John Bistner 75
Wm Pollack 3 75
Walter Todt 4 80
David Xelson 3 30
Frank Davidson 3 30
Jerry O' Bryan, team 7 80
Henry Gans 3 00
Chas Moehnke, lumber 9 25
Chas Moehnke, lumber 9 05
District No. 27.
Joseph Miller 1 50
A Hartman 2 25
C E Young 3 75
Dis rict No. 23
fiim n Vn-r A. Co. nails 3 65
r. V Pnrtr. raoairine dump cart
A Weiirant, use of plow 2 days .... 1 00
H HDietz 2 00
I Shannon $
f r.umnh,!! ... 2 25
J Byler
J Y Kauffman..
D Shephard....
A Greene
E Higey
H J Oglesby
Bridge work
J J Taylor
1 50
1 60
2 15
2 0)
8 25
A Greene 00
A Weipant 8
J J Miller 2 IW
M CampU'll 3 IX)
SJOglesbv 00
District No. 1&
Daniel D Evans 3 00
Frank Shannon 2-5
WP Daniels 2 00
W E Owens 6 25
W F. Owens, hauling corduroy. ... tt 25
John Shannon, making 1500cord'y 11 25
John Shannon, hauling 250 cord'y 1 25
John Shannon, delivering 19 rods
and 5 feet of puncheon at 01 cents
per rod i 11 81
Thomas Daniels 12 00
Valentine Hohlander 4 50
District No. 16
C. W. Porter, sign board 1 50
District No. 15
C W Porter, repairing scraper. ... 50
District Xo. 14
J L Swafford 10 00
J Shelley 75
J Oillett 2 00
C Ely 2 00
Ed Titus 1 50
District Xo. 9
Hans Paulsen 3 50
District Xo. 12
L 11 Kirchem 4 50
JCStmmue 3 00
District Xo. 4
Lon Haker, blaeksmi thing 125
G J Currin 5 00
OB Linn 1
T Bowen
W J Currin
i Ben Forester
Dave Ilufmaster
J P Forester, bridge
District AO. 2
J R Welch
A Hunter
J M White
Xorris Davis
Perry Hunter, with team..
F M Summer, with team...
21 00
H (X)
9 (0
3 75
Witness account, Jan. term
Geo W Knight 4 00
D W Fisher.. 4 00
C Schmitt, ir 4 00
O Adkins 4 40
Fred Hoffman 61 40
Henry Hougham 5 00
George Mayer 3 80
Mrs Thielman 3 20
W H Robinson 3 00
Frank Foster 3 00
F M Landers S 00
Willie Imel 3 00
Irwin Wilson 3 00
Rve Ridaway 3 40
Thos Deacon 3
J K Landers 3
Frank Talbert 3
W Wilson 3
John Robinson 3
MSchulpius 2
R B Holcomb 2
AEHolcomb 2
2 00
2 0i)
tt 00
6 00
Dr Strickland
Thomas Garrett, jr.
M M Shively 40
Michrel Shively 6 40
Milton " 6 40
George " 6 40
H O Long 7 30
J W Elliott 6 O0
J C Stricklin 6 20
T P Soules 6 00
J B Tavlor 2 20
Total $198 90
Juror account, Jan. term
J 11 Daly $16 80
Henry McGugin 18 80
0 X Foster 17 40
G H Webster 14 80
W J Currin 10 20
Eli Williams 18 40
Leonard Heini 17 20
J R Myers 14 40
R Long 12 40
Thomas Gibbs 14 20
Henry M-tteioe 15 (X)
Clav Green 14 60
A F Parker 14 HO
J W Roots 13 00
T S Lawrence 4 20
J G Porter 2 20
W L Beckner 6 20
C Thayer 20
C F W Schmitt 6 20
R T Beattie 6 00
W W Smith 6 20
T Munsen 6 20
A X Scoeuin - 0 00
K Finley 6 20
C C Babcock, jr 6 20
J H Black 6 20
Joseph Renner 8 20
0 Livesay 6 20
J Alrlmltfe 2 20
H A Vorpahl 10 00
F A Eiv 0 ZD
W II Burghardt 2 00
R W Porter 2 00
W White 2 00
C Xoblitt 2 00
AW France 2 00
J 0 Bradley 2 00
Total 1328 60
B F Smith, jury list, distXo 7. jpc 3 00
Wm Thompson " " " 2 00
John Scuneiter " " " 2 00
7 00
BFSmith.jp fees , state vs Xorton
0 F Y'ifger, constable "
Chas Houis, witness "
W R Townsend ' "
Charles McKee " "
Jacob Yost " "
Charles Oglesby " "
G B Dimick, attorney "
5 70
5 70
2 70
3 10
3 10!
2 50
2 M)
2 50
.$37 80
L Stout, assessor's acct 81 00
Ida Stout " " 60 00
$141 00
4 3 00
2 00
2 00
,. 7 00
in 4 20
2 80
5 00
GeoF Horton, freeholder "
T B llankins " "
M F McCown, constable
L L Porter, attorney
C H Isom, road and bridge fund.
HBSnow " " "
Dave Brown" " ' .
12 00
64 00
22 (10
22 00
14 00
2 00
2 (K)
2 00
2 00
2 00
50 ! G Price
CH Foster "
Sela Xorton "
W S Rider "
M A Stauber"
Gilbert Eri "
Total $132 00
0 II Isom , sheriff 's acct. 3 00
Peter Xehren, board of prisoners
for January 32 00
Peter Xehren, court house 3 90
M F McCown, j p court 9 40
11 II Johnson, road and bridge
17 00
2 00
K r Rands " " .
II W ll.....l..r..n
3 00
''8 IX)
tt 00
54 00
22 00
32 00
42 00
6 IX)
42 00
William Staffalan"
John Bonnie "
Ina Chase, clerk i account
Lulu llankins , "
Grace Ely " "
Fred S Baker " "
t B llankins, sheriff's sect
Mrs. V. N.Godfrey, pauper acct.
A Hart, pauper acct
D W Smith, clerk's acct. .........
29 75
Oregon City Hospital, pauper aect.lM 79
H Mraiglit, pauper ace. 4U oo
Lydia Winesett, pauper ncct 15 IX)
Smyth A Howard, road and bridgo.707 00
Red Front Trading Oo, pauper acct 00
D L Paine, pauper acct 5 Ot)
Mrs. Joanna Law, pauper acct.... 4 10
E L Shaw, insane acct 2 20
II McGugin, circuit ct, Nov term. 2 00
K A Somor, insane account $ 5 (X)
M W Miller, meais for jury 27 75
Irwin-llodson Co, stationery...., 4 IX)
J II Reed, insane 2 00
Oregon City, pauper account 6 00
R J Moore 0 00
Riding A Son, pauper acct 10 30
D L Paine 6 00
F O Gadke, court house 1 35
R Freytag, pauper acct 6 30
W H Savage, sheriff's accl 3 00
Herald, stationery 28 50
Herald, printing 17 70
Enterprise, printing 15 70
Wm trailer, sheriff's aect 1 25
Maude Salisbury, clerk's acct.... 18 00
Walter Mount riguree That
Are 10,000 la Am arte.
Many people in America claim descent
ronl the pilgrim fathers. There niiht
be a very considerable number, if we
come to thiuk of it For instance, let
ns assume the number of married peo
ple among the first hundred who sur
vived the first winter as SO couples. We
will allow them three children apiece.
We will give to each of these children
two a large allowance, it la true, Tbou
we have for each married cooplo, for
the first generation, 8 descendants; for
the second, 6; for the third, 13; for the
fourth, 24; for the fifth, 48; for the
sixth, 96; for the seventh, 193; for the
eighth, 884; for the ninth and the pres
ent generation, 7C8, and for the orig
inal 30 married couples, 10,300. So
that the living desceudauts of the May
flower pilgrims can hardly be more than
boot 15,000. Out of these a great many
have probably ckan forgotten their de
scent. Probably there are not anything
like 10,000.
If I were an American, I should cor-
tainlv like to be one of that 10,000.
Not that I feel the least attraction to a
narrow ana run a no religion, nni De
cause the pilgrim fathers made so fierce
a fight for existence and a place wbere
they could think aa they pleased aud
allow no one else to thiuk aa be might
please. Ancestry in this country at
least, ia chiefly a matter of selection.
The people who keep np their geneal
ogies drop out aa they go along num
berless branches. People who wish to
recover their genealogies have got to
"hitch on" at one of the dropped
branches. Every marriage in a geneal
ogy ia a kind of junction, wbere many
lines may meet Now, the business of
the genealogist is to look np all the jono
tions, to follow up each one and to
choose the line which offers the mot
desirable alliances. Some years ago an
ingenious gentleman offered to find roy
al descent for any one for 70 down.
He did it, too, quite honestly. Ho said
that if you could only get back 100
years or so it was perfectly easy to con
nect with Edward I or Edward IIL
Sir Walter Besant in London Queen.
Brok th BplL
Up to the time of Cleveland's election
it was a popular superstition with poli
ticians that no candidate whose name
began with the letter C could be elected
to the presidency. The idea arose from
the fact that no man whose surname
presented this peculiarity, no matter
how strong he was witb the people, had
ever been successful at tbe polls. Tlicro
were two Clintons, Georgo aud DeWitt,
William H. Crawford, Henry Clay,
Lewis Cass and a number of others,
who, though their prospucts seemed
bright indeed, met with a defeat when
, it cam9 to the tegt gcveral of the C's,
George Clinton and Henry Clay, for in
stance, were strong candidates several
times, but never could "make the
riffle." Pittsburg Dispatch.
Bcetlona of a Kentucky Pedigree.
Bob Jolly of Cave City has a hand
saw porcbasod in 1796 in Virginia. It
was bought in that year by the grand
father of the Otter brothers, the well
known Louisville merchants, who are
no spring chickens at this writing
themselves. Mr. Otter, tbe grandfather,
shortly after moved to Kentucky and
brought the saw witb him. Mi. Jolly
has owned the saw for 48 years. The
rear wheels of tbe wagon in which Mr.
Otter made bis trip to Kentucky froc
Virginia are still to be seen on tbe place
of Mrs. Caleb Freeman in the Cave
City country. These are about 100 years
old. Glasgow Times.
A Smart Mlnlitar.
"Yardsley donated a caster worth 07
cents to the minister and pot a tag on
it marked $18."
"Well, tbe parson took tbe article to
Yardsley's store yesterday and traded it
for dry goods. Yardsley's smile won't
be able to be out again for six weeks."
Harper's Bazar.
"Tbe $1,000 beauty hud to get a di
vorce from the human ostrich."
"He kept swallowing her curling
iron and hairpins" Chicago Record,
What pleasure is there in life with a
headache, constipation and biliousness?
Thousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by using
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Geo. A. Harding.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entbrpbibi office.
Ri CroMlna ISillrvmaa la ft Win Sol.
limit Wh'U Nwry.
The pollceimiu who maintains life
and order nt tlio iiiei iing of two down
towu streets n nt-t lie pnssi'MWHl of con
siderable judgment. Ho must kuow
wheu to inftke a hole in the wall, so to
speak, throi:;h the iiiiins of vehicles and
let a portiou of the Purging humanity
tio through. He must know how to
o neveral things at ouoo to at the
tame time chat ploiumutly with a lady
irieud of his, tell a woman from Uie
suburbs where the streets she's on is
and pull a couple of old Reutleinen from
the juwa of cable cars, and, what ia
more surprising, most of the down towu
force ran do this, aud, what ia truly aa
touishing, nearly all do it iu a gentle
ttiauly manner aud keep their tempera
It is not infrequently that an officer
is found who can do all this and more
too. At olio of tho most prominent cross
streets there is a policeman who is a
close second to tho caliph that decided
the ownership of au infant iu his owu
highly original way. Among umuy in
stances where his acumen has played a
particular part is one that hap!encd a
day or so ago. It concerned a bicycle.
The latter was left by its rider aguiiibt
tho curb. A few minutes later a young
muu approached it The policeman in
question hud not seen tho owner get off
tho machine, but ho thought tho new
comer looked a triflo suspicions. Tbe
chain and sprocket wheel of the bicycle
had been secured together by a padlock.
When the young man iu question began
to carry the wheel off insteud of unlock
ing it he felt it was about time to act
"Do you owu that bicycle?" bo said
to the young man."
"Yes," was the reply.
"Whore's your key, thou?" was bis
"I've lost it" That settled it
"Say, now," contiuued the police
man, "will you give me your numo aud
The young man seemingly did not
want to maki any trouble. He hesitated
for a moment and then said, "Why, yes,
if you want it"
"Aud now," contiuued the police
man, after he had it, "you know the
case looks strange, and yon kuow we
have so many bikes lost, would you
mind waitiug 15 minutes to see if any
one else should come after that w heel?"
"Xo, I guess nut," said the young
man. Theu he leaned buck on a railing
and began to wait After ho had been
there three cr fonr minutes the police
man said : " Well, I gucM it's all right
You can go." And then, turning to a
bystander, be remarked, "You can bet
your next mouth's pay he wouldn't
bave stood there if it wasn't bis."
Chicago Times-Herald.
Tna Cat Rvnad, bat tha Stool Woman
Waa Mot KaUaOed.
It was a damp day. but tbe crowd
stood and watched the thick cat as it
mewed plaintively and clung to the
trailing vine three stories above the
street in front of a four story brown
stone dwelling. A long wire supported
the viue, nearly reaching tho roof. Tbe
cat, in a sportive mood evidently, hud
climbed the luig viue and at tho third
story stopped, as if fright had paralyzed
further efforts. Every minute it mewed,
and its appeal for help collected a crowd.
A largo woman bald :
"Why dou't some cue climb up there
and release that cat?"
"Suppose you try it, madam, " chirped
a dapper little man, who looked npou
the uttuir as a joke.
"Well, if I had your small heft I
would climb that vine. Men never do
anything dangerous theso days."
"Oh, yes, they do, uiuduml They
catch cold, driuk too much and stay out
lute ut their lodges. "
She gave the little man a look and
ejaculuted: "You think you uro smart,
don't you? You can tulk, but you cuu't
rescue even a cat."
"You do uie wrong. Watch mo rescue
that cut even ut the peril of being in
sulted. Do not be frightened. I go, but
I will return. " He ran across the street
as tbe large woman sbonted, "He is go
ing to climb I" He rang the doorbell of
the house, and when the servant girl
appeared he pointed to the cat above.
The door closed, and a few minutes
later a window in the third story opened,
and the girl, reaching her arm out,
caught tbe cat aud took it iu. The
crowd cheered, aud the duppor inun
bowed, but tbe large woman said con
temptuously :
Men have no courage, iney get wo
men to rescue cats." New York Com
Ciefol Books.
If a scholar has little money for
books, he should expend it mostly on
works of reference., aud so get a duily
return for his output. So seems to have
thought a young man of whom we re
cently heard, who, when asked by a
canvasser to purchaso an encyclopedia,
said be had one.
"Which one is it?" inquired tbe can
The yonng man conld not remember.
Neither could he tell who published it,
but it was a fine work, in many large
"Do you ever use thorn?" asked the
"Certainly almost every day."
"In what lino?"
"Oh, I press my trousers with them.
They are splendid for that. " Rambler.
A Fort ana For Flowen.
Mrs. Mackay spends more on floral
decorations when giving a dinner party
or reception than any other member of
the fashionable world, fohe has been
known to bave chariots drawn by
swans filled with roses, from which
her guests could help themselves. Her
dinner tables are a wealth of flowers.
When the blossoms are expensive and
out of season, tbe bill for flowers at a
reception often amounts to 500. Lon
don Standard.
Low bruwwt woman thai itola my lora,
Htrr than I, lw trim,
Tou fotilml hi in flrat Willi rmir wily tnngut
Anil your ' Uooollful lilua
Ton Imiknd In hl till jou maila him iwar
llli Ant liivn wm all a tltvam,
Wlilln jruu lt liim l7 wlih your yvllow hair
And baak la your untU'i fulaa gleam.
Wllalay for your aym w brtglill
Wtwinlnu liu niaitn mine illm.
Tou woulil mll on, thoiuiU ha lay In hi
could bar dlwl tor him.
Hurt ford Tttnaa
HI Oaalla IWprw.f In Rvply W Oauaral
Huuur'i t iy Uttr,
Another remarkable evidence of (hi
great kindliness of heart of Abraham
Lluoolu has been brought to light iu
the form of a long lost letter which tb
martyred president wrote to General
Daniel Hunter iu 1801.
General Hunter wns In command ot
the department of Kansas at tho time
this particular letter was written. It
stHuus be considered himself dishonored
by an appointment to the rather ob
scure military post, and hs wrote to the
president protesting against it Lin
coln's characteristic reply was as fol
Eiwmtivs Mammon. I
Wakiiikoton, Dm SI. IMU. I
Major 0nrnl lluntor:
Hiah Hia Youra of tha Ski la romdvfd, and
I am ounatralunl to my It Imllflliiull to anawvT
o uiily a Ifttrr In iiud inniwr. I am, a you
Intimate, tuning niui h of Ilia irrwtl ounfliluni
I Dlai'otl In you. not from any or ooinmur
alon of youra tcmi-hlng the public anrvlea np la
tha tlui you wore u nt to lwvenwortu, but
from tha flood of rrumlil lfi ctmpatriina and it
Im I hiTa awn from you alnoa. 1 know you
wars bains ordurml lo Unavrnworlh al Ui
ttina It waa duns, and I avrr tliat, with aa Ion
dr a raward fiw your honor and your atmal
bllltlaa aa I bad for my own, II nrvnr occurred
to ma that you wra Ix'ing humiliate,!, In
raited and dtairraoed." nor hava I np to thli
day heard any Intimation that yon baa been
wronged oonilng rrom any one lui youreeir.
No one baa blamed you for lhe retrograde
movement from Hirlnsllnbl, nor for tha Infor
mation you gave (leneral tauiernn, and thla
yon ooulil readily nndrratand If It were not
for your unwarranted awuniplloa that tha or
derlng to Leavenworth muat neceaaartly have
been done aa a puiilaliment for entne fault, I
though! then, and I think yet, lhe poaltlnn a
Igned to yon la aa reajionallile and aa honor
able aa that aeatgned to lluell-I know thai
General MKlellan eiertri mora Important
remit ta from It. My ImpreMiInn la thai at the
time you were aaaignnl to the new weatrrn
denartmi-nl It hiul not Iron determined lo re
place Urneral Fhernian In hVnturky, but of
thla I am not certain, Im-auaa the kloa that a
command In Kentui-ky waa very dealrnbln, and
one In the farther went nwtnalmlile, had never
occurred to ma You oonatantly apeak of be
ing placed In command uf only U.IOJ. Now, tell
me, la not thla mere Inipattcncer Have you
not known all Uie while that you are to com
mand four or five llnioa that uianyt
I have been and am elm-cndy your friend,
and If aa aurn I dare to make suggestion I
would eay you are adopting the heat ptaeiltile
way to ruin yourwlf. "Act well your part
There all the honor Ilea. " He who doea enme
thlng at the bead of one retonient will eclipse
him who doe nothing al the head uf 1U. Your
mend ai ever, A Lincoln.
Nothing could have been better cal
culated to allay the feelings of personal
... . .
wrong wnicn must nave poaacsscu
Hunter at the time. That he thought so
himself is shown by the following
words, writtou by the dissatisfied gen
eral on tbe big yellow envelope iu
which tbe letter bad been sent:
"The president's reply to my 'ugly
letter.' This lay on his table a month
after it waa written, aud when filially
sent was by a special conveyance, with
tbe direction that it was only to be
given to me when 1 wus in a good bu
ruor." Xew York Bun.
A Novel llrldge at Kouen.
This novel eiiKlmi-rinir work is called
a" pent transliiiriliur iiiki is uesijrueu
to fulfill all Die ptirpnsi of a bridKfl,
while it will olTer no obstruction lo tho
nnajinire of shins with tnwerillB masts.
On each side of tho river will be erected
a small Eiffel lower, abont 170 feet in
height, aud thesti towers will bn Joined
t the top by a latticework bridge upon
which lines of rails will be laid. Ou
these rails will run a skeleton platform,
which can be pulled from side to side
by the agency of steam or electricity.
From this platform, which will be J0
feet above the quays, will depend steel
wire ropes, which will support at the
level of the river bunks a slung cnrriiiK"
lurge enough to nccouimodute a trum car
full of passengers, besides other vehicles.
It is intended thut tills novel lorm or
bridge shall be in connection with the
tram system at both sides of the river,
so that passengers can be enrried across
the river without leuvlng their scuts in
the cars. The work of building the tow
era has already been commenced, aud it
is expected thut the bridgo will be open
for trafllo In 18 months' time. It is said
that tbe only contrivance bearing any
rcsemblunce to this "pout transbor
deur" is in operation at Bilbao. Cham
bers' Journal.
Tha Colored Deacon' Hlgoratlvo Prayer.
A white minister, after conducting
services at a colored church, asked an
old deacon to lead in prayer. The broth
er in black offered a fervent appeal for
the white brother and said: "OLord,
gib him de eyo ob de eagle det be spy
out sin ufur off. Put his hands to de
gospel plow. Tie his tongue to de line
ob truth. Null his eartode gospel pole.
Bow his head way down betweun his
knee? And his knees way down in some
lonesome, dark and mirror valley where
prayer is much wanted to be made.
'Noint him wid be kerosnue ile of sal
vashou aud sot him ou fire. " Kouuoke
Dlacovery of Hnlphor Mines,
It is said that the sulphur minus near
Buckley, Wash., were discovered by a
camper, whose fire on a rock gave rise
to such fumes thut he was forced to
move a long distance to escape suffoca
tion. I Within the last decade the population
I of Europe has increased by about 80,
I 000,000, of whom Uussia contributed
12,610,000 aud France only 87,000.
I In a Sydney newspaper lately there
I was this advertisement: "Wanted, a
. man able to teach French and the piano
I and to look afterabnlL"
frr. William' Indian Pile
r"Yl I LuihUniiiitwillournlHIiiil,
I II I I P w'lli;'''11"" luiititiat
111 BWl'lh'K. ll Hliaorlw lliti luuiora.
-it...... h li..llliu.liii,ii miylM
Ul talus a iMiuUli'o, ulves liioiant ra-
llif. Dr. WllllniiiN'TiMlUiil'llrUlnt.
mniit l ir'iri'l for rilramiil Itch
ing of llin urlvio puna Kvnry bin la
...I lu ,lrl...lMtH llW Miall lit, M.
erlpt "t prli'tv SO okhii and l.si. WILLIAMS
MANuf ACTURINB CO., ''V. v;i''m. u
For sale by 0. U. Huntley,
m i i-
or I'eopio That Are
Biok or ' Just Don't
V991 W0U." I
RtmSM hmplM, agrM
Sieha, 0iiila S
CHtlttflMt. It cm. t Mil (IruiiUUor br I
!HUtMt. ISeU. t bo l urumUuor b
aauiylM I n, Mim Or, feMnksCt. I'hlla, l a.
Of tho
Express Trains leave Portland Dally,
eoii.h i "T Worth,
tuir. M. l.v i'orliaiid' Ar TvIWa.n.
St'Jr.M. It Oret'lll city l.V A.M.
7 4.1a.m. Ar H. HranclM'o l.v s tK) r. n.
Tbe above train Hop at all slslliini be
I ecu Portland, Haleni, Turner,
Marlon, Jelleranii, Albany, Tangent, Hliedila,
llalary, llarrlaliurg, Juiirllon Oily, Kngena,
('miK (Jniva, 1 train, Oakland and ad ila
Hum from Koeeburg U Aaliland Inclusive
Direct connection st Ran KrancUcu wit la
Oct-lilental and Oriental and 1'ai-lllo Mall
l.taaiinlilplliiea for JAPAN and CHINA.
Hailing; dalci on application
Itatri and tlcketa U Kaitern ixiltila sml
K.nrnpe. Alan JAPAN, CHINA. HUM)
l.f 1.1' and A I'HTH A I.I A. Can be ubtamed
from K. K. 1)0 YD, ticket agent, Oregon City
V 1A.M. I I.V
o jo r m. I Ar
Portland Ar
Oregnut'lty l.v
Koaoburg l.v
4 aor.
I nr. i
7 SO A. m
Weal Hid mviatno.
Mall Train. Dally (Rtoept Sunday.!
T0.i"." tv
U lftr. M. Ar
I Mr M
1 flSr.K
At Albanr and Cnrrallli connect with Iralua
ol Uregou Cauir! A Kmiarn Hallroad.
Riimai Train Dallv (Kirepl Sunday)
i Mr. a. I l.v Portland Ar
7 r. m. I Ar MrMlnuvlll l.v
Slur m. Ar I'l.'ewu.l.iiov Lv
1 1 mia. n
I IMa.M.
Aaa'l O. r. and Paaa, Agent
When Going
East ....
Use a first-class line In travelling between
Minneapolis, Ht. I'sul and Chicsgo,
and the principal towns In Central
Pullman I'slace Bleeping and Chair Care
in service.
The Pining cars are operated in the In
terest of its patrons, the most elegant
service ever inaugurated. Meals are
served a la Carte.
To obtain first class service your ticket
should resd via.
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
Direct connections at Chicago and Mil
waukee for ail Eastern points.
ror full information call on your nearest
ticket agent, or write to
Ja. C. Fond, or Jai. A. run g,
Oen. Paa. Agt., OHiieral Agnt.
Milwaukee, Wis Mtark lit.,
fort Intnl. Or.
Umbrellas, Guns,
Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of email ma
chines put in good order. No
work to didicult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Hhnp in Catifleld building
Near Court House
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
Portland foot of Washington street Tues
day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at
5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatakanie
Monday, Wednesday and Friday even
ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:26;
Uainier 8:20; Kalama0:15; Ht. Helens
10 :30. Arrive in, Portland 1 :30 a. m.
This Is the nearest and most direct
route to the great Nehalem valley,
Shaver Transportation Co.
- -MaClliniSt
AND -n