Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 18, 1898, Image 7

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Items of Intercut from all 1'ui U
of Orrffon.
Attempted Nulelde at Balrm A Very
J,nrf Family Hold-up Near
t'oulllit dir.
MuClollan McAlpIn, Malum laborer,
urta almoat klllod last Friday white en'
Kd Inaower work, the bank esvlni( in
on bltn.
Last Friday in Huntington the little
clilMofMr, end Mr. M. A. Adams (ell
Into a tub of boll Inn water and was no
badly scalded that the little one In not
expected to recover.
0. P. Randall, the Noutliarn .'acMe
Conipitny'e auction forinnoti at Woodvillo,
and hit grand daughter drowned last
Saturday afttirn.xm while attempting to
cross Koiio river on a ainall ferry boat.
Tlicy were seated In a cart. The home
tiackeJ o(T when hull way acrom. They
wore on their way to attend a funeral.
Nina Mcllwaln, a Salem woman of
4UtHtionahln character, attempted to
commit suicide in that city on Tburtilay
of laat wk by taking, laudanum. Ily
the prompt aid of physicians the waa
restored, aflr which alto disclaimed any
attempt at suicide. The girl I nit Id to
Wong to a highly reecled family
residing at Kimer, Marion county,
Work ia now in progress at Dayton,
Yamhill county, in rebuilding the evap
oration plnt recently burned. The new
building will be 4(1x120 feet, two atorlee
lilgh, with a Imaomont, aaya the Dayton
Herald. It ia estimated that the new
eelabllaliinrint wilt hare an evaporating
capacity daily for 112 buahole of prunes
and (WO huahele of tiotatoe. When run
ning at full capacity it will require from
80 to 100 men to do the work.
W II. 1'erry, of Hood Kiver, baa writ
ten to the Glacier that he haa received a
letter from Kentucky, giving the alalia
tiraofthe olfapring of hla mother who
ia atlll living at the age of 87, bale and
lieartr. The arore itanda thus; Seven
tiwn child re, eight girla and nine boyi;
110 grand children, and 7t great-grand
children, making the grand total of 203.
lie aaya that if any niothera in Waaco
county ran beat thia record, let them
eeak right out In meeting.
Jay Hwank died at Lebanon laat eve
ning. On November 20 be wa (hot for
deer at Ixwer Soda, the ball paaaing
through the lower part of hla body aa
heretofore doarribed. He made a brave
fight for life, but the chancee were all
against hi 111 and be gave up the struggle.
The caae haa attracted considerable at
tention throughout the etate. The de
ceased waa a man of excelent character
and liia death will be generally regret
tod, lie leavea a wife and two or three
About noon laat Friday 8. Itanchie, a
rancher on the Coquillo, while on hla
way from Heaver Hill to Illverton, waa
lield up alajiit two milea thia aide ot Co
qtiille City by two negroes, He came
upon them lilting by the aide of the road.
Their order to "throw up his banda" waa
tacked hy a "hot gun held by one and a
iiiatol hy the other and waa immediately
obeyed. One then went through his
piH'keta resulting in the finding of T18.
They then ordered him to return to
Heaver Hill. Neither of the robbers
wore mnitka.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Hiomo Quinine Tablets.
All Irnggita refund the money if it fail
to cure. LTij.
Electric Hotel Arrivals.
Henry Cramer, Logan
8 E Smith, Ban Francisco
J W Oerrlan, Stone
D K Walton, San Joao
J J Barrett. Portland
E J Warner, San Francisco
II J Bubert, Portland
D VV Pearson, Portland
Jaa Guttrldge, Springwater
J R Rower, Hillsboro
F L Carman, Aberdeen
II MacMastera, Camas, Wash
TO Kent, Fayette Iowa
8 Usher, Marquain
WK Garrett "
Robert Duncan, San Francisco
T J Cleeton, St Helens
The F.luctrlo hotel is the finest in the
city and flrst-ulasa in all Its appointment.
Electric cars atop in front of the door.
This Is Your Opportunity.
On reeaipt of ten cents, ensh or stamps,
a generous anmple will bn mailed of the
most popular Cnturrh and Hay Fever Cure
ly'a Cream Halm) snflloient to demon
atrate the grout merits of the remedy.
CO Warron St., New York City.
Iter. John Hold, Jr., of Grent Falls, Mont.,
recoiumnndod Ely's Cream Dnlm to me. I
ean empliAxize bis atatoniont, "It is annul,
tive cure for cnturrh if uned as direoted."
Itev. Francis W. l'oole, Pwtor CoutralPres.
Church, llclonn, Jlout.
Ely's Cream Palm Is the acknowledged
cure for OAtnrrh and contains no moroury
nor any Injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
The U. Sa Qov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Upon the riKif on iumiiir nights,
- llm luur . ity liuliK,
Vi It, w . I 1,, it In, In mrl ,
Dtuniith l,.u voui tiiul (: .ndly sky.
And w llxtnn to (lie flapping of Mr. Oary'e
Like Hi eliaklng of whit Million eiirnmar
nu we u roe in mat wa ara willing till wa
almiMt limr tin awaali
Of tha wauir a lb liiwa awing in tlx
Lov maliM tliat roof no dear to ma
That all lli oharma of wood aud sua
No lunging In my liMrt nan stir
If, having thaiu, I uuat loave bar.
o wa lltnn to tba flapping of Mrs. Car?
Like tlio ehaklng of wlilta nail on summer
ana w araam thai we ara tailing till wa
elinuat hear tlia awaali
Of tlia wauir aa tlia Una awing la tlit
Tha neighbor goaalp on lha roof,
liut from tlia mat wa alt aloof
And plan liow annmday, happily,
Our roof aliall be boalda tlia am.
And wa listen to tlia Tapping of Mra. Cai-7
Like the ahaklng of white aalla on aumniar
And wa dream that wa era nailing till wa
annual tinar tlia awaah
Of tlw walor aa tlia llnna awing In the
-May O. HaUh In New York Hon.
A frocwealon of Worm.
In sotno of the Hungarian foreata and
iu the pine woods of Norway there ex
lata a liny, worm like lnacct called the
clara, of the genua tipulu. Duriug the
mouth of July or early In August they
gainer trgnt::er In targe numbers, pre
tmriitory to migrating iu aearch of food
or for chango of condition. When set
ting out on this jonrney, they stick
tlitniwlvea together by menus of somo
glutinous matter and form a bage mt-
pent like maaa, ofu-u reuching a length
if between 40 and 60 feet and acvernl
liichii in thickiieaa. Aa the sciurn la
only on an average about three thirty
seconds of an Inch in length, with no
ppprcciablo breadth whatever, the num
ber required to compose a continuous
line of the sue above - mentioned la al
moat Incalculable. Their pace Is, of
rour, very alow, and upon meeting
au obstacle, such as a atick or atone,
they will either writhe over or around
it, sometimes breaking Into two bodies
for this purpose.
M. Uueriu-Meneville, a celebrated
French naturalist, suya that if the rear
portion of thia wonderful snskelike
procession bn brought into contact with
the front part and a sort of circle formed
the Insects will keep moving round in
that circle for hours without apparently
noticing that they are getting no "for
rader" on their Journey. If the proces
sion be broken In two, the portions will
rvonitoln a short time. The Norwegian
peasants, when they meet one of these
trains, will lay some article of their
Dlothiug, aucb aa a belt or bandker
chief, on the ground in front of It. If
the prooesaiou paaane over It, It ia re
gardid as a good algn, but if it makes a
way rouud tbe rcverso ia believed. Iu
the Moravian dlstricta a similar expert
mcnt 11 supposed to lorctoii a good or
tad barveat. ropular Science.
Talking ChlldntB.
Nonb Webster of dictionary fame
would not have been In favor of tbe
kindergarten, ao people w ho sometimes
revert to the begiuuing of the un
abridged edition find by his memoirs
there. "He felt, " the writer says, "that
children should learn to acquire knowl
edge by severe effort; thilt tlio prevail
ing effort to muke everything easy Isnn
philosophical and wrong; that the great
effort of early training ia to form the
mind into a capacity of surmounting
intellectual difficulties of any and ev
ery kind. He wished at an eatly
period of ready memory and limited
comprehension to store tbe mind with
muiiy things which would afterward
be found of iudispeiiHublu use, things
wnicn aro learned with the otnioet re
luctance, or rather in most case nre not
learned at all, in the moro advanced
itngea of intellectual prngrvaa. Ho felt
there must ueccntmrily bo much of
drudgery iu the fnrmution of a thor
stighly educuted niiud." Now York
Fnlnta For Foarhrra.
The West Indian negro ia a born
pouchcr. Ho catches the quuil by the
cruel expedient of strewing finely pow
dered cayeuue or bird pepper iu the lit
tle dust pita wboro the birds "wash."
The burning powder get a luto the eyes
of the birds, which, confused and help-
loss, are then eaally caught.
When he wuuts a wholoenle aupply ot
Dab, he explodes a piece of dynamito,
which was probably intended for the
making of new government roads, over
a bole iu a mouutaln stream, and the
dsn are killed by the concuHsion.
But his favorite resource ia the bark
of the dogwood treo. Thia ho drops in
to a river bole, and the mullet, lutoxi
oatod, cornea to the surface of the water.
This lingular property of the dogwood
bite caused it to be employed as a our
ootia It is particularly useful as a lo
cal aniPHtbotio, and it has been recent
ly proposed to apply it iu dentistry.
Peurson'i Weekly.
Tha Actor and tha Man.
Great painters, sculptors, mnsioiana
and actors are careful not to lose their
homls in tho tumult of their emotions.
Edwin Booth, so far as is known, cover
threw himself into his character but on
one ocenniou, and then ho was playing
Bortuccio in "Tho King's Fool." It is
relit hid that he cumo off the stage at
the conclusion of the performance con
vinced tlmt ho hud aurpitHNcd all of his
previous efforts, and that he was ex
ulted, thrilled, tingling with the emo
tions of the chnrnctur into which be
bad blindly cast himself, but his daugh
ter, Edwina Booth, who bad been Bit
ting In a stage box, told him she hud
never seen him act so badly. For tout
one porformauoe Booth deliberately bud
oboaeu to be tho man and not the art
ist Sua Francisco Argonaut
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
At tbe regular meeting of the board on
Mondxy night the president apolnfed
as chairmen of committees for the ensu
ing year tlm following members:
Executive Otto F, Olson.
Finance C. Schunbol.
lleligloua work I, W. Loder.
Educational 0. A. Muir.
Phyaical work-J. W, Clark.
Reception Ft J, Meyer,
Vacanelee E, J, Maple.
Levi Johnson was employed at general
secretary for a third year.
Arrangement were completed and a
contract entered Into with the Dunbar
Lyceum Bureau for a star course of six
first-class entertainments to begin early
In March and end In May. Among the
attractions of tbe course will be the
famous cartoonist, G, Paul Smith, said
to be equal to Naat and to have no equal
as an impersonator, 0. E. Carrington,
tha world'a champion drummer, will
give two entertainments and a matinee.
The course will close with a lecture by
Maiy E. Lease, who needs no introduc
tion anywhere in America. The course
tickets will be out in a few dsys and will ;
be sold at $1 60; entitled to reserved
cats, single reserved aeata will be sold
for 60 cents and tbe general aJrniaaion
will be 35 cents.
Everybody waa delighted with the
social on Saturday night and the ladies
will meet on Friday afternoon to arrange
for another in the near future.
Itev. A. J. Montgomery will give tbe
second in the series ot confidential talks
to men at 4 p. m. Sunday bis subject will
be "Funeral Torches" or "Tobacco and
other Things." All are invited .
Secretary Johnson haa organized a
Bible clans fur young men w hich meeta
every Wedneaday evening at 8 o'clock.
Any young man will be made welcome
at any of tbe sessions of tbe claaa.
In an address at Victor recently the
governor of Colorado said: "So cloeely
allied are good morals and industry with
the coat of government that aa a question
of public economy the taxpayer could
well afford to support the Young Men's
Christian Association from tbe public
fund. Nothing ia ao expensive to a
community a bad habits, idleness and
immorality. The Young Men's Christian
Association Is an insurance .company for
our young men. We may not be
christians but we believe in christian
fellowship "
A kind friend presented the association
thia week a complete set of the Ency
clopedia Brittanica, a very valuable ad
dition to our growing library .
Fnrnlithed Every Week by the Clacka.
ma Abatrart k Truat Company.
Gladstone R E Ass'n to R M
Hrath Dec 28, '86, D, wjj o( tX
blk 109 except 10 feet e side,
Gladstone ... $177
J O Ramho toO Grachaee Feb 10
OS W D lot 3, Canetnah 100
Frank 8tork to L O Nightingale Feb
9, '98 V D e,'i ol nej4' and lots 1
and 2 sec 14, 1 6 a, r 1 e
Win 8 Kunyan to Thos O Strange
Feb 12 '08 W D lot 2, blk 2,
Marahrield, except 00 ft off n end,
also tract along R R and sd blk 1000
Bolton land Co to Mra Robert Wits
Feb 8, '98 D lots 7, 8, blk 22,
Bolton 200
Johnanni Remmie to Peter Pan tie
Feb 11 98 8 D lots 1, 2 blk 71
Mint horn 3
John Molaan to St John's German
church Feb 8 '98 W Da 4, rods
in sec 3tl, t S a, r 1 e
E E Williams to T F Ryan, atlsignee
Feb 7 '93 Q C lot 6 blk 81 ; lot 7
blk 149 Oregon City, lot 1 blk 9
Falls View, lot 11, blk 8 Will
Falla;lot 11 blk "H" Clackamas
Miller to John Egle Nov 27 '97 W
D ntf of e, of se'f see 6, t 5 t,
r I e, also .52 aero sec 6, t 5 s, r
Clackamas Co to John P Oole, Feb
9 '98 Q C D nw4' of nw and sec
10, 1 4 s, r 1 e
TRUST CO. are tbe owuers of tbe copy-
glit to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnitih information aa to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, lnveBtinents,real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oreiron City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
A Plain Addraaa.
The Lord Foruhnm of 60 or 60 years
ago luTitou a tenant farmer to dinner
who hud no experience in the methods
of addressing titled porsonnges. He con
sulted a frionu in his perplexity, who
told him on speuking at first to say Lord
Farnhnm or Lady Furnhain and then to
tulk to them as other people. On meet
ing hia friend nfterwurd tho guest told
bim ho hud got on well at dinner and
loon felt quite at homo. "I took your
advice and, having suid, 'How do you
do, Lord and Lady Furnhnm?' I called
them plain M. and Mrs. Furnhain for
the roinuiuder of the evening. "West
minster Gazette.
An ostrich will never go straight to
Its nest, but always approaches it with
many windings and dutours, in ordur,
If possible, to conceal the locality from
First class goods only
10 to 15
Cheaper than
any house In town.
Strictly Clothing
and everything belonging to a
Clothing outfit.
Comer Korrlsoa and MU Sts. Portland, Ore.
The republican convention for tbe
state of Oregon ia hereby called to meet
in the city of Astoria on Thursday,
April 14th, 1898, at the hour of 11 o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of nominating can
didate for the state and district offices,
''except congressmen," and to transact
such other buidness as may propeily
come before said convention. Tbe con
vention will consist of 285 delgatea,
apportioned among the several counties
of the state as follows:
Baker fit Lincoln
... 4
... 3
... 4
... 8
... 3
... 6
... 8
... 3
.. 10
Hen ton.
7! Lan .
Clackamas .
. lftjl.liin
..10 Malheur
.. Hi Marion
.. C Morrow
.. 4! Multnomah. .
. . 3 Polk
..11 Sherman ....
.. 4' Tillamook...
.. ft Umatilla
.. 3 Union
. 8; Wallowa ....
. . S Wco
. . 3, Washington
. 31 Yamhill ....
Clatsop ....
Columbia ..
UotiKlaa ..
Gilliam ....
tirant ,
Harney ...
Jackaon ...
Joaepbine .
Lake.K... ,
The same being one delrgate-at-larve
from each county and one delegate for
each 200 votes and fraction thereof of 50
or over, aa cast for William McKinley
at the presidential election in November,
1890. The committee recommends that
the primaries be held on Saturday,
April 2nd, and tbe county conventions
on Wednesday, April Gth, 1898. unlets
otherwise ordered by the several county
Sol. IIiascH, Chairman.
0. N. Dk.nny, 8ecreUty.
A republican convention tor the first
congressional district of Oregon is here
by called to meet in tbe city of Eugene,
on Monday, April 11, 1898, at the hour
of 2:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for congress for
tbe first congressional district of Oregon,
and to transact such other business as
may properly come before said conven
tion. The convention will consist of 145
delegates, apportioned among the
several counties of the first district as
follows :
Banton 7' Lincoln
.. 4
. 20
.. 8
.. 6
Clackamas I") Lane
C001 7 Linn
Curry 8 Marion
DoiiKlaa llPolk
Jackson Hi Tillamook ..
Josephine ft Washington..
Klamath 3, Yamhill
Lake 3
The same being one delegate-at-large
for each county and one delegate for
each 200 votes and fraction thereof of
6fty or over, as cast for Wm. McKinley,
at the presidential election held in No
vember, 1896.
The committee recommends that the
primaries be held on Saturday, April 2d,
and the county convention on Wednes
day, April G, 1898, urdess otherwise
ordered by the several committees.
R. J. Hendricks,
J. A. Wilson, Chairman.
liepubllcan Central Committee of
Clackamas County.
A meeting of the Repuolican Central
Committee of Clackamas County, will be
held at the office of the secretary in
Oregon City, on Saturday March 5th,
1S98 at the hour of 1 :30 p. m. for tbe
purpose of fixing the dates for holding
the primaries and county convention, ap
portionment of delegates, and the tran
saction of any other business that may
be brought before the meeting.
All members are urgently requested to
attend thia meeting.
Tiies. F. Ryan, S. M. Ramsby,
Secretary. Chairman.
No baits,
No traps,
No bacon
catch the game.
Headquarters for
Eastern Beer
Val Blatz
J. H. Cutter Whiskey
Guckenheimer Rye
Otlice, next door to W. TJ. Telegraph Office,
Oregon City, Ore.
Prompt attention to hauling to any
part ot Uregon Uity.
Moving attended to promptly and
Special rates given on hauling to
and from Gladstone and Park-
Legal Notices.
AaalffMee'a Notice.
Notice is hereby given by order of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, in tbe matter of the
assignment of the Oregon City Bash and
Door Company, 8 B. Calitf and Chaa.
Calitf, insolvent debtors, that said Court
baa fixed Monday, April 18, 1898, or as soon
thereafter as tbe same can be reached, aa
the time for hearing objections to tbe mar
shalling ol the assets and liabilities of said
debtors; all persons having objections to
the steps taken by the assignee toward mar
shalling said assets and liabilities, or tbat
may be taken by said Court at said time
toward marshalling tbe same, must make
said objections, on or before said day.
C. O. T. Williams,
1-28, 2-25 Assignee as aforesaid.
Notice of Fiual SetUemeatt.
Notloe la hereby given that th undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Aggie Kellogg, a
minor, has tiled hia account for final aaltle
mens In tbe Countv Court for Clackamai
County, Orojron. aud that .aid Court haa ap
pointed Monday, Hie 7th day of March, at the
hour ot lu o'clock A. M. for haaring objeotions
to said account and settlement thereof.
Dated, Deo. 15, 1897.
Administrator of th estate of Aggie Kellogg,
a minor. 2-4, 8-i.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
haa been appo ntel administrator, with tha will
annexed, ot the estate of Charles Duncan, de
ceased, aud that all creditors aud persons hav
ing olalms agaluxt said estate are require t to
present thasam-, with the proper vouchers, to
the undersign d at Willsburg, Oregou, within
six months from the flrat publication of thia
Dot loo. DAVID y ILLS, Administrator.
Dated this 20th day o' January, laud.
Davis A (irabam, Attorneys. 1-21, 2-18
5! Clipper
Aealffnee's) Hate.
In tha Clreult Conrt ot (he Stats of OreeoD, far
tlia Comity of CUckamat.
C. O. T. William., an 1 aa of 1
8. a Califf, Caa. C.I IT, a id
Oregon Car Cub k X) r Co,
Jamas Ml ler, Honhli Mlper,
Vr ah ba.ilela, We Uuilu.
and W. C. Joanaon,
Pnroant to a Jaf maot, ordar and daera
aiada and antarad In lha abova anllllad Court
In tbaaboTcantltlal cauaa on tha 19tn dar ot
J-nuarr, low, dlraeting ma to sail tha barala
afirdairibal nrupanrlo aats'r tha amount
due opon a oartaln oota 01 aald dafeodanta.
Jarrea Miliar aud nophi. Millar to Mid Cnaa.
CalllT, to wit: thaaum of 11,100 with interna
tnaraoo at lb rata oil par eant par aaooia
from March 27tb. UM. tniathar mitt, th.
ol ala.
Now, Iharafora. pnrauant to aald liiitrm.nt
order and dacrea. I will on H.tur lar, tha 1210
dny of Maren, at tha hoir ol 10 o'e:ca A.
M. ol SI4 dar. at tha front door ui tha rximw
court Houaa in Orafon Cur, said Coantr of
Clackainaa, aall al puolio auction to tlia htahaat
bidder, for eaab In band, all of th IrtoraaL
rig t, and tli a which ma ani l Chat. CiHfT ao?
Kal. Cal IT. h i wll, tba -a J Jm.l Millar and
8opbla Millar, bit wlf , and lb aald plaintiff aa
aaslRoca bd 00 tba 77. h dar of March, lHH, or
luce bad or bar. In and to lo'.a an 1 1, bloeb 1,
ofUieao Point, Clackamaa tkiontr, Orecoo.
C. O. T. WllXUsii,
Ml. Ml Asalfnaaof Chaa. Csllff.at L
In tba Circuit Conrt ot tha Stat of Oregon, for
th Co- Dlj of Clacaam.s.
Mary Madar, 1
i.na If, A tmm l.nA D.l.
H-ury riroab, Elia Bra.b and
utiuia A. eataa.
Dfi ndan's. 1
To Jam. Hodget and Lucy Hod;, defendant
la m nam of tbe state of O.-ifo, yon ara
bar. by n tlned and required t appear In tha
abort) m.tl Cnnrt on or before lua Aral day
of in nxi regular term thereof, t'-wit; oa
Monday, tba Win day ol Al.tll, 1894, to maka
anewer o pialntilf'e eon.plai t AM In tba
abov ea ItUd cauaa; and I. you fill r to ap
p ar and anewer plaint B will anp.y to th aald
Curt for tha rvl f demanded .o oar complaint,
Damrljr: For a decree ewndln plaint ft judg
ment against you -nd e.eh ul y .11 lor tba sum
ol tW2.ou logeih rwltb Intaraat tnareoo at the
rata of 10 pr cent per annum from January
13th. lxw. all Id U. a fold coin; for tbe sum of
I7S.OJ attorney, fma ai-d th rotta and uleburaa
menta .f this .nit; lit a doer. a adjudinj said,
lnd-btednee and the whoie th r of a Aral lira
on th.- real property hereinafter de.cnbcd, and
f reolo lua th monger; t givrn by you to tn
piaii.ii a a ram on January 13tn, i9a, to ear
tba earns .bor named uoon ibi loltowlng do
arriDad real proper y eltuatcd la the county of
Olacxamas au.i state of Oregon and mora par
tlcu arlf decrlucd s follows:
Beginning 0 1 tbe tst side of Bsc. 23, In T. 4
8, K 1 K. of Wlilam tf Meri Han. at tha nalf
mila t.k; thanca 8. SO rods; tn . noa K.lflO rod;
t enea N. a r. ds; thanee W. 160 ro la to pl.eo
of beginning, eonumiag 80 aore,and a 'Judging
tbat 1 be Mm ba .old f tbe aatl.fact on of tha
aald debt a . 1 1 .at i( th proceeda ol tha laid
sal be insufficient to satisfy aue.i judgment a
plalniiffma. r-corar aga net yon. trim plain'
I AT hare Judgment egainet you and earn of
tou for .u :b rtebcieucy and t .at jou and lb
l.Tsral defen lauu to th ssolt and all of thera
e forcloard and btrrad of alt equity of ra
dimi'tiou and right in and to tue aforeaaU
rr. prtr and aterr Part tbereof and for sued
other and further r.lief as to th Conrt snail
te m meat.
Tula .nrnmons Is publi.bid by order of tho
Hon. A:f:ed F. 8e.r ,Jr , Judga of tbe Circuit
Court of the sLle of Orrgon, for Multnomabt
rnuntr. acting in the abeeure nf Hon. 1. A. lie
Bride, and by reaaon 01 bia inab litr to act, aald
otder being mala 1 n ler data Pebrnanr UUu
H8, 4-1 Attornays for plaintiff.
Exeeator'a .tollce of Flaal eiU
Io the County Court of the tftat of Oragon, loa
the Coantr of Claektmaa.
In tha matter of the estate of Carl Frederick
Hpatsbarth. decease!:
Notice la hereby giran tbat Frederick Bplta
birth, executor of the lul will and testament
ol tha said dacead, ha. Bled in aald cour hi
Anal aecouotassn h ie uto-, and tbat Mon
day, th 7th day of March, law, at 10 o'clock A.
M., at tha court room ol aald court, at the conrt
houaa In Oregon City, In aald County and State,
has been duly appointed by ttie judge of aaiI
court for thi ner:n of objsclloua toaald Anal
account and the eeitlement thereof.
Famines Spitiiaitb,
Executor or the laat will and te.um.ut of
Cart Frederl.k Spluoartb, daoaaaed. 1-a.l-
Adoainiatrator' Notice.
notice i ne any given mat tn no enlgoed
has b e 1 dulr BDDoluted admiulatratnr nf th.
ma .a of Joim F. Bo la, da ea-ad. by tbe County
Ciurtoi the C amy ol Clack. ma H ate of
Oregon, aud a.l per one bav.ng claims .gainst
tne aald estate, ma t piesent th.m tone uu ler-
e gnea auiv venne-i w.iulu six months front
the date of tula notice. O. B. DIUlcK,
A immi,Uaior.
Da'ed at Oregon City, Ore., thia lHtn dar of
Feb 18S. L. L Foaria,
S-W, I-18 Attorney for Adailn sirator.
Notice for Publication.
Land office at Or. gon City, Ore.. Jan. IS, lflOS.
Notlc Is hereby given that the following
named aoitler baa bled notice of hi lnuutioa
to make a ual proof I u so n jrt f his clai m, and
that Si 1 1 tr 'Ol will be msde before the Keglstar
and Receiver at Oregon Uty, O-e., ou Fabruarr
A 1S, vii:
H.E. K07, for the 8 E M of 8iC. 14, Tp. 5 8, BSK.
He n.m s the following wl neuas to prove
his co 1 inuous r aid.nce upou and culilvatlon
of sa d land, vii:
K. M. Baker, John Wrlrht, F. M. Robinson.
W 1 im Bouney.all of Col ton, Oregon.
1-21. 2-25 CHAS. U Muoatd, Bdglster.
IVotlce for PublictatloB.
Land oltica at Oregon City, Ore.. Jaa 19, 1890.
Notice ia hereby given that tne following
named settler ba filed uotioo of hla intention
tomnke tlnr.1 croof iu support ol bia oiaun.aud
that said proof will be mde belons the Rairlstar
and Ke .-eiver at Oregon City, Ore., on F. binary
iS, lsS, via:
H, E. 9158, for tha NE WofSEW, 8E ot
N E M, and lots 1 aud 1 of Bee. 6, Tv i 8, R t B.
Us uanu 1 tbe foilowlug witnesaaa to prove
hiscontl.iuona resitieuca noon aud cultivation
of said land, vis:
Frank H nel, Abraham Ten Evck. Robert Al.
exsuder, atlohael Kelly, all of Marmot, Oregon.
1-21, 2-26 CU Ad a MOOKE& Beglikir.
Notice of FlanI Settleineaf,
In the matter ot the estate of Sarah Jane
ecoii, aeceaara.
ro lea is harebv
by given that I have duty filed
my Dual rvport
oour. of Ciai'ktinaa county, Oregon, aud tba
in aaiu estate in toe count
court has fixed March 7th, lsw, at on o'olook
P. m. as a dar and time for heirlnr aald ranort
aud for Ui Mitlemeot of eatd estate.
Jan. 18. 1898. Executor of aald aetata
H. E. Cross, Attorney lor tne estate.
Iotlce for Publication.
Land Offioe at Oregon City, Ore., January 8th,
Notice la harebv given tbat tha followlnr-
named ai-tt er baa fl ed no.losof her Intention
to maka flual Drool In suooorl of bar claim, and
that said ptooi will be made before tbe Register
and Keo Ivor aturegon City, Ora. on February
19th, 1898, vis;
H. E, 9342, for th lot 1 and 2 of See. 10, Tp.8 8,
R. 8 E.
8he names tha follnwlnir witnauA. tn nm.
her oomlnuous nsldouoe upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
Fat O'Conuor, & O. 8 irvar, John Tellepan,
Jamas Barbrtdge, all of Logan, Oregon.
1-14, 2-18
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register
Notice for Publication.
Land rfflo. at Uregon City, Ore., Jau. 29, 1898.
Notice la bereuv given that tha following
namtd .e. tier has flkd notice of his Intention
to m.ke final prnol la .upport of his oialm.snd
thatsa d proof will be made before tba Kexistar
audR c lverat Oregon City, Ore., on Maroh
Utu, 1898, v.s:
H.E 90C3, fortbeEof 8EKof8ea,Tp. 4 8.
R 2 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation ot
said laud, vis:
Charhs W Fredrick, of Ely, Oregon; Alma
Cooper, of O'egon City.Ora. ; Harvey Phi lips, of
Canby, Ore.; Ell Maddook.of Oragon C.ty, Ore.
2-4, HI CHAS. B. MOOBE3, Bolster.