Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 11, 1898, Image 7

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Homo Inside JIlMtory lU-mudLit
the FiikIoiiIhIm.
ihalrmon llntlcr Wrllos to Chairman
Yenus; for lururniullon and
CrcHres Hot Lottr.
Tim following l'ttor li snlf fxpluna-
tory i
Washington, I). 0., Jan. 21, 1H1IS
Hun. John 0. Young, Portland, Ore
Dear Kir. Recently Munntur Jonns,
chairman of the democratic national
coinmlttne, hai brought to mo from
time to lime letters from the democratic
state I'lialrman of your alata and other
leading dmuocrats, ahont tho aituation
ont there.
Having heard nothing from you
ofllclally, I waa unahlo to express an
pinion or confer Intelligently about the
mutter rufurred to. Will you kindly
take tho time to write tno the present
aituation, the feeling ol our people, and
the outlook for the coming campaign In
your atate ? Would be glnd to assist you
in puNhing the fight successfully In any
way that 1 can,
Youra very truly,
MAaioN Ili'TMca, Chairman.
John t). Young i reply la ai
IUkks City, Jan.
Marlon liutlur,
2B, 18118.
ton, I). 0
Dear 8lr. Yours of the 21st Instant,
making luuiry aa to tho political situs
tioo la Oregon, Is just received. lore
ply will aay that a very large percentage
of our eopla were greatly dissatisfied
with tho work of our national convention,
and were oo much disgusted at the had
faith displayed by tho democracy in
keeping Bewail on I he ticket, that it waa
with the greatest dllllculty a full populist
vole waa gotten out In November ,though
ouri was a Hryan-Wation ticket. Large
numbert of them voted the ticket under
protect and have ilnce given their abhor
rence to tho Meniphla movement, have
gone completely oyer to the aoclal dem
ocrat party, which la now rapidly organ
ising "branches" In thla aUto. Tlili
(Delta) organisation will not become act
ive in Oregon axcepl ou condition of a
(union, and lo that event we ahall looto
(11 ty percent, or 15,000, of our votera, re-
lulling In tbo election of the republican
atate, congreatlonal and legislative tick
eta, even In the event of a division In
tho republican ranks. Tbeaa yotera
feel that la accepting Mr. Bryan they did
all that patriotism demanded at their
Lands, and they insist that aa contri
tion for tho bail faith the democracy
practiced la 181W it ahall at leant show
good fsitli In' IMS by laying down the
organisation In those statu of the North
where the populist la the second party
in the field, and eiieclally in view ol
the fact that the democracy Ignores and
treats with contempt the populists In
those Southern states where it can win
without their aid, and where our voters
re told to go to the devil or herd with
the "niggera where thuy belong". They
(eel that t ipulistu Is not sectional, that
populist and his cause in Mississippi
or Alabama are as worthy of consider
ation as In Oregon where the populists i
numbxr two to one of the democrats.
The truth cannot he concealed. In this
state a persiHtent effort to accomplish a
fuHlon for the destruction of populism
lias been pushed by concerted action of
other parties and factious. It la natural
and legitimate ou the part of ihegold
party, but the co operative movement to
thla end on the part of the silver men
to give aid and comfort to the democracy
either directly or Indirectly, will not by
the Independent thinkers and actors in
our ranks. They will refuse to be "put"
by bosses or plu hunters as the voters of
the old parties may he, and their object
Ions to being treated as political chattels
in the name of free silver and under the
precions plea of patriotism amounts to
positive revolt.
The desire of tho rank and lllo of the
democracy of Oiegon for a union or fusion
is based on a hankering after the loaves
and fishes, but no one knows better than
the local and national democratic loaders
themselves that an effective union or fu
sion on the lines they propose la impos
sible, and they are not pushing this union
movement with a view so much to get
the offices or In the Interests of silver, as
with the well founded expectation that
the extent of such union will measure
the extent of populist dlHintogration and
somewhat corresponding growth of the
democracy to the end that it may occupy
the whole political field agninst the gold
party in 1000. The old line populists,
the real backbone ol the party, know
this and resent it with scorn.
Senator Jones and his silver republi
can aids may succeed in destroying the
eoples party. Indeed they may have
already done so, but lta destruction in
this state and elsewhere will avail
nothing in the final analysis, for, boon
companions though they may be now,
the Inevitable treachery of the demo
cracy will bring the inevitable row.
If Senator Jones and his coadjutors
are sincerely and solely interested in
securfng silver congressmen from Ore
gon, then advise them to call olT their
dogs here and give over the field to the
populists, who will elect silver congress'
men If any at ull are elected about
Iiomi' standing In thla Issue Ihiiro will
b.t no 'I'luMlwii. Yonr-i truly,
JoiinC. Yoiy.su
I'ouullst County Central Committee
Pusses Hi-solutions,
The regular monthly meeting of the
populist county central committee was
held In this city last Saturday. The
resignation of W. 8, U'Ken as chairman
of the committee was accepted and
Henry Thlessen elected to fill the va
Tho date for holding the county con
ventlon was set for March 10, and It was
decided to elect only delegates to the
state convention at that time. The con
ventlon lor nominating a county ticket
will be held at a later data. The prima
rles will be held on March 12. The basis
of representations w II be one delegate
for every 20 vots or majority thereof
cast for congressman and one delegate at
largo for each precinct.
The following resolution wns adopted
"Kesolved, liy the peonies party
county central committee ol Uuckarnas
county, Oregon, that a referendum eloi:
tloti be held at the people's party prima
ries in this county ou March 12, I Him
and the mtiier of the eople s party
le requested to note the following ques'
lion :
"Are you In favor of a union of the
pooplu's party, free-silver democrats and
free-silver republicans In this state on
one atate ticket, providing satisfactory
arrangements can he made through a
conference of committees appointed by
regularly elected delegate conventions
each party indorsing not less than the
following In Its state platform :
First For the Initiative and referen
dum system of lawmaking in Its optional
form, and the submission by congress of
all lniKirUnt national questions for an ad
yisoty vo e of the people, until such time
at the nstlonal constitution shall have
been amended so as to provide fur direct
"Second For the Independent free
coinage of both gold and silver at the
ratio of Kl to 1.
"Third-For the abolition olall private
nd corporate banks of issue, snd for the
issue of all money by the general govern
ment alone, all money so issued to be i
full It-gal tender for all debts, public an J
private? Yes or no?"
W. H. U'Ken, ia tendering his resigns
tion aa chairman of the committee, which
was accepted, said that, after the action
of the atate central committee, re
(erring the matter of fusion to county
committees only, striking out all refer
ence to Instructions of voters in pre
cincts, he wss convinced that the pur
pose wai to make a fusion for office,
without much regard to principles. lie
said he know how committees could be
and had been worked, and supposed
fusion would be made on old lines and
fought in old ways. My of his friends
he said, insisted that, as chairman, he
should Its impartial and silent, and leave
It to the people, but he consideied him
self one of the people, and could not be
silent on matters of so much import
ance, anil to avoiilan appearance ol room
for dissatisfaction among his Mends, he
preferred to do his work in the ranks.
The date of the next meeting was set
for March 19. A vole of thanks was ten
dered the reining chairman for his effi
cient services. Some intimated U'Ken
ould again be called to the chairman
Itarruud Lobsters.
In tho neighborhood of the Bermudas
the sea Is extremely tritiiNpiu-eut, so
that ttio fluheriiieu cuu readily seo the
hums of the lobsters protruding from
their hiding plmt's in tho rocks at con
siderable depth. To entice the crusts,
toans from these crannies they tie a lot
of snails in a bull and duuglo them ia
front of the cautious lobster. Whou be
grabs the ball, they haul him up.
What Us Was After.
Congressuiuu So you want to serve
your country, do yoa?
Applicant Well, I ain't particular
whether I serve my country much or
tot, but I should like to get uu office at
a good salary. Homarville Journal.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous,
and for relief took your Karl's Clover
Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and
strengthened my whole nervous system .
I was troubled with constipation, kidnev
and bowel trouble. Your -Tea soon
cleansed my system so thoroughly that
1 rapidly regained health and strength.
MrB.S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold
by Cbarmar. & Co., Druggists, Oregon
Thouasmta are Try Inn It.
In order to prove the great went of
Ely's Cream Halm, the most ell'oolivo our
(or Catarrh and Cold in Head, ws Imve pre
pared a gnnorous trial size (or 10 con to.
Out it of your druggist or sand 10 cents to
ELY BROS., CO Varrou St., N. Y. City.
I snfTered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever siuoe a boy, u.i.l 1 never hopid (or
cure, but Ely's Cream Hnlui seems to do
even that Many acquaintances lure usod
it with exoellont results. Oncar Ostnitu,
45 Wurreu Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure (or catarrh aud contains nococuina,
nieroury nor any iujurions drug. Price,
CO oents. At dnignisti or by uiuil.
The U. So Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
A series of confidential talks to men
will be begun next Sunday at 4 p. m. in
the parlors of the association on the gen
eral subject "The lllg Three." The first
will bo Hov, Harold OWg, Ills topic
being "Jkittled Traps." The second
talk In the series will be given by Itev.
A, J, Montgomery, subject, "Funeral
Torches" and Kev. T. W. Butler will
close the aeries with a talk on "Wild
Oats," All men are cordially Invited.
The Portland association held its first
members social oa Monday night of this
week. Four programs were rendered at
the same time ia different rooms and the
building was packed full of an enthusias
tic crowd. Five hundred members joined
since October 15.
The Y. M. C. A. rooms will be turned
over to the ladies auxiliary, the em
ployes of the woolen mills and the mem
bers of the association Saturday evening.
A splendid program will be furnished
mostly by the woolen millers and the
ladies will serve cake and coffee. An ad
mission of 10 cents will be charged to
meet expenses.
The new board of directors are settling
down to business snd the prosects for
this year's work are good. President Bes
tow will announce the committees at the !
regular meeting next Monday night.
The budget for this year's expenses will
be adopted and plans laid for securing
the funds and pushing the work on all
What Uie Lamps Meaa and flow Tbef
Should It Treated.
"What are those lumps lu my baby's
neck?' is a question often asked the
Lumps, or kernels as they are often
oallud, because they fuel like grains or
seeds under the examining fingers, are
lymph bodies, or glauds.
The system of lympb glands and
tubes covers the entire body. If it were
exposed to view, it would have the ap
pearance of uixshwork. Lymph ducts
load from the skin, from the mucous
membrane, aud from bone to lympb
bodies which are further connected
with one another by the same means.
At any point where there is an in
flammation, a sore, a breaking of the
ikln or mucous surface, there will be
found open mouths of lymph ducts into
which waste matter is liable to enter.
This waste matter sets up an irritation
and on enlargement of the lymph bod
ies to which it Amis its way. It will
now be easily understood bow such an
enlargement or inflammation of the
lymph bodies always points to a state
of inflammation at some point, perhaps
at a considerable distance from the
lumps themselves. Thus a felon on the
finger causes enlarged glands to appear
in the armpit
Lumps in the neck may sometimes be
plainly traced to eczema of the scalp.
Sometimes the mouth is the seat of the
trouble. Large and inflamed tonsils mar
be present, or the teeth may be decaying.
When the ear Is tbe seat of an ab
scess, either before or daring the course
of a purulent discharge eulurged glands
are common.
Enlarged lympb bodies just behind
the angle of tbe jaw ore sometimes sig
nificant of catarrh of tbe nose and the
adjaceut portion of the throat
Tbe existence of enlarged lymph bod
ies for a few days, or sometimes for a
lunger interval, cannot be said to be in
itself dangerous. The case Is different
when lumps exist for several weeks or
lunger. They become changed in char
acter after this time and begin to break
down and form purulent matter. This
stage, too, is more difficult to core, as
surrounding tissue may become affected.
The akin over the glands ia involved
and becomes part of the large, soft, red
or purplish swelling, now called an ab
scess, which either breaks or is hinood
by the surgeon.
These enlargements may become in
vaded by the tubercle bacilli, from
which consumption of the luugs or a
general consumption may develop.
During the course of an infectious
diseuKO, when the glands in the neck
sometimes become eulurged, the core of
tho throat must not be noglocted. Tbe
use of an autiseptio solution on tbe
affuoted parts will often produce an im
mediate good result Youth s Com
pan ion.
About Lightning Bods.
Rods, although thoy may not entirely
protect a building, may preserve it from
being seriously damaged. The Jefferson
physical laboratory of Harvard univer
sity is protected in the following man
ner: Each of the chimneys is provided
with rods which are connected with
conductors running along the eaves.
From the comers of the roof conductors
are led to the ground and are oonnected
underground with a conductor which
entirely surrounds the building and
whiob is oonnected to a permanent wa
ter supply at least ten feet below the
surface of the ground. Iron pipes are
driven to reach this water supply. This
ts as near an approuch to a cage as cir
oumstanoos would permit
A trolley cur has a lightning rod in
Its trolley, which is connected through
its motor with the rails and the ground.
It is not beyond possibility, however,
that a discharge descending the trolley
arm should refuse to go through the mo
tor and should seek a quicker oscillating
path through the car. This is not likely
to happen often, for tbe network of the
trolley wire and the telogruph Hues of a
town or oity, together with tbe electrio
light wires, separate and divert into
many channels the electrical disturb
ance. The great increase of wires in our
oities sorves to protect from great dam
age by lightning, for many paths are
offered to the discharges, which are
thus broken up into more or loss harm
less sparks, Professor John Trowbridge
lu Chautuuquau.
First class goods only
10 to 15
Cheaper than
any house in town.
Strietly Clothing
and everything belonging to a
Clothing outfit.
Comer Morrlso. am Second Sts. Portland, Ore.
Furnished Erery Week by the Clacks
mai Abstract k Trust Company.
V L Mack to Alfred Blasell Jan 13
'W ffDJf acre in P Lee claim!
U 8 to Albert Alburn e of of
sec2.t2s.r3e Mar 1 '72 Pat
W W J McCord to E W A E Haines
Jan 29 'OS W D 5 acres In M M
McCaryer claim 60
Alfred II Shaver to W A Hliaver Jan
9 '1)5 W D 93 acres in sec 21, 1 5
s, r 2 e
Jas Bsmford to 8 A Diet Sept 22 '90
W D nH of ne'i sec 7, 1 5 s, r 3,
and 16 foet aloof s side of nwj
of neV sec 2 r 7
8 B CalifT (by sheriff to L A Noble
Dec 17 97 deed, lots 5, 6 blk 143
Oregon City
Oliver Gould to Filancy Otis Dec 17
'97 Q C D sw of sec 11, 1 3 s, r
1 w
Sunset Land Co 8 to A Scott Jan 26,
'98 deed, lot 9, blk 14, Sunset
WAAL Boer to Lorena Posson
Jan 31, '99 W D 10 acres in claim
J & Geo Patterson to G A Kinzer
Aug 14, ,93 W D 120 acres In sec
42, t 4 s, r 1 e
1-6 Interest in above
P II Marlay to Thomas Duffy Dec
31, '97 Q C D nwtf of se4 sec 17
t2s,rl e
Robert A Miller to 8 G Miller Feb
4, '98, lots 1, 2 blk 8, Gladstone
Willamette Land Co to W II Condit
Feb 3, '9S, tract 4 and w 1.20
acres in tract 6, Fruttdale 300
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorns system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnish Information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Omce over Bank of Oreiron City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
Not For Everything.
But if your kidney, liver or bladder
trouble you will find Swamp-Root just
the remedy you need. People are not
apt to get anxious about their health
soon enough, It you are "not quite
well" or "half sick" have you ever
thought that your kidneys may be the
caiiBe of your sickness?
It is easy to tell by setting aside your
urine for twenty-four hours; a sediment
or settling indicates an unhealthy condi
tion of the kidneys. When urine satins
linen it is evidence of kidney trouble.
To frequent desire to urinate, scanty sup
ply, pain or dull ache in the back is sIbo
convincing proof that tbe kidneys and
bladder need doctering.
There is satisfaction in knowing that
the great remedy Dr Kilmer's Swamp
Root, fulfills every wish in relieving weak
or diseased kidneys and all forms of blad
der and urinary troubles. Not only does
Swamp-Root give new life and activity to
the kidneys the cause of trouble, but by
treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for
the entire constitution. If you need a
medecine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar, or by mentioning the Oregon
City Enterprise and sending your ad
dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. you may have sample bottle of
this great discovery sent to you free by
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entirpkibi office .
No baits,
No traps,
No bacon
catch the game.
13 Astor Place
New York
Ths Outlook will be in 1897, as it has
been during each of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. In
its various editorial departments Thi
Outlook gives a compact review of the
world's progress; it follows with care all
the important philanthropic and indns-
trisl movements of the dav ; has a com'
pieie department 01 religious news:
devotes much space to the interests of
the home; reviews current literature;
furnishes cheerful table-Ulk about men
and things ; and, in short, alms to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty-fifth volume,
the paper will assume the regular maga
zine site, which will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Thi
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue
in each month in an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages as the ordinary issues, together
with a large number of pictures.
lhe price of The Outlook is three
dollars a year in advance, or less than
a cent a day,
Send for a speciman copy snd illus
trated prospectus to Thb Octlook, 13
Astor Place, New York City.
JWstw Th?y overturn aknM, Irrefni
r TtV lriy nu oiuislou,i!icre T.trur
I . a. ntl lnlb "petln of mt'tistiuav
f lion." Ibtry "l.lfe Muvrra'
f'T toirlrlial womanhooti, aiUmc d
-ffl&J lopmrntofonrnandbody. No
fvfi - nowu rrniedjr for women fMiuali
'-i tLj JK-i them. Cannot do hrm lire be
j AVriMwiiiei a plfAMir. VI per hoi
For sole by C. G. Huntlev.
or i'eOTJla That Am
Siok or "Just Don't
Jieei well."
imeet PliapJae, cares Headache. Oytpaotla tad
CMUireiieerJs et . box at druatf .iToVby maj
temples Free, address Or. Boeaake Cs. Hula, fa.
is the staff of life,
but it is not all made
Main Street Bakery
has a reputatiou for making
jrood bread every day in the
and Staple
Always Fresh.
Main Street.
II 1JV .1P1
St aSX
Ull I V
I ILft.ll
Legal Notices.
Assigrsiee's ."retire.
Notice is hereby given by order of the
Circuit Court of the Htsls of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, In the matter of the
ssslKiniKiit of the Oregon City Hash and
Uoor Company, 8 H, f'alilf and Clio,
t'alitr. Insolvent debtors, Hist sai.l Court
has Hxed Monday, April 18, or as soon
thereafter a the samscsn be resetted, oa
the time for hsaring objections to the mar
hsIluiK ol the sxsem sd liabilities of said
debtors; all persons having objections to
the steps taken by the aaaigiiefl toward mar
ihallinK said asaeta and liabilities, or that
may be taken by said Court at said time
toward marshalling the tame, must make
laid objections, on or before laid day.
C. O. T. Williams.
1-28, 2-25 Assignee as aforessld.
Assignee's Male.
In the Circuit Court of ibe Stale of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamae.
C O. T. Wllllama, a-slgnee of 1
B. a Callff, Cuu. Cahrl, a'id
Oregon City Saab A D ior Co,
Junes Ml ler, Sophia Miller,
L'r.ab baulels, Win. Lanklae
Bad W. C. Jouneoo,
Defendant. J
Pnranant to s lulsmeot. order and denraa
made and entered Id the above entitled Court
In tbe abore entitled eauea on tha lath 1
January, IMW, dlreo'lng me toseil the berelo
afiardaacribei proper ijr to aati'y tne amount
due upon a certain note oi ald defendant.
Jamee Miller and Sophia Miller to said Chaa.
CallfT, to-wlt: the earn of 11,100 wltn Interne)
tnercon at the rate ol 8 per cent per annnra
liora March 27th. 1MM. Lmrathar arltb Ih.
Oi !.
M"w, therefore, tmreuant to aald tndrmant
oruer aud dacree. I will on IMurlar, tbe litbi
day ol March, IHjS. at tbe hour ol 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day, at Ibe front door ol the Couair
Court House in Oiet- .n City, said Couuty of
Clackamaa, eell at public auction to tne hUheat
uiuu'-t. ior caan in nana, all or the lntareat,
rif t, and tltie whlcb tne sail Chaa. CallfT and
KalJ Cal ff. h a alia, tba .aid J.m.a Mill.. a
Sophia Miller, hi Wif i. and the aaid plaintiff a)
aaeisnat) had on the 27. b day of March, IKM, or
aince had or bare In and to lo a and 7, block 1.
ofttieen Polot, Clackamas County. Orevon.
ML S-Il Ajslfna of Chaa. callff, etaL
Exeea tor's Notice of I'lasl Set.
In the County Court of the stats of Oregon, for
uv iuuutr 01 itacaimaa.
In tbe matter ol the estata of Carl Frederick
Hi'iubarth. deceased:
Notloe ia hereby lTn that Frederick Splta
barth.ezecaior of tbe last will and teatament
of the aaid daoeaaad, baa filed in aald eonrt bla
final aooountaeaa h xex.utor, and mat Horn
day, the 7ih day of March, UM, at 10 o'clock A,
M., at the nourt room of aald eonrt, at the court
bouae In Orecon City, In aaid County and Sum.
baa been duly appointed by tba Judge of aali
court for thi near:ne of objaetlons lo aaid float
account aaJ the eeulement thereof,
Ezeeutor of the laat will and leimul of
Carl Frederi ;k Hpluuarth, deeaaaed. l-as, J-l
Notice for Publlratloa.
Land office at Oregon City. Ore., Jan. IS. 18SS.
Notice la hereby giveo that the following
named eeltler baa filed notice of bis IntenUoa
10 make Bnal proof lu an port f hla claim, and
that a. 1 1 rrof will be made before the Keglatar
andRaceiTer at Oregon City, O.e., ou February
H.E. 9207. for the 8 E of Sec. H Tp. 5 8, B S K.
Ha n-nua the following wl.namaa to prore
htaco Hinuona r aidanca upon and eolUvalioa
of ta d laud, Ts:
F. M. Baker, John Wrfrrht, F. If. Robinson.
W I. iam Bouuey.ail of Coltou.Orezoo.
11. t-a CHA8. B. MOOUEa, Baedster.
Notice for Pnblicatlosu
Land offloe at Oregon City. Ore.. Jan. 19,1898.
Noticaj ia hereby siren that tbe following
named aettler baa fllaj ootice of his intenlloa
to make final Drool lu snpport of bia alalia, and
that Mid proof will be mid belore the Rgglater
aod KeieiTar at Oregon City, Ore., on February
A less, ls: - -
H. E. 9138, for tba NX WollEW, 8EW of
N E , and lots l aod 2 of 8w. , Tv 2 8, R (X.
Meuarois tbe following erltnaaeee to prur
niecoutiiiuous resiueuo upon aud ouliiraUoa
ol aaid land. Tlx:
Fra ik H rial. Abraham Tan Erck. Rabart 1L
exinder, Mlohael Kelly, all of Marmot. Orefoo.
i-.ii, i a iU:v a. jnuuKta, ueclater.
Aetlce of FlaaU Settlemeat.
Io the matter of tbe aetata of Sarah Jan.
ScotL deceaard.
No lc- li hereby siren that I hare dnlr S'aA
my final rvport in aaid eilata in tha amintr
Ouuriof Ciarkaraae county. Oregon, and tne
Court has fixed March 7th. lsyg, at one o'clock
p. m. aa a aay aaa Uina lor he iring aaid report
aud for Ui settlement of aaid eaute.
Jan. 18, 18 Executor ol ala attain.
H. . Cross, Attoraar for tne eaute.
1-2L 2-U
Retire of Final Settlenaeat.
Notice ie oe-eby tirrn that tbe undersigned,
administrator of iheestaw of Aegie klellogg,
minor, baa Mod h.a aecouni for final eutile
mnt in tbe County Curt for Clackatnai
County, Ortwon. and tnal aiJ Court haa ap
point, d Monday, tlie 7th day ol March, at tho
hour of lu o'clock A. M. fur hoanug objeotiona
to ta.d acrouui m i aettlemeul thereof.
Dateu, Duo. li, 1897.
J. T. ArrsBSON,
Administrator ol the eeUte of Aggie feeling,
a m nor. g.
1 a,
Police of Final Wettleiueut.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Ciackama. Countr.
Iu tne mat er of the eitate ol L. H. Hobbs, de-
Not.ee is herebr e.Tan thatlhara Slal m
final ac -ount a auoiin s ralor of the estate of
aid L. H. H bb. dnxed. lu the Couutr Court
of the atate ni Or.gnu f .r Clackamaa oounty,
au.l tbat aaid Court has It led Mondty, the 7th
day ol March, 1SW, at tbe bour ol 10 o'clock A.
M. of aaid day a. I ie lima f ir bearing any objec
tion to said report an i for tbe final setUemeat
ol aaid eatate.
L. L Posts a,
1-7, 24 Administrator oi aald eatato.
Notice for l'ubllcatlon.
Land Office at Orvfoa City, Ore., January 8th,
Notice i heraby siren that the folIowlna
named tt er haa II ed noiloa ol ber inteution
to mk 11 ni Drool In support of her olaiin, and
thalaal I Drool will h :nadi halnra tha
end Keo irr atOrogon Citr. Ore., on FeOruarr
lih, IsMS. Tlx:
a E, 9342, for the lota 1 and 2 of 8ea 10, Tp. S 8.
She names tha following wltneaaaa tn nrnv.
her oontinuoua raaidauoe upon and cultivation
of said land, rls:
Fat O Connor. B. O. Sarrar. John Tallanan.
James Barbrtdge, all of Logan, Oregon.
1-14, 218 CHA9. B. MOORE9, Eenlater
Notice to Creditors.
Notloe ie hereby glveu. that tba nndaralrnad
haa been appo n.eladmluiatrator, with tn will
annexed, ol the atate of Caarlea Duncan.
ceaed, aud tbatali ored to e aud peroui har
lng olalma again t taid estate are lequiret to
preeen th -am , wi.kihj proper roujuers, to
the underalgn a at Willabura-.Oreiroii. withia
slxmoaihe from the flrt publio tion of this
notioa, DAVID WILLS, AI ml u-trntr.
Dated this 2utQ day o January, 1SUS.
Davia A Graham, Atiorujya 1-n, 2-18
Notice for l'ubllcatlon.
Land rffio-at Oregon City. Ore.. Jan. !. 1898.
Notice la bereur siren that tlia follnwlnn-
namd e .lurha. fll.d notice ol hia Intention
to m ike final prool in upport of hia e aim, and
tiiaua d nrol wulba mada befnra tha Kuvl.iar
and R c lver at Oregun City, Ore., on Alaroh
imu, low, ria;
H. K 90u3, for the E of 8 ol Sec. 8, Tp. 4 8,
K !t E
He namoa the following wltneaaea to prove his
contiuiioua rtisideuce upon anil cultiratiou of
said land, via:
Cbarl a ' W Fredrick, of Ely, Oreironi Alma
Cooper, ol O eifon C ty.Ore. : Harvey Phi lip., of
Canby, Ore.; Eli M-niil k,of Draw on City, Ore.
2-4. 8-11 CHAS. a MOOKE8, Bogiater.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to tba
Entkrpbisk and get the the benefit of
the reduction In price.