Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 11, 1898, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
! . - -
Otrfmll court convenes first Mon a In No
vember and third Nomisj tu April.
Probst court lu session first Monday
Oommliwinnprii court mt first Wednesday
(tar flrat MoiuUv of enoh mourn.
Rev. Pr. Butler will preach in the
chapel at Ely next Sabbath at 2:30 p. m.
Headquarters (or blue atone.land plas
ter and reliable needs. Harris' grocery.
A hijh crate warranted sewing ma
chine sell for $25 at Bellomy & Bunch,
on easy terms.
A dressmaker from the east would
like a few eniimremcnU in families, Ad
dress this office.
FitsMinmons calls Corbett a cur, and
Corbett calls him a pup. This ought to
insure a dog fight at least.
On Sunday there will be unusually in
teresting services in the Methodist
church. The evening service w ill lie de
moted to evangelistic work. You are in
vited to attend .
Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Cure.
The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup
promptly. One Million bottles sold last
Tear. 40 dot es lor .o cents, toiu oy
Charman A Co., Druggist Oregon City,
Worden, the miserable, cowardly as
sassin, the train-wrecker near Sacra
mento, has been favored with another
'stay of execution." This is the type of
justice that produces mob violence.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purines
the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25
cents. Sold by Charman 4 Co., Oregon
Mr. U. C. BuBbnell, tbe lightning
crayon arfist and cartoonist will make
pictures that will make you wonder,
laugh and cry, next Friday evening at
the Congregational church, a pleasant
evening alike for young and old.
Whooping cough is the most distress
ing malady; but its duration can be cut
short by the nse of One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also the best known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial troubles. Geo. A. Harding.
There will be the usual services in the
Baptist church on Sunday conducted by
the pastor. Preaching at 10 :30 a. m. and
7:30 p.m. In the evening the pastor
will preach on "Tbe Unpardonable Sin,
What it is and Who Commits it."
A thrill of terror is experienced when
brassy cough of croup sounds through
the bouse at night. But the terror soon
changes' to relief after One Minute Cough
Core has been administered. Safe and
harmless for children. Geo. A. Harding.
'Senator Linsay made a strong and sen
sible reply to the Kentucky legislature,
which asked him to resign. He cannot
afford to abandon his principles on such
an important matter as finances and tbe
currency at the dictation of a majority
ot a state legislatuie.
A waiter in a restaurant placed the
bill of tare before a customer with tbe
side np showing a local advertisement.
The customer ordered scrambled eggs,
two buggies, a couple of sleighs and a
road cart. When he asked for two
wheelbarrows she fled.
When statesmen are thrown out of
office in Washington their daughters
sometimes throw themselves ont of win'
dows; when they are fired out, their
daughters shoot themselves. The New
Woman in Washington says : "Give me
society, or give me death."
In the matter of the estate of Sarah
McCue, deceased, an order was made this
week citing all persons interested to ap
pear before the county court on March
14, to show cause, if any. wby the prop
tery belonging to tbe estate should not
be sold as provided by law.
Farewell orders haye come after four
months of hard judicious work in Oregon
City. Ensign J. E. Osborne and Lieu
tenant E. Sengerberger farewell Sunday
evening February 13th for a new field of
labor. Tbe public is cordially invited to
attend the farewell meetings.
After years of nnlold suffering from
piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knitnersville,
Fa., was cured by using a single box of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. Skin dis
eases such as eczema, rash, pimples and
obstinate sores are readily cured by this
famous .remedy. Geo. A. Harding.
Evangelists Gnllahorn and Ledford,
- who have assisted in an interesting and
profitable series of revival meetings at
the Bap" 1st church for the past month,
left last Monday, to take up tbe work in
Portland. The meetings which have
just been brought to a close were well
attended and resulted in many conver
sions, perhaps 30 or 40.
The parlors of tbe Electric hotel were
the scene of a very pleasant party last
Wednesday evening. Friends to
tbe number of about 15 were present
and enjoyed themselves in music, games
and general merry making until about
11 o'clock. The genial host and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson, served
refreshments after which tbe party broke
For the best dairy or creamery buttor
go to Harris' grocery.
Our hats must go regardless of cost.
13.00 hats for fl.50 at Miss Goldsmith's.
Marriage license was issued yesterday
by County Clerk Dixon to Joel Haynes j
and Louire Ware.
Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitaliaer
immediately relieves Sour Stomach
Coming up of Food Distress, and is the
great kidnev and liver remedy. Sold by
Charman A Co., Druggists, Oregon City
Our Sunnyside correspondent seems
to have been in error last week in the
announcement of the teachers meeting,
We are informed the meeting will be
held in West Oregon City instead of
The ladies of the M. E. church give
notice of a roll call and conundrum lunch
on Monday night February 14, partic
ulars next week. Admission will be
free and an interesting program is be
ing prepared.
Now that the department stores have
added the restaurant feature to their
business, we ought to expect soon to see
them open barbershops and bootblack
stands. They will probably acquire the
undertaking department in time to fur
nish the monopoly store its own sepul
cher at wholesale prices.
David A. Carter, of Hillsboro, who
last Monday filed on a homestead in
Marion county, was born in Oregon City
in 1S42, and is therefore entitled to the
distinction, so far as we are informed, of
being the tirst white child born in the
territory now known as tbe state of
Oregon. His wife is the daughter of
Frank Yoakum of Yamhill county also
an early pioneer Mr. Carter has lived
in this state all his life.
Eastern Mar Entertainment
The ladies of Pioneer chapter No. 28,
O. E. S., entertained a large number of
their friends in their ball last Tuesday
evening. Tbe following very entertain
ing program was rendered :
Miss F.Campbell, Miss Veda Williams
Solo Mrs E. Sadie White
Solo William Burghardt
Violin solo Mr. Suryyhine
Vocal solo Mrs. J. H. Strickler
Piano solo Miss Spangler
Trio. ..Mrs. E. E. Charman, Mrs. War
ner, Miss Wishart, Miss Spangler,
Mrs. Wiggins.
At the conclusion of the musical pro
gram Mrs. Madeline a. Uonaiing,
worthy grand matron, was called (or and
delivered a short but interesting address,
confining her remarks to the objects of
the order. Mrs. Margaret Lotke, asso
ciate grand matron, was also present and
gave utterance to expressions of good
will. Tbe program was completed by
the serving of light refreshments and an
hour or more occupied in social conver
sation. The evening was indeed pleas
antly spent nntil about 10 :30 when the
party dispersed.
Hawks-Fox. At the home of the bride's
parents in Oswego on Saturday, Jan
nary 29, by Rev. Smith, Mr. C. N.
Haines and Miss Noma I. Fox.
Mr. Haines is a well known resident of
Oswego and has been for several years
in the employ of tbe Southern Pacific
company, a prominent member of the
order Knights of Pythias and a member
of tbe grand lodge, while Mrs. Haines is
one of Clackamas county's most promi
nent and efficient teachers, being now
employed in the West Side school. Mr.
and Mrs. Haines are natives of Hanging
Rock, Lawrence county, Ohio, and have
been acquainted since childhood.
BIOod-Bbayton. At the residence of L.
C. Driggs, on Monday, February 7, by
Rev. M. L. Rugg, Mr. W. H. Blood of
Carlton, Yamhill county, and Miss
Elsie Brayton of Maple Lane.
Tbe bride is well-known here being a
native of Oregon City. Tbe groom is a
successtul teacher of Yamhill county.
Heitkempeb-Bbandknblbo. On Febru
ary 3, at the Electric hotel in this city,
by Rev. J. M. Gallaborn, Gerhard
Heitkemper and Goldie Brandenburg.
Martin-Lacboy. At the house of G.
W. Lacroy on February 2. 1898, by
Rev. W. 8. Matthews, Mr. John T.
Martin and Myra B, Lacroy.
Horr-HANDLBMANi. In Oregon Citv.
on February 4, 1898, by Gordon E.
Hayes, county judge, Mr. Valentine
Hoff, and Caroline Handlemann.
Irish. AtParkplace on Monday, Febru
ary 7, 1898, of Brights disease, A. W.
Irish, aged 68 years.
Strangb In Oregon City on Tuesday,
February 8tb, to the wife of II. 8.
Strange, a son.
Cazabon of the Marseilles theater re
lates that he learned in two hours and
played the same evening the part of
Buridan in "La Tour de Nesle. "
"Prodigious!" says a bystander.
"How could you ever do it?"
Ho, I just read it carefully and
then I tied a knot in my handkerchief
to remember it by. " Paris Figaro.
The Turk was originally a Tartar,
with a nose as flat as that of the Hon, a
reoeding chin and squint eyes, but
amalgamation with tbe nations he has
conquered has elevated his nose, straight
ened bis eyes and brought his chin into
a prominence more becoming than it
was before.
Royal snakts tht food pur,
wholuom and dsllclous.
Absolutely Pure
A Special Tax of Seven and One-Half
Mills Voted.
A special school meeting was hold in
Pope's hall Monday evening for the pur
pose of levying a tax for school purposes
for the ensuing year. The meeting was
presided over by Dr. J. W. Norris, chair
man of the board, who requested Mrs.
McCown, clerk, to read the call for the
meeting. Dr. Norris then read the fol
lowing estimate made by the board of
directors of the probable amount o(
money that would be needed to carry on
the public schools (or the year 1SD8, to
gether with such recommendations as
seemed necessary.
Oregon City, Feb., 7, 1898. To the
taxpayers of school district No. 02,
Clackamas county, Oregon.-
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We, your directors herewith 'submit
an estimate of the cost of maintaining
the schools in this district for the ensu
ing year, to wit :
Salaries of teachers SC710 SO
Janitors fiflO 00
Clerk 100 00
School supplies, stationery etc 250 00
Janitor's supplies 25 00
Fuel 180 00
Repairs lo furnaces 25 00
Desks a' 00
Blackboards 100 00
Building 100 00
Interest on bonds, 720 00
" " floating debt. 50 50
Water rent 43 00
Total '. .19000 00
The estimate is made on the supposi
tion that we can get along with the same
number of teachers the coming year as
the last. Should, however, the number of
pupils be increased it will be necessary
to employ an additional teacher, fit np a
room and purchase the necessary desks
and furniture tbns entailing considerable
extra expense. We hope, however, to
get through this year with the present
number of teachers.
We estimate our income from state and
county apportionment to be as follows:
8tat 11000
County 3000
Total HOOO
As against $4,733.00 last year. This
is owing to tbe (act that the taxable
property in the county is less than last
year and tbe farther fact that our census
shows a less number of children of school
age in the district, being about one
thousand as against eleven hundred last
Assuming onr estimates to be correct,
it will require a tax levy of seven mills
to meet the actual necessary expenses
of conducting tbe schools for the next
year. A seven-mill levy will raise less
money than six mills did last year, owing
to tbe fact that tbe assessable property
in the district only amounts to $743,000
this year as against $886,000 last year, a
difference of $142,000.
In the above estimate we have placed
only tbe amount that we consider abso
lutely necessary to he met in the conduct
of the schools and we now take this oc
casion to call to your attention the desira
bility, we might also say the necessity, of
providing new closets at the Eastnam
school as those now there are not fit (or
children to use, not to mention thoir un
sanitary condition, which cannot be
remedied. We haye , investigated the
matter of new closets and find that new
ones similar to those now in use at the
Barclay building (which haye proved
very satisfactory in use) can be built for
about $500 We consider this a very
necessary and desirable thing to do and
recommend that you vote an additional
half-mill tax (or this purpose. We (eel
sure that if you will visit the school j
grounds and investigate for yourselves!
that you will agree with us that new
closets are in the interest of decency,
morality and health and not hesitate to'
provide us with the nececsary hinds to.
make the change. 1
Respectfully submitted.
J. W, NouuiH,
V, E. CAaj,i,,
C. H. Caukibld,
The report was ordered placed on file,
whereupon Mr. George A. Harding
offered in substance, tbe following reso
lution: "Resolved, that a special tax
of 1 mills be levied against all assess
able property in the district to be ex
tended on tbe 1808 tax roll." The re
solution was adopted with only two dis
senting votes. After some discussion in
regard to the matter the meeting ad
journed. Monthly Pains cured by Dr. Miw Pain pin.
Mr. Doughty, of Currlnsvlllo, was in
this city lust Saturday.
C. N. Haines, of Oswego, was nn Ore
gon City visitor last Wednesday.
A. R. Hurley of this city has gonu to
Astoria where ho has employment,
Mrs. Sophia II. Seely.of Wilsonvillo,
a pioneer ot IHfil, whs in the city last
Miss Jennie ltowen one of Clackamas
county's most successful teachers Is
teaching in district 61.
' Harry 8. Moody aud wife, former resi
dents ol this city but now of Tortlaud,
were in this city Tuesday,
The many friend of R. IfeShaier will
be sorry to know that ho is quite ill at
the home of bis son in Firwood.
Mr, and Mrs. William Barlow, were
in Oregon City Tuesday evening shaking
hands with old friends and acquaint
Mrs. 8. A. Venahle, of Silverlon, has
been in the city this week visiting her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Johnson.
Professor II, 8. Strange will address
the republicans of Milwaukee tomorrow
(Saturday) evening, that being the regu
lur meeting uf the club.
Senator Brownell went to Ailing'oi;
Gilliam county, lust Tuesday night where
he was summond by wire to assist In
defending a man rharged with assault
with a dangerous weapon.
Frank J. Louis, who has Ix'en em
ployed as druggist in the Santa Clara
County hospital, Calif., for some time
past, arrived in this city last Friday and
after having spent a week visiting
friends will leave Sunday lor Idaho where
he has a position, and will in future
George J. Currin, tho enterprising
merchant, of Currinsville, was in Ore
gon City Wednesday attending to some
estate matters in which he is adminis
trator. In the arena of politics Mr,
Currin's name is being mentioned In
connection with the nomination for
county assessor.
Miss Jennie Griffith, of The Lilacs,
about 10 miles east of Salem, is the
! KUest of
her sister, Mrs. K. A. Miller,
this week. For the last seven years
Miss Griffith has devoted a large part
of her time to the propagation of China
pheasants, and each year has succeeded
In maturing from 150 to 200 birds. The
process of domesticating these birds is
one not generally understood and there
fore lew persons have made it a success.
miss unmm, nowever, by making a
study of their habits and the food required
has been able to overcome, to a large
extent, their wild nature.
At Four Score.
Restores Health.
II tax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has
passed tbe 80th life mile atone, says:
"Sr. Miles' Restorative Nervine bos done a
great deal of good. I suffered for years from
sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble.
Would foci weary and used up in the morn
ing, bad no ambition and my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under
protest as I bad tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought It no use. But It
gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and
restored me to energetic health. It la a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly write
anyone Inquiring, full particulars of my sat
isfactory experience."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
nsrvos free. Address,
rvmw y
Restore ?
P& MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Iod.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entxbphibb office,
(jsi'mania Cah Market
Best Quality of Cold
Storage Meats.
Smoked hams and bacon cannot
be excelled. Game in season.
Highest price paid
for live and dressed
Seventh St between Main and Depot
Dr. Miles' Nervine
assessor and
Both tho method and remilU when
Syrup of Fig, is taken; it is ploanant
and rof rushing to tho taste, and acta
Ejntly yot promptly on tho Kidneys,
iver and JloweU, clcanson tho sys
tem ofTiHittmlly, iUhjuiIs colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, plowing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to tho Htomach, prompt in
iU action and truly bcnchciul in its
effects, prepared onl v from tho most
healthy ami ngnwuhloRuhNtanccti, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and havo made it tho ntottt
jojiular remedy known.
pyrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cont bottles by all leading drug
ging. Any relinblo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
mam mmjisco, CAL
loumim, nr. tout, r.
Jllolf s Nerverine Pills
Th great
remedy for
nervous pros
tratlon and
i all nervous
;r disease ot the
ms centra tlve or-
buouk n a it.u i hi mi. pirit of either
sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or
lost Manhood, Impotcncy, Nightly Emis
sions, Youthful Errors, Mntal Worry, ex
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which
lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00
per box try mailt boxes tor $5.1X1.
IriOTTS CHEMICAL CO, Prop's, Cleveland. Ohio.
For sale by C. U. IfuntUy.
our ctuitotners claim for tie and
our groceries: That we olltr
the Wat of groceries at the low
eat price. They have confi
dence In our good and know
that we never mlareprenHnt our-
aelve and that our stock of fine
groceries la the purest and the
moat nutritious. 1-ast, but not
least, their grocery bill save It
self fully i!5 per cent by their
dealing with Marr ft Mulr.
Our way of doing buninee la
to treat every one fair and square
and oiler the very beat in our
(m (m
I. A lTx V . Xv a
Manufactured in Oregon City from tho
beet Belectcd wheat on the market.
.sl Your Grocer
For the flour that will abnorb the mont
water aud thus produce the greatest
number of loaves to the sack.
By all grocers
in Oregon City and is
the lent.
Patronize Home Industry.
A Ejieh Strike $
Thomas Charman
Pioneer Store.
Depot Sixth and J. Street
Kor All PolntB ICuHt
leaves lor the Kant via Walla Walla
ami Simkane, daily at S :(K) p. in . Arrives
at 12 :f.O p. m.
leaves for the Kant via Huntington
ami I'omlUiloii, dally al tt p. m. Arrive
at 7:'M a. in.
Ockan Imvimion Ntininithl full from
AiiiHwoith ilix'k H p. in. Kor Han Fran
l iiMo: State of California saila Jan.
'.'7 ; Columbia nail Ju, :"..
Htoiinior H. H. Thompson leave
1'ortlaiKl dally except Hiiiulay al 8 p.m.,
and at ID p. in. on Saturday; returning,
leavea Anlnriit dai'y except Sunday at
OiWa. in.
Willamette River Route.
Ash Street Wharf.
Steamer llulh, for Halem, Albany,
Corvallm and way points, leave Port
land Tiieadav, Thursday and Satur
day at tl a m. Keturning leave Cor
vallis Mondava. Wednesdays and Fri
days at 6 a. m.
Steamer Klnmre lur Salem and way
point, leave Portland Monday. Wed
nedy and Fridays at (1 a. m. Keturn
Inif, leave Snlem, Tiiemlay, Thursdays
and Sturdaya al B:45 a. in.
Steamer Modoc, for IUyton and way
point, leave Portland Tuesdays. Thurs
day and Saturday at 7 a m. Return
ing, leave Dayton for Portland and way
point Monday, Wednesday and Fri
days at 7 a. ni.
Snake Klver Itoute Steamer leaves
Hiparia daily except Saturday
at 1 :46 a. m , on arrival of train
from Portland. Leave lwlton, retnrn
init, daily except Friday at 6:00 a. m.,
arriving al Hi pari a at 0 p. m.
Hen. TaM. Agent.
V. A. HCHII.I.INO, City Ticket ArU
Telepiion (Main) 712.
You cannot make money faster
than by buying your
. . Dress Goods . . .
where you can get them cheapest.
Is all right, but you must have
clothes to wear, and the best
quality at lowest prices can be
had only at
& Son's