Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 11, 1898, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Mnyor, - - -(mirilr,
Clilrof I'dllre -
NIlltltl'llMlill -
TrrHNiimr, -
(!lty Attorney, -Htreet
Hupt. of Wsler Works
- K. (i. raufli'M
'Mini, V. Kyan
- CIimm. K. Hums
. K. I,. Hlmw
II. K. HlmlKlit
Frank'!'. (Jrllllih
. W. I,. Hul.lo
- W, II Howell
D. W. Kimialrd
Coiliifilinnti K. KoKniir, Frank Hunch,
. I), WIImiii, James iluake, II. K. liar.
rl, (!. 1). I.aiouretw, Arthur Milln, I' red
A. MdUntr.
Council meets lint Wednrtilsy of each
niuntli In oily hall.
FHIPAY, FF.BUUAKY 11, 18(18.
Last year's patterns of wall pamr at
reduced prices on 5 and 10c counter at
IWtllomy & fliiseh.
Hey. Montgomery will deliver mul
dress to women only at tho Presbyterian
church at 3 p. in. nest Sunday.
We must have room (or our immense
spring stork. All trimmed hats Jwtt
half of tho regular print. Minn Gold
smith. If you want a fine set of ti-ctli, gold
crown, or lino brldgewoik ami all kind
of fillings call on Ir. J, II. Miller, den
tlit,7lli St. near H. 1. det.
For a quiet place to Illicit your horses
away from Ilia motor line and a place to
gut a flr lit claa Job of repairing or bursa
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth at runt.
We are requested to announce that
there will lie a meeting of the McKinley
Republican club held at Heaver Creek
school house at 7 :.'W p. in. on Wednea
day, February 10.
iHin't annoy other by your coughing,
and rink your li'e by neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cure roughs,
cold, croup, gripte and all other throat
and lung troubles, (too. A. Harding.
Ladies, Take the Kent. If you are
troubled wrth Constipation, Sallow Skin,
and a Tired Keeling, take Karl' Clover
Tea, it I pleaiiaiit to taka. Hold by
Charman A Co., Prtigginta, Oregon City.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, doe al
kindi of dental work. Gold crown,
porcelain crown and bridge work a
apeclalty. All oHratlom guaranteed (or
6 yeant. Call and get my prices. Oflk-e
In Barclay building
There are three little thing which do
more work than any other three little
thing created they are the ant, the
bee and DeWltt'i Utile Early Itinera,
the lat being the (ainou little pill for
ftoinavb and liver trouble. ' Goo. A.
The undertaking businnens conducted
by W. N. Godfrey, now deceased, will be
continued under the name of Mr. God
frey, at the old (land, corner of Ninth
and Main streets, Oregon City. E. K.
Martin has been put in charge of the
builneaaaa er agent.
"The True Prospective of Life," will be
Dr. IUitler's morning theme at the Con
gregational church next Sabbath. In
the evening the third discourse on the
"Second Comlug of Christ" will be
given, a good musical program will be
presented at each service.
We are anxious to do a little good In
this world and can think of no pleaseut
er or better way to do it than by re
commending One Minute Cough Cure
as a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and other serious lung troubles that
follow neglected colds. Geo. A. Hard-In-
"Going Into a decline." How often do
we hear this expression. What doits it
mean? It means that people are losing
flesh, growing thin, wasting.
The way to correct this condition is to
improve the digestion. The condition
arises from an Inability to eat and digest
food. In (act (ood does more harm than
good bocaiiHe It ferments and putrefies In
the stomach, developing poisonous sub
stances which when absorbed cause vari
ous disorders.
What Is required Is that the stomsch
be msde to perform Its duties. The
Shaker Digestive Cordial is a food al
ready digested and a digester of foods as
well. It will make the stomach healthy.
Get a book from the druggist and read
about it.
A California chemist has robbed Cas
tor Oil of iU bad Unit). Laxol is its
Use only one heap
ing teaspoonful of
Sc billing s Best Bak
ing Powder to a
quart of flour.
You must use tun teaspoonfuls of other baking powatr.
A very enjoyable social and business
meeting of the Kpwortl. League of the
M. K. church of Oiegon City was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hick
man, of Wlllaiiinlto Fulls, on Wednea
day evening, February tlth. About !!5 of
the Leiigucrs chartered a car for the
evening and alter the business of the
meeting was transacted the social part
of the evening ended with the guents
being served with a nice lunch, when
the league returned at a lata hour, all
wishing the time would soon come to
visit Mr. and Mrs, Hickman again.
At a meeting of the republican club at
the lirown school bouse near New Kra
held last Saturday evening, Gilbert Ken
dall wae elected president, Henry Wal
dron vice president, and I.. Waldron.
secretary. It was decided to bold the
next meeting at Inland school bouse.
Hon. H. K. Cross wss present and ad
dressed the club, taking for bis subject
"Good Cillwiiishln." subject which
should be considered more seriously by
all. The meeting was well attended and
much Interest shown.
The Fast Hide Hallway company are
arranging to have an electric arc light on
the front of each car, fashioned some
what after llis searchlight used on steam
boat and war veNls. The light used
will im about (1,000 candle power, and
will m of especial benellt in guarding
against accidents when running at night.
The railway company Is constantly im
proving It system, which the public
no doubt appreciate.
Tho drama, "Among the Breaker,"
produced at 1'aik place last Saturday
night, la said to have been highly enter
taining and a reflection of credit UKin
those who took part. The bouse wss
crowded and cash to the extent of alout
f:i.') was received which will te applied
on the organ fund, or so much of it as Is
necessary to liquidate Indebtedness on
that instrument.
On next Monday evening at 7 :'M Febru
ary 14, tho evening o( St. Valentine's
day there will be a "roll call" In the
Methodist church. Inlerestlngeaereises.
F.verybody Invited. No admission will
be charged. At the close o( the exer
cises the Ladles Aid society will serve
a "Connundruui Supper" for the benefit
of the church.
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, hss a
choice and wull selected slock of (xmily
groceries which he la selling at very
reasonable rates. Ilia motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods deliveded to any
part of the city.
Children and adults tortured by burns,
scalds, injurys, ecaema or skin diseas
es may secure Instant relief by using
PeWitt'a Witch Haxel Halve. It is the
grest Pile remedy. Geo. A. Harding.
The entertainment which baa been
advertised by the Caiiomah Literaiy
Society to take place this evening hss
been Indefinitely postponed on account
of the accident of Tuesday.
Be Not Deceived I A Cough, Hoarse
ness or Croup are not to be trifled with.
A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Charman A
Co., Druggists Oregon City.
The Oreifon Citv flra department will
give a ball In Wuinhard'i hall on Wash
ington's birthday, February 22.
Everett's orchestra from Fortland will
furnish the music
MissC. Goldsmith will leave Febru
ary 11th (or San Francisco to select her
imported pattern hats. Any special
order can be left at Miss Goldsmith's
millinery parlors.
Mrs. A. J. Lewthwaite entertained
about sixteen of her friends in a very
charming manner on last Friday evening
at tho home of Mrs. M. E. Barlow.
Wantod To engage capable lady or
gentleman as local representative.
Guaranteed salary $50 per month. Ad
dress J. P. Hicks, Orogen City.
The regular quarterly teachers' exam
ination was begun Wednesday with 19
applicants, lour of whom are taking the
examination for state papers.
A man got shot at Pope's the othor
day. And any man can get A pounds
of the same for 25 cents.
Schillings best coffee, tea, spices and
baking powder at Harris' grocery.
Money to loan on good real estate
security by A. 8. Dresser.
Fresh compressed yeast cakes at Har
ris' grocery.
Ills Ad. war.
"Tell mo, am I not fair?"
1 In speaker b uns Luck in her scat
and Miillcs cKuct!lHhIy.
In truth thu quustiou seems superflu
ous. As slut sits there with the afternoon
sun triintif using her glorious tresses into
a strniin of liquid gold, hertyi as blue
as the hcuvoiis, futhouiloss us the sea
and duiiciiig with excitement; her lips
of corul wreuthod with a roguish smile,
she is indeed trauKceiidcntully beautiful.
liut the in no seems blind to her love
liness. He regards her with a frowning
brow and eyes thut smolder with anger.
Timidly she repeat bur question.
"Am I not fair?"
Her companion's fuce grows bluck as
"Fair I" bo cries bitterly. "Fair,
when you open a jack pot with a ten" -
Kiigo chokes his utterance and with
a passionate gesture ho dashes the curds
to the door. Sun Francisco Examiner.
The lrt EnglUh nt Cvr Awm
Ll.d Took tha Sold lor to franes.
Mr. W. O. Stoddurd's serial, "With
the Illuck Prince," givea in St. Nicho
las an aecouut of the splendid army
that Mi'.'oiiipiiiiied the prince to the bat
tle of Crecy. Mr. Stoddard suys:
It wus the largest Englixh fleet yet
assembled, and the army going on
board was also the best with which any
Lnglish king had ever put to sea. It
toiinlxted of picked men only. Of those,
4,000 were men at arms, 8,000 were
lrit.li, 12,000 were Welsh, but the most
carefully trained and disciplined part
of the force consisted of 10,000 bow
men. During a whole year bad Edward
and his son and his generals toiled to
Meet and prepure thu men and the weap
ons with which they were to meet the
highly fumed chivalry of the continent.
An army selected from a nation of per
haps 4,000,000 of jieople was to contend
with an army collecU-d from Franoe
with her 20,000,000, and from such al
lies of hers as Germany and Bohemia,
re-enforced by large unmix rs of paid
mercenaries. Among these lutter were
tho cronisbowmcu of Genoa sold to Phil
ip by the musters of thut Italian oli
garchy. Edward's adventure bud a seeming
of great rashness, for already it was re
ported tlist the French king had mus
tered 100,000 men. Full many a gal
lant cavalier in armor of proof may
well have wondered to bear, moreover,
that Edward III, accounted the fore
most general of his time, proposed to
meet superior numbers of the best
lances of Europe with lightly armored
man on foot They knew not yet of the
now era that was dawning upon the
science of war. Edward and his bow
men were to teach the world more than
cue new lesson before that memorable
campaign was over. Before this be
bad shown what deeds might be wrought
npon the sea by ships prepared and
manned and led by himself. He had so
crippled the naval power of bis ene
mies that there was now no hostile fleet
strong enough to prevent bis present
undertaking, although Philip had man
aged to send out some score of cruisers
to do whatever harm they could.
The Tint Hmm Ha Mat Xa tha AJaaka
Uoldftalda acarad Miu Off.
"No," said a man wbo was sitting
on a box in front of a grocery store, "I
can't say as I know very mnch about
. Ilia companion looked at him in as
tonishment It was the first time he had
ever admitted not knowing much about
"I reckon, then, that you're not
thinking about going to dig for gold, "
said one bystander.
"Mebbe, though, aa the stories of
sudden wealth keep pouring in you'll
change your mind," aaid another.
"It won't be possible. I've been
"And came back without getting
"Yea. I didn't much more than cross
the boundary line before I turned
around and struck for home."
"That's the answer."
"What of polar bears?"
"Supplies give out?"
"No, I had plenty of food. What
changod my plan was seeing a man dig
ging a hole. I had those ideas about gold
bolng found anywhere aud everywhere,
and I went up thinking to get some
points about mining. I asked him in
an offhand way whether he had struck
any pay dirt yet, and be turned around
and glared at me and said, 'Yonng fel
ler, what do yon think I am digging
this for?' I told him I thought he was
digging for gold. Ho glared at ma
again and said : 'Gold nothing. I'm do
ing this for fun. I've been living here
for four years, and there's one thing
that my curiosity has never been satis
fied about I'm going to dig this hole
good and deep so aa to allow plenty of
room, and then find out juBt how fur
down this climate will make the mer
cury go. " Washington Star.
Valid Kaon.
She How is it you were not at West
end's reception?
Ho I staid away on account of a per
sonal matter.
She May I ask what it was?
He Will you promise to keep It se
cret? She Yea.
He Well, they failed to send me an
invitation. Collier's Weekly.
Imitation slates, made of compressed
wood pulp, are used for roofing in
Christiauia. They are made waterproof
by a secret process.
The population of Egypt is now about
9,000,000 and probably exoeeds that of
the period of its greatest ancient prosperity.
Five Men In a Ilout Swept Over
Willamette Fall.
Only One Mm to Tell the Sad Ktory
Two Hemes Made Ik-solute by the
Awful Accident.
Lest Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock
the citizens of Oregon City were terribly
shocked by the sad news that a boat
containing five men had been swept over
the Willamette Falls, and a few minutes
later It was learned that four of the un
fortunate men were lost, the sole sur
vivor, Harry Freeman, having clung to
the boat and miraculously escaped.
The dead are :
George Freeman, Sr., aged 50.
George Freeman, Jr., aged 20.
James Freemsn, aged 18.
I-eon I das J. Shannon, aged 30.
The five men were residents of Cane
uiah, and were crossing the river to their
work in the paper mills as usual.
Starting about 15 minutes before 7
o'clock, with Harry and James Freeman
at the oars, they rowed along the custom
ary course, pulling for the west bank of
the river, but owing to a dense fog be
es me bewildered when about midway of
the stream and, while trying to get their
bearings, were borne swiftly down the
current, being among the breakers be
fore they realized their awful danger.
The appalling truth flashed suddenly
upon them and superhuman eflorts were
put torth to change the course of the
little craft and escape what seemed
must be inevitable death, but no human
power could stop them, and, as the boat
was carried with increased velocity to
the very brink of the W-'.b, the younger
George Freemsn exclaimed, "Its all off, j
boys. Hang to the boat!"
No other words were spoken but each
man acted upon the advice and clung for
life to the boat, which plunged madly,
yet ssfely, over the first breakwater and
sped on, stern first, to the second falls.
Before that point was reached, bow
ever, the boat lurched violently, then
turned bottom npward and dashed into
the seething gulf below.
In that awful moment three of the
men were washed away and when the
boat again appeared in the eddying
waters below, the two brothers, George
and Harry Freeman, were clinging to
the bow and stern respectively, but the
former was nearly unconscious and aa
they were swung around in the boiling
torrent he sank from sight.
The boat drifted over near the Crown
mill to a little island where Harry Free
man, the sole survivor of the fatal voy
aite, managed to get a foothold and
turned his boat over, thinking there was
some one beneath it, but there was no
one there.
In response to his calls for help a
party rowed over from the mill and as
sisted him to the shore.
When the sad news was broken to
Mrs. Freeman, the widened mother was
nearly prostrated by the shock and
could hardly realise that three of her
dear ones, wbo had left a happy home
only two short hours before, had been
"Jimmy," the youngest of the paity,
had been speaking of a well earned holi
day which he expected to enjoy in the
near future, and George had turned back
to leave his watch with his mother, tell
ing het to keep it for him as he might
lose it.
George Freeman, Sr., waa born iu
Evesham, Worcestershire, England, and
was a nail maker by trade. He moved
to Canada in April 1889 and remained
till May, 1891, when he moved to Cane
mah where he has since resided, being
employed in the paper mill across the
river. He leaves a wife and six chil
dren, three of whom are grown and the
others being aged 1. 6 and 8 years.
There was also heart-rending grief at
the home of Leonidas J. Shannon when
the sad message was received. He
leaves a wife and four children. Mr.
Shannon was well known about the mills
and waa respected as a steady industri
ous mechanic.
The two families will be entitled to
insurance money, the elder Freeman
being a member of the United Artisans,
and Shannon belonging to the Ancient
Order of the United Workmen.
Search for the bodies has brought no
further results than the finding of a pair
of oarlocks recognized as belonging to
the ill-fated boat. It is understood that
the Workmen will offer a reward lor the
recovery of the body of Mr. Shannon, of
which order he was a member.
The appalling dissnter of Tuesday
morning adds another to the long list of
accidents which have occurred in and
about Oregon City during the past few
Counterfeit Coupons.
The manufactures of Soda Mint Gum
have lately been imposed upon by the
issuance of printed counterfeit coupons
which may be seen in the window of
Huntley's drug store. The manufact
urers, who have their place of business
in Ohio, offer a prize of a gold watch to
any one wbo accumulates coupons suffi
cient when the initial letters are placed
consecutively, to form the sentence "Soda
Mint Gum." In a letter mailed and
dated In OregonC'ity to the manufacture
were the required number of coupons
with the proper sentence, but upon cloe
observation it was discovered that the
coupons enclosed were counterfeits, hav
ing boon printed on the same paper and
in the same type, tho headlines and ad
dress being set in what is known as the
k Vinne series and the body of the
matter corresponding very well with
that on the genuine coupon. By com
paring the genuine with the counterfeit
a difference in some f the letters can
easily be detected. The letter which ac
companied the Wus coupons is also on
exhibition but the name of the sender
is concealed. Would-be counterfeiters
might profit by this little experience.
The republican convention for the
state of Oregon is hereby called to meet
in the city of Astoria on Thursday,
April 14th, IK'iS, at the hour of 1 1 o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the state and district offices,
''except congressmen," and to transact
such other bumness as may propeily
come before said convention. The con
vention will consist of 285 delgates,
apiortioued among the several counties
of the state as follows:
linker A' Lincoln 4
Henlon 7 Lane 12
Clickaiuas IS Linn 12
Clatwp 10 Malheur 3
Columbia ' Marion 20
Ceos (' Morrow 4
Crook 4 Multnomah 0
Curry 3 Polk 8
DoiiKlai 11 Hherman 3
Gilliam 4 Tillamook 6
(irant 6 Umatilla 11
Harnev 3 Union 8
Jackon 8 Wallowa 3
Josephine 6 Wasco lo
Klamath 3, Wanhinglon 12
Lake 3, Yamhill 10
The same being one delegate-at-large
from each county and one delegate for
each 200 votes and fraction thereof of 50
or over, as cast for William McKinley
at the presidential election in November,
1890. The committee recommends that
the primaries be held on Saturday,
April 2nd, and the county conventions
on Wednesday, April 6th, 1808. unless
otherwise ordered by the several county
Sol. Hibsch, Chairman.
O. N. Dennv, Secretary.
A republican convention (or the first
congressional district of Oregon is here
by called to meet in the city of Eugene,
on Monday, April 11, 1898, at the hour
of 2:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for congress for
the first congressional district of Oregon,
and to transact such other business as
may properly come tef re said conveo
tion. The convention will consist of 145
delegates, apportioned among the
several counties of the first district as
follows :
Benton 7 Lincoln 4
Clackamas 1" Lane 12
Coos 7 Linn 12
Curry 3 Marion 20
Douglas 11 Polk 8
Jackson 8 Tillamook A
Josephine 6 Wasnington 12
Klamatb 3 Yamhill 10
Lake 3
The same being one delegate-at-large
for each county and one delegate for
each 200 votes and fraction thereof of
fifty or over, as cast for Wm. McKinley,
at the presidential election held in No
vember, 1896.
The committee recommends that the
primaries be held on Saturday, April 2d,
and the county convention on Wednes
day, April 6, 1898, unless otherwise
ordered by the several committees.
R.J. Hendricks,
J. A. Wilson, Chairman.
Uopubllcnn Central Committee of
Clackamas County.
A meeting of the Repuolican Central
Committee of Clackamas County, will be
held at the office of the secretary in
Oregon City, on Saturday March 5th,
1898 at the hour cf 1 :30 p. m. for the
purpose of fixing the dates for holding
the primaries and county convention, ap
portionment of delegates, and the tran
saction of any other business that may
be brought before the meeting.
All members are urgently requested to
attend this meeting.
Tiles. F. Ryan, S. M. Rahsby,
Secretary. Chairman.
A Draiuatlo Aaaaaalnatlon.
By far the most dramatio royal assas
sination waa that of the Emperor Paul
of Russia on March 24, loOl, by his
nobles. As usual Paul had retired to
rost booted and spurred and in his regi
mentals. At the doad of night he was
nvrakened by an unusual noise. The
hussar who guarded his chamber door
the only faithful sentry, as it proved,
In the palace was being killed by nine
nobles. They burst into the room and
began to attack the emperor. Paul hid
behind ohairs and tables and begged for
his life. He offered to make each of his
assailants a prinoe. He offered to abdi
cate in vain. Then he made a wild dash
for the window, fearfully gashing him
self, but he was dragged back. He
seiaed a chair and for some time kept
the nine of them at buy, and only after
terrifio struggles was he seized and
strangled with his own su&h.
Wood wanted at this office, oak, fir or
limb. In length 16 or 22 inch or four
The Spanish .Minister's Attack
on the Adininlstralioii.
A Cri-ds lielneen the United Mutes an 4
Spain llellered to Be Near al
Hand Another Sackvllle.
Washington, Feb. 9. The publication
in the morning newspapers of what is
supposed to be an autograph letter writ
ten by Senor de Lome, the Spanish min
ister, to his friend, Caneljus, criticising
the president with the utmost treedom,
caused a sensation in Washinxtoa
and soon will be followed by Minis
ter de Lome's departure from the United
The report, as printed, was that repre
sentatives of the Cuban Junta gave out
copies of a letter signed Enrique Dupuy
de Lome, and addressed to Jose Cuneljas,
who went to Cuba last September as
Premier Sagasta's personal representa
tive. In his letter the Spanish minister
refers to Preoident McKinley as ''weak
and catering to the rabble," and as "a
low politician, who desires to stand well
with the jimcoes of his party "
Horatio L. Rubens, of the Cuhafc
junta, made this statement in New Yorki
''We know absolutely that this letter
is genuine. A man risked bis life to ob
tain it. We do not hesitate to acknowk
edge that it was stolen from Caneljas. It
is written on the paper of the legation.
The handwriting is de Lome's, and tha
signature is his. He msy deny it until
be is black in the face, but it is genuine;
and everybody wbo has seen the letter
knows that it is. The man who stole it
abstracted it from the envelope, and left
the latter. If he bad attempted to steal
the envelope he would' never have got
away with the letter."
Mr. Rubens was asked about the trans
lation, and if there was not some danger
that it was wrong. He replied :
"No, the translation was made by ar
man who thoroughly understands both
languages, and is as near correct as a
translation can be."
"Where is the letter now?" he waa
asked .
' That I decline to answer."
For Fnios la Oregoa.
Washington. Feb. 5. At aeon ferencar
of populist and silver republican mem
bers of the senate and house, the ques
tion ol an alliance among the several
silver parties in the West was considered.
Oregon was first taken up, as there is aa
election in that state in June. It waa
decided as the judgment of those present
that it would be well in Oregon for1 all
parties to unite on a democrat for senator,
a silver republican for governor, and twa
populists for representatives.
Chairman Towne leaves for Oregoo to
pight. He is to open tha silver cat
paign in that state with a speech at Port
land. .
Michigan Limburmea Coming.
Mknomixex, Mich., Feb. 5. T. W..
Flannigan, Sol Frost, Henry Swart and
C. C. Foister, of Milwaukee, wealthy
lumbermen, have gone to Seattle. They
will purchase 3,000,000 feet of pine and'
a sawmill in Northern Oregon, near tha
border line. The deal will involva
300,000. Fred Carney and his son, Frederick,,
with four Chicago capitalists, including
Perley Lowe and H. Wilbreck, have left
for California, where they will close a
deal for a sawmill plant and 6,000,00
feet of pine on the northern part of Cali
fornia, near the Oregon border. Tha
d -al will involve $600,000.
Recommended ly War Department
Washington, Feb. 4 The war de
partment has renewed the attention ol
congress to the need of additional mili
tary protection in Alaska, and in this
connection says:
"Information received at this depart
ment indicates the necessity of legisla
tion to provide effective means of con
trolling the disorderly element among a
large number of people now flocking to
Alaska and the prevention of persona
who are without adequate supply of
food aud clothing from entering tha
territory to perish during the sever
winters unices relieved by the govern
ment." Urgent recommendation is made for
further military posts and an adequate
force in line with the recommendations
of the president's message and secretary
of war's report.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on February 8, 1898:
womib's LIST.
Albin A M Lacroy MelNsa
Bark K Mathiews MrsN T
Hill S 8 wales Carrie
John Jessie Williams Mrs Bilk
msn's list.
Force E M Newman Jno
"GB" Kakel Ed
Lenon E W Read John
Mitchell Wru Sobmitt Jos
Mellin Edith
Wegniann Emil, packages.
If called for state when advertised.
J. J. Cookb, Acting P. if.
ROYAL Baking Powden
Highest of all In leavening
StrengthV. S. aovsnuaaat Rapad
All oaln banished bj Dr. Miles' Pais PUka