Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 04, 1898, Image 8

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Th al rend or th Little Bin and
Gold rilot Tha Lamp of Fat Pork
With the Concealed Hook Death bjr
Torture With tha IncTlUbU Final.
' "How very hard it is to provide for
young, fast growing family nowa
days!" said the mother shark, turning,
tor the unndrrdth time that woruuitf.
upon her broad side in order to get a i
better view of what might be stirring 1
above. For nearly a week she had been
fastim? in fart, aver ainnA aha ranin in
luirriedly at the close of a great feast '
upon the stripped carcass of a recent
whale. There, by dint of the euergy of
I) ex massive Bhoulders, her 14 foot of
leugth aud fivefold rows of triangular
teeth, she had managed to secure a re
fipoctntilc y portion of the spoil for the
rcpleiiitJiiug of her own huge maw as
well as fur the up keep of the 14 shark
lings that were now restlessly darting
in and out of their cozy cave at the far
end of her capacious throat.
Within the immediate range of her
glance a vast black shadow obscured a
wide, irregularly shaped area of the
blazing sunshine. It was so calm that
the shadow seemed statiouary. In the
direction of this cool penumbra her gaze
lingered earnestly, fur hereditary in
stinct as well as long experience gave
her the knowledge that from the sub
stance of such shadows came food drop
ping down, varied and toothsome, ao
tuully alive on rare occasions. Some
what impatiently she wondered at the
long time that her little blue and gold
attendant had been gone.
He was so seldom absent from his
place between her eyes for a whole min
ute that she got quite uneasy, but while
the fidgeted fretfully, with many twitch
ings of ber flexible "gaff topsail," back
came the pilot fish in a tearing hurry.
"Now, then, partner, move along, da
There's a lump of fat pork almost as big
as your head hanging over that ship's
6ttru. I dm't quite understand why it
doesn t sink, but it is good. I nibbled
just a crumb, aud you can be sure this
time that it is no bagful of cinders like
that nasty mouthful that gave you the
chestache so bad this morning." The
latter part of this en?rgctio exordium
was lost upon mother shark, being
drowned in the wash set up by ber
great tail fin, which was going in grand
style, starting her off at such a rate
,that two or three stragglers of the fam
ily had to skip like shrimps to get in
doors before they were left behind and
Straight as an arrow to the mark went
the tiny guide, keeping just iu front of
his huge friend's snout. Together they
swept into the shadow, where, sure
enough, a mass of meat hung just below
the sea surface, though gently lifted al
most out of water every now and then.
"Oh, do look, mamma! There's a big
'fish. Is he going to eat up that pretty
little one, do you think?" "Oh, no, my
little man," struck in the mate, "but
you watch him now 1" As he spoke the
great gray body took a curve latterly, a
dazzling glare of white appeared, and
there beneath the speaker was a cres
cendo gap in the smooth, livid under
'side fringed with innumerable points
like chevaux de frise and as big as the
gap of a coal sack. Around it the small
pilot circled excitedly at top speed.
Slowly the mate as gently slacked away,
there was a gulp, and the big joint dis
appeared. There was a flash, a splash
and an eddy. Then the rope attached to
the shark hook concealed in the pork
groaned over the rail as it felt the strain.
"Lay aft the watch," roared tbe
mate, and amid the trampling of many
feet, a bubel of directions and a tremen
dous tumult alongside, through tbe
writbingg of the captive monster, she
was transferred forward to the lee gang
way, where, by the aid of a stout watch
tackle, she was hoisted out of water.
"Don't take him u board," cried the
captain. "JIaLe sncli an infernal mess
if you do. Just BpnUuil yard him and let
him go agen. " to a piece of aountling
was got frcra tbe carpenter, pointed at
both ends, about four feet loug. This
they drove between her jaws from side
to side. Another wedge shaped piece
was planted diagonally down through
her broad snout, the upper end pointing
forward. Then they cut off the wide
pectoral fins, letting the quivering car
cass fall into the sea again by the sim
ple expedient of chopping the book out.
"What abominable cruelty," muttered
a gentle faced man among the crowding
passengers, as he turned away sick at
heart. But tbe bustling seaman looked
pityingly at him, wondering doubtless
at bis lack of sporting instincts. Thug
disabled, the miserable monster plunged
blindly in uncertain directions, unable
to steer herself, unheeding tbe frantic
caresses of her faithful little satellite,
who had almost exhausted himself by
leaping np at her as she hung strug
gling against tbe vessel's side. .Neither
did she notice the puzzled, wavering
movements of ber wondering brood, fco
she disappeared from the view of the
laughing, happy crowd on deck. But
whichever way she rushed she always
fetched up to the surface promptly, be
cause of the vane in her head. Thus for
a day and a night she fought aimlessly
with all the forces of amazing vitality
pent up in her huge body against these
torturing disablements, until merciiul
ly she tell in witu a couple of ravenous
cougenera Scenting fresh blojd, they
made for her straightway. Like mad
things, they fell ' upon her. Long and
hard they strove, tearing their way
through tbe tough framework u.itil as
sistance came from all quarters, and a
motley multitude of various hungry
ones cleaned up every shred of the wel
come banquet, leaving only the deserted
pilot to seek another partner. Loudon
Although Greece has an abundance of
ecacoast, most of the fish eaten are im
ported, tbe imports of fish averaging
700,000 yearly.
Bride of th Kldenl Son of tha Great Kin
(I Tai Leader and Kcononil.t.
Miss Marie Hitch, daughter of Cnp
taiu Ebentwr V. Hitch, !i55 Outarlo
street, Chicago, on Dec. was married
to Mr. Henry George, Jr., son of tho
great single tax leader, at the residence
of her father. The ajjtuif the groom
was giveu as 85 aud that of the bride as
10. The wedding was a quiet affair,
wing to the death of Mr. George's fa-
ther. Immediately after tho wedding
the couple left for New York. Mr.
Oeorge is as talented as she is charm
ing. She is a musician of more than or
dinary ability. Iitr musical education
she received at the Chicago Musical col
lege, where she was awarded a diamond
medal for her proficiency. She also
takes a great interest iu politics and is
much interested iu the work of her hus
band. The bride is a typical southern
girl, although brought to womanhood
in the atmosphere of a northern clime.
T . . ..a
xier lamuy came irom isew urleaus
about five years ago aud have resided
on tbe north side ever since. Tho young
lady first met Mr. George during the
World's fair, aud an attachment sprung
up, with the usual tinge of romance
and sentiment. The two families bad
been friends for many years. The young
people corresponded, aud when last
year Mr. George came west to make
speeches for the free silver cause he be
came a caller at the Hitch residence.
The engagement was later announced.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Scop of the Woman's Club.
The woman's club is of comparative
ly recent origin. It is the outgrowth of
the idea that through co-operative en
deavor women may secure certain social
and educational reforms that could nev
er be accomplished by individual ef
fort In the field of charity alone the
woman's clubs have completely revolu
tionized the old, wasteful and unsys
tematic methods of dispensing alma, In
the domain of ethics and public morals
the influence of these clubs is distinctly
felt in many communities. They have
secured ordinances for the protection of
children, for tbe suppression of vicious
and degrading literature and for the
punishment of cigarette venders who
sell their wares to school children.
It is in the field of general culture
and popular education, however, that
these clubs promise to be the most po
tent instrumentalities for the uplifting
of society. Having been granted the
right to vote at school elections, the wo
men have it in their power to securo
through these organizations many need
ed reforms in our public schools in tbe
way of be;.tr sanitation, better school
construction aud Letter teachers.
It is to the ministry of culture that
these clubs should dedicate their talents,
their euergies and tLtir zeal. Chicago
What Good Society I.
"The very best society is not compos
ed of gilt aud glitter," writes Ruth
Ashmore of "The jy;ciul Positiou of the
Girl Who Works," in The Ladies'
Home JoiTmul. "It is tLat circle of
pleasant people who meet and visit be
cause they are interested in each other.
It asks of each member that she bring a
pleasant personality if she wishes to be
in and of it. The society recognized by
the newspapers consists merely of a few
people, who, having more money than
the rest of the world, are able to make
themselves more conspicuous, and so
are kept constantly before the public.
But all over this great country, in every
city, town or little village, there is to
be found good society, and it rests with
the working girl herself whether she
is in or out of it If she has tbe bad
taste to prefer noisy people, whose idea
of enjoyment is roughness, whose con
ception of conversation is to talk scan
dal, and who really have no reason for
existing, then this girl will not only in
jure herself by ber contact with such so
ciety, but she will injure every other girl
who works. People are prone to judge
a great regiment by one member of it.
Therefore it behoovetb the girl who
works to go into the best society or to
find her pleasures in ber own home."
Women at Prlucetoo.
Miss Elizabeth D. Mcllvaine, princi
pal of Evelyn college, writes as follows
to the Boston Transcript:
"It is with great regret that I tell
you that the opposition of Princton
university to any work for the higher
education for women in connection with
tbe university has so discouraged the
friends of Evelyn college as to cause
them to think it wise to close the insti
tution for the present, at least until
i Princeton should come to a better mind.
! During the life of my father, the late
president of Evelyn, liev. J. H. Mcll
vaine, D. D., this opposition was in a
.measure kept out of sight, though al
ways a hindrance to the work, but since
bis death it has become open and out
spoken especially in view of a growing
interest in the state of New Jersey in
woman's work und expresses itself in
the form of a fear that Evelyn college
may detract funds from Princeton.
Princeton is thus lcit the only great
university in the known world which
refuses in any form to recognize the ed
ucational work of women."
Harriet lleeeher Rtuwe'a lleauty.
I remember once accompanying Mrs.
8towe to a reception at a well kuowu
house in Boston where before the even
ing was over the hostess drew mo aside,
saying. "Why did you never toll mo
that Mrs. Stowo was beautiful?" And
iudoed when 1 observed her, iu the full
ardor of conversation, with her height
ened color, her eyes shining and awake,
but flllid with great softness, her
abundant, curfing hair rippling natural
ly about her lvnd and falling a little at
the aides (as iu the portrait by Rich-'
mond), I quiU' agreed with my hostess. I
Nor was that the first time her beauty'
had been revealed to me, but she was'
seldom soeu to be beautiful by tho great
world, and tho pleasure of this rwogni-i
tiou was very great to those who loved '
her. Photographs of her were universal- J
ly unlike.
Mrs. Stowe wroto gayly nt the mo-!
mentof her first triumphal tour through
England: "Tho general topic of remark
on meeting me seems to be that I am
not so bad looking as they were afraid I
was, and I do assure yon when I have
seen the things that are put up in the
shop windows here with my minio un
der them I have been lost in wondering
admiration at the boundless, loving
kindness of my English and Scottish
friends iu keeping up such a warm
heart for such a Gorgon. I should think
that the sphinx in the London museum
might have sat for most of them."
Mrs. Field's "Life of Mrs. Stowe."
Baltimore' Kalny Dajrale.
The annual meeting of Baltimore's
Rainy Day club was held on Deo. 3 iu
appropriate weather. It poured in tor
rents, but the women were happy. In
short skirts, boots and leggings they
braved mud aud rain, aud even those
members who havo carriages at their
command walked to the meeting. It
was voted that the Baltimore rainy day
skirt should be five inches from tho
ground, and it was suggested that tbe
club should extend its work to the dis
covery of a waterproof cloak and hat, so
that the umbrella could bo discarded.
Committees were appointed to push the
objects of tbe society among working
Miss Mcllvain, the president, spoke
of the movement iu other cities. The
press generally, she said, had been kind
toward this hygieuio movement Tbe
newspapers of Chicago aud San Fran
cisco bad requested photographs and in
formation of ber past life, but she had
not answered such letters. Of ridicule
there had bn none. Ou the contrary,
the club had received tho heartiest com
mendation from physicians, who urged
them to advocate short dresses for all
street wear as a safeguard against dis
ease germs. Men generally, she said,
had not criticised tbem iu any way.
Latdy Hom Molynea.
The latest outcry in English society
against American habits is that young
and pretty American girls do not hesi
tate to live by themselves, with neces
sary servants, whenever they feel in
clined and can afford it. They give din
ner parties and balls, supper and thea
ter parties, as if tbey were married
women. The worst of it, writes a cor
respondent of Vogue, is that English
society acknowledges that there is a
tendency to follow that lead, that some
smart English girls have started estab
lishments of their own, and that,
strange to tell, they have not been
frowned down upon by "certain aristo
cratic, old fashioned and conservative
families, " as it was expected they would
be. An instance is given iu Lady Rose
Molyneux, who gave a bouse party at
Abbeystead, including the usual shoot
ing party. Lady Rose being ber father's
favorite daughter (the late Lord Scftnn ),
at his death sho inherited an estatu in
Lancashire with f ao.OOO to keep it up,
besides (1 0,000 a year. Her house party
turned out a perfect success, and her
mother, Lady Soften, was present as her
daughter's guest aud nothing more.
W'alaU and Ilaaque.
The plaited round waist and the full
Russian blouse waist contest for favor
with the numberless chio little coat
basques, very short, very smart and
very much trimmed. Sometimes we seo
the basque portion cut in one with the
waist and sometimes added on. In other
instances, tbe coat or hasquo effect is
confined to tbe back only, while the
front is slightly pointed or quite round.
The back is in one seamless piece, and
is arranged in endless ways below tbe
belt line. Short jacket fronts mado by
leading French coatmakers open ou full
vests of any soft material that gathers,
plaits, tucks or can be arranged in ef
fective surplice folds inside s'maro or
tiny rounded jackets of some heavy tex
tile. Exchange
The Wearing of the ISlouae,
The universal adoption of tho blouse
is proclaimed by women at every turn,
and this baggy fancy is varied to suit
the material and wearer, with each one
prettier than the other. For bouse and
street wear they are alike popular, and
one scarcely knows where to draw the
line of difference between one and the
tither, so alike are tbey in construction.
Even the little bolero has a bloused
vest, and, by the way, this dainty little
jacket is quite as much favored this
season as last, and appears on some of
tho latest cloth gowns, and is so de
signed as to show tho nnderbodice,
keeping tbe blonsed front in plain view.
Woman's Home Companion.
Wanning the Itooiu.
"If the schoolroom does not seem suf
ficiently warm when tbe thermome
! ter shows that the proper degree (it hint
has been reached," says a public h'.hool
teacher, "I place u dish of wafer in tho
room, and I soon find that the roem
seepiN very comfortable, enriiilly
when there has not been suflieient hu
midity in the nir Lclore. The name
thing will ho found cJTi.ciivc in a li; ing
room. Many pi o.le advoi at kn ping u
dish of water standing alway in every
room in the house, but it lnurt be kept
fresh." New York Times.
How 1.IMI Wnnden AntmaU Ar t'ut Out
of Mloi'k Juat aa take I Sliced.
TJie maimer iu which I lie various ani
mals which populate the toy Noah's
arks children love are made is certainly
novel and amusing. These arks mostly
conio from Saxony, where armies of
children are engaged in this employ
Incut. The part of the work done on tho
lathe, however, is intrusted to older
If ono take up a cow or elephant or
horse from it Noah's ark, ho will hoo
the animal is more or less wedge Nhapinl.
This is because they are cut from a cir
cular block very much like a cako baked
in a mold, and each animal is merely a
slice of tho mold. Taking tho elephant
fur an example, this is tho manner of
making: A cako or ring of pine wood
some ten inches in diameter aud a little
over two inches thick is turned ou the
lathe. Theu by means of gouges the
curves of tho animal are cut iu the top
of the soft wood, and at the inner edge
a projection is made to form tho aiii
uial's head. Ou tho other side a deep
groove is out to represent the opeu space
between tho animal store and hind legs.
An elephant dink will bo cut up into
three dozen wedges, and theu tho child
workers round off its angles. A sejuirate
cake is made from which the trunk is
cut and another for the tail. These are
glued oil All the other animals are
made in tbe same way. Chicago News.
Aa Iu(dIoiu llojr.
An ingenious Augusta boy has found
a new way of putting iu electric wires
that deserves to bo patented. His moth
er had giveu him permission to have
an electric light iu his room if he would
put iu his own wiring. Iu order to do
this it was necessary to carry tho wires
from one room to another. How to do
this iu a neat aud workmanlike milliner
was a perplexing problem, but the
young man was equal to it Ho be
thought himself of a pet cat which was
greatly devoted to him aud would an
swer readily to his call. A gixsl stout
string was attached to Kitty's tail and
she wan put under the flooring aud call
ed through from ono room to the other.
With the aid of this string the wires
were soon iu place and iu a manner,
too, that would have done credit to tbe
best workman iu the city. Bangor
(Me.) Commercial.
A Toy Waahlof Ontflt.
Among the toys that caught the eye
of au observer iu a show window was a
little washing sot, which was novel to
him if not new. There was a little
tahlo and ou this a little brass bound
cedar washtub, in which there was a
little washboard with a cino top, corru
gated liko any washboard. There was a
folding clothes rack and alongside of
that a little wringer, aud near that there
was a little brass bound cedar pail.
Standing ou the table was a little barrel
of tiny clothespins, aud there was here
also a small flatirou. All that was need
ed to complete the outfit was a clothes
line, and a piece of twine would do for
that, and it could be hung across the
room, and theu tho outfit for dolls'
washing would bo complete.
A Good futile.
Here is a puzzle which you may try
to see what you can do with. Tie u
string about a yard long to a door
key and tako the string in tho right
band. Hold it so tho key will clear
the floor four or five inches. If you will
hold the string steady enough, it will
begin to swing back and forth iu a
straight line. Lot another person take
your left hand in his, aud the motion of
the key will cbunge from the peudulum-
liko swing to a circular swing. If a
third person will place his hand on the
shoulder of tho second person, the key
will stop. After you have finished eat
ing your supper just try tho alsjve and
then solve the puzzle. Brooklyn Eagle.
A Shining- Eiainpl.
"And now Just a word to tho children,"
Tbe vlnltliiK clergyman said.
"I'm aura you love parents and toachnrat"
"Of courael" nodded each little huud.
"That'srlghtl And you ntudy your luwon
And kneel every evening to pray,
And when you wake up In the morning
You think 'I'll be good all today?'
"Well donol Only one question further
Although I might ask you a hoet
Of all the moat shining example.
What man do you look up to moat?"
For nearly a minute the alienee
Hung deep a a twilight in June.
Then rose a wee maid and said shyly,
"I dex It's the man In the moon I"
Junioa Uuckhan In American Agriculturist.
A Z.Bon In Dead Leavea.
Next time yon are out in tho woods
look closely at tbe dead leaves blowing
about on the ground. You will find that
most of them have their lower sides up
permost. Can you think of a reasou for
When a leaf is mature aud almost
ready to fall, it curls up just u little at
tho edgos. When it falls, the first breeze
catches these margins aud turns the
leaf lower side uppermost, aud there it
remains, because in this position tho
wind has lchs opportunity to disturb it.
HI Idea of It.
Sammy Mamma says I must always
take your part, don't hIio, Nellie?
Nellio Yetb.
Sammy Then gimmo yonr half of
the upple, quick! Cincinnati Commercial.
f limkv dell with brown mid ullwr liriKiki
I'liH'i nmulierleaa ieri'iinliilly shrill,
For iiulillaluneiit belliue In sly 111 ly Ik.i
htuiii IniiitlilhK rluhlimiu prulwt ut honitb
mul rill,
Thrne urn (nlr anuta, tint hern Hod's nrni'luu
A Mime lliiuw frmii the elljr' hiiirl ami din
(Uvea inn m fiilr li't me deaerve It mill
My Ui'i' window where ilin I'liu ItHika la.
Tin T liivnilnrk llilimn who ei'li'lirnta iherook
That lull lit Iu wumly lmx mirk and I'lilll.
My ui'lulilxir, Iihi, nilaliil, uii sturdy hunk
A in(id i'uku liMiiua from hi wliiduw alii
And liiaia tint In Ita captive' ev'rjr trill
I'lea fur His liberty he may nut win.
Thiwe are tree, luty ihruel Willi tuna llmt
My UiKir wlnduw whore (he olin luoka la.
A KllMt 'rllif. turiiunlM hay It nverlimk,
My uliaant Uiwer, and a senile hill
(lilt with wild uiualard bltaiaouia. Thsr ar
Iteynnd thyn dnuhtleaa which a 111 lis "kill
In IwIImiI iiiaktuif nieit liilirle. To thrill
I'm world with portent lay let them hog-In
Who can. This limine U'lllaaii humidor quill
Uy UNr window wlter the elm ksika In.
When day la over at the ruiiihtliiK mill
And slipped th tiyve ut ultli dlaolpllna,
Horn I an eiurotst for ev'ry III
My upper window where the elm look In.
-bdwrd W. Ilarnard In Lolu.
Charlr tirade Wondered Why Tliry Wer
So I.arg Iu America,
"Edwin HiHilh lu Isniiloli" is tho title
of uit article iu The Century by E. II.
House. Mr. House tells of aa interest
ing meeting between liooth and Charles
itcude and reports the following couver
satiou relating to the appearance of
liooth and Irving together:
"Is it true that tho prices will be
"Doubled, I bollova Irving says they
must be. That is one of the risks
siicak of, but ho is full of confidence.
Ho does it more for my sake than any
thing else."
"Theu I hope it will turn out wolL
What are tho indications?"
"Very good, I hear. I cannot judge
myself. The conditions are all diffuruiit
from what I am used to,"
"I understand. We are too slow
and thrifty, I suspect to run the swift
American pace, let I can't sue why
there should bo such au amazing differ
elite in your theatrical business aud
ours. Tho stories we hear of New York
profits sound fubulous. 1 should say they
were fabulous if I had not seen the re
turns of ttullock'i when one of my
plays was produced there. A hundred
pounds a night is nothing to you, it
seems. '
"Two or three hundred would net
stuggcr us, " said liooib, smiling, "nor
four or five for a very greut aud ocial
attraction. For several years the pros
pcrous houses in New York considered
11,000 a fuir average the year round.
'Stars' traveling through the country,
for whom the regular price were raised,
could aometimes draw much mom."
"Were you at all prepared for tha
lower receipts here?"
"Not really prepared. I was told
what to expect, but paid no aUtoutlou.
Clarke said 1 should get nothing at tho
Princess', but I did not take his 'noth
ing' literally. I thought I might count
upon 1,000 a mouth at the very worst
He was right, however."
"I can't make it out" said Reade.
"Your theaters are not larger than ours,
aud tho prices of tickets are about the
same, yet I seo the Adelphi or the St
James' packed, without about one-half
the result that Wal luck's shows. It
beats my arithmetic. You can't gut
more people into a place than it will
"Wo do that, too, sometime,"
laughed Booth, "but, as I say, you must
come and find out all about it for your
self, Mr. Reade. Your audiences will be
larger than tho halls can hold, so you
can study tho problem under the best
"No, no. You tempt me to my de
struction." But the compliment greatly
pleased tho author, who liked to heur
snch things said, though ho affected a
lofty indifference to pruise.
Scolding I'nder Difficulties.
At a church gathering somo time ago
a number of deaf mutes wero present
Refreshments were served during tho
evening, and in handing a cup of coffee
to ono of tho guests a deaf inn to gentlo
man happened to spill a few drop on
his wife's skirt Tho wife is also a deaf
mute, and it was evident that sho took
the mishap iu a rather irritable way.
She wrinkled up her forehead aud at
once made a series of remarkably swift
movements with her nimble fingers.
The husband, looking exceedingly apol
ogetic mado a few motions in return.
One of tbe guests who had noticed
this little byplay slyly slipped out a
bit of paper and penciling something ou
it handed it to a friend.
This is what the latter read;
"No matter how badly afflicted, wo
man can still scold."
Tho friend scribbled this in return:
"Yes, but in the present case the hus
band is luckier than tho avernge. Ho
doesn't havo to look. "Cleveland Pluin
Married Woman Teacher.
Of all tho cuuses now tending to keop
women out of matrimony one that is
very effective is the discrimination
against married women teachers in the
public schools. Maiden, Mass., is tho
latest to declare that the marriage of a
publio school teacher shall be regarded
as a resignation of ber ofllae. Mark the
pronoun "her." No such discrimination
is mado against man. Woman's Trib
une Tho region between tho first und soo
ond cataracts of tho Nile is the hottest
on tho globe. It never rains thero, aud
tho natives do not believe foreigners
who tell them that water can descend
from the sky.
Tho Roman houses aud palaces were
so imperfectly lighted that in many liv
ing rooms the inmates wero forcod to
j depeud ou lamps by day as well as by
1 night.
Slr Wllllmim' Indian t'llo
ointment will cure llllml,
lllui'iliiiir and hulling
I'lli'S. Ii iilmiirlwlheliiniiir.
ilu Uio lichlnw ut ome. acta
a imuiiii o Hive liiKlaiil ro
ller. Dr. Wil.luina'lmliiiiil'lle Oint
ment l nri'imri'il for I'lieaanil I o h.
Ing et Hi" prlvKia purl. Kvery hoi i
wiirraiiien, nv ornutiin, t in mi on re
eclpt nt irh'e. Ail chiii ami Sl.isi. WILLIAMS
tMNUf ACTURINQ CO., '''"- Cleveland, lil.lo.
For sale by C. O. 1 1 nut Icy,
Of tilt!
Kxpress Trains leave 1'ortland Pall.
so . a.
I o r a.
s our. a.
Mr. a.
1 ifil.U.
Horllaml At
OrarinClljr .
M. Kratichien ,v
Th Ikv train alen stall tlallimt Imi.
Iween Portland, halein. Turner.
Marlon, Jellermm. Albany, Tangent, Hlie.lda,
lUlney, llnrrlalinrg, Jumlloii I'nv. Kiisena.
Col(ae (Inive, llrain, Oakland and all ela
tion Irom Hoaehurg In Aahland Inoliialvr
IMrecl ciiuneeilon at Hn KranrUno Willi
Occl.lenlal anil Orlentnl and Tactile Mall
leamaliliiliiiea tor JAPAN and CHINA.
Hailing dale on application
Hale and llckeln In Klem iMilnla ami
IX I t' sin) A I'M I It A I.I A. Can he olilameJ
from K. K. HOY I. ticket cuenl, Oregon City
s 10. a
V .MA. a).
4 jur. M
Porllainl Ar
Cre(nii(Mly l.v
Koanhlirt I.V
I i r. a
ia iir.
h MA.
Wen Hid Uiviilnn.
Mall Train, Dally (Et Stindav.)
7 101
1.r I'ortlaiHi' Ar
T Mi r.
I ur
I J sr.n
Ar Terrain I.r
At Allxorand fnrvallli ounneet with iri,,
ol Oreuo Central A K 'He'll Hallroad.
fitirea Train Dallv fKiretd Sunday)
Horllaml Ar
MrMlnurlll l.
I'l i-.ii.. no Lv
ll 'tf A, aj
'. H.
ftior. u.
C. It. M A It K II AM,
Aii'l 0. r. and I'aaa. Alnt
Three Important Points
FIRST Go via St. Paul becauno
the lino to that point will afford
you tne very best service.
SECOND Ft Hint tho coupon
beyond fet. rnul rends via the ib-
conain Central becau.no that lino
makes closo connections with all
tho trans-continental linen entering
llio union Depot there, and its ser
vice is first-class in every particular.
THIRD For information, call
on your noiglilior and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask lor a
ticket reading via the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. I'iikd, or 0n. H. Battt,
lien, 1'aa, Art., General A Kent,
Milwaukee, Wis 8-UI Hiark Ht..
Cortland, Or.
Umbrellas, Guns,
Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable,
Shop in Catifleld building
Near Court House
Steamer G. W. Shaver,
Portland foot of Waslilnit(in street Tues
day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at
o clock. Koturning, loaves Clatskanie
Monday, Wednesday and Friday even
ings at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point
about 7; Htolla 7:15: Mnvo-r 7-9S.
Rainier 8:20; Kalatna0:15j Ht. Helens
10:.10. I Arrive in Portland 1 :.tn a. m
This Is the nearest and moBt direct
route to the great Nuhalem valley,
Shaver Transportation Co.
10)11 E
II - M
Vii.w..-... r , -.iiTr-T-r.'Viii v.