Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 04, 1898, Image 7

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Umiih of luforrnt fror.i all
of Oitroii.
llojr klllod by Falling TrM-Rod;
f'onnd Aflur Mrvrral Moulha
KIIM bra Train.
Hob OutrldKB .ml Kirk Hkllluti, two
miliars, were mrlmmly lnjiird by a pow
lor oxi1umIoii In atiMlt of a uilnw war Halt
trCity, laat Haturday.
A. II. Itlakslny, ol Ht. Unions, one ol
Ori'un' narly plijiiiierH, dlnl at tlmt
place laat Hiintlay (ruin paralysis, agH'l
(Ml vaars. Dwimdoil reins to Ort'ijon In
An unknown man was killed by tli
nwtlmrn I'adllii imnHtnnt'T truin while
onttirlntf Portland last Saturday night.
The ii'clilcnt hxiiipd twar tint Norlh'
irn I'ailflo mill in the north end of town.
Last Sunday evi'iiliiic at Hakar Cily
John Maililruin, of Portland, ddl drad
whllti IxjwIIiik. Suvwral montlis sinia
Metlilw'n took a contract In HaknrCliy
fur tlif construction of a two alury brick
building-, which ha roinuliitud last Satur
day. A body u pinked up iwar the end of
theji'tly below Astoria IiihI Saturday
iiiimmh to be tttnt of Stale Iloatman
Itradford, who was drowned OcIoIht 20.
While (.Hitting prty of men aboard the
OurtiiNll alilp Klattbuk, then raady to mil
for Kuri. The body was In very
tad elate of di't'uiuM)ltli)ii.
Two toyi agml l nd 17 yeara got in
to adilllculty at a dance near I-oiig Crock
ons nlglit last week and one of them
atabbel the other with a knllu, Inflicted
a wound anvarel Inches In length under
the left ahotildur blade. A doctor was
atuninuneil and the wound, which waa
not conaldcred dariK"rous, waa dressed.
No arroita were made.
William M. Mi Uod of Forest (i rove,
It optmlnK up the Tualatin river, prepar
atory to flouting aWit MH),0iK) feet of II r
log, belonging to Jainea Ie, to bit mill
at Dilley. These log were cut about
three yeara ago, but aa there waa llllle
demand for lumber then, It waa not con
sidered advlaable to float them. The
logi are lying along the bank, clone to
the at ream.
TlieO. K. A N. Comany have con
sented to pay $1000 in each caae for the
accidental death of Mm. Annie Ham
mond and her daughter who were caught
In the wheel of the ateamer Elmore lt
timrner when In a row boat to aee the
Klderolfon her flrl trip. While the
company waa not particularly to blame
in the matter, they prefer to pay f'JOOO
rather than toenler Into litigation.
William Kohler, a (Jcrinan farmer,
living near Curvallia, waa laat Monday
bound over to await the action of the
grand jury on a cbargo of aasatilt with
a dangerous wearon. Kohler drove
through (loose's farm, and a quarrel re
sulted. Kohler used a knife In the Ira
cat, and (iwhih's left hand waa aeverely
cut Kohler claimed that he acted In
nelf defenao. lie was tdaced under TIGI
bonda by Juatice Curlilo.
The 10-year-old son of Ham C. Simon-
sen, living four inilea louth of Philo
math, waa killed by a falling tree on
Wednesday of laat week. The little
fellow ami two older brother! were chop
ping cordwood whiles tree wan being
felled. Aa the tree begun to full, all
started for a place of safely, but In
some unknown way the younger lad waa
caught. The only apparent Injury waa
s small hole In the upper ortion of the
ikull, supposed to Inivo been made by a
sharp snag or a piece of a limb.
Deputy United States Maralial Rob
ert, of Heppner, was at III Inboro lust
Monday and arrtwied William Pilmon,
of that city, for violating tho postal law.
A few months ago, Pitmon sent a rather
sharp dun on a postal card to Charles
Hall formerly a resident of IIillnboro,
but now of Ht. Helens, demanding the
payment of an account due him for some
years. The language used on the card
waa not complimentary to Hall's charact
er. The card is supposed to have been
turned over by Hall to the poHtal author
ities. Pitmon has lived in Hillaboro for
a number of years and has a good repu
tation. He was given a hearing Tuosday
in Portland, and.lt Is understood, made
no defense. He says he did not know
he was ylolutlng the law when he wrote
to Hall.
This la Tour Opportunity
On reooipt of ten cents, cimh or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
Ely's Cream Halm) snftlciont to demon-
Irate the grout merits of the remedy.
CO Warron St., New York City.
Hot. John Held, Jr., of Oreat Falls, Mont.,
Tecommended Ely's Cream Halm to me. I
can smpiiBsize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if ued as directed.
Itev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CeutralPres.
Church, Helena, Mout.
Ely's Cream Palm Is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and containa no mercury
nor any Injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
A world Ixiliiw unit a lemma aWe
I t tta livn, my denr ; let im llvn end lornl
.n kti- v not n I tin1 the li!c aliba menu,
H-' tl 'MM "t I li l loll rud lenn,
. . i li. hi Ix li e uiinliki.l i n iiieiiLuwauf kreea
Anil rivers with allvery ripples ltwcn
A wei l l l.i'luw mi'l a lieiivi u uIsivh,
Let us II v u, my uuui'j let us live anil lorn I
A world ImiIiiw iii'I a heaven above
lt us live, my ileur, (or a lirsslh of lovsl
Wn kneur net Hi" mmnlfiK or stars nnq mns.
We only m henvsn In Lovs's gUid eyus
Ami iflvs blin our sorrows, our songs and our
And a nil ros Is born for acb rod ross tint
Kor a world bnlow nr a hesvnn aliova
let ns llvn, my dear; lot us live and lovtl
Let us live, my dear, In the lonely lands
for a ktiu, a tnr and a clsap of hands,
Kor wlmiever tilenslnas a soul msy ruins
Thors Is noililng In hsvn as swevt as this,
Nivs'a klM-luvs's UnifHrlnK, first swnel kiss.
With world bslow and a bavn abov
And a life, my dear, that Is llvnd for lovsl
Allsnls Oinstltutlon.
Tliay Wars Itoqiissted ta Cull and HUibI
Valuable llslrluoiua.
A inun rushed into the business office
of otto of tlni dully papers and stopped
at the advertising window. There he
secured a pud of paper and a pencil with
a string to It. He wrote and erased, and
thou tore op whut he had written, chaw
iiiK the fragments savagely while bo
luudo aiiutliiir copy.
"There," hu suit! at lust, as he
thrust tho pajH-r into tho hand of the
advertising clerk, "count tho words aud
toll mo what they will cost fur one in
sertion. I reckon thut will fetch them."
This was the advertisement:
"liurglurs uru reiuesled tu call some
ulght this wm-k on Mr. and Mrs. Eras
tua llrowu, Ash court. A door and win
dow will be left opou and every facility
olTt red for removing the spoils. "
"ilut this is a very unusual form of
advertisement," said tho clerk, with a
troubled look. "1 don't kuow whether
to put It under the heud of persoual or
educuliutial. Whut is your motive, may
I ask?"
"My motive?" snld tho advertiser,
"la to get rid of un awful iucuhus of
inherited truck without any responsi
bility fastened opou inu. I illicit hum
tho house down, but in thut cuso I
would be cxpix ted toaavo tho heirlooms
or perish with thi-tu. Suy, young man,
were you ever the victim of a legacy?"
"No," an id tho clerk, with a frieud
ly grin. "What a funny question."
"No old inuid aunt ever died und loft
you a dozcu buttered silver teuspoom
thut hud coiuo dowu from Oliver Crom
well?" "Never!"
"Lucky chupl Never hud a solid sil
ver punch bowl bequeathed to you ty a
bibulous old undo who wus a disgruoe
to the family while be lived, but prom
ised to returu and haunt yon if you
didn't uutertuiu his comrades once a
year out of thut bowl?"
"1 should say not."
"Nor a great grandmother who loft
you a silver soup ladlo with a coat of
anna of some unknown dead and gone
ancestor which must be placed uudur
your pillow every night for safe keep
luu?" "No," said the clerk. "I bcloug to
plain, everyday people, and we haven't
a cout of urma to our backs."
"Ho thankful, young iuuu. You little
realixo whut a blessed lot is yours. To
crown our misfortunes, unother relative
died In Puris last week and left us bur
diamonds. Hut 1 draw the lino at dia
monds, and so does my w iio. Wo take
turns now sitting up with tho silver.
After tho burglars oouiu and clean us
out wo shull begin to live. Put thut ad
vertisement lu a K'skI place, und I'll let
you kuow if we hear from it. S'loug."
Chicugo Times-Herald
Ths Old Tlui HtKforoiMih.
Iu 17IIJ there were, struuuo as it
seems, only six stugeciuicheH running
lu nil England, and of course these were
tho only public vehicles for travelers.
Even these were a novelty, and a per
sou named John Crosse t thought they
wore such a dangerous inuovutiou that
ho wrote a pamphlet uguinst them.
"Theso coaches," ho wrote, "inuko geu
tleuieii coniu to London upon every
small oecuslnu, which otherwise- they
would not do except upon urgent neces
sity. Nay, tho conveuieucy of tho pass
ago makes their wives come often up,
who rather tlniu oouio such long jour
neys un horseback would stay ttt home.
Then wheu they oomo to town they
must bo in the wudo, get flnu clothes,
go to plays and treats, aud by these
means get such a habit of idleness aud
love of pleasure thut they are uueusy
after." Even people who come to the
city on Htoum curs are sometimes sim
ilarly affected by the visit, even unto
this duy. Exchuuge.
A Natural Query.
"I am getting up a little article about
men of wealth, "expluiuud tho reporter,
as be entered the great merchant's
udloo, "as a sort of lesson for the young
men of today, Would you mind tolling
me how you got your first real start iu
"Not at all, not at all," replied tho
eld man pleasantly. "Do you want the
truth, or the regulation blographicul ro
mance thut is ordinarily used? It's im
material to me." Chicago Post.
Tlis Meanest Man.
"About the meanest man I jwor
knew," said the stonily liar, "wus a
fellow over iu Indiana. His little boy
got a leg cut off in a sawmill, and the
old Villain had a woodou leg made for
the kid of green willow, in tho hope
thut it might grow as the boy did and
save him the aycpenNo of getting a new
ono so often." Cincinnati Enquirer.
Swodon ami Norway flud the Unitod
States a good ouatomor of cod liver oil
and matches, those articles being the
principal itoins of export to this country-
Gypsies are supposed to have come
originally from India, and not from
Egypt, ai their name implies.
Last Wednesday Evening Routine
Business Transacted.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council was held last Wednesday
The Council wss called to order at 7:46
by Mayor Catifleld, and Kecorder llyan
proceeded to call the roll. There were
present, In addition to mayor, tecorder
and chief of police, Councilmen Pusch,
Koerner, Wilson, Roake, Metznor and
Milln ; absent Latotirette and Harris.
Minutes of the last regular and special
meetings were read and approved.
The application of U.K. Golden for
liquor license was read and the license
ordered Issued.
Pelition of It. L. Holman to have
license of f 25 remitted granted.
An ordinance fixing ths tax levy at
7 mills for the year 1897 and authorizing
the county clerk to be notified to that
effect was passed by unanimous vote.
The report of city surveyor on pro
losed Improvement of Tenth street from
8. P. It. It. track lo Main street was
referred to street committee,
Healed bids for printing of city ordi
nance! were opened, and as there was
some complications in regard to the
matter which the council did not quite
understand, the matter was referred to
the finance committee. The Press,
Courier and Enterprise aubmitted bids.
ascoHDia's kkcoht roa jakuaby.
Ohkooh City, Or., Feb. 1, 181)8.
To the Honorable, the Msyor and City
Council of Oregon City.
Gentlemen: I respectfully submit the
following report of the business tran
sacted in the office of the recordur for the
month of January 1808 :
There has been eight cases brought
before the recorder charged with viola
tion of city ordinances, ai follows: On
January 10, F. Kern, Jas. Firth, Jack
Filth, Jas. Nichols and Sol Clark were
charged with being drunk and disorderly,
ami pleading guilty were sentenced
to pay a fine of $10 or to work five days
on city streets, or on refusal to work to
be kept on a diet of bread and water.
Failing to pay fine they were woiked for
two days, w hen on refusal to work ai
directed they were placed in the city
jail and Irept on bread and water for the
balance for the said term of imprison
ment, with the exception of Hoi Clark
who labored faithfully until discharged.
January 13, Geo. Hunter, Frank Pea
vey.and Frank Smith were charged with
being drunk and disorderly and wiith
soliciting alms, and pleading guilty were
sentenced to pay a One of $20 or in de
fault of payment to labor on the city
streets for ten days. In default ol
payment they were put to work
on the streets and Geo. Hunter and
Frank Smith made their escape from the
officer in charge on the first day. Peavey
worked seven days in an efficient man
ner and was discharged.
The following licenses were issued
during the month :
January Fortune & Iirown skating rink
to March 31 5 00
Jan 21 Will. Falls Bowling alley to
April 23 8 00
I. Msxarofsky JunK peddler to Men 31 2 00
Total 112 00
Warrants drawo on the general fund
to the amount of $700 02.
Warrants drawn on the cemetery fund
to the amount of $31 05.
Application of C. H. Foster tor permis
sion to inter the remains of Mrs. Philura
J. Foster in the city cemetery, he being
the owner of lot 394, was granted on Jan
uary 12th.
Application of J. T. Apperson for per
misaion to Inter in city cemetery the re
mains ol M. M. Putts, granted and Jan
uary 24tb on the payment of $15 block
235 was sold to Mrs. Jennie Butts and
certificate of title issued to her, M. M.
Butts being interested in said block.
Application ol Kusor Tscharnig for
permission to bury Anthony A. Tschar
nig was granted on January 10, said
Tscharnig being the owner of a lot in
said cemetery.
On January 18th application for burial
of Ixionora Burleigh was granted and
block DO sold to Albert Burleigh for $5
and certificate of title issued.
Tiiob, F. Ryan,
Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon.
Thos F Ryan.salary as recorder, Jan $ 25 00
Chas E Barm, chief of police COOO
E L Shaw, salary, niglitwatchman... GO 00
Chas C Babcock, work for self and
men on streets 15 20
W L buidow, work for sell and men
on streets 13'1 63
F T GritHlh, city prosecutor's tee. . . . 20 00
Paul Hemelgarn, meals at city Jail. . 22 00
F C Uailke, sewer pipe, etc, Main St. li) 74
Hiram Straight, 200 lbs. salt 1 10
0 U Iron Works, steel rock rakes.... 3 00
Pope it Co, hoe, shovel and nails ... 1 00
1 W Brown, one cord wood 2 50
Geo A Harding, elentrio lamps 100
P O K Co, electric lights, $172.45
allowed 17115
Clackamas county, costs in Oregon
Cily vs Clackamas Co 60 00
Oregon City Press, printing notices,
reports, etc S08
J Jones, building tool house, making
tools, etc $43 50
tl II Johnson, on account of contract
for surveying 50 00
C N Greenman, hauling pipe aud
tools to cemetery 75
On motion Council adjourned.
That lame Bnrh pan be wit
Dr. Miles' NfcUVBfl-ASTKa. OnlyKo.
First class goods only
10 to 15
Cheaper than
any house in town.
Strictly Clothing
and everything belonging to a
Clothing outfit.
Comer Morrison and Second Sis. Portland, Ore.
Furnished Every Week by the Clacka
mas Abstrart t Trust Company.
Guy Beebe to Herman Biechel Jan
22 '08 W D 80 acres in sec 20, t
Is, r2 e f000
John Sursd to Fred Schueiter June
20 '08 W D 40 acres and tract
1x30 roads, see 0, 1 3 a, r 3 e... . 475
Henry Sclieel lo Peter Scliecl, Mar
18, '90 W D txA of eetf ' .l4t
sec 22 and ei, of ne of se1
aec22, t3a,r5 e 100
M L Bruce to Isaac Pollock Oct
10, '97, V D 12 acres sec 32, 1 1
r2 e 1500
A Stowasser (by sheriff) to A
Stowaaaer Jan 24, '98 S D sw.
sec 8, 1 3 s, rl w 1143
A Stowasser to Joseph Blerrer Jan
;2i, 98WD aec8,t 3 , r
1 w 1000
J A Thayer to A Collette, Nov 3,
97 W D 19.59 acres Chas Walker
claim 650
Wm W Grover to J O and A L
Grover, May 29, 97 W D ue ol
etsec27,tle,r4e 500
A II Roberta to F and A Kindorf
Jan 11 '98, QCD10 acres, sec 29,
1 1 e, r2e 1
G V Taylor to II H Hughes, Jan
22, '98 W D 62. acres, sec 22
and 23, 1 3 s, r 2 e 1500
Geo Iteddawav to Mary E Redda-
way Jan 20 '98 Q C lots 2, 3, and 12
blk 15, Falls View 1
Tlioa Spencer to V O Harding Jan
27 '98, (sheriff) 39 acres sec 5 and
8, t 3 s r 2 e 1700
J 8 Roberts (Bheriff) to Wm Scott
Jan 25, '98 W D 40 acres sec 8, t
3e, rlw 600
Henry Hughes to Peter Hughes
Jan 22 '98, W D 120 acres in sec
1 4 a, r 3 e 1000
Bertha Gillan to Robert Gillan, Jan
28, '98 W D 3j acres Robert
Thompson claim 5
W L Kellogg to Blacker Feb 23
'91 W D lot 2, 3. blk 2, Canby. . 500
U S to J Nicholas Jan 22, '91 aej
of sec 6 1 2 s, r 7 e Tat
Frank Gasser lo II A Munsell Jan
4, '98, 7j acres sec 18. 1 3 s, r 1
e....' 300
J L Sperry to E A Sperry Jan 11,
'98 ej' of swtf. sec 30, 1 1 s, r 2 e
and e-,' of nw' sec 1, 1 2 s, r 2 e
less 20 acres 1
Silas Wright (sheriff) to J F Nelson
Jan 29 '98 8 D 30 acres In H
Wrikht claim 75
John Faahuner to Joseph tKoeniga
berger Sept 5 '97 2 lots and house
Milwaukee Will
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furniah information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oreiwn City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
What Dr. A. E. Salter Nays.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents; From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases
of advanced Consumption, I am prepared
to say that it is the most remarkable
Remedy that has ever been brought to
my attention. It has certainly saved
many from Consumption. Sold by
Charman & Co., druggists, Oregon City.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entibprisb office.
No baits,
No traps,
No bacon
catch the game.
13 Astor Place
New York
The Outlook will be In 1897, as it has
been during each of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. In
its various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a compact review of the
world's progress ; it follows with care all
the important philanthropic and indus
trial movements of the dav ; baa a com
plete department of religious news;
devotes much space to the interests of
the home; reviews current literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things ; and, in short, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with the fifty-fifth volume,
the paper will assume the regular maga
sine size, which wjl add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. Thi
Outlook Is published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. The first issue
in each month in an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages' as the ordinary issues, together
with a large number of pictures.
'lhe price of Tug Outlook is three
dollars a year in advance, or less than
a cent a day,
Send for a specimen copy and illus
trated prospectus to The Outlook, 13
Astor Place, New York City.
Thfjr overcome Weakness, trrvfni
Untv ami oiiiiftMoiiftiicrt'aM vitror
and banish pain .f mrn!trua
Uon." Thej ar " Life Nuvrn"
toifirbat womanhuou, aniairf d
Yelopmt'iit of oriran and body. No
known remedy for women niuali
ttiutn rannnl fin h 1 r m .1 1 f H OtV
wniM pl?awrt. 1 m-p box
bv mull. nld by drumtUls,
For sole by C. G. 1 1 untie v.
Sick or "Just Dont
Peel WeU."
onlv on rns a iwih
Hrmom Plmplet, cure Naa dacha, Dyinaotri sn
CaaUMfiass. 26 eta. a box at drufqriata or br mall
fiamplat fret, addraai Dr. Botaalu) Co, Fhua. fa,
is the staff of life,
but it is not all made
Main Street Bakery
ha3 a reputatiou for making
Hood bread every day in the
and staple
Always Fresh.
Main Street.
Legal Notices.
Aaalgaee' .ttlee.
Volloe is hereby given by order of lhe
Circuit Court of the tilste of OreKon, for
Clackamas County, In the matter of tha
BMiRnnieiit of the Oregon City Hash and
Door Company, 8 H. Calilf and Chas.
Caliir, insolvent dshtors, that said Court
has fixed Monday, April 18, 18IM, ores soon
thereafter as tbs same can be reached, aa
the time for hearing objection to ths mar
shading ol the anseis and liabilities of said
debtors; all persons bsving objections to
the steps taken by the assignee toward mar
shading, taid assets and liabilities, or that
may be taken by said Court at said lima
toward marshalling the same, must make
ssid objections, on or before said dsy.
C. O. T. Williams,
1-28, 2-25 Assignee as aforesaid.
Aalgne'a Male.
In ponnn of a daaraa and o'dor of ial
r-nlar4 Id the C.rru t onrt of tha rUM ol
Orevoa. fur ths Couuir of C'l ickn., on Janu
ary U, IMS, lo tha eau.a of C. O. T. William.
anWiue, plaintiff, Jamaa M 11 r, 8"hla
M I et. Urfn Dmlli, Wm. Unk.ua and W i
I boaon, d' f nrtant", I wi laipoaj or aa and
ll tha law dlfaeta, at tha cart d or of tha
ourt Huuaa of aij Couuir, In Or -non Clijr.on
Baiuraay, mi gin our 01 aiarcn, lng,alin
hour of lOoM'Wk A. M., f raal pmnvrtr d
erlbad lo aa d iKcr.-.. ltu.ut In Clickunaa
Coniitf, Hta: of Oreaon, kit: A'l of iota
and 7 in block una, O eea P .n', according to
the pat thar.olon lilt m th i.lllCJ of tna re
corder ol rourajraacoa for said Couoir and
Iat wi Oregon City, FVibrmirT g. lWi
2-4.H C. O. i. WUXUMi, Aaalgnaa,
Kxecalar'i Notice f Final Net
I tha County Court ol lb atate of Or axon, for
the Count; of Clack irn.
Id tha mutter ot tna ettata of Carl Frederick
Hi'olztMrth. ueeaa.frl:
Nolle. l narebr (imn that Frederick Hnl-
b.rth. executor of lha laat will au I leanmenl
ol the .aid decad, b filed lo aildeou- hit
final account aa.a b axe uuk, and iol Moo
lay, lha 7ib o.y ol March, lm, at iu o'clock A.
M . at the court room of .aliJ eou-t. at (be ourt
houe Id Oregon Cily, in .aid County aod 8 ata.
baa hero Only appointed Mr Itie Judge of .aid
court f"r th) ner:nt of objection! to al i fluai
account aaJ tha aaiiiem -nt thereof.
racDiiica HriTXSaSTH,
Executor of ths latt wl.l and te.iamiut of
Carl Frederl k HplUoartb. dsaal. l-U, !-
retire Tor Publlratloa.
Land offiie at Or. son City. Ore.. Jan 13, 1S8SL
Notice It hereby given that tna Miowio
Dameo eeiUer baa Med notice of h i ini.ulloa
to make dual proof In in pott f hlicla m, and
that il I pr -of will ba m.da before tbe Kerlater
and Rwelrar at Oregon Cltjr, O e., ou Fobr-ia,-
a, vm, ns:
H E. KOI. for the 8 K of Sac. U Tp. 8 8, B t K.
Uj nmrj lha following l ara.-a to pruT
hla co Inuout r aldence upon and cultivation
of aa d laud, vis:
Y. M. baker, John Wrlstht. F. M. Roblnaon,
W 1 im Bounty, ll of ClK.u.O C7on.
1-21. 3-a CHAi B MoOllKd. Beclater.
Hotlce Tor Fubllcatloau
Land offloa at Oregon City, Ore., Jn. 19, MM.
Not. r la hereby alreu that tna Mlowln--na
iied .eitler n fiiad u .iico of hit Inienitoa
to mki anal proof lu .upp.irt ol bit e. ami, and
Inat raid prool wilt be m da bsiora the R-il.ter
a id Ke -airerat Ore;oa City, Ore., on F b uarv
.4, Tit:
H. E. 91M, for tna N E H ol a E , 8 E W ot
! E , and lota 1 and 2 uf , 8. K E.
U uoi the fuilnwlog witnaaaea to prov
bit eoutl mom reaiceca apuu and eul.lraUon
of aaid lind. rii:
rra.kH nal, Abraham Ten Evck, Robert AW
enuder, Ulebael Kelly, al. of Marmot, Oroo.
1-21. 1-& CH AA R MOOKEd. BegUter.
Notice ! Flaal ttcttleatcat.
In the matter of tbe eitale of aarah Jane
BcoiL daceawd.
No lc- It h;reby given that I htva du
ray nnii r- nor- in aaia e.iaie in ia. eounLir
0'iur.ol C.a'ktmae coun7. Oregon, sod tna
court baa fixed March 7th, IMS, at one o'clock
j.. k.A -i .
p. iu. uar nu miu i or uv ring ma rapora
aud lor tut eetllemaul of ald eime.
A. a MAKQfcM.
Jan.lS.lK9S. Executor of Mild 4iaia.
H. K. Caoaa, Attorae y lor tua eataie.
Notice er Final Bettleaaeat
Notice it t.e eby aln ih a tbe uudataljned.
admiul.traior of .haeiuie t Aagie Kellg, a
minor, ta Blaa hui account lor final eelile
nivnt in tbe County C art for Clack ma.
Cuniy, Oreaon. and t .ai -ai I Co in hu ap
point d Moi day. the 7th day oi March, at tba
boar of lu o'clock A. M. fur har u objeetioaa
to aa.d ichuui . n i aettlemeat thereof.
Date 1, Dee. 15, 1S97.
Admlnt-trator of tha ealat of Aagia Kelmgg.
a m nor. -4, s-t.
Notice of Final 9ittlemeai.
In the County Court of thj SUU of Oregon for
C.ackama. County.
I.i tuemat erof the eitatoo! U IL Hobba, da-
Not ce la hereby given t lat I hare Iliad mf
final ac-ount a adailn I rator of the aetata ot
Mid U H. H bb. d ic.a-ed. in the Comity Court
ufbe tate ol Or-gou f r Clack.maa oountr,
aud that aaid Court haa died Monfl iy, tna 7tbt
day of March, 18W, at tbe h'ur of 10 o'elok A.
M. ol aaid day a tie lime IT nearlugauyoDioc-
lion to aaid report an 1 lor thi tlu.il ajulumejt
of aaid eitata.
L L PoaTSa,
1-7, 24 Administrator ot aaid eatate.
Notice for lubllcatlon.
Land Office at Or gou City, Ore., January 8th,
Notice li her jby riven tbat tie followlng-
uamed tl er ba ft el no iue of ber Intention
to make flnnl broil iu support of ber claim, anil
tuat nl i p ool will be made before the Keiti.ter
and Keo Ivr atOrogon City, Ore., on February
lain, ws, tu:
H. E. 9342, lor the lota 1 and 2 of Sec 10, Tp.S 9.
K. 8 E.
one name the following wttnee to provo
her comiuuou roaidjuoe upon and cultivation
of said Und, Tlx:
Pat O'Connor, B. O. 8uer, John Tellepan,
Jamea Barbridge, all of Logau, Oregon.
1-14, a-18 CHAS. B. MOORE3, Reatleter
Notice to Creditora.
Notloe li hereby given, that tbe utidera Ignid
baa beeu appo n e I adiniuiatrator, with tbe will
annexed, ol the vsUte ot Cnailei Duncan, de
ceased, and tbat all cred. to a aud per-on hav
ing olalmi again t aaid estate aie lequlret to
preaen tham ,wub the proper vouonera, to
the underaign d at Wiiliburg.Oregon, within
aix montha from the firnt publio itlon ol this
oottoe. DAVID MILLS, Admim.trator.
Dated thii 20th day of Jauuary, im.
Dav I A Giaham, Attorneya 1-U. 2-18
Notice Tor Publlcatloa.
Land rffloiat Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 29, 1898.
Notice Is beieoy given that tne following
nam d e ilor has HKd notice of hia Intention,
to m.ke final p ool in rupport of hia eiaim, and
tiai .a d pMOf will be made be ("re tbe BonLter
and R c h er at Oregon City, Ore., on ilarob.
litu, 1898, v.i:
H. E 90 3, for the E H of 8E ot Sec. , Tp. 4 3,
He names the following wltneisei to prove hia
oontiuuoui rvsldenoe upon and cultivation of
aaid laud, tu:
CbarUa W Fredrick, of Ely. Orceon; Alma
Cooper, of 0 ei?on C.ty.Ore. : Harvey Fht Up, ol
Canby, Ore.; Eli Madd.wk.of Orwon C ty, Ore.
2-4, S-U CHA3. & MOOBE i, Begiater.
Katabllabed 1863.
Trance? and b$to$t
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.