( Oregon City Enterprise. COURTS Circuit oourt ronvenei Brt Men a In No vember and third Monday In April. Probate court In teMlon drat Monday In each Mouth. Oommlnlontm court mctt Brat Wednesday after flral Momlav ol each mouth. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 18H8. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Evening praver service with an ad dress at 81. Paul's church this evening, t . Our hnt must go regardless of cost. 3.00 hats lor tl-50 st Miss Goldsmith's. Rev. Dr. William will conduct service in the chail at Canemah next Sunday at 2 p.m. The Utile 6 year-old girl ol Mrs. La dera at Clackamas is reported ill with typhoid fever. According to an Ohio paper, this Is j how a high school girl parsed the sea-1 tenee, "He kissed me:" "He," she be-, gun, with a fond lingering over the word tint brought crimson to her cheeks, "is a pronoun, third person, singular num ber, masculine gender, a gentleman and pretty well fixed; universally considered a good catch 1 'Kissed' is a verb, transi tive, too much so, regular every evening, indicative mood, indicating affection; first and third person, plural number, and governed by circumstances, M OU' well everybody knows me." And she sat down. Am prepared to do carpet weaving first class wot k done. Leave oidersateell Ing's store. Adam Haas, Ely Oregon Weddina stationery, the latest style and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the EsTKBPKisa office. St on that eonsrh I Take warning. It mav lend to consumption. A 25c hot tl of Shiloh's Cure may save your life Sold by Charman & Co., druggists, Ore gon City. Dont fail To buy a bil' of goods from theE.E. Williams bankrupt grocery stock. They ko at less than wholesale cost. For cash only T. F. Ryan assignee. Three months ago ten society girls of Evanston, III., formed a club pledging themselves to not marry for five tears The bait took very well, for three of them re already engaged, and the rest hope to be soon. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady ; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron chial troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Old Oeneral Cassius A . Clay seems to have married not only a girl-child, but also two brothers-in-law, a lover ot the girl, and a long-standing neighbor hood teud. The old fighter has met more than his match at last. It is said a new society composed ex clusively of Germans will be organized in this city next Sunday evening. One of the Portland societies will send a del egation to assist in the organization. Beautiful scenes, familiar faces and laughable cartoons flow from bis hand like majic, is what is said of G. C Bushnell the cartoonist, who is to be at the Congregational church on Friday evening the 11th met. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy coogh of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon ; changes to relief after One Minute Cough Core has been administered. Safe a no harmless for children. Geo. A. Harding. In narrating an accidental death, an exchange says "the deceased was mar ried and leaves a widow." Except for this plain statement, readers might have supposed that the man was single and left a widow, or that he took his wife along with him. There is one disgusted man, at least, in Portland. The other day the weather bureau announced fair, clear weather, so be took along his umbrella, mackin tosh and rubbers, and it turned out to be a clear, fine day after all. The weather odservers are great jokers. After years of unlold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knitnereville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin dis eases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy. Geo. A. Harding. The United States has nearly a score of war vessels off and around the south ern coast of Florida, besides the Maine in Havana harbor, and is therefore evi dently prepared to a certain extent for hostilities. War is not yet probable, but it would only take a little friction to bring it on, and a naval brush need sur prise no one. . The new w holesale house of II. K Golden & Co. on Main street will be open for inspection by the public tomor row (Saturday) at 2 p. m. The building has been elegantly furnished throughout and is patterned after the metropolitan resorts of the large cities. This house will carry a complete stock of the best brands ol imported beverages, and ex pect to do a large wholesale business. B S. Pague, of the United States weather bureau, delivered a lecture be fore the high school in this city last Mon- Rejral aaakea the toed pare, wheleaoaie ahd dtllcloua. POWDER Absolutely Pure aovu Mail pomi eo., atw vom. PERSONAL Daniel Evans, of city Tuesday. G. V. Bentley, of NOTES. Viola, visited this Chinese Partition Noonor or Litter. The Mituation on the Chinese coast that has followed Or many 'a leisure of Klao Cliau has continued to hold the foremost place in the attention of the world, No body knows what will happen eventu ally, but It is not likely that the great game of Chinese partition Is to begin at once. In due time however, the Chinese empire bids fair to go to pieces. We have been accustomed In times past to think of the Chinese as several hundred millions of perfectly homogeneous people. As a matter of fact, although they belong to the great yellow division of the human race, the diversities of type In the different paitiof China are greater than the diversities among white men of Europe, and there la less con n ction and by far less sympathy among them than among the discordant popu j lation elements that make up the pres ent-day conglomerate that we know as the Austro-Hungarian empire. There is an immense range of dialects In China, MA Marxian), was in day The spcakersUted that the bureau ,ne cl,y U8t " wny had in its employ 000 men, all of these T. M. Cross, of Molalla, was in Oregon being appointed for life. All the intri- City on Tuesday last ciats eeonneciea wun weainer lorecasi- Mr. Ilowlett, ol Kagle Ureek, was a tug were explained in a very clear and county seat visitor Wednesday concise manner This is the first of a series which Mr. Pague will deliver Bankrupt We offer for sale our entire stock of groceries and fixtures at less 0f Marquam were in the city yesterday wan uo.esa.e prices, u you wanno D. II. Moeher. of Rmlland. was in this .ay in a supply now is your time to nuy cit ,Mt A,arA,v ..BnInif nj Sundav w , . ... i. . i yourseii rien. ah goons soiu ai private sale foi cash only. E. E. Williams, the grocer; T. F. Ryan, assignee. who liye in another four or five miles away. . There is no such thing in China as a pervasive national feeling or an imperial patriotism. The various pro vincial governments are not under firm control by the central government, and, such military and naval forces as exist Miss Harriet Monroe of Portland was , are provincial rattier than iiuporial. The an Oregon City visitor Saturday. ' Chinese of different provinces and sec- George Kinxer of Needy and G. Illnes tions hate each other worse than they hate the foreigners of other races. When The ladies of the M. E. church give notice of a roll call and conundrum lunch on Monday night February 14, partic ulars next week. Admission will be free and an interesting program is be ing prepared. Tcjmorrow evening Saturday) at Park place, the well known and popular drama "Among the Breakers" will be produced. The cast is composed of home talent, with Miss E. Bracken as manager. of Logan, this county has moved to East Portland. King Spurgeon and John Talbot of Clackamas, were in Oregon City Wed nesday lat. Chas. Pipka, of Canby, was In town this week arranging for final proof on hfs homestead. L.J. Adams, of Silverton, was in the Oregon City Tuesday the guest of his friend, Dr. J. W. Welch. J. W. Frederick, Ely's popular black smith was in this city attending to some business matteis Saturday Mrs. J. G. Muckle, of St. Helens was in Oregon City Wednesday, the guest of her friend, Mrs. J. R Beegle G. B. Ditnick we at to Hubbard last Tuesday to attend the funeral of W. II. OXID DNJOYO Both the method ana rcmilUi wlion Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and rofrcuhing to tho tasto, and nob) Emily yet promptly on tho Ivmncya, ivor and I towels, cleanses tho ay torn cfTwtunlly, JiHjHds colds, head olios and lovers and cures habitual couBtinatioti. Syrup of Figs is tho and it often hap,,,, that the people of ly. nudr of iU kind over lro on. neighborhood cannot talk with those duood, ploaHing to tho tasto amino. wpuiuiu io mu puiniut u, prompt in its action and truly bviiohcinl m its effects, prvimrwd only from tho inont Leal thy ami ngrocubloHubriUinccH, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and huvo made it tho moat Hpu!iir roniody known. Syrup of Figs is for wdo in 60 cent bottles by all lending drug gists. Any rehaldo druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. t mmuaco, cal UUISYIUI, tr. K tOKK. nr. Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY For All PointR ICtrnt "FAST MAIL OUTE." Leaves for the East via Walla Walla ami Spokane, daily atS;(K) p. m, Arrives at liiiftO p. m. Leaves for the East via Huntington and Pendleton, dally at 9 p. m. Arrives at 7:11) a. m. THIUWUH PULLMAN AND TOURIST HI.KKI'KIIH. WKHJI ?I,VI) KIVKK. pCKDdbKJI. Oc kan Division .Steamship tail from Alnswoith dork 8 p. in. For fan Fran cisco: Slate of California sails Jan. 27; Columbia sails Jan. 1'2. the moment arrives for a partition of China upon a plan that would not Injure I fvilPiirtAairi tuta.iA I La ti Ist.a n tut Haa.l...l flOt.it 11 a t, a. viau rvc Ci MV I II 111 M I U IV Ifll I HU rhn Sk.ahntlakl a-It s taa ruiurt m pajhlunt r n I v 1 1 a a uvnuiivi nuv in vi aa iviuvui . .t , . , I out as easily as was tue oerman landing and conquest at Kiao-Chau From Dr. Buck has his hands full just at Cashen .who was an old IrienJ. present aumimsienng to lonrcnuaren in tbe family of Leonard Jones, at Clacks! mas, four of whom are seriously ill with typhoid fever. has been in ser- Mr. Frakes, of Logan, stopped in Ore gon City a short time Wednesday on hi. way home fiom the league convention, Miss Hnlnn T?anill of Pnrtlanil a m . ru .i . 1 ' ' ' loe Bieiuer i.mer win leave roruanu ,tlutBn .t Rt lfln. 11.11 ..-.ni K..,,,. r. -,r... ... rnu.,1 a o o cioca mr day t8t with Mis. Williams, at St. "'"p fcBrrjiiiK iuo largest cargo ever paI1- rrtnr r I 1 G. 6. Ditnick, deputy district attorney, went to Hillsboro yesterday to represent f stent. lor lands in favor of L. Estella the state at the execution of Gus Wacb' Shibley and Richard A. Buckler have line, which takes place today . K,a""m" V""- lue Mrs. W. H. Dolman, cf Rt Hlna same can be had by making application. .nj .!... lo jnill,n M rBrMn of thi. .it. The regular quarterly teachers' exam- in this place for a few hours on ination will take place next Wednesday. Thursday evening of last week while on on board her since she vice. "The Progress of the World," In Aireri- can Monthly Review of Reviews for Februa ry. School Reports. Reiwtof schojl district number 37 for the month ending January 28. The pupils who were neither absent nor tardy are: Florence Hays, Agnes Lyu- nette, Milton and Klmer Shipley, Maud Childs, Ethel, Rlanche and taslie Whit ten, Earl and Carrol Hhipley, John, Ferd, Ivor and Pearl Long. Visitors during the month were: Rert Hays, Edward Wanker, Charles Wanker, David Long, Mrs. C. Borland. Miss Alice Lee and Rolls Wortluugton. Patrons are invited to visit the school and Inspect our work. Au a D. Thompson, Teacher. Tbe following named pupils in district No. 07, Barlow, were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending January 28: Clara and Lilla Irvin, Lena and Emma Scoggin, Hattie Irwin, Leroy Parmenter, Claude Baty, Fred Jesse, Cassie Tull, Charlie Fox, Eva and Hat tie Norman and Oswald Behymer. Average daily attendance 24, No. day. taught 20. Patron, and friends are kindly Invited to call on the school and Inspect tbe work. William Hankins, Teacher. Jlloff s Nerverine Pills Th gWAt remtdy for ntrvous prot t rat ion and all nervous dilMKl of th etntntivt or- uwuiik and it. ii iM.Mt. rani ot cither kx, inch as Nrrvous Proatratum, Failing or lost Minhood, Impotcncy, Nightly Emit- uorti, YouthJul bron, Mental worry, cx cmive toe of Tobacco or Opium, whkh kad lo Consumption and Inunlty. SI .00 prr box by mailt 6 boxes for J5.00. mm CHEMICAL CO. Prop i, Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by C. G. Month y. CWaflJJHIjJI KIYEK DIYW IDUTUNII AMI AMTOKIA 8teamer It. It. Thomson limvcs Portland daily except hiinday at 8 p.m., and at 10 p. m. on hulurday; reluming, leaves Astoria dal'y except Sunday at 0:V) a. m. her way to Salem. David Henderson returned from a busi ness trip to Seattle last Monday and re ports that city especially liyely at this time, it being the principal supply point "Saved Her Life." THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for u and our groceries: lliat we otftr the best of groceries at the low est prices. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries Is the purest and the most nutritious. I .ant, hut not least, their grocery hill savea it self fully 2.'i per cent by their dealing with Marr A Mulr. Our way of doing business is to treat every one fair and square and olfcr the very best iu our store. Willamette River Route Ash Street Wharf. Kleamer Ruth, for Halmn. Aldan Corvallla and av points, leavos 1'ori. land Tuesdays. Thursdays ami Kahir. days at II a. m. IMornlmr li.av,a ('nr. vallis Mondays, Wednesday, and Fri. days at 0 a. m. Steamer Klmore lor Kalem and way uolnts. leaves Portland Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at (1 a. m. Return ing, leaves Salem, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satu'days at 0 AH a. in. Steamer Modoc, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thurs days and Sal tirdays at 7am. Return ing, leave Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a m. Snake River Route Steamer leave Riparla daily except Saturday at 1 Af a. in , on arrival of train from Portland. Leaves Lewiaton, return ing, daily except Friday at 6 ;00 a. m.r arriving at Ripariaat t) p. ni. W. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent. V. A. HCHII.UNO. Clly Tlck.l AgU Tslephone (Maln)TlX Resolotlons of Condolence. Warner grange No. 117, Jan. 22, 1898, New Era, Oregon. Whereas, The unseen hand of death has removed from our grange circle our for vertOB goinjf t0 Alg8ka wormy sister i nuura roster, and tynereas, vvarner grange will miss berin oar grange meetings where our sister was always faithful in her attend ance, therefore be it Resolved, That we deeply sympathize ith her bereaved husband, our vener able brother, J. G. Foster, in this his M. F. 8chryver, ot Guinee, Lake Co. 111. writes that in the six months he has been a subscriber of the Enterprise he has learned just what be wanted to know I about Clackamas county markets, pro ducts etc. and says he hopes to become I a citizen of this connty soon. sad affliction. Hon. II. E. Cross has accepted an In- Resolved, That a page of our minutes vitation to address the republican club be set apart to the memory of our de- at Brown's school bouse, two miles east parted sister, and that our charter be of New Era, tomorrow (Saturday) even- draped in mourning for the period of 30 Mr. Cross' reputation as a speaker days, and a copy be transmitted to the needs no commendation at our hands. family of the deceased ; also a copy to Let all republicans turn out and hear the the N. W. P. Farmer and the leadinz issues discussed. PATENT FLOUR Manufactured in Oregon City from tho bent selected wheat on tho market. Ask Your Grocer - For the flour thnt will almorb tho moHt water and thus produce the greatest number of loaves to tho sack. The following will be Dr. Butler's sub jects of discourses st tbe congregational church next Sabbath, at 10:30 a. m. "Life, Developement and Triumph," at 7:30 p.m. the talk, on "The Second Coming of Christ" will be continued. There will be a good musical program at each service, at the evening service Mrs. Sadie White will sing a solo, in addition w me regular program, me public is invited. papers of the county. J. S. Casto, Mabv Waldbon, R. J. Bbown, Committee. Died. Mubbsio. In this city on Saturday. Jan uary v.), liertna triune, wile ot Ueorge Aiuessig, aged -') years 11 months and M days. A recent visitor to Seattle states that the Klondike craze has struck the town a severe blow and the tenderfeet are .being skinned right pretty. A charge of 40 cents for a cup of coffee and a sinker is the common price. Vacant lots, alley ways and stairways leading to unused buildings are commanding enormous rents for the purpose of carrying on a business in the Klondike trade. In fact a large business, dealing in supplies is carried on openly in the streets, and to get hotel accommodations they must be engaged several days ahead . A steamer every other day to the Eldorado carries her full capacity -of freight and passes gers. These are incidents of the craze. Subsribe for the Entebpbibe, the lead ing paper of the city. ffmtlttrhm stopped In V mlnntaa by Dp, AiiW Vaim Piua "One cent a dose." Y. M. C. A. NOTES. The annual election of officers on Mon day night resulted in the election of C. Schubel J. W. Loderand E. J. Maple for three years and Otto F. Olson for 2 years. The new board met on Wednesday night and elected G. H. Bestow, president; C. Schuebel, yice president; J. W. Loder, recording secretary; and C. A. Muir, treasurer. The appointment of commit tees and employing a general secretary was postponed to next Monday night. The annual report of the general secre tary showed that an average of 80 per sons per day bad visited the rooms dur ing 1897, 50 baths per week were given an average of 26 men attended 50 gospel meetings, 125 volumns were added to the library $1400.72 was received from all sources, 96 members were in good standing at the close of the year. The employes of the woolen mills and all members of the association will be entertained by the ladies' auxilliary on Saturday night the 12th. Men . gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock to which all men are invited. The management look forward with hopefulness to 1893 encouraged by tbe splendid work that has been accom plished during the past two years. All naln banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla, IIobson. In Somersyille, Contra, Costa county, i,amornia, iVlrs. Mary Ellen Hobson died January, 20 1898 aired 37 years 3 months and 24 days,' only aaugnieroi wrs. it. w. uriinthstarus, uregon. MBS. JOIIN WALLET, of Jefferson. Wis., than whom none is more highly caemty w wiuijit anown. writes. In 1890 1 bad a severe attack of LaOrlnne and at the end of four months. In spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing conld do, my lungs heart and nervous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained tut terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not lie in one position but a short time and not on my left side at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I bad taken a half bottle of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to health to IT IS FOR SALE By all grocers in Oregon City and in the bf-Ht. Guaranteed 'i:ateH--1 Patronize Home Industry. Gissv. At Aurora on January ), 1898, the surprise of all Frederick Oiesy, aged 05 years. Dr. Miles' Eemediea MitiEBS. At Barlow on January 28. 1S0S Henry Meiers, aged 75 years, 1 month ana clays. CSIIEN. At Iliihhard nn Nim.la January 30th, W. II. Cashen, aged Zu years, 11 months and 20 days. are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DIt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind, gTMna W6, Hearth 1 A Rich Strike : (jemaniu fehMef PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Eastern Star Entertainment. 1'ioneer chapter O. E. 8., will give an entertainment on Tuesday evening, februarys, in their hall, to which all Masons and their families are invited. The evening will be spent at cards, music etc. ro.iow.ng is part of the Bggf; Quality Of Cold Instrumental Duet DtOragO MOatS. Florence Campbell and Veda Williams. Gondolier Love 8onir " it. - l - . j L. .J 1 . MrsHadie Wl.ir omunou imuio auu uacon Cannot Vocal Solo "Only In Dreams" Mr. W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Cello Solo "Ave Maria" Mr. Suryyhlne For All Eternity" Mrs. J. H. 8tnckler 'My Flaxen Haired Lassie" Ladies Trio. You cannot make money faster than by buying your . . Dress Goods . . . where you can get them cheapest. Klondike Smoked hams and bacon be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock I Seventh St between Main and Depot Is all right, but you must have clothes to wear, and the best quality at lowest prices can be had only at Thomas Charman & Son's Pioneer Store.