Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every FSrlday. CHAS. MESERVE, r-Roraicro. JOHN R. BEKOLK, Editor asd Mor. SUBSCRIPTION RATER, One year $2 00 Hi i months 1 00 Trial subscription, two months 23 A dlrconnt ol M rent on til subscriptions for on year, 25 cents for six months, if aiii in advance. Advt-rtlsiiiR rales given on application. Subscriber will find the date of explr tton stamped on their papers following their name. If Ibis date ia not changed within two weeks after pavruent, kindly notny as ana we win loot alter iu Entered at the poalofllce in Oregon City, ur., as aeoond class matter. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1898 AGENTS FOR TBI ENTERPRISE, Beaver Creek.. Canny Clackamas Milwaukie Union Mills... Dr.T. B. Thomas Geo. Knight A Mather Oscar isinger .U. J. Trulliuger Meadow Brook Chas. Holman New Era W. t. Newberry Wilsonrille Henry Milev I'arkplace F. L. 'Russell Ptatlord J. Q. Gage Wulino C. T. Howard Cams R. M. Cooper Molalla Annie Stubbs Manpiam E. M. Hartntan Buiterille B. Jennir.gs Aurora Henrv A. Snyder Orrille t J. Perdue Eagle Creek H. Wilbern Damascus J. C. Elliott Sandy F. G.itsch 8nlmon Mrs. V. M. Mclutrre Currinsrille Geo. J. Currin Cherryville Mrs. M. J. Hammer Alar mot Adolph Ascboa a reduction In taxation, if it can be bad, and many other legislative measures con fined exclusively to the state of Oregon. Servants ot the people are to be chosen, and It Is essential that they should not be beodlers or bosses, but men wl.o will per form their several ditties in the Interest of the people and the state. In order to ac complish the greatest good a session of the legislature must be held, without which no good can result, The populist party, especially in Clackamas county, stands committed, through its county central com mittee, to hold up and prevent a session of the legislature being held. Under the cir cumstances, members of that party elected to the legislature could not be expected to perform their duty, and therefore no sion would be bold or remedial legislation enacted. The situstion is plain to every voter, and each one should be satisfied be yond reasonable doubt that the man for whom be votes will perform bis full duty otherwise no good csn result to the people. ELECTING UNITED 6TATE8 SENATORS. The election of McComaa to he Senator from Maryland, after the expiration of Senator Gorman's term, is a triumph of party discipline. The opposition te Mo- Comas within the party was based on much the aame ground as the opposition to Hanna in Ohio. The surrender of the caucus bolters after several days spent in fruitless balloting means not so much that the bolters had been convinced of Mo Comas' fitness as that the objections to MeComas bad been removed. It is always possible that objections to a candidate may be removed in open debate. It usually happens, however, thst a number of secret conferences are required to bring the bolters to a proper state of mind. Tbey go into a conference unsatisfied and come out of one with a general appearance of being convinced that tbey bad no real cause for complaint. It will be admitted that con versions In conference do not impress the public mind with an idea of the fitness of the converted party to bold a trust. The fight against MeComas in Maryland, si well as that against Hanna in Ohio, and Mitchell in Oregon will serve to convince the people that the election ot United States senators should be taken from the legisla tures of the several states. Hanna had been declared the choice of the republicans of Ohio in state convention, and in the absence of substantial reasons why be . ihould t)9t be elected by a republican legis lature, be was entitled to the full benefit of that declaration. His election after a fierce contest gives him the shell, but withholds the kernel. The standing of a senator in Washington depends largely upon his Standing in bis own state, it is only after years of association that senators free their minds of the prejudice which such charges as have been made against Hanna engen der. MflCdniss was not named by the Mary land republican stale convention as their choice for senstor. He wss nominated by caucus of the republicans of the legisla ture. Whatever real grounds existed to justify opposition to bis election still exist. Jhe situation has changed only in so far as the scruples of the bolting members of the legislature bave been overcome. The two senatorial contests serve to furnish the occasion for the consideration - of the Joint resolution now pending in both houses of cohgressi providing for an amend ment to the constitution tliat will take the election ol senators from the legislatures and give it to the people. The joint reso lution has been allowed to slumber on the assumption that the change proposed would tint be accepted by a sufficient number of states. This reason for inaction will disap pear with a few more such senatorial cam paigns as bave been held in Ohio, Maryland and Oregon. Mb. U'Ren's resignation does not tend toward harmony in the populist ranks. His principal! defender, Mr. Fitch, of the Herald, has turned against him, the reason stated being that U'Ken bad gone back on the fusion proposition. But that excuse does not suffice. U Ren has never been a fusionist. He has advocated tbe middle- of-the-road policy all along and has appar ently had the hearty support of bis party and especially the county committee with tbe Herald supporting him at every turn. Tbe facts in tbe case seem to warrant tbe assumption that tbe populists, after having endorsed the course of U'Ren, bave become alarmed at their own action and now seek to throw their boss overboard, not because of an honest change of Bentiment, but for tbe further practice of deception with the . voters. Their antics corroborate the state vments often made in the Enterprise that the party cared nothing for principle when there was an office in sight. Howl calamity and bold office is their stock In trade. But their stock is depreciating and will prob ably be withdrawn from tbe market about tbe first Monday In June. These political acrobats will bear from an outraged con stituency about that time in a manner not isomplimentary. ' BE RETCBU0AN8, NOT FACTIONISTS. The list of delegates elected to tbe state league at the meeting of the Young Meu'i Republican club last Saturday evenln proves conclusively one thing at least, and that is that the factions and factional differ ences in the party are being wiped out The men selected represent no faction they are republicans. This ia as it should be, and this we believe will be the sent! nient throughout Clackamas county and the state of Oregon henceforth. Republican may diner as to who shall or shall not be nominated for a particular office prior to a convention, but after the convention a re publican nominee is entitled to tbe support of every loyal member ot his party. These differences of opinion should end at tbe convention and all join in the hearty sup port of the ticket. It is not so much question or whether or not a certain man ahall be placed in a position to earn stipulated salary as it is a question of party principle and usage, through which elfl ciency in the public service may be brought about Personal differences, as we bave said before, are out of place within the ranks of a political party wben the public good is at stake. Tbe Enterprise believes that a majority ol the republican party in convention assembled is competent to name men who are worthy of support at tbe polls. It must not be forgotten that in these times wben there are a number of aspirants for each office to be filled, all of them can' not be nominated, and therefore some one will be successful, and the others, as honest and sincere republicans, should submit to the will of the majority; and after a fair contest, support the ticket. To hold i position of public trust is a laudable ambl tion to which any honest man may aspire, and tbe fact of a good man being de feated in a convention by some other good man does not necessarily imply that tbe defeated one ia inferior to bis successful rival, tor conventions are forced to choose between good men and someone must be selected while some others mnst be defeated for a nomination. It is the common lot of the politician, who, if he be thin-skinned should not enter the contest And sgain in- these contests ruen very often overestimate their own popularity and imagine tbey are the one above all others who could be elected. Indeed this too often happens, and probably will always be so until soch lime, if it ever comes, that a man may see himself as others see him. Let us hope that time may come some day in tbe near future. But to return to tbe original subject ol factions. In Clackamas county it is said there paye been several factions in the re publican party, but from the personnel of tbe delegation to tbe state league we are led to believe no such condition exists, or if so, tbe result of tbe ballot does not show it And serionsly wby should tbe party be thus devided. All republicans are striving for the same principles and in the end the same objacta. Tbese principles cannot be maintained and these objects attained by a party divided into factious. No ticket can win with any considerable faction of tbe same party opposed to it, and where every faction ia represented upon the same ticket, which is always tbe case, one faction can not oppose certain men without a retaliation on tbe part of ttie other, and tbe result will be, as in the past, the defeat of all. This is not a particular rule but a natural conse quence and will be repeated just as often as it is practiced. How, then, can a party divided into factions bope to succeed. For instance, Jones and Brown each have a friend on tbe ticket Jones opposes Brown's friend. Brown hears of this and scratches tbe friend of Jones to get even, and defeat of both follow while tbe common enemy of Jones, Brown and their friends is elected. Is the satisfaction of beating the personal enemy on your own ticket suffi cient to justify tbe means? Every good citizen, regardless of politics, knows better and tbe Enterprise does not believe it will be done. Exercise your right as an Ameri can citizen in assisting to nominate i ticket and abide by the rule of the majority. That is republicanism. an atmosphere of purposelessness. The private to earn promotion has to exercise some restraint over the disposition tu youth to no as others do. Service In the army has unfitted him to follow any other pursuit. It gives hiiu a certainly of capital larger than most young men who start with noth ing have at the age of 25. The recent demand ofthe secretaries of war and navy for IW00 mors men for war ships and battleships inspires a contempor ary to remark that the employment of able bodied men in the army and navy la Just so much subtracted from the productive forces ofthe country. This would be true only if the productive force of the country were kept busy at work. ItKl'l'IlMCAN CI.L'II MEETING. Twenty He legates tlloetrd to the Stute l.fllgtlO. Thi senate, representing the several states, passed the Teller resolution by vote of 47 to 32. Rut the house, represent ing the people of those several stales, U' feated the same resolution by a vote of 1$2 to 132. In the upper bouse of the nations legislature a state with a population 30,000 has as many votes as a state with several million, while in the lower branch the apportionment is made In accordance with the number of people to be served One branch represents territory; ths other people. Thi Oregon delegation in congress voted squarely against the Teller resolution, Mr. Mc Bride in ths senate and Mr. Tongue and Mr. Ellis in the house Will the Oregonlan still insint thst these men are equivocating with the money question? WHAT THE PAI'EBS SAY. (Oregonlan) Tbe one vote Oregon had was rightly placed every time. It is worth something to be counted as unqualifiedly for not only "the best money," but for gold, in a ballot waere only 24 men, from 19 states, had the courage to stand by their colors. Only six states cast their entire strength In the sen ale for gold, and Oregon, through Senator McBride, was one of them. National questions will cut little figure in tbe election to be held next June in Ore gon . It is three years before a national policy will be up for discussion again to any considerable degree. The financial policy of the nation or the tariff law does not enter into tbe case at this time so far as the coming election is concerned. What our people want now is remedial legislation, SOLDIERING AS AN OCCUPATION. It is only wben a man is in dire straits that tbe army occurs to him as an occupa tion. Tbe impression exists that service in the army is not only ill-paid in the present, but is without promise in tbe future. Yet an examination of the condi tion of service shows it to be fairly renumer ative. While it is not tbe place for a man who can organize a trust, a good many wll ing workers in the country earn less money in a year than tbe private in the United States army, ine private begins with a monthly wage of $13. Onedollar per month is added each year until the sixth, wben it reaches $18. Promotion is reasonably sure to follow merit. Tbe educated private may compete for a commission, and be easily enters tbe lists of non-commissioned offic ers. A Sergeant in the line is paid $30 per month, and in the engineer, ordinance and signal corps the pay may reach $50. Food, lodging and medical attendance are in cluded in tbe pay. The drawback in the service is the large proportion of enlisted men who bave no other object in life than to live. While this fact renders promotion the more certain to the steady and studious private, it creates (Roseburg Plaindealer) The claim that the work of tbe fuslonists Is "honest, earnest and unselfish" might have some weight were it not for the fact that fusion leaders throughout the state generally there are exceptions of cou are men who would sacrifice any principle for a party advantage. Many of tbe demo cratic leaders of the fusion movement were Cleveland admirers and advocates of the gold standard till after the Chicago conven tion declared for silver and Cleveland was no longer the idol ol tbe party. Then they hastened to announce a change of convio lions. What hypocrisy I The earnest si I' ver man is entitled to respect but tbe men who turns bis coat simply to be in line with the party merits the contempt ot all fair- minded men. Populists generally become populists from principle, and thousands of them will refuse to be offered as a sacri fice to the Moiocb of a masquerading demo cracy. (Albany Herald) It must be evident to every observing man that the forces which were combined on tbe platform of debased money, riot rule, and forcible division of present property holdings, embodied in tbe Chicago produc tion called the democratic platform, which presented such a formidable front in the ast presidential campaign, will not present such a unity of action in the 1900 canvas. Already a gathering bas been beld in St. fouls, which presages that the populist forces do not propose to be a side issue num ber two tail to such a 1900 kite, as it wss In ls!W. Tbey firmly and emphatically de clare that tbey will bave a whole kite them selves or nothing. Then again various in dividuals, high in national party reputation, have unequivocally mentioned the fact that 10 to 1 would not do, as tbe people had plainly expressed their opinion upon that subject, and it was not a safe proposition. All of tbese facts taken Into consideration, evince a sure tendency to break away from what bas been brought into American poll tics under tbe hesd of Bryanism. A miMitlngot the Young Mon'a Keptib lion Club was hold In Welnhard'a hall last Saturday night. The mooting wait eulltid to order by President J. V. MolJatt, who, alter stating the obet of the meeting, asked Secretary Randall to lead the minutes of the laat regular mooting. The minutes were read and approved. The next order ot business was the election of 20 delegates to the state league. A motion was made and car riud that the entire club be placed nomination and the "0 receiving; the highest number of votes be declared elected. The chair appointed I). V Kinnalrd and 0. II. ly us tellers and the ballot proceeded and the following delegates were elected : N. R. Lang, J U. Campbell, T. F. Ryan. J. C. Rradley J W. MotTalt, M. Schulmus, T. 1. Kan- dall.C. II. Dye, 0 C. Hrownell, Koerner, V. II. Howell, L. U Porter, F. T. Clrilliih, J. U. Porter, lleorge Rronghton, V. O. T. Williams. W. It Wiggins, U. It. Pimirk, II. C. Slovens The next order ol btiHiness w the election of olfleers and the following were chosen by acclamation : President F. T. tirillith. Vico-preaident J. C- Bradley. Treasurer J . V. MoHaH. Secretary II. 8. Strange, Not For Ererjtlilng. But it your kidney, liver or bladder trouble you will find Swamp-Root just the remedy you need . People are not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or "halt shk" have you ever thought that your kidneys may be the cause of your sickness? It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four bouts; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kidneys. When urine satins linen it is evidence of kidney trouble To frequent desire to urinate, scanty sup ply, pain or dull ache in the hack is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder need doctering. There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr Kilmer's Swamp- Root, fulfills every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys ami all forms of blad der and urinary troubles. Not only does Swamp-Root give new life and activity to the kidneys the cause of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medecine you should have the best Bold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar, or by mentioning the Oregon Citv Enterprise and sendiNg your ad- ress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. you may have sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS : Now n ml Enlarged Shop with nil nplianc8 for MACHINE WORK & CASTING Teacher' Examination .Notice. The regular quarterly teacher' ex amination for Clackamas county will be beld at the court house in Oregon City, beginning Wednesday, February 9, at I p.m. State examination begins Thurs day, February 10 at 9 a. m. , II. O. Starkweather, County School Superintendent. Dated January 21, 1808. Wood wanted at this office, oak. fir or limb. In length 16 or 22 inch or four foot. (Portland Chronicle) Last Sunday's Oregonlan pleads guilty to being a "disturber." It boasts of the fact. "Such indeed, it wishes to be, and such it intends to if he can" ia the defiant attitude of that great incubus of republican politics If It were simply "an independent Journal and critic," as it now asserts, no one would question its right te '"be a chief disturber hereabouts." But when it claims to be "an independent republican Journal;" when it seeks to control republican platforms and dictate republican nominations, then It has no right to be "a disturber." Common decency and a proper respect for the opin ions of mankind prohibit such conduct It is treason to Its profession of a desire for republican success. It makes itself out te be a brazen fraud. If it were a real friend of republican success it would not glory in being a "disturber.1' It would not blindly tasb its republican associates. It would not excite Killkenny cat fights at every turn All these things, however are done by the Oregonlan, Its claim of being a republican journal, therefore, is a flaunting lie. The Oregonlan Is a self-confessed, brazen traitor to the republican party. Its avowed chief mission Is to breed discord by assailing re' publican leaders on any pretext and at every junction, regardless of party man dates or party interest. Something; to Know. It'rnay be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired ont nervous system toa health, vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to tbe nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Bold for 60c and $1.00 per bottle at Charman It, Co's drugstore. Blank note, receipt and order books at tbe Enterprise office. ApMMi. BO YEARS' y V EXPERIENCE V I It i -i m r-l V I II I L J J LJtJ All work executed in the bout manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRI1TG- A-8PBOIALTY. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland, Shop on near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO. Fourth Street Library of the Worlds 15est Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of IIAMII.TN WKIUHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all ages and all nations. The Library is to conaUt of 30 royal octavo volumes of about tiOO pages each, printed In large, clear tvpe, on (Ine paper, substantially and richly bound In modern library style. The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette iwrtraits of authors. Advance orders on special Introduc tory Urms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HAKPKliS WEEKLY CLUB, U Mar ket street, Fan Franisco, Cal., or 200 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. LOCATED BITWKKN THI DEPOT 150 Rooms. Jotin Stearns. Cblef Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison Hit., i'ortlaml Ur. DflVIKSg JJi'lVlULKY.pKHPJI. Rooms from 2'm. to $1.00 per duy Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. -ELLOH J BkUlKll AND Double and Single Riirs. and sad die horses always on hand at the owest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information warding anr kind or Stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Boutrht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason- ble terms. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All r V ' A Thadc Masim ..4 Diatom 'frttO Copvbiohts Ac. Anrnn. Mndlnf ankfttrh and dMirlPtlnn mar qnlrklf aamrtaln our opinion rrMhmhr ('ommiinlc.- tlriuiitrtctljrarifl1ntuU. Iluidbonlon I'Ments trivwitlnn It proh.blr putmitAhta. .rnnrr for MHtirlnff fwlnnu. I'atxnU Uktm through Mann A Co. ncalve totrinX notiu. without char.., loth. Scientific American. A aiinitonnlr WnntnitM wwislf. Int rtr. cnliUon of nr wl.nuso louniaL Tm-nii. '! . year ; fonr month, IL Bold bj .11 nawii1-alra. MUNN&Co."'8-New York Knock OIBae, Ot F Bt, Wartlnftoti, D. U Sepw Line PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calline on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in ojwriition by th Oregon Telephonoanu Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 00 other towns in the two states on the lino. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. regon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - ' - - Oregon. ICaUblUhed 1M8. CI. ram PIONEER Tranfef and Egifeft, Froight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. WHEN YOU BUY, ALWAYS GET THE BEST This applies to real estate as well as other comoditics. Every family in need of a home desires the best location. SOUTH OREGON CITY Has the greatest number of advantages to its credit, of any of the suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay you to investigate this property. Good clear lots at reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call address on or T. L. OHABMAN, Trustee. Charman Bro's. Block, - - Oregon Citv