Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Friday. CHAS. WKSEKVE. riofHUWR. JOHN K. BEKGI.E, Emma and Nor. subhcription ratki, Cmey-ar $2 00 ix months 1 00 Trial ubcriptioii, two inonlhi.. 23 A dlxrounl pi .V) crnti on all subscriptions for one year, 25 mils for six months, if paid in advatict. Advmii-inK ratri ftiven on application. Puhscritx-rs lll find the datt of fxpira ( Ion stamped on their pais following their name. It tola title la not cnaiifrftl witliin lo nki anr a pavrutnt, kindly Holil oa ami we m ill look alter it. la not an emblem o( republicanism In any. 00NrEES TO AVOID sens. I t the people put up a ticket with-1 Tht Oregonian of th. 17th .(nilu that It out strings to it and th linn people will and certain republican! of the last lfKlla leclll ure had aonietlilnR to do with holding up scTRRiiots wubnTusm. Tit' J,"! h,J rl T ,o1:' : ,.,. , . . , . , no nom,r elUohM. It declare! thai the nan a collector ol custom, .appoint! hoj.up WM , lmJ ofmmni PreTm , M v, f"fkL,U T, W"n Thl.U..f.o..donot verify. Tb. pop.H J S ..lh ' ' T" and democrat., pronounced fre. .ilver make the change. He ao expressed him- iw.,,,1. ...,u.,i i,h . ...k..f self month, ago. and, so far a. ibis partimi. ' ,,,,,.,... to nrav.nt ,,,1i,i" Were those populist, and democrats and Entered at the poMottice in Oregon ' Or., as second class matter. City FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 18i8 4'1ENT8 FOR TUI ENTERPRISE. Beaver Creek.. Canny Clarkamas Milwnukl rnion Mills... Meadow Brook. hew Kra Wilmmviiie l'ark place , Ptatlord Mulino Tarns Molalla Alartpiaru JUuttt-Title Aurra.. ....... . Orvilie "Tagle Creek Ianisscus 8aiiily Valmon , Currinsville t'herryville Alarruot Dr.T. B. Thomas Geo. Kiiitibl A Mather Oscar W inninger , 0 J. Triiliiuger , Idas. Holman V. 8. Newherry , Henry Miley . .. K. L. Russell J Q Oaee (. , T. Howard R. M. Cooier Annie stubtu E. M. Hartman B. Jennii.gs Henry A. Snyder , L J. l erdue H. Wilbern J. C. Elliott F. Gietsch Mrs. W. M. Mclntyre Geo. J. Currin ..Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph AseboH No man can be both a republican and a populist at the same time and he who attempts it is a total failure even as a traddlebng. It is a source of gratification to know that the tax levy in Clackamas as well as many other counties of the atate has been lowered for the year 1 It ia not as low yet as we should like to see it, but the tendency la in the right direction. Out cannot read the Congressional Record without becoming impressed with the fact (bat Congressman Tongue Is a hard worker iu tbe interests of bis constituents Indus try at whatever he undertakes is character istic of the man. As a lawyer he has long enjoyed a reputation as an indefatigable worker for his client, and as a congressman he is laboring bard for bis client, which is the state of Oregon. He has the ability backed by energy, which mill succeed in the end. lar Oregon appointment ia concerned, it Is surmised that the president will have con siderable Influence with the administra tion." Oregunian, Jan. 18, When the congressional delegation some months ago recommended Hon. T. T oeer to be register or tbe land ottlce here, the Oregonian yery harshly criticised the delegation for not giving Mr. Geer the col lectorsbip in Portland. If the above para graph from the Oregonian ia true, what had tbe delegation to do In the matter? Asa matter ol fact, at lhe time Mr. Geer was "number of republican members" doln something In the interest of sound money No one believes It. Tbe Oregonian Itself knowa belter. Did Berkley and Bourne tnd Bilyeu and U'Uen do aught In the Interest of sound money f ho was on the other side? The republi can party, the genuine, honest sound money advocates, tolling, striving, reason ing, importuning "a number of republican members" to unite with them to organise the leiMftlatur Inr hitMliiMaa iml II. .luti.... recommendid for register the Oregonian's 0f , ,,, wo,y nvaWk to the sen oi.lv motive ,nlu attack upon the d.'e- ...whoeevotet he,.., would be so welcome gauonwasforthe sole purpose ot casting1 ,n ,h, ,,iontl j,KUtalnrt betore t0 years odium upon the ....... reprentatlve. at; b,d passed. A step further Let u. note breach In the republican party of this state. ..m.hii...,. ...a ...... ...... i.. .uohrvy tactic, is characteristic of ,h. j wh0m" w. TrtarL" Oregonian. . .. .... , u ". ,,..,. U , ... ...... .... ucw aivuro roiiniur o. lUKee was iirgea rew months ago that Mr. lhi. IJ.. h.A I . . , " s-S""" im. J; i , T ' w" 0J 0"'r,n:offree silver, or Representative Hudson? hi... the land office at t-.ftx) a year when 0n .,umpimMll ,h, wmill,i0, 0re, "mtu lu " ruiircior ai air. ,!. ltir I,. .!... .,,,..,.1 j eooeruirecuyor oy n.s mem., that h R. C. Thompson was so straight for sound could non itfori to take it. But how him-1 ni01,,y , ov, b.t.kw.rds " et " , The Oregonian nor anyone of a "number of .... in... nuvrrnor on a salary OI only ' r,,,,,!,!!,..,, n..n.h.r." .n ..-m ... a r.y s .... I I ....... v evA-.acrwj turov II IV 1 1 I1.51X) a year. Can he now attord to take ri.,ii-rf..-i . . h.ir.h. .i.-r.K- e.. " '"I--'j ipui."is or ....,..u.,u. Himr uuiit democrat. Hut th (lrex.nl. ....lit. m uuw .nuru iu ia.ea iixvonice woan ne could not then afford a place payhg twice that sum? Th people of Clackamas county are in terested in the rood question and when the legislature meets, tbat is when it organizes. it will be expected to enact laws lor the i betterment of the public highways. But I in order for tbe members of tbst body to legislate in the interest of good roads they are at least entitled to an expression of opinion from the people as to a law that would prove most beneficial. In order tbat methods for improving tbe roads may be discussed and thereby get tbe sentiment of tbe people, tbe Enterprise invites cor respondence upon the subject, and trusts tbat tbe matter may be taken up earnestly With a view to a more satisfactory solution of the road system. The Eugene Guard says "Senator Mc Brlde misrepresents Oregon in voting for tbe gold standard." Has the editor of tbe Guard forgotten so soon that tbe people of Oregon said, only a little over a year ago, by a majority of over two thousand votes they were In favor of the gold standard for the United States until sucb time as inter national agreement can be brought about? Jlhat was the clear cut issue in Oregon in the last national campaign, with fusion absolute and complete with the populists and democrats on one side and the repub licans ou the other. Does tbe Guard re member what the majority said upon the -question? Senator McBride is truly a representative of the state and its interests are being well looked after. THS IXPECTED COTTON STRIKE. The long-predicted cotton strike is on. For weeks, if not months, mills will be idle and operatives without their nsual wagea. Tbere will be loss to both capital and labor, and no gain for either. Tbe work the New England mills do not do will be done else where. The market for cotton goods will be supplied. If the strike is protracted, foreign goods will be imported. The main reason for the strike is tbe fault of the laborers themselves, who, through tbe labor organisations ol New England induced the legislatures of differ ent states to reduce the legal hours of labor from 10 to eight hours per day, while com peting mills or other states were not affected by state laws. It is true that at present the business of weaving cotton ia only moderately remunerative. Dividends during the past year have been small, and many mills have paid no dividends at all. Going back ten years, dividends on this kind of property have been In excess of the 0'irrent earnings of money. It would have been better U the mills. Instead of declaring large dividends, bad pat in improved ma-! chlnery to as to weave the cloth tbat is ' now imported. Tbe competition of Southern mills is new tbing. The New England mill owners ought to have seen it coming for a long time. They knew tbe resources of the Southern mills iu tbe way of labor, and should have used their efforts to protect themselves. At the same time, it seems that the operatives, might have made con cessions to bridge over lhe period pending a uniform labor law in all the states. The main cause of the Inability of the Northern mills to compete with the Southern arises from the higher wages the Northern mill owners pay. The ditlerence, including the difference in working hours, is not far from 23 per cent. On an average the Northern operative is more skillful, but he will not do enough more work to compen sate for the difference in wages. The wage-earner should give ressonable consideration to tbe conditions under which his employer is working. The most liberal of employers cannot survive a considerably larger expense In proportion to product than bis competitors incur. If he attempts to defy tbe law of competition he will soon be compelled to give up business. In this case tbe conitition tbat compels mill owners to reduce wages conies from another part of our own coun'.ry and is conse quently beyond the reach of tariff rates. The republicans of the state should, and no doubt will, keep their hand off tbe Mult nomah county row, and when the delegates from tbe several counties of the state, out side of Multnomah, assemble in atate con- . vention, nominate a republican ticket and elect it. The assistance of the Multnomah county machines is not absolutely essential to republican success in Oregon. It would of course be belter if harmony could be brought about between tbe factions in the metropolis, but since that county, as in the past, seeks to dominate, let the state at large, for once control the party. Good re publicans do not enter into personal . wrangles where there are principles at stake. Oregon bas been disgraced and the day of redemption has arrived when ail republi cans should work hand in hand to throw otf tbe stench which bas been cust upon tbe atate. In the republican conventions to be held within the next few months the greatest care should be taken in the selection of candidates for the various oflices. The principles involved in the coming contest demand that only the very best material shall be selected; that the per sonnel of the ticket shall be men whose records are unassailable and who will inspire tbe confidence of the people. There are hundreds of such men in the party in every county and therefore there will be no excuse for a failure to make good selections. Personal likes or dislikes should not enter Into the matter, but when tbe conventions meet let the delegates se lect men whose integrity and worth cannot be questioned without the packing of pri maries and conventions or tbe least sem blance of intrigue in any of its various forms. This course is necessary to success, and the jobber, if any there be, w ill discov er his mistake sooner or later. Subordi nating Integrity and principle to greed for office or the punishing of a personal enemy THE TRUTH FOR ONOE. A number o! people continue to insist that the Oregonian is a republican paper, notwithstanding the fact that in its own editorial columns it has reputedly declared it did not represent any political party, and as recent proof of this lact, supported the populist hold-up last winter and Martin Qtiinn, populist, for congress in 18U0, as against W. R. Ellis, the regular republican nominee. Here Is the Oregonian's latest declaration npon its own character, which appeared in the issue of last Sunday. "The Oregomsi. cannot be a dictator to any party; neither attempts to be nor de sires to be. But, since it is an Independent journal and critic, it perhaps is a disturber. Such, indeed, it wishes to be, and such it intends to be, If it can. It takes this to bs its main function or province, after publica tion of the news. What is needed in all our affairs, more than all things else, is "distur bance"; and the Oregonian wishes to be the chief disturber hereabouts." Tbat paper bas long since learned it could not be a dictator, and of course claims 1 to have given up the attempt And since' it cannot be a dictator it promptly assert its intention to be a disturber. "But since it is an independent journal and critic" (mark the language) it proposes to nse number of republican members" did. The Oregonian is probably right in the statement that tbe populists and democrats at first had no matured plan (or preventing organization. "They drifted.' They, with out premeditation, feund themselves in possession or weapon whion they wsie corruptly paid to use. Tbe Oregonian admits a later well organised plan and asserts t'.at it waa unscrupulous. We know from other sources that the plan in cluded tbe support of Bourne for speaker. His support was directly In the interest ol free silver. Tbe Oregonian raised no voice of protest but wilfully forsook tbe republi cans who alone stood lor sound money. Bourne wanted to be apeaker Bourne was for free silver; be bad been elected as republican but be went off with Teller and Lanon. He had been kicked out of the republican party. To consort with him was to be in tbe interest of free silver. Tbe Oregonian and its ' a number of republican members" consorted. The Oreiionian further says Bourne and Mitchell had quar reled. Well, since Bourne was, and is for free silver and a debasement of tbe currency, Mitchell must have been for sound money. There are other evidences that be favored sound money. As far back as December 18 or January he, In the United States senate Voted against the finance com mitiee report substituting a free silver coin age bill for Dingley's emergency tariff bill. Later bs supported the republican national platform adopted at 8U Louis, supported it on tbe stump, and at the polls voted for the nomine of the republican party, the only organ ixation that stands for sound money. From a man's declarations and bisects we judge of his beart. Therefore, Mitchell must have espoused the cause of sound money. He was an active candidate on the republican ticket for senator. The Oregonian opposed bin. and worked with the avowed free silver party. True tbe Oregonian did not deliberately swing for free silver but its acts had that eflect. What interest did it desire to serve? Beat Mitch ell for personal reasons, and Its "a number ol republican members" wanted to control tbe organization of the committees. The flue Italian hand of Hon. Jos. Simon is there seen. Hlllsboro Indeiendent country. The moral support of the United States will be given lo the dual combination, but our policy f keeping out of entangling alliances with lorelgu nations will prevent us from rurniahlug any physical aid. (Cor. LaU ramie Chrolole.) Air. ropuusi, oi union county, says so Tar as Union county is concerned ''no fusion," This conclusion wss arrived at by some powerful mlnila who all appeal lo have an otllce In the near future, rang ing from road supervisor lo deputy assessor, What does the great question of free coinage of silver amount lo when tret prospects like these are In view ? lint this Is In kee. ing with t'oxey, of Ohio, Young and IT Ken, OREGON CITY IRON WORKS V- New and Knirtrgml Shop with all nppliancii fur MACHINE WORK & CASTING of Oregon, putting themslves on the market All work exoouttxl in the botU munnnr poHriiblo, Promitn0H guaran when a dollar is In sight. (Hillsboru Independent) Mr. Mackay Invites republican electors to participate In the primaries railed by the republican committee and assures them tbat their votes shall be counted ai voted. That is all that Is ssked If Mr. Mackay and his associates do thai ill .re can b no criticism by republicans. What we ask III the country Is that the republican electors go to the primaries as republicans, vole as re publicans, come away as republicans, go to the polls in June as republicans and vote the republican ticket. That Is what we In Wash ington county intend lo do. Anything short of that will be a slab at sound money. teod ou all orders. IBF-A.IK,I3Sra- - A-SPBOIALTY. Prices the lowent to bo hail in Portland. Bhop on Fourth Stroot near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO. (Roseburg Plaintlealpr) The tight in Multnomah county Is "till on, and from the present apprarencea there will betwoselsof primaries, two conventions ami two contesting di legationi in lhe male con vention. What is lo be done ? It has been suggested mat the stale convention reluse each ol the delegations a seat, and then pro ceed to name the requlate iiiimnernf repub licans In Multnomah county, In whrnii all the people will have confidence, and author ize then, to represent Mullnoiua'i comity In the convention. This would be a Utile out of the usual order, but political conventions are amenable to no law save what they make for their own government, and If that is the best course to p irsue, wby should It not be taken? Library of tho Worlds Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the axslatance of IIAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLK, and a large corps of famous author and educators. The choicest thoughts and lltorary gems of all ages and all nations. The Library la to conslt of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 000 pagee each, printed in large, clear type, on fine 150 Rooms. Jobn Stearns. Cblercierk IIOTKLSTsCIIAKLKS Front and Morrison 8ts Portland Or. V I K S Z$ JJ'0 HIiKV, PKBr Rooms from 2.r)C. to 11.00 per daj Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Hub meet all boats and trains 80ME GOOD ADVICE. Spkihowatkb, Jan. 23 (To the Editor) As our biennial election is drawing close at band, I will offer a few thoughts to my re publican brothers. It stands til in band to try and "get thare politichlly." We want no SO cent dollar, but we want to maintain confidence In our finance. By experience the only way to do that is to keep and maintain the gold standard. Since our immaculate 10 to 1 reform party endorsed corruption by endorsing IT Ren, we should avoid Tactions. (The republican party is bigger than any man in any faction). Let it be our desire for good government just laws and honest rulers, and take a per sonal interest and go to the primaries of our party and see to it that we get clean, honest men nominated, and then use our best in fluence to get them elected. The ballot suggests not merely that a man may ezer else his franchise but that he must do so, and work to the ends that we gel good men with sound judgment who are qualified for the position they may be elected to fill. May we use our own lodgment In the above proposition and not pin oar faith too much to the political bosses. A. M. 8. WHAT THE PAPERS BAT. (Urania I'ass Observer) The steady Increase in the number of cat tle on the farms and the decline of the PaIr, ubstantially and richly bound in j nslness of raising stock In Immense num. modern library stvla. The first volumes 1 berson wide streichlng ranges, ars lllus- are now ready and the others will follow RfNt.llirnnt fnnnfv-rml With Ilt.l tratedbvth. rns.r.1 ni ih. -...I .-..i ll.. . . . . . """,lvlvl" " -- ---- - - .r,.,i, ,MUij, i.vn voiuma win be lavishly ' at tbe stockyards last vear. The lnil r. ! m., ....... ...i ...n . .., I mim'jhiiwi nun mii-oara inn vmnitim p. ma 1 JrM OJE-) .-um 11? Ot'A ... " . ' t.v ",- irwur llllll i.l.l ..... ll.U III lA'Si v.t lli.r. ... . 1.11...... I 1 .. - ' " I .. t i , . , I nuiaiiiiuiueri uii special iniroiiilc-1 the recelii off of IS Mil! in ilw iiiinu.p il, i Patina I Texa., a decrease ol M.MI in tbo-e from the t0ry it,ra.n' UkU ,"vil Ul,rlnK P,rioJ Indian Territory, a decrease of ZZ In the 01 ru,)l"'"llon only received through number from New Mexico, and deer aw of ,, A Kl'KKS WKKKLY CLUII, U Mar in the number from Colorado, a total ket street, r-an rranlseo, Cal., or2l9 falling-nnof 80,571 from these four range Hlark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or aiates. Kns, Missouri and Nebraska, send for sample pages. maraeiea ikmxjj more in 17 than in ioj. J Steamer Oregon Sails. Laat Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the teatner Oregon left Cortland for Dyea and Kkaguay with 600 paaengeri and l'J50 tons of freight not Including horaea cattle, dogs. etc. This is bv far the largest cargo that has ever left Portland. It is proposed a little later on lo have a steamer leave Portland every fivedava DnnMn anrl KimrU T?imi n,1 o,l for the North and the indications are now die horses always on hand at the inaiiacnone win ue loaned to us mil lowest prices. A corral! connected capacity. The runli has only begun and with the barn for loose stock. with each succeeding week from nownn NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEKN Till BRIDGE AND DEPOT til about lhe first of July the travel will ondonbtly increae. It is necessary at this time to engage passage far In ad vance. But to meet this increasing de mand the Pacific Coast Steamship com pany have en route from New York one or more steamers that will engsge in the Alaska trade as soon as they arrive here. The Coming Woiiiun. Who goes to the club while tier hus band tends the baby, as well hi the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times getrnn down in health. They wilt be troubled Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol tetter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terras. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drujr Store, with loss of appetite, headaches, sleep- KMS Of WatChCS, leanness, fainting or dizzy entitle The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters Thousands of suffer ers from lame back and Weak Kidneys rise ui. and call it blessed. It is the FORTY YFAPS FYPFttlFVPF IN remaiei'oinpinints Clocks and Jewelry Repaired medicine for women. and Nervous troubles of all kind are soon relieved by the une of Kleelric Bit ters. Delicate women shcild keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Onlv 60c. per bottle. For sale by Charman & Co. Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation bv the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. I'ortlAnd, Seattle, Spo kane, Taooma, Halem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and VG other towns in tho two states on the lino. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no e fleet to a clear understanding. 8jo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. I'.ataMUhed IM6S. CI. renai PIONEER Transfer1 and intttt, Freight and pnrcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. WHEN YOU BUY, ALWAYS (Corvallia Gazette) Republicans of Oregon, outside of Port land, will turn a deaf ear to any protesta tions from either of the factions in Mult nomah county, in tbe way of Juntillcation for pant actions. The opinion of Judge Williams that "both sides were partly wrong," it accepted In all' the "cow coun ties." The two factions can 'never get to- aether hv dtRnimKlnff mst irrievaucei nor hv its influence for evil, for the purpose of ' gninib,ing over technical questions of 4Hinl nrlm rinc'' anrl a.nira. In "ha tl.A I.IaP regularity. (Globe-Democrat) Ofcourseina conflict between England and Japan ou one hand and Germany. Rus sia and France ou the other on the Chinese question the sympathy of the United Htates would be on tbe side of the former collation. The buainess interest of this country lies In the maintenance of the present conditions in China, and England and Japan will en deavor to preserve this situation. If the policy of dismemberment which the triple league appears to have in view should be carried out tbe favorable commercial treat ies which the United States has with China would lapse, to the serious injury of this disturbance" and an pi res to "be the chief dibturher hereabouts." Yet with all tbat paper's "independence" as a "critic," it never had the indeeiidence to comment upon the proposition of one faction of the dominant party of the state to tbe other faction, although the question was of great importance, the object being towards the purification of primary elections in a very corrupt city. The Oregonian should get a copyright on that word "Indeiiendeut." That it is a dioturner has been painfully appar ent to its readers for Beveral years., And the fact that it is and has been a disturber Is gradually but surely reducing it to its proper place in fournalism the boneyard for defunct publications. . Teacher' Kxuiiitnuilun Notice, The regular quarterly teachers' ex amination for Clackamas county will be held at the court house in Oregon City, Kairinnini Vl'uil nauil .1 tt (Tuliriiueti O nt 1 I p.m. State examination bvginsTliurs- GET THE .BEST day, f etiruary 10 at U a. in II. ). Ktahkwratiikh, County School Superintendent, Dated January 24, 1808. Send the Entkri'Mhic to your friend In tlie Eaht and thus );ive him an idea oil what ia going on in Clackamas county, It may induce him to locafa with us. 60 YEARS' "V EXPERIENCE This applies to real estate as well as other cornoditios. Every family in need of a home desires the heat location. i V ? Mug ,A TaiKff MaVBtftS aw .iO Designs 'Trill1' Copyrights Ac. Anrmi ftni11nfr a nkfrtrh and dmcr1ntlnn may qtitaklf Mcertiitn our opinion free w further an liiTflntlon In prohnMj put? n table. Conimunlra. tlmifttr1etl7nonndentliil. Handbook on Patent ent fro. Old wit nuMtvy for rurlng patent. Patent taken thntujrh Munu A Co, reootrt ipfial ru)tic4t without charge, in tb Scientific Jltnericam A bndomelr intMtratm! werklr. T.srvent dr. calallon of any rienttflo Journal. Tftrms. S3 a ynr ; foaT months, SL Hold by all newsdmlera. PfiN&Co.86'8 New York - firaocb Offlos, CUt BL, Wasblsston, I). C SOUTH OREGON CITY Has tho greatest numher of advantages to its credit, of any of the suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay you to investigate this property. Good clear lots at reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or address T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee. Charman Bro's. Block, - - Oregon CUt