Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
GAMES WITH CARDS SOURCES Of UNPXO MimiMENT AND 80n..:'.'W,SMiLE8 AND TLARS. CsrtilitlnB lo the Olilin Tlmn Woman Warn m limply liifaluatail M MeaKv rytlihig Marin SiiliwrvUns to I'lay For takae Home of tha Old (lainae. l'uiutUily no (Jtlmr invention bit ever Klven rise to mi much merriment ami nrrow, lut callutl forth no ninny miillim, frown and tears ami lm been the agent 1n o many trngwllu a a iinek of nink 11m autuul source of thin Invention ttlll remain a mystery, tha Krnerally an optotl story of origin Imliijj thut In IStitf card wore liilnxluoMl at tha French court a a divumlon for King Cliarle I during hi temporary attacks of in aanitj-. From till (Into they spread run Idly through every oountry lu Europe and received such wnrtii vviiloome from all rlnsses that law hud to lie nmdu for the better regulation of dice throwing and card playing. During the common wwllh curd piny ing aimriMi tnn iNiniNiimont or every other aniuMiini'iit, but with tha restored luoniin-hy a reaction act In, nud heuvy iiliiy iMM'itina thu fashion. ituNwt am ouilirii wernthii gnme ill favor at court, and In tha grnphio picture glvrn by Kvelyn of thn lust Hundity siM'iit ly King Churltw II at Whitehall ha speak of "at leitxt a.OOO In (told" on thu bit art Initio round which "about 20 of thn lirent courtiers" were sitting. Ombre waa also a court union. Waller hint a p-m "on it card torn nt otnlira by thn queen." I'npe aim), In "The Ituim of thn Lock." give audi a faithful description of Hclliida' grime thut tha Hon. Dallies IlnrriiiKtou, writing In Thu Universal Mitgur.ino for Deecmlier, 17HH, any, "When ombre la forgotten (and It la al most an already), U may bo revived with posterity from that moat admirable poem. " In ItM turn ombre waa deposed for quadrille, and for a tliita uooue who aspired to I counted aiuoiih tha beau tuonile cotidcaccudod to piny any other Knmn. Mr. Urban, lu Tha (ientlcumii' Magazine for I71in, glvea "Citutiona Agninst Quadrille" and warua "thu young and unwary of both sexca against a moat Krt'wIiiK Tlco which if not timely prevented will eud in their win. "Inienn," ha any, "the gnat Inirvaao of Hay In private Houes, and mora particular? thut artful and cheat lug gnino of Quadrille. " Qtiudrllle win qually KipuUr In l'nrl. and a pamphlet I extant duted 1700 of "Thn gnme of Quadrille by roura It la now played at tlio rrrm h Court, ' lu which it says. "It la allowed by all player that Qua drille I mora amusing and eiitertulnlng thnn Ombre or any other game ou the card, either becauao every Deal la play'd out or that It better suit the Keniua of the Ludlea, to whom com jilalaunt and good maimer mustl'reju dice) the (Jeiitleiucn lu Ita favor." Kuou a prejudicial bold hod thia fascluatlug gitinu taken ou women thut a writer of tha duy dcclure thut "womeu now H'nd all their time iu gnmhliuK. Thuir Imabanda, children, the dutlea of an clety, are, without ynndrlllo, weari omo eucumbraiKHa Uiiudrtlla la the Joy thut Kivea lifn, apirit and briitht lieita. Tor thia they hurry over their tneala and abridge their inont iKrwuLlo Itefreahmeuta. For thia ulouu they vUIt and are vIhIUhI." In thoautobio)rrnphy of Mr. Fredoriok Reynold ho toll na that one of tho iiiont noted crd pluyiiiK places near London waa Twickenham, and thut tlmro, In Moutieliur row, lived four maiden liulloa who were kuowu iu the liuiKhborhoixl aa Muni lie, SjuKiille, linn to and 1'uuto. Mra. HurriM, writing to ber m, tho firm Lord Mulmeabury, aaya: "Mnio. do Wuldereti would fain have templed mo to lu r loo tublo, but 1 lieedml littlo fortitudo to wltliHtjtnd it, aa onn atuko loxt would ruin a wholu aiwembly. I jircfcrred a Holier K'une of qmidrillo with Mina ChudleiKh. " Thu Annual ItcgiHter fur 1700 inforuiN um that "a lady at tho Went Knd hmt at a aittiiifr oiio uiKht hiHt week 8,000 cui tieiM at loo. " Aa early aa tho reiKii of Henry II a prohibitory atntulo for lxido nn y porwuiN mivii tin we of nolilo rank to jiluy at carda except during Chrlxtiuu.s, and for Kcnurutiona thin cus tom wiih atriotly adhered to, ao thut tunny 'ho objected to touub a curd at any other time ruluxod their prejudicea and pluyud a fuw Kumea ut thia festive ecu in. Ah Into an thu year 1 783 Tho European MKU.ino for Ummlr aiiyH: "Thia bciiift tho ncuhou win n and when only card luyiiif( Im iM-rmittod in avlvr families for the recreation of nmu, wo men and children," etc., "it may not be out of place to give a few obHcrvutiomi on grimes which ut no distant time wore tho most popular, " Among these guinea brug ia spoken of as "peculiarly adapted to tho fair and softer sex, and therefore bo much iu vogue umoug the ladies of distinction thut hereby they acquire a docout assurance and compe tency of countenance ao ubaolutuly noo essary in life, mid rumiHly that slianio fuceduoss, which ia a defect of nature, by the assistance of her httndnmld art " The puMsiou for gaming which was provulont iu the days of Cjuuou Anne wont ou steadily increiwing during thu roigug of tlio throe Georges. Tho Oon tlemau'a Mugaluo for 175S tells na thut "his majesty played at St Jiimca' pal ace on Twelfth Night for tho benefit of the groom porter. Fortune favored tho royal fumily tho Duke of Cuiuborluud won 3,000." The spirit of gambling was by this time no longer confined to tho court, it had broken looso over tho wholo hind, the tusto was universal and alike indulged iu by both meu and wo men. Pull Mull Magazine. The Cost of It. A juror returned a dead before a London magistrate Was fined $10 the other duy for nouutteuduiioe, thut being the ouly way tho judge could think of to remove the name from tho jury list. This will have a tendency to put a stop to the practice of being dead Roches ter Union. Cook, Cupboard, Cmijiirarl Characters Cook washing up dinner Things, mistress sitting at the window milking entries in ber housekeeping boo', little Freddy playing with bia l si ..'tilers i.t tho t:il, hi. Mistress Meat, 10. fld. I vegetable. lis 4d.i yea, but I'm Si ahllllnga short Ah, I remember; it wa tho prlco of nd mission to tho conjuring outortalnment Inst night. (,'nok Wa It nice, please, ma'am? Aiistresa very, inure wore one or two thing thut struck me a particular ty clever ror instance, cnunging a pfx ket handkerchief for a canary but thu iMwt of all wo the magic cupboard. (Jook- What was It like M istrusa The profoasor ahowed o a perfectly empty cupboard, abut the door, aid quickly, "One, two, three, " opened tho door again, aud oat slipped a little (,'lrl droawxl like a noil. Oxik Uub, 1 can do that myself I M I st res ( aston Isli od ) Y ou I Cook Just give mo your attention for a mlnutfl, ma'am. Here I an empty ouplxsird. Vou know very well It bo no double sldea. Mow 1 am going to tuke oiio of the young master's lead soldier. I oix'U the cupboard door an Inch or two and throw It lu, uow 1 uy "One, two, three," 8ho oix'iicd tha dixir wide. A full grown aoJdler stcpx-d out ami marched at tho double quick out of tho kitchen. All the thanks she got for thn perform ance was a severe wtuuiuu biruud Magazine. Urwk Ommra. It ia perhnpa In discipline more thnn In anything t ine thut tho Urock soldier ia lucking Kven the Evzoul, however gixsl at guerrilla warfare lu the moun tain, would prolmbly fetd this defect lu a regular campaign It I no uucoin moil thing to buur thu word of com mand disputed or discussed ou tho tat- rude ground or on thu march. It prob ably would lie the sumo ou tho battle field The Greek ia too demix rntlo in hia traditlou aud character to admit tho uotlou of unreuitouiug otxxJlcuce to any siixrlor. aud. moreover, It la a serious difllculty that there la no recogniMd class tn UriHx-o from whom enough ofli o r can be drawu. rxmio rise from tho ranks, nud no Greek can ever rt-gnrd hi cxiinpuuiciiias sux ri(ir to himself. There is pructicully uo middle olasa lu Greece In the country all are equal, except villago mnguutes, who would not think of entering the army, and if they did would not retain their purely local pre tigu lu Atluo there are, indeed, plen ty of rich aud distinguished families, ami from tome of them the best ofllt.i r of Greece liuve romu, but the utunber of them Is nutorally limited in so suiull a country Too muuy of tho ofllovr are merely lounger in boulevard aud cafe. who probably despise their meu. aud or whom their meu have uo respect Saturday ltuview Nal Uow's rint TcmparaaiM Work. Nenl Dow wo 2ft year old when be delivered bla first temperance speech. It waa at an anuiversury nipper of a Are couiiuuy to which be belonged, and hi atrcuuoua opposition to the use of liquor waa eflix'tlvo to thut degree that tho flro ooinpuiiy aloptd temperauoe aa a prin Iplu Later be prevailed upon the Maine Mechaulca' Charitable njtNori tion to fon'go the use of wine at it an nual dinner. At thut time liquor waa almost uni versally used lu Muiue One of tho ca non custom of Portland lu tin me day wu the ringing of tho town bell at II and at 4 o clock by wuy of warning to mechanic thut it wu time to leave work aud get a driuk. Thia custom the young reformer aucccedod iu having Ixjlishud. Then he ueraauded most of tho Portland eluployera to discontinue supplying their men with liquor After hi first smx'csxe Ncal Dow felt thut temperance was tho most im portant cuusu of the ago. It waa owing largely to hia efforta that the Young Meu'a Total Abstinence society of Port laud wun organized It Urst meeting, it la said, wa held In tho counting room of a distillery. Harper Weekly Foruior InatruuioiiU of Tortura. Instead of gymuustic or game, iu strumeut of torture were used for mod eling tho figure of tbo young ludy of hair a century ago A ooutemporiiry writer say that "could tho inodcru schoolroom ( IH3I) be preserved it would puss for a refined inquisition There would bo round stocks ror the lingers (the cheiroplust) ami pulley ror the neck, with weight attached " Funuy Kemblo, to whom uuture hud bocu by uo uicuns unkindly, was found wttutiug iu deportniuut, mid she writea thut she wore a "buck board made of steel, cov ered with red morocco, which cousisted of a flat piece pluued ou my buck and trapped dowu to my waist with a belt and aucured at tho top by two epaulets strapped over my shoulders. From the middle of thia there rose a stool rod or spine with a stool collar, which encir cled my throat, fastened behind. " The machine proved a fuilure, aud she wu put under the tuitiou of a drill scr- guuut who did for bur all that was re quired "Sooial England" She Haw Her. Mr Maun - Did you see that woman just as we crossed over' i Mra M;n You mean tho woman iu the camel huir gown aud bonver jacket -the one who bud ou brouzo shoe, a but trimmed with fuchsia and helio trope, with pmk ribbouB and a chiffon veil)1 No, 1 didu t notico bur in particu lar. What were you going to say about ber? Boston Transcript The fluost and largest collection of Bible iu the world I sitid to be that at the Liible bouse of the British aud For elRu bible society iu Cjueeu Victoria street, London. Anstralia oould be mndc to snpport 400,000,000 Inhnbitants of the black or yellow race able to endare the climate. The present population I ouly 6,000,-000. Married. Hkovu-Tiiomi'sow A very pleasant wi the wedding of Mr. Kimist Hognr hihJ Miss llattie Thompson at the resilience of ber parents, Mr, and Mrs, Godhould, on the West Hide, on the evening of January 1st. The bouse wa nicely decorated for the occasion. At it :!H), everything being ready, the bride and if room marched Into the room, pre ceded by the groom' lister and ber bus band, Mr. and Mr. Dolan, of Portland, and took their place In the alcove, landing under n arch, In the form of a horseshoe, composed of ylnei and blossoms. The ceremony wa I mores- j slvely performed by Kev. M. L, KugK, being concluded by the placing on the bride's finger by the groom of a beauti ful gold ring. The bride wa becomingly attired, her dress being trimmed with white luce and ribbons, and she wore a long bridal veil, fastened with a spray of orange blossom. After congratulations mere offered by all those present, the company were served with a bountiful repast, which wa thoroughly enjoyed by all the guest. After a evening the bride and J groom departed for Portland on the 9:1ft! car lo end their honeymoon. The following is a list of the wedding guests : Mr. and Mrs. Win. UoJbould, Mr. and Mrs C. C. Dolan, of Portland, Kev. and Mrs. M. L. Kuyg, Miss Kdna Kugg, Mrs. Gilmaa Parker, Mrs. Stella Ohlson, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Taylor, Mrs. C. Mc Millan, Mr. ami Mrs. (J. N.Joe, Mr, and Mir. W. I), Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Cbss Moebrike, Mrs. Cora Moebnke, Mr, and Mrs. J. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Donaldson, Mis L. C. Hunting, Miss Kvs Moehnke, Mlsslleth Oodbould, Mr. and Mr. J. J. Howard. Oinso.s-FaosT The msrriage of Mr. Joseph C. Gibson and Miss Daisy A. Frost waa solemuixed at the residence of I ho bride'i mother, Mr. M. A. M osier at Parkplace on Wednesday evening of this week, Itev. O. B. Htreyfeller, of Milwaukee ofliciating. The wedding was a qmet aifsir, there leing only the immediate friend and relatives present. The groom is a young man- of unquestionable character and admired by all of bia Iriends. He I at present city salesman for the wholesale grocery II no ol Mason hlirmin x Co. of Portland. The bride is a dignified, intelligent young lady of sterling quail tie and loved by ber many acquain tances. Thev will live in Portland where they have an elegant borne prepared to live in. Wa predict for them a long and happy future attended by the well w ishes and blesRlngs of maay mend. Mokiinks-Skith On December 30. 1897 at the residence of Kev. J.Williams, Mr. John A. Moehnke and Mis Cora Smith. Parents and friend of the contracting parties were much surprised (ss the cou pie bsd intended thev mould be) for Mr. Moehnke Is attending college at Albany and expect lo continue there. Their many friend and relation are united in wishing them a long and happy married life Died. riin.i.ii's. At Clackamas, on January llih, Anna, dannlitor of William Phillips, aged 3(1 years. Ciiabnio. In this city on January 0th, A. A. (.'harnig, aged 23 years, 1 mouth and 4 days. The funeral services were held at the Episcopal church at 2 p. m. on Tuesday, conducted by Kev. Williams. Ukay In this city on Friday the 17th lilt., Johnnie L., only eon of Mrs. Ad die A. Gray, and grandson ot J.J. and Elizabeth Mullock, aged 2 years, 3 mouths and 20 days, Deceaxed was an unusually bright nd lovely child and dearly beloved, not only by the immediate family, but by every one who knew him. The funeral conducted by Rev. Rugg at the home of Mr, Hulloi'k on the following Sabbath, was largely attended by friends of the family, and the interment took place at Mountnin View cemetery. All the joys of earth have faded, Ditrllnx'jnrmnie'i voice Is stilted; Death our circle has inrmle l, And our liearU by Krit'f are chilled. But ve will no longer sorrow, For tho to ns he us er will come: We'll greet him on the bright tomorrow. And death no more Invade our home. Oregon City. Jan. 5. 181W. A Friend. Dreadfully Nervous Uents: l waa dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl' Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerve and strengthened my whole norvous system. I was troubled with constipation, kidnev and bowel trouble, lour lea soon cleansed my system ao thoroughly that 1 rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs.S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Cbarmar. &. Co., DruggistB, Oregon City. Card of Thnnks. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the many sympathising friends who so kindly assisted at the bedside of our darling in hia last sickness.. Mb. and Mus. J. J. Bullock. Mas. AnniB A. Gray. Hunt. Roakb. On Wednesday, Janusry 5th in this city to the wife of Ilort Roake, a son. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest ot all Ia leavening Strength. V. S. aovraraat Report That Ltitne Bach ran be rurrd wlta Dr. Mllee' MUVB BLASTER. OnijSSa. Clearance Scllc. Look at These Reductions $18.00 Suits and Overcoats are $13.50 15.00 " " " 11.50 10.00 " " " 8.00 8.50 " " " . 0.00 7.50 " " " 5.00 Everything Ue ?arry Nasa Otitf it5 FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE. Comer HqitIsob ul Secosi M. Po rt I an d , O re. RK1L KSTATfc TKASSKERS. FarnlNhed Erery Week by the Clarka ma Abstract k Trust Company. Gladstone R E A sun to C B John-. son Dec 30 '97, W D lota 15 and 10 blk 45 Gladstone $ 400 Joseph W Forester lo Benj F For ester Dec 31, '07 Q C 00 acres in sec 20, t 2 i, r 4 e 1 F R Cbarman to Jennie B Harding Dec 9 '07 W U 5 sere bded on L and W by Clear creek trust D A Osborne to Sol King Dec 30 '07 W D 40 acres in sec 16. 1 2 s r2 e 1 Benj Wolfer to Benj Hoinesley Dec 4 '07, W D 80 acres in wc 27, 1 4 ,rl e 2400 John A and Laura B Allen to Robt Kelso Nov 4 '07 W D t)i of nwj of mi of sec 28, 1 1 a, r 2 e 1200 L A and Fannie Shipley to John A Ticke Jan 3, 08 W D 70 acres in sec 16, t 2 i, r 1 e 4080 NAT Co to D W Stauffer Dec 24 '97 W D ni of msii and netf sec 3, 15 s, rl e 2250 Charley Daugherty to Reece Dang berty et al Jan 6, '98, QC 80 acres sec 27, 1 5 a, r 2 e Reece Daugherty et al to Charley Daugherty Jan 6, 'SC 80 acres in sec 27, t 6 s,r2e Reece Daugherty to P J Kayler Jan 8 '98 Q C 80 acres sec 27, 1 5 a, r 2 e t 1500 Win and M A Barlow to Addie P Barlow July 31 '97 parts pf blks 1,2,3. 4,6,7,14.15,16,17 Barlow, also parts ol blk 5, 6, 3 and all of blk 4, First ad to Barlow ; also 60 acres in see 31, and 20 acres in sec 29, 1 3 a. r 1 e ; also part of w of nw? of ne,l4' sec 5 ; also part of lot No 2, sec 5, also part of lot 3 and tract in sec 5, t 4 s, r 1 e 10 Isaac Farr to M E Bradley Jan 8 '98 W D 20 ft on N side lot 2, blk 3 Oregon City 850 Alfred Smith to Henry E Suulb Aug 14 '06 W D awtf of se4' sec 31, 1 3 a,r2e, ande8' of nwV and w of nej sec 6. t 4 s, r 2 e C Young to Joseph Dallinger Dec 27 '97 W D, ns of nw4' eec 8, t 2 b, r 4 e ICO THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oretron City. Call and inyestigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Uiikney & Co., Trops., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kjnnan & Mabvik, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best, Monthly Pain cured by Or. Miles' Pain Pill, Boys' Clothes are reduced. is Cut Douin. weekly Tlne JJ8TJIL Outlook PUBLISHED EYERY SATURDAY 13 Astor Place New York Tub Octlook will be in 1897, as it has been during each of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tin Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care all the important philanthropic and indus trial movements of the dav ; has a com plete department of religious news devotes much apace lo the interests of the home; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things; and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, I and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with the fifty-fifth volume, the paper will assume the regular maga zine size, which will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tin . Outlook Is published every Saturday nity-two issues a year. The first issue iu each month in an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many pages as Hie ordinary issues, together with a large number of pictures. Hie price of Tub Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or less than a cent a day, Send for a specimen copy and illus trated prospectus to Tub Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New Yoik City. Mm PENNYROYJIL PILLS They orrconi WmicntMU, irrvini lariir anu Yiiroi :v5 LilU UDinil 11 ii)tnMrua- lit.ii." Thtjjr 1,115 lvr,, Witirttiat womanbuvu. aiUittir d velupmrnt of orpani and body. Nc knowQ n'm-.sljr for women equal them. Cannot to hnrni Hie be- UK : aATtS. i,,n,rt tilen-iiiv. Sit nev I VrL. b mull. nll hy dniKirl UC;)ui-v MOT'I CHEKICAICO, nor. ta For sole by C. G. Huntlev. Dr. ForPt or rson a 'rntir a PILLS Sick or " Juat Don't -reel weu." ?iI?im?,F,.curHMuJch' Pwapiia a Cample I'm, addreea Br. BoanS cTpbX fts is the staff of life, but it is not all made The alike. Main Street Bakery has a reputatiou for making iood bread every day in the week. Fancy and Staple Always Fresh. GIBSON & LINDSEY, Main Street. mm Legal Notices. .To (Ire for abllmtloa. Land omr- st Or. gfm City, Ore., Ire. 4, VVt, Ntie Is herabr aiv.u Ihsl th fulloirlnK ime'i in tier h nlmi notlcs of his lnunlln to mailt Snal proof Pi in put f oil elan, and tnt ul I it -of will b. m-iii twfors tb Ki-slaUr jnd K'islvar at Oirgou tlly, O a., Ou Jauusry FBANK HA N EL, 2- h nf,l- W J of K E y, a t M of WW. and los g inl nl mf. . fp 2 S, t K. II. Dum a lbs following to prora blicoiiiliiiioni r ildeDce upon sod cultivation of Mid land, vis: Frank L. WaMii, Abraham TB Irck, Alax.ndvr.MlcbMl Kelly, all of Munnni.Onaoo. U-10 1-H CHAS. a. UOOliKa, Bolster, Notice for Publication. Land offloa at Owon City, Or, Dre 4, W Nntlos Is bcreby wlrta that tha Mlowlnc oamrd wttlcr baa nlad notion of hit intontlon tn tank final nroof in niDDort of hi. nl.lm.ind tbt alil proof will ba mla b"'or tha aud KmlnratOregooCity, Ora., on J.nuary 1, lnm, Tl: FRANK U WASCO. H, E MM, for tha BE '4, M E V. of H E W, and ioi. 1 aud of Hm. S, Tp 3 , K t E. u.mti tb followlof wllniMM in prora his continuous realdeooa upoo and eultlratlon of Mid land. Tlx: Frank H moi, Abraham Ten Erck, RoburtAI vxmdvr, Michael Kelly, all of Murmoi, Ormoo. U-10 Ml CUAd a HOOKH, Uegt.tor. Police fr Pabllcatloai. Land office at Orefon City, Ore., Vv. 4, 1S97. Notice it beieor alren I hit tn fmlowloo n.m die'ilnrhw fll d notioeo' hie Intention tn mke flaal p ool In -a import of h eialm, .nt tha' d I'r ol will be m.da bel'.rt tb KeKl'Mr andB e Iver.t Or.son City, Ore., on January Utu.UN,.: PBKHTOM BONNET, H. E. 9ML for the 8 ol i E 54 of Dee. Z, TJ 9, USE. He nam, th foilowlna wltneesa. toornva hia, rcalderjc upon and cultlyaUoa ol Mid land, vis: (rank Kobloeon, Jnevph Carson, V. 8. Olsu Ptr IstiertT, all ofc .l'on, O rf 'n, 12-10, 1 14 CHAS. a MOOliKJ, Bsliter. Nejtlrc of Final rtoitlenaeut. NOICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB uoderalaiifij. ailmliii.tratup of tha aat.t of Ami Kel.ouf , a minor eod liuxl hi, account for final settieioeut in the Couutr Comt for Claeaainat Count?, Oranou, and that ea d Court baa appointed Monday, th (1 dar ol Feb. at the hour uf 10 o'clock A. M. to heariua; objejtlojt to said account aud settlement thereof. bawd Dee. li, U97. J. T. A mason, Administrator of tb Ut of As a KellofZ, a minor. IH7.1-1. Notice t Mettleanent t Aceoaat. In th Cou n If Court of tha fltat of Oregon, for tne Couutf of Ci..ckanea, In the matwr of tb esut of Peter A. Wcls. decease I. Not c n hereby r ven the anil aconnt of itw en. cu tor of tneetuteof A. Wnu, deceaaed, ia. bran rendered lo aa.d court for settlement in ao far aa their dutlee adinlnia traum or executory are concerned e i'i t at t.ia 7m day of reoruary. tm, t 10 0 eloeJ a. m. haa been uu y appoint- d bf said e uri for iheeeitle ment thereof, at which 11 in.-, or any tl ne prior thereto, any !' ntratel In ea d t U may aiftar and Hi In eatd court bia objectioue, or exertion, in writing lo each flu account and tbs ietUementihe-eof. A. L, Kaazaa. latd Uc. th 14, U7. G. W.Swora, tiecutor of aatd .,al. 12 17 1-14 Retire ert'lBal Hctdemeaic. In the County Court of ths 6UU of Orvf hi for C'ukimx County. In tu mat er of th tata ol LE Hobba, d- C :IK d. Not ce li hereby g rin I bare Iliad my dual ic oil' t aa ailuiln I rator of the CMata of aaid UH.H bb-, d eca ed. in th Cou .t Court if to Ui ..1 Ortf-in f.r Clackmxa countr. au4 that uid Court hat flxd Mond iy, tn 7th. day nl Uanh. lsWt, at tne hour of 10 o'clo k A. at. of aaid day a. l. U ne f r hearinc taj ..b)o lion to aaid report an 1 for th Soul saulemeut of said eatala, , L L Pom a, 1-7,24 Administrator 01 aaid out. IVotl for Publication. Land Office a Or.gou C ty. Ore, Ja- na y 8;h, lStai. Noice !- her.'t.y it''i thai tie fo.lowlna 1 am 1 tt er baa Dei no I n o her luteutioo to mike final Drool In tni o-t of tar claim, and t iai ...1 1 p ool will be n ade belora the K. gi.ter nd Kee ivr tur.goa City. Ore, in February 1 h, IS98. tU: NR8. JCLIET r. TKULLINGER, H. E. 9342, for th lots 1 and 2 of 8ca 10. Tp. 1 8, M e n ' me th s frllnw.n? lin.M. m mm. hereontiuuou upon ind ca tivatioa of na.d land, ia: Put O'Connor, B. O. 8irrr, John Tellepan. Jam Barbndge, a 1 of Logan, Oregon. 1-14, 2-18 CHAS. B. VOORES, B liter Sunday Services. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Re. I. W.fiu l.r, Paator. 8erylceiat 10:30 a. it. and 7:30 r. a. Sunday School after morning; errlce. Player meeting I hunday crening al 7 :S0 o.clock. Prayer meeting of Young People' Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 8:30 prompt. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. -Rsv. M L, Ruoo, Pastor Morning Service at lu:g): Sunday School at 11:45; Evening Service 7:30; Regular prayer meeting inursday evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding the first Sunday in tha month. 1 cordial invitation to all. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, CATHOLIC Rv. A. Hillkbsand, Pastor. On Sunday mass at 8 and 10:30 a. a. Every second and fourth Sun.l.v luou vciiuuu aiicr ma e o cioca masa At all other masse English sermons. Sunday School at '2:30 p. a. Vespers, apologeticaj sublecta and Benediction at 7:30r. a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. T. U JO' en, Pastor. Morning service at 10:45: 8unday Rchool at 10:00. Class meeting after - ..- .. . . . uioruiiiK serviro. evening service at 7:30. tn worm league meeting Hunday evening at pworth League meeting Sunday evenin b:su; 1 au; rrayer Bieetius inurs Thursday eyeulng at 7:80. strangers cordially Invited, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Riv. A J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meeta very Sunday evening at 8:80. Thursday evening prayer meeting at 7 :30. Seats free. EVANGELICAL CHURCH GERMAN Rev. Erteh, Pastor; J. R. Ehrkt Awii-tant. Preaching services every Suuday at 11 A. M. and 7 :S0 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M.. Mr. Zimmerinan Supt. Prayer Meeting; very Thursday evening GERMAN LUTHERAN ZION'8 CON gregational church. Rev. F. Sack, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Episcopal W. D. Williams, D. D., minister in charge. Sunday School at 10 . m., services at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p.m. Fridays at 7:30 p.m. even ing prayer service with an address. Seats free. A cordial invitation to all the ser vices. Gfermania Cash Mabels PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock. aa. Seventh St between Main and Depot