Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1898, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
fllmult rnun convenes Brut Mon In No-
amber and third Monday In April.
Probate court In teuton lint Monday In each
Com mlMlonero court mwli drat Wednesday
after Brat Nondav ol eacn momn.
Our hats must (to regardless of cost.
3.00 hats for $1.50 at Miss Goldsmith's.
One Minute Cotih Cure cures quickly.
That's what you want! Geo. A. Hard
ing. There will be Divine service and ser
mon in the chapel at Canemah next Sun
day at 2 p. in.
Am prepared to do carpet weaving first
class wot k done. Leave orders at Sell
ing's store. Apam Haas, Ely Oregon
Mr. Suriline, late from Michigan, will
plsyoneofhis renowned Cello solos in
grand concert at Congregational church
January 28, 18i.
Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh'i Yitalicer
immediately relieves Sour Stomach,
Coming up of Food Distress, and is the
great kidnev and liver remedy. Sold by
Charman A Co., Druggists, Oregon City.
Evangelist Gallahorn and Leanford
will conduct a mass meeting under the
auspices of the Y. M. C. A. In the Bap
tist church on Sunday January 16 at 3:30
p.m. E very body cordially invited.
Ladies, Take the Best. If yon are
. troubled wrth Constipation, Sallow Skin,
and a Tired Feeling, Uke Karl' Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Charman & Co., Druggists, Oregon City.
The Myrtle l'oint Enterprise says s
young man in one of the Eastern states
recently hung himself because people
found fault with him. It the piactice
should become general the trees would
be full of preachers, school teachers aud
' Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
chronic constipation and was finally
cored by using De Witt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little Dills for all
stomach and liver troubles. Geo. A.
Fifteen hundred employes of glass
works in Indiana were made bappy on
Christmas by an increase of from twelve
to twenty per cent in wages, another evi
dence of the prosperity that has come
with protection and a republican admin
istration of government.
Miss Allie H unties, Norfolk, Vs.,
was frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain was instantly relieved by
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed the injmy without leaving a scar
It is the famous pile remedy. Geo. A.
Great interest is nianifeoted by the
public of Oreaon City to watch the
movements of Bellomy & Busch into
their new quarters. If these uentlemen
carry out their plans, and no doubt they
will, their establishment will be the
store of this City.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Hanisburg. Pa., says,
"My child is worth millions to me ;yet I
would have lost hei by croup had I not
invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of
One Minute Couuh Cure." It cures
coughs, colds and all throat and
lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to get rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure.
Itcures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu
monia and all throat and lung troubles.
It is plea ant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure. Geo. .A. Harding.
A man of Louisville who suddenly be
came dumb a year ago during a sudden
outburst of temper in which he used the
profanest of language, regained his
speech while in a fit of rate. He was
quite surprised to find himself cursing
audibly and substituting the curses with
praises to God,
The statement made many years ago
that "man cannot live by breal alone"
is as true as it ever was he must have a
nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go
with it. Richard Petzold s alway ready
to furnish his customers with the best of
fresh and smoked meats at either his
Main or Seventh street market.
A young English woman once peti
tioned Bismarck most pathetically for
his autovcraph, declaring lhat a few lines
of his handwriting would make her bappy
for life. So the chancellor wrote on the
front of the book: '"BewMre, my child
of building castles in the air, for they are
buildings which we erect so easily, yet
they are the most difficult to demolish.
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit, Cham
berlian's Pain Balm costs no more, and
its merits have been proven by a test of
many years. Such letters as the follow
ing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneine, Cal.,
are constantly being recieved : "The best
remedy for pain I have ever used is Cham
berlain's Pain Bnlm,"and I say so after
having used it in my family for several
years." Itcures rheumatism, lame back,
sprains and swellings. For sale by G.
A. Harding.
Wood wanted at this office, oak, fir or
limb. In length 16 or 22 inch or four
A young man named Anderson, resid
ing near Harristmrg, met with a strange
accident Wednesday of last week, and
escaped almost miraculously from a se
rious injury. In attempting to shoot a
hawk the "firing pin" of his breech load
ing firearm was torn from the gun by
the explosion. The piece of metal mcas
uied 34 inches, and struck Mr. Ander
son in the right eye at a point next the
nose, and forced its way to a point near
the base of the brain, where it lodged.
Dr. T. C. Mackey, of Harrisburg, success
fully removed the metal from the pat
Wanted A bright energetic boy who
desires to learn the printing business.
Must be over 15 years old and indus
trious. No trifiert need apply. Inquire
at this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Law and Samuel L.
Bartlett, of Falls View, extend - their
thanks to all who assisted them during
the sickness of W. M. Abnerthv.
Wedding stattonerv. the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkrprisi office.
The Weinhard block, opposite Court
house will be occupied by Bellomy &
Busch after February 1st.
Rev. Butler will conduct services in
the chapel at Ely, next Sabbath at 2 :30
p. m.
School Reports.
Report of the public schools of Oregon
City for the month ending January
7, 1893: Days taught, 19; days attend
ance, 10032 ; days absence, ftiO ; cases of
tordioes2; boys enrolled, 205; girls en
rolled, 312; total enrollment, 607; aver
age number belonging, 541); average
daily attendance, 527 ; per centum of at
tendance for corresponding month of
last year, 92; gain per cent, 3.
Les W. McAdam, Supt.
Report of Union Il'll school district
No. 60, for the month ending January 7,
18D8. Whole number enrolled 22; aver
age daily attendance 20, Those neither
absent nor tardy during the month were :
Johnie and Emma Snider, Gere and
GustavsEilers, and Iva Soules. Visitors
10. Those interested in the cause are al
ways welcome.
' A. F. Knight. Teacher.
The Maple Lane Meeting.
On Thursday evening of last week the
Maple Lane republican club held its
first meeting of the campaign and sel
ected delegates to attend the meeting of
the state league to be held at Portland.
The delegates elected were A. A. Mautz,
Julius Priester, M. Randall and George
Gibbe. The meeting was very largely
attendend and enthusiastic.
In accordance with previous an'
nouncement Senator Brownell was pres
ent and disenssed at length the political
situation in his characteristic way which
made matters easily understood by his
audience. The meeting is said to have
been one of the most enthusiastic ever
held at that place, and a spirit was man
ifest which indicated that republicans
generally are encouraged over the pros
pects for success in the coming election,
Io the J p slice Court.
State vs John Watson for adultery;
dismissed on motion of prosecuting at
Sutherland vs Zimmerman, et al, suit
for $150 damages; judgment for plaintiff
in the sum of $95.60.
Charman & Son vs F. G. Neukirchner,
suit for balance on note for $25.07 includ
ing interest and costs. Set for trial
Januarv 21st.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on January 12, 1898 :
women's list.
Bustard, Mrs Hart, Mary
Brown, Cora Smith, Laura
Simmons, L
Men's list.
Bisson, James Barnick, Mr
Erickaon, J no Munson, LC
Hartnell, R R Muchaw, C
Lacroy, Smith Pavuette, Jas
Lambrecbt, Win Reed, Jas S
Mat Donald, W C Hmitb, H J
Moyer, Mr. bulym, Jos
If called for state when advertised.
J. J. Cooke, Acting P. M.
Mckinley Club Election.
The McKinley Republican club of
Maple Lane had a meeting last Saturday
night and elected E. M. Ward, presi
dent; Julius Priester, secretary, and C.
C Williams, Julius Priester and Thomas
Davis as delegates to the state league
of republican clubs. The next meeting
of the club will be held on Saturday
before the primaries.
Thousands are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Ji:ilm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BUOS., 5C Warren St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the' wornt kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, bat Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
even that Many acquaintances have Used
it with excellent result. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injnrious drug. Trice,
0 cents. At drugging or by mail.
The U. S Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Royal aaakta the food pyre,
wholeeeae and llcloaa.
Absolutely Pure
ftovAl ium Powm CO. i hffw vonst.
F. A. Sleight Sundayed with his family
near Canby.
J. R, Carr, of Stone, was In Oregon
City on business this week.
Miss Mina Smith of Portland was a
guest of Mrs. Thus F. Ryan on Thursday.
Leonard Jones, with Huntley Bros
spent last Sunday with his sister in
Thomas Duncan, an influential busi
ness man, of Newberg, was in this city
last Friday.
Ex-Senator Mitchell was In Oregon
City Wednesday arguing a motion for a
new trial in the Llube case.
David Old who tell on the sidewalk
here about a month axo, fracturing his
ankle is able to be out again.
Mrs. Georgia Ketchura, who has been
seriously iff for the past two weeks, we
are glad to say is slowly improving.
Mrs. Julia Trullinger, of Logan, was
in town last Saturday completing ar
rangements to make final proof on her
Merle Johnson, formerly of this city,
but now an artist on the San Francisco
Call, spent a lew days visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson.
Judge McBride and District Attorney
Cleeton are here this week holding an
adjourned term of circuit court. They
will not get through before the latter
part of next week.
V. Harris, the groceryman, left last
Saturday evening on tne overland fur
Los Angeles, Cal., to be absent two or
three weeks. He expects to visit sev
eral other points in Southern California
before returning.
' John Lewthwalte, assistant superin
tendent of the Willamette Pulp & Paper
company's mills, left Thursday for New
York, where he was summoned by the
illness of his sister. He expects to re
turn in about two weeks.
Harley Stevens who went to San Fran
cisco about six months ago to accept a
position in an electrical establishment,
is at home on a visit with bis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Stevens. He will
return to California on Tuesday.
Chris Grasier, who lias been in the
employ of the Willamette Pulp and Paper
Company has made np his mind to leave
on tne next steamer for the Klondike
region. He has a father-in-law in the
far North who went there last summer.
W. P. Burns, an old-time resident of
Oregon City, but now of Portland, is lying
veiy low with typhoid fever at his home,
187 Sixth street. Mr. Burns has many
friends here who will regret to hear of
his sickness but hope for a speedy return
of health.
At a regular meeting of Pioneer chap
ter, 0. E. 8 ., held last Tuesday evening
the local chapter was honored by the
presence of Madaline B. Conkling, of
Roseburg, grand matron; Mrs. M. E.
Lutke. of Portland, associate grand ma
tron, and past matron, Mrs. Delia Hous
ton of Portland.
Mayor Pennoyer, of Portland, visited
Oregon City last Tuesday conaulting
with politicians and while here dined
with Col. R. A. Miller at the Electric.
It is very difficult to tt 11 just what' polit
ical organization the ex-goyernor is
identified with at this time, in fact he
does not seem to be allied with any party
or indeed any considerable faction.
Frank E. Donaldson, for a longtime
cashier of the Comercial Bank of this city,
has resigned bis position and will devote
his entire time to the insurance business
in Portland. Mr. F. J. Meyer, who has
been in the emplov of the bank for some
time, has been appointed cashier and will
be found at his desk ready to serve the
public during banking hours.
Mr. W. II. Hawkins, who has been
foreman in the weaving department of
the Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany's establishment for nearly two
years, has resigned his position and last
Saturday accompanied by Mrs. Hawkins,
left for Providence, R. I , where they
will in the fnture reside. Mr. J. 8.
Murr succeeds Mr. Hawkins in the mills.
Col. R. A. Miller went down to Port
land a few days ago looking after polit
ical and other matters and while absent
Captain Orrnsby, who is here this week,
placed a placard on the colonel's office
door as follows: "This office for rent
nntil my political destiny is decided.
Apply to C. B. Moores, next door," or
words to that effect. The joke was
passed around and the Colonel as well
as all others about the building en
joyed it.
Man-of ara Mon Say That II Will lr
Ytll tutuiloatluo.
The glasses Wore going round when
the man who hud Ihcu in tho navy
spoke: "Wait a minute, buys. We've
had several. Let me give you a tip that
I learned when I wits on tho China sta
tion. You are- pretty good drinkers, you
Kentucky hoys, uml you can hold your
own with anybody, cast, west or north,
who tries to put you under tho tnblo.
!ut unless you curry out my plun don't
you over stack yourself up against nu
Englishman, and especially an army or
a naval officer. Yoa could knock him
ont on whisky, hut ho doesn't (brink
It, except in the shape of smoky Scotch
and Irish abominations. But ohiuu
pugne, burguudy, cluret, ale, sherry,
madeira, port, pulque in Mexico, suit
In China, pi.lm liquor in Africa, bam
boos and shandygaff in Itulia, steer clear
, of them thut is, unless you have the
good luck to meet a certain little, yel
low faced, wizened croolu from Ixmisi
ana whose recipe ia pued around the
mess table of Uuitcd Suites men-of-war
to this day.
"It started In tho old days when the
British onicers always hud the pleasure
of outstaying their American guests or
hosts whenever two ships met ou for
eign stations. Theu that little yellow
devil cume along with bis trick, uud
the Englishman has never since como
out better thuu second iu any drinking
bout The secret? Olive oiL One u iu.t
glassful before tho fun begins, and, if
possible, unothcr later ou, uud you can
keep your wit and legs throughout the
dampest evening. I tupxwe one of two
things huppcus. Either tho oilcotsts tho
stomach and keeps tho alcohol from be
ing absorbed by tho by stein, or else it
floats ou top and keeps tho fumes from
rising to tho brnin. Hut you'll havo to
ask tho medieiuo men about that All 1
know is its practicul result and that
has enabled us Yankee Doodles to go
home cheerful aud clear headed many
an evening when our foreign cousins
were speechless." Louisville Courier
Purchasers Pound For Them Nowaday
Throughout Ilia World.
American tools are sold all over the
world. The New York representative of
an American tool manufacturing estab
lishment when asked where American
tools were sent run over the exxrt or
ders received that duy They included
orders from Hungary, Austria, Ger
many, France, Engluud, South Africa
and South America. There were alto
gether about 20 orders, and from some
of the countries uamed there were two
or three orders. Tho export orders of
the previous day included orders from
Russia, Australia and New Zealand,
and these were not unusual orders, but
such as are constantly received In the
shipping room at thut moment stood
cases marked for Java, for Ecuador and
for Australia.
Many of those orders are srualL In
some cases there were orders for a single
tool, or for two or three; for some orders
of half a dozen or two or three dozen to
supply orders or to keep linos filled.
These small orders are mostly from Eu
ropean countries, with which commu
nication is uowoduys quick and conven
ient European merchants order therm
things just about as merchuuts in other
cities in this country would. It costs no
more tt send to London than it does to
Chicago, and it is as easy to send to
Berlin as it is to Paterson. '
The characteristics that commend
these American tools to their foreign
purchasers are the some that mark
American machines and implements
generally lightness, fine finish and
perfect adaptability to their several
uses. Tho exports of American tools to
all parts of the world are steadily in
qrnaains. New York Sun.
The hagfiah, or myxino, has a enstom
of getting inside the cod and -similar
fishes and entirely consuming the in
terior, leaving only the skin and the
Her Health Restored
THE misery of sleeplessness can only be
realized by those who have experi
enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that miserable
feeling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine. Bo certain Is
Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists are
authorized to refund price paid for the first
bottle tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs. Henry Iiruns, wife of the well known
blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says:
''I was troubled with slucplessness, nervous
ness, heudache and Irregular menstruutlon;
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com
plaints besides being under the care of local
physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement the testimonial of a
lady cured of aliments similar to mine, and
I shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced me to use Ir. Miles'
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, which
restored me to health. I cannot say enough
for Dr.Milcs'Uemedles."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
beneOU or money re
funded. Boole on dis
( MllesT 2
E. Restores OS
, Health v
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR MILES MEDICAL CO., fclkhart, lad.
Henry A. Townsoiid, a prominent real
estate dealer of Portland, was In the city
Wednesday, accompanied by II, K.
O roves, a capitalist of Hi. Paul, Minn.,
looking over our suburban probity with
a view of Investing Mr. (.1 roves ex
pressed himself as greatly plcusod with
Oregon City and her future prospect
and could not say enough In pruiso ol
our delightful winter weuther,
O. 11. Ncovgin expects to leave In a
few days for tho gold tlelila of the fur
north, lie will go as the representative
of a syndicate ()f Oregon City business
men who have entered Into an agree
ment to share etpmlly the prollis or
losses which may accrue from t he under
taking, and those who know Mr. Hcoggin
well believe he will suceood in his -new
In the Circuit Court.
An adjourned term of circuit court con
vened here Wednesday morning and
will probably continue all next week,
A decree of diyureo was granted to
Eliza JaUi from J. A. Jahes.
A motion for a new trial was argued
and submitted In the l.lehu case, and
was by tho court taken under advise
ment until next Monday.
Tho case ot the stuto vs C. V. F.
Thielemann, indicted for selling lltpior
in New Era precinct In quantities less
than one iiallou without a license, was
tried before a jury Wednesday. The
jury could not agree upon a verdict and
were discharged which will necessitate
another trial. It is understood the
jury Blood six for conviction and six for
A Big Demonstration Salvation Army.
Major H. Marshall of Portland, will
visit OreHou City Friday evening, Jan.
14. EnsiHn 0. Park and Ensign J. ii.
Sheridan will accompany him. Ensign
J. Oaliorne, Lieut. K. SengorberKer,
Lieut. Davis, Lieut. N. May and a' num
ber uf blood washed warriors will Uke
part In the demonstration, a silver col
lection will be taken at the door to help
to defray expenses. A cordial invita
tion is given to all.
Will Leare fur Dyra.
Thomas Campbell and his son will
leave on the steamer Elder which sail
today for Aluska. Mr. CampMI re
turned from the North only a few weeks
tO and now returns to Sheep
Camp, about 15 miles inland Irom
Dea ou Ihs Klondike trail, where
ho will locate and enttage In the
hotel aud restaurant business. After
having been on the ground he is con
vinced that there are many opportunities
fur a man to make money w ithout en
gaging in mining.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your suhsciption to the
Entkrpkisi and get the the benefit of
the reduction In price.
Haibdksssxh. Would like a faw lad
les to attend at their home, halrdreaalrig,'
treating, shainpoohlng etc. Orders
tsken for switches, bangs etc. Address
Miss J. McCaw, 43(1 llurnslde St. Port
land Oregon.
Manufactured in Oregon City from the
bent "elected wheat on the market.
Ask Youf Grocet
For the flour that will ahnorb the most
water and thus produce tho greatest
number of loaves to the sack.
the bcHt.
m Dress Goods
Winter Goods
from the East, soon to bo in at
Thos. Charman & Son's
The Pioneer Store.
Both tho mothol and rtwulU when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is j'louwint
and refreshing to tho taste, and acU
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
Liver and ilowels, cleanses tlio sys
tem eflwtnitlly, disjx'ls colds, head
Bchos and fevers and cures lmhilunl
nouHtitintiou. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of iu kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho timte and no
ceptablo to tlio stomach, irotiipt in
its action and truly Iteiielu iul in it
olToetH, prewired only from tho most
healthy iimi ngroouliloMulwtanceH, itrt
many excellent qualities coinineiid it
to all and huve imulo it tho moot
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for snlo In 50
cent bottle by all lending drug
gist. Any reliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it proiniitly for any one, who
wished to try it Do not accept any
iah nAmiiaoo. cl
Moffs Nerverine Pills
The great
remedy for
nervous proa
tration and
fTKSy ' tj all nervous
C QvVvJVj v " ' ,n
- aJjtVtBat generative or
iiLtuufc asu ahi.m toiMi. 0f cither
sex, such at Nervous Prostration, Falling or
lott MjnhooJ, Impotency, Nightly Emis
sions, Youthful Lrrort, Mental Worry, ex
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which
lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1X0
per box by mailt 6 boxes for 55.00.
MOTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Prop i, Clanland, Ohio.
For sale by C. (1. Miihtlty.
Prompt attention to hauling to any
part of Oregon City.
Moving attended to promptly and
cure fully.
Specinl rntes giren on hauling to
and from Olndidone ami i'urk
place. city and is Guaranteed
Home Industry.
To make room for a large and
complete Btock of
All pain UnUhed by Dr. MiW Pain PlUc