Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 07, 1898, Image 7

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ItcniH of UcrcHt from nil I'm In
of Oregon.
Henry Hylmlnr, of lfUmm, Shot 11
Jill llrotlier-ln-Lsw Largs Mum.
. bur of MortxMKPn CHiicvllud.
Kour bulldlngi anil iiHurly all thoi
content were destroys by fire In 1'itn
(Union last Mon Jay. The loss la estimated
at IA.(MK).
" "
Fily last Fa'urdsy morning, Hose
Kyan, a domttatlo In the limine of Mrs
h. K. HliUm lit I'ortland. u found
itai in ner rooms saiitiyilsttxl by gas
Whether death wm accidental or the
gas wit turned on with suicidal Intent
could mil ha iliiturinliind.
Messrs, IIuIiIb and Klllun, of Month
vestttrn Colorado, were In Illllsboro laat
Tindy in the Inti-rest of 1M lainlliita
that exMot to uoiiio to thia stale in the
aprlng. Many Inquiries were made con
corning fanning land ami what la pro
tlurod In the couniy, They Intend visit
ing other coiiiiIIks of tho state.
I'earl Ilnyd tlm girl who dnaerltul i
irypsy lamliy al rialttiu last lull, was
lat Momlrty arrerUod for larceny
Altar leaving (ha gypsies alio foil Into
liad coiiiiaiiy. Ihirlng tha progress of
tho Christina evtining entertainment at
tho Mu(holiat church, a littlo girl's
wraiw were missed. Tho lloyd girl waa
wearing them whan arrested.
Tho atmiiilwat rate war tail ween Tort
land and The Dallea la fairly on. Tho
Dalloa, Portland and Astoria Navigation
company last Monday announced a cut
in tho faro between those two cities to
60 cents. There aro throo companies
coiiihIIiii for Oil trtdo and It would not
bo surprising to sue Ilium carrying pal
aengers free boforo many daya.
At a cilisen a meeting hold Isst work
in Kiignno a committee waa appointed to
liicorioraU a Joint slock company, to
build a boat of 100 lona capacity, lo run
on tho Willamette river. This in made
xjftitle from the fact that (he United
Slates oii(lnoora are liiiprotA.iig the river
between Ihia place and Ilariiriliiirff. It
waa votod unanimously to build tho boat
In Kugette.
A telephone message to the Haker
t'lly Democrat from Canyon Cily aaya
1'eter French, a prominent cattleman
nn landowner oi uarney county, waa
killed by a man named Oliver. It la re
tried that the deed waa a cold-Wooded
murder. The victim waa shot in the
back of the head, the bullet coming out
between the eyes. A land dilute la
aid to have been the cauae of the
John SaUgidwr of lltllaboro, haa auld
Ida hop crop oi 33) bales lor 13'4 centa
ler ouiid. The hopa were raised in
the 40-acre yard of the Imbrie estate, the
largest Individual yard in the county.
The proceeds of the aale will sgurogate
bout 1200. Kd. 0. Iloire Is the pur
chasing agent, and the hope will bo
hipped direct to Kngland. Mr. Haltgetier
pays a rent of $3X10 per year lift the
Last Saturday night the coronur" of
Washington county waa auiiimoned to a
place imar Heaverlon to hold an inquest
on tho ho ly of Joseph McOowan, who
waa found dead Jin the woodhomtoon tho
farm. A revolver wai found by III aido
The coroner'a Jury returned a verdict
that deceased camo to In death, owing
to a dcraniieinent'of mind, by a gun allot
wound self Inllectod. lie waa 3t years
old unmurrieil, and owing to ill heitlth
waa living with hia brother.
The Independence Went Side Ima the
following figures relative to the cancel
lation of mortgages In I'olk County. lie
tweun September 1 and doeeinber 20,
181MJ, mortgages aggregating , Tt(0,(88
were recorded, and niortuguges aggroga'
ting 10,6117, satisfied, those recorded
exceeding those autiilled by $20,151, lie
tween Keptembur 1, and December 20,
18U7, mortgngoa aggregating $38,011 were
recorded and mortgngoa aggregating r72,
140 wore sstisfled, those satisfied exceed
ing thoHo recorded by $3:1,5:15 .
A Medford dispatch aays Countable
Woolf went to AHhlnnd today and
brought back Ed. Kinney, who was
arrested there last night, charged with
burglary. lie was arrcHtod for breaking
into the residence of John Uallaher, five
miles south of this city, laat Thursday
night, while the family was at a social
given at tho schoolhotuie nearby. Ho
took f:)2 and a gold watch and chain,
lie has lived in ttie neighborhood all his
life. Ho was taken before Justice Jones
toninght and gave ball for his appear
ance tomorrow. He admitted his guilt,
and returned $22 and the watch.
Anton l'funner, at Forest Grove, while
acting as administrator of the Martin
Manning eatato, had In his bank at the
time of Its failure $874. belonging to that
entate. I'fanner's bondmnon, John
Sliute, Joh.i D. Merryman and Thomas
II. Tongue, argued before the circuit
court that this $874 should bo set aside
as a preferred claim or trimt fund, and
Judge McRride so decided. The credi
tors of the bank are arranging to take an
appeal to the supreme com t, expecting
a reversal of the decision on the grounds
that, as soon aa this $874 became com
.mingled with the bank)B money, it lost
Its Identity, and the Manning estate
could only be allowed Its pro rata of the
$874, and the hondamon of Wanner
idioupl make good tht deficiency.
This afternoon, aayi Monday's Kugnne
Guard, a inoisenger came to the sheriff's
olllce In great haste aftor an olllcer
Deputy HhorlirHcott went lo the north
west portion of the city snd found that i
woman waa wanting to mm him concern
Ing her husband, who had been striking
and kicking her. However, she refused
to sign a comulalnt on account of the
publicity that would ensue and, nothing
could be done in (he matter. Neighbors
tell us that they will give the brute a
coat of tar and feathers If he does not
desist, The lowest mortal on earth is
the wife beater.
John L. Oerhard, living three miles
south of llillsboro, was lound dead about
a hall mile from his house on Thursday
of laat week, lie bad been In feeble
health for several yers and lived with
his son on the James place He started
on Wednesday evening to visit his son-in-law
about a mile distant, whore he in
tended to remain over night. During
the walk he must bsve been taken sick
ss there was evidence of bis having sat
down to rest three times before he
reached his destination. When be
la 1 1 el to return home Thursday morning,
as was his custom, search was la-gun by
his son and tho body found. It is sup
posed asthma was the cause of his death.
Iona Dooming and Ktta lirock, aged
10 and 7 reHKClivnly, were shot in the
face by John Volker, aged 14, late Sun
day evenlnit, at the home of Mrs. Delu
ding, about three miles south of llills
boro. Volker waa in the yard, while the
girls six in all, were In the bouse, stand
Ing at a window. Volker asked the girls
to come out to the barn to play. They
refused, and be discharged a shotgun
which he carried, at the window, the
contents breaking the glass and injuring
two ol tho girls. The Dooming girl
waa quite seriously wounded, shot and
broken glans striking her In the face, one
eyeball being Injured. It is feared she
will lose the aight of the eye. The Brock
girl's face was cut by broken glass. The
other girls received only minor Injuries.
Volker Is known as a terror in the neigh
borhood. Complaint lias bten made,
and be will probably be sent to tho re
form school. He says the gun waa acci-
leiitly discharged.
Henry Sylvester, of Lebanon, who
was accidentally shot by his brother-in-
sw, Asbury Filswater, while bunting 8
miles east of ehanon laat Monday, died
from the effect of his wounds Thumdsy
morning. The accident is reported to
have happened In the following manner:
Sylvester and Filswater were crossing a
gulch. Sylvester had ascended the
bank of the gulch and was about 10 feet
In advance and about 10 feet above Fits
water. Filswater was carving hit shot
gun by the barrel, with the tnuxsle point
ng forward when the hammer caught in
hia bootstrap and the gun was ilia-
hargeil, the contents striking Sylvester
n tho right thigh and ranging upward.
striking the bone, but not breaking it,
ding around on the outside of the leg,
few shot entering the groin. The nun
as loaded with No. 4 shot, which, be
ng fired from a distance of only about
10 or 12 feet, made a dangerous wound
Sylvester was a brother of E. II. Syl
veUr who waa killed in a hop yard near
ndeiM-ndence last tall.
Klcctric Hotel Arrivals.
L UoseiiHtein, Chicago,
Frank (irunce "
Geo Armstrong, Molalla,
C Vaughn, "
John Stubhs,
(5. 8. Mallait
W M Leeper, New York,
Oeo Freeman, Albany,
II II IUrrett and wife, Spokane,
U lister, Corvallia,
Jas Roberta, Portland,
U N Wilson "
C II Hemming "
I B Nelson, Grass Valley,
Mi-s E M Thurston, Chicago,
Mirs I. It McLaughlin, "
C B Wilson, San Francisco,
C N At wood and wife Portland,
C Bnir, Needy,
C J Molvin, San Francisco,
M W Maxwell, Tillamook,
J C Haldeu,
Mlsa Riisell Smith, Canby,
J M Tracv, Logan,
W H.Mattoon, Viola,
B S Windon, Brownsville,
W II Wright, Colton,
II A Smith, foitland,
J B Wilson, San Francisco
Tho Electric hotel la the finest in the
city and Hrst-class in all its appointments.
Electric cars stop in front of the door.
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous snmplo will be mailed of the
moat popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Curs
(Ely's Cream lift I in) saflloieiit to demon
strate tbe great merits of the remedy.
60 Warren St., New York City.
Iter. John lieid, Jr.. of Oront Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cresiu Halm to me. I
eau emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive onre for catarrh if ud aadireoted."
Iter. Francis V. Pools, Pastor Central Pres.
Churoh, Helena, Mout
Ely's Crenm Palm is the acknowledged
enre for catarrh and contains no nieroury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
tTeadmrh uiopped in SO mlnutns by Dr,
tUles' f aim PiiiiA "On coot a dose."
It Hut No Ollla, but llixl Four Lag sad
Kow How to I'm Tham.
Krunk Davoy, the phof igrapher, is
the possossor of a vty strunge fish,
which after having exhibited to a num
ber of friends while still alive be put
Into alcohol to keep. Tho fish is known
to some people hero, but Is qnite rare.
Its homo is in the deep water, and if the
story told by tho Chinaman who pro
lured it namely, that the oatxh waa
Siado in comparatively shallow water
Just outside of the barlx;r is to be de
pended on the noenrronce is Indued nn
osual. It is about three inches In length and
when alive waa of a bright yellow hue,
with spots of block here and tbore. Its
mouth is quite large, and the part of
the bodjr nourest is correspondingly
large. It then tapers off to a small tail,
but tbe peculiar part is that there are
no gills, or what are potrularly known
as such. Where these should be the skin
Is just an it Is all over the body. At a
distuueo of about half an incb and pro
truding from the belly near the central
part are what might be called arms or
legs. Thoy aro jointed and have some
ten very fine claws. These, together
with another pair further anterior, the
IIhIi, when alivo, used to walk about I
with on tbe bottom of the jur in which
it was contained.
It would show fight Instantly when !
approuchod and gave every sign of be- I
ing endowed with the spirit of the evil
one, bristling up its fins, snapping iu
sharp teeth, elevating a sharp, kuifelike
apjtondago on tho top of its nose and
sending two curreuta of water from
boles lit fulso gill just back of tbe
largo, armliko appendages mentioned
When the fish was killed and planed
iu alcohol, tho bright yellow disappear
ed entirely and left in its plocea whitish
color. Puoiflo Commercial Advertiser.
The AatuU Mayor Know Horn to
Along Ilia Own Town.
A number of Indignant citizens had
filed into tho office of the mayor of a
small but progressive town.
"We called," said the spokesman of
the party, "to see about your announce
nient that yon would fight to tbe bitter
end tho proiwaal of those two railroad
companies to lay tracks so as to con
nect" "Woll," was the reply, "what of it?"
"Yon don't dcuy saying it, then?"
'"Certainly not."
"And yet you call yourself a wide
awake man, competent to look after the
inturesta of an ambitious community
like this?"
"I am doing my best to deserve ap
proval" "Don't yon realize that the junction
of those two roada ia oue of the best
things that could happen to this city?"
"And yet yon are doing your best to
stop it?"
The mayor reflected for a few min
ntes aud then said:
"Gentlemen, will you keep a secret?"
"If it's nothing detrimental to tbe
city's iutorosta."
"Well, I am just as anxious to have
that work doue as yon are, but yon
mow now tuey usually go about auch
things. If we lot them alone, they'll
begin work about the last of November.
leave things torn up all winter aud not
finish beforo next summer is half over.
Now, if they have really determined to
muko this improvement, my saying I
disapprove of it won't change them, but
it will havo one effect it'll put them
on their mettle. They'll get together a
gang of men some night and put them
to work with lanterns aud rush tbe job
through so fust that there won't bo any
interruption of traflio wuutevor. "
Washington Star.
Wouldn't Rtend It.
The tmiformod ennrd nt tho entrance
of tho Fitdd Columbian musoum stopiunl
tlio man In tho brown suit who was
about to ko in through tho turnstile.
"I can't lot you tuke that cane in
side," ho said.
"Why not?" demanded the other.
"It's nKainst tho rules. You'll have
to Cheek it nt that window. "
"What will that cost?"
"It will cost you 5 ceuts. "
The man in tho brown suit hesitated.
"This is tho Field museum, isn't it?"
be nuked.
Marshall Field's?"
"Yes. Ho's tho man it's named for."
'Woll, I'll be everlastingly cunidust-
ed if I'll stand itl I don't rare for the
nickel, but I bought this oune of Mar
shall Field, by jocks, and I'm ot go
ing to pay him for koepinir it half an
hour while I look at his old show I"
And he weut away, nttoriug dreadful
things. Chicago Tribune.
Tha Blahop'a Dlaoomfltore.
Tliore is an anecdote of a London
bishop who, having read that story of
John Wosloy cutting out every word of
his discourso that his servnntmaid did
not understand, determined to preach
to a country congregation the simplest
sermon he could writa Ho chose au
elementary subject and took as bis text,
"Tho fool hath said in his heart there
is no God. " On leaving the church he
asked the parish clerk what he thought
of the sermon. "Oh, my lord, " said he,
"it was very fine very fine and grand.
I've been talking it over with Mr.
Board, and we said how fine it waa
But, after all, we can't help thinking
that'there is a God. "Chambers' Jour
naL The Royal Geographical Society of
England had nearly 4,000 fellows. In
its library are about 70,000 volumes
and pamphlets. The society is not mere
ly the headquarters of geographical
science in Great Britain. It is virtually
the headquarters for the whole world.
The Bank of England was opened 803
rear ago.
Look at These Reductions
$18.00 Suits and Overcoats are $13.50
Everything is Cut Douin.
?arry llasa 0utfit5
Comer Morrisoi anil Second Sis. Portland, Ore.
Famished Erery Yittk by the Clack,
mas Abstract k Trust Company.
John Hchuttle to Jai M Tracy,
Dec 27, 97 WD 100.11 acres in
Ambrose Foster elm 12000 00
E F.d wards to Christian Senn,
Dec 27, '97 W D tei of ne
sec5tp5ss7e 1000 00
Daisy Freidenthal to Frank
Stark, Dec 24, '97 W D eg of
ne,'i lots I&3secl4tp6srl
e 200 00
W II Creitihton to Andrew Mor
rison, May 24, '97, W D swjf
of nw'4 and lot 4 sec 5 tp 3 8
r5 e 250 00
John and Annie Lorrengen
to Richard Lorrengen,
Sep 23, '95 release of life int
120 acres sec 30 tpSsi le.... 100
Ann and Ben Jagiter to Minnie
Jaggar Nov 10, '97 W D lota 7
and 8 bk Hi, Oregon City,.... 100
Minnie Jagger to Ann Jaggar,
Dec 24, '97 W D lots 7 8 and 9
bk 13, Pleasant Hill....y.. 1 00
L A Wbereat to Robert II
Wilson, Dec 7, '97 W D lots 3
4 and 11 bk 29, Oswego 1050 00
OACRR to W U Creighton, j
June 18, '88, agreement, nwt
of sw'X sec 6 t 3 a r 5 e 140 00 ,
Jeremiah Dick to W C Clark,
Sept 8,'97 W D.9.29 acra in sec
4 tp4 a r 1 e 700 00
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and bave
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. OtBce over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
lion 's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky A Co.,
Props . , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists
Toledo, O.
Waldinq, Kinnan & Mabvik, Whole-
Bale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Familv Pills are the best.
Attention Comrades.
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R. and Meade
Relief corps No. 18 will hold a joint in
stallation of officers at Willamette hall
Wednesday, January 5 at 7:30 sharp.
Past Dept. Com, G. E. Caukin, of Port
land will be present and a program of
speeches music, etc., will be rendered.
All members of the post and corps and
their families are invited.
Est ray Notice.
Strayed from ym pluce near Clacka
mas about the first of August, 1807, one
thoroughbred Holntein bull, 4 years old,
medium size with horns standing well
upward. No marks or brand on same.
Reasonable reward for recovery.
J. II . Wkhhtkr, Clackamas.
The U. So Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder,
superior to alt others.
13 Asior Place New York
The Octlooe will be in 1897, as it has
been during each of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. In
iia various editorial departments The
Outlook gives a compact review of the
world's progress; it follows with care all
the important philanthropic and indus
inai movements 01 tne aav : nas a com-
plete department of religious news;
devotes much space to the interests of
the home; reviews current literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about men
and things ; and, In abort, aims to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tbe fifty-fifth volume,
the paper will assume the regular maga
zine size, which will add greatly to its
convenience and attractiveness. The
Outlook is published every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. The first issue
in each month in an Illustrated Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages as the ordinary issues, together
with a large number of pictures.
I he price of The Outlook is three
dollars a year in advance, or less than
a cent a day,
Send for a specimen copy and illus
trated prospectus to The Outlook, 13
Astor Place, New York City.
Tlitfjr oveit-ome VeaknM, irrffru
laritv .1x1 unilM.loii.Jii'..rva.e tIjioi
aiidbani.il "iimiii;. t meiitiua
tlun." Tliejr are "I.lle NitTrra"
togirl.at wotnanl1iH.1i, aiiiuiK Ue
elopmpnt or oriran. .nit bwly. No
known rrmrdr tor women eoualc
thm. Cannot ii hinn lit be
c.niii.1 a ulenftiitv. ill per bfix
br mull. totd hv di-MicDrl.ta.
For sole by C. G. II untie v.
For People That Are n 1 1
dick or " Just Don't
Ji eei well."
ONLY ONI tom A nnii
Ramens Pimples, cure Haaoaeh. Ovtpeoila astf
CMiriat. 2 eta. s box at dru.tToTby maU
bamplM lra, adOrasi Br, Bosaaks Co, Phils, ia.
is the staff of life, .
but it is not all made alike.
Main Street Bakery
has a reputatiou for making
stood bread every day in the
and staple
Always Fresh.
Main Street.
Legal Notices.
ftotlrft for Pabllratioo.
Land offlrs at Or. on City. Ors.. Vt. 4, lWr,
NHic la herubr clvau thai tha fiillowlng
Dnal antler haa liloil unties of hia Inunllim
lo roaka Sua) proof In an p ut f bla cla m, and
that a.l'l prof will ba m-.rt. hf.m tlm kl.tav
ndK". slrarat Ortgou Cltr, O s., Ou January
H. t 91.11, for tha 8 W !4ol M E U, 8 IV of N
W , and lo t a ani a of xo. a. Tp 2 S, R 6 K.
H oanva tha following wlinvMia to prriraj
hi. eonilauoua r ald.net upoo sod eulUrallon
of aaid land, is:
Frank L. Waaeo. Abraham T"n Erck, Robatt
alaiand.r.Mlcbaal Krlljr.ali of Marmoi.OrasoD.
lii-lu 1 M CHA8. O. MOOUKs, rUf Inter.
Notice for Publlcsktlosu
Land offloa at Oreson Cltr. Or, !) 4, 1S97
Mntloa la brrcbr alrau that tha follow I na
sained Mtttcr baa fllwl notloa i.f bla InUnllon
in mka Anal proof In aappurt of bia elaim,an4
that ald prool will ba m.ila tn'ors tha Bos later
and KecelraratOrefonCUr, Ora., oa J.ooarT
18, itm, tIs:
H. 7. 91M, for tha 8 K V E W of K i. and
lo I aud 2 of 8c. Tr 2 , K t E.
U uamca Ihs following wltnaaaaa to prora
bla eonllnuoiia realdauca noon a.od aulilratloni
of aalij land. Tls:
Frank If.nal. Abraham Tan Krek. Robert it.
ennder, Michael Kalif.ali ol Marmot, Orasoo.
u-iw i-it VUta U. MWKE8, Keg;Uter.
Notice for Publlcatlost.
Land office at Oregon Cltr, Ore., De4, 1WT.
Motlcs la herei,r girea Ihet tie f.llowlns
nam dasulerhaa Slid notlmol hi. lrib.nti.n
tn make Hnal p ool in .upportof hia e:alm,anl
that .a d nr of will be made bal.ra tba Keicialar
and K e Iverat Oregon CUT, Ore., oa January
Mb, Dm. T.s:
H. E. 91, for the 8 of S E !4 of See. 2, I J 8,
a 8 E.
He oamea tha following wltneaae to nrors his
Ouiitiuu..iia rraidenc upon and cultlratlun ot
aald land, tii:
rank R'lbloaon, Joaph Car loo, U. 8. Dix.
Peter Ltlertr, all ofC lion.O tf m,
12-10. 1 14 CHA8. a MOOBKi, Beglatar.
Exceptor's Male.
Kotloe la hereby gives that br vlrtna of at
ord r of tbe County Court of Clackama Count',
010200, mad on the 6th d T of lecrmber, lSt7,
In tha matter of the eautc of Sara a Jane Molt,
diewiae I, I will tall at auction, to tba lilghmt
b 'idr. ou tho premiaoa, on i-aturlar, tba 15:n
dar of J tnusrv, at tha hour ot un o'clock
A. M., tba followlnf-dawrlbed real .tat. alt
uated In Claciaraaa County. Oregon, to-wli:
T e aouth half of tbe north half of the uorib
weat quarter of wction 2U T i S, R 1 E. contain
In au acre; ala lo pa approv d by th C a t.
Dmber . WJ7. A. B. MAKQUAM,
Eiecutnr of to E tste of Barab Jau 8-ott, d
Ctnavd. 11-10 1-7
II. K. Caoaa, Attorney for Ei ate.
Retire of Final ftettlemeat.
underalgQ!, aclmiiu.trator ol th aatoo
of Amu Kel.oxf, a ml .or and tiled bl. account
lor dual aettieuient in thi Countr Co nt lor
Claciaina. County, Or0', and that d
Court haa appointed Monday, th (I dar of
Keb. at tha hour of 10 o'clock A. M. to harin
bjectlo ia to aald accouut aud aottieauoi
baled Deo. l 1S97.
J. T. Appiesos,
Administrator of the sttat of ass e Kellotr.
amiuor. U-n.l-U
.otice ot NettUmeat l Acreaat
In the County Court of th Bute ol Oregon, lor
th Couuty of Ci.ckamaa.
In th matter of th eaut of f eter A. Welt.
decease I.
Not.ce ia hereby Ten th it the flnil acount
of the eiccutoreof tueeauwof P,-.rr A. Wen.,
deceaaed, tta. oeen reuderetl to ajd court I r
aeuienient in ao far aa their dutlet aa adnlnia
trator or executors are eonoarned auiitiat t
7tn day of February. t 10 o'clock a. m. baa
been uu.y appoiou d br aald court for tbeaettle
ment thereof, al whicn tim.-, oraoy II 01 prior
thereto, soy person nteroteJ In aa da tit may
appear aud die In aald court bla objection., or
exception, in writing to aucb fins account
ana tb eettlement ib"eof. A. L, Fiazsb,
Dated Dec. tne 15, lfl. O. W. Swore,
Executor of aud cat.
12-17 1-M
rtsttlre mt t'laal fiettleuenu
In tb County Court of thi Slit of Oregw for
Ciackama. Counte.
In tu mat;r of the tato ol L. H. Hobbs, da-
Not ce ia herebr riren that I haea H.mA m
final ac-OUnt aa admin a'ratar nf tha .it.1.
aaid U H. Hobb, djoca ed. in the County Ciurt
if tbe aute ot Orrroo t -r Clack.maa countr.
au.l that said Court haa dxed ilond ly, th 7ih
day ol March, 1888, al the hour of 10 o'clo k A.
M. of said day a t ie time f ir hearing auyobier-
iiuu iu aaiu report an i tor in nual altlemejt
of aaid estate.
L L PoaTia,
1-7, 2-t A Imlnlstrator 01 ala e.Ut.
Sunday Services.
Rev. I . W. Bu I. r, faator. Service! at 10 JO a. h.
aud 7:30 r. a. Sunday School after morning
service. Ptayer meeting lbuisday evening ,
7:30o,clock. Prayer meeting of Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at 8;30 prompt.
Rcua, Pastor UornlngServlceatlU:30: Sunday
School at 11:4a; Evening Service 7:30; Regular
prayer meeting ihuraday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the first Sunday in the month. A
cordial Invitation to all.
Hillibsand, Pastor. On Sunday mans at 8 and
10:30 a. M. Every second and fourth Sunday
German sermon after the 8 o'clock masa
At all other masses English sermons. Siin.i.w
School at i:80 r. H. Veapera, apologeticai
sublects and Benediction at 7:30 r. at.
T. L. Jo:ie, Pastor. Morning service at 10:4i:
Sunday School at 10:00. Clasa meeting after
morning service. Evening service al 7:30.
Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at
6:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 5:30.
strangers cordially invited.
J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and
7:30 r. M, Sabbath School at 10 A. n. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets
every Sunday evening at :30. Thursday
evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Beats free.
Erich, Pastor; J. K. Ebrkt Assistant.
Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. M.
and 7:80 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at
10 A. M.. Mr. Zimmerman SupU Prayer MoeUng
every Thursday evening
gregational church. Rev. F. Sack, pastor.
Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. Sunday
school at 10 A. M.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-Episcopal-W.
D. Williams, D. D., minister in charge.
Sunday bchool at 10 a. m., services at 11 a.
ni. and 7:30 p.m. Fridays at 7:30 p.m. even
ing prayer service with an address. Seats
free. A cordial invitation to all the ser
vices. (jepmaniu dah Maefc
Best Quality of Cold
Storage Meats.
Smoked hams and bacon cannot
be excelled. Game in season.
Highest price paid
for live and dressed
Seventh St between Main and Depot