I Oregon City Enterprise. COURTS. . (Miwnlt eourt con rene lint Mod, in Ho amber tud third Monday Id April. Probate court In teuton 4nt Mouday In each month. CommlMlonera court mwti Ural Wednesday (tor lint Monday of each mouia. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1897 SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Sad.lleg and harness at Young's second Land store at your own price. Our hats must go regardless of cost. $3.00 hats for f 1.50 at Miss Goldsmith's. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you want I Geo. A. Hard ing. All the regular services will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday at the usual time. Christmas sale trimmed hats, stylish poods. Trices way down. Mrs Ham ilton. Red Front. If you want holiday goods below Tortland prices, the Racket store is the place to find them Am prepared to do carpet weaving first class work done. Leave orders at Sell ing's store. Adam Haas, Ely Oregon William Tartlow, the king of cider makers, has suspended business for the present. The mill has ceased to grind, James A. House was adjudged insane by County Judge Hayes and taken to the asylum at Salem by Deputy Sheriff Hankins last Thursday. Dr. C. B Smith of Eagle Creek, was in Oreeon Citv last Tuesday. The doc- ter reports the roads in a very bad condi tion in bis neighborhood. The 12 year old daughter of John Bitche of Damascus had the misfortune one dav last week to fall from a lence dislocating her right leg. The little child of Rev. and Mrs. Oberg which was severely burned by an over turning lamp one day last week, died last Friday and Saturday was taken to ' Salem where interment took place Sun day. On account of the sad accident which happened at the home of Rer. Oberg there will be no holiday festival at the II. E. church. All members of the Sunday school are requested to be pres ent next Sunday. For your lady friends nothing is more acceptable than a box of the famous Gontber's candy. Put up in handsome boxes and baskets, 10c to 3.00. Fresh stock just opened today at Huntley's drug store, agent for Oregon City. Mrs. M. B.Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cared by using De Wilt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Mrs. Mary Bird, Hanisburg, Pa., Bays, ""My child is worth millions to me ;yet I would have lost hei by cronp had I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Books, dolls and useful presents in ya nety. Xnias caudies, 3 lbs. 23 cent; almonds or walnuts, 10 cents; figs. 5 cents ; raisins 5 cents ; flour 95 cents per sack ; green coflVe, 11 lbs $1 ; best cocoa' nut. 20 cents per pound. Red Fbo.nt, Oregon City. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and flure to cure. Geo. A. Harding. Willamette Rebekab lodge No. 2 elec ted the following officers for the ensuing term last Friday evening: Noble grand Mrs. Charles Midlam; vice grand, Mrs. Joseph Stuart; secretary, Miss Godfrey; financial secretary ; Mrs. Lutz; treasurer, Mrs. Munsey. Installation will take place this (Friday) eyening. The statement made many years ago that "man cannot live by breal alone" is as true as it ever was he must have a nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go with it. Richard Petzold s alway ready to furnish his customers with the best of fresh and smoked meats at either his Main or Seventh street market. Two placer claims have been filed on in the Molalla district this week by J. E. Johnson, of Portland. A young proJegy, Master Tommy Tur cell's execution on the violin is a wonder. Don't fall to hear him at Shivoly'a Mon- j dy eyening, January 3, ISOS. j To lovers of music, the concert to be ' given January 3. 1S98, at Shively's then- j tor by the Schubert Symphony Club and . Lady Quartette, is a treat that no one can afford to miss. New cases have been filed In the cir cuit court as follows: Dan Lyons vs. M. II. Flannegan et al, foreclosure of mort gage for $'!00. A. F. Sears jr. ys. Rich are Glasspool, action to set aside a cer tain deed. J.A. rerkins, ot Antiquity, U., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for the cure of eciema. He was quickly cured by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the famous healing salve for piles and skin deseases. Geo A. Harding. There will be the usual services in the Baptist church next Sunday conducted by the pastor. The theme of the morn ing sermon will be "Removing Difficul ties." In the evening the subject will be "The Prophesy for the Year." A general invitation is extended, The Masons of this city attended the services at the Congregational church last Sunday evening in a body. The sermon on "St. John, the Evangelist' was preached by Rev. T. W. Butler. There was a large audience present who listened attentively to the discourse upon a subject pleasing to all Masons. Special evangelistic meetings will be commenced in the Baptist church next Thursday evening, conducted by Evan gelists Gallahorn and Ledford. Mr. Led lord is a singer who comes highly rec ommended and his singing is expected to be an interesting feature ot the meet ings. All are cordially invited to these services. The following marriage licenses have been issued by Clerk Dixon during the past week vpon which no return baa yet been made: December 27, E. G. Segur and Hattie Thompson; December 28, C. W. Yanderahe and Minnie A. Jangar; George W. Freeman and Sarah Lizzie Thomas; December 30, C. G. Miller and Winona Williams. "A Startling Announcement," a New Year's sermon, will be the subject at 10:30 a. m. at the Congregational church next Sabbath morning. "Your Age" will be the evening theme. The com munion will be administered after the morning sermon. The annual roll call, meeting of the church will be held next Wednesday evening. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit, Cham- berlian's Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the follow ing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being recieved : "The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by G. A. Harding. On next Monday evening, Januury 3, Electric Lodge, No. 154. Fraternal Union of America, will entertain the public of Oregon City. The following program will be rendered : Piano overture, Miss Lillian Datesman, of Portland; recita tion, Miss Mabel Harrigan ; vocal solo, Mrs. S.White; address, "Our Homes and Tteir Future," E. D. Horner, state organizer ; piano solo, Miss Beatrice Bar low ; vocal solo, Miss Lena Nemyre ; re citation, character sketch ; piano solo, Miss Lillian Datesman, of Portland. Everyone is cordially invited to be pres ent, and all will be free and welcome. Remember the date and place, Monday, January 3, at 8 o'clock p. m., without any waiting. Place, Willamette hall. Come and bring your babies and friends. Progressive Business Men. Messrs. Bel lomy 5c Buscb, the well known housefumishers of this city, have leased the lower story of the Weinhard building on the corner of Main and Eighth streets and about February 1, will move their stock of housefurnisb ings to that location. The firm expect, in addition to their already large stock, to enlarge it about $5,000, so that when once settled in their new quaiters there will be nothing in the line of housefur nishings that they cannot supply at prices that defy competition. These gentlemen have been in business in Ore gon City about seven years, and during that time by the practice of fair dealing and small profits they have built up one of the best businesses in town. Royal Make the lood pure, wboleaoane and d.llclou. m totaill POWDER Absolutely Pure MOVH MKtfte HVNI CO., MIW VTWtK. Among the Churches. PERSONAL NOTES. to her i A HOLIDAY PRESENT will keep peace in the family. Your Wife or Daughter would appreciate a nice dressing case or a choice bottle of perfume which can be secured at HARDING'S See Window Display. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. 5. Oovanunrat Report Mrs. Sarah Huntley Is confined room with sickness. Greta Strickler left Tuesday for Salem where Bhe will remain for several weeks. G. C. Armstrong ot Kedland, was iu the city last Wednxsday for a Bhort time. William Frakes, of Logan, was in town last Monday and while here interviewed the Enterprise. Miss Elva Miller went np to Canby Saturday for a Christmas visit with rela tives and friends. Mrs. E. E. Martin returned the first ot the week trora Canby, where Bhe spent Christmas with her mother. Mrs. Jennie McNamara, of The Dalles is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Horton this week. Godfrey Groesenbacher, the expert re pairer in Krausse Bros, shoe store, spent Christmas with bis tauiily in Salem. Dr. J. W. Welch, the dentist, re turned Monday afternoon from an over Sunday visit with friends at Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barlow, of Barlow, spent several days during the week vis iting their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Miller of this city. Mr. and Mrs C. B. Moores entertained the formers two sisters from Portlnud and his brother, A. N. Moores and family of Salem over Christmas. F. A. Sleight, head salesman in E. E. Williams' grocery store, ate Christmas turkey with his family in Canby, return ing on the overland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Dressar soent Christmas with Mrs. Dresser's parents in Portland and report having enjoyed themselves in real Christmas style Lynn E. Holland, the jolly drug clerk, spent Christmas at the parental home in Salem, returning Monday morning to his position in George A. Harding's drug store. air. w. w. urooks and family are spending the holidays with friends and relatives in and about Salem, having gone np on the Southern Pacific last Saturday morning. Edgar and Abet Meresse, Howard Brownell and Guy Clark, students of Pacific University at Forest Grove, came home Friday to spend the holidays with their parents. Wilbert and Joseph Garrow, of Cor- vallis, students of the Agricultural col lege, spent several days during the week at Gladstone and Park pi ace visit ing among their many friends. Professor Gray left Sunday night for San Francisco, where he goes as a rep resentative of the Willamette Chautau qua Association to confer with other coast delegates in regard to a program for the summer meetings. Chas. D. Wilson, the bright young stu dent of Blackstone, spent the holidays in Salem a guest at the home of Judge Wolverton. Charley has some local in terests in the Capital City that he hopes some day to transfer to Oregon City per manently. In the Bandon Recorder of December 24th we find this item. Miss Annie Mo Gee who has been an employe of the Bandon Woolen Mill company for the past two years expects to return to her home at Oregon City, to remain, in a few days. O. fl. Byland accompanied by his daughter, Blanche, spent Monday In tills city. Air. Byland is a prominent teacher and in 1880 was a candidate on the republican ticket of this county for the Legislature. Mr, Byland went to Portland Tuesday to attend the teachers institute. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Heath who have been residents of this city. Mr. Heath having been in the employ of the Crown Paper Company for some time, took their departure for LaCamas last Tuesday, where they will take up their future res idence. Mr. and Mrs. Heath take with them the good wishes of a host of friends. Miss Mabel Ragland, who has made her home for the past 18 months with her sister, Mrs. E. E, Williams, lelt Thursday evening on the overland for berold home in Denison, Texas, where she will reside in the future. She was accompanied by Ray Williams who will spend some time with his grandmother, Mrs. E. A. Williams, of the same place. MiBS Ragland has made many friends during her sojourn in Oregon City who are sorry to have her leave but will hope that she may some day return to Oregon. AT Till HAITIHT llll'HCII. The spacious auditorium of the Bap tist church was crowded to Its utmost capacity Friday evening to accommodate the niemWs and friends who had gathered to witness the Christmas exor cise. The church was handsomely dec orated with evergreens, ferns and pict ures, while on the rostrum a cave had beeu built and covered with cotton, giv ing a winterly cant to the entire scene. The exercises oouslstud of a number ot well rendered recitations aud choruses and a solo by Lena Neymlre, which were all heartily applauded. The program closed with a "snow Hake" scene by twelve little girls and one little boy, all attired In white. In the midst ot this scene Santa Claus, in the person ot E. A. Smith, appeared and distributed the presents to the children. The enter tainment was a brilliant success and re flects great credit upon Mrs. T. M. Gault and her worthy assistants. The SLAUGHTER AT Till PKKSIIYTChIaN Clll'Hl'll. The Sabbath school of the Presby terian church gave Its Christmas enter tainment on Friday evening. A large tree stood on one corner of the rostrum laden with the gifts for the scholars. The literary part of the program con sisted of recitatlor.s, songs, drills, etc. A very pretty representation of the com ing ot the new year and tho departure of the old was given, The primary class, consisting of about twenty-live, closed the program with a march and recita tions. The church was filled with par ents and friends. AT ST, PAl'L 8 Clll'HCII. St. Paul's Sunday school conducted a Christmas exercise, with recitations, on Christinas Eye. There was also a large and bountiful tree for the school. The Christmas service in St. Paul's on Christmas morning was well attended, Dr. Williams' theme was tho "Light Which Llghteth Every Man That Com eth Into the World." compared with which the most luminous philospher that ever lived is only as a tallow caudle to the sun in his meridian. The guild of St. Paul's parish pre sented the minister's wife with a beauti ful set ot solid silver spoons; and the minister himuolf was equally surprised in being the recipient of a richly em- broideted crimson stole, emblem ot mar tyr zeal and love, presented by friends who are communicants in Trinitv church, San Francisco. Bishop Morris, of Portland, visited St. Paul's on Sunday morning and preached the sermon. The church was beauti fully decorated for Christmas; many of the decorations will remain for next Sun day. Miss Plllsbar'i Reception. Last Monday evening Miss Vera Pits- bury gave a reception to her dancing class in illiamette hall. It was the end of the first term of 12 lessons. The class numbers 50 and there were present about 50 visitors, friends and relatives of the pupils. During an intermission refreshments were served and a general good time was enjoyed by those present. The new term begins on January 7th. Died. Matiiekson At Parkplace on Friday, uecember Z4tn, r . Slatbcsron, aged 21 years. James S. Matherson was born at Point Edward, Ontario, May 4, 1870, died at Parkplace, Dec. 23, 1897. Jim was genial whole sou led fellow, posessed ot unusual strength and a natural athlete. Ho was well and favorably known and his early death is regretted by a wide circle of sorrowing friends. At Four Score. Restores Health. Dr. Miles' Nervine ONCLE EZEKIEL OUEAR, assessor and tax collector, Bovnrly, Mass., who bos passed the 60th llfo mile stono, says; "Br. Miles' Restorative Nervine lias done a proat deal of good. I suffered forycars from nleojjlouHness and nervous heart trouble. Would foci weary and used up In the morn ing, had no ambition and oiy work seemed a burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I bad tried so many remedies Un successfully, I thought It no use. But It gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and restored me to energotlo health. It la a grand good medicine, and I will gladly write anyone Inquiring, full partlcularsof my sat isfactory experience" T ""zrr. rrrr't or. -. nroBuiu uj an urug- milium''' A clat rnirlnp nnclfivfl K?V WW IS guarantee, first bottle BlNervinO 21 I np mnnnv PA . . I fuudod, Deneuta or money re- K pMtnr "5 l" Sf Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, ,r Nanirn ,v Da MILES MEDICAL (JO., Elktiart, Ind. All nala banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pill SALE At tho Ik'o Ilivo i'h still in full blaHt. Everything goon--pricos cut in halves. No such opportunity to purchase New, Fresh and desirablo Goods at prices bo for below their valuo was over known in Oregon City. Cotno before it is too lato. Tho Htock is now conipleto in all depart ments, and when tho Heo Hivo is no nioro, you will liavo to pay very much higher prices. Look at our new prices on shoes. THE BEE HIVE TGNTH f KNNUHL TOUR First appearance In Orocon City of tho Famous .... Jerubert Symprory ?lub and lady Quartette... Do not fall to heof uuw&a. Mastku Tommy Pukckll, tho wonderful boy violinist Lovie Zendt Puiut.ll, tho phenomenal contralto Mahkl Dki.ankv, tho brilliant soprano May I. Davis, mezzo soprano Elize Van Swkuinok.v, operatic contralto IiOiis McTikk, humorist and others -M- ONE nighixs Oregon City Assembly No. 7 ONLY under auspices of United Artisans. . Monday Evening, January 3, 1S98, at Shivcly's Theater. Box sheet now open at Huntley's Book Store. PATENT FLOUR Manufactured in Oregon City from tho bent selected wheat on the market. sl Your Grocer For the flour that will absorb tho mont water and thus produce tho greateHt number ofloaves to tho sack. IT IS FOR SALE a ra ma ai aaa a a ByallgroecrB ftmrnTITPPrl in Oregon City and is vJUalctlllCCU tho bent. -tsH ft Patronize Home Industry. BARGAINS m Dress Goods To make room for a largo and complete stock of Winter Goods from tho East, soon to bo in at Thos. Charman & Son's The Pioneer Store.