Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 17, 1897, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Mayor, -Jtvconler,
Chief of folic
Trfuumr, - - -
!lty Attorney, - -
K. 0. Can Mil
'Midi, K. Hyan
Chnii. K. Iliirni
II. K.Hiralghl
- 0. II. lv.
0. IUIicim k, it
W. II. Howell
Ktriwl ( iiiiiillimr,
Hunt, of Water Works,
(,'llv KiiKlner.
I). W. Kliitmiril
i;oUII0llllitl l.i'. "aim, i., u. unpim, joim
lllltnsr, It I). Wilson, It. Koeriier, J. a,
ltoaks, II. K. Harris, Krank Hindi.
Oniinoll meets lint WtdiivwUy of oh
muiitli in ell hell.
.. A yi ...u t r i - t .
FRIDAY, DKCEMBUl 17, 1807.
There are othera almost at good but
Lowney'a chocolate bonbons are the
beat. K. K. Wn.UAMa, the grocer.
Christmas good from le and upward.
At the Itacket itore.
Great reduction on alt trimmed hale at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Money to loan on good real estate
aecurliy by A. 8. Dresser.
Doll heada from 6o to uKc look like a
natural child. At the Itacket itJle.
Grand street parade by the lied Men
Christmas day, at noon aharp.
Uniyeraity of Oregon Glee club,
Fhlvely'a ball, Thursday, Decembei 30.
Holiday good below coat a we need
room for other good. At the Hacket
Stovei, ipringa, bed, matresees, etc.
t way down price at Young' second
band (tore.
Klondike and Alaska exhibit. Illus
trated lecture at oimra houae Friday
night. Don't miss this.
If you want holiday good below
l'orlland price, the Uetket (tore la
the place to And them
All are Invited to call and aee our holi
day good. If you don't want to buy, we
will take pleaaiire In ihowlnic our good.
At the Itacket tore.
I Not Deceived! A Cough, Hoarse
ness or Croup are not to be trilled with.
A dove in time of Khlloh'e Cure will lave
you much trouble. Sold by Charmaa A
Co., Druggists Ore ion City.
After hearing aome friend continually
graining Chaniberlian'a Cholio Cholera
and Diarrhoea Uemedy, Curtia Fleck, of
Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle
of It for Mi own ue aad I now a enthu
siastic over Ita wondetlul work a anyone
ran I. The 2.1 and CO cent aiaes for aale
by 0. A. Harding.
"Ixive Courtiliip and Marriage," la
(be subject of a popular lecture to be de
livered by Hev. Dr. Duller under the
auspices of the young peoples society, at
the Congregational church next Tuesday
evening, the Vint Inst. The lecture If in
structive, practical, scientific and amus
ing, Admiiun 10 rents.
Thoae who iave had the gjod fortune to
hear Mr, W. Clifford Nash can entertain
no doubt aa to hi geniua. He play ao
quietly, with audi abaolnte abence
of elTort, or diplay of tecbniiie that at
first you wonder and half doubt that
tich quiet force will produce o wonder
ful an effect. Music Life. Mr. Nash
will apMr with the U. of 0. glee club
at Phively's, Pec. 30.
When a person I losing flesh and wast
ing away there la cause lor alarm, Noth
ing ao worries a physician. Consumtive
would never die if they could reglanthler
usual weight. In fact there would be no
consumption if there was no wasting o
the system. The cause of this los of
flesh 1 a failure to proierly digest the
food eaten. Nine-tenth of all our dis
ease date back to aome deranucment of
the atomscb.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial will atop
this wasting of the body. It acts by caus
ing the food we eat to be digested ao as to
do good, for undigested food does more
harm than good. The Cordiul contain
food already digested and 1 a digester o
food aa well.
Every mother hate to make her child
ren take Cantor Oil, Laxol is sweet
Castor Oil.
Christmas Presents
Albums Autograph, Celluloid, Leather, Plush, in all styles and shapes from 5c up. '
Tissue Paper Novelties Tho latent designs at the lowest prices.
Stationery In Roxos, Bulk, from 5c a box up.
Toilet Cases and Sets An endless variety; the style and prices are bound to Biiit.
Knives and Razors Of the best make cut both going and coming. Our 25c ones are daisies.
Smoking Sets Pipes, Tobacco, Pouches, Cigars are the best.
Artists' Material Opal ware, Placques, Medallions, etc.
Last but not least, our PERFUMES are made up of the leaders of
market and are all fresh, the odors tho latest and
perfumes can be sold for.
We make the Price, yon tie Droit.
Jonathan Yoder, the sawmill man, of
Needy, was In this city last Monday eve
nlng Mr. Yoder stales that for tin
past several months there Iinm been a
great deal of building going on in liU see
tlon and that lie has not been able to Ada siu.le ti io oi hhv uitieular route
more than one-half the orders for lumber
he ha received ; tint people generally
have been paying oir their IndiihUi liutca
and at tlio tame time making permanent
Improvements. A very large ecresge
ha bee n seeded to
wheat thil year in
the Needy district.
Don't be persuaded Into buying lini
ment without reputation or ment.Uham
berllan'a 1'alo llalm coat no more, and
it merit have been proven by a test of
many yean, Buch letter the follow.
Ing, from L, G. Dagley, Hueneme, Cat.,
are constantly being reclevee ; "The bear
remedy for pain I have ever used i Cham
berlain's Tain Hal in, and I aay o after
having used it In my family for several
years." It cure rheumatism, lame back,
sprain and swelling. For sale by U.
A. Harding.
"Mask and Masking" was the tub
jectdlscuised by the pastor, Rev. II.
Oberg, of the M. K church, last Hun-
day evening. The subject waa not ap
plied particularly to Urn word mask aa
commonly used but to show that the
mask or disguise wa used by very
many people and thing to conceal their
real traita of character, pretending one
thing to accomplish another. The dis
course was demonstrative and convinc
ing. The subject "Gosel Dynamite"
will be discussed next Sunday evening.
The statement made many year ago
that "man cannot live by brea I alone"
la a true aa it ever was he must have a
nice julry steak or a roast of meat to go
with it. Richard Pel Hold s slway ready
to furnish hi customer with the best of
fresh and smoked meat at either hi
Main or Seventh street market.
Mr. Stark, l'leasant Kidge, 0., aayi,
"Alter two doctora gave up my boy to
die, I ssyed him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It 1 the
quickest nd most certain remedy for
cough, cold and all throat and lung
trouble. Geo. A. Harding.
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, lis a
choice and well selected Block of fmily
groceries which he Is selling at very
reasonable rate. Hi motto i "live
and let live, with honest weight and
measures". Good dellveded to any
part of the city.
It I easy to catch a cold and just aa
eay to gut rid of It if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure.
It cure cough, colds, bronchitis, pneu
monia and all throat and lung troubles.
It is plea ant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure. Geo. A. Harding.
The following will be the subject of
discourse at the Congregational church
next Hatibath at 10 :30 a. ra. :" An Eshcol
Cluster," and at 7:30 p. m. "Marriage
and Matrimony, or what Marriage
Mesna." The last of the present aeriea
to young people.
Mis Allie Hutches, Norfolk, Va.,
waa frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain wa instantly relieved by
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed the Injury without leaving a scar.
It la the famous, pile remedy. Geo. A.
Cure that Cough with Shiloh'a Cure.
The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup
promptly. One Million bottle cold last
year. 40 doe (or 26 cents. Sold by
Cbarman A Co., Druggist Oregon City,
We are not here for our health, but
we are here to aerve the people in just
the proper style. At the Hacket store.
Christmas aale trimmed hula, stylish
good. Price way down. Mr Ham
ilton. Kkd Fkont.
University of Oregon Glee club,
Shively' hall, Thursday, December 30.
Saddles and harness at Young' second
hand store at your own price.
Gnnther' canities, Chicago price, at
Huntley's drug store.
Nice trimmed hats at low price at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Dr. Hllea' Pain Pills stop noadacho,
Remember CHARMAN & CO
The Cut Cut Price
I'. U.K. AN company will place
; t .r mi ftt-Hincr Vm-i-r. on the Alaska
j rii (mm I'mtUnil m-xi umnir. The
. Vli'iormri wh built for i he hound trade
! i live yi-in go Imi Ik never made
I II rir.wt hIkmii f lfW),0K) and waa ul
H ivooiiMilrrHil toi-in'Mclve loo operate
fr ilui Hiiioiiiii of hUHiues there wan on
any of llie coititi iouI.'H, Ho farahehai
never earned a dollar
.liilm Ohlsen and Kd rtulllvan Imbibed
loo freely from the bwl that both cheer
mid Inebriate last Sunday and Were
I imled in Jnil by Chief Burn Mondsy
in iniing they were tried before Recorder
KyHii, who Imposed a fine of $5 00 and
i 0) respectively. Ohlsen paid hi fine
while Sullivan went to j II.
J A. Perkin. of Anthiuity, O., waa
for iliirly year ueedle-dy tortured by
physician for the cure of eccema. He
wa quickly cured by using De Witt's
Witch Haxel Salve, the famoua healing
J aalve for piles and skin deseasoa. Geo.
A. Harding.
If you are looking for a Christina
nresent that 1 useful and durable a
well a elegant, examine the new line of
umbrella received direct from the
fict'irvat Huntley' book store. Latest
design, highest quality of good and
loweit price.
For your ladv friend nothing i more
acceptable than a box of the famoua
fiiinther' candy. Put up in handsome
boxes and basket, 10c to 13.00. Freeh
slock just opened today at Hontley'
drug store, agent for Oregon City.
Books, doll and useful presents Id va
riety. X ma candies, 3 lb. 25 cents;
almond or walnut, 10 rent; fig. 6
cent; raiin 6 cents; flour 05 cent per
ck; green cofT-e, 11 lb (1; beet cocoa
nut. 20 cent per pound. IUd Fbont,
Ureuon City.
Dyiiepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalirer
immediately relieves Sour Stomach,
Coming up of Food Distress, and is the
great kldnev snd liver remedy. Sold by
Charman A Co., Drugitists, Oregon City.
The McLoughlin Chautauqa Circle will
meet at K. E Charman's next Monday
evening. The lesson at that time will be
the 3rd, 4th and 5'h chapten of "The
Social Spirit in America."
Cbarman k Co.'s drug store present
a Christina appearance, it being hand
somely decorated with evergreens and
Christmas goods of all descriptions.
Great difficulty ha been experienced
at the locks this week with drift wood
and it ha been no easy matter to keep
the gate In working order.
Your dollars will buy more Xmaa
present at Charman Si Co. 'a, the cut
rut rate druggist, a thev are price cut
ter and price makers.
Christmaa at CharnTan & Co.' City
drug store. Fine gold fountain pen
only $1.25 usual price $2.50. They make
elegant present.
A lot of aboea at cut prices, bat at
rut prices, pants at cut prices ; men's
heavy overalls 35 cent. Rxd Fbont,
Oregon City.
You will be surprised when you see
the extremely low prices on holiday
goods, handkerchief, etc. at the Racket
Nothing will be appreciated more than
box of Lowney 's chocolate for a Christ
mas gift. All siie and shapes for sale
by E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Grsnd spectacular Masque Ball by the
Red Men Christmaa night, Dec. 25.
Fancy Nebraska sarghum in half gal
lon and gallon cans. E. E. Williams,
the grocer.
For Sale.
Household eoods, including bedroom
sets, dining table, chairs, stoves, etc.,
cheup for cash , Enquire of
E. E. Williams.
To Pure a Cold In One Dny.
' Take Laxative Biomo Quin ine Tablets,
All Druggists refund the money if it fail
to cure, 25c.
Subsribe for the Entgrprirk, the lead
ing paper of the city.
all of tho best
the prices the
perfumes on the
lowest that good
Christmas Druggist.
Oorge Upton Awful Crime of
Ten Yearn Agr.
Captured In Portland Last Kulur.
day A Colo ml) la County
George Upton, who has been wanted
for murder In Columbia county for more
than ten years, was arrested in Port
land last Saturday and the next day was
identified by Sheriff Itice of Bt. Helens,
who when he entered the prisoner's cell
at the city jail said:
"Well, George, I ee the? bare got
you," was the sheriff's salutation.
"I am sorry to ssy they have," was
the surly response.
"I don't think we will let you get
away this lime," continued Mr. Kite.
I am going to land you in your old
quarters in the Multnomah county Jail,
but will not take you out nntil you are
wanted for trial."
The patrol wagon was ran oat and Up
ton, under a heavy guard, was taken to
the county jtil. A atop was made on
the way and the prisoner's picture was
taken for the rogue's gallery. It is safe
to ay that, barring death, Upton will
be where the Columbia county authori
ties can lay their bands on him, when
they want him for trial.
The crime for which Upton is wanted
was committed about ten years ago, and
was the outgrowth ot the intimacy of
lilmiielfand two others with the same
woman. After Upton bad been aaay
for some time he returned one morning,
entered the house snd stated he bad
come to kill the whole outfit and pro
ceeded to pour a volley from a well-
loaded revolver. The woman and the
two men were seated at the breakfast
table when he entered. His first two
hots took deadly effect on an old gentle-
man.the original hosband of tbe woman.
He then opened fire on the second man
and the first bullet severed his lower
sw, felling him to the floor. The
woman thoroughly frightened by tins
time, fled out of the house and ran for
her life, the murderer thinking he bad
killed both men turned bis attention to
the woman and emptied his revolver at
ter mil bout efiect. He stopped tore-
load bis weapon but discovered that the
main spring was broken. He went
bark to the house with the woman and
found his second victim in a badly
wounded condition,
Upton then left the scene and traveled
several miles for a physician and re
turned with him about the middle of the
night. While the physician dressed the
wounds of the injured man Upton
busied himself in washing and laying
out the dead one, and after everything
was arranged he placed his pistol in the
dead man's pocket and made the woman
and the injured man promise that they
would tell the story that the dead man
attempted to kill them and the wounded
man was forced to shoot him. This
promiae being given, Upton left the
piece and was not captured until about
two years ago when he was arrested in
Astoria. During October, 1895, he was
taken from the Multnomah county jail
to St.IIelens for trial, court then being in
session. The day before his trial was to
begin he broke jail and got away. Sime
that time he has been known to have
been in hiding out on the headwaters of
the Molalla in this county, but no ef
fort was made to capture hiiu, in fact
very few persons would care to under
take the job.
At the time Upton was to have been
tried in Columbia county two years ago
that county had gone to the expense of
sendinit to Arizona for two witnesses
the woman and her daughter and these
same witnesses will again be necessary
to make sure of conviction. Upton is a
desperate character and no small amount
ot care will be necessary to salely keep
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Key, D. W. Williams gave an excel
lent address to men on "A Sure Foun
dation" last Sunday afternoon. The
meeting next Sunday will be addressed
by Rev A. J. Ware.
The annual convention of the associa
tions of the Pacific Northwest will be
held in the new building in Portland,
January Cth to 9th. Every member of
the Oregon City association should plan
to attend this gathering of young men
and see the new building.
The young men's class in the gymna
sium is making good progress under Mr.
Brown. A beginners class will be
started next Monday night and the pres
ent class will take up more advanced
work. This will give an opportunity to
ail who were not able to begin at the
commencement of the term.
The vocal music class is growing, all
who desire to join should do so next
Tuesday night.
A new book for the library would be a
nice Christmas present for the associa
tion. Members and friends are requested
to send in one if they can spare it.
New Ofllcers.
rioneer Chapter O. E. S., elected the
following officers, Thursday evening:
Matron, Mrs. Henry Meldrum; patron,
Mrs. J. II. Walker; associate matron,
Mrs. TI103. F. ltyan; secretary, Miss.
Jennie Rowan: treasurer. Mrs. M.
Church; conductress, Mrs. E. Strange;
your grocer
baking powder. Judge Schillings Best tea
by the taste only.
S chilling 's Best baking powder and tea art
What is the miaalnf wordT-Mt SAFE, although SchitUnft Bid UUnf
aw4r and tea tn sale.
Cat Schillixg'i But baking powder or taa at your grocers' take out the
ticket (brown ticket hi every package of baking powder; yellow ticket la to
Wa); ssd a ticket with each word to address below before December isC
Uaitil October 15th two words allewed for every ticket; after that coif one
word for every ticket
If ooly one peraoa finds the word, that person geta 2000.00; If several find
k, fxxxxeo will be eqmalry divided among them.
Every ace sendinf a browa or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
reeplaf babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more fas one
envelope wiri receive an 1896 pocket calendar no advertising on it These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered i
last contest
Better cut these rules out.
At the
Everything goes prices cut in halves. No such
opportunity to purchase New, Fresh and desirable
Goods at prices so for below their value was ever
known in Oregon City. Come before it is too
late. The stock is now complete in all depart
ments, and when the Bee Hive is no more, votx
will have to pay very much higher prices. Look
at our new prices on 6hoes.
conductress, Mrs. II. S.
Tualatin Tent, No. 74. K. 0. T. M.,
elected the following officers, Monday
evening for the ensuing term: Com
mander, Max Schulpitis; lieutenant
commander, C. V. Pope; record keeper,
G. H Hvatt; financial secretary, D. II.
Glass; chaplain, C. F. Schmidt; master-at-arms,
E. L. Johnson; sergeant, W.
R. Rlioades; first master of euard. V.
T. Rogeis; second master of guard. N.
M. Moody; sentinel, E. Mass; picket, H.
K. Jones.
Resolutions ef Kepect.
Whereas, That silent messenger, death,
through the unerring laws of nature, has
summoned to his last roll call, our com
rade, Christian Lorens, a member of our
post, at Needy, Nov. 22, Department of
Oregon, G. A. R., and of which he has
been a useful and faithful member for
tbe past four years, and deeiring to show
our respect and love for our honored
dead, therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of our
comrade, Lorens, we have lost a kind
friend, an honorable comrade and a faith
ful member of the G. A. R.
Resolved, That while we mourn his
loss, we are thankful that it has been
our privilege to know him and have him
as one of the co-workers of our post for
the last four years.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the county papers and a
copy be inscribed in the minutes of our
Wm. Thompson,
Jacob Si'aola,
U.ofO. lileet'lub.
Of the University of Oregon Glee Club,
which is to appear at Shirely's opera
house on the evening of December 30,
under the auspices of the Presbyterian
church, the Eugene Register Bays: "The
choruses are simply beautiful, the coster
work by W. K. Glen, excellent, and the
piano solos by W. GitTord Nash evi
dences his masterly skill. Prof. I. M.
Glen's baritone solos were always high
ly enjoyed, while Mr. Eaton in his mono
logues and characters were the hit of the
evening. Mr. U. . (j alio way, the
champion intercollegiate orator of 1805,
has at last been secured by the club sb
its impersonator. He is one of the ab
lest ever on an Oregon stage, which will
be evidenced during their tour of the
state two weeks hence.
The register takes great pride and
pleasure in recommending them to tbe
cities of the valley and state fortunate in
securing an entertainment from this glue
club, the jolliest crowd of college fellows
in the state."
The Guard says "tbe glee club gave
about Schillings Best
they are money-back.
Bee Hive is still in full blast.
an entertainment before an enthusiastic
audience of 900 people, while tbe peifect
blending of their voices in the chorus
work was equal to any of the older col
lege glee clubs. Of tbe specialists, Allen
Eaton in his monologues, shows great
genius and is a clever entertainer who
will never fail to capture his audience.-'
Will K. Glen, in his coster songs, was
compelled to answer to repeated demands
for encores, as did Charles V. Galloway '
in his impersonations. Messrs W. Gil
ford Nash and Irving M. Glen are each
a team within themselves, and received'
that hearty approval their work merited..
Tbe cities that the club will visit in
their holiday tour can rest assured that
they will listen to a concert the equal,
and in some points superior to tbe work,
did by tbe Stanford club in their tour
last year."
Chas. V. Galloway, the impersonator
is a son of Judge Galloway, the receiver
of the Oregon City land ottlce.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
WJ 1 kit
ttIIE excessive use of tobacco, especially
F ty young men !s al.ays Injurious and
undoubtedly shortens lite n.aterlally.
Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on tLe Contra
Costa News, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have
used Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and re
ceived much benefit from it. I was troubled
with nervousness, dizzy spoils andslocpless
ncss, caused by the use of tobacco and stim
ulant. I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with mar
vclously good results, allaying thedlzziness,
quieting the nerves, and enabling me to
sleep and rest, proving In my cose a very
beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine la especially adapted to restoring
the nervous system to Its normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, heals
and strengthens.
l)r. Miles' Kemeaies r k.W n
araimld b nil drii- I JXV -
gists under a positive 1 ," . "2
guarantee, first bottle at-flCrVinQ -3
benefits or money re
a. . . . .
funded. Book 00 dis
I Health I
eases ot the heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDIQAL CO., fcikbart, lud.
$w IS
m In