Oregon Gity Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTHKIIN I'ACIKIU KAIIiWAY. UllMTM miDHU. 4'alllnriiU Kiire (llirimidi) Kiiubiir Uval lw tutlima) k m a. m. b:hi p. in. smith mm Hi). KiIhi i b"l ("r ttliii) tJaUrnruU KrM Uh'"" :77 a. m 0:. 0 p. Ill I'lMTALRUIIKUUU. v wuTiuM r(.'irio n.on, Mull tIw going Ni"lU, . 1:00 urn. Mall imwi ,.MI.. opa. m..m . M I (llllMUIHV'l lIM Pi'im f I duulliuutl (rum mm Hi lua.ni,, I.oj..ul IT IART ll ILRCTBIO UH. lull Mall elM fur I'nrti.im ta aiiiriiuiiii ... I'j ii. win. null 4 4ft 11. III. Mil'loM lor Mllw.uk. only. H it a. In.. :iuli "r.lvw Ifom r-iilUhd, 11:10 . in. and 4:1ft P. hi. r lllll OtlT. Or..ii Cllr o Kly.C.rui. Miilliio.Mhoraj 1 Mnl.lt. leavas al I'i ni. and arrive t U . 4 UMlgon Cllr l' ver Crtck, Mink, Clark. M..,l..w lM.t.. ttnlon Mill.. ... J Uo ';; at a. hi. Mi'inUy, Wt'liioaUajr ami Kriy. n.1 r.uirtuon lollr.wliiK .l-v 1 4 Hip. m Dreimi City V "la. -"" KwlUi.fl tire..u City M..n.1.y. Friday al l.uu p. ol. In.vliig VI'U"'ii0 (ir.,"ii CUT Wlllamslto, i.ff..r.l and Wi.liillli,rrWllu.wa. in. " ,,iI?uril'.'i?iIJ '!"" "P"1,0" Tit fr.T, 10 lull.. .... A'l l.iu-r. d-H'-'- ' ; '' Uoi.iih. .n.of U piuuiptly ! n "''y, K7.'r'.ll thai l.d.Uy.4 -n i arrlv. 0J W . in., a. I'. U-lu will c m ui U o'rlin'k ur llftoiootiio ear. Vi II.I.AMKTTK tXUJH H Y. (uiriNMiin aatwta iunrr ri-u e .' a. in. a:ii " V Ml " I0UU " 1 1 :MI " a no a. m. 7 1U " 00 " lift I o p, in. I'J IU 2.16 i Ift p. m 4 io 5 40 IU " Ml " 4 O I Ml t It 1 it) t ill M , , . HniKl.y cr. Iat Terr hot.r until 1"i:,or' p . m. In flt ' Mid . Ig'W J FIUDAY, NOVKMUKU 111. 1BU7. Htii.L U Thk Kino. Some of the limiliiiu uolil democrat ol On-Kon City re gard Col. It. A. Miller' alatcincnt In last wwk'i Kiili'rrlB m enllri-ly tnonwi-e-Iiik mul y Hktb 'f h"kI K"l'l uVmoriiiU lo Imry Mr. Hry.ii Ut No-viitlK-r nJ llu'iero mill enotili kjI. ttulrd limn in tlio 'rty to tlo tip tlio (rea ilvvrllw uiln. Hut notwlllintan.! Ing thU (liowlng tltfi'f pHtriotn gilmlt tl.o line of the gll ilaniUrJ mtn of the .arty have . flln In Imr.l .lw, licn It coiiim to the lti'rntive o( cho-wlng iMitwwn Hryn, anarchy, ru liatlon ami ruin on the one haml ml going over into the rcpuhllc.n camp on the otlmr with Ha rol.U-r larllT. They ay there moat nere.Harily be two great IKilitiial parliea In thU country ami that the Kjulliiti party lit ahmilutwly been wallowed up by Hryan and hi follower and they will have to jwlitlon In order to get on the ticket at all. in nearly all of the lUlea where they formerly hail a parly org.nUulloti, at the next election. That the principle of the grand old party of JcflerKon and Jat kaon are a enduring a the everluitting lull, while the repre eiitHtivi of that parly have itood the government I" K"1 l,t''1" during many trying ordeal in the pant. 8lill theco democrat, who hve en voting the ticket alnco the tiny of Andrew Jackon, have come to the concluHion, alter sur veying the condition of their party calmly and dinpamiionately, that the w orditol Solomon when he aid: "Though thtiti tthoiiMcHt bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pelle, yet will not hi f-xiliNlincH depart from him," are uHpeciully Hppliruhlu to the member of their parly. Maiios (5kt a Niivr Tkial The gupreino court ha ordered a new trial In the cute iif Dun Mitgone, aentenced to three years In the penitentiary for grave robbery. It was ohown In the bill of exceptions that Detective Welsh and KimmoiiB, of Portland, and Stenographer Noltner, employed in tho chief ol police odlce In Portland, were permitted, do flpito defendunt'g ohjiHition, lo detail statement made them by Montgomery, Hector and Long, in Magone' absence, to tho etfuct that, at the lutter's Bolicita tion, other agreed to engage in the commirmioit of the crime charged In the Indictment. The supreme court hold that the evidence show thut the crime charged had been fully consummated be fore the conHpirators made the declara tion to the witnesses, and bonce the evi dence thereof at Mugone' trial was In competent for any purpone. The evi dence objected to being inadmissible for any purioso, the stutement that it was incompetent is sullloient to present to thl court the identical question consid ered in the court below. This is held to be Biilllcitmt error for revere al of the lower court. The supreme court also hold that while Montgomery' testimony was not Incompetent his interest in the re Biilt of the trial might affect its credi bility, and that he was induced to testify againBtMugone by promises held out to him by the ductives. District Attorney Lord represented the state and Judge Moreland the defense. Tatknt Flouu. The Portland Flour ing mills company of this city has re cently been sending out sample of their new brand of Patent flour, manlaetured especially for the local trade. This flour ia guaranteed to absorb more water and make more loayes ol broad to the sack than any other brand on the market. Tbe tests to which the good housewives of our city have snbjectm! thl new flour have been entlieley SHtUfuclory and the company' sale have greatly Increased during Hi week. It Nerve to show what a little Jiidli'loti advertising will do when you lutvo a really good article to advertise. Hostile imylng one of the very best brand of flour on the market when you get Patent, you are patron!. lug c home Industry and assisting In the material advancement of our city. Imi'Iiovki Tim in Hkmvic. Arrange ment have been made by the Southern Pacific company to run the McMlnuville passenger train, on the West Side, through to Iridi'Hindenre commencing Tuesday, Nov. 10. This doe not change the arriving and leaving time of this train at station between Portland and McMlnnvlllo, Inclusive, being limply an extension of tho run. Thl change I something In the nature of an experi ment. If the train la liberally patron food, or even to an extent which will compensate thl company for the In creased exeuse, It will lie continued in definitely, Thi change will be a great convenience to the people on the West Side. IliitTiiiiAY Pahtv. Little Martina Parker, the daughter of Mr. Charles Parker of thl city, was five year old on Tueiday and celebrated the event by giy a party lo a numlier of her yonnv friends. The little hotles received many nice present and entertained her guest with game and an elegant luncheon. Little Murillna has been ul!ering for a long time from the effect of a dislocated ankle and will be taken to the hospital today to have an oerallno performed in the hope of restoring her to health. 1.A1UKM Kmtkktain. Tile ladles of Fall (irove Circle, No. 32, Woodmen of the World, wilt give one of their pica iug entertainment at Willamette hall next Monday evening, Nov. 22. A good musical and literary entertainment will he rendered and the gramaphono, Kdi sons latest and most wonderful Inven tion, will he used for the first time at public entertainment. Admission only 10 cent. Everybody Invited. Hot To Uknt. A brand new seven room cottage, hard finished and located in the healthest part of Oregon City. Kate of rent no object. right kind of family wanted to rare for house. Apply at this tiflice. Donk With A Knikk. Those fine, juicy steak and prime roasts to Ims ob tained at Albright' meat market are all done with a kinfe In the band of an expert cutter. THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. tU lUpId Urawlh la In Wirt-Capital InVHUil, Sinoo 1H0O the beet sugar Industry of the western stute has grown I mm au Invested capital or f.'luO.OOO to over 10,600,000. In the same timo tho area of laud planted to sugar beet bus in creased from 3,100 acre to 80,000 acre. Today there are over 8,00 fum (lie lit the west that get their living by rowing beets, by working in sugar fac tories, by quarrying lime nick for tho liiauufiit'turn of beet sugar and by mak ing mnchiuerv mid supplies for the run ning of the si.i.i- fat'liiMo. This yeur the industry is going forward iu leap. Tlinusuiiil of acre of laud that has heretofore been virgin soil and hit never been UM d for unythiiig bnt grai ing for sheep or cattle is being con Verted into great field of sugar beets, snd some f 5.000,000 will be invested iu beet sugar factories in the southwest alone iu the next J 2 months. Iu present ing the foregoing statistics the New York Tribune ulso calls attention go tbe new western plant as follows: Two now sugar factories are approach ing completion iu California, one at Alaniitos, iu the vicinity of Los Ange les, and the other at Salinas, In central California. The m tuilo of Pheuix, A. T., and tho settlers iu tho Oilu valley aro discussing the ft nidbility of bonding thut region fur a $700,000 sugar factory and rcllnci-y tliat v ill utilize the prod uct of beet from fi.CUO acres of laud in central Aiiomi, The foundation for a sugar factory, to huve a capacity of 800 tons of beets a day, is laid at Koswell, N. M. The Mormons have had such suc cess with their factory lit Lehi, Utah, that they have contracted for the ina ohiuery for n new beet sugar factory of 1,000 tons capacity, to be built in the neighborhood of Provo. A company of Frenchmen, of whom Lnzifrd Freres, the Parisian bankers, are member, bus decided to invest some l,(100,0l)0 iu fonr beet sugar factories iu California, New Mexico and Texaa iu the next two years. They have rep resentatives now spying out eligible lo calities for growing sugar beets. Tbe final decision as to the exact location of the factories will probably bo announced from Paris some time this summer. Then a syndicate of tian Francisco, St Louis and Chicago capitalists has de cided to build tlirco of the largest beet sngur factories in the world, each hav ing a daily capacity of 4,000 tons of bents, in the Arkansas valley, in Col orado. Tho building of these immense works is to begin before August. Tbe fuctories, nil complete and equipped, will cost $0,000,000, and truots have been devoted to growing sugar beet. While there has been a woeful depre ciation in all farm lands throughout Kansas and Nebraska, the value of tbe acres planted to sugar beet in those states has risen from 400 to 800 per cent. This year tbe area of sugar boot land there is again extended. Wanted. Twenty-five yearling ewes and one buck, half Shropshire and half Merino. A. G. Jacobs, Oregon City Mfg. Co. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. The young men's gymnasium class will begin on Monday night' next at 7 'VI The room will be opened every night except Sunday to member from 7tol(:.'!0 and Instruction on the horse, parallel bar, horisontal bar, mat and trick rings will be given on Monday and Fri day night. Hoy' clauses will be held on Tuesday from 4 to 0 p. m and Saturday from 10 to 12 a. m. Hoys from 12 to 15 may join. Membership fee are, entrance one dollar; due, twenty five cents jr month, entitling member to use of bath and gymnasium at above hour. Itev. W. L. Molloy, will address the men' gospel meeting at 4 p. in. next Sunday. All are Invited. A V Free Excursion To Portland. Moyer Clothing Comp'y Third and Oak Streets Aid for the Hospital. The Koetorv.St. Paul' Episcopal) Church, Oregon City, Nov. 17. J To the Public: By tho kindness of the publisher of this paper I am jierniitted to appeal to the generously inclined in behalf of the Good Samaratin hospital, Portland. It is a Protestant Institution whom doors are open to all, regadles of sex, creed, or place of nativity. People of many nationalities and of various phases of belief yearly avail themselves of its ben efit. The hospital is almost wholly supported by charity, ami gii'is of every description are gratefully received. We, therefore, in thi way solicit fruit!, vege tables, potatoes and produce of any kind. Also old linen for bandages, and any thing which the exigences of a hospital would suggest. Your gifts may be brought to the church on Thanksgiving day, or on any day before : or they be left at any one of the following places: Messrs. Grace & Co., Ely; Mr. Harris, Oregon City; or Mr. Stokes, Canemab. The transporta tion lines deliver them at the hospital free of charge. We have had a bountiful harvest. Let not fullness lead to forgetfulness. We shall please God by transforming the praise we feel into kindness and bene factions which other shall enjoy. "I was sick and ye visited me;" and ''When saw we Thee sick?" But "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." D. W. Williams. Undertaker and Embalmer. U. L. Hoi ni an undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of casket and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Weinhard' building on Main street. Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paper In Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at K. L. Holman's, Main street, oppo site Court House, tf. Motfs Nerverine Pills The great remedy for nervous pros t rat ion and S-.l ST.JI ,5' nervous A' -II ffe diseases of the ..oV uuXutr' generative or- UttuKh and AKiut L-biNo. pans of either ex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis sions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 per box by maib 6 boxes for $5.00. NOTTS CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. For Bale by C. G. Huntley. AANTED TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE ' gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible establshed . bouse in Orfgon, Monthly JKio.OOand expense. Position sternly tit terence, s.nsioee seil-ailiir89ea stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. y .ubicago. ...... 1 . r m m Q & tr In order to enable i . our numerous friends and customers to pay us a visit and examine our NEW STORE with its entirely NEW STOCK we havo concluded to give them an opportunity of doing so FREE OF COST. Our plan is this: Everyone visiting our 6tore fron Clackamas county who makes a purchase of us amounting to ten dollars or over, and presenting a copy of this add, will have the amount of his or her fare to Port land refunded by us. To those not acquainted with us, we beg to sav that we have but ONE PRICE and that the lowest. All goods aro marked in plain figures. Stock is new and carefully selected by our manager. We sell only at Popular prices. BEN SELLING, Manager. Dr. Williams1 Indian Pile (hutment will cure Blind, Uleeilmr and llcalni Pile lmlmorUi the tumors. alluya tlie ItcblnK al oner, act us a poultire, uive Instant re- Vi'llUumH' Indinn Pile Oint ment Ipinrvnaretl for PI leu and Itch ing nf the private purls. Every box la rranted. llv druvirlKta. hv mall on re ceipt of rirli-e. Ml cent, and f I.IMI. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., fropn.. Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by C. G. Huntley, BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Demurest' Cut Paper Pattern are the most practical on tbo market. They are of any size that any member of a household could require. In each copy of tho Magazine is printed a coupon en titling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pattern (worth and regularly sold for 35c), or any number of pattern for four cent each to cover package and postage. When the value of tne patterns ia con sidered the subscriber actually gets DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE FREE And what a Mauazine it is I For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever before. New management, new methods, new ideas. Each copy contains an exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a famous artist, worthy to adorn the walls of the most refined home. It ib afhrmed that Demorest's ib the only complete Family Magazine published combining all of the most excellent points of it contempories, besides having in imitable features of itsown. Demorest's ia actually a dozen Magazines in one. It ia a Digest of Current Event and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a Review and a Storehouse of Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daugh ters can And exactly what they need to amuBe and instruct them, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of tbe home, embroid ery, bnc-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc., and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The scope of the articles for 18! '(5 and 1897 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, and in addition, it will publish the best and purest fiction. It treats at length Ont-of-Door Sports, Home Amuse ments and Entertainments; it gives a great deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and has a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, in which are discussed import ant question of the hour of interest to the older readors. Let us have your subscription at once. J You get more value for your money than i it is possible to secure in any other) magazine. The Magazine one year for $2.00 Or six months for 1.00 (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4o each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. IHiII PS i-'lL II lief. Ur Sfin and GJaltKam Advanced in price. The LOW Prices which we efttablinhed are still in force. If you really wiflh to buy a bargain in watches nee us before our present stock is eold. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. Crayon and Water Color portraits. The only first-class photo gallery In the city. W. I. STALEY, Principal. Salem, Oregon. We have told you that a business education pay. Businessmen will tell yon ao. Uur graduates will tell you the wanted. This school is Thorough, Practical, Progressive and Popular. It is the leader in business practice methods. Students t ran pact business tbroagh the mail by the intercommunication system. Send for catalogue, which will tell you all about the school. THIS IS WHAT our customer claim for us and our groceries: That we offer the beet of groceries at tbe low est price. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries i the purest and the most nutritious. Last, but not least, their grocery bill save it self fully ' per cent by their dealins witb Marri Muir. . Our way of doing business is to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. Library of the World's Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of HAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all age and all nations. The Library is to consUt of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library style. The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors. Advance orders on special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, San Franisco, Cal., or 209 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. Hay and Feed Can be had at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. Capt. J. W. Exon, manager. Ed May, Local Agent. Petzold's Meat Market, Main, St. H. W. JACKSON, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufield building Near Court House, AND n RpfiF. Views of Oregon 's Arb Galler J same. Certainly no stronger evidence ib 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. papal a T II ADC M1RK1. r V DCSICNS, ... 'vr? COPVRICHTS Ao. AnynM Mlnf a tketHi and WrrtpOra Baf quickly uoerWIn. free, whetuer an InTenlioo ia probably paxntbl. Communication atnctlr ooaflOentliL Oldaat acncy Pirn-tunn paunu In America. We have Waaniiirftim oflic. Patent taken tliroutfh It una a Co. racalr peaal ootloa id to SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully tUostratsd, larzeat rtrralatloa of any to entitle Journal, weekl y, lam a.uti a year, SI Je ux month a. ttpeiaivn cuple and ILaJio Book ok PATiom mm free. Addrws MUNN A CO., 361 Broaaway. Hew Yark. AGENTS WANTED. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS By the W. B. Conkey Company, the largest publisher and manufacturer of books in the United States. Finest line of new holiday and other subscription books on the market. Also agents wanted for; "Tit Silver Side," the latest and best text-oook on the silver question by the ereat silver leaders. Prices Below Competition. Exclusive Territory. Largest Commissions. "Write at once for circular? and special terms, stating your choice of territory. W. B. COM KEY COM PAX T. 341-351 Dearborn St, Chicago. FARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Successors to W. H. Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. Established 163. PIONEER Tf angfe? and Ee, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE li. I Green