Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
7 ITY ENTERPRISE. VOL.32. NO. 1. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1897. ESTABLISHED 1806 Oregon T T R. CHOHH, ' ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Wiu ricTi m A i.i, Coiiars or Tin Btats. Ittal folate anil Iniuranre, Office on Main Hi rout lift. Hlith mil Seventh, OHXIIlN CITY. os. J. K. MAItKH, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Will praties In all the cnurti of III tint Olllt'0 opposite court limine In Caullidd building. C." HYIt, ATTORNEY AND CO UN'S HI .OK AT LAW Will foreol'iim m'W, tnwfco BtMttrit. limn uiiilipy, itl cli aii'l Pan-n'l gt'lioral li bU'l'il-M. Offldi) fimt floor ailjiiliiliig Hank il 0 Kin City. oaauM city. OM'lIlN , 40. 0. RHUWNKI.U . V, CAMI-RklX. 15 ttOWNElX A CAMI'UKI.U ATTORN KYrt AT LAW, OmooH CiTT, OmuoK. Will prentlre la til tlieoourti nl the Hale. 01' Br, In ( u(.'. liui'tllim. J)U. J. II. MILLER, IlKNTIST Heventh utrrit, nr Southern Pacific depot, Oregon Clly, Oregon. c II. ISOM. CIVIL ENGINEER ami DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will U at court house on endi Saturday ml on n-tftilnr eslim day ol county court. J J T. RI.AHKN, NOTAKY 1'flll.IC. Imuranee written In (It lUrllurd.uf Hartford, I'aUllua. Hamburg nl Hroioau c I.ACKAM AS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. PurnWh, AUfarta, halm ol Title, I)nrlp iion, IXMiia. Iii.iimik-. fay Tiim Perfect Title, ato., elo. tilllra o. t Uauk ol Orefitt City. J. r. CLARK, Pre.., and Miir, toon citt, .... oaauoH. D W. KINNAIKD CIVIL ENUINEKR AN! BfRVEYOK. Railway laoatlnn and rnnitruntlon, brldgo. plana aud animates lor water auly Oralnaie and etreet Improvement ol towna Special atlentlen lan In uriiUtlug and blua printing . J W. WELCH. DENTIST Willamette Hid., opposite IWofllce. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 12: 1 to 6:30 p. in. J" L. POKTRH, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ainaacra or raorxRTT rcANimiio. Orflca next to Oregon City bank on Sth atreet. O. T. VtllXIAMH. KKAL K8TATK AM LOAN AOKNT, A good line ol'imeaiul anburbau Property. Farm Property In tract! to mil on eaay terma. Carrepiiilne promptly anawerod. Office, aim Uo. r mill of ilalxxllHl clinruh. J. W MKI.DUUM. SURVEYOR AND CIVIL KNOINEKK. All orders rotnitly attended to, roMolHca add reus Oregon Clly. Residence at Melilrum Place, on East tiide Electric Una two mile north ol Oregon City. Q D.A D.C. LATOUHKTTll, ATTORNEYS AND k COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN STREET OREOON CITY, OREGON. furnlah AniitranU ol Title, Loan Money, Fore- oloae MortxaKea, ami tratuaoi ueucrai Law Unalneaa, npilK COMMERCIAL BANK, OF OREGON CITY. Capital, ..... 1100,000 TSANSACTR A OKNRRAI. RASKINS RtlRINKM. Loana made. Hllla dlaooiinted. Makea col leattona. lluya and aella exchange on all points iu the United Hutea, Europe aud Hong Kong. Depoalta receWod aulijeut to obeok. Bank open Irom 9 A. u. to 4 t. M. D. O. LATOUKKTTK, Prealdent. F. K DONALDSON, Caahler JJANK OF OREOCN CITY, Oldest Banting House in tie City. Paid up Capital, 150,000. Hurplua, .U,K&0. rRBRinRNT, - CHARLRi H, CADflRLD. TICB rHKKlDINT, 80. A. HA RUINS. '0ARHIKB, i. CAUriRLD, A general banking bualneai tranaacted. Depoalta received aubect to check. Approved bill and nntea dlaooiinted. 'County and oity warrauta bonitbt. Loana mvle on available aeourlty, KioliaiiKe bought and anld. Oolleotloui made promptly. Drafta aold ivailaolo In any part ol the world Telegraphic exohangea aold on Portland, San Tranolaoo.flblcagoand New York, ntereat palJ on time depoalta. Laco Curtains and Window Shades 'Fill Pi aro two main attractions for a rich dwelling, as well as for a iiioiIohI, cozy litilo room. We have jtint received a largo, well aHorted nhip meiit of laco curtuinH, iiriiX'H ranging between 60o and !).() a pair. Our new stylo rugu are eHpecially well nuited for holiday preHcntn. TIh'ho are moHtly American made rugs, and the hi-Hi that can ho made for little money. Do not fail to iiiHjiect our display of transparent inipiirted chinawaro. Bellomy & Busch, The Housefurnlshers. CLACK A MAS COCHY ItOlDS. Hplcndld Yrar'a Work Some Floe Turnpike Roudn. A Chance for Life I Tho lmnkruiit HUck of the Eagle Tailoring Coinjiany of Tcrtland, coiiKisting of Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, UatH and CapH, together With a fillO lino of OOlS When completed the heavMit Krade on llardslilpa Id Cnexplored Aala. j ConHiderlnif the Importance of hill work and the tiardHhipa he endured in ! pumuit of It, there ha been singularly littlo written ahout the yonntf Swedish explorer, Dr. Kven Hedin A lew monthi ago he com pleied a journey of three years and seven months in the most inaccessi ble and least known parts of Asia. He CIRtTlTCOlRr. No other county in the state except Multnomah, has expended so much money in road building as tms Clacka mas county. And in return for this out ImV. tt'liirti tiua tii.iiri tnilwttnltulv nrwl " ' j.ww . , . iiiivDrvnu iiiuuniaiii uasnce nearly uiurcn IIVU1BIIJ ICQ. Illll, U li uiiijiciaiuio ui nearly forty degrees below sero; he ex traveling public but a ware of pride on i " "u, ' the part of our citiwns as well. j drwl aet dee,,; h,e cU,M nef' ,0 tbe . . . , , . i. i top of an unexplored mounts n twenty Among the most important work in . ' , . l. ,,., ,.f i.ii.iiff ( five thooaand feet high ; he traversed the ,, . ... , , c. . ' . unexplored Takla-Makan desert, and in e'onomicaiiy expended hy our county court, we have roa are not only a great convenience to the j Continuation of Proceedings front Last Week's Report. constructed by Meters. Smyth & How ard, the well known and successful con tractors. The present contract calls for the construction of a wagon road from a point opposite ttie water tanks of the Willamette 1'ulp & Taper Co., along the west side of the electric car line, to a point beyond the canon near the WillHm ette Falls depot, covering a distance of 0000 feet, or 720 feet more than a mile ami ShooH for Men, Ladies and Children to bo sold at retail with wholesale prices at Oregon City in tho P. O. Mock. Como early and get tho first choice. Farmers and mechanics' Store. M. MICHAEL, Prop. Farm produce, hides and furs taken iu exchange. VrVr'r'ryrVfVr'rVr'lJ Air-Tit Mm We are headquarters for Air-Tight Heaters I lurtrimt aliflt l.iirauf nrL.oa We are also agents for the celebrated Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Also for the Slmonds Saws. Steel Ranges Cast Ranges Stoves all prices. We carry a full stork of everything in the Hardware line, wagon wood, iron, steel, pumps, pii, etc. Plumbing and all kinds of jobbing neatly and promptly done. Estimates furnished, POPE 5t CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets, - Oregon City. ...REPAIRING... Having secured the services of a first-clans workman we are pre pared to do mending and repairing of all kinds at reasonable rates. KRAUSSE BROS. The Shoe dealers. BARGAINS m Summer Goods Fall Goods To make room for a large and conipleto stock of from tho East, soon to bo in at Thos. Charman & Son's The Pioneer Store. this road will be but 5 per cent, or a rise of five feet in every 100 feet, giving ahout the same grade as the suspension bridge has. The roadway follows the side of the bluff over some as rough country as is found in the Cascade mountains until it comes down the hillside to the flat near the town of Willamette Falls. The road will be 10 feet between all embank ments and 24 feet in excavations includ ing gutters. All timber, brucb, etc, isto bt removed for 20 feet on each side of the right of way. The contract price of this road is 4,H80. The county court began work on this much needed thoroughfare late in the season so as to draw on the road fund apportionment next year to continue it ont and connect with the Wilsonville and Stafford road. The Molalla road has been graveled and put in excellent condition from the city limits to the top of the bill beyond Beaver creek and planked a mile futher, making five miles of good road this year n that direction. This road, with a little work and slight expense, could be put in good condition to the Spangler bill ; then by changing the present location of the road and going west for a quarter of a mile and extending tbe present High land road down Buckner creek not only could both the Spangler and Paine hills be avoided but a better road obtained for a small out lay than can eyer be made at almost any price by going over these hills. A mile of crushed rock and three miles of plank have been put on the High land road this season. 1)0 YOU NEED ANY Doors, Windows, Moulding, Window Glass, OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? :GO TO: C. H. BESTOaW I CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner Uth and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon. On the Oswego road 1J) miles of crushed rock and 2,tmiles of gravel were put on this fall by the Portland General Electric Co., making a good road all the way between Oregon City and Oswego. Tbe New Era hill has been cut down to a 10 per cent grade and covered with a good coating of gravel, assuring an ex cellent road during th9 rainy season. The Oglesby hill south of Mark's prairie has been reduced to an 8 per cent grade and thoroughly graveled. This does not include the general re pair and road work done in the 3t road districts by the regularly appointed supervisors, but only the work done by special contract under the direction of the court. Smyth and Howard were the successful bidders in all of the above cases and performed their work in a manner highly satisfactory to all con cerned. Clackamas county, though per haps one of the most dillkult counties in the state in which to build roads on account of its undulating topography, will soon have roads that are good and a pleasure to drive over either in sum mer or winter reaching out into all parts of the county, enabling our farmers to market their produce at any season with ease and convenience. doing so went nine days without water, losing all but two of his companions and coming off himself witli the merest spark of life. Certainly here is a heroic story scarcely equaled in the annals, of travel and exploration; and It has gone thus far practically untold. But Mr. It H. Sherard has prepared a full account of Dr. Hediu and his discoveries and ad ventures, baaed largely on conversations with him, and it will be published in McClure's Magazine for December, along with numerous illustrations from sketches and photographs made by Dr. Hedin himself during bis journey. O.X THE GlilDIKO. Football Game at Gladstone Parka on ThauktfgiTlng Day. Much interest is being taken in the foot ball game to be played at Gladstone park on Thanksgiving afternoon between an eleven from F Co., O. N. G., and the Oregon City Athletic Club, and already the ladies are doning the colors of their favorites and it begins to look as though the entire city would be out to witness tbe contest. F Co. 'a team will wear orange and white and tbe Athletic club purple and white. The game will be called at 2 p. in. sharp. Tbe admission is free and as most of the business houses will be closed standing room on the grounds will be at a premium. This will be a most excellent opportunity to work oft tbe effects of a Thanksgiving dinner. Tbe boys will line up as follows: r. COMPART. Graeaer Center McCaualand right guard Boy Ian left guard Gregeaon right tackle 8hipley left tackle Hodman right end ATHLETIC CLUB. Cautield Brown i Clyatt Bedaway Burns Beaulieu Nefrger Pope Gibson left end Empklns quarter end Nelson right hall Godlrey lea half Kelly full back Subs for F Company, Keating, Ganten- bein, Wilkinson and C. Boyland. Ore gon City Athletic Club, Whitlock, Greg ersen and Goodlellow. The jury in the Hesse-Liebe case awarded the plaintiff Mrs. Hesse, $8,500 damages. She sued for $25,000 and) at a former ti !al was gi ven $9,500. The de fense was granted time in which to pre pare a motion for a new trial . Samual Stebin vs John McGechie to recover $175 on notes given in payment for horses was awarded $00. J S Kirkly was granted a divorce from Vena Kirkly; and Allie B NefT from John 'eff. ' The following cases were called and dismissed; Wiese vs Epperson; F D Winter vs J 8 Gibbons, et a! ; 8 II Howard vs G G Stradinger ; J S Gib bons vs F B Winter; Fred Johnson v P II Johnson; A M Coburn vs Foster etal. Thos Charman & Son vs P A Marqnara et al ; sale cofirmed. Thos Chairman & Son vs W P O'Con nor et al ; sale of confirmed. VO Harding vs W T Whitlock, judg ment by default. State of Oregon vs C U Barlow for embezzlement has been on trial since Tuesday and will probably not be con cluded before Saturday. Judge McBride will adjourn court here Saturday and go to Hillsboro Monday, where be will convene the regular terra of court for Washington county. He will return and hold an adjourned term for Clackamas county in January. Sot Always Uuderstood. A fact often overlooked, or not always understood, is that women suffer as much from distressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. The womb is situ ated back of and very close to the bladder, and for that reason any distress, disease, ' or inconvenience manfested in tbe kid neys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided by setting nrine aside for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring. If yon have pain or dull aching in the back, pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, with smarting or burning these are also, convincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you'" have doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild and the extraordinary Moore Church Statb of Ohio, City or Toledo,! ss. Lucas County. J Frank J. Cheney makes an oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRAN KJ, CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1890. A. W. GLEASON, seal NotaryPublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucous surlacea of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the bent. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ' ever brought to Oregon City at the Enterprise office. The Greatest Discovery Tet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., 'Chief" says, "We won't deep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. Experi mented w ith many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain aud sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc, It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, be cause this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Charman A Co's drug store. Electric Hotel Arrivals. Hawkins effect will surprise you. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine yoa should take the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion the Oregon City Enterpise and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Bins' bamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. B White, Canby S A Garrel, Spokane Mrs Ella Lyons. The Dalles J M Tracy, Logan W II Danish, San Francisco I Cohn Mrs Annie Krigbaum, Garfield C Krigbaum " Henry Will and wf, Aurora Flora Will, Barlow C Bair, Needy JDRiter " Dr C B Smith, Eagle Creek Prof Snapp, Albany Robert Catlin, Portland T S Patton " G A Stearns " W B Greer " JFDean " T II Liebe " Geo Liebe, sr " Geo Liebe, jr C V Cottam ' H J Lawler " John G Pope " L Allenhoff " EmilTbielhorn " F G Swanton The Electric hotel is tbe finest in the city and first-class in all its appointments. Electric cars stop in front of the door. A ANTED TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible establihsed bouse In Oregon. Monthly $ii5.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com pany Dept. Y Chicago. Embossed Iu Gold. To buy and reproduce famous paint ings involves an expenditure that could hardly be borne unless, as in the case of The Youth's Companion, the enterprise is sustained by the approval of more than five hundred thousand subscribers. The Companion's Souvenir Calendar for 1898, a series of charming figure-pieces, faithfully copied in colors and embossed in gold, is recognized as one of tbe riches and most costly examples of this form of art. Yet every new subscriber receives it without additional charge. Moreover, the paper is sent free to new subscribers every week from the time the subscrip tion is received until January, 1S0S, and then for a full year to January, 1899. The popular price of The Companion, $1.75 a year, and the character of its contents, make it a paper for eyery household. Exceptional attractions are promised for the fifty-two numbers to be issued during 1898. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, the Hon. Thomas B. Reed Rudyard Kipling, Lillian Nordica, John Burroughs, W. D. Howells and Max O'Rell are prominent in the long list of eminent contributors named in The Companion's announcement, which will be sent free to any one addressing. The Youth's Companion, 205 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass- For Young Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouse the re of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworth's arber shop. Books Cheap. Everything required in the school ' room, books, slates, tablets, sponges. ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, corner Seventh and Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc., fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas onable prices. Dr. Miles' Nerve PlosteraJSc. at all druggists.