J Oregon City Enterprise It J; ,1 FRIDAY, NO VMM UK It 12, 1HH7. COUNTY COURT. official Report of the Proceeding the Novambcr Term. In tint inntinr of tho city "'ylriK ihih luill of tkiiiniHt of niiilrliii niiH)i'nlmi trldun; niHltcr 1 r n t . J'ulitidii of Miiry lUnlcBly for rclmlu -)f CONlN (III XU lll'lllllll, lii tlit niHtixrof v itrrnnt No. 2(Mi:M, drawn In (Hvor ol l.yilla ttinimott for s oviTiltiuMi mill inonny riiliiinldil action taken, Jlrmiimr ninth nmloil to Jiirry Young Ht tlin ruto of $1 per yur; If li Yuiinif o Iihvu limit to ro'move i-rop. In I lu iiiHtlur of iIhcIii Win Aliornnlliy on tint iNiiior lint; ortlitriul tliitt $IU r Month lio drawn In favor ol Mr. I.hw. In the nmttcrof petition of Mr. Corlwtl for work on Mi'uilowlirook ml Cmiyuii Cri'fk rowl; Mr, Ilulilmnl ordered to ifijM'iul I'M improving Hunio. Ju Imp iimUvr of 8. Ituo for warrant overdrawn ;HtUfiirlory rxpliuiHlluii Imv lug been made, cmho w in (limn InnoiI. In tint mutter of ull for Mm. Kllu Kunyon mid family; tlO per montli jimultid, ciiiiiiiM'iii liiK IIccoiiiImt !, 1 Mil Jn tlm matter of the ciuiicllatlon o toncI nrrantn No. II7H1 and tlTtC, drawn In favor ol It. Unrated and A.O Meiniit ordered i iiim cIII and warrant ordered -drawn on kcimtuI IiiihI for amount ol jiuld warrnnU. iVtltlou ol J. K, Marley ut al for rebate on take ifruiilml. la (lie matter of livery hire (or dctnitloa ordereil (hat deputiei munt have order ironi court to get rig. In tlte matter ufliiNiirlng court honne ordered Intmred for ,r()0 in Aetna of llarMord, f2,M)0 in Continental, and f 2,MX) in I. Inn of I,oiidoii. In the mutter of aid for Mr. (J. A. Fox and dmigliter; f 15 per month u'anicd. la rjll ol IftOT duly aooepted. Hfmguniioii oi . r. raimateer an anpervUor ol diatrict No. 10, accepted uml John Inuliali appointed. Ordered that warrant be drawn to defray coil of action In circuit In the matter ol the change of the I. Inn road In the matter of county aid (oi I'avld IlutchinNon ; 5 pur month granted and warrant ordered drawu In favor of I lor man I.ee. The following claim agalnat t tie i-ounty were examined by the court and the clerk Inittructed to draw warrant on the general fund In favor of the per mm a anil for the amount given lmlow: L I, I'orler, diatrict attorney $ ft (10 It Freytan, atier 8 00 I.ydia A Wlneaett, pauper O HchiielMd, alato va Thompaon. M K McCown " O Muecke " " Hugo aliiecke " ' Martin I'lchter " " 1. 1. 1'orter " " CPchlleM " ' M F McCown " II richtei, ar " " Lena I'ichter " " M.iu I'ichter " JI riihtur, jr " L L I'orter " " 2 50 80 10 50 50 IK) 00 0 35 0 70 2 IK) 2 00 2 00 2 00 00 65 50 70 70 C! Schiiebel, JI K MiCown I K Shepurd Moinon Siler C Hi huehel State va CuhiMch Ford el al 9 05 0 70 M F McCown " " Amiel Hpnuna " " Mr SpHiiim " " Henretta Kelly " " Clark Jones " " l)ua Ford " " Frank Ford " " Jlra Fold " " L L I'orter " " iliisHitc rrudhommn, HUtiomiry. Frank Charala, Mute va Kouhlur Amomla Ilullock " ' " Dora IluIltK-k " " W II Heed " K Keyaor " " h L forler " " Kcd Front Trading Co, pauper. . . Oregon City Herald, printing.... IK) 00 10 80 0X1 1 70, 1 70 1 7 1 7 1 5 o 54 A Mather, pauper 0 0 Tel A Tel Co, court Iioiiho 1 Oregon City Oouhikh, printing. . , 1 ;Iuhh& Prudliomnui, stationery. . 32 00 Fred 1 Iesae, court honao Schnehel, atato va Simtthera. M K AlcCown " W llolcomb " " Kd Leek " " Tom McOiibhin " " Ahner.llurt " " 0 40 7 f!0 00 30 10 10 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 00 50 95 C C HuhctKik Dan Williams I) II (ihlHB J 8 Criiinltly (ioo llorton ii W Stiiflord O li Dimick I Selling, pauper 17 Oreuon City EntorpriHO, printin.2 W II Savfl(fe, BherilT's acct 20 00 C II Imiui, i V court 32 00 I) E Shepard " " 4 00 I) E fhepnrd " " 2 00 WilHon A Cooke, road and bridge 14 05 (1 U Dimick, j p court 7 40 V R Hyde, aheriira acct 28 00 Mrs Joanna Law, pauper 13 00 J U Smith, pauper 15 00 I'eter Nehren, road and bridge. .'. 2 55 l'eter Nehron, aheriir's acct 81 14 Thoa F Ryan, atato va Wilcox.... 5 45 3 5 70 orlur " I Hlollt, HMNI'lHlir'n Meet I In Hi. .lit " " 52 " HI tiiuce .Moriiii ' " IllH OIlllHII " " ,'. V il Young, comm ucct Kcd Front Trading Co, pauper. " .'. 31 , 15 of 8 14 18 M L Moore, Indigent aoldier... Inn Chime, clerk' acct. ........ T II llaiikliia, aherifT'i acct C II laoin, road and bridno D V, Hhepard, road ami bridge.. N'oblett'a atuble, comin acct . . . II Htrulght, pauper J It Marka, aheriira acct C O Huntley, court Iioiino 4K 00 , 12 00 4 (K) 15 60 18 (X) 3 00 2:1 30 Mra C A Fox, pauper 0 00 W N (Jodfrey, coroner 63 75 HIihw " W It Iteuin " Win lllui k " J II Itulnton " T W Sullivan " J lliimphreya " It (ianteiiheln " Juco Wldic " Fred Miller " Theodore Miller " (!haa lluinyhreya " J XV Jonea " Cbaa I'riedu " J I' Taylor J II JIlH.'k J W lllunt " K Midlain " (i O Wood " C Knott " C Craaa " C Norberg M W M Ltwia " FJ Meyer " J W Mollli N It I.nng ." Cll McCuHtlaud" Frank Hunt " W W Kmiih " Tom Smitli " II Little ' Nich Wtorich " 0 Spendew " L L 1'nrter ' W K Oarll fill It Miller " J tl I'orter " D l.ymia " W White " K II ut. n " HMOilmoii " C 11 laom, aheriff'a . 8 20 3 20 3 20 1 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 10 00 10 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 (X) 0 00 0 00 64 00 ROAD DILI. a. Ucport of the road auperviaors were examined and warrant ordered drawn in favor of the peraona and for the amounla mentioned below: Diatrict No. 1 Road fund- Hurry Gilford 42 00 It Scott 23 7tt McLaughlin 27 00 It Scoit 27 00 Henry Strickey 24 () Walton Ilagen 18 00 Hiram Dauela 0 00 Frank Karr 3 (X) Henry Hoaley 12 00 eater Harlow 4 60 ohn Dow ling 13 50 oaic 1'olloek 0 00 Win Wlae 20 25 K J Hall 11 25 Con Ilatlln 3 00 W II Comaell 27 00 County fund W S Pay n 3 00 Wm Ilickey 3 00 Wm Wine 0 00 Hall ... 3 00 Henry Hoaley. 3 00 llary Gilford 7 60 W II Conmoll 10 00 Total $2U 00 Diat No. 3-Road fund K Lions 18 00 J W Hoots is 00 M lliddle 10 60 J HeiliiiKcr 13 50 W I in id 0 75 W W Smith 0 75 Oltolienjjlebackf 21 00 C Batten 7 60 C K Zirixer n f,2 F Siriekroth 10 50 llCUIrlch -6 50 J N Zinzer n 05 C F ZiiiKer, jr 10 12 Ben 1 1 err 5 25 (teo l.unday 0 37 (ieo Harding g 02 A Kan ne 00 Total fl91 23 Diat No 3 Road fund JO Elliott A Co 2 25 Yocuni 14 no T Yocuni 0 60 T Yocuin 20 62 J R Morton 6 00 Clms Burihardt 3 75 Kd Burghardt 3 Oil A W Cooke 14 75 Chris Iliaer 3 00 Thoa Dcnahy 1 50 John Donttby l 50 Aluionl Newell 1 60 II Bock 1 50 WCireenwell 2 25 Total f37 75 Diat No 5 Gonoial fund John Epperson 2 25 Oeo Epperson 3 00 Chirk Rich....' 150 W T Welch 4 50 G 8 Welch 4 50 JSUirdsall 6 00 Total 21 75 Diat No 5 Koad fund W II Fitzpatrkk 10 00 M Wheeler 0 00 M Wheeler 6 10 Itoe Fowl 4 Dave Fowl 4 J Ilite ,, 2 Doc Ilite 4 00 00 W II Fiupairlck 2 M Wheeler 1 00 60 Total )ll 25 Dial No II Mlln(Hrd 3 75 I;Ih( No 12-Koud fund IK) 25 00 John Hprngue. Henry Cramer....... J U Young , Henry (Jill J C Kpraguo ,,,, Total 10 20 Diet No 4- II F Currln , 4 00 I! FCurrin 10 00 Kll Huttcr 3 00 Total 17 00 DM Vol4-Itoad fund J I. Bwoflord 15 00 Clay Green 4 50 Otia Shelley 0 00 l'lrerce 3 00 M L Moore 1 60 H llevena John liillcteer 1 60 7 75 3 00 0 00 4 60 0 00 John Moore I'artlow II Tuber Bhelley Total Dial No 15 General fund 07 75 II Shelley Inevin Win J WMcCord Total , Dial No 10-Road fund 07 75 P II Mead 10 45 42 00 45 00 21 00 C II Foater C II ltlder C Mi Cormick A Schefclnc 45 00 II Sdfera..... 37 60 Jim Ulanchard 30 00 M Stonber 3 00 A Scheer 15 00 A Staley 3 00 II Uremena 3 00 John Iiurgogue .. E Veteto Geo Rider Newt Criteaer.... - Harteli A D I-each 22 60 18 00 22 50 22 50 3 75 8 25 12 00 8 25 30 00 20 00 3 25 27 00 30 00 13 50 25 00 T V Gaborn Will Scheer W 8 Rider W 8 Rider 0 II Foater 0 II Rider II II Gregory A Shefthic HScifera J Ilradle 27 20 8 40 17 50 20 00 L ItiK I) Peiunon L Scheer T Itilletcr 19 50 F McAnhur 10 00 A Staley 3 50 K Hrudle 13 00 J Iluriiogue 5 25 E Vetetoe 15 00 IN Criteaer 13 50 T I) 0lKrn 41 01 Will Scheer 12 00 Dan Cramer 10 00 (ieo Rider 13 00 0 R Runisey 12 00 John Albright 10 00 M Slauber 9 75 Total 703 02 Dial No 17 General fuud Adkina Bros 4 08 Halsey Broa 9 CO Otta Vorpuhl 9 75 FDShankg 0 75 E Rice 1 50 DRDIinkk 18 25 S J Garrison 4 50 Alley Phelps 4 50 Robert Vorpahl... 3 75 J F Deyoe 3 75 C II Bonaker, road fund 2 00 I) tt Dimick " " 2 00 Total 03 75 Diat No 18 E W Hornshuh, goneral fund 300 Amiel tlornshuh 3 00 Beeaon A Son 20 91 John Davis, road fund 3 00 Albert Stndeman 7 00 Karl Studeinan 3 00 Wm Jones 1 50 Ohria Fishor 12 25 Michael Moehnke 6 75 Chas Jones 1 60 WP Daniels 160 Ohaa tlotnian 3 00 A Jlaj'lnirHt l 00 Thoa Daniels 12 00 W W May 3 50 E E May 3 00 Total 80 00 Diat No 10 General fund Muiino Lumber Co 24 05 F G Newkiechner 1 50 W M Wallace 1 50 Joseph Daniels 3 00 Henry Keltzer 3 00 Mike Mulvey 4 50 AuKiist Eriekson 8 25 Fred Erickson 3 00 JJMallott 3 00 Win Moore flOO John Donison 8 00 F Manning 3 00 Eiitfono OuinniiiiKs, road fund. ... 5 10 00 00 20 . 5 05 . 2 25 , 2 00 , 1 00 , 8 00 Total 4j 85 Dist No 23 A Weigard, general fund 1 50 A Oreene 2 25 II K Jtoweri.. ., , , 10 12 8 J Ogleaby 00 Cole liroa 18 07 II E Kowen, road fund 12 00 Win Covey 10 60 LaneUbble 0 00 A Welgard 9 25 A Green , j 00 00 m WAHogey 2 8 J Oglehby 18(X) Total 1(5 84 Dint No 21 Henry Cochran, road fund Fr-d tuiytli 72 75 30'J 3 00 300 3 00 I Thomaa Ogle, , . , John Huily Wm Sconce I J Iliglow , F Kyman 3 00 A Klnaly 3 00 Goillip Kinaiy 3 00 Ffiaylr 3 00 Thoa Sconce..... 3 00 Dick Aucth 2 Sain Wolfer 75 Geo Ahkin, general fund 7 50 Frank Mathewa 12 00 Kd Kinney 12 00 GeoWaleh 0 00 W Noblitt 20 00 NCSornla 2o L Muxliburger 1 5o Abert Muahburger 1 60 lauac Williami 1 5y Peter Cook 4 28 Total 105 84 Dint No 25 General fund Coleliroa 05 07 John Harih 3 60 John Daly 17 00 Lame Gribble 15 00 Jonea Welantl... 0 00 Jack Well Uoo Henry Ilunh 4 60 Geo Strain lin 3 Oo Dolpl 125 John liarth, road fund 2 00 Henry llartb 175 Total 78 00 Dial No 20-Road fund TSStipp 18 75 II L Vaughn Wrn Skeen G W Peck A B Kliae J E Cootel Geo Mallatt J N Atch inaon , B Howard Total 75 38 Dial No 27 Milea & White, general fund 2 lo P J Ridings & Son 25 Geo Dunlavy 135 J T Drake, road fund 4 00 GeoCarden 1157 II Luttennaii 4 50 J P Miller 2 02 BHOtta 2 25 50 50 26 50 10 00 , 1125 lo 00 3 00 1 0 00 3 00 125 3 13 The Marketing Point that section. As the Great Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON CITY-. Is Coming to be One of the Best Marketing Towns in the State THE PKODUCE Fred Herrington 6 25 Jno Dunlavy 4 87 Tom Harmon 4 60 Guy Dunlavy , 375 Jno Lahow 1 60 Wm Jack 1!) So li A Hartman , 4 So Fred Vanteae 12 00 I D Larkina 14 25 25 J L Jack 3 00 C W Laborn.. Lewia Kort... 15 75 2 00 1125 !( W Your. ... C E Young , . 19 5 Total ..150 33 Diet No 30 Iioad fund jno w uryon 3 00 J II Mooder 3 00 Leiter Wallintt (J 00 Thoa Chuck 18 00 Jaa Hedricka 18 00 Wm Pollock lo So A Anderaon 600 LWoldrok 12 00 00,Chrl Nixon 15 00 P Zimmerman 18 00 A II Bullock lo 00 John Denic ,1 5j Geo Isrowa 43 00 Thoa Gibba lo 5o John Kelow 15 00 Joa Farmer 32 60 A II Gribs 32 25 A MitKoon lo 00 Jaa Bicbner 14 4o II Gana 4ooo Total 318 85 Diat No 32 Koad fund AMulloy 112f A Voaa 2 62i CICalkina 3 00 WF Young 3 00 Ino Moae 1 So J E McConnell 1 5o C Smock So W 0 Heater 7 00 H Vincent, general fund 7 7o Total 27 05 Diat No 33 Liver more Bros, general fund.... 2 5o Diet No 35 Victor Ellis road fund 3 00 Bud Thompson 75 K Edmunds 7 So N Blair e 00 ISo 1 00 3 00 7 5a 5 25 1 So 15o 8 Stanton.... L Yoder Geo Owings ER Killen Geo Letllet Bud Thompson, general fund.. K R Killen Geo Owing , G W Killen 15o 12oo Total 52oo Diat No 30 Road fund J L Swaflbrd 8 oo Clay Green 4 5o J Pierce 6 oo Ottia Shelley 600 M L Moore 3 00 J Shelley 600 Total 33 50 OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY The factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in The reason for this is that the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roads that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people ol this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for of the Farmer Legal Notices. Citation. In the Comity Court of the gut of Oregon, for (be Couuiy of ClicluuiM. In the ni.tier of Ihee Utofl Citation to heirs Mtrah Auia Scoit, ikCftiU. eud duviwm. To Mf. Hull Hubbnrd, Mn. Mar Uille, Mr, bell Marrjuam, Mr. Frank Hoolt, Hliormno HnM, Kuner sua K.eworih rjcoti' Ann Ho, Kits brr, Aiiaeueo ,. Uuoit, Hof Bvuti, ud to ail otbura unauowo. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Of ORE (Oii, you aul aach ol you are hereby cited to ttf aud apiar In lh Couuty Court of tne (ttt uf Oreuon, for lue Couuty of Clackamaa, at ib court room lliereol.at lo court housi lu aald county of 'lackmaa, 011 Monday, the tti day of lorero ber, A. 1)., lnW7, al 1 o clock, p.m. of tht day, then and thara ahow cauaj, l anr you hare, wuy an order ol aaidCouit, allowinjaud llcao lii( the aala of tb of n-A uf liw'.' ol .catlnn 21. townaulp 6 south, rauee 1 eaalol the WnUm- elta merldlau, in Clacaama rouuty. Hut of Oregon, inoul.l not be made accoruing to the) peiitlon on rile (or that puruoa. W itueaa. lha llou. U. K. Mare. Jula-a of tha (Umutj Court oi the eute ol Oregon, (or lb County uf Clackamaa, this lxtb day ol Oeto uar,l8V7. Attest: tLMttt UIAOfl, County Clerk. bjK.lL Coorss, Deputy. IL E. Cross, Attorney for eut. lU-IU, 111K Tl'8TICE'8 COURT FOK DISTRICT Na IM BUIaoi Oiagou, County ol Clscaamaa. J. W. Korrls, plain tin", 8. E. Worabaiu, defendant. To H. E. Worabsm. Ih aoor name! defend- ai.t. lu the name ol the Hlate of Oregon, too aranaraby reUirad lo appear boloraln under a:ga:l,a Ju.tice ol the peace, for tbe dlatnci aiureaald.ou tha litb day of ticcembar, l(v7, at iv o ciuc i in me lorauoou oi Bald day, al tue ol flce of sail Ju.tlcj, In uch diatrict. to anawer lb above named o.lni.n" In civil action, lha defduusutwill lake notice, tbat II he 111 to an.wertiw cmplaint bereiu, the plaintiff will Uke Ju Igmaui ait nil Dim for the sum ol SrvKM w.tb lutar.M tnercen from tbi 12. h day of LXt- eaiuLer, 11, and for bl cosu and disuurae- menu hereli. Oirea under my hand this 2Mb day of (Vtn. ber, l7. u. Bchcsssl. ID-'0, 12-3 Ju.tlc. of iba Feac. otfce to Creditor. IJf THE COUNTY COUKT OF THE STATS of Oregon, for Clackamas county, lu lb matter uf ih cii.e of I N. O. Waid.D, deceased. t Notic Is hereby given by lbs Dnderalined. executors of tue a.taie of N. O, Waiden, da Ceased, to tue creiitiora of. aud all prou. har- ini ciaima agaiuai ino asm uecened, to exnioit them, witn tua necessary voucher., wltbio six monthi Irom tn dais of trie flr.i nnuucailoa of th It notice, to said executors at tue office of their attorneys, Hejges at UriBUn, Barclay build. ng, Oregon Cuy, Oregon JSDIEK E. CHAKMAN, OKOKUE A UAKDINli, CHAK1.E3 H CALKlELD, Exeeutora of tb sui o( O. W dan. deeeasd. Muos 4 GairriTH, ity for executors. 10-ft 11- la .vtlre or Appointment. VOIICE LJHEREBK GIVEN THAT THE uuder.Uned na beau, or order of tua couuty Court ul Clnma County, Oreuon, duijr a.polmed xeouiut ul .b eiuo! Ueorg Vteisa, dvoeaaed. all peraona DaviDf claim arfaiiiit said calalt ar notiucd to present them torn, properly vrifl.d. t tQa utboe of H. E. Cruss, tiorDr-l'la, Oregou City, Oregon, wuniu six mouuia itom mo data 01 una nolle. rKA.NCIS HELtjH, Executor of tn eittte of George Weiah. H. E. caoaa, auurner (or caii. lU-ll--6 Kxeeutor'a tollee. N ucen uerwb givju tnat tb u iden gned baa boat a.,.u.eu by tbo county uuiiu of Clcam4 c-.u.ujr, Onguu, exe.uur of ibelaas w.ll ud tesume .1 ol u..bn tf.y. da.e.Ke-i. All peisuoanv.uacUima a;abst ihoiau.te of a..d Kooe.. Ha., uueaa.d, -re beieby -o.ifled to uieutibjauiiauuly Tcrifled for iymeut twtbc uda.jdoi at tbe officj ul iJroarueU A cm.uel, ur.gou c.ty, O.tg.. , wi biu six muu.ba f.ODl Iud:lt9u . bailee. Uj.ed .uvu.ber i. Iv7. t haki KV nsi riHirPTv BrowDrll A C.mpO-U, Jviicutur. All )S KirbXCulOt. 11-5 U a. Notice. OIICE Id HEREBY OIVEN THAT THK uudcrjlguej Has been appoiuted, by lu County court ol Clack.ma iaiuuiv. u.cxnn. admiulalrator Ol theeauutul George Gercovicu, deceased. All perauna briur ei&ima aaiuat tbe eeut of laid George liercuvicn. uecaaeu, u( bervby not Med lo preaeul tbe same, duly verified, wr paymeut tt the undersigued, wltuiu six mourns irom tola dta to oiui iu Or.g.jo City, Origoii, or at tue odico ol Brovnell & Camubjll, OrKOU City. Clackamas couuty, Oregon. Dated Uil 2nd day of riovemoer, lali7. MlCHOLs CTOBIY, n Administrator. BrowueU A Campbell, AUy'a. li-d, U-J police. OIICE IS HEKEllY GIVEN THAT MY alieAuua rciot. 01 8tdurd. Cickauiita couuty, Ore., baa left my bed and board with out any cause, and 1 will no. ba reauuuaibla lor .11 ueut cou iracieu by ber. iated October 4, la7. AtOCST FsTTKKA IVollre for Publication . iJtnd office at Oregou City, Ore., Oct 15, 1887, Nulice is hereby giveu that tbe loliowing nauivd (oilier ba nled notice of his lnieution to make uuai proof iu support vl hincla m, aud tuat SJlJ hfuoi Will be mailu hufiim tha li audkweiverat Oregon City, O.e., ou uo.m- uer aiu, IKI, vis: PETER LAFFEKTY; H. E. 915J for tue M n' ol Heo. U, T. 5 8, R 8 E. ilti. Uuoit.1 th followiua: witUvsses to provai bia couiluuous r aid. nee udou ami ciiltivatlitn ol sa.el laud, vii: Huuil Ba.er. Frank Robluson, Ambrose Pluaru, Ctiarle Hubbard, all of Cotton, Ore. 10-ai, U-S KOUtRX A M1LUSH, Register. Notice Tor Publication. Laud Office at Oregou City, Ore., October 27th, Notice la hereby given tbat tue fullowlDo-. uameu seitier ua fl ea uoiiue ol ber iuteutioa to make fiuai Drool iu auuuori ul Lar rlnin. .i,i Inai aaiu prooi will be made beiore tbe Keglaler and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore., ou December Uib, lay;, vi,; LUCY C. CARTER; If W. lflllO tn Q D 1 ,.l VTCly 1 . ud 2 Ol SJO. 4 To i H. K 7 E. aud .-. V U nine yA of 8c0. A Tp ti, K 7 K. sue name, tua lullowmg wltnessea to provo her coniiuuoua resideuce udou end ouitl vtiou of said laud, viz: Jiary E. u..Aiurphy, William Rose aky, Fred Gerke, John Mmuiyre, all of iMlmon, Oru. KKS. 12-3 CHAu. B. MOOKE8, ReKlstur. Notice Tor Publication. Land office al Oregou City, Ore. , October 'J7, 1897 Aotice la bereuy giveu that lue following nauud .etilur has filed notice of her intention to make Uuai prooi iu .upport of her calm, aud lual aaid proof will ue made beiore the Register and Receiver al Oregon Cuy, Ore., ou Deoember Uiu, 1897, vn: i. MARY E. G. MURPHY; U. E. 10311 for tue lot. 3 aud 4 of oeo. i Tp. S B, R 7 E, ud 8 1 j ol B W ! oi Bi. S3, Tp 2 8, B7 E. tiUe u.mei lu follOtVIIII witnea.ua tn nrova her oonuuuous reaideuce upon and oultivatioa of said luud, vis: i-ucy u. carter, John Mclotyre, William Roaelsky, r'red (ierke, all of Saluiou, Ore. 10-29, 12-t CHA3. B. MOOREJ, Register. Notice Tor Publication. Land oitiue at Oregon City, Ore., Oct 26, 1897. niHicenoereoy given tbat tbe following named .ettler baa filed notioe of her intenliuu to miike linal proof iu support of ber oiaiiu, aud tbat ald proof will be made be lor the Register nd lie eiverat Oregon City, Ore., on Uucembor 4th, 1897, in: JANE 8. 6EDWELL; II. E. No. 9338 for the H U ol 8 E 8 E V. of 8 V U aud lot 7 of 8ev. 6, T. 2 8, R 6 E. abe names ihe following witnesses to prove her continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Lyuian Uerrick, H.chael Kelly, Adolph Aschutr, Eruust Axchnrf. all of Marmot. OreKou. i i lu-29, 12-3 CUA3. a MOORE8, Register.