Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 12, 1897, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Circuit emirt conrrnM tlrnt Mon a In No-
-vambertud thlrtl Monilny In April.
Probate court In icMlon flrot Monday In each
OommlMlnnfneniirt mli flrt Wcdnesdaj
after tnt MomUv of ch monln.
New veiling at Mies Goldsmith's.
TATENT flour ii made in Oregon
City. .
Knitting Yarn, two skeius for 5 cents
at the Racket Store.
Snecial bantams in remnants of
ribbons ami velvets at Mrs. Sladen's.
The largest, beet and nicest selections
of ribbon ever in the city just arrived at
the Racket Store.
Rev. Dr. Williams will conduct the
services at St. Paul's church, next Sun
day morninc and evening.
You can pet stamped pillow shams
for 20 cents per pair at The Racket ttore,
opposite Charman's dnitf store.
Subject of the address at the evening
prayer service in St. Paul's church this
evening, "Creeds and the Creed."
At Mrs. Sladen's millinery parlors a
fine assortment of trimmed hats from $1
to fl.50 and a specialty in velvets
For a quiet place to hitch your horses
wav from the motor line and a place to
get a first class job of repairing or horse
hoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
fifth itreet.
took at the prices on the Holiday Line
of dolls in the window at Huntley's
Book Store. Better bny one now and
have plenty of time to get its dresses
made for Christmas.
Their is no need of little children be
ing tortured by scald head, ecxema and
skin eruptions. Pe Witt's Witch Hazel.
Salve gives instant relief and cures per
manently. Geo. A. Harding..
Dvspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitaliwr
immediately relieves Sour Stomach,
Coming up of Food Distress, and is the
great kidnev and liver remedy. Sold by
Charman 4 Co., Druggists, Oregon City.
The Southern Pacific's '"Sunset Gulf"
route is again open for business to the
Atlantic seaboard, having been closed
since September 14 by reason of the
quarentine restrictions at Algiers and
New Oieleans.
If the first rain days caught you with
out sufficient protection from tberain and
left you with a i-old cure it promptly.
It is easily and pleasantly done with Red
Sea! Cough Cure. 25 cent bottles and
everyone guaianteed at Huntley'sdrug
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected stock of fumily
groceries which he is selling at very
reasonable rates. His motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods deliveded to any
part of the city.
"My landlord will pay for that paper,"
said a business man to Holman, the wall
paper dealer. Holman said it was
for the room. "Is that all? Well, I
will pay it myself," replied the business
man. You will be surprised when you
find how little it costs to paper your
room when you see Holman and see his
up-to-date styles and prices.
J. C. Berry, one of the best known citi
zens of Spencer, Mo,, testifies that he
cured himi-elf of piles by using a few box
es of DeWitt'sWilch Hazel Salve. He
had been tro'ubled with piles for over
thirty years and had uaed many different
kinds of so called cures : but De Witt's
was the one that did t ha work and he
will verify this statement if any one
wishes to write him. Geo. A. Harding.
Memory is a little treacherous now
and then, and causes one to forget some
things worth remembering, unless one
has an experience like that which came
to Mr. D. E. East, Moffat's Creek, Va
who says "I had been suffering for years
with a torpid liver and found no relief
until I took Simmons Liver Regulator
when I was entirely relieved of my
troubles. I never intend being without
Simmons Liver Regulator."
The three-year old bovof J. A. John
son, of Lynn t enter, III, is subject to at
tacks ol croup. Mr. Johnson says he is
eaticfied that the timely use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, during a severe
attack, saved his Utile boy's life. He is
in the drug business, a member of the
firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; and
they handle a great many patent medi
cines for throat and lung diseases. He
had all these to chose from, and skilled
physicians ready to respond to his call,
but selected this remedy for use in his
own family at a time when his child's
life was in danger, because he knew it
to be superior to any other, and famous
the country over for its cures of croup.
Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling
cough medicine they handle, and that it
gives splendid eatinfaction in all cases.
Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
The U. S Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
fleadarh stopped In 29 minutes by Dr.
AllW i'Aia Viiam. "One cent a dose."
Furnished Every Week by the Clark
nm Abstract & Trust Company.
Marian McGarney to Floro E
Crittenden Oct 5,'97 W D 10 as
in 11 Johnson elm Pee of
Correction and
F E Crittenden toC M McGar
ney, July 20, '97, Q C 10 as In
Johnson elm set: 15 tp 2 a r 2 e
Win and L M Stevensen
to James Newland,
Oct 30. W Q C tract sec 4 and
5 tp 2 r 2 e
1 00
1 00
S5 00
Phebe Gilbert (by admr) to J
Newland et al. Oct 2S, 'OS 32
as sec 5 tp 2 a r 2 e
930 00
W II Rucker (by shr) to Mary J
Robinson Sept 18, '07 lots 11
12 13 14 blk 33, Oswego
Frank R Wright to J II Wright
Nov 1 '97 W D, e.S' sw4' sec
32 tp 4 s r 3 e
J W Hill to B Wistar Morris,
July 2 '97 W D ne. sec 34 tp
60 00
1 00
7s r 3 e 000 00
Mary A Perry to David Mans
field, Sept 5, '97, Apperson's
Add to Park place 300 00
David Mansfield to Mary M Fur
cell. Sept 13, '97 W D lot 3 8,4'
of 2 blk 7 'Apperson's Add to
Parkplace 100 00
R Goucher to Elmer Cooper.
Oct 23, '97 W D one-third of
nwl4 of bw14 sec 9 tp 4 s r 2 e
1 00
U 8 to Win Nieman.June 11. '97
se4 sec 29 tp 4 s r 4 e
Sunset Land Co to Hannah M
Clancey, Oct 7. '97 W D Fract
lots 4 and 6 blk 21 Sunset. . . .
Francis Spoor to D C Latoorette,
trustee, Oct 9. '97 W D net,'
of nw'4 and lot 1 sec 30 tp 5 s
r3 e
Gladstone R E Association to W
II Kelly, Oct 26, '97 W D lots
175 00
1 00
11 12 blk 57 206 00
Chas II Moll to Effie B, Moll,
Nov 3, '97 Y D 61 as of David
Moll elm
J Engel to Frank Sweitzer, Oct
27, '97 W D (Correction) 14.72
as and roadway sec 4 tp 3 s r 1
Geo W Holcomb to A E and
Royal B Holcomb 32 as and
5 00
300 00
tract in Cran field elm 8000 00
C F Riley to Otis Filancy, Aug
23, '07 Q C sw X sec 11 tp 3 s
Robt J Beulel to Mary Lazelle,
May 1, '97 W D 7 as Id Mil
ton Brown clui
1 00
50 00
U S to Chas Harris, t of nw
and n)s ot aw sec 30 tp 2 s r
6 e Pat Aug 17, '95
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oreiton City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
For Kale.
160 acres of land about three miles (3)
miles south-east of Union Mills, 25 acres
slashed, burnt and picked up. A creek
runs across the whole length. There
are 40 or 50 acres of bottom land, the
balance rough and hilly, but the most of
it can be tilled. There is a good box
house with five rooms, a wood shed, a
small barn, all new; one mile from school
and postoffice. Will sell on longtime,
and the first five years without interest.
For particulars inquire of .
Mks. E. 8. Ckowlev,
C'arus, Oregon.
Mai vat ion Army.
Major S. Marshall, who has charge of
the Army work in Washington, Oregon
and Indaho, will visit Oregon City corps,
Thursday evening, Nov. 11, at 8, p.m.
He will be assisted by Ensign J. Shori
dan, divisional secretary, and Ensign C
Park, mercy box agent and the nlgtitin
gal singer.
A cordial invitation is given to all.
Look out for the parade.
Bucklen's Arnica Sulre.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman & Co., Charman
Bros. Block.
For Kent.
A seven-room house, two blocks from
the Barclay school, on street with side
walk and electric lights and has a com
manding location affording a beautiful
view of the Willamette river and sur
rounding country. Rent reasonable.
Address "House" care of Enterprise.
A Jioveltr.
At the Salvation Army hall, next Sun
day evening, Noy. 14, 7:30 p. m. Sub
ject, will be "Light." The open air
meeting will eclipse anything of the past.
A cordial invitation is given to all.
Altona Time Table.
O. C. T. Co's. Steamer Altona leaves
Portland for Salem and way landings
daily at 6:45 a. m. Leaves Oregon City
for Salem at 8 a. m. Returning to Port
land about 3 p. m.
Royal mket tht tood pur,
wholMon and delicious.
Absolutely pur a
DOVtl KIM KWOf CO., kfw VOM.
Alex Tice, of Canby, was In Oregon
City Tuesday on business.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Leavitt, ot Molalln,
were Oregon City visitors on Friday
Harley Wood went to Baker City
Wednesday for a short visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Schultz, of Seattle,
are the guests of Hon. and Mrs. C. IV
Miss Nellie Coaltleet, of Portland, was
the guest of Mrs. Win, Andresen during
the week.
Hon. J. B. Davids, of
Portland, was
looking aftor
in Oregon City Tuesday
properity interests here.
Miss Anna Midlara, of Portland, is
visiting her brothers Charles and Win
Midlatn, of Canonist), this week.
Miss Alice McCoy, of Salem who has
been visiting friends in this city, returned
to her home In Salem Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Wiggins of
Salem, were guests at the home of his
his brother, W. B. Wiggins, last Friday.
Leslie Hunter, the jolly Wells-Fargo
man of the Capital city, was in the city
Saturday the guest of his friend Herbert
Mrs. Ollie Givens and her sister, Miss
HeBter Robb, of Canemah, returned the
first of the week from a tour of the East
ern states.
Mrs. E. E. Kellogg and little daughter
went to Spokane Thursday, where she
will spend the winter with ber lather
John Crane.
Henry Meldrum left for Idaho Satur
day, where matters pertaining to govern
ment surveys will occupy his attention
for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson, of Salem,
were in the city Saturday, returning
rom a visit with Mrs. Stinson's brother,
. Ley, of Stafford.
Senator John II. Mitchell, of Portland,
is in the city, counsel for the defense in
the Hess-Leibe damage suit. The sena
tor is a guest at the Electric.
Mrs. C. O. T. Williams and her
daughter, Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, returned
Friday afternoon from Mc.Minnville,
where they spent Beyeral weeks very
pleasantly with friends.
Judge Henry E. McGinn, of Portland
has been in Oregon Cily during the week
looking alter the interests of Mrs. Hess
her suit against T. II. Leibe, now oc
cupying the attention of the circuit court.
Mrs. W. II. Warden and son, who
have been visiting relatives in this city
and vicinity for the past month and a
half, departed on the overland Sunday
evening for their home In ban Luis
Obispo, California.
Wilson T. Hume, ex-prosecuting at
torney and member of the law firm of
Hume 4 Hall, Portland, was in Oregon
City Wednesday, having been summoned
iere as a witness in the Iless-Liebe
damage suit.
Daniel J. Moore, clerk of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, was in the
ity Tuesday giving testimony in the
Iless-Liebe case. Mr. Moore is a genial
good fellow and has the reputation of be-
ng one of the moBt efficient clerks Mult
nomah county ever had.
John Keating, bookkeeper in the Will
amette Pulp and Paper mills, received
the sad intelligence Sunday of the death
of his fattier in San Francisco and left on
e overland that evening to be present
at the funeral. Mr. Keating knew noth
of his fathers sickness until he learned of
his death.
Editor and Mrs. A. W. Cheney, of the
Courier went down to Oysterville last
week for an outing and to enable Mr.
Cheney to kill some ducks with his new
Winchester pump gun. But since a
week has gone by and no ducks have
been sent home it is presumed the price
is to high for a newspaper man's puree.
Hon. and Mrs. Chas. B. Moores went
to Salem Wednesday to be present at
the reception given the original far
famed "Mountain party" at the resi
dence of Judge and Mrs. Geo. II. Bur
nett, in honor of Mrs. George W. Bolt,
of Spokane, Washington, one of the
charter members. Mr. Moores acted in
the capacity of end man, and is said to
have surpassed all his former efforts in
that line.
Capain J. T. Apperson, president of
the board of regents of O. A. C. and one
of the warmest friends friends In the
state of the institution, has been in town
since Thursday. He is a member of tbe
special committee for providing for the
vacancy in the mechanical department
cauaod by the rcHlgimtlon of E, C.
Emmett, Hint along with the nHt of the
committee figures on raining the salaty
and naming an electrical engineer fur the
place. Corvallla Times.
George Conyers, was In Oregon Clly
Wednesday visiting his Bister and other
friends in the city.
Major Thomas Charman is Buffering
from an attack of rheumatism and is
con lined to his home.
Mrs. T. S. I.auroncQ arrived home
Tuesday from a trip to her old home in
Pade county, Missouri where ahe was
called by the death of her mother. Mrs.
taureuce was more than glad to get
back to Oregon City, for winter had
already set In In the East, In fact there
was snow on the ground all the way
from Kansas to Eastern Oregon.
C, T. Hickman returned last Thursday
(rom an extended visit to his old home
in Missouri, It has leen 27 years since
Mr. Hickman left Missouri and he noted
many changes In both people and the
country. Tunes ho states are steadily
improving and all oxoect prosperous
days next year. Mr. Hickman, like all
Oregon ians, was glad to get back to old
Webfoot, as It Is the best state in the
Miss Cornelia McCown, daughter of
Mrs. S. M. McCown, who fell (rom the
stairs leading up the Seventh streets
steps in 18S7 and sustained injuries to her
back (roiu which she never fully recov
ered and for which she underwent an
Oerationat the Good Samaratin hospital
recently Is recovering nicely, her many
friends will be pleased to learn, and It is
only a question of time until she Is fully
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Basey, of Portland
were guests at the Pilsbury home last
Sunday. Mr. Basey is cashier for the
Northern Pacific Express Company, He
Is an amateur photographer ot consider
able skill and his vacations are employed
n making trips about the country in
juest of choice bits of scenery for his
camera. The falls, the blull and other
features of tho scenery about Oregon
City gratly pleased Mr. Basey and he
has a number of fine views ot these at
Sollli'llllng ti Knew.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine (or restoring
the tired out nervous system toa health,
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in tho stomach,
gently stimulates the liver and kidneys,
and aids these organs In throwing on"
impurities in the blood. Electric Hitters
improves the appetite, aids digestion,
and is pronounced by those who have
tried it as the very best blood purifier
and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c
and fl.00 per bottle at Charman A Co's
drug store.
It you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Iltiilding and
Loan Association, call on H. T. Sladen.
He has it at his finger ends.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Entkri-hise and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Prof. W. B. Peeks, who
maicea a apacmltr ot
Epllepay, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more rniu-e than any
living I'hyilcinn ; hla
uccesa ia (onlhlnif.
We have henrd of canes
ot ao years' alandlng
cureu ny
him. He
work on
thla dli.
en, which
he aonds
lurire bot
tle of hi absolute cure, fres to any auiTerer
who mar send their P. (). and ExprcM ad.lrrm.
We advise anv one wlnhiiu? a euro toaddrc
ProtW. B. FZXXE, F. D.. 4 Cedar St., Hew Tork
Pure Drugs
Paints and Oils
Toilet Articles
First quality goods
Lowest prices
!ii al
Ji or jreopie xnat Are I
sic or "Just Don't!
jj eei well."
riN i v nyr mi
Rant Pimples, cure Headiest, Dyiptpila
CeitlttnM. 26 cU. box at druKaiiu or or nail
tempi r I, ad dim Dr. Bvtlnko Co. J-bjIa, ia.
"I don't belltvo titers tver wna to
goods I'lll limit m Aycr'sCsllmrtk
1'llli. Tlicjr will do all you rci'om
tneud them (or ami avrn more,
V'henl hnvt a cold Bint acho from
lirad to heels, a done or two ol tliraa
I'Mll li alt til ItlcJIiine needed to
cl ma right agniu. l or headache,
tho PouHitivo palate. Somo ooutm tire too hoiivy ; thoy
won't tlisHolve, and tho pilla thoy oovor piu through
the Byettim, hftrmloss n a trend pollot. Other coata
are too light, and porniit the speedy deterioration of
the pill. After 80 years expomiro, Ayer'a Buirnr Contod
Pilla have been found as effective rw if Juut fronh from
the laboratory, It'a a good pill, with a good coat.
Ask your druggiHt for
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Thla tcatlnionlal will lit found
hundred other, fret. Addieail J,
If You Wnnt
tfcrni i
This applies to real estato as well as other conioditieff.
Every family in need of a homo desires the best location.
Has tho greatest number of advantages to its credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay
you to investigate this property, flood clear lots at
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARMAN Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block,
lelure's Taazir;e
For 1897
A New Life of Grant by Hunilln Curium!. Tlie drat autlioria
tive Bail adequate Life of Grant ever pnblialieil. Lavialily illiiatrateil. (11.
gina in December.)
Hudyard KlpUnu'n flrat American aerial,
iBoKlnH in November.)
Rolert Lou In Htevennon'H " Kt. Ives."
aoii'a Mill unpublialied. (HckIiis in May.)
ChH, A. Dunu, " Recollection of Wartime." Mr. Dana waa for three
of tbe moHt critical veara of tbe Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's
Cabinet, and ia probably better fitted than any other man livfiiK to give an
authoritative hiHtory of thin period from his recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of G re ut American. Many of them iinpubllHlied. In
connection with this series of portruita it is Intended to puhllnh special
bioitraphical studies under the general title of MAKKHH OK THIS
UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Picture of I it I entitle. Hpecially taken under the editor's direction.
Storleaof Adventure. A sella! by CONAN DOYLI5, in which
he will iiho his extraordinary talent for mystery and Inuenuity which have,
in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Toe anil
Tan Mocloren, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year,
with the exception of twocontruhiitions to another publication which were
engaged from him long uo, will appear in McCmikk's Maoaxink.
Joel ChandlerllnrrlH, A aeries of new animal stories in tho same
field as the " Itrer Habbif'and the " Little Mr. ThimblolltiKor" stories.
Hudyard IClplintf. Besides " Captains CouriiKooiis," Kipling will con
tribute to McCm'kk's all of the short stories he will write during the coming
Octave Thanet Is preparing for the Maoa.ink a series of short Bloriosln
which tliesaine characters will appeal , although each will be complete in itself.
Anthoney Hope Hret Harte liobert Unrr
Kranlt H. Htockton Stanley Weymnn Clurk Huaae
will all have stories In McCi.ukk'b for the com inn year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmirk'b
Magazine for 1807, the subscription price of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November.
The S. S. meCtupe
Pill Clothes.
Tho (rood pill hits n (rood
coat. The pill coiit Borvoa
two purpoHua; it protooU
tho pill, and (UHimlBOif it to
In lull In Ayer'a "Curehook," with a
C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mai.
lyillTIC IUtO.NZIC Monuments
will nut MoHH-cover or Muck
en. Aro artistic, climiji untl tho
iiiont enilurinj,' monument iniitlo.
White Uroiuo in no exriment.
It hiiM stood for liunilrcilH of yearn
in KuroK) mill is not nlft'cteii by
tho weiitiier. CorreHH)iitltiut! tioli
citotl. On receipt of khUI cnni
will lo pleitHeil to cull ami nlior
HiitniileH and (IchigiiH.
f. II. HONNKI.!., MOH.
N. W. Corner Konrlh anil Yamhill Street
with Kwlnx' bonk elore,
rortlitml, Oregon.
Oregon City.
" Caplaiiia CouriiKooiiR."
Tlie only novel of Steven-
Subscriptions should start with this
Co., Netu York City