Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOl'TIIKItN PACINI) RAILWAY. MIlHTII Sl.UHl). ( .IllnriiU K.m.r (llirniiiili) " Ma. m. Hiituliurg l-ocal (way stations) .iw !' (OtlTM SOUSI). KiitKlmrii J.i'l (way stall.. n) J:37 . m California hipraM (tliriiiiKliI I'OHTAI. HOIIKDUI.K. V sotiTllsait rACiriO .(). M.ill(liniHM Noflh, I '" Wllcl..i. ulni( H.mlli. m. ami W p in. M I illLi itiulvil ' ! I '. I" lft .il MsllilistilbiiWil from Miuiti V lua m , .0 ..ul M KANT tun sucisio 1.1 M. Mall r-l.sos lot I'l.rllsnd mil diirltullnf points, J7iuh.ii, iil 4 41) o.m. MjiIc!I-i lur Mili.kt ui.ly, 8.(1 a, m.. Muu!"'.lvi Itom PoiiUiuJ, II BO a. m. iid 4. IS p. ui. mill SOI'TK. rm(.ii1ly(oKly,Cni.Miillin.UlMri.ii.1 Mnlslla leaves at li ui. and arrlvas alliiu. " om."ii..ii Mtr lo llrr Crscs, Mliik. Clark. ll.,l"w lir....a.l'iii.n Mills, awl t:i.li..u.lavoa at a. hi. Mulay, Wa.l11es.ia7 nii'l rr.dsy. ami reuitii" n ...li-iwliiie at 4 i. m Urrsoli tlty i. Vloia. Ift ami 1'""" 1 ..... t)ri.ou Clly Moii.Uy, We. nes.lay at.il Prl'layal .uu p. m., leavli Viola ssii.e days t7;i". , Orun.-ii lly Willamette, HimT-.r I and Wi...i.vllle. arrival lu.isia. u. amlusva. l "iTii"'!'!' nwil'.'.iy nt 'W ii ..p-ii i.ii 'iiu'iay ,...., iu to U a. .... A.I Mi- r. J..,,,p. a ...I !. bmstim. ....or U piumpily UT Vi'.'K.'X.u'.'.r.U .(.at la4.lay.Hl I MJ. atm.u. ini in.,, '. li-l.i wilt cms om U 0'rli'k or 4 l.leieclMO t'r. Wll.LAMKlTK KAUJ IH. 1S LSAV .......a.l.itt aail.OS ll.lrrS rAtU mi . ... a. " :IU " mi " luuu " I....0 " 1M " a It. p. III. 4 ifl " I 40 ot) " .aft " ;U3 p. lit J.lft " 4 it - IU . " B IU Ml Iu 1 V. (A kun.l.y era !......,. hour inll "'I'h k FKIIAY, NOVKMHKU WW. WHATIIKH AM) I'ol.lTlCAI. rillXIMiMU A Tea. Col. U.iU-rl A. Mlllir, ll.e fH known i-UciiMtoluuiMt hkI eni.llttte Hit ii'Ut of WflifiKilUml, lm nm-MlHimM llur lli )i-arH ol ili'i'P rinitnli(m UihI .rvi.ru ln.l inl rin atorm ixriira In Oil-Kim t.i.ut tliu Htli o( November eai h yenraiul that klllinu froxt oeciira on Hie aame ilitie In Ui" moiiili ol .May, i leant llieim thinia Iih.hmhmI tliirlnu tli vear 1HU7 utiil, jmluina tho lutiiro l.y il.. ....i Kill iH-Liir in lH'.IH. When il i i romea to nolltli i tlie Colonel i rliM)l ry t homo. In reaMne to tlie imjuiry aiiiint the iMjIitical aittitation in the atato lin aal.l the .ropaniU lil In-en .i A...rti inl iln-rn mdiiIiI Imi lour ti.'keta in the llelJ next June. That tha ilemo- irU miJ ilver reuhliiBna, 1 1 u i U H.n.H rei.Dlilit'ana who voteil for Hrvan Inat NoveinlM-r, if inch n linoriiml .wlinen of lhn (ii'tiina lioiiioeait he found, w ill unite, the M.- llriilit Mitchell funea of the republican party will put out a titkui, tb Himon Scott crowd aiiolher unit Ibe populiat tin- fourth. When naked whultheKold detnocrnta would do llm Colonel abmcd hi aliouKlera and aaid they were loo In-alKiiill.-ent a quantity lo be taken into cotiMi.leratioii, bmi.le he had alw.yf noticed that they invariably voted the republican ticket anyway. The Colonel wan very aaiiituino of the aucceaa of the democratic parly In the roiniim content, owing to the dinacutiona in the republi can rutika nd the hoodooed condition of the populiat parly since the IcKilative liol.l up. llecidea tlmt party now kj. veiiHca no national orittuiiailon and inaiiitHiua no Hlate oritanixation in any of the alatca except Oreuon, WaHhinuton and Kanriaa. Faiimkii's Situur Coiioik. The Aitrl cultnrul college, which for yearn ban con ducted farmer' iiiHtiluica In varioua partaol llm atiile, baa been conducting for lour years pimt with Kreat iiicceaH what li known . a larmer'a abort conrno. This course conaiHta of a aorica of opular luclurca, aupplcmented by laboratory work under Hiinerviaion of the profecaora, almiK llnea auitud lo aid horticulturiata and duiryinim In tluvulupinij Ihe great liutiirHl reaourcei! of our elate. Jo"1' nun..,.. ..u.u auiil that the school of MUl'll'H" experience tlioroutsh, but tho tui tion cume lilnh. Here In a chance to get thorouuli, practical knowledge about farm work without money and without price, there lining no'chargo for tuil ion ml no hiboraloiv fees in tbia course, neither in there any educational teat for entrance. The woik will begin Tuesday, Janimry 11, 1WW, and close February 10, rnverinif a tieriod when but little, if any, farm work can bo done, and this course ...... ..i. I I .. lv everv furmur ill Cliickiimas county. A few dollars noc a I lit. 1" . n esmtry to pay hoard in uirvauis ior few weeks will be quadrupli'd in tbo in creiim d returns from the farm next year brought about by running tho place on scicntilii! principles. Pat ' Oi.it MinhtkkIi TkoI'i-k. The African Minstrel troupe of Oregon Oily will give their enturtrinment at Khively's opera house on Friday evening, Decem ber 8. In addition to tho best local talent in the city the troupe will embrace four well-known and popular Portland vocbIibIb. The end men, or rather ladies, report excellent progress. A number of bran new iokes have been received fresh from the mint, while the hits on local politicians and prominent young men will h worth more than the price of admlnsion in themselves. Kehersals are being carried on twice each week and good progiess Is reported In audi claHsic auleclioiiN from Mo.arl and Menillenaboii hh "All Coons: Look Allko lo Me," "Who I'rowud Pat Un Brick Fust," "Hot Time In dn Old Town Tonight," "Owluii Puck to My Honey," etc. Kurrr Oiiowkuh to Mkkt. The fifth annual meeting of the Northwest Fruit drowera' aMriocla'lon will be bold in Cortland, commencing the second Tues day lu January and continuing three days. The membership of this Bi)cU lion extends throughout the Cud lie noithwest, and fruit growers from Ore- von, Washington, Maiio ami nriusn Columbia llend. As the date of hold ing the annual meeting of the Oregon atate horticultural society is also the se cond Tuesday In January, Oregon fruit irrowara will bn khlu to attend the bust- i------ - lies' meeting of both orgsni.aliotiH, and the general programme will or coiirao he of a character interesting lo all fruit growers. FiiikndsOk Tiik Faiimkhb. It la said thai an ordinary caterpillar increases 10.CHX) times In bulk thirty days Iron) tno time It is hutched; I hat the food it grow oil Is vegetable, lind tlmt 10,0110 cater. pillars could destroy all the grans on an aero of ground. The Insect population of a single cherry Iree Infesied with aphides was calculated by a prominent entomologist to lie 12,0(X).(i00. Cultiva ted coiiniry district are suaposod to con tain from 700 lo 1,000 blrda lo a mile, each of which consumes hundreds of Insects each duv. If not wantonly des troyed, the birds will keep the balance between plant and Inaect life. To Plat FixrniAi.i.. levers of the popular game of football will be Intel' ested In the one to be played in Gladstone nark on Thursday, the 25111 lnt., at 10 a, m. between team composed of F. Company hoys and a picked eleven from the city. Lelghtoii Kelly will be captain and J. U. Campbell, manager of r. Company' teum. while Jim Church will manage the picked teum and Charlea l'line do the co.chlng. The alighninenl linn not yet been fully determined tlon hut sulll. ieiit is known to guarantee a holley ctinieted game with honors bout evenly tlivl led. A Hidkwai.k Kou Mai'i. IAnk. The Indies ol Mapl.) Lane will give basket nodal at the Maplo Purie school house Huturduy evening, November 13, to rulne money to build a sidewalk from the school house through tho I -sue, His almost Impossible for little children t wade through the mud to school to say noihing ol the Injurious eir.'(:ts on their health. Maple Lane is only about a mill) from Iroin the city, the moon will bn full on thai evening and Ihe roads are good so that Oregon City can attend and besides enjoying a pleasant eve ning contribute to a worthy cause. 'A Forest Orchid." This is the title of Mrs. Kll Miggln- on' latest book, In which she publishes a new collection of her storio of life obtained from the Hound country, where she lias made her home for some years pust. The thread of sadness which runs through all the writings of this brilliant and popular author, while not entirely wanting In the present liook, is not so dominant and the brighter picture! that make up the present collection add greatly to Its artistic merit, "A Forest Orchid," the first of the stories, gives a wonderful picture of the grandeur and depth of the great virgin forest, un touched by the rude hand of man. While the limit of each Btory is small Mm. Hlgginson has so moulded the character to confirm with their environ mmila Unit each is a work of art. A bcuutilul, refined young girl, filled with vugue longing and aspirations, and siim riorto the tordiness of her every day life, mother rough and good hearted and a rustic swain play the principal parts, but so skillfully are the stories handled that esch lingers in the memory separate and distinct from the others. The humor and palhoe of these humble and uneventful lives is brought out in thene delicate little dramas, while their milting brings out the wondcrous beauty of the everlasting hills that tower while and glistening, keeping ceaseless, silent vigils above the veils ol purple mist. Mr, llit-giiison's many friends and admirers in this city will be eaceially Interested in this last book. The book in published by The McMillan Company, 7 257X if '6N$fl ffiy -'- fifgin and (l)(altftam Advanced in price The Low Prices which we established are still in force. If you really wish to buy a bargain in watches see ub before our present stock is sold. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. Sunday Services. KIIIST OONOKKUAliONAL. CHUKCH. Itnr. I. W. lit) 1 r, Pastor. Service, at 10 JW a.m. ami I 'M r. u. Huinlny School alter mornluj erne. Prayer meetlns I l.uia'lay ereinnx t 7.3)o,Klwk. Prayer meeting of Youm People'l Society ol Christian Kudeavor every Sunday veiling at 4:30 prompt. riltST BAPTIST mi'RCH. - Rsv. M I Ite.io, Paator Mornliis Service at l":l. Sunday School at 11:15; Kveiilns Service 7:H0; Kexular prayer meetliiK luuixfay evening. Mni.il.ly t.oveiiaut Mee ting every Wedueedaf evenlrir preee.lli.K the flrat Sunday In the mouth. A Gonial Invltailou to all. ST. 10IIJTH CHUKCH.CATIIOnC.-Rsv. A. lln.UhKAHi), Paaior. On Suixlay maaaat Sand 1U.) a. . Kvery aecond and l.mrth Sunday German aerinmi alter the S o'clock n.aa. At all other niaaae. Knsllah aermoua. Sunday Si'h.M,l at T.m) r. . Veapera, apologetics! ublma and Benediction at 7:30 r. M. MF.TIKiDIHT KPIHCOPAL CHl'KCH.-K' V. 1 1. J., m. f.ao.r Mornirir aervlce at 10:45: Sunday School at 10:UU. Class meeting alter morning .ervlre. Kvenlua service at 7:). ..- . L ... u.....,aw nlli l r.i'woriu iaKw wcciiuK u ...... j 2 . Jw; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening t7JW. strangers cordially Invited. riltHT PKKHBYTERIAN CHCKCH.-Rit. A ). Montgomery, Pastor. Serrieea at 11 A. a. and 7:u r. a. nanuam aenoo. ai iu . People'a Mrwlety of Chrlatlan KnUeavor meet very Sunday evening at 6:80. Ihu.sday evening prayer meeting at 1 XU. Beats free. KVANO'fUCAL CllChC H GERMAN Rev. Erie'.. Pastor: 1. K. EhrsT A-l-tiit. Prearliing services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 W P. M. Sahl.aih ftool every Sunday at 10 A. M.Mr. Ziinnmr.iiauSupt. Prayer Meeting every I buraday evening (iKHMAX M.'THKRAS ZI0N'8 COX vreisuiional cl.iircli. ltev. K. hack, paator. .Service, every Holiday at 11 A. M. Sunday school st 10 A. M. ST PAUL'S CHURCH-Epiacopal-W. I). Williams, D. !., minialer in charge. Hui, dav Hriiool at 10 a. m.. service, at 11 . ... ;.'mi, in .niivs i7:.'V) u.ni. even- oeais Crayon and Water Color portraits. t .Viev of Oregon it .,r heDPV s nrc vjaner V The only first-class photo gallery in the city. W. I. STALEY. Principal, Salem, Oregon. We have told yon that a business education pay. Businessmen will tell you Our graduate, will tell you the same. Certainly no stronger evidence i wanted. This school is Thorough, Practical, Progressive and Popular. i. i. ,t. i,i., ;n t,nin. nractice methods. Students transact businew thro igb the mails by the intercommunication system. Send lor catalogue, which will tell you ail aooni ine school To Ha I'kdk'atkii Sunday. The dedi catory services of llio new lierman l.uthern I'.uiaiiel church, corner J , (J. Adams and Kight streets, will lake place next Hnbhalh. There will Im services in Hhlvelys llallatOa. tn. and In the church I 10:30 a. in. when Key. C. Hueceler, of Portland, and ltev. J F. Doescher, of Tacoma, will preach in English and Kev A. Krause in German. Lunch will be served in the home opM)ite the church at 1'.' in. The public ia cordially invited to attend any and all ol the.e services. Tiiiktv-Kitiitii Milhstosk. T. I-eom ard (.'barman was 3S years old last Thursday, and the event was celebrated by a family reunion and dinner at the residence o his mother, Mrs. M. M Charmun on Main etrecl. There were present: Mrs. M. M. Charman, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Charman ami daughter, Mr. and Mn. E. K. Charman and daughter, and Mrs. M. Diller, represent fourgeneraliolis. All present did ample iustii'e to the delicate viands prepared in such luxurient abundance by Ihe genial hostess. ia iiuoum.eii uy ic .m ..iih.. ""r" , i - r , . . , ' ..... 1 ii.i 1, raver seriice v. Itli an adilress. m Filth avenue. New ork, am! will oe (r,' A cordial invitation to all Hie aer . . li .., .... .Iu ! SUi.lL'mi nt mo iu.a.i . aent lo any price ol f l.'.O IIahs IU unko. The barn of J C. Payoren, one-half mile east of Clacka mas, was desl roved by lire about 3 o'clock last Tuesday morning, together with 12 or 13 tons of hay, a horse, wagon and other farm Implements. About laH) partially covered by insurance. Ihis nukes the secend barn Mr. Davoren Has had destroyed by lire, having lost one in the same way about two years ago, This last fire Is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. Finkd Foa Assault. T. S. Stipp wti arrested hist Wednesday and taken be- foro Justice Pungaii at Molalla and lined $.r and costs for an assault uoon his father, committed on the Wednesday nrevions at his iilaeo west of Molulla. The elder Stipp makes his honw with his son and they hud some sort ol a misunderstanding resulting in the old gentleman receiving a severe trouncing at the hands of his sou. Statu or Ohio, City orToLKUO. s. Luc as County. J Frank J. Cheney makes an oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney k Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said tirm will pay the sum of ONE I1UNPKED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Hairs Catarrah Cure. FUASKJ, CHENEY, Sworn to belore me and subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. 1MHI. A. W.GLEASON, hi!al NotarjTublic. Hall's Catarrah Curo Is taken inter nally end acts directly on Ihe blood and mucous suilaces of the system. Send for tentimonials, free. F. J . CHEN EY, A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Tills are the best. Stray Horse. Strayed from Willamette Falls about Amrust 1st, a gray mare, six years old, weight 1300 pounds height 10( bands, collar mark on back of neck, one hip sliithtlv lower than the other, a little still" in Ihe shoulders. A liberal reward for information loading to the recovery of the animal. J. A. Mokiinkb. Heaver Creek, Or. Notice In Tracliers. All teachers receiviiij the Entkhckisk fur school work will please notify this of fice at the close of their term so that the the paier may be discontinued. (Do not sbiid notice until week of closing.) Okkuon City Entkkphisk. Undertaker anil Einbulmer. K. L. Holman undertaker and em- balmer. Oradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Weinbard's building on Main street. In Iowa Now. The Clinton Daily Herald, a six column quarto, published at Clinton, Iowa, under the editorial management of J. K. Groom, baa reached our exchange table. The Herald (.peaks very highly of Mr. Groom's ability and experience in the newspaper field, all of which Ib heartily corroberatod bv his friends hero. He entered upon the dis charge of his duties last week. Git and Maho.uk IUu,. F Company, first regiment Oregon National Guard, will give a grand masque bull on llmrs- day evening, November '25, at the Armory, hall. The very beat ol music will be provided and no pains swed to make the event a brilliant success. TiiANKstiiviso Skkvicks. In accor- .luiwn with their usual custom the mem bers of the different churches in the city will unite in Thanksgiving services tnis year on Thursday, Nov. 25, at the Bap tist church and Rev. 11. Ouerg, oi me Methodest church, will preach the sex mon. iw With A Knikk, ThoHe fine, juicy steaks and prime roasts to be ob- ' . . n tained at Albright meat, maraei aia u ,i mirli a kinfe in the band of an expert cutter. WANTKP TKUSTWOKTHY, ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies lo travel tor re sponsible estahished house in Ortgon. Monti. ly tiioouana expense, rosmon wij IU leren'ce. Kinlose sell-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Depl. 1 Chicago. Mott's Nerverine Pills The grrat remedy for nervous pros t ration and sll ficrvou. vT- isy. j.te.v,!' iW.ivsr.t the i&)xi-ti WWHrSfcT- pmerative or- lii.n.kk and At ihu isi.NU. cms of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or einns. Vnntlift if Krmffi. Msnt.-.l Worrv. ex cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which a a. .. ..- t i AA lead to consumption ana insanity. 4.w ua lm mnilt sC sATIVa ifr (LOO. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by C. G. Hunllty. c BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer Demorest's Cut Paper Patterns are the most practical on tho market. They are of ny size that any member ol a household could require. In each copy ol I ho .Magazine is prtnieu a coupou cu !!... at... ...L..A.iLus na tltnliauslP til lllllUK IIIC BUWtllllCI, VI I'un-ii" a w An .a-.sM ami .rll1url V Hi till UiT 5HV J'H I lllFUIiii aim ns,i, ---r or any number of patterns tor four cent each to cover par k age anu imwiko. aidered th subscriber actually gets DEM0RESTS MAGAZINE FREE And what a Magazine it'. si For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever belore. New management, new methods, new ideas. Kach copy contains an exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture bv a famous artist, worthy to adorn the walls of the most refined home. It is sllirmed that Demoresra is me oniy l..... . . : I .. Il..i..i.ina mililiullUlt coiii.ieie x-tti.i.i aionnmnv puu..u..v. combining all of the most excellent points Ol lis conieinporiea, raiuco . b hnitable features of itsown. Demorest's is actually a dozen Magazine in one. It io a Digest of Current Events and Ideas for ll.e busy man or woman, a Review and a Storehouse c! Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daugh ters can find exactly what they need to amuse anil instruct them, also practical helps in every department of domestic ami social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all kinds, etc.. etc., and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The scope of the articles for 1S08 and 1897 will cover tlie w note country anu us varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, ana in auumon, u win uuoubu the best and purest fiction. It treats at length Out-of-Door Sports, Home Amuse ments and Entertainments; it gives a isreat deal of attention co the Children's Department, and "Unr uiris, anu u a Monthly Symposium ny .eieuraieu People, in which are discussed import ant niiaotinna of the nour ol interest 10 tlm nf.lur rAuilern. Let os have your subscription at once. You get more value for your money than it is jmssible to secure in any uium magazine. The Magazine one year for 2.00 Or six months for - LOO in. oxn .lilTurenl imrments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4c each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us and our groceries: That we offer the best of groceries at the low est prices. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the most nutritious, iasi, i.ui um least, their grocery bill saves it self fully 25 per cent by their dealins with Marr 4 Muir. Our way of doing business is to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. HZUxrr & JVXxair- SO VCAR8 EXPERIENCE A. P " M r TRADE MARKS k. A ntiicsi. rMt COPVRICHTS Ae. Airrone smn a sketrta s-d dcrtplon sr auics'liaacBrtaln, fre whether an tureution prohsMr palentable. Cooiomnlrallons strlctir o.oHl-ntlal. Olilesl aceur? t.ecarin jwleuts tn Anwrtc. We hare a Wa..hlnt..o Patenu taken ttaromih Muua Co. twwiT pacui notice la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantirullr Illustrated, lanmt drrnlatloB tit ut scieatisc kiarnal. wek ' y . tertnii H-Ki a J ear SLIOsiz niontha. petlraen copies and U-ixo booa on FATajm seat tree. AdOress MUNN A CO., 3S1 Broadway, Kew Yrlu Library of the Worlds Best Literature. Prepared under the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of HAMILTX WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all ages and all nations. The Library is to consist of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library stvle . The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors, Advance orders on special inirouuu tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, H mar ket street. San Franisco, Cal., or 209 Stark street. Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. O Dr. Wllllllms Indian Pile Oi liiitniciil will cure nilnu, llli'i'ilinir ami ItuUluit i.lu.tf It iihmrtiK the tumors. ullu.vs the iU'lilHK at o.ice, acts ... .. r.....ltl..A i.ivi.M liiKtnllt rA lint 'll.. ClllitimH lnitintl PileOInt I nmnt lunrHtinn.il for PI lea and Itl'h- itff ol til" private piirta. Kvery box is I,.. .i.....CTluta hv mnlt nn rA MANUFACTURING CO., of- Clavelaua, Ohio. fnll P H t I I L. ii nviviimv wui - For sale by C. G. Huntley, All oaln banished by Dr. Mile' Fain P1U Hay and Feed AGENTS WANTED. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Bv the W. B. Conkey Company, the largest publishers and manufacturers of books in the United States. Finest line of new holiday and other subscription books on the market. Also agents wanted for "The Silver Side," the latest and best text-oook on. the silver question by tlie ereat silver leaders. Trices Below Competilion. Exclusive Territory. Largest Commissions. Write at once for circulars and special terms, stating your choice of territory. W. B. I ON KEY COMPANY. 341 351 Dearborn St, Chicago. Can be had at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. DEMOREST PUBLISHING C0.t 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. 3 Clarence Porter. Geo. C. Ilmieri Blacksmiths Wagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty. Any design of an iron or steel shoe lilted up. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. Shop opposite Pope's hardware store. fl Oregon City, Ore. y-igr-iyvy i& ty iTV Capt. J. W. Exon, manager. Ed May, Local Agent. retzold's Meat Market, Main, St. H. W. JACKSON, FARMERS . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At Ihe City Stablea. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., 8uccsors to w. H. Cooke. Mail Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of Bmall ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufield building Near Court House, Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. 1's.lablUhcd 105. I!, I teiiai PIONEER Transfer and Exjife, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.