Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 12, 1897, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Mitynr, -i(m'iiriltr,
1'iillce -'J
rfHMtt rr, - -Clly
Atiiirimy, -Hiri'nt
Kiit. i'l Vlr WurkN,
(,'liv Kiniinr.
K, 0. Uiifli-ltl
'I 'hoi, K, Itynn
Clina, IC. Iliirni
II. K. Hlrnllit
- (I. II, In.
V. HiiIihmIi, Jr
W, II. Unwell
I), W, Kimiitinl
CiiiiiiiiIIiii.ii-T. (!, (Inull, I.. (!. Cnplcn, John
Ultliior, It I), WIIioii, It. Koitiht, Jm,
ItoKkd, II. 10. lUrrla, Frank Hutch,
(,'oiinoll iiimiU llnl W.dn.iilay of aai.li
month in ally hull.
FHIHAY, NOVKMUMt 12, 18117.
Grout rmliietlon on nil trlininuil liul t
Mil (iolclldllllll'll,
Montty lo luun on kimxI riml entitle
vcurlty by A. H. Prohnor,
NhIiIIh mil lui iii'kh Ht Young'. hhcoinI
liHiul HturvHtyour own price,
Mi'in liruvy wool mx itml 11 led line
ol liiiilcrwi'ur nt tint llwkol Hloru.
TlitmiugMirrccI JriMy bull lor unlit,
Syvuri old; will tku Irwin.
(iluiUtono Haw Mill Co,
Ion't Ik) put olf with itoiiiotliliiK IiihI
w uo(xl, liiHint on IihvIiik I'ATKNT (lour.
For i-lioloi Hut will jpIi-uhu you, try tlio
Columbia .Initio, tliti up to-iUlu Kitllvry.
Main fttrpct, o')oalle Wiilli Farno tt
roim ollit-o.
Kiubty Jiirurunl iliaili'H of IinHrtil
Tliuiue taiwr t lluntlwy's Hook Hioro,
ri) rolln of Cr Tliwuiti all ilimliii t
17c roll.
Buull lll, ihIo pill, bfit pill. Ho
Wlll'i Little F.arly UUcm vine lillioim-
licia. coimtiimlioll. ii k bc.diU'lii). (ioo,
A. Manllim.
You will not bimiiuio in Imviiui tlioae
room ri'intwl w ln-n you look nt tlie
tyli'i mid priiT. of wall pupcr cardud
by K. 1.. llolman.
You run't euro roniuiiiption hut you
ran avoid it and cure every otlior form of
throat or Iiiiik trouble by the tixe of One
Minute CoukIi Cum. (iio. A. Hurtling.
I'lhlliircnifiit lor lilt) liy tturna or
acald may be avoided by uniri( I Hi Wilt'a
Witch lU.cl halve, the K"'"' remedy for
pile and for all kinda of aorea and akin
trouble. Geo. A. HttrdiiiK.
Cure that Cough with h'liiloh'a Cure.
The beat Couyh Cure, lieliev.a Croup
promptly. One Million bottle told laat
year. 40 doe. for "5 reiili. Hold by
Cliarnmn A Co., lru)tiilMt Oregon City.
ncllomy it lluach, the lioutwdirnUlinrii,
have on exhibition in their aliow window
nvli'Kiial line of luce curta'na, fancy
rocket, lump, etc., auitahle (or the
holiday Mtaaon at very reaaonahle pficci.
leather glovM 1!', 3.1c up, heavy top
aoln plow Hhoe, Hole leather counter
l.!W, litdicH heavy al.oea "': 11 V luiliea
first Krade rubbera IKK1, ltivet ur tuck
ahoeh free. Ited Front TradinK Co.
Karl'a Clover Itoot Tea ia a pleaaant
laxative, Keuulutea the bowula, purl Ilea
the blood. Cleara the complexion.
Kaay to make and pleuannt to take. 25
centa. Sold by Charuian it Co., Oregon
J. M. Thiraweml, of (iroHWrk, Tex ,
auyi that when he haa a ll of indica
tion, and feela bad and ".luifgUli, be take
two oil M Wilt'a little F.arlyHiaera, at
night, ami lie in all right the next morn
ing. Many thouiamla of other do the
ami m thing. Do you? Geo. A. Hard
ing. .
"The woiwt cold I ever had In my life
wan cured by CliHiiiberluin'a Cough
Keniedy," write W. II. Norton, of Sut
ter Creek, Cal. Thi cold loft me with
a cough and I wit expectorating all the
time. Tho Remedy cured me, and I
want all of my frienda when troubled
with a cough or cold to line it, (or it will
do them good." Sold by Geo, A. Hard
ing. No myatery about it. When the Shak
ers oflorod aome tlmo ago to give Hway a
bottle of their DigeHtive Cordial to any
one who iniuht call at their New York
ollic, there was a great rurth and a urout
many ooplo thought they were crazy.
Buhaeiiuent event proved it to hnye
been a very clever advertising tranaaction ,
for although they gave away thousand
of bottle, it was in the end profitable;
nearly every one that took a free bottle
came hack for more and paid for it with
pleamiro, Haying they had derived better
rcHtilU from ila 11 no than from any other
medicine they had ever uhimI,
There ia nothing bo uniformly nucceful
in the treatment of stomach troubles a
the Shaker DigeHtive Cordial, and what
is bettor than all, it relieve at once.
Laxol, the new form ot Caxtor Oil a ho
palatable that children lick the snoon
Schilling s Best tea is
best you can get for anything
like the money it cts.
Schilling's Best L.ing pow
der is the best you can get at
any price.
t Schilling St Company
San 1- r.uciaco
of all kind at
Nice trimmed hut
Mid Goldamith'.
at low price at
Ladle and children underwear
Hue hoNitry at the liiu kut Store.
I'litronl.ii home indiiNtry and order
I'ATKNT flour from your grocer.
Dr. Itutler will pntucli In thu chapel
at l'ark l'lucu next Sabhntli at 3 :!)0 p. tn.
All the leading grocers carry I'ATKNT
flour bedtime their customer demand it.
KtamiMid linen and Kmbroldery silk
n the new shade at the ltacket Store.
Wood wanted at this olllce, oak, fir or
limb. In length 10 or 'i'i inch or four
Mrs. J. Itoot is putting up a nice cot
tage on Main street, nnar Freytng's gro
cery store.
Stoves, springs, bed, matresses, etc,
at way down prices at Young's second
hand store.
Mrs. Jacob Kobcr will soon open a
coflceand lunch house near the corner
of Main and Kight streets,
1 11 h peel thoHU ailjuntable window
screens at llollomy A (lunch's. They
are certainly the right thing.
IHiiestone llltti fl.(K); treen or roust
colleo lie Hr 8 ; Ann A Hammer soda
4c 0. Ited Front Trading Co.
Ask your urocer for Gold Iaf lUklng
I'owder. Take no other. A trial can will
convince all liousewivea that 11 lias no
A grand masquerade ball will be given
in Scheurer's ball, liutteville, on Nov.
1HU7. Good music and a fine time is
The flour that will absorb the most
water and thus produce the greatest
number of loayea to the sack is the kind
you want. Try I'ATKNT.
The United Artisans will give their
annual ball at Weinhard's hall this (Fri-
lay) evening. No pains have been
spared to make the alfair a success.
You can't alTord to rink your life by
allowing a odd to develop into pneumo
nia or coiiiumption. Instaut relief are
alfonlcd by One Minute Cough Cure.
Geo. A. Harding.
I to Not Deceived! A Cough, Hoarse
ness or Croup are not to be trifled with.
A dose in time of Shllnh's Cure will save
you much trouble. Sold by Cbarman it
Co., Druggists Ore ton City.
G. N. Joe A Co. announce this week a
fine selection of seasonable goods. Their
price will surely please you and they
ask the privilege of showing you bar
gain in their various lines.
Indies, Take the llest. If yon are
troubled wrth Constipation, Sallow Skin,
and a Tired Feeling, take Karl' Clover
Tea, it I pleasant to take. Sold by
Charman A Co., Druggists, Oregon City.
Next Thursday evening Court Robin
Hixxl, Forester of America, will give
their llrst ball of the season at Wein
lurd's ball. Kxcellent music will be
urnished and a gmxl lime a guaranteed.
Dr. L. L. l'ickens, dentist, doe al
L. l'ickens, dentist,
dental work. Gold
nds of
work a
crowns and bridgo
l'clalty. All operations guaranteed for
h year. Call and get my price. Olfice
n llarclay building
The propretor of the Delmont kitchen
on Alain street, near uiarman I drug
store depurated somewhat suddenly the
llrst of the week and left sundry unpaid
bib. He is thought to have gone over
into Washington.
Kuligioiia servicse aa usual in the
Methodist church. On Sunday, Nov.
14, theme at the morning service: "De
cisive Battles." Theme at the evening
service: "Djcs It Not Concern You?'
All will find a cordial welcome.
Wabnino : Persons who sudor from
cough and cold should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves sulF-
ering and latal results by using One Min
ute Cough Cure. It is an intallible rem
edy for coughs, colds croup and all
throat and lung trouble. Geo, A.
The statement made many year ago
that "man cannot live by breal alone"
is a true as it ever was he must have a
nice juicy steak or a ronst of meat to go
with it. Richard Petzold aalwayready
to furnish Ills customers with the best of
fresh and smoked meats at either hi
Main or Seventh street market.
Regular annual service in St. Pnul's
church at 11 a. in. Thanksgiving day,
with an address on "The Church and
and the Republic." The charitably
Inclined are invited to make an oifering
of such as they have money, fruit, or
produce all of which will bj given to the
good Sanmratin hospital.
"The Test of Manhood" will be the
morning theme, at the congregational
church, next Sabbath. At the eve
ning service "Habits" will be the sub
ject, being the fourth in the serial to
young people, come early to Becure a
good seat. Y. P. S. C. E. meeting at
0:30 p.m. Two new mombers were
publicly received into this society latt
Sunday evening.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Enterprise office. I
Novelties and notions
the Itucknt Store,
1 h (.'hrtftt. I'OMMt
4ii4 II. Wrrul MU-ir-IT.
lui! In ilia world t
A I run tVAL Sparine
f.irall diMUMt u llw
l.lvtr, biumath
and H'lan,
Ke(ulaia Ilia liver
and iiiftveiit r'liii.iji
anu Kavaa, Maiaii
oua ravaaa. Il..vai.
(omitainiii, KaaiLaM
, jAuxuaa amu
N.thliiff la ait unplcaaani, nothing ao commim, aa
KmiI l.irMtli; mw In tirArly avrry i;ai il t"mn tr'm
llic tluiiiHi li, aitd cmii l.a to aaily curro.ud if will
lAke SiMH"Na l.ivt-a U ai,ifi.Atoa. J o ha hflerl ao
aura a rcriirdjr tut lint rculiva divider, Jl will ala
iinpfuva yuur AupiiMi,cotfi(.lcxl'4i and geriarai haaitb.
Ihrtr many aiirTr loriur. day afitr day, maklnf Ufa
a burden and running eiitiema A all uleeiire, uwin(
to Ilia tarret aiiHerini fri I'llet. V1 relief la ready
It. lite hand ill alin.Ml any una who will uaa ayetemalf,
cally ilia remedy thai haa fiermanenlly cured thcM
aande. Simmon l.ivaa kaniLAroa la no draauc,
Vlclcul purga, bul a genila awieiain tu nature.
KIKH I.I) 1X4 U rrKardc4 aa
. trillinu Ailment In lact. Datura
demand lha ultntM reijiiUrily uf
the bowrla, and any devlatifm
from this demand tiavea lha way
often I" aerloue (Unxer. Il w
quila aa rje.eMry tu remov.
Impure arLuniuUtHtni frrim th
buweie aa It to cai tH elerp, and
Do health tun le aat.ted wher.
cuallea hahil uf kudy (favalla.
Thia diireln( afflirtl.41 orritra m'l frequently.
The ilttturlmnca 4 lha ftlonia. h. amio. frurn ln
lmwrfe. tly ditfeatrd rontente, reiiar acvere iin in
the head, at..ompanied wiih diMKrccanle nauaea, and
thtt ton.lilute wliAt la o,t;l..rly known at Sm k
HeAdaihe, Uir lha rellrf uf wtiKh 7 AM. hlMMum)
Livti KaouLA to. t.K Maiiit iha.
MAMt.rAi.Ti aau omlt ay
J. IL ZtlUN CO., Ilnuulaltiiis, Pa.
Oregon History.
Mr. F.G. Young, professor of economics
and historv in the University of Oregon,
isengsgod in gathering and compiling
the history of Orsgon from the journal
and dlane of the early pioneer so that
the services they rendered as Btate-build-en
may be duly appreciated.
The rankaol the noble men and women
who braved the long and hazardous
Journey across the plains are being
rapidly thinned and in a few more short
years all will have passed away. Ksch
one of them formed a part of the early
history of this state and when they pass
away that part of our eai I v history will
be lost. Prof. Young ia engaged in col
lecting thi history and publishing it in
msgsxine form (or future reference.
Anyone know ing where any of this mat
ter can be obtained will confer a favor
not only upon the people ot the entire
state by notifying him. Hi recent
publlcationscontain the journal of the late
Medorein Crawford, formerly a resident
of this city, but later of Dayton, Yam-
lull county; also some valuable informa
tion furnished by Mr. E. Stevens, now
deceased, of Oregon City ; and the In
dian councils at Walla Walla by Col.
Lawrence Kip of the United States army.
Electric Hotel Arrivals.
J E Pitts, St Louis
II E Straight, City
Geo A Liel, The Dalles
A E Gustion, " "
J M James, Raker Ci'y
W II Hubbard. Clackamas
W McCleland, Boston
C M Livingston, Chicago
C J Whealand, San Francisco
J B Warner, San Francisco
J B David, Newberg
Henry McGugin, Sandy
Pro! Snapp, Portland
C P Looney Astoria
L AllenhofT, Portland
T G Green "
F I) Chamberlain, "
E Ruck man, "
Wm Rowland "
R D Hewitt, "
P M Weddell,
II II Long,
F B Morgan '
G A Taylor, "
F B McPevett, "
F W Hansen "
The F.lectiic hotel ia the finest in the
city and first-class in alt its appointment.
Electric cars stop in front of the door.
The Weather.
Tuesday and Tuesday night there wss
a general windstorm throughout the
valley, of considerable severity, causing
a heavy rain Wednesday. The river has
risen about 0 feet and the boats of the
O. R, AN. Co. and the Oregon City
Transports! ion company began making
regular trips Wednesday. River trallic
will not be interfered with again this
season unless it might be from high
Tuesday was an almost ideal spring
day. The air was solt and balmy while
the wind blew gently from the south.
A number of winter sparrows were twit
tering in the trees, thought by many to
be sure harbingois of approaching cold
and stormy weather. The weather
maters say a Bevere wind storm is brew
ing otF the const and will reach this
vicinity Friday, when the temperatr.re
will beconsidorably lower.
ldioks Cheap.
Everything required in the school
room, books, slates, tablets, sponges,
ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil
liams, cornet Seventh and Center streets.
Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc.,
fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas
onable prices.
Attention Stockman.
A full blood Short Horn bull (or sale
at a reasonable price. Is six years old,
line build, perfectly gentle and one of
the best breeding animals in the state.
Chas. Albright, Oregon City.
Monthly Pains cured by Or. Miles' Pain Pills.
To Protect itcglitererl Mall.
A circular ha been issued by the third
assistant postmaster-genera! calling the
attention of postmasters to the followihg
Registered matter must in no case be
delivered to'any one but the person ad
dressed, or upon his or her written order,
which must be verified and filed in the
postofilce a a voucher.
No matter what the relationship of a
person applying for a registered let'er
may be to the addressee, this rule must
be adhered to.
The Render of registered matter ha
the right to restrict its delivery to the
addressee in person, by an indorsement
to that effect upon the envelope or
wrapper; and in that case delivery must
be made to no other person, not eyen
upon the addressee' order.
Persons sending friends or relative for
their registered mail should bear these
rules in mind, and so avoid disputes
with postoffice officials, as, on account of
postmasters being held accountable for
registered mail coming to their offices, it
is necessary (or tliern to exercise the ut
most care to effect its proper delivery.
ALBRIGHT. At'his home at Clacks-
rims Heights, Sunday, November 7.
18IIM, Charles Albright, sr., aged 87
years and 1 month.
Deceased belonged to the rapidly thin
ning rank of our early pioneer having
come to the state in 1Ho2 and settled in
Oregon City in 1H54, He was a man of
sterling worth and character and his
inenioiy wil long be cherished by his
large circle of friend and acquaintances.
The funeral was conducted from the
family residence Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock .conducted by Iiev.A. J. Montgom
ery of the Prebyterian church, and the
remains were interred in Mountain View
cemetery to rest peacefully in the sleep
which none ever wakes to weep.
HAMILTON In this city on Saturday
November C, 1H07. to the w ife of Ste
phen Hamilton a 12 pound son.
DYE In Oregon City, on Thursday, Nov.
II. 1HU7, to Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Dye, a
MOUREL In Portland. Nov. 10, 1897
to Mr. and Mis. R. D. Morrel, a
Mrs. Morrel (nee Miss Annie Graham)
was a former resident of Oregon City.
The Overland Mon:hly.
The Overlana Monthly is advertising ex
tensively an interesting "Missing Word
Contest." The sentence they give ia:
"The had fled away from these two
wanderers." This is taken from a New
England classic by a writer whose name
ia a household word. The price is tl,
000, to be given to the person finding the
correct answer, or divided among the
fortunate finders if there are mora than
one. The only condition ia that theg ues
shall be accompanied by one dollar as a
subscription to the Overland, at its re
duo;d price. This condition is no hard
ship; for the Overland at a dollar is in
itself a great big price. Ten cents sent
its publishers at San Francisco will brii g
a sample copy and full particulars of the
contest. Recent number are filled with
beautiful pictures and interesting articles.
Letter Liu
The following is the list of letter re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Oregon, on November 11, 1897:
womxs's list.
Barrett, Ida Maxon, Helen
Halter. M A M a Milhns, Marv Mrs
Campbell. K W Mrs Nolin, U Mrs
Himlin. I'nrl
Johnson, 0 M Mrs
Biahon. J Miller, W H
Cbfesnion. T iShultl, Cieo
Jonlon, H
If called for state when advertised.
S. R. Grkkn. P. M.
At Four Score.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health.
tax colloctor, Beverly, Mass., who has
passed the 80th llfo cillo etoue, says:
"Dr. JI lies' Restorative Nervine haa done a
"Teat deal of good. I suuered for years from
.ilooplessuess and nervous heart trouble.
Would fuel weary and used up In the morn
lug, had no ambition and my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and I purchased a bottle under
protest as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought it no use. But It
gave me restful sleep, a good appetite and
restored me to energotlo health. It Is a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly write
anyone Inquiring, full particulars of mysat-
lsfactory experience." f "'V.WW,,,
Dr. Miles' Remedies! JJA fJ, '
are sold by all drug- KV
(.Iota nnn tmcltlvA SW
v v a
MuW' 3
P '' w -
guarantee, urei, uuiun pa via aw
" aj SIamhmii
benefits or money re- fcL , ReatorM
funded. Boole on dis- f. uuk .V
IT ... 0?
eases of the heart and I V'T vU
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Klltuart, lnd.
Good Baking Powder
cannot he sold for 25 cents or 30 cents a pound.
Cream of tartar is expensive and cream of tartar is
necessary to good baking powder.
"Cheap" baking powder either contains alum
(which is bad for the insides) or is badly made (docs
not do the work) or is weak.
Really cheap baking powder cannot be sold for
these prices; but the cheapest of all is Schillings Best
your money back if you don't like it at your
We inaugurate SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13,
a rattling Bale of over $3,000 dollars worth of samples bought
from one of New York's largest jobbing houses. We bought
these goods at 50 cents on the dollar and our customers can
rely on getting gome of the bent
it tl. i:
uieiii. ine line cuunisis ill yiri ui uie luuunuig:
and Children's Underwear...
Fascinators, Knit Hoods and Shawls, Ladies, Gents and
Children's Silk and Woolen Mittens and Gloves, Ladies,
Gents and Children's HoBe.
In fact, it is a metropolitan line and must be hustled
off in short order.
Special Prices
in our Shoe Department
during- this Sale.
x. .O.. A iCt A .tO. tCS i& fCS id
Japanese Lacquered Ware
Handkerchief Boxes
Glove Boxes
Collar Boxes
Writing Desks
Jewelery Cabinets
Japanese Genuine
Tea Sets
Cups and Saucers
Mush Bowls
Vases, etc.
Silk Shawls
Initial Handkerchiefs
Our goods are
the latest styles. We cordially
invite you to inspect both goods
and prices.
G. H. Joe & Co.
Main Street, 2 doors north of
Original Cut-Rate Druggist,
bargains we have ever offered a
u.e it. r..n...: '
Embroidered Silk Handker
chiefs Japanese Embroidered Silk
Fancy Silk Table Covers
Japanese Dolls
Japanese Toys
Gents' Latest Style Hats
Ladies and Gents '
Furnishing Goods
Dry Goods
Japanese Curios
Wholesale and retail
all new and of
Bank of Oregon City.