Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1897)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Eight Indies of Snow in the Mountains Millovia Settlers Uuilding Sew II oases. Millovia, Nov. 6. We have been hav ing tine weather for this time or year, but look out trier while we will not brag of fine weather. It wilt be the reverse Miss Jessie Currin, of Currinsville, was witdting at Millovia, last week. iit. Hawkins bas returned from Inde pendence wbere lie has been at work dur ing the summer. We are pleased to bave trim with us again. Mr. Bedford has bis new house nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs Jones from Garfield were visiting at Mr. Hunt's, last Friday. Mr Will Miller, of Portland, was visiting iliis brolher'O.C. Miller, recently. Quite a number of prospectors and hunt ers are going to tbe mountains nowadays. Snow was reported eight incnes deep at Roaring river last week. Mr. Coop has his new house nearly com - (deled. Mr. Hunt has bis new house nearly fin ished. He also has had a great deal of clearing done on his place this summer. The settlers at Millovia have most all of them built new houses recently, Henry Falmateer doing tbe carpentlng. Those who have not built are iutenJing to in tbe near future. Mr. Mitchell is again on bis claim but iiis family live near Lenta. Mr. J. Pinkley is still at his old trade, making shingles. Eirkka. Bedland Notes. Rsdland.Nov. 8. Our first flakes of snow fell on Saturday. It looked as if winter was tiear at band, but it soon turned out warm and the gentle rain resumed its patter. Oar postmistress is preparing lor a trip to Illinois, to visit her parents. IV m. Stone and A. Kamuscber bave each Vurcliased a new broad cast seeder to do their fall seeding with. They say tbst they do excellent work. B. F. Linn has been logging for several weeks. He will continue the work tbe rest of tbe month. Mr. Linn is preparing to do a good business in the lumber trade next yeur. P. Linn has just returned from Pomeroy, Wash , where be has been working tbe past few months. He states that things are on the move in that section. L. Mosher, wbo has been in Grande Honda Valley tbe past season aiding in the harvesting or the wheat crop. He says the .yield was good. ffext Saturday evening our literary so ciety will resume its work. Come one and -all and let us have a first-class literary so ciety this season. Mrs. 8. S. Mosher spent several days in Oregon City last week, visiting friends. C. Walenstine was visiting B. Bacon, of Iogan, Sunday. Clarence will soon leave lor Portlond where be will spend tbe winter with bis mother and attend school. C. Stone, who is attending tbe Portland University, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Kiltie Behyruer is visiting her j'Srente, Mr. and Mrs. Behyruer. Miss Milda Linn spent several days visit ing relatives at Currinsville. Quite a number of tbe young folks at tended the wedding ball at Priester's of Feblerville. They all enjoyed the dance and estcitlly the excellent supper. At two o'clock they took their departure wish ing the happy couple a long, happy and prosperous life. Miss Alice Williams, who is teaching -school at the Slrickliu school bouse has changed her boarding place from Mrs. J. Hatton's of Stone to Mr. B. . Court right's or this place. ii. bmatners ana l. buank got into a scrap one day last week. Mr. Shank car ries a very bad eye. It looks as if Mr. Smatbers would feel rather small to be brought up so much for availing a poor old man like Mr. Shank. F. Wilcox caught a large wildcat last week. He was trapping for coyotes that bave been making feasts off of his chickens for some time. There will be a mask ball at B. F. Linn's hall on Thanksgiving eve. B. F. always has good dances. E. Lundigen of Lower Beaver Creek, makes frequent trips to this burg. C. A. Hpragne and W. Howell are still hunting a girl, witb very poor success. E. Eventen left last Tuesday evening for California. His wife will spend tbe winter witb her mother, Mrs, Carr, of Stone. Logan Locals. Logan, Nov. 9. The rain so long looked (or is with us in full force. No complaints now of the ground being too dry to plow. Mrs. Jacob Gerber is at the St. Vincent liospital at Portland, where she recently underwent a very dangerous surgical opera tion. Mrs. Gerber has a host of friends who are sorry to learn of her aflliction. Mrs. Meiugler is still at the hospital. Mrs. E. P. Folsom and children of Sprague, Wash., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Sprsgue's father, Peter Wilson. There s to be a necktie social and dance Thanksgiving night at tbe Grange hall. Ail respectable persons are invited and a good tune is anticipated. Prof. Austin is conducting a night school 'Which meets once a week. He has several professional pedagogues enrolled. George and Madison Reed bave taken a contract of grubbing for Frank Wilson for 17.23 an acre. Nelson Humiston and family have inoved in the Galliger house. Mary Shuttle is working for Mrs. R. 3vircbem. Carus Notes. Carus, Nov. 8. The beautiful Indian summer weather of this fall has afforded farmers a fine chance to carry on all sorts of farm work. Seeding, potato digging, etc., has been about completed. Many have hauled their bay, grain and other products to town while the roads were yet in theirpresentexcellent condition. It Is without doubt annoying to go .ibout one's premises on the morning after j'lai low K en night and find buugy wheels miss ing or farming tools In a neighbor's field, and matters and things in general turned inside out or upside down; but only they who have outgrown sympathy with the mischievous propensities of youth will take serious ollense. The protracted meeting In Linn church, held for two weeks, closed last Wednesday evening of last week. Last Sabbath after noon presiding Elder Shupp preached an excellent sermon on "(live to the l.ord His Portion." after which the sacrament was administr re.l. We are informed that the young man, who was arrested on the charge of disturb ing religious services was released from trial by paying a fine or $12. W. U. Miller is moving his family and goods to what is known as the Kidd place, which he has rented for the ensuing year. Will Miller is home from Portland with quinsy sore throat. Knox Cooper went down to Portland last Thursday on matters of business, Mr. Boen and family, who have occupied theBeattie place have gone to Eastern Ore gon, and Mr. Steven has rented the farm. Calu, Snnnyslde Hewi. ScssvsiDt, Nov. 8. Weather beautiful, and the farmers are Retting their work all done nicely. Rev. J. F. Liese and family have gone to Seattle to spend the winter, but will be back to attend the Free Melhodist conference in. tbe spring. Miss Katie Christian is at home to spend a lew days, bbe will go to bugene In a few days to live witb her aunt this winter. A series or meetings have commenced at church here. Rev. Mrs. M. l. Wheeler oc cupies the pulpit each night and dispenses the truth with great power, which ought to arouse those living in rebellion against God. They expect to continue the services an unlimited length of time. Hoping many may see the error of their sinful ways and be led to take a better way. All are In vited to come and hear and obey. Clinton Barrett was out to spend the Sabbath. He is now keeping batch in the Kadderly building witb a Mr. Wells. Mr. Otto Nelson has his new house plastered and will soon be ready to move into it. Mr. Griffith has been under tbe weather witb a lame back, but is able to be out to church again. Miss Pearl Lovelace, of Damascus, was visiting Miss Nora Barrett over the Sab bath and attending tbe service at tbe church. Rev. Wm. Barrett was called to preach he funeral sermon of Mr. Beebe formerly of Clackamas, who was living with his son, Mr. Guy Beebe, of Happy Hollow. The deceased was 83 years of age. He was buried at Clackamas beside bis wife, wbo died two years ago at tbe age of 84 years. Baiella News, Hazema, Nov. 6. A very pleasant sur prise was given Mr. and Mrs. D. Olden stadt, the evening of the 2Hth. A large crowd was present and the evening was spent in dancing. Everypody present bad a good time, even if it was not safe to bop while tripping the light fantastic as the ball is not considered very safe. Mr. J. Hampton and family of Pendle ton, have been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity the past week. Shipley brothers bave hauled their hops to town. John Dennis of Portland, is rusticating lor a few days at the home or Geo Locey. He was with the Johnson surveying party in Idaho the past summer. There seems to be some attraction for him in this vicinity as he goes hunting almost every day, but he never returns with any birds so we naturally suppose he goes"dear"buiit- i"g. Tbe Hayes brothers have returned from the coast, and report having a fine time. James Hayes, wbo was with tbe VVbitten hunting party, killed a panther while out in the mountains, besides several deer and a number of birds. Mr. George Shipley and wife have been visiting friends and relatives in this neigh borhood the past week. Little Jennie Day has been quite sick with sore throat being unsble to attend school, but is better now. Mr. L. Locey is talking of working in the Oregon City paper mills soon. Polly. Needy News. Needy, Nov. 8. We are having a very fine rain at present. Frank Mitts is attending school at Needy this winter. Loyd Marqtiaru and sister went home Friday and will return Sunday. Mr. Manitiam is teaching the Dryland school this winter. J. E. Mitts is able to be up sgain after a short Illness. The people in this vicinity are about through digging potatoes. Leon Cochran of this place is working on Molalla prairie. Mr. J. B. Mitls and Wesley Riggs have gone for a hunting tour in tbe mountains. They expect to be gone about one week. We hope the winter has not yet set in. The school of this place is progressing very nicely under the care of Asa Thomp son and bis sister Miss Katie Thompson. Gilbert Noe is teaching the school at No. 91 school house. George Ackerson was in our town a few days ago. Our store-keeper, Mr. Cook, is doing a flourishing busines. Mrs. William Thompson is home again. She has been visiting with her parents at E da, Polk county. Miss Lizzie Oswalt of Mololla was visit ing with J. B. Mitts last week. Some people in this vicinity are still dry. ing apples. Maple Lane News. Maple Use, Nov. 9. A Mr. Ikttv from Colorado has rented the Hess farm and has moved into the house and began work ud- on the place. He travel) all n.0 Willamette valley but found no Dlape that suited him so well as Maple Lane. He has eight children In bis family tomlil In fin r school. J. II. Hess has rented his Inrin and moved to Kly. Miss Kale Mauls is visiting her cousin in Portland this meek. John Dolan, or Portland Is visiting friends here. Mye Drayton, who has been working on the steamer Kuth for the past two months is home for a week's vacation. An Achievement of the Century, Our attention has lately been called to the merit nf the great Warner Library now passing through the press. The Review of Reviews very appropriately speaks of it as "Instilling the World's Wisdom. From the mam o? writings of all times and ages, the able writers employed upon this great work have condensed in thirty volumes the cream of the world's thoughts. By a happy combination of write rand subject, poetry and art, philosophy and history, science and religion, (act and fiction, biography and romance have each boen given a prominence commensurate with their importance In a compendium of litera tuer. Of this library, Public Opinion in an extended editorial notice well says: "Conceived upon such broad lines, prepared and written by the most com petent of living hands, and embracing1 as it does the literature! of all climes and times, itii not difficult to understand that such a library must represent an enormous investment. We are told and can readily believe that the entire cost of thiscollossal work will be above a quarter of a million dollars. That such a work should ever be undertaken, and should now be placed upon the market at a price which easily brings it within the reach of the general book loving public, must we believe, make Mr, Warner's library rank as one of the triumphs of American enterprise." All classes of students will find in this a treasure from the world's best minds. It is destined to haye an immense sale If you wish to know more about this work and the 8ei'ial terms of distribu tion to club members address, ' The Agency, Harper's Weekly Club, 209 Seventh street, Portland, Or. i A Bright College Journal. The University of Oregon Monthly, a neat 20-page magazine under the editor ial management of Clyde N. Fogle and the business management of Charles V. Galloway, is filled with choice matter pertaining to education in general and the State university in particular. The handsome outside cover is delicately wrought in Oregon grape, the university flower and especially designed for it by Miss Alice E. Barber. A great deal of the current memorial services and ad dresses in honor of Prof. McClure, show ing the very high esteem in which he was held among those wbo knew him best. A subscription to this sprightly journal will keep you posted on all matters pertaining to educational inter ests in tbe State and it will be of especial value to the university, keeping them in constant touch with their alma mater. Money for Partners. When it comes to buying harness, saddles, whips or robes the prices and work to be had at Willey's harness shop cannot be duplicated in Portland. Re pairing done in good shape and promptly. Full line of shoes carried and sold at bed rock prices. Shoe re pairing attended to. Willey's lowers and tanners hand made shoes have no superior. Call at his shop on Seventh street near the depot and see how big a dollars worth you can net. How to Core Bilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic, and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cared me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward olT the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the Brut symptoms appear. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latent designs and prices to suit the times at IV. l,. noiman's, uain street, oppo site Court House. tf. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.; Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 72 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.50; Howard's Best, fl-70; Fisher's Best, $4.40; Dayton ; $4.90: Pendleton, $5.20 Oats in sks, white, 30 cents per bushel, gray, 28. Millstuffs Bran, $14.00 per ton, shorts, $15.50 per ton. Potatoes 35 centa per sack. Eggs, 224 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 35 to 40 cents per roll. Onions, $1 00 per pack. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5 cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, Gc prunes, 4 to 6 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 9 to 11 cents; sides, 8; shoulders, 6; lard 7 to 8 Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, 2 to 2 cents; hogs, live 3 cents; hogs dressed, 5 to5i cents ; sheep, $1.50 to $2.00 per head ;veal,dressed 5 to 514. Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50; old $3.00, turkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. Subsribe for the Entekckise, the lead ing paper of the city. School Reports. Report of Crescent school first monht district No. 01, davi taught It); eniollod 2."ij days attendance -tlH); days absence 8(1; average dally attendance 20; times tardy 1. The following were neither absent nor tardy during the month. Allie and Bessie Reynolds, Chester, lUirnoy and Myrtle Hard, Katm Moindl, Alverta and Alvln Kraoft, Carrie and Norma Hard. Patrons are cordially invited to visit the school and note our progress, FkkdJ. M kin ii,, teacher. Report of Concord school, district No. 23 for the month ending Oi.tobor 22. Pupils enrolled 2D; average belonging 28; average daily attendance, 24; total days attendance, 4tl ; total days absence, 03; times tardy, 2. The following pupils were neithor ab sent nor tardy since thev were enrolled : Annie, Minerva and Wesley ThicsHen, Fannie Clayson, Guy While. Walter Kuehl, Rosa, Annie, and Kiiiina Fe Id man, Otto Kenner, Kddie Reed, Dulmar and Kdwin Ericsson. Mhs. Jonkimiink H. Bkadi.kv, teacher. Report of school taught in district No. IX) lor mouth ending November 8, 1st): No, days laught, 20; pupils enrolled, IS; average attending, H: visitors, 12. l'u-, pits neither absent nor tardv: James Neukirchncr, Kmma luskeep, Ray Kirbyson, Clara Hayburst, Clarence Evans, Tom Evans. Ukktm'ik Rick, Teacher, The following named pupils of district No. 73 were neither absent nor lardy during the month ending Nov. 5 : Rude! Thirlman, Katie Fredric, Ollie Antony, Roy Antony; Others that did not (all below 08 per cent in deportment are:j r'arolina Ittirv.nv mil- Otia-uLI Tlilulmui, ! Kater and Ruby Newbury, llaltie Spulack, Olive and tirover Fredric, Tillie Kief.Jiilia Shefchiek, Eddie Scheer, Klla Scheer, Annie Solli and Flank Riff; whole No. enrolled, 38, average daily attendance 31. A. D. Leach, Teacher. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted inv nerves and strengthened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with constipation, kldnev and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that 1 rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs.S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Charmar. & Co., Druggists, Oregon City. tor Male. Horse, harness and wagon for tale at a bargain. All in good condition and horse gentle, sound and true. Come and see them, R. W. Pouter, Canemah. To Cure Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Biomo Qui n ine Tablets. All DruggisU refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Wanted. To rent an organ suitable (or family use. Address "B" care Orkgon City Entkki'kisr. Send the Entkki'hisk to your friend in the Euht and thus give him an idea of what is going on in Clackamas county, It may induce him to locate with us. TlifiiiMtid am Trying It. Tn order to prove tlia great mntit of Ely's Cream liitlin, the nioxt ell'ootivu cure for Cutarrh and Cold in Howl, we have pre. pared a generous trial si.s for 10 cents. Hot it of your d.uggint or send 10 tents to EL 7 2K0S., CO Vurruu St., N. Y. City. I suffered from cntnrrh of tlio wor t kind ever since a boy, uiul I never hoped lor cure, but Ely'x Crcuia Lnliu hoeius to do even that. Mirny ooiiaintitnci'S have used It with excellent remiltH. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Wurreu Ave., CUicug), III. Ely's Cream Balm is Hie acknowlediM cure lor catarrh and contains no comum, mercury nor any innrions drug. Trice, CO ceuts. At dnigumts or by mail. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. V. S. aoveranwot Report ANTED TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE Kni.iciueii 'ir lamra w iravei nir re sponsible etUahlihsed house in Oregon. fnnthltf tf& 00 ftnil ATiioiiiuaa P..Hiln.. steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed mtiiirij riiveioiw. 1 lie J'OlllllllOn UOIII- pany Det. Y Chicago. popUUft gfilFJWJE News Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health. FormerlF BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains a large number of Short, Easy, Practical, Interesting and Popular Scientific articles, that can bo appreciat ed ana enjoyed tiy any intelligent read er, eventhough he knew little or nothing of Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Newsdealers, 10 cents. $1.00 jer year AVMention this paper for a sample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper In the World PUBMSURD MONTHLY BY BENJ. LILLARD, New York. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. The canvass lor funds to erect and equip the gyiiitiaHiuiA Is going along satisfactorily. Over half of the amount necessary has been subscribed by the members, and another week will com plete the general canvass. It Is expected that the building will bo well along by Dee. 1st. M, M. ltingler, the physical director of the Portland association will address the men's meeting next Sunday at 4 o'clock. Mr. Rlntler Is an all-around athlete and an enthusiastic Christian worker. All men are invited to this meeting. The Portland association has 1IW dlf eront students enrolled in their night col lego. The week of prayer for young men will be oberved by the association, beginning Nov. 14 anu continuing until the 21st There will be a gospel meeting In the rooms every night at 7 :30 free to all men, The usual oll'erlng for the Inter national comii.illeo will be taken on Sunday Nov. 21st at 4 o'clock meeting. Dr. Mllna' Nerve PhutvradAe. at alldrutcgl.U. W. Yakeda.... dent.- and Koy's Opecial Oale 'f Winter Underwear, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas, (Moves, 4 MutllorH. Also a full lino of Japanese Fancv floods, t Pishes, Silk Himdkort'hiefH, etc., etc., at Lowest Prices- Christmas Presents, Mali Street. 2 loon soaTH of C. E. 150 Booms. Jobn Stearns. Ctilef Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison 8t., Portland Or. Dviks JJcCmlkv.Pkhpj?. Rooms from 25c. to 11.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. EDWABI) 3TOHY, Practical i Morsesr; joer Track and Koad Work a Kpeclalty. Any style shoes forgrd in Iron or steel. Wagon work ami repairing. Bstisfactlon guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to Notilltt'i stable. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA K0UTE -Of tho- SOUTHliRN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. 8iill.ll I Norlh. I) 0(1 p. M. 8:Wp. m. 7:4ft A.M. I.V Lv Ar Portland Ar Orei'iiiCltjr Lv H. Kmnolx'o Lv II SUA. a. S40a.ii. H:00 T.u The ahove trains stop at all stations be. tween Portland, Halem, Turner, Marion, JeH'erson, A Ihany, Tangent, Hhcdds, Hulsey, Harrishurir, Junction City, Knireiie, Cottage Orove, Drain, Onkland and ail sta tions from ItoseburK to Ashland Inclusive Direct connection at Run Krnnelncn villi Occidental and Oriental and Paclllc Mull steamship lines for JAI'AN and CHINA. nwniiK aates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and hump. Also JAPAN, CHINA. MONO I.UMJand AUHTKAI.IA. Can beohtained irom J. JS. KO YD, ticket aent, Oregon City KOHEBUKO MAIL fDallvl. 8:80a. M. U:A. M. 5:! r. H. Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar OreK'inClty Lv Kosulmrir Lv t M r.n 7 ::uia. D West Bide Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COKVALLIB. Mall Train, Dally (Except Bundav.) 7:30a.m. 12:16 p. h. Lv Ar I'nrtUnd Corvullli Ar B SO T.U l.OD p.m At Albany and CorvHllln connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern Kail road. Express Train Dallv (Except Sunday) 4:60 p. if. I 7:) P. M. I Lv Ar Portland Ar McMlnuvllle Lv 8:211 A. M I 5:60 A. a K.KOEIILEK, Manager. C. II. MAKKHAM, Asa't O. K. and Pass. Agent VAANTKD TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVK Keiitlmiipn or IhiIIp to travel lor responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly pily 1)0 and expenses, l'oiltion steady . Relerence. Kncloe self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. Ue Uill (Jive $1000.00 to tlio jicrfoii who will HCMld UM till) largest iiuiiibor of 8ulnerilxr8 to tlio Ladies' Homo Journal between now ntul April 15, lH'ltf. Thin in in Addition to lilx-ral ooiuiniHHion paid for every subscriber Hwurod, Wo hIiuII divide 1 1.5(H) unions 110 agents who do tho lnist work for us between now and April 15, 18.)8. Our Pacific Coast nmnngor will lie pleased to wo thoHO desiring to take up tlio work. Address W, II. DANIKLS, ClilV HoiiHo, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. lGtli and 17th. THK CUU'lN PI III.IMIIMJ COMPANY PIIILAMKI.Pim. Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Etc. rieaso give us a call. , Williams" grocerr store. Orwa C!tr. Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY For All PoltitH ICnHt "FAST MAIL ROUTE." leaves for the Kast via Walla Walla and KMikane, daily at 2:45 p. in. Arrives at 1 1 :45 a. m. I-avea for tbe Kast via Huntington and Pendleton, daily at 0 p. in. Arrives at 7:20 a. m. THIIOUOH KIR8T-CI.AHH AM) TOUKST HI.KKI'KUM. w.r.ny w kivkh tscKDaiiK,s. Ockan Division ,SteamnlilNi sail from Ainswoith dock 8 p. m. For tan Fran cisco: Slate of California sails Sent. It), 21); Columbia Sept. 24. ooLujjmi diyiiOjX PDUTUNI) AND AMTOHI A Steamer R. R. Thompson leaves Port land daily excent Sunday at 8 n.m.. and at 10 p. m. on Saturday ; returniiiK, leaves Astoria dai'y except Sunduv at :4: a. m. Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Rnih, for Salem and av points, leaves Portland Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 0 a; in. Return iiiK leaves Salem for Portland and way points Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 7:1ft a. m. Steamer Gypsy for Halnm and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at (I a. m. ReturniiiK, leaves Salem for Portland and way points Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:16 a. in. Steamer Modoc, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 7 a in. Return itiK, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a. m, Snake River Route Steamer leaves Riparia daily except Saturday at 1 M a. in , on arrival of train from Portland. Leaves Lewiston, return Inx, daily except Friday at 0:00 a. m., arriving at Riparia at I) p. in. W. II. IIURLUURT, Oen. Pass. Aijent. (jepmania Ca?h HJaFket PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hama and. bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock.a Seventh St between Main and Depot