Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1897)
OREGOi :"-:n.ijo')2.ij.:M.i:) 71 I v Ml t-.l! ..i I, , li.ll 1 :!, -At:..: ,rii ii ,.. i lr III!'! x f s i.i r VOL.32. NO. 3. QH KG ON CITY.' OREGON, FKIDAY, N0.VKMBEU12, J897. ESTABLISHED 1866 8 J J K. CIIOHH, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Wiu J'a(TM' in A 1,1. Court, or thi Stats Ileal Katate nd In.tiranc. Unto on Main Hirnrt Imt. Mliih mil Seventh, ursuom city, oh, Jt K. MAIIKH, ATTultNKY AT LAW. Will rntlce In all tli court, of (Iik elate Olllce opposite court hon.n In C'nullclil lnilMing. C." HVK, ATTORN KY AND CUl'NK F.IMl AT LAW Will I nloe tnoiMntna, make nlniracte, loan money, rll v.uik. l I'tiiKi'l gauoral law tm I , Olflne fjr.l floor adjoining Hank ot 0 egoit City. ORIUntt CITV. ORRUOR Ua C. MHOWHKI.L. IIIUWNKI.I, & CAMPHKI.I, I. v. t-iurnn.u ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lace Curtains and Window Shades I V Yi'.-1 Br0 t,vo nmin ttrn:tifrjH for a rich"d welling, as lrffiJfcJXA w''11 ftH foi a 'Hl"Ht, cozy littlo torn.' We navo jiiHi rrtceiv.Mj a large, won ftHHortcij Htiip meiit of laoo curtaiiiH, prices ratiiiine Iw.-lwwjn 60c and iVf0 a pair., Our new style rugs arc eapeeinllv woll, unite;. for holiday breconta. These afo tndHtly American ilmJo rugs, and the Lest that can bo mailo for littlo 'money. Do not fail to inspect our (linj)lay of tranBjiarent imjiorw-a coinuwaro,. , ; Bellomy & Busch, ,. ''' ' ., The Housefurnlshers. IT -JV. mm MM (JltCllTCOIKr. ('iitluoiilloii of I'rorpfilliiiri I Hut M'k' pirrt., from Oixion City, OmooH. I Will pr.rllr. In . Ilm court, of t lie .Ul. 01 fln. hi i ufl 1 1 l,ui,illu. J. II. MII.LKK, HKNTIHT ovnnlli utrcnt, nrr rMiuilmrn I'nclllc iIih), OrrKn Cllv, ()rf(un. c.- ISO.M. CIVIL KNIJINKKU an DKI'UTY COUNTY 8UKVKYOR. Will Iki itt court Iiiiiibh on fitch Hatnrdsv ml on it-KiiUr tuvalon dity of county court. II T HI.ADKN, NOTARY ITII1.I0. Fresh Fruit-Best Quality "-' Fine Table Groceries Nono better in the ejty. AFplemlicl nelcction and all f refill. Prices ad low, as to bo had in the city. ; . " FREYTAG'S GROCERY, Jr. , ' U i . . . . , " Corner Main aud Fourteenth Sts. The Jury in tho c'shb of Cha. Tncor, cliarjffd wild mmiltiriK Cliua. lioadar lucl of ClacknuiaM, with a ilangHrotm weapon, kUwxI uine (or conviction anil l)i roe for acijnitlHl and there being no proHM.'ct of an agreement after bein( out day anil a tilylit, were iliHcharKe'l. could he h'oneHtljr, accounted for.",, The J",' (ttiCXTISlC A.MEKICAJI. " ' witness wtw no eairer to tell of an Inter i ' . ' , . View hv had witli. fr;, McGinn ,,on ,thivTne Xnnl I'pnlV ScJentlflo American Subject before the 1 l(ei(innina of this ac; tlon, that the repeated admonition of his own connnel and the' court foiled to re press him.;'' Mr McGinn announced that Paper in the World W'efkl ;.: IfJ per yr. , ,.i I'ruce MInkler, thenelf-confuKHed borne theif, was sentenced to pay a One of $V) t two fur forgery of county warrants, and or ku to jail for Z days and having no one for ntterln? tbe lorged paper at Uie money to pay hi fine will remain in Jail',.'' January sitting of the court. IleaHked where be ha already been for ( nearly the court to fix his bond, and it was three months awaiting trial. . placed at f 1000, for, which sureties were Mrs. A . I) Crim was granted a divorce provided. from C. ii. Crim on the ground of cruelty, This anrivalled periodical is now in Its he would go on' the stand and explain ? fifty-third year, and, owing to Its Crer- the matterso that it would aper In its Increasing popularity, enjoys the largest proper liuht. The trial will probaly be ! circulation ever attained by anyscien-' Concluded Friday. . 'it . j title publication. Kverj uotberconUiiui EE Martin plealel not. guilty to the ! sixteen large pages, beautifully, printed three indictments reported against liitnJ handxcmiely illustrated) , it, preeeuU in , In.iirano written lath llartford.ol llartlonl, falaUu, Hamburg of llrooian QUCKA MAM AIIHTKACT A THl'HT CO. furnlih, Al.fart., Chalna of Till, Dn-crlp-(lull.. Italia. Iiiatir.ncv, I'ay Tim lrtoot Tlllfa. cto., rln. drtlca or of Orin tnr J. r. I LA Kg, l'r.,nd Mur. eaiooa CtTT. .... OKIOON. J-J W. K1NNAIK0 CIVIL CNUINKKK A NO Bl'KVEYOK, Hallway laratlon and con.iriictlnn, tirlitioi. plauiauil atlmal! for water uljr Oralnai and atrcel Imiirovemoiit of towni flpvclal ailoutlon firm tooraiightitii and tilue priiillii. T W.WKWH. ' DKNTLST Willamette Hid., opposite roMtoulco. 1 to Air-Tifflit Heaters, i We are headquarters . for Air-Tight Heaters. . iarguat stock, lowest prices. . We are also agents for the celebrated Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Also for the Slmonds Saws. . . ..- . Steel Ranges Cast Ranges Stoves all prices. We carry a, full stock of everything in the Hardware line, wagon wood, Iron,' steel," pumps, piv etc: Plumbing and all kinds Of jobbing neatly and promptly done. Estimates .furbished. ' '" St CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets, -: dregon City. Olllce hours from 8 a. tn ft:;K). in. to 12: L L, rOHTEK. ATTOKNKY AT LAW Hin(T or raorisTr rtiNiHim, Olfloa next to Oregon Cltv tiatik on flth .trecU 'c; ...REPAIRING.,, Having secured the services of a firHt class workman we are pro pared to do mending and repairing of all kinds) at reasonable rates. KRAUSSE BROS. The yhoe dealers. A O, T. WII.MAMM, BKAL KHTATB ANI) LOAN AOKNT, A good Una of biialiiK..,rlU'iicaauil luliurliau rroiorl)f. Farm I'mpurly In tract, to mil on eaay termi. Corrv.imnilviine promptly anawerod. Oftloa, oiio amir . miii of Mtiiiotllm ciiurcii. J W. MICI.DUUM. 81'ItVKYOU AND CIVIL ENOINEEU. All orders promptly attended to, PoatoMlo aildrraa Oregon Oily. RpHlilence at Meldrtiin I'lace, on Eiintriide Klectrlo line two mllna north ol Oregon City, Q D.4 D.C. LATOUKETTK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN HTHKKT OHKOON CITY, OHKOON. Furnlah Atmtranta of Title, Loan Monoy, Koro olo.o MortgnKoa, and tranaaot Uencral Law JtiKlncm, ftllK COMMERCIAL DANK, OF OREGON CITY. Capital, 1100,000 TKANBAflTa A ORMRRAI, RANKINO SttfltSRHR. Loan tnale. llllla dltooiiiitoil. Miikoa ool loctlona. Iliiv. and aelU eicliango on all points In the United Mtntea, Knrone ami Hong Kong. epoHlta rocuWod nlijevl to chuck. Bank fipon from II A. M. to 4 r. u. U. C. LATOUKKTTK, Primlclnnt. F. JC DONALDSON, Caahlor JJANK OF 0KEGCN CITY, Oldest Banking; House In The Cltr. Paid up Capital, M,000. Biirplii", f.Hl,MU, FRtHinRNT, - CHASI.RS H. CAUflRI.D. VKR rKRHIIlKNT, ORO. A. HARIIINS. CABHIKR. - a. O CAUFIBLO, A general hanking bualnona tranaanted. Dupoalt. rtwc,lveriibjci tn check. Approved bill, and note dlncoiinted. County and olty warrant! bought. Loan, mvle on available icourity. Kxnbange bought and .old. Collection! mailo promptly. Drafta aold ivallanle to any part of the world Tolographlo exolmngea aold on Portland, Han Frauclaco, Chicago and New York, stereat palj ou time depo.lti. BARGAINS .. . .. trt : i r ti f-Wrsn : i-- m Summer Goods Fall Goods To mako, iroon(for..a. largo and " coniplctq, stock of; . -' , .v ; ; from tho East, soon to bo in Thos. Charman & Soil's at The Pioneer Store. DO YOU NEED ANY Doors, Windows, Moulding Window Glass, OH OTHER IIUILDING '-MATERIAL? : GO TO C. H. BESTOW I CO- Low Prices. First-class Goods. , ' , Corner 11th and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon. and Sarah J. liickerson was separated from C, . )ickerNon because of cruelty and failure of support. Not a true hill was reported 'by the grand jury in thecase' of Ottls Shelly, i Clarence Williams snd Myo Itrayton for indecent exposure. ' . " An orler for a writ otf review was granted In the cane of Christian Muralt vs CUckaiuas county, and the mandata was served on the county court Thurs day evening. The controversy Is over the amount of damages to' be awarded the plaintiff by reason of a change in the location of the Lynn road, a lew miles up the Aberncthy creek. ' The viewers first sppointed by the county court awarded Muralt damages to the amount of 175, The court deemed that ' award excessive, and rejected the report of the viewers. Ou the same petition the county court appointed " another - set of viewers, and they awarded Muralt but Their report was accepted and the ro id Whs ordered opened. Muralt based bis application for the writ of review on (he allegation tlut the county court ex' ceeded its jurisdiction when it appointed the second set of viewers on the one pe tition.'' Judge Mc Bride ordered 'the county court to pay the f 175 damages or baudon proceedings under that petition (or a change of location. May Burth was granted a divorce from Wm Borch,' and Cora Towney,1; was granted a divorce' froin Jacob Townev, the defendant failing to ' appear in both instances. ' " ' ' ' " r- E E Masten vs F M Summer, a suit to resover damages in the' sura of $1500 on account of the alleged failure of the dtr fendant to execute deed in accordance with a bond given June 10, 1592, for IS acres o( land at Sunnyside, in thiscounty. By the terms of (he bond," $1003 was to be paid for the land, and the plaintiff to have paid $053, and to have expended j $2!H.50 in improvements, and also claims to have been ready to perform' all the obligations of the bond, but was pre' vented by the sale of the land to another person in November, 1SU5. The defend ant denies that the eouditious of ' the bond were complied with by the plaintiff. The rehearing of Mrs. Elizabeth Hess va The Oregon German Baking Co and T II Liobe was begun Tuesday morning. Ex-Judge Henry E McGinn N D Simon and C D Latourette appear for the plaintiff, while Senator J II Mitchell and Geo C Brewnell represent the de fense, The trial is a very important one and the court room has been full of spec tators. Mrs Ileas is a neiue of the de fendant, Liebe. In 1891), her husband, Christian Hess, was in the employ of the bakery company, and was suspected of stealing money from the concern. The arrest of himself and his wife, at the in stance of Liebe, followed, and Hess was so wrought up by his trial that ha shot Liebo aud committed suicide in Novem ber, 1803, leaving a long letter fully ex plaining hia action. , Liebe recovered and in 18115 Mrs Hess 'brought action for $25,000 damages for malicious prosecu tion. On a showing by the defendant that he could not get a fair trial in Mult nomah county, because of prejudice against him there, a change of venua to Clackamas county was granted, and the case was heard here three years ago, the jury awarding the plaintiff $9500, which was cut down to $9250 , by the court. The matter was taken to the supreme court which remanded the cause for a new trial, on the ground that tho trial judge, in his charge to the iury erred In his difimtion of probable cause, as ap plied to the motive of Liebe when he caused the arrest of the Ilesses. The plaintiff went over the story of getting money in Germany and bringing it to this country to show that she had money of her own and that the fact of her hav ing money in the bank in 1893 was no indication that she came by it dishonestly. Theodore H Lei be was on the stand for five hours. Wednesday, and went at length into the details ol his relations with Christine Hess, and swore that iu Instituting criminal proceedings against the Ilesses he was governed by the ad vice of the district attorney. He claimed to have made a full statement of all the circumstances to the district attorney, though, on cross-examination, he ad mitted he had not told that official that More Horghtrized. - Sometime during Friday night burglars forced an entrance into Ely Brothers grocery store in the Shively block on Seventh street,, by drawing the staples that fastened: the (root door. One of the bargla'i evidently hurt hia hand in prying the lock off, as blood was spat tored over the door and ' lock! Once in side they proceeded to blow np the safe by drilling two holes into the door, near the combination, into which a charge of powder sufficient to shatter the entire front , of , the sale was placed. From the sale the burglars obtained about $4) in silver and $20 in gold, together with a note (or $55 75 but overlooked a pure containing $100 placed among the books. The fill under the counter was rifled of some $5 in' small change. On Saturday a man named Thos.' Richard son, alias Ryan, was arrested in Portland on suspicion and will have on examina tion in Justice Schuebel's court Satur day morning at 10 o'clock. Richardson has already served a term in the peniten tiary for burglarlv and has been ; Identi fied by Duane Ely as the person seen about the store Friday before the bnrg Iury occurred In the evening. There is also a fresh wound on his left band. It is said, also ; that one of Richardson's shoes exactly fit . the track .left in the rear of Story's blacksmith's shop where the chisel was stolen with-which the door was pried open.' ..u lines that are elevating and enobling The following from the Broadhead, Success of a Former 1'IUaeu. r , . ' It is always a pleasure to chronicle the success of a former resident of Our1 pro gressive ancl prooperous city,' and more especial when that success is along ! bea necessity to any teacher who de popular style a descriptive record of thai most novel, interesting and important developments in 8cie nee, "Arts and Man- -ufactures. It shows the progregs of the' World in respect to New Discoveries and Inventions, embracing Machinery, 'Me- chanical Works, ; Engineering in all branches. Chemistry, .Metallurgy, Elec tricity, Light, Heat, . Architecture, i Domextic Economy, Agriculture, Natural I History, etc. It abounds in fresh and interesting subjects for discassioii, thought or study. It provides material' for experiment at borne and in the labora-' ' tory, and it enabled the intelligent reader to keep informed as toihe industrial arid scientific development of the country. To tbo inventor it is invaluable, as every n umber contains a complete list of patents - and trade-marks issued weekly from the Patent Office. It promotes Industry, Progress. Thrift and Intelligence in every community in which it circulates. ' ''" 1 : The Scientific American should have a place in every Dwelling, vSuop, !, Office, School or Library. Workmen, Foreman Engineers, Superintendents, Lirectors, Presidents, Officials, Merchants, Farm- ers, Teachers, Lawyers, ' Physicians, Clergymen People in every walk and profession in life will derive satisfaction -and benefit from' becoming "a tegalar reader of The Scientific American.' ' Minn A Co., Publishers, ," s ... 391 Broadway, N. Y.'V ' ' i i A Seeded Journal." 4 ' t .: I-. ..i ..... , f , vi;..-t- , The Oregon Teacher's Monthly a. -40-page journal devoted to the educa tional interests of 'the Northwest, " end published under ' the' able, ' editorial ': management of Prof. C. W. Durettei of Portland, and Supt. 'tiV' VY.' Jones,'1 of Marion county, "It contains a complete ' resume of Oregon school Dews, together with some timely articles on Jiveeduca tional topics . by some of the leading , educators of the land, and will certainly sires to keep not only in tough with the educators of the state but who Wants Wisconsin, Register, relative to Prof. R. , to keep thoroughly posted on educational " 1 W. Pringle, a former principal of the j matters as well, or as the Monthly putsj . , Oregon City public schools, will be good it: -"We do not not like to drink from a the Ilesses had means of their own that news to the professoi's many .warm friends here. It was thought by' some that Mr. Pringle was hardly good enough for our public schools and his appreci ation came alter he was gone. He haa recently been called to the. superintend ency of one of the largest schools in the state of Wisconsin at a salary of $2,400 per year. The extract is as follows: "R. W, Pringle has sent In his resig nation to the board as principal of the Broadhead high school, and has accepted the superintendent of the Appleton school. This came not only as a surprise to everyone in Broadhead, but Is uni versally regretted. Mr. Pringle has the distinction of being the very best princi pal ever holding a position here. What more can be said. His success haa been well earned, and he who may follow in his footsteps will find the path no easy one. hue his departure is looked up on with regret by teachers, 'scholars and citizens, still all wish him and his the best of success in the new field of labor. We heartily recommend him to the citizens of Appleton." . Household Gods. ; 5 '-- The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of the family! They were worshipped as household gods in every home. The household god of to day is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at Charman & Co's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. - For Young Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouRe the re of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. ' Leave your orders, at Farnsworth's arber shop. : Wanted. Twenty-five yearling ewes and one buck, half Shropshire and half Merino. A.G.Jacobs, Oregon City Mfg. Co. stagnant pool ; no more do children. Prepare for your work that you may be i a sparkling fountain".'' 1 : .- ' ' - : '' ' i 1 ...... i . . , , . .- . Sot Always I'uderstood, . 1 A fact often overlooked or not aWays ' understood, is that women suffer, aa much from distressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. The womb is situ. i. ated back of and very close to the bladder, and for that reason any distress, disease. or Inconvenience manfested in the kid- " neys, back, bladder or nrinarv passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily .made and may be as easily avoided by setting urine aside , for twenty-four hours; a sediment: or ' settling is evidence that your kidneys ' and bladder need doctoring. If you haye pain or dull aching in the back; pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, '' with smarting or burning these are also convincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you have doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild and the extraordinary j effect will surprise you. It stands the ' highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should take the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion the Oregon City Enterpise and send j your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing harnton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. - " '- Ship Canal from the Lakes to the Ocean. A ship-way to the sea should be built under strict govermental supervision and . control, but it can be built successiully only by the same type of gunius which has created on this continent a railroad system that is without an equal in the world. The large-brained engineers who have made possible what but yesterday was impossible stand ready to undertake . this work. They ask not a dollar of sub sidy, but simply charter rights, to go for ward with an enterprise fraught with vaster consequences and of more intimate concern to the larger portion ot this na tion than any ot her commercial enterprise projected Bince the beginning of railway construction in America. "From the Lakes to the Sea," by Carl Snyder, in American Monthly Review of Reviews for November, . , Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest aisortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkbpkihb office.