Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 05, 1897, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Circuit court ron venen ttrnt Mnn In No
vember aud third Monday In April.
Probate court in ipnnlon lint MoucIkt In rich
OommUatonrrt court ml flrnt Wedncmlay
Iter Brut Monday ol eacn monin.
Lively Session Wednesday Night
Judges and Clorka of Fleet Ion Named.
Knitting vara, two skeins (or 5 rents
at the Racket Store.
The largest, best and nicest selections
of ribbons ever in the city just arrived at
the Racket Store.
"The Christian Church in Great
Britain," from 700 A. D. to lOtiti, will be
the subject of the address at St, Taul's
church, Sunday evening.
The ministers of the city will hold
meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock to ar
range for Thanksgiving day.
For a quiet place to bitch your horses
way from the motor line and a place to
get a first class job of repairing or horse
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth Btreet.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Fresbyteriyn church will be held next
Sunday morning, at which time the sac
rament of the Lord's supper will be
The city council met in regular monthly
session Wtdnefdv evening, Mayor
Caulleld presiding, Recorder Ryan in
charge of the records and Charles E.
Hums representing the police depart-,
ment. Councilman Rittner, Kocrner, :
Rnsch, Wilson and Harris were present,
and Councilmen Caple, Ganlt and
Roake absent I
The minutes of the last regular meet-'
itig and also of the two special meetings
were read and approved.
E. Matthies and Gr lessen A Hallwyler
were granted a renewal of their saloon
Recorder Ryan's report showed that
one case of violation of citv ordinances
had come before him during the month,
that of Robert Gardner, for being drunk
and disorderly, who received a sentence
of five days imprisonment with work on
the city Btreets. Licesos were issued as
follows :
E A Itra.ly, saloon fJOO 00
J N Miller ' SKI 00
I O K a m bo " 'AX) 00
A Knapn " :K 00
Willamette Falls Bowling Alley 5 00
Weinbard Hillmrd Parlors ,t! JO
Koyal Biaktt the luod pun,
whoUaom and ddkloui.
Absolutely Puro
OV41 POf CO., MW VtWM.
In the Baptist church the pastor will
speak Sunday evening on "The Labor
Problem" of Sunday Work and the
number of hours that should constitute
a day's work.
Their is no need of little children be
ing tortured by scald head, ecxema and
akin eruptions. Pe Witt's Witch Hazel.
Salve gives instant relief and cures per
manently. Geo. A. Harding.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. Cures
Headache, Nervousness, Eiuptions on
the fare, and makes the head clear as a
bell. Sold by Chat man & Co., drugeistB,
Oregon City.
If the first tain days caught you with
out sufficient protection (torn the rain and
left you nil ha rold core it promptly.
It is easilv and pleasantly done with Red
Sea! Coujih Cure. 25 cent bottles and
everyone guaranteed at Huntley'sdrug
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected stock of family
groceries which he is selling at very
reasonable rates. His motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods delivered to any
part of the city.
"My landlord w ill pay for that paper,"
said a business man to Holman, the wall
paper dealer. Holman said it was $
lor the room. "Is that all? Well, I
will pay it myself," replied the business
man. You will be surprised when you
find how little it costs to paper yonr
room when you see Holman and see his
up-to-date styles and prices
J. C. Berry, one of the best known citi
jsens of Spencer, Mo testifiVs that he
cured himself of piles by using a few box
es of DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. He
had been troubled with piles for over
thirty years and had uaed many different
kinds of so called cures; but De Witt's
was the one that did tba work and he
will verify this statement if any one
wishes to write him. Geo. A. Harding.
There are a great many of the unfortu
nate ones in this world, greater in num
ber than those who are blessed with
good digestion. To some people the
greatest misfortune is not to be able to
eat everything set before them.
"I sufiered for years with dyspepsia,
and everything I ate disagreed with me.
.J was induced to try Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and was cued. I now eat every
thing." M Bright, Madison Parish, La.
There was a large audience present at
the Congrega'onal church last Sabbath
-evening to listen to Rev. Butlers second
talk to young people. Next Sabbath
evening trie subject will be on "The
Choice of an Occupation ; or your calling
in Life." At the morning service, the
holy communion will be observed.
Young peoples meeting at 6 :30 p. m.
Midweelr service every Wednesday eve
ning. The public is cordially invited to
all services.
The three-year old bov of J. A. John
son, of Lynn Center, 111, is subject to at
tacks ot croup. Mr. Johnson says he is
satisfied that the timely use of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, during a severe
attack, saved his little boy's life. He is
in the drug business, a member of the
firm of Johnson Eroa. of that place; and
they handle a great many patent medi
cines for throat and lung diseases. He
had all these to chose from, and skilled
physicians ready to respond to his call,
but selected this remedy for use in his
own family at a time when his child's
life was in danger, because he knew it
to be superior to any other, and famous
the country over for its cures of croup.
Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling
cough medicine they handle, and that it
gives splendid satisfaction in all cases.
Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others
Total $.U7 0
Warrants were drawn on general fund
to the amount of f 1071 .SU.
The fallowing claims against the city
were read and warrants ordered drawn
for the several amounts :
T F Ryan, salary $ 2T. 00
Cha E Burns, salary 00 00
E L Shaw " (W 00
Chas Babcock, street work 63 00
I. Picklenian, cleaning Main street.. 31 00
Paul Henimelgarn, meals at jail.... 5 20
Geo Brouditon, lumber 17 70
P O E Co, light, c'liu'd. 172 46; all'd 171
G W Cburcb, hauling dirt 2 00
J W Hoffman, sharpening picks 1 43
Press, publishing ordinances 81 40
J W Brown, wood 2 50
EW8to:t , 6 25
Messrs. Bittner and Harris, the special
committee appointed to look after the
improvement of Main street, between
Twefth and Fourteenth streets, reported
that it would require 200 yards of
crushed rock and foO worth of labor to
put tne street in proper condition, 30
yards of the rock and $10 of the labor
account being the amount belonging to
the East Side Railway Company and
which they had agteed to pay. An ordi
nance authorizing the improvement sug
gested, provided the rock could be pur
chased at a cct not exceeding $1.25 per
yard, was ordered published.
George C. Brownell appeared before
the council to protest against the passage
of subdivisions 4 and 5 of section 5, of an
ordinance imposing a license of $50 a
year on drug stores, grocery stores and
restaurants that sell liquros, claiming
the council was exceeding the authority
conferred upon it by the charter, which
made the license $400 per year for these
privileges. The saloon men were also
present and made a strong protest
against the licensing of these places.
The Mayor stated that a delegation of
ministers had waited upon him and
objected to licensing grocery stores and
after considerable spirited discussion in
which all bands took part, the offending
subdivisions were stricken from the or
dinance. The mayor called attention to the fact
that the road running on the North side
of Abernethy creek, connecting north
Main street with the Parkplace county
road had been closed up and recommen
ded that the city open the road to the
public and make whatever repairs were
necessary. The matter was referred to
the committe . on streets and public
property with power to act.
Judges and clerks for the city election
to be held the first Monday in December
were appointed as follows:
First ward M. E Willoughby, J. W.
Cole, C. W. Fredricks, judges; J. A.
Stuart, J. 8. Jennings, clerks.
Second ward G. H. Wishart, C. C.
Babcock, J. G. Porter, judges; J. M.
Lawrence, G II. Bestow, clerks.
School Iti porlH.
The following named pupils in dish let
No l7, were neither abm-nt iir lunly
during the month ending Oct 20: l.dlic
Irvine, Nettie lYtcisiin, I cnuiniil E
Schoggin, Mabel I'lisey, Oniric- Kvnii' ,
l.eroy Parmenter, Hattiu ('ul. iii n,
Claude Baty, Frank Covey and Worlie
Andrews. Wholo number enrolled 10;
average daily aliemhtnco ltl Tiiinm
are invited to call and imped om irk .
W I l.l.l AM II.VNKINM, lonelier.
Following N the port of school ih.
Irlct, No, ti7, lor the month ending Oct.
22: Number of pupils enrolled 0; nvc
ago number belonging l.V, averait" i" V
attendance 14 ; total number f ! i v' .
attendance 273 : total number iliiy'ub
settee 21); cases of tardiness tl Tli".-,
who were neither slwent nor lardy tits -1
Iflir till, llltmth um llnnrv mul Willi..'
Toedtemeier, Martha, Sarah and llulila
Smith. A i.tiika M. PiiKM'M,
J. G. Callison, the student printer of
Salem, was in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. G. B. IHiiilik is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Samuel Wolfer, of Needy,
this week.
Mrs. J. H. Barrett left on Thursday
for a visit of several weeks with friends
at Heppner.
Bert and Harry Austin and John How
land left Wednesday for an outing at the
upper butchery.
C. O. T. Williams returned Tuesday
afternoon from a cotiple of day tour of
the southen portion of the county.
Rev. M. L. Rugg went to Portland
Wednesday, where he delivered an ad
dress on" Beneficence" at the Third Bap
tist church in the evening.
Mrs. W. C Johnson teturned Mond.iv
from Tacoma and I-ong Beach, where
she spent three months for the benefit of
her son Ronald's health.
Miss Lillian Bunting, who has been a
resident of Oregon City for the past year,
went to Portland Monday, where she will vij( lne goui.
make her home in the future.
Pat Keller, of Elliott prairie, the fat,
j lly road boss of that part of the county,
was in Oregon City Thursday,
The following is a report of school dis
trict No. 17 at Eagle creek (or the month
beginning Oct. 4 and eiulii g Oct. 2l.
Number of pupils enrolled at Hint of
month 17; at lust ol month 30; average
number belonging "."; numUr a'tending
21; times tardy 2. Those wottliv of
mention for good conduct and regular
atten lucco are Louise. Wagner, Mutti
Burnett, Elsie Cuiren, Lola and l-na
Van Corel), I'ieasant and Earnest I'oiig
las. U. T McAariu a. Teacher.
Following la the report of school di
t rict No. 37, for the month ending Oct
2l. Number of pupils enrolled 27 ; days
abscence 18; limes tardy 0. Those w ho
were neither absent nor lardy ate Grace,
Blanche, Zona. Ethel and Leslie Whit
ten, Anna Borland, Ellin Hays, Amies
Milton, l ynnette and Carroll Shipley,
Pearl and Ivor Long, Henry and Willie
Nagle and Maud Child. Visitors pea
ent during the month wrre Supt. Slurlr
weather, Misses Ella Ball and 1'earl
Aula, l atrons are cordially Invited to
Anna I. Tihmidin,
Report of the Hatchery scho'l, district
havinu tto. ou, ii uiDimi : n. or nays laiigin.
hnine if.ir till, i-nnnlr court ( ; eriroueu ltl lirsi nay, ; enmilfil
' I
Charles Solomon, a prominent
chant of Prineviile, Crook county, was
How to Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy conditions of the kidneys.
When urine stains liner.it is evidence of
kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the back, is also con
vincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-root, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the
back, kidneys liver, bladder and every
part of the urinary passages. It corrects
inability to hold urine and scalding pain
in passing it, or bad effects following use
of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes
that unpleasant necessity of being com
pelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The mild and the ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest lor its
wonderful cures of the most distressing
cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. Sold hy druggists,
price fifty cents and one dollar. You
may have a sample bdttle and pamphlet
both sent by mail. Mention Okkqon
City Entkbitihb and send your address
to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
The proprietors of this paper guarantee
the genuineness of this offer
the end of 1st month. 32: IH girl and 14
mer- , , .... . .
ihivs; imys aiiciiouncc, ox; nays ao-
1U Ill .............. .I.il,. .Il... I-.. 111.
,. , . , . t..o uu. ailing i.i.ii. n. 17.1. .nut vt ,
a guest ol his old time friend, A. C. .. ' , , . .
... ,, , , , , . . .times tardy, 3. The following have
alls, a few davs the first of the week. ... , . . , ,
neither been ahsxnt nor lardy since Ihey
Rev.GilmanrarkerwentuptoFrowns-were enrolHi: Annil Hanchman, Oltra,
ville Thursday to preside attheordina- ik.rtlia Avin Sch.naU, Oct, Loi.
tionouncil to enable W. P. Elmore to and Carl Bass, Frank and Pursv Smith,
don the sacerdotal robes of the m.nsterly. Evstmj Vda Watts, Christian Hemer-
Mrs. E. S. Crowley, of Cams, was in ich, Benona Bass, Maud Moak, Madue
Oregon City Thursday, arranging to rent Byers and Harry Hubbard.
her farm, preparatory to going to the
East for the winter. In the spring she
expects to make a visit to Oklahoma.
Col. Robert A. Miller, has opened up
a law office In the Charman block in the
Aha M. Rammi.i., Teacher.
rooms formerly occupied by J. W.
Altona Time Table.
O. C. T. Co's. Steamer Alton leave
Portland for Salem and wy landings
, daily at 6:4") a. m. I-raves Oregon Ci'y
' for Salem at 8 a. m. Returning to Port
land about 3 p. ni.
Draper, where he will be pleased to
meet his friends, come they on business
or pleasure bent. Wedding stationery, lh latest styles
N.F.Zimmerman, who recently closed !nd finest assortment ever brought to
out his saloon and cigar and notion store j Oregon City at the E.nteki-kis ollli e.
in this city, has moved to Portland and i
will go into partnership with D. V.
Reidle in the manufacture of hydraulic
lime and cement.
John F. Clark, the attorney and ab
stractor, returned Monday from a few
days hunt in Polk county. He brought
back quite a string of birds to attest his
skill, or luck, or faculty for thrifty buy
ing, or whatever it was produced the
Senator E. B Dufur, of The Dalles, (
i -i
C. 1 III
T. A. Hlinm. M. C, the Ureal rtirmlit and
Krlentlat, Will Send, rrre.Tlirre Bottlriof
Ilia Newly PUmvered Urmrdlrs
to NurTrrer.
Editor Entkhi'hihk : I have discov
ered a reliable cure for consumption and
ailhrochial. throat and lung diseases,
general decline, loss of flesh and all con
ditions of wasting away. By its timely
use thousands of apparently hoelcss
cases have been cured. So proof-positive
came down to Portland on law bnsiness 1 am I of its power to cure, that to make
last week and having a little time to i' merits known, I will send, free, to
spare made a run up to Oregon City to t"? reader of your paper, three
. , .. bottle of my newly discovered remedies
enjoy our scenery for a short time Mori- u,,ori recbi)t 0, vs.,t(.M and iiost olllce
day. He was the guest of Hon. George address, T. A. SLUCUM, M . C,
C. Brownell while in the city. I l'i" Street, New York.
.,,,, , ,,. I When writing the doctor, please men-
Rev. C. A. Wooddy has sold his place ' tion t,j
to T. M. Gault and moved to Portland, I
where he will be more convenient to his
Work as editor of the Pacific Baptist. ,(
Mr. Gault is the accommodating con- !-'
doctor of the Gladstone car and moved
Into his new residence Tuesday.
Rev. John M. Boal and his daughter,
Mrs. Frances Bradbeer, of Los Angles,
Ca'ifornia, are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Smyth, on Sixth street.
The reverend gentleman and his daughter
are en route home from Ashland, Ken
tucky, where they have been sojourning
for the past year. They will remain in
the city for a month or more. Mrs.
Bridbeer and Mrs. Smyth were school
girls together and later classmates in col
lege. II. H. Gilfrey the genial reading clerk
of the United States senate, was in
Oregon City Friday visiting old-time
friends and acquaintances. An evidence
of Mr. Oilfrev's efficiency is the fact
that he has held his present position for
the past 20 years through all the various
changes of administration. In company
with Hon. C. B. Moores, Mr. Gilfrey
made a tour of the electric station and
paper mills and was greatly pleased
with what he saw. He says our electric
station is exceeded in size only by the
great electric station of Niagara Falls,
and that while our paper mills are not
as large As some of the eastern plants,
the machinery is all the latest and most
approved patterns and their product not
excelled anywhere in the world. Mr.
Gilfrey had not visited our city for a
number of years past and was agreeably
surprised at the material advancement
and substantial growth manifested on
every hand.
Pure Drugs
Taints and Oils
Toilet Articles
First quality goods
lowest prices
ill a
or jreopie Taat Are
Sick or "Just Don't
reel weu."
Wtmam Plmpli, curat HMitaefc, Oriptptla tni
CMtlvmtMi. 25 cli. a box at druegl.u or rr mall
bMtflt frw, ad draw Or, flotank C, flitl. ft,
Thr. Tik and Outs of It. e
If you pft best wour out of a cont, best work must
hava gouo into It. You em't get good brc.nl out of
poor Hour.
Moral t You enn't pet tlio best out of nnytliln, iinlcn
the best Is In It; nml the best hits to be put in before it
can be t.tken out. Now, wo have a rulo to test those
sarsaparillas with a bi "best" on the bottle. "Tell us
what's put in you mul we'll tleciilo for ourselves nbout
the best." That's fair. Hut these modest sarsanurillas
aiyi "Oh I we can't tell. It's a secret. Havo faith in
the label.". . , Stop I There's ono exception; one ear-
iparill.i that has no secret to hide!. It's Aycr's. If you
want to know wli tt pocs into Aycr's Sarsaparilla, ask
your doctor to write fur the formula. Then you can
satisfy yourself that )'u pet the lent of the araparilla
argument wheu you get Ayer's.
Anrd.iut.il.ltr Ci iU Cur.lK.'
It kiilt duutiti but cuim duuliitrt.
J. CAy.rCu.,U..ll,M.w.
mohumeHtal brohze CO
linnTIC HKONZK Monuments
, will not MitHH-eover or bliick
en. Are urtintio, cheap mid the
most etnliirinK monument miidn.
White Hroiuit in no cxNriment.
It linn Htood for humlredrt of years
in KuroK) ami in not nfTceted by
the weather. Correniiiiloi)ce- soli
cited. On receipt of poxtul curd
will bo plcitMcd to cull and show
HumpleH and dcniiis.
S. V. (irnrr Kniirih and Yamhill Klrrela
Willi Kik' lk alnrff,
Portland, Oregon.
V 1 1 YWlYHI
Edited by AUtlttSBAW
lie Hr
" ff fitly tmt martini tan h hhn, vU m.rfftt th
A'FriFH' OF XKI'KU'S, at mmn mtrt gruuntt than
any tthrr maaiin." Board ot Library Commlialoneri
ol New llampthire, i8c;6,
MHIS magulna U, In Iti contributed and departmental
features, what lla reader, who Include the most noted
names of the EngHsh-epeaklng world, are pleased to call
" absolutely up to date." " thoroughly abreast of the time,"
"Invaluable," and "Indispensable." It I profusely Illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives a
clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the
Month " present the Important parts of the best magazine articles
that have Leen wftten In every part of the world. The newest
and mMt Important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
chronological records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Review
or Reviews will miss nothing of great
firnldcance that Is said or written or done
throughout the world.
nd i Cante
la Stamp for
f iwclaaa Copy
THE REV1EV OF REVIEWS CO, 13 Astor PUc, Nw York.
Telure'8 Taazipe
For 1897
" CiiritiiinH Coilriitfeoti.'
The only novel of Steven
Mr. Pana wan for three
A New Life of Cirunt hy I lumlln tinrlnnd. Thr flrnt author!)
tive aail alctmtB Life of Grant ever pulilinliuil. Lavixhly llltiHira It'll. (II
girm in December. )
Iiuclyrcrd Klpllny'n llrHt American neriitl,
UiciilriM in Nuvtiiiilwr.)
Iiobert IouIh Htevenon'n " St. Ivbs."
mm'a atill iiriinibliHhed. (llcgiiiH in May.)
Chun. A. Darin. " KecollcctioriH tif Wartime
of the mottt critical year of the Civil War practically a meinhernf Lincoln'H
Cabinet, and 1h probably belter fitted than any other 11 1 11 ri living to kWh an
authoritative lilntoryof this period from hip rceol lection and corrcHponiieiice.
Portrnlt of Oretit AmerlcuriH, Many of tnem iinpnhllHlieil. In
connection with this m-riox of portrait it in intended to ihiIiIIkIi Npocinl
hioifrnphical Htndie under the ifenenil title of MAKICKH Of TIIK
UNION from WaHhlnxton to Lincoln.
Picture of I'ulentlne. Hpeciully tnkeri iitwlcr the editurV direction.
Btorlenof Adventure. A mnial hy CON AN DOYLIC, in which
he will uhi) bin extraordinary talent for intHlery Hii'l liiirenniiy uliich hiive,
in the "Sherlock IIoImicb" atoriea, iven lorn a place henide l'oe and
Ian Macluren, All the fiction that lie will wntx dtirinjr the coiniiiK year,
with the exception of twocontnihiition to another publicntioii which were
.1 1.: 1 - ...111 .. 1.. 111...
j oii)UKrii jruill llllll IOIIK Hii, will n'tini i'i iivui,inn n iiAOA.in.
Joel Chandler HorrfM. A aerie of new Hniiinil Htorie in the same
field a the " llnir Rabbit" and the " Little Mr. Tliiiiiblcllnuoi" Htorie.
Hudyarcl Klpllntf. Henlde " Captain (-'otiniifeoiiH," Knilinu will con
tribute to McCmikk'b all of the abort Htorie be will write during- the coming
Octave Thanet 1 preparing for the Maoazink a aerie of Blmrt stories in
which the same character will appear , ull IhiiikIi each will be complete in ItHulf,
Anthoney Hope Uretllurte Kotert Hrirr
Frank H. Htockton Stanley Weymnn Clark Huhmb
will all have storie In McCi.i iik'b for the cominu year.
Tliese are only a hiiirII fraction of the great and important feature of McCl.imt'i
Maoazink for 1807, the subscript ion price of which is only '
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. SubHc.ription ahould Hart with tin
number. , .
The S. S. meCtupe Co., Yoik City