I ; Oregon City Enterprise. bCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTIIKItN I'ACIKIO HAII.WAV. Ml 111 II HIMINII. I ("allliiinU I'.xiiriihH (lirini(li) ttuaulmrg l.ul (way stallima) a Ml ft, m. ' h.iw p. in, aullTII MIMIHII, Hnn'liiiru t,ii( (wnjr Mlnlloim) tJallluriils Kr(ta (llitniigli) ;II7 III : Ui. Ill : I'USTAI. HOIIKIIIM.K. H OtJTIIKH fACiriU HAll.lKUf). Mnlt Ploafx KOU'if Ninth, K "0 n m. ! Mallfllnatia K'llHK Huillll, Mia. III mill l p III. Ma I illmilmo'1 I". ill Nortli 7 Ml i lib, III lit .in. Mall iliaiiltMilid from biniih V In u rn , B:'. m. SAW IH KI.KI'IKIII 1.1 h . Mull ! for I'nrtlMitl ml (liiirlhullug IHilnta, U ..(mil, Mini 4 40 i. III. M.iilnlii'V) lur MiUmikiHj only, S 15 m.. i ' M.ul!!rilvMriciin P-nllttiid, IIW a. in. i4 ' 4 IS. in, HIIM SOl'THa, Oremiii City to Kly, t'arua, Mullno. I.llmral ami MiilalU luavea at li m. mill nrrlvita at li m. "'iIh..!! rn in IlKHvitr Crook. Mink. ('lurk. Meadow llriKik.liiloii Mllla, mid tiilt'in.li'avea It B i in, Monday, WaiWiwiay itii'i ri.uay, ml roluiiiatm liill'iwlim ilayaat 4H5li. m lri'K'' tuty In VliM. Ijiiihii mil KnllmiiJ l,.Mv,.a iirrumi i:ilv Monday. Wfdnnailny mi 'I Krlilnyat 1.UU i. ui., leaving VloU m daya l7;lJ, in. , llr.'Koii City In Wlllameltn, UtatT.rl mill Wi...iivi;, arrlvuaiil lii.HOa. hi. and u0i ui ll mi . tn, iluy. l. II. Till llullVUiy W lltltoMT II lipi'll on Mimuy (ruin Hi in II. in. Ail l'in T- ,imi i "i ml " Om l"imiti "iir l iiiiiniily u i on Hun lay, M "11 Hll.B' it I) ". An hiuii'tii iinitl Hint la ilutarwt mi l d ill l" mrivoiir it hii . in., n. r. ir.lu wilt o m on U O ii'i k or 4 Ifxwlrie car. VWI.UMKITK rAl.lJJ UY. (ma lkavi varKloion amnua aii.ua ana rl.u tit a, in, n aft , m. 7 lai nil " SUA ' I :(X p. lit. a.ift V HU IUUU 1 1 . IO li iu I II) p. in. : " 4 ,0 ft r.4 ' ft 40 :' ' a III 7 ' " 7.U - V 6 ' ;lu M Hiiiiilny oira li-rooy liour iiinll t'eUv, , in. In iftucl on and i.l"i Janu r ft, Heal. t:, A. hU.l.Ku. m it. FRIDAY, NOVKMItKU fi. IKK7. I'l.K AMiMi I.ki rriiK Mm I Mini Kul Iclicr Kiie her t'liunnliiKly ilhuWatcd lecture on "SuMcTropIc Clifuriiin" at lIlB t,tMit ill il i -1 1 Mulnluy CVi'lilliK i muliT tliw mi"ilrf ii( tin yiiiinu n'(i'lf'ii mM'loty tn u kihhI nuilii'iii'0. Tim inrt f wn inmlii (rum OreulM Citv ill unti ' (lie Kr):iotily iiiliolturvi l'iilliiiti ihti ol the Southern I'hciIic i-uinpuny, Ilia lecturer tulkinu eiilerlainli'Kly of tlie i;rel lit to (if OrcK'in, itN nittti'liltm I nwiH'ry, lltnlili'K n-Hoiirri' etc., until ' Anlilmiil, tint liietriii)li of Suiillicrn ' (iregiin wan ri'iiclnnl, wlmn Hit rcul mult on llie journey wh inmlo. Tlie viewi iriteiiU.'J kIoiik tliu roiiie b'oimlit out tlio irtiloiiilnnlinu feuturtt of llio (iolilen BlttUt, Hit clmrm of tlio Journey Muir nnt in tlio cliulo) BtvH")ilicii va'wo uliuwii mono lint in the eloquent and Xrplii! (l('riUi(in of tint view prCKUii twl lijr tliti liH'tumr t well. lti'Klnnlnu wlllt lite Imun treat tu on tliu 111111111111 ol tlia HlNkiyou inuuiiluinn, tliu view of Huii-tu mitl llie trip to it nnowy nuimnil, ChoI Id Cmu, will) it mililiinu view of mountain torrent, canyon mill plane, followed in quick mit'i'CMHion with net-nun bIuiik tlio mulu until t-an Fmnciiico wan leaclied, wlipn tliu vit'M of the now tiuildiiiK", (iolilen (iato park, the C'lil) lionau and Sutro liatli er wore well worth tlio price of a ticket if liolliliiK I'Ibo weru fcen. Tht-n followed a trip to the vurioiiH lenoritt for which t'lililorni iH no JiiKtly finned, it ml Ml Ilnutillon, the "Itiit Trt-u" country hiiiI Yiih iiiito valley. The view of Cntitlinu, un inland of lite l'acil!c, wan particularly fine, rivaleil only hy oftliat Indlo, 11 palm ilcm rl, now 11 jjieitt rt'Hort lor conxiiinp tive. Since M in Kelleher wa here o 'iiiniiy people huve cxpreKfcd n deire tu hear the lecluie mid ore the nuiK'nilUent Keened prcHeiiled, which are only ex el led hy uiitkliiK the ucluitl joiirnev, that rlie tuny he induced to repent it. In Otiikb Links. Kiank E. Donuld ron, who hu heeti ruHhierof the Com mercial bunk of thin city cince its orniuir latioli elKlit ye ir a no, liai found it lll'C CHHary on account of health and the clone foiillnenielit of that pmplnymeiit, to tuuke A change lo a Iiumiicb that will retpiire more outdoor exercise, and Iiiib arran'd to devote Ida attention princl j)iy to ItiHiiriince. J je already has I ho Icfldiritf uuncy In (jliekuuia county has aecured one of the principal agenciea n Torthind. He will colitlnlio to rtmttln In Oregon City and look after the Insur ance hiiHineaa here with ulllco at Com mercial trnnk bk heretofore, Npendinu only a portion of his time in Portland, where be luia necured an olllce on the Uround floor In the McKay building at No. 252 Kintk street, with Mr. J.W. CanilNdl who repreaents the Standard Accident lnHurance Company, and who Will attend to the fire iiiHUrance buainoaa there in Mr. DonahlHonV aliHence. Fred J. Meyer, who baa been connected with "the bank for over two yeara and proyen hinmclf to be a thoroughly relmblo and competent accountant, will tuVo Mr. Don aldnon'8 place when thai gentleman ia absent. The elevation of Mr. Meyer ia but a Just recognition of the fultbfulneHB of hie aervice during the the time be has labored us UHHintant. I SuilUltBAN RHII)ENC!K PlIOI'ltRTY. Ira : Jones, one of the beat known lawyers ot Portia ud, has opened up an oflice in a aulte ol rooms In Willamette block over Geo. A. fhirdiim's drug store. Mr. Jonea owns a 140-acre tract of land on the W'eat Bide, overlooking the falls and adjoining'Sunsot addition. He baa just completed a IiiiikIhoiiiii realdence on hi properly and derive hi witter mipply from a Iiiito Hpiliitf thitthiiHa i.apnclly MUlllclent ti fiirnlHh punt, clean witter for a town of DODO or OllOII people, Mr. June expect to divide hi land info mil 11 1 1 Iriicla suitable for auhiii bnii rNi deuce and place it upon the market in the hpriiiK- The West Hide I di-Htilieil lo becoine one of the moat popular place of Hiihiirlmii rcHiilenci! In be foiiml any whiire, poHCKnliiK aa it due all the rcqui alleNof aluhlty location, and an abundance of pure mr and water, within eny ac ena of either Portland or OreK'm City. Wlien the Wet Wile trolley line Is ex tended into Portland, a it will be in the not diritant future, the trip to the metropoll will ho made in 40 minute, mitkluv tbla portion of 0111 beautiful city more (IchIniIjIh for reidence pnrpoMe than any of the many addition to Port land proper and quite, a eay of acceaa. Tint City Elkition, Altlrxigli the city election la lens than one month off the mutter Iu proyoked but little ilia ('IIhhIoii. Hut notwithxUndlliK the till milled aiqiearance of the surface a ureat ileal of quiet atill hunting ia K"''ig en . The greateat dilllcullty la expi-rcnced In getting a candicalo for mayor upon whom the varied Inlereat can unite. Among the iiiohI piomiuently mentioned for thi poKltion am Hudolpli Kia-rner, ( ha. l.atoiiretUt. J. J. Cooke, J 17 Campbell, Kchulplua, A. H. Dresser, and Max - While Mayor Caullehl ha made no formal aniiounceiiient of hia candidacy hia (ilenda expect to ttive him a Micond termJaN a complimeiit for the clean, ablu adminitration of city affairs tint patt year. City Treaaurer HtraiKht will be a candidate for re-election and so fur no one else ha been spoken of for the Kwition. For coiiucilmen tu succeed Mt-Hur. Koerner and Itlttner in the First ward no one ia oken of but iieuj. Jag gitr other (ban the present incumbent aw camliiliite. In the hecoml wan lenwra. (ititilt and Caple' term expire and no one ha been definitely Hkeii of to suc ceed them. Mr. (limit l a becoine a res ident of (ilailhtonit and consequently out the race, while Mr, Caple la in Wash- iiiiiton county and will probably not ) a C4iid!diite. Taken altottetber the com ing clly election w 111 be a very tame af fair. IIai.kiwkkm pHANka The observance of Halloween has long since lost it re ligion significance so far a the general run of humanity goes and has come to be regarded by many a a aeason of li cense for pbtving jokes and praiik,many of which are Hisiliye violations of law and outside the pule of common decency. If newspaper would cease to mlvertisu this annual nuisance to many people in every vouiinunity, It wouhl go a lung way toward the fnrgetfulness of the day. Falling a it did on Sunday eve this year 11 was I he occasion of a double "celebra tion." In many places gstea were torn oir. causing their ow ners no little anxletv and trouble to get them back. In Soino instance theso young hoodlum wore maska on their face so their identity would not lm known. Were a few of these youthful law breakers arrested and lined or imprisoned, as they would he just aa sum a caught it would have a w holesome effect 011 further depreda tion of this kind. On a Hkpakatk Ciact'ir. The Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, la engaged in making some ex tensive and permanent improvements to their lines in Oregon and have put in a new metallic circuit for this city. Here tofore Oregon Ciiy baa been connected with Portland only by the main trunk line that afforded meant) of communica tion (or all valley towns w ith the metrop olis and it was not un unusual thing for an Oregon City nierchiint with an imnor taut message to have to wait a half hour for I he line tu get. clear. The company ia also running four coptier wires south, two lo connect with f-uleni and two on to Eugene (0 connect with the line fiom San Franciaco which ia being built from that city south. An idea of tlio amount of conper wire required to make these improvements ran bo gained by the fact that it takes one coil or 10i) pounds of wiro to cover a mile, requiring about 5,-00 pounds of copper wire to complete the circuit between this city and the me tropolis1, At inn TiiHKsiioi.1). Charles Albright, sr., an old and highly recpected pioneer resident of Oregon Oily is lying vory low at his residence at Clackamas Heights, where he la recuivinS evtry attention that his family ein suggest or medical skill devise. It has been almost a week Bince he bus been able to take any nourishment and bis death is hourly expected. Mr. Albright is in his 8Sth yuar, having celebrated his 87th birth day only a few days ago. He came to Oregon in 1852, locating in Portland, being one of the drat men to engage in the butcher business in that city. In the early 00' he moved to Oregon City and continued the business here until compelled to retire on account of ill health, when be was succeeded by hia son Charles Albright, jr., who has con ducted the business since. Mr. Albright la held iu high esteem throughout the county, while his name is a synonym for honesty and uprightness of character. And Tuknips Too. When it comes to raising turnips, or anything else in the vegetable or grain line, or to rolling up a good republican majority on election day, commend us to Englo Creek pre- clnct, In verification of this J. P. VVniidln brought to Ihl olllce the other day from hia farm in that vlciniiy a tnr nip of the "Htr,ii Leal" vo'iely that weighed 10? poundaand measured two feet and four inches iu circum'creiice ft was of fine llavorand ulid all the way through, Mr. Woodlo did not search for the blygi-Ht turnip in hia p itch but brought along one of avmage aizit to show what Eagle Creek can do in the turnip line. Ham.owk.kn I'AitTY Last Monday evening a delightful Halloween party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J (). Pilshiiry, In honor of Mist llu.el I'llsbiiry, to a numtior of Oregon City's charmiiig toung mises Under the palrouavu of Mr. C. U. Huntley and Mia Vara Pilsbury, Mirth and jollity reigned supreme In the enjoyment of games appropriate to the occasion, such aa lifting floating apples out of a tub of waler by the teeth alone, trying to bite an apple laaleueil on a lurk wlttt a candle at the oilier end of the fork, which was suspended from the ceiling by a string, etc. Light refreshment were p.trtaken at the prrqatr hour. Among those present were: Mrs. C. O. Huntley, Ml" Vara Pilapury, Mis La Viva Wrlalit, of Portland, Misses Pilabury, Laura Pope, Ethel Caullehl, Ethel Albright, Eliim Alhright, Veya Hill, lino Harding, Marie Pratt, Alice ICWth- i ...'.... . . ... 1 , I wttllH 'reai nricaier. Koai) Woiik , Contractors Smyth & Howard began work on the Willamette Fulls road with a force of 20 men Mon day morning cleaning, blasting and grading preparatory to putting on crushed rock. These contractors are also busily engaged in grading and planking Will amette avenue in Portland for a distance of two miles and in putting 5,000 yards ol crushed rock on Twenty-second street, Portland, both of w hich contracts are well under way. They are rushing the work on several other smaller contracts fur roud work in the tnctroimlis. Mi-sk; tiik I'l lil.lO Schools. To encourage the study of music bv the children attending the city schools the In in rd haa given the use of a room in both the liarclayand Easthatn buildings to Mrs. J. if. Strii kler, who will give instruction in vocal music, lo such of the scholar aa desire to take les sons. The tuition will be f 1 per term of three months, to be pui I by the pupils. TIih class in the Hurt-lay building will meet un Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and the Easthsni class at the came hour on Thursday afternoon of each week. Class Pahtv. George T. Howard entertained the members of his Sunday school class to the niimlier of 20 t bis Gladstone borne Wednesday evening After enjoying games of various kinds for awhile Airs. Howard furnished re freshments that put the finishing touches to the evening's pleasure and the boys returned home greatly pleased with their reception. Stats ok Ohio, Citv ok Toledo. fcs. Ll-CAS Cot'NTV. ) Frank J. Cheney makes an oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore suid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. ISilti. (. A. W. (iLEASON, j skai. I Notary-Public. Hull's Cutarrnh Cure Is taken inter nally end acta directly on the blood and mucous surlaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J CI1 EN E Y , & CO. , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Stray Horse. Strayed from Willamette Falls about August 1st, a gray mare, six years ohl, weight 1300 pounds height Ki.'s hands, collar mark on back of neck, one hip slightly lower than the other, a little BtiH in the shoulders. A liberal reward for information lending to tlio recovery of the aidmal, J. A. Mokhskk. tteaver Creek, Or. Notice To Tt'iicliurs. All teacher receiving the EstsKiMtisn for school work will please notify this of fice at the close of their term so that the the patwr may be discontinued. (Do not 8b ml notice until week of closing.) Oukoon City Enterprise. Undertaker and Eiuhiiliiier, H. L. Ilolmnn undertaker and em bulmer. Graduate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Weiuhard's building on Main Btreet. Don k With A Knikk. Those fine, juicy steaks and prime roasta to be ob tained at Albright's meat market are all done with a kinfe in the band of an expert cutter. Send the Entkhpribk to your friend in the Eafct and thus give him an idea of what is going on in Clackamas county, It may induce him to locate with us. AIANTKD TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE " gentlemen or ladies to travel lor re sponsible establslted house In Oregon. Monthly $06.00 and expense. Position steady Utterance. Emlose sell-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. 7T7I ,., o3 257c Sunday Services. K1I1HT COKOKKOATIONAL CIII.'KCH. Kev. I . W. II 11 I r, I'aator. Hervlraa at VIM i. u. nil 7:80 r. M. Sunday School titer mornlux i-rvlce. Player mcelliJK I i.uiaday evening nt 7 HOo.cliK-k. 1'rnyer meeting of Yiiiii feople'l Hu:lly ol Clirlitlmi Kndeovor every Sunday evening at 8. 40 prompt. FIKHT HAPTIHT CJIOKCH. - Rsv. M U Kt'ori.t'aator MornliiK Service at l".J. Htmilay School t 1 1 : t ; JiveiilliK Service T M); Ki-KUIsr prayer meeting inuiailay evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding the first Huuday Iu the moulu. A eoMtal Invitation to all. ST. JOHN'S CIIUKCII.CATII0UC.-RSV. A. IIiu.shhasii, Paa-.or. On Sunday ina at and 10 HO a. M. Kvery aenond and fourth Sunday German sermon after the a o'clock Diaat At all other insane! English aermona. Sunday School at 2 'Ml r. a. Veapera, apologetlcu ulileci and benediction at 7.H0 r. a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHVKCH.-Rev. I. U Jo e-, Paator. Morning aervice at 10:45; Sunday School at 10:00. Clnaa meeting alter morning aervice. Kveulng aervice at 7:80. Kpworth League, meeting Huielay evening at S ito; Prayer Meeting Thuraday evening at 7:80. trangera cordially Invited. KIKHT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Bar. A J. .Montgomery, Pastor. Service a at 11 A.M. and 7:80 r. at. Halihath Hchwil at 10 a. M. Young People's Society of Chrlatlau Endeavor meett every Sunday evening at 6:80. Ihutaday evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seat free. EVANO'il.ICAL C II U RC H ER MAN Rev. Eric :. Paator: J. K. Eiikkt A-si-Unl. Preaching services every Sunday at It A. M. and 7::0 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A.M., Mr. Ziminariiimi Supk Prayer Meeting every 1 huraday evenlug OKHMAN Lt'TliKKAN ZIOX'8 COX greifationsl cliurcli. Kev. K. hack, pastor, hemeea every Hunday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ST PAUL'S CHURCH-Episcopal-W. I). WilliHitis, I). II.. ininisler 111 charge. Hin. day Meliool at 10 a. 111., service at 11 a. in. ami 7 ..'to p.m. Kriiluva at ":.'! p.m. even iiiK praver service w itli an addre-s. Beats free. A cordial invitation to all the ser vices. BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Demoreat's Cut Paoer Patterns are the most practical on tho market. They are of any size that any member of a hou-K'iiold could require. In each copy of 1 bo Magazine is printed a coupon en tilling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pnttern (worth and regularly sold for 3oc), or any number of patterns for four cents each to cover package and postage. When the value of tne patterns ia con sidered the subscriber actually gets DEMORESTS MAGAZINE FREE And what a Magazine it is I For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever before New management, new- methods, new ideas. Each copy contains an exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a famotiB artist, worthy to adorn the walls of the most refined home. It is affirmed that Ilemorest's is the only complete Family Magazine published combining all of the most excellent points of its contempories, besides having in imitable features of itsown. Demoreat's is actually a dozen Magazines in one. It h a Diirest of Current Events and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a Review and a Storehouse of Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daugh ters can fin J exact',)' w hat they need to amuse and instruct them, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc., and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persona. The scope of the articles for 1 800 and 18!)7 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, and in addition, it will publish the best and purest fiction. It treats at length Out-of-Door Sports, !Iotr Amuse ments and Entertainments ; It ulves a great deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and has a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, in which are discussed import ant questions of the hour of interest to the older readers. Let us have your subscription at once. You get more value for your money than it is possible to secure in any other magazine. The Magazine one year for $2.00 Or six months for - L00 (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4c each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. d Clarence Porter. Geo. C. Iinner. Blacksmiths Wagonmakers j Horseshoeing a Specialty. Any design of an iron or steel shoe fitted up. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. Shop opposite Pope's hardware store, f A Oregon City, Ore, fifgin end dJaI(fiam I he LOW rrices which we eHtabliHhcd are still O in force. If you really wiHh to buy a bargain jii nuiuuuB nee u uuiure uur prcaeni biock is gold. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Crayon and Water Color Portraits. The only first-class photo gallery in the city. W. I. STALEY, Principal, Salem, Oregon. We have told you that a business educafion pays. Businessmen will tell you so. Our gradtiatea will tell you the same. Certainly no stronger evidence is wanted. This school is Thorough, Practical, Progressive and Popular. It is the leader in business practice methods, through the mails by the intercommunication system, will tell you all about the school. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us and our groceries: That we offer the best of groceries at the low est prices. Thev have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the most nutritious. Last, but not least, their grocery bill saves it self fully ' per c-nt by their dealing with Marr & Muir Our way of doing business is to treat every one fair and square and offer the very beet in our store. MCarr & lYExxir- Library of the World's Best Literature. Prepared under tho personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With the assistance of HA MILT N WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of all ages and all nations. The Library is to consist of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 000 pages each, printed in large, clear tvpe, 011 fine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library style. The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors. Advance orders on special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, San Franisco, Cal., or 209 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Call or send for sample pages. Hay and Feed Can be had at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. Capt. J. W. Exon, manager. Ed May, Local Agent. Petzold's Meat Market, Main, St. H. W. JACKSON, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufield building Near Court House. lai AND ti Reprer. Advanced in price- V i; d 1 Yz 'wsOregon Qjery's Arb Gallery Students transact business Send for catalogue, which BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. f TDini 111 Bif 11 ' ' WfV1 COPYRIGHTS Ac Anyone n1lrur a nketfh and description msf quicktfMcertairt, free. whtuer an In rent ton probably patentable. CoMjrminicalinn trt-tly confidential. Orient ureaey f'-rs'unnn pateut is America. We hare a WanMntfton onto. Patents taken through Muun & Co. receive) peciai notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully UlaarratM, linrat rlrralatlon of anTfttientlta Journal, weekly, termat3.u0 a yeari fLiOaix montba. speoturn ouploa n1 iLij,i Buoa oa I' at mem taut free. Addrna MUNN a CO., 361 Broadway, New Vara. AGENTS WANTED. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS By the W. B. Conkey Company, the largest publishers and manufacturers of books in the United States. Finest line of new holiday and other subscription books on the market. Also agents wanted for "Tub Silver Side," the latest and beet text-oook on the silver question by the ttreat silver leaders. Prices Below Competition. Exdnsive Territory. Largest Commissions. Write at once for circulars and special terms, stating your choice of territory. Vi. B. CONKEY COMPANY. 341 331 Dearborn St, llilcaro. FtablNlird 15. PIONEER Transfer1 and Ejrjf eft, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Wanted RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN. ASSURED Immgdiately INCOME 10 RIGHT PER SON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF. FEHED TOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, edited by Johm Brisbhn Walker, wishes to add a quarter of a million to ita clientele, already the larg est, of intelligent thinking readers posseased bv any periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAT HAND. SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wishes the services of one reliable man or woman in every town, village, country district, or manufacturing establishment in every State. All that is required of any one is reliability, earnestness and work. No matter on what other work you are engaged, it will pay you to examine into this offer. Apply, stating position, capability and refea nc, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. lrviugtoan-the-HudsoD New Yorav wz. I'M MO. i:. 1. inn,